Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Been Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest over the past 48 hours I swear. Today Gretchen had an early Telecon Appointment (that was the one that had been scheduled for a face to face by the MegaCuntBitchFace McBitchyface) as the Doc in question apparently was appalled by what happened, so he called us today, and went over exactly what Gretchen was to expect during her surgery/treatment, and the how of it all… specifically the Radiation Therapy.
Mind you this’s Doc Samizdat’s bro. Just as a clarification. It was his receptionist/scheduler who was a MegaCuntBitch, NOT Doc Samizdats, and it’s been handled now. He’s worked with Doc S for years and from what I can tell is just as awesome a human being as Doc S is. In this case, I’ll be referring to him as “Doc Fallout” from now on because I can, and it’s appropriate for a Radiation Therapist Doctor to have a handle like “Fallout” IMO.
Doc Fallout went over everything in great detail, and now Gretchen has gone from ‘slightly panicked’ to ‘moar relaxed’ which is where I want her. Guy sounds like the complete professional and had a great ‘bedside voice’ so to speak… EXACTLY how/what Gretchen needed.
Me, OTOH I’ve been getting like ZERO sleep. Bedtime I crash at 0330/0400, and wake up to start at Glorious People’s Tractor Factory at 0655. I just can’t let her know I’m freaked the fuck out. All part of the J. O. B. as Dio would say… I feel like I’m back in the Infantry or Baghdad ‘On Mission’ again… ah well… tis whut it tis…
Now, Things.
Russian Special Forces crossed a line outside of Rabotino, and came across that M1A1 that got smoked a few days/weeks? ago. The one that they blew the tracks off of, and finished off with drones?
Yeah, that’s the one… seems that the Russians have been quite a few M1s knocked out/abandoned by the Krainians. The Russian SF kids ran up on it in a video… looks like it was shot w/a GoPro or russkie equivalent:
I took some screen caps of it. First thing I noticed was the missing Commander’s Cupola, which you can see in the top pic w/the Ma Deuce still in it’s mount… it this case, that fucker is gone…
Gone baby gone… Yep…
Now, to the left, you can see the Blast panels intact as well, so they went inside and
The Interior was pristine:
And I didn’t see any blood/body parts. This particular tank was the one M1 I thought the crew successfully bailed, as the driver’s hatch was open and the turret in the correct position for a “Oh shit Bail! Bail! Bail!” situation (again, top pic).
So it looks like a mobility kill, with possibly the intent to recover it later. However, according to sources, the Russians kept throwing drones at it… no idea how much -other- damage it took, but they did find the missing TC Cupola:
Apparently resting, complete with still-mounted Ma Deuce (missing the feed tray cover from the look of it) on the front glacis, in front of the driver’s hatch.
Rather impressive, as I know from experience that the TC Hatch on it’s own is a heavy motherfucker to open and close. The amount of force needed to shear the entire cupola off? In one big ole piece? Yeah. I definitely would NOT want to be on the receiving end of such an explosive.
Also: Seems that the DotMil finally got around to transferring some M Trip-Seven MP Armored cars to the Krainians:
That’s the M1117 Armored Security Vehicle (ASV).
15 tons of nothing TBH/IMO.
It’s only got a 40mm MK-19 Automatic Grenade Launcher with a M2A1 .50cal Ma Deuce in a side-by-side tandem mount, and a M240H next to those…
Meaning it’s under-armored, underpowered, and under-armed. Add on that the pic above shows the usual ‘Slavic Doctrine’ of the troops clinging to the sides (where the M1117 normally does not have running boards to do such a thing) it too is going to become beans-on-toast sooner rather than later. Case in point:
We used to joke that the M Trip-Seven was made out of ‘pressed gasoline’ as it always showed up to our lot(s) in Kuwait burned to a fucking crisp.
The fucking first generation BMP-1 is a better vehicle comparatively. Even with the outmoded 73mm Cannon and Sagger-2 missiles, I’d personally take a BMP over an ASV any day of the week… Tracks versus Tires? No question/no argument there. Tracks win hands down always.
Yet again another soon-to-be-failed Wunderwaffen.
Notsomucho these days amiright?
The fact that the guys on that M1 bailed, and probably thought they’d be able to recover it later, and didn’t manage to says a lot about just how quick Ivan is now moving. Things are changing there fast.
Movie news. One of my favorite character actors cashed in.
M. Emmet Walsh… dude was a prolific actor to say the least. Over 200 films. TV? Fugettaboutit. Guy was literally the go-to for a lot of roles. A personal favorite of mine was him playing “The Crazy Guy” in Steve Martin’s “The Jerk”
88 Years old… that’s a good run.
May he rest easy.
Now, back to the Krain for a moment… Seems Micropenis Macron is talking shit about sending 20k Frog Troops to the Krain.
Not sure -why- he’s channeling his ‘Inner Napoleon’ outside of that he suffers from extreme Short Dick Energy and Height. That and he’s apparently married to a Tranny according to some sources?
Not sure.
