3rd Batt? And The Same Ole-Same Ole

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So, Sapper’s boy and gran made it out of here today. Amazingly so as the airports nationally seem to be seriously jacked up with hundreds of flights cancelled and whatnot. Hopefully we get the call around ten tonight that they landed safely.

Seems the traffic in addition to the weather (good ole Florida summer downpour as we type) was completely made up of morons and rage inducing shmucks from the North East.

Faaaaar too many New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut…all the usual suspects and hell I’ve even been seeing on the rare occasion I leave the house, Ontario of all places.

So I’m -again- wiped out.
Been sleeping a lot lately. Getting caught up on a lot of lost ZZZs from the stress of moving back here, losing the battle (but not the war) for the Gran#2 and just general stress overall. Shit’ll kill ya dead if yer not careful.

On the front lines, seems that the ‘strike’ on the ‘hotel’ or should I say barracks? in the Krain? that happened over the weekend? Seems someone there was spotted sporting what appears to be a 3rd Batt Ranger Emblem on their forarm:

The guy with the tat were rendering first aid to someone who apparently got fucked up in the missile strike. Lots of the vidyas from there that were filmed had the majority of voices being in English or, as some of the more astute listeners said, South African or Aussie accents… either way sounds like whatever it was that got hit was the right place (as far as Ivan was concerned) to hit if it was in fact chockablock full of Mercs and/or troops.

Which then brings me to the news that Germany has decided to deploy to Lithuania 4000 troops. Now, considering the size, condition and overall shitty level that the Krauts have kept their armed forces in, I’m not overly worried. What I -do- worry about is that at some point someone, somewhere, at some time is going to be on either the wrong side of the border and someone gets shot or some false flag happens… too many people mixed into too small an area with too many diverse commands and controllers to keep track… Lithuania is about the size of what? Rhode Island and now is hosting a shit-ton of Polish DotMil, their own minor DotMil, the French, the US and now the Krauts?

You know, for diversities sake, they should insist on a bunch of Pakistani and Congolese troops from the UN, just for funnsies. Hell, how about some Samoan troops? I actually saw the Samoan Marines doing their pre-combat/deployment Ha’kaa in the parking lot back in Kuwait in 2007… scary bunch of Giant Brown Bruddas der Mon. BIG fuckers… made the M-4 look like pop-guns.

But yeah, too many DotMils on a postage stamp, clustered in and around will eventually lead to communications fuck ups. Never mind who’s in charge of what aspect of what mission(s). In fact, why in the ever living 5th Ring of Hell are we doing in Lithuania? In fact, at this point, it’s all so tiresome ‘cos THEY know its a bullshit for-profit grift (for them), We know its a bullshit for-profit grift (for them) and the Media know its a bullshit for-profit grift (for them).

The more the same and since there IS no voating our way out of it, and we seem to be in an almost pre-world war one Massive Armament and DotMil buildup, all we can do is brace for the inevitable impact.

Hell, they took the ball-gag out of old Gaggy Joe I saw… let me tell you, ain’t no CPAP machine that has a mask that makes lines like that on a dude’s face… someone left the gimp-mask on him riiiight up until they had to let him off his leash to perform, and even then, he fucked it up.

OrangeManBad tripped on the stairs once and the media was ready to trash his ass using the 25th Amendment, and now we have a drooling fucking pope-meeting pant-shitter child molester who doesn’t know shit from his brains, and “Everything is cool!”

No wonder we’re circling the drain.
More later
Big Country

Where’s Our Off Ramp? (How the Hell do we get out of this place?)

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Admin note first: Seems the Fireteam list had dropped a few folks including Aesop. Now, I unnastand he’s a favorite punching bag around here, but hey, deep down, dude is cool w/me… actually donated $300 bones to the Save Addy fund back when we first started out and somewhere in that blackened lump of what used to be a Marine Heart, he even broadcast the fundraiser for a while. Looking over settings (and I’m still learning this damned dashboard) the amount of folks I could put in the Widget was like 10? or 12? All the others got waxed at one point or I did something stupid (more than likely).

So, today’s question:
How the Hell do we get off this track we’re stuck in?
I know the way the current illegitimate regime is leaning:

Treason is a big fucking deal.
And from any and all reports,

…even the small amount of shit that’s come out, even to a fucking Normie, it’s “treason most foul”. I mean what do you call it when you take millions, if not billions in payment for doing ‘dirty deeds’ in favor of your enemies and furthering their countries agenda?

Sure, the act of treason is shown as “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

I dunno about you, but taking in millions of dollars from the ChiCom Joe Chinks is giving ‘aid and comfort’ to a ‘hostile foreign power’ in my opinion. Never mind the whole Krainian Klown show.

