Yeah, Like I said, The Infantry is For Now, is DONE

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!

These days?
Yep… nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide baby…

Found some vidyas courtesy of Simplicius76 on his substack.
They’re all shot from the perspective of observation drones (for the most part). a couple of them are drones that appear to be dropping small mortar shells, my guess is 50mm as it’s the smallest mortar round they got with a weight of 1.8 pounds in total. These drones also seem to have “Laze and Blaze” capacity, in that a lot of the Artillery shells that are being dropped land -right- where the crosshairs of the drones Point of View is looking, meaning they’re probably laying a laser designator on the target, allowing the Russians to pinpoint the targets for elimination.

That one is about 5 minutes long, I personally would hit mute as it’s got some cheesy 90’s ballad going on for a soundtrack…
The next one is an absolute horrorshow
3 and a half minutes of guys getting blow’d up.
Looks like a bunker, with about 2-3 Krainians in the bunker, with two guys in the open. The drone looks down, and it’s pretty obvious that the operator passed on word “Troops in the Open, fire for effect!” It gets bad… just to warn y’all
NSFW for damned sure…

It looks like the Russians start of with a stonk of probably 82mm Mortars… they bracket the fuck out of them, and the two dudes in the open? Yeeeah… it’s bad. Then as they’re obviously fucked up, what I really think is worse? Their buddies in the dugout/bunker? Yeah, they don’t come out to help. I’ll leave it to you to watch and reach your own conclusions.

Thing of it is, one issue I have is that I’ve been watching a lot of these videos. The number of videos of Krainians being obliterated versus Russians catching hell is like 30-40 to 1. Meaning that there are vids of Russians getting blow’d up, but nowhere at the frequency that you find vids of Krasinians kicking ass…

Add on another disturbing observation of mine: A LOT of the videos show what looks like a staggered line of Krainian Grunts hoofing it down either a trail or a hardball when “all of a sudden” >ERF SHATTERING KABOOM!<
An arty shell hits, and one or two, maybe three guys go down…
The rest of the squad hit the dirt and wait.
One dude ain’t moving, closest to the point of impact
Call him KIA
The other two? Flailing around, obviously fucked up.
The squad?
Yeeeeah, more often than not, they seem to go over and collect the squad weapon(s) IF the guys hit were carrying the RPK/PKM or RPG… then they leave them behind!!! NO MEDEVAC!!! No helping/First Aid attempts!!! Nothing but PURE Blue-Falconry (A Blue Falcon in the DotMil, in the Army in particular, means that a BF is a “Buddy Fucker”)

In fact I’ve seen this sooo often, no fucking wonder no one in their right mind in the Krain wants to be in their DotMil… fucking guys in these videos, shot via drone (meaning the video itself) guys getting hit, and the survivors show them ‘hatting up’ and unassing the A.O. with a quickness, leaving their buddies to die…

Just like in the vid above (#2). Granted, it became obvious at the end that that bunker/dugout wasn’t worth a shit when they dropped that BIG shell (probably a 152mm) on it, but still…

There was enough of a break in fire that someone could have gone out and at least dragged them poor fucked up sumbitches into the hole in the ground, and patched them up, instead leaving them outside to get continually blown to shreds and die outside.

That’s another reason the Krainians are getting slaughtered in wholesale lots. You may not believe in your Country. You may not believe in the reason for the War. You may even have Zero Beef with the Russians and sympathize with them. BUT, when all else fails you fight and possibly die for the guy to your left, and the guy to your right. Your Brothers in Arms. You may not even like some of them motherfuckers, but you know what? In the Infantry, you’ll go down fighting to help and/or save one of them.

Leastways that’s the way -I- was ‘brought up’
It’s readily apparent that the fucktard Krainians don’t feel that way about each other.
No unit cohesiveness… no comradery… no Brothers in Arms
That right there means they’re fucking doomed.

Telling ya, the Krainains are their own worst enemy.
Russia doesn’t have to do shit
Between that, and their cowardly and corrupt leadershit?
And from what I see, a complete lack of unit cohesiveness
I give them maybe til February/March.