Don’t know, don’t care.
Let the Frogs go in. Just like Vietnam, they’ll get their asses handed to them. Only difference is, no one in NATO is in a position to assist when shit goes sideways. EVERYONE is out of money, ammo and the willingness to support the Krain anymore. Outside of ACTUALLY dropping a nuke, there’s not fuck all anyone can do against Russia at this point. The very idea that by putting 20k+/- troops in the combat zone, and thinking Ivan won’t blow the ever-living fuck out of them borders on Comprehensively Insane.
It’s like those paste-eating retards who blocked highways, and were shocked! I tell you shocked! when some folks decided “Enough was enough” and turned them into roadkill. Fuck around, Find out. INDEED. Hell, I think it’s legal to squish dumbasses like that here in Florida…
Jes’ Sayin’
In fact there’s enough evidence that there’s been quite a few troops from ALL the various ‘supporting countries’ that they’ve been actively fighting against Ivan. The German Tank Crew in an early incident with a Leo 2 that got smoked at the onset of the “Great Counter Offensive” being one. The tank in question got blown away tank-on-tank (Leo2 vs T-71M2B). After the fight, the T-72 crew check out the Leo, and found that the driver survived. He lived long enough to admit that the whole crew, and the majority of Tank Crews manning the Leopards were German. They even collected his Bundeswehr ID and paperwork, as well as the other crewmembers. According to sources, They (the Germans) had to supply trained crews, as it seems that the average Krainian Joe has an average IQ comparative to a Haitian and can’t ‘tank’ a Leo at all.
It’s like during Vietnam, that the Russians had pilots actively participating in air-to-air combat against Americans, and actually shooting down American Planes and Pilots… The North Vietnamese just didn’t have the skills or experience, so the Russians ‘assisted’…. I read once somewhere that a Soviet pilot actually became the first ‘Ace’ since the “Great Patriotic War Against Fascism” by taking out 5 US Planes in air-2-air combat… such is what the whole “Proxy War” thing is. Problem with the Frogs putting ‘boots on the ground’ thinking that Ivan won’t target the areas that the Frogs are in however, is insane.
OF COURSE they’re going to target them. If anything the Russians will target the fuck out of them to teach the Trumped Up Little Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys who their Fucking Daddy really is and don’t you fucking forget it!
Now, lastly, Rumors.
4Chan has a couple of threads of someone putting up a couple of rumors. Now seeings that that’s pretty much ALL the Chans are good for these days, everything from there has to be taken with like a quarter pound of salt, if not the entire pound.
That being said, the current RUMINT that’s been floated out there does make quite a bit of sense, if only in respect to current events, as well as future events. Now, the rumor is absolutely unfounded, however, Roll with me on this for a second.
The original Poaster put out that he worked in Australia for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. That’s the BIGGEST bank in Australia, with a valuation of 1,252 BILLION dollars. He, by his own admission, is pretty high up in the bank hierarchy. Because of this, he was briefed that there was a planned “cyber-attack” that was going to be taking down the ENTIRITY of the worlds Banks as part of “The Great Reset” at the BEGINNING OF JULY OF THIS YEAR. This being to introduce the whole “You ain’t owning shit, and we don’t give a fuck if you’re happy or not, as we own your collective asses.” action that they’ve been talking about for the past few years.
The poast went on into the usual “I’m hiding” and “If they knew I told you I’d die” and whatnot to gain credibility. The primary statement of the intentional and willful crash was just what I said, and then the poaster made some comments about having cash on hand, and make sure that you’re ready… Beyond that, not much more.
Which, TBH, well, because it lacked the usual heavy-on-details and the usual ‘hype’ one normally sees with these “wars and rumors of wars” or leastways “Crashes and Rumors of Crashes” in my mind lends credibility to this. To me, “Less = More” in the credibility department. That, and part of the reason(s) I’m inclined to believe that there is a slim possibility of this being real is that it fits what -I’ve- been seeing.
The fact(s) as I see them:
1) Despite ALL the legal issues that Leviathan (AKA ‘The Deep State’) have been oh-so-desperately trying to bring and pin against OrangeManBad, and because of the inherent stupidity of those who’re currently ‘in charge’, they’ve utterly failed to stop OMB from becoming the primary challenger against the Current Incumbent Corpse In Chief. This scares them stupid, as they were counting on OMB being disqualified under specious prosecutions. Now? Not so much again. They ALSO cannot let him (OMB) anywhere NEAR the levers of power again, as Trump IS known for being a vengeful motherfucker with a long memory.
Flat out: They Who Are Currently In Power CANNOT Allow An Election With Trump As The Opposition EVER.
2) Because the near-constant leaking and unveiling of the shenanigans of “Brandon” et al, it’s readily apparent that
A) he’s not actually in charge, nor running shit and that
B) the folks who have been running things have been actively participating in actions that under a normal government would bring charges of at least Malfeasance if not outright Treason, which in some cases warrant the Death Penalty.