And the thing of it is, is the “Kompramat”
At this point our Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den is completely and utterly compromised

I mean FFS that Krainian guy who paid off the Biden Klan thru Hunter-the-Bagman? he recorded all his interactions just as a good criminal should and would. He then spilled the beans and even gave the recordings to folks in the FBI… which in itself is nothing more than a fucking true Praetorian Guard, right out of Roman Times… fucking regime protection at it’s finest. They’ve known about this since the get-go.

ALL of them lack any sort of legitimacy at this point
NOT ONE Branch of the FedGov, hell even the DotMil is to be not to be nor respected. Root and Branch baby, that’s the only way this’s going to get back on track. Problem is that the FedGov itself has become the single largest ‘welfare employment scheme’ in history. Read somewhere that fully 22% of our population, in one form or another, works for the DotGov.

Be it the illiterate Shaniqua or Deon’quaillivious at the DMV or Hubert Throckmartin Suckadick the Third working in the State Department, almost everyone is part of the system. And because of it, it’s never going to willingly reform, never mind go away

And the FBI, just like in Hoovers day, has the dirt on everyone.

Which brings us to the Krain.
That little loudmouthed homosexual Kocaine Addicted “Komedian” we installed? Fucking Krainfeld? Any bets he’s got alllllllll the dirt on the Biden Crime Enterprise? I’m fucking sure of it, hence why we keep lurching like some retarded Frankenstein Monster, folding like a fucking lawn chair and giving him billions and billions of our tax dollars.

Telling you right now, like yesterday, this’s all bullshit, and the worst part is that literally we can see that ALL the major players in here belong to a certain tribe. Every. Single. Time.

And yet -I- get called an anti-Semite for noticing that all the major players here are Jewish. I mean Heaven forfend that I notice things. That ALL the shot-callers and string pullers are part of a tribe that for whatever reason always seem to be in the middle of whatever international shitstorm is going on.

hell, it’s even come out that Prigohzin is part of the tribe as well

But that’s just on the surface. Maybe I’m wrong, but it does get one to wondering. Like I said, I practically get crucified for asking “why does it always seem like a certain group tends to be over-represented in these sort of dustups?”

Thing that has me genuinely worried is that they’re going to have to do –something- radical in the next few. The ‘burnout’ factor is hitting hard. Despite the proclamations of the Regime Mouthpiece, the retarded lezbo-muppet Karine Jean-Pierre that “Americans feel better about their personal finances, that is important. When you think about wages are going up, when you think about the really good paying, millions of good-paying jobs, union jobs that his policies are going to create, all the things are really incredibly important.” I want to know what that fucktard is smoking, or, even better, the morons who sent that mouth-breather out there to say such stupidity.

She, of course got absolutely torched for such dumbassery.

So… fact of the matter is, despite the blatant coverups by the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, we know that the current illegitimate Regime in Office right now is guilt of allllll sorts of grift, criminality, if not outright treason for profit. We also know things aren’t “getting better” nor “improving” and that even Joe Sixpack is getting weary. The Krainian Konflict is looking more and more shady by the day, and that there appears to be no off ramp, leastways not with the current Cabal of Criminals in charge.

Considering just how things seem to be coming to a point, in that it’s obvious that the Krain is finished on the battlefield, the question remains as to “what’s next”?

My own thought is that –something– “wicked this way comes”
Vlad is on a precipice himself. IF Priggy’s move was not a maskirovka to move his troops into a better position, well, Putin letting him ‘off the hook’ shows some weakness. Doesn’t help he’s painted into a corner right now. Lots of people on ALL sides are getting tired of that diminutive little Krainian fag and his tacticool look, going around and berating everyone worldwide. I mean who the fuck does he think he is?

I mean seriously
The only reason we’re in the Krain right now is to protect the Biden Crime Syndicate. Outside of the military industrial complex making MAD profit, “We The People” get nothing out of assisting the most corrupt Despotic Regime in Eurotrashland to “defend itself”

The -only- plus I can say we have is we haven’t (yet) committed boots on the ground.

LET Europe Burn.
LET the Krain Burn
Hell… Europe is filled with nothing but North Apefricans and Muj at this point. Let THEM defend against the supposed “Massive Russian-Orc Onslaught” with spears and shit.

And yeah, do you like those two graphics?? I made ’em. The lil logo for the NAACP took a long time to do as it was from a graphic of I think some soap from the 30s… Burrhead soap or some such… seemed appropo to me… Feel free to re-utilize them as wanted/needed. You can add/subtract the rating in paint by either blacking out or cloning/pasting over.

Do I think that the Biden Crime Syndicate would burn the world down, rather than allow themselves to be exposed?