Another subzero Winter in the trenches, without food, low on ammo, no armor/artillery/tracks and being constantly shelled by Ivan, while their “Commanders” sit 5-8 miles behind the lines in comfort? I’d say that we’ll not hear about it from OUR Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, but watch for mass surrenders and/or mutinies. Russia Times (RT) and Spunik will break the news… They (the Krainians) won’t be able to hide it long. That and watch for Krainfeld and his Koterie of Thugs and Thieves to bow out and bail to either Tel Aviv or Florida, although Florida, got me a hunch he won’t be welcome here…

Jes’ Sayin’

OH! Another thing I found!
Seems the much vaunted Stryker?

Judging from the lack of damage to the wheels, it either took a top-down arty round or a direct fire tank/ATGM/RPG round. Doesn’t look like a mine took that out…
I’d say no one got out of that alive.
And considering I screenshot that, it was burning quite furiously… badly enough to have me question again everything we were told about the ‘new and improved fire-resistant surviable‘ Stryker’ and how it ‘…was an improvement over the Bradley!’

In what sense?
That it was made out of Laminated Gasoline?
Sweet Jeebus that thing burns like a motherfucker….
Like I said, Infantry and the means to carry the Infantry to the field of battle? Yeah, it’s over for now… Jes’ Sayin’

More Later
Big Country

For Sale: Slightly Used F-35, Needs New Ejection Seat

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Sorry for missing Sunday’s poast, but after the Red Headed Nuclear-Powered Firestorm, both Wifey n me were wiped the hell out. The very fact I was able to get up and be even operational is credited to running first thing this AM to the Gas n’Go for Monster Ultras… yeah two of them caffeinated hand grenades. Haven’t been able to get back to the Dollar Tree to pick up some RipIts… -yet-.

The Memes have been brutal AF about the Marines ‘losing’ an F-35 just North of Charleston:

Seems Sunday afternoon, the pilot had -something- go wrong badly enough that he had to punch out. Seems before he did so, he turned on the autopilot. Link HERE


So now, I guess the name of the plane must have been “Waldo” as in everyone is asking: “Where’s Waldo!?!” The DotMil put out a tweet or so asking for the public’s help in locating the plane, ‘cos apparently they don’t know where it is!

As the Critical Drinker would say:

Let me get this straight…
An 80 million dollar aircraft
Known as the “Flying Turducken” or “The Turd”
80 fucking million dollars, and they don’t even have the fucking thing LoJacked!?!
My car is fucking LoJacked FFS.

Again, there’s that whole “competency” thingy again we keep going on about. Getting to the point of “What’s not to believe?” The DotGov, as well as the DotMil it seems could fuck up organizing an Orgy in a Bangkok Whorehouse with a Suitcase full of $100s… Only thing we can do at this point is Laugh.

Somehow, I suspect ‘Muh Diversity’ played a role in this cockup. Any bets?

Tell you what, this’s gonna play pure hell on the sales figures, as the Belgians, the Finns, the Norwegians, from what I understand they ALL signed up to ‘donate’ their old F-16s and then buy the newest, bestest greatest all-around fighter aircraft evvar built! It does Mach 2, can shoot itself down, and slices, dices and can make julienne fries! It’s stealth capability is so fucking good, our own guys can’t find it!!!

Sorry… that’s a -lot- of sarcasm in one statement Aye?

It’s like God has looked down on us, and is just like -waiting- to find the “New Noah” and hit the ‘smite’ button for this weak-sauce country… can’t say I’d blame him at this point.

So More Later
Big Country

Issues And the Reality of ‘Blooded’ Troops

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So commenter “Dan” seems to be ‘balls deep’ in the “Teh Russians are losing!” line of propaganda. In many comments he makes the case that “Russia ain’t shit”. OK… Based off that exact hypothesis, how do you say that?