Case in point is it’s now apparent that ‘Bribe’em’ Joe was getting all his and his families dirty kickback monies through his dissolute crack addict son AND The Krain, which on it’s own, prima facia makes me wonder exactly why we keep funding/supporting this losing cause? More than likely b/c Krainfeld has primo-blackmail material. The very fact that worthless pile of skin failed to show up today, in Contempt of CONgress and didn’t immediately have a warrant issued? Oh yeah… Favoritism for One Side Much?
3) Then, As John Wilder regularly mentions, riots and “Fiery But Peaceful Protests” do not tend to ‘get off the ground’ during the Winter Months, hence my belief that any action(s) (like a engineered financial collapse) would happen in July. IF, (or rather IMO when) this collapse happens, we can count on a bunch of things happening. One being the ‘usual suspects’ of BLM and random Antifa Rioters doing ‘teh stoopid’ and in some areas getting away with it. They also need the College Kids NOT to be in classes, worrying about exams and whatnot, but out ‘manning the lines’ in support of ‘the current thing’ i.e., the “Useful Idiots”. This wouldn’t happen in November IMO.
However, in other areas like my own, where “We don’t cotton to this sorta behavior” and decide that it’s time to take out the ‘trash’ utilizing whatever means necessary, you can then look for a blanket-national-order for everyone to disarm.
Especially after some good ole boys get caught on camera gunning down some assholes… Just like Rittenhouse, the Enemedia and Ministries Of Lies and Propaganda will spin up every. single. self. defense. incident. and lay it at the feet of “Right Wing Death Squads” or some such shit, all to further the mass banning, if not outright confiscation of weapons. Of course, it’ll never happen, as there’s only like 800k Police in toto nationally. As FedBro used to say to me (when he was still speaking to me) that “Police got better things to do than die stupid!” IMO, on that, all I can say is, remember to police your brass, and if you can, get rid of the bodies.
Of course, a National Suspension of the 2nd Amendment is NOT going to work, hence it’ll get ugly-er faster, which is good in their twisted world view.
4) The longer they can drag out the “crisis”, the longer they can do whatever the fuck they want. If they manage to drag it out to oh, say November, just fucking watch.
Can you say “Suspended (s)Election” indefinitely?
Crazy Amounts of Presidential Executive Orders?
Nationalization of “Critical Supplies” i.e. you’re a prepper who’s got 2-5 years worth of food, and when they check the purchase orders and lists that they’ve accrued over the years, that they plan on showing up, to your A.O. to ‘confiscate for the greater good’ all your stashed shit… the law is already on the books… trust me… they’ll implement it IF they think they can get away with it…
These people do not live in the same reality as we do.
Welcome to Fantasy Disco everyone.
They have NO IDEA of what ‘real life’ is.
For example, (((Bill Maher)))… a prototypical member of the Tribe, stated that “Inflation isn’t that bad, wages are rising, unemployment is negligible, and Biden’s ratings are only bad because most Americans live with their head in the toilet!”
Fuck that Hebe fucker…
BTW Here’s a picture of his house:
Somehow, I don’t think his Girlfriend or Wife or Gay Lover (more than likely) does any cleaning. If anything, at 6 Million a year, the dirty fucker has a cleaning crew/maid/staff that does all of it for him.
And this fuckwad wants to tell us how great the country is doing? OMFG… it’s like the tweet from Conan O’Brien who did the anti-Trump Tweet when Trump called Haiti a “Third World Shithole”:
Another fucking Hollyweird Pedo
Guys like him?
I’d love to have the resources to snatch that fucker up, hogtie him, and then drop him over Port Au Prince via automatic opening parachute. Buck Nekkid. I’d literally love to see him get eaten, live on TV. Smarmy little protected fuckers… their time is coming
Sooner rather than later.
And bunkers?
All them assholes building bunkers?
This’s for the Zuckerborgs, the Bezosphiles and the like…
Let me tell you. First off, you need a reliable guard force. Unless you have some video-game/sci-fi shit at your disposal, your guard force? Yeeeeeah… the very second the doors close, you are ALL dead fucking meat. If anything, you’ll be lucky AF to be shot right there, right then. My own personal experiences with asshole rich principles?
Generally you’ve treated us like shit
Which means it’s now payback time.
Like I said, IF you don’t have some sci-fi magic instant kill switch/drug embedded or something along those lines, trust me. Those Army of Northern Virginia or DIA shooters, or SEALs or whatever? Suuuuuuuuuuure they’re loyal…. However long money is worth anything… then?
Unless you’ve utterly earned their loyalty, You’re fucking dead. End of Story.
Add on that IF they ARE actually loyal, well… those of us on the outside? You can gar-ron-damned-tee we’ll be looking for the air-intakes. With a cement mixer. Fill the intakes in, and y’all underground can fight over the last-gasp of O2… it matters not to me nor mine…
And then?
That’s all she wrote.
Except for the epitaph: “Here lies some seriously dumb rich motherfuckers who thought money could buy safety, and loyalty.”
SO… that’s all I got for tonight
More Later
Big Country