You’re absolutely G*ddamned right they would.
To them, it’s their world/oyster/ball
And if they can’t have it no one else will
And that’s the most terrifying aspect of it all.
ONE False Flag
ONE False Move
Or worse even, ONE MORE exposed dirty lil secret, and maaaaan
It’ll come a day that the name “Biden” will become an obscenity which will be uttered as a curse, throughout future history
Once ‘they’ decide it’s time to “Burn it all down”
WE have no say in it, what with our self appointed Executioners safe in their bunkers, deep underground, who in turn have a belief that after it’s over, that they’ll come out, and ‘take charge again’.
Got a hunch it’ll NOT play out the way they think it will
More Later
Big Country

After Putin, Who Will We Have To Deal With? (Hint: There is no good option)

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Monday and the ‘usual’ around here, ‘cept the house is trashed LOL. A 4 year old and 5 year old can cause a LOT of messes/chaos/insanity. To the point yesterday? I was at the keyboard all ready to do a BCE poast as I had already done the substack, and I passed the hell out.

Like literally
Sawing logs in my chair. I was wiped out, and that as they say was that. No alcohol either as the VA has me on a new med that I can’t take with any booze at all so I’m on the wagon whether I like it or not. Not too big a deal but hey, I figure the $$$ savings will do me good.

Now, for all the bluster all around, Aesop went off on a rampage about how Putin is done (in simplest terms). Truthfully I don’t care to a point. He’s taken me off his bloggroll for whatever reason but hey, his house, his rules. My house? I keep a bunch of folks up there who don’t reciprocate. Basic politeness and all that. My issue with wanting to keep Putin where he is right now has a LOT to do with why I want to see Slo-Joe stay in place.

The alternatives are far far worse IMO.

Here, we got The Whore of Califrutopia, Kameltoe. Giggling, vacuous, stupid, inept, and bumbling, and these are her good points. No way in fuck do I want to see her running the show, not that Slo is… I think we have more of a Edith Wilsononian thing going on here with the Babysitter Jill trying to run the show with the various factions behind the scenes doing their own thing, regardless of what the law and constitution say, hence why Hunter is getting off scot-fucking-free.

On the other side of the Atlantic? The possible front runners are listed below:

We got the current Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman and former Premier/former President Dmitry Medvedev.

This guy? Hardliner for Mother Russia. This guy has been making some seriously over-the-top threats against everyone who’s been behind the Korruptokrat Krainian Kockaine Klown Kar show… as in “Nuke ’em all, for God will know his own.”

The other guys seem to be Putin “Yes-Men” but that doesn’t mean they’d follow the same script. Thing of it is, the real word slipping out of Russia is “Why haven’t we crushed these fucking pissants yet?” One of them is the former head of the FSB (the new KGB, same as the old KGB or FBI) is Nikolai Patrushev.

This guy again, is a mad-dog hardline (by OUR standards) however, he’s two years older than Putin (71), and a lot of observers think he’d be ‘transitional’ because waiting in the wings…

…is his son Nikolai Patrushev

44 years old, former FBS agent, got his tickets punched in all the ‘right places’ so to speak, and is currently the agriculture minister, appointed in 2018. He also ran the state-owned Russian Agriculture Bank. If anything, he’s a bit of a wild card, but is a ‘princeling’ so to speak, coming up in Dad’s footsteps, and if it’s like Father, Like Son, then yeah, NOT someone I want in charge.

Besides all the foaming at the mouth that “Putin wants to take control of Europe” and “He wants to re-establish the old Soviet Union!!!” and whatnot? Bunch of bullshit. Vlad had a good thing going on (up until this whole shitshow). He was at the top of his game, master of all he surveyed. Richer than any of us could even try to imagine, wielding mad-power if he wanted, the only thing he wants is for OUR fucktards to leave him and his fucking country alone.

BUT ‘the same old suspects’ (every. single. time.) couldn’t wouldn’t and haven’t left the fuck alone. Problem is, they seem to think they can control the whole scenario, without the innate understanding that this time? This ain’t a third world bought-and-paid for dictator. This’s a nuclear armed country they keep harassing and man, it will not end well for these sub-basement double digit midget IQ ‘elites’ and their cheerleaders WHEN, not IF they decide “enough is enough” and then?

Well, at least I got to bake a cake with my Gran.
More Later
Big Country

An Interesting and Fun Weekend to Say The Least

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So Putin’s pet-attack dog Prihgozin is in ‘open mutiny’ against the MOD. Truthfully I have no idea on how this plays out… as the meme I made this a.m. and threw up on Gab said:

No shit Aye?
The only concern I really have is that in almost every single dystopian Apocalypsefestivus novel I’ve ever read… like almost every instance, the discussion of pre-war conditions mentions “Russian Civil War” as one of the causes of the inevitable Nookular War.

My take?

Me and Big K made a cake.
She did all the pouring in of the ingredients.
Then I ‘helped’ her with the mixing (so’s it didn’t go alllll over the kitchen)

Frosting it’ll come later.