Your own comment: “…the fact that Russia hasn’t rolled them up and finished this in the 18 months this shit show has been going on is elegant proof that Russia is and has long been a paper bear…” makes me exactly wonder where you’re getting your intel from? I mean me? I only have multiple connections (professional and personal) from ‘days gone by’ (also known to me as “the days of Wine and Roses”) who’ve been keeping me ‘in the loop’ for both personal, as well as professional courtesy, so I know which way I need to jump.

Which BTW, is what we in the real world called a ‘hint’… if this place, as well as the substack goes perma-dark, it means I headed to greener, safer pastures. Jes’ Sayin’.

The major problem, as I tried to outline yesterday, perhaps poorly, is that there are a NUMBER of people who, despite the world changing, cannot get past their own personal prejudices when it comes to Russia, and by extent, the Russian DotMil.

Hell, I grew up with the LAST of the “Cold Warrior” mindset… when I went to Bayonet training, we were told we were DICKs…
Dedicated Infantry Communist Killers. Old habits, it appears to ‘die hard’ so to speak.

I mean reality? Yeah… Faaaar too many people programmed for faaaar too many years, especially the fucking Boomers (and NO no boomer-defense comments will be allowed… insta-block, especially since this isn’t necessarily a negative) who were, as a whole, brainwashed into a “Hate/Kill a Commie For Mommie” from the get-go. Never met Aesop IRL, however, his railing against Russia stinks of Boomerism. Add on from what I know of when he served (1980s, early 80s), and yeah, Brainwashed Anti-Russian Marine… not normally a bad thing but these days? In light of our new reality? Best to tone it down IMO.

Mainly because for all the trash-talk going on, the reality is? Right now, despite the “cheerleading” going on, do you REALIZE what’s ACTUALLY HAPPENING!?!

All these ‘talking heads’…
All these ‘former DotMil’ experts…
All these ‘former Generals’ from all over…
Even worse? All these ‘foreign policy experts’?

Do you know the one thing that ALL OF THEM HAVE OVERLOOKED!?!

Let me fill you in dear reader.

It’s that no matter what, no matter how insignificant the interaction is, be it a firefight at a squad level, a minor Tank-on-Tank Battle in a minor village, or a larger fight between massed units, The Russians Have Gained Combat Experience That The West Can Only Dream Of.

The Russians are Fucking Blooded Now.

Even at the height of our US DotMil “War on Terror” we only had the smallest amount of troops who’d “seen the Elephant” as Kipling would call it. Active shooters so to speak… Not fucking many of them as I well know… These Russian kids/troops, the ones who have survived are the betters of those who didn’t. Consider my own commentary regarding this current conflict, let me tell you, a Grunt who’s lived this long is FAR better than his non-living predecessors… like as in “Who’s your Daddy?” better. Trained, Blooded, and Experienced.

Oh FML if I were still in….

Add on the fact that the folks out there keep using the Russian experiences in Affy, as well as the Georgian conflict, as well as Chechnya as examples of Russia getting their asses kicked. And they keep using them unironically. Tell you what, when you look at the US DotMil record, they need to sit down, and shut up.

OK, with turnabout being fair play, I’d call Korea (draw) Vietnam (loss) Lebanon (loss) Iran (Operation Eagle Claw, loss) Libya (50/50 win/loss) Grenada (win) Persian Gulf and Gulf War I (win but a lot of give and take) Panama (win) Bosnia (loss) Somalia (loss) Gulf War 2 Iraq and Afghanistan “Retards Strike Again” (Both Loses)

Overall, if you notice in the ‘win’ category of the US DotMil, it’s all penny-ante itty-bitty NON major-players involved. And no, don’t want to hear how Iraq was “…the 5th largest military evvvvar!!!” I was there, it’s a bunchabullshit. Numbers are great, but when the numbers are made up of ‘hastily recruited’ ground troops (“Join us or we shoot your children!”) you don’t get a DotMil worth a fuck all at all…

Nope, the US DotMil has not gone up against a peer rival since either Korea (the Joe Chinks) or since World War Two…(Japs and Krauts) your choice… either way, the thing that makes/has me somewhat nervous is the very fact that right now?