So hope everyone else is having a mellow Saturday
I’m not letting the world interfere with some good times
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Big Country

Ahhhh A Weekend Well Needed And The Gran#1

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!

Looks like this weekend is going to be a “Bug Hunt…”

“Big K” found the Weyland-Yutani M41A Pulse Rifle (with under-barrel 30mm grenade launcher) on my Rifle Rack so I guess I have to teach her proper weapons handling…

<Le Sigh>

They grow up so fast these days.
Seriously though, she’s here for the weekend and man, her first Nerf Gun. Of course that’s the one I got after raffling off the first… Nerf is -still- selling them, and man, sometimes you just have to go full retard. As you can see I did a full on paint job, to include wear marks.

I didn’t go all the way and dremel off the name(s) or Makers Marks, but it’s sort of inconsequential. It still looks cool AF IMO. Who doesn’t want an ‘Aliens’ Blaster?
Hell I found out there’s a company that makes and even better version of it… you’ll pay out the 4th point of contact for it, but it’s a mostly metal mock up Airsoft… with the basis of it being a M1A1 Thompson submachine gun with a bunch of ‘bling’ thrown on it.

Adam Savage from “Mythbusters” did a really good show on reviewing it… the Nerf One that is.

So Gran#1 has been running around now, ambushing Gigi and the Cat… Bob is not amused, and I have to keep the dog from trying to chew on the darts…

Now as to the latest newsie-news. It’s becopme apparent that the whole “Lets ‘bury the lede’ on the latest Biden Crime Family story being released by inflating and hyping that sub thingy over the Titanic to the moon!”

Sure worked well I have to say… The DotNav knew that thing had imploded as soon as it happened, and told the rescue boats and well, from what was initially reported, well everyone that the thing (Das Boot that is) had blown in… In fact got a hunch the whole “…8-10 hours’ before a full rescue was attempted…” was to have “The Big Guy” or more’n likely his handlers and bureaucratic Praetorians call up whomever was running the show out there and gave them their marching orders: “…make it look good, and drag that shit out, and we’ll give you whatever cover you need later.”

These days I have no doubt that something like that happened.
So if the poasting is lite Y’all know what’s up
Got a Nookular Redhead Girl I’ma going to be chasing after
More Later
Big Country

New Gear Review and Deep Dark Memes

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Whelp, over on Gab, couple of folks were pulling for the crew of the “Uboat Imploded” and were going off on how “… the banging noises were indicative that we need to rescue them!”

To which my reply was “That’s more’n likely the pieces-parts settling on the hull of the Titanic”

Guess we know who called that one Aye?
Seriously though, God Rest ’em.
And may the families of the “crew” sue the everloving fuck out of what’s left of the Company. Seems OceanGate, well this’s an Extract From the Daily Mail:

“…Legal filings state: ‘Lochridge learned that the viewport manufacturer would only certify to a depth of 1,300 meters due to the experimental design of the viewport supplied by OceanGate, which was out of the Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (‘PVHO’) standards. (bold and HUUUGE letters mine):

OceanGate refused to pay for the manufacturer to build a viewport that would meet the required depth of 4,000 meters.

‘The paying passengers would not be aware, and would not be informed, of this experimental design, the lack of non-destructive testing of the hull, or that hazardous flammable materials were being used within the submersible.”

So, since any and all waivers signed by the dead folks are now pretty much trash, as it seems that OceanGate knew their shit was faulty, so IMO (I ain’t a lawyer) but any waiver signed under that constitutes fraud and would thereby null and void that shit.

Legit… the CEO didn’t want to pay the extra shekels to make sure the sub was up to code so to speak. I -am so NOT- going there. Tell you what tho, When OceanGate said they offer the full titanic experience, they really weren’t kidding.

I got a piece of gear that I ordered on Alibaba about a month +/- ago. I was online in Tennessee and an article came up showing some RF guys running and gunning… think it was Patrick Lancaster… he’s a ‘Murican who married a Uke, and I guess she’s a Rus-Krainian. He’s been vidyaing alllllll over the Krain since the real beginning of the conflict. His latest is here:

So I saw at one point in one of his videos a Russian with what looked like a chest mounted computer/drone controller. I was intrigued ‘cos I -am- a bit of a “geardo”… I always like to look and try and keep up with the ‘stuff’… It’s not always about tacti-cool shit though. I researched and found out that the Company (in the Untied Staatz) is called “Juggernaught Case”. If you want to go check ’em, feel free. Google that, as I’m not linking it.

FWIW, the shit –is– cool AF but Holy Hells!
Sticker shock mode activated!
Like $200-300 to get a set-up and very limited models (i.e. the type of Cell Phone that’ll fit into it.
Because I’m poor, I went looking for alternatives.

And found one on AliExpress:

7 Inches Long, 5 Inches Wide, and about 2 Inches Deep.
Waterproof supposedly
Total Cost w/Shipping was $25.

Wait time from Mainland Chy-Nah was for real, about a month it seems. Seems like a LOT longer BUT that’s the nature of things these days. We’ve gotten so used to ordering shit, and getting it within a day or two, we forget that old-skool shipping used to take quite a spell.

Came in today.

Granted, it’s got that “Chineseum Feel” to it… not exceptionally fragile but just…. I dunno… cheap mass produced maybe? I wasn’t expecting much for the price, but hey…

As I preach all the time, A $400 “Palmetto Poors” will kill you fucking dead same as a $2200 Daniel Defense. I rolled in Iraq AND Affy running a LOT of Condor Gear… stuff that was considered barely adequate for paintball by the guys shucking out MASSIVE prices for name-brand Crye Precision.

Guess what? MY shit is still good.
Even after having it get the shit beat on and out of it.
To continue.

First thing I did was a check on the “waterproofing”
Popped it open, and set it full of kleenex. Figured tissue’d be a good ‘test’. I then filled the kitchen sink, and sank it into it. Put a pot on top to make sure it didn’t float up as it was rather buoyant. (Unlike the OceanGate sub)

First thing I noticed was no air bubbles.
So I gave it a rest for a wee bit. Now, granted, this wasn’t active shit. Just a dry run. For all I know, storming the beaches and sheee-it’ll crack it wide the fuck open. BUT

After ten minutes I pulled it, and wiped down the exterior pretty thoroughly, as I didn’t want contaminates (water drops) getting the Kleenex wet and producing a false positive.

Sumbitch was dry as a bone.
(This’s my surprised face, for real.)
Next thing is to show off the outfitting. It’s got one primary ‘lock’ on the door. The hinge seems pretty resilient, and the rubber gasket is there and apparently fully functional.

So the interior:

Now, the Velcro that came with it was not glued down.
It’s self adhesive.
And my OCD is off the charts ‘cos I slightly fucked up laying down some of the Velcro. (Right pic, down towards the bottom)… not going to affect operation, but still… bit of a tooth grinder there so to speak.

Now, the case itself, besides being watertight, has a Molle-Mount on the back:

It unsnaps and mounts on the Molle.
It looks like this when fully opened:

Once you have it mounted thusly:

You can slap your smartphone into it:

Now, yeah, a bit on the large-ish side. BUT hey, lots of room for other ‘fiddly-bits’ and whatnot. Thing off it is, IF you use a no-longer-in-service cellie like me, well this’s going to be the drone remote case. The remote can mount in the top part, and when I dismount it from my gear, it’s a nice neat package.

Now, granted, it ain’t no $200 Pricey Juggernaut Case.

This’s purely for low end-economics and useful. I’m –not– expecting anyone to go all in and think this’s going to survive long term. However, in the short term?

Considering the number of people who rely purely on their cell phone, who don’t have a compass, who don’t know how to use a compass, never mind a map, this gives to a slightly more resilient case than that ‘basic plastic skin’ that most folks run. It sure as hell ain’t the Otterbox, but for my purposes and uses, I got no issue using it.

And to close out for the night, a collection of the dank-er memes from the sub disaster I’ve found:

So More Later
Big Country

Happy Birfday! And the Band and Memes March On and On and On…

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Gretchen’s Birfday today. 49 years young (again). Been a good day. Still buried at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory but, it pays the bills to a point and I actually -do- enjoy this job. I’ve had to, like so many others, suffer in a gig that you purely hate that this’s like a breath of fresh air.

So, we’re not really -doing- anything for the Birfday. I mean we are but not. I ponied up for her and Gran#1 and her BFF to go to “Tea” on Saturday. Like an honest-to-Gawd veddy veddy British Tea party where they get all gussied up and hats and gloves and sundresses… finger sammiches and tea in a seriously fancy-shmancy tea room.

Her being uber-girlie-girl and pretty Tradcon/Based for a chick, she’s really fired up to get dressy-dressed and out for an elaborate affair.

Why not? Gran#1 is all fired up too from what I’ve heard. Gretch got her a lil princess tiara, and gloves and all the fittins.

So that’ll leave me and Sapper and HIS fam here at the house, and we got plans to hit the fishing hole in the back yard to teach Atlas (Sapper’s gran) to go fishing. He’s only 5, so weapons are out for another year or so… may as well get him intro’d to fishing. There’s one HUGE bass in there that over the years has been caught NUMEROUS times… like I’d say (as of two days ago when one of the teens in the hood caught it) it’s about 8-9 pounds… big ole honker of a fish…
Sucker’s been there forever and considering the number of times it’s been caught and released, I’m surprised it’s still alive. Tough SOB for a fish I suppose.