You couldn’t write a better script for the Russians to take every. single. country. in. Europe. right now. Think on it objectively.

LITERALLY The Germans, the Dutch, The Austrians, the Belgians, hell, everyone just ’emptied the cupboard’ to send everything to the Krainians. ALL the artillery, all the artillery shells, all of the spare tanks, parts and even the secondary reserve tanks. Every. One. Of. These. Morons. just opened up their borders IF Ivan is feeling really frisky.

And they have no ability to refill those deficits. Not only that, but by all accounts, even the “Great ‘Murican Arsenal of Democracy” is looking a mite burned out at this point…

In fact THAT is what worries me most, as more and more reports ‘slip out’ showing that the current Intel that the “Big Bois” like fucking Milli Vanilli are using, as well as ALL the intel services BESIDES some elements of the DIA and NRO are trying like fuck to point out that the Krainians are fucking over…done with… through… finished.. However, because the limpcock mouth breathing Pedophile we currently have as the primary stakeholder in this unreal shytteshow is still nominally “in charge” we ain’t going to see no changes.

‘Cos right now? Putin has, by my count a quarter of a million blooded, combat experienced troops available to him, whereas, we got the 69th Non-Binary Intersectional Dildo Brigade available as a foil…

Yeaaaaaah It doesn’t look good for the ‘home team’ IMO

God I hope someone puts a bullet or cruise missile in Krainfelds ass sooner, rather than later, this bloodbath needs to stop.
More Later
Big Country

A Gran Ole Time Around The House Again

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Got us a Fire-Headed Nookular Gran running up and around this place for the weekend… as stated by the majority of us who’ve dealt with hyper-kinetic-5 year olds “Just where do they get that energy from, and how do we harness it?”

Far be it from me to wonder… OMG… picked her up, got her to the house and >Trumpet Flourish TAAA-Daaah!< “Annnnnd she’s off!” Both cats came out for lovin’s and immediately the Sausage Princess dragged her for a walk and a poop. Poop for the doggo, leastways I -hope- only the doggo dropped, there have been shall we say awkward convos in the past when she was in her “Lets get nekkid and run around the neighborhood” at three…

So, as far as the usual bidness, I ordered me up some coffee as I had to wait til payday. Then I went over to Aesop’s place and found a meme that I think was intended for those of us who’ve been watching the Kraine situation:

He referenced the “…shit flinging poo-monkeys” which I dunno if I per se qualify but the thing of it is this, and this’s the part that I think he’s failing to grasp.

Right now, by ALL Sources, EVERYONE from Emperor Poopypants to the tardoes in Not-So-Great-Britainstan have pretty much acknowledged that the Krainians got their collective heads positively handed to them since the kickoff of the Kounteroffensive, To the point they can’t even field a complete combat Brigade. Out of 12 Challenger 2s delivered, they lost Two of Three that were committed to battle. And they were committed because they were absolutely out of anything else. In fact, the Brits were almost adamant that, after the embarrassing failure(s) of the Leo 2s in toe-to-toe fighting, they didn’t want their precious Challenger 2s to suffer the same ignominy.

Bad for business eh wot?

Thing that Aesop is running on, is that he seems to think that we expect the Russians to keep trying to take territory… that the HUUUGE gaaainz they (the Krainians) made in the summer of 22 were due to the “outmoded, inept and worthless conscripted Russian Army” running away. Since then, that’s been proven to be a fantasy story cooked up by the various Ministries of Propaganda and Lies pushing the story that the Krainians were on the march, and it was only a matter of time until they “drove the Orcs” out.

Thing is, now reading actual after action reports, the Russians engaged in a layered tactical withdrawal, and once in place, hardened the fucking Areas to the point that now? Why move forward when the enemy is oh-so-determined to break themselves on your defensive teeth? Sit back, shift fire, shell the fuck out of them, give ground when appropriate, and let them grind themselves to dust against a layered defense that makes the Siegfried Line look like a minor speed bump.