Now, Another meme about the 12 year old kid that they’re oh-so-desperate to destroy:

I think on this one the “Outraged ADL” and everyone WAY overplayed their hand. The mockery has been relentless.
Another one:

And then this one:

Like I said
And another Fren on gab pointed this lil Gem out:

“A Jew gives your 12- year-old a pornographic book –
it’s education.”
“Your 12-year-old gives a drawing of Hitler to a Jew teacher – it’s a criminal offense

Uh… yeah. I didn’t save or -want- to save the picture as it had that at the top of the poast, and the pic? >Shudder< It was a screencap of a page out of that book… “Gender Queer”
I utterly refuse to poast it or a link
IF you want to puke, google it.
This’s a book that they say is for elementary school students

Tell you what, burning books is a tragedy
Burning this book?
Needs to be done, PERIOD FUCKING DOT.

It is, by anyone who has a brain and/or moral code can tell it’s nothing but grooming material.
SPARE me the ‘holier than thou’ shit about “You should never ban a book!!!” All these politicos and media fuckwits who say that on one hand, and yet mysteriously are quiescent about the fucking Bribery, the Laptop and well, anything and everything that shines a truth-light on #/theirguys evil.

And THAT right there. This shit is evil.
You cannot, under ANY circumstances, change my mind.
No fucking way in hell should any child under the age of 16 ever see or be educated thusly with such dastardly and malignant bullshit.

Bad enough that the ‘net is the “Wild Wild West” vis-a-vis pron and the like… Fucking selective outrage anyone?
And they’ve even been stating that opposition to such a horrific grooming thing is Anti-Semitic?????


As Tony Stark said

“I’ll take ‘things that make us look really really REALLY bad’ for $500 Alex”

As so often stated before…
“…and then one day, another Hitler was elected, and no one understood why?”

All these fucking retards and fuckwits, living in their ‘safe space’ bubbles… thinking that ‘OrangeManBad’ was and/or the modern equivalent of MoustacheManBad… Hehe. These people, the fuckwits are, without a doubt the most ludicrous theoretical hoomons to have ever walked the Erf. Besides having zero experience in a fist fight (never having been punched in the fucking face) they’re also utterly ignorant of history.

They talk of OrangeManBad being the worst thing evvar
Fuckers need to read up on Timur or Tamarlane as he’s better known.

17 Million.
With swords… Hand to hand baby. Timur is the guy best remembered for essentially killing every. single. person. in the Central Asian Area of Operations… the guy who LITERALLY made pyramids of skulls. This in a time that an extremely rough estimate of the world population was about 390 Million.

He, using very rough maff kil’t 4.39% of the entire world population. Now THAT Guy? THAT’s a bad-ass who you utterly do not want to fuck with. These fuckwits have NO IDEA if there’s someone out there, seething, who’s along the lines of a Timur or Chingiss.
If there is, they’re completely hosed man.
Everyone is kvetching so hard over a fucking drawing
So bad, Oy Vey that he, the teacher quit his job and got a restraining order out on the kid.
Man, nice to see all that resiliency there huh?
Can’t find his picture ( ANOTHER case of ‘I should have saved it rt-rt’) but yeah, it’s about as soy-soaked as you can imagine. Reality is, he’s won the new “oppression lottery”… Just watch… lawsuits and warfare inbound in 3…2…1…
And that’s what it’s alllllll about in the end… Destroy a 12 year old kid, and profit from it.
Fucking despicable.

Now, to finish up, I found ever moar LOLable memes on this… Like I said, the hilarity and ridiculing will go on and on and on
until they get a fucking clue

And that right there
Maaaan lots of sick n twisted folks…
Gotta love the creativity of it.

So More Later
Big Country

A Short Poast Tonight

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes…
Three. Hours. To. Get. Home.
Had to take a half day today as Dad fell down again and this time, he fell -into- the shower when he got off the toilet… ripped the shower curtain down, got bruised up, and the lil built-into-the-wall soap holder shattered.

Dad’s ok, rattled per usual and bruised up, but maaan
Usually it’s 90 minutes each way. I have NO IDEA WTF happened on the ride home… the back-up on I-75 was soooooo bad, I was actually kinda-sorta pissed that I didn’t see heaping piles of flaming wreckage and/or piles of burning carcii…

My mood was that of wanting to produce some dead motherfuckers tho, let me tell you… Road Rage much? Yeah, but I keep it -in- the car as you never know who or what you’re dealing with these days…

So, home but tired and sore.

Tonight -was/is- going to be a mention of the completely blown out of proportion 12 year old kid and his MASSIVELY hateful anti-Semitic drawing. Apparently even saying that you don’t ‘appreciate’ the tribe and making a picture of Mustache Man Bad is enough that they’re, per usual rending the garments, calling for all sorts of punishments and vile other calls to essentially destroy this kid for having the audacity of essentially saying he didn’t like his Big-Nose-Small-Hat teacher.

Of course, the responses on Gab and a LOT of ‘other’ alt-media have had a fucking field day mocking the fuck out of them AND the obvious overreaction to it… Stuff like this:

So bad is the kvetching the ADL jumped right on the bandwagon. Without even the smallest hint of irony they breathlessly put this out:

You’d think this kid was planning a doing up annuda Shoah!

All I can say is that THE KID IS FUCKING TWELVE FFS!!!!

Holy fucking shit…
I’m telling you, shit like this?
THIS is how you get another real Hitler to come around.
THIS is how you get real pogroms started
For fucks sakes, they let 12 year old nigger kids who’ve committed fucking murder that they literally let go free (‘cos he a gud boi, he dindu nuffin)….

Oy Vey.

They’re utterly going to ruin this kid and his family and anyone connected to him for the “crime” of Not Liking His Jewish Teacher…

Fuck. Those. People.
Not Jews…

All of them.

Anyone who supports ANY ‘hate crime’ laws? Fucking morons… it’s a tool to strictly used to hammer on whytte peepo again.

When was the last time you heard of a minority being hit with a hate crime charge? Like -legit-? When did they ever slap on onto the Jews who’ve pulled hoaxes by spray-painting swastikas on their own temple a hate crime charge, because IRL? There just aren’t that many real Nazis out there, so to keep the shekels and sympathy coming in, they have to fake it til they make it.

Anyways… too much to cover, and I’m beat.
More Later and closing with my fave meme on this shitshow-in-progress
Big Country

Work, Inflation and Oddities

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Another Monday, come and gone and man, can’t understand despite all the productivity at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory just how I do so much, yet felt like I didn’t do jack shit.

Probably because it was fucking Monday…

No wonder I hate the modren world and enjoyed the DotMil.
At least there I could actually see the results of a good mission being completed. And, despite the let-down feeling, as compared to “Dilbert’s World” from which I came from before?

OH man, let me die at Tractor Factory. Good job, great people, OK pay (I could always use a raise) and I get to pretty much work at my own pace as opposed to being overseen by some Midwit.

Dilbert’s World BTW refers to the Hellscape of the Cubes… you know… the world that essentially died during COVID? I’d like to see the real numbers on the reality, but the attempts to frame ‘work from home’ as a bad thing are belied by personal experience… One of the jobs I did BEFORE Glorious People’s Tractor Factory was a work from home call-center sort of thing.

The raw numbers were that productivity was actually up like a mo’fo’ year-to-year. Like 11% increased productivity, and like an astounding 70% increase in job satisfaction. Hell, I positively LOVED doing it… no commute? Awesome. No having to get ‘dressed up’ for work? Sheeeeeeeee-it. I was lucky if I hit the shower every day… the very fact I could get up 10 minutes before my shift started, grab a cuppa, login, and start going? And hell… showers usually came at first break… 15 minutes to do the ‘ass-and-trash’ thang and get back on?


Which tells me that GloboHomoCorp, by the latest stories is purely full of shit talking about trying to get people back into the orifice. Then again, when is GloboHomoCorp not full of shit? The main reason I think all the latest stories of ‘production down’ and ‘people need to be in the orifice’ is that they’re faced with utterly brutal rent issues and collapsing real estate… the call center I managed in years ago was a (not literally) but a burned out mall… one of those GIANT 1980’s malls that shit the bed in the 90’s collapse.

They took all that millions? of square footage and turned it into GIANT call centers. THEN when the ‘Vid hit, they sent everyone home with an IP phone, told ’em to rig up at “Fort Livingroom” and man….

Katy bar the door

You ain’t getting the serfs/wage slaves back on THAT particular plantation. I mean really… the savings in work from home? I used to have a 22 mile each way commute… call it gallon, gallon and a half use a day… That’s like call it… huh… about $8-10 a day savings. Then lunch? 90% of the time? I was newly single… I don’t ‘brown bag’ it, so lunch, pre-current psycho-inflation, was about $7 a day +/- for Mickey-Dees Quik-But-Nasty Goyslop.

Never mind meeting up on Fridays for beers with the guys…
Realistically… call it $50 in gas, $40 for Lunches… and I’ll just write off the Friday beer, ‘cos either out with the guys to the Winghouse or Hooters, or at the house, the $25 was getting spent no matter what.

So yeah… call it a Cee-Note weekly that I saved.
$400 a month
Never mind I no longer have to buy ‘work clothes’ for a dress code or anything… shit, I, even when I do report in person, shorts, flip-flops and a Hawaiian shit is passable. When I’m doing ‘home-work’?

Lets just say Gretchen is on me to get rid of my “…raggedy assed nasty t-shirts you live in!!!”


I’m a guy, what do you expect?
Couple of holes in that thar concert Tee?

So… other things.
Seems I’ve been getting practically bombarded with emails from some of the places that in the past couple of years that I bought silver coinage from. Back BEFORE silver went sorta-kinda-nuts… I paid about, with all included, about $25-27 per coin… and I’ve been getting blown up with requests to buy it back…

Which then makes me go “How much is it currently?”
Let’s see…

As of today? $24 an ounce is a bit steep
As you also have to pay the seigniorage for the coin itself…
And looking it up…
JM Bullion:

When you figure in shipping, call it $50 a coin. That’s nuts.

Yep… “Our economy has never been better or stronger”: So say
some delusional bunch of reeee-tards in the District of Criminals.

Gold is under $2k.
That’s normal per usual for now, as ‘they’ seem to artificially depress the cost on that, on the reg. What I do know is the Mickey Dees Inflationary Rate is off the charts.

Ain’t no mo “dolla menu”
And a Big Mac, Large Fry, Large Coke?
Try $12.89 with Tax
The local high(er) end Pizza Place is cheaper. It’s a nice sit-down 1940’s themed place, live piano on Friday Nights, unreal food, and a Martini Menu that’ll blow you away. My fave being the Espresso Vodka Martini… WITHOUT Booze, we can get a nice large woodfired Pie for about $25 with tip. The atmosphere is very “Godfather”-ish…

Two fucking combo meals from the Clown costs as much. And is a faaaar more inferior product.

So, to me, besides the MDIR going nuts, the fact that silver is waaaay higher than it should nominally be, and that they’re begging to buy it back?


Now, speaking on ‘DotMil stuff’
LOTS of vidyas surfacing. LOTS and LOTS of vidyas. 32 states so far showing massive movement nationwide of everything from M-109 SP 155mm Arty running on a highway in Idaho, to Strykers in New York, and columns of HMMWVs rolling through, no shit, Los Angeles?

Initially I was sort-of leaning in towards it being the summer. LOTS of folks seem to have forgotten that it’s normally time for the Army Reserve and National Guard to fire up the Summer Annual Training, something that over the past couple dozen years or so got forsworn as well, who does AT when yer headed to the sandbox(s)?

Then Milley Vanilli put out word that “This ain’t training”.
Rut Roh.

Now just why in the hell the Perfumed Princes of Sodom-on-the-Potomac would come out and I dunno, say something pretty fucking inflammatory? I mean to quote Bill Paxton: “Maybe you aren’t up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!” – Hudson 
Seriously, we just lost two wars, our guys are on the back foot, and by all rights, normal Annual Training -should- be starting

Just what is all this shit being moved around for?
The M-109s on the Idaho Highway is a bit extreme.
I mean in light of the fact that I don’t know where the footage was shot, nor the circumstances… I do know there’s like only 2-3 significant DotMil (both Reserve and NG) in Idaho…

Reason it’s exceptionally odd is that usually tracks like that are put on HUUUUUGE Trucks called “Prime Movers” to haul them around:

Let me tell you
The M1070? That be a TALL sumbitch… I used to purely hate having to climb up and into ’em to check the Dataplates. 28 wheels and power than makes a Mack Truck look like a Volkswagen Beetle. The pic above? It’s hauling a M-88 Tank Recovery vehicle, a track that, in its latest iteration, can haul not one but two broke assed M1-A2s which come in at 74 tons… each.

So I find it very odd to see Self Propelled Arty rolling around… generally the state, hell, the DotMil purely hates to let tracks on hardball roads, hence why, it looks like those tracks in the aforementioned vidya are juuuust off the road and in the breakdown lane/dirt. Tracks’ll rip the hell out of asphalt. BIG Reason Germany’s Autobahn was made of cast concrete was to facilitate NATO rolling around cray-cray in the event of WW3, as well as to provide alternate runways for NATO warplanes… During REFORGER it kept the cost down quite a bit.

Although a buddy of mine showed me a picture of a road in South Korea that got tore-up-from-the-floor-up when an Abrams ‘accidentally’ got on a asphalt road… man, chewed that shit up like a mo’fo’. And that was with rubber track pads… can’t even imagine what Russian-Style bare steel tracks would do… probably throw ‘rooster tails’ of shredded rock out behind it…

So, strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
Head on a swivel. I have no idea but in my head, the 23rd of this month keeps popping up in my nugget… both in dreams/nightmares. No idea but still…
More Later
Big Country

Meme Sunday

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes
TOTAL suckfest today. Ex-Spawn, (Eldest Son) besides kicking me to the curb, well I got no text, no email, no acknowledgement BUT he -did- thank his Uncle and dead Grandfather for being his father figures… that’s the Piece of Shit Ex-Brother-in-Law who went waaaaaaaaaaay above and beyond the call of assholery to fuck up my marriage.

A pox on all of them

So, nope. Not feeling anything today but the sads

So instead, here’re a few memes from this week that cracked me up.

Some More Shit Later
Big Country

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