“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance” Sun Tzu

I’d say the Russians have that down…

“Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu (again)

And considering both quotes are, IMO dead on, the unbelievable arrogance and stupidity of the Krainians, combined with the unyielding defense that the Russians have set up, per the meme from yesterday regarding the “gaaaainz” that the Kounteroffensive have made?

Yeah… need a magnifying glass…
I mean not for nothing, they are trying however, the current SMO units are going to be rotating at the end of this month. 240,000 troops being relieved in place. Now normally, a rotation like that is done piecemeal, as some of the inbound units haven’t been fully ‘blooded’ yet, and the chances of enemy action to disrupt shit is high during these changeovers.

The fact that Russia is open about it tells me that they’re not especially worried about the Krainians anymore, leastways as a ground effective cohesive combine arms force. Plus the fact that they just started fielding the new FAB-1500 glide bomb.

That there is a FAB-500. Essentially, Ivan took an old 500 pounder ‘dumb bomb’ (think of the bombs falling out of WW2 Bombers and such) and strapped a wing-and-guidance package to it. Turned it into a guided glide bomb. Problem with them is that the primary launch vehicle has been the Mig-31.

Problem is a Mig-31 needs a hella-long runway to take off from. It was designed to be a Mach 3 Interceptor. So because of this, every time one took off from a Russian Airfield, the US DotMil on-station AWACs would let the Krainians know hostiles “packing heat” were inbound.

So, as with everything else that Ivan has done in this war, namely “adapt, improvise, and overcome” they took an even BIGGER dumb bomb running at 1500 kilos and tweaked a new strap on guidance-and-glide package that didn’t need to go on the Mig-31. In this case, not one, but TWO of the FAB-1500s can be mounted on the Su-34.

Now, unlike the Mig-31, the Sukhoi Su-34 can take off from shorter, improvised runways. Which means a hell of a lot less warning for the Krainians, as well as three times the explosive on impact as instead of a 500 kilo/pound the FAB-1500 is well, 1500 kilos or pounds… not sure but three times the ka-boomy-boom.

So why then would we not be expecting Ivan to sit back and wait? They literally have all the time in the world, unless you get your “news” like a mid-wit normie-tard who watches CNN 24-7. Russia for the first time ever beat Germany in the top five GDP Producing countries worldwide. That right there sez something…

All the Russians have to do is watch the morons exsanguinate themselves on the offense. Just short of a full division or three of reinforced ground troops being injected from the Euros or, God help us, US DotMil and the accompanying aviation assets, the Krainians are out of men, out of tanks, and almost out of time.
Y’all Have to excuse me, but I gotta put the Gran to Bed now.

More Later
Big Country

New Stuff and Same as it Ever Was

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Appreciate all the advice on the len(s) for the Eyeballs. Have to see what shakes out as I get closer. Been too busy making up for 1/2 day off yesterday from People’s Glorious Tractor Factory. In fact today, I got call from Premier!

Never a good thing normally, but seems it was, as he wanted to chat about some issues that have cropped up in production. The conversation went well, but is always a bit nervous-making to speak to the Premier… leave me to speak to the Commissars please. Production has ramped up in a major way, and I’m sort of floundering a wee bit, and sort of melted down on another coworker… nothing that could get me fired or anything… just a “OMG!!! Cut. me. some. slack.”

Enough about work. In the Eternal Struggle of “Always Needing MOAR Bux” I managed to snag an associate slot for I watch the guy who owns it/made it on YouTube who runs a pretty good channel. Seems that a bunch of associates decided to fuck with his business, namely other less-seen YouTubers who signed up for being associates, and then after four fucking days they went on “X” and p[ut the guy on blast for his politics…

Coached of course in a way that it was a blatant attempt to get him AND his company cancelled while ALSO trying to gain ‘clout’. Buch of other limp-wrist spineless jellyfags immediately cancelled their associations as well. And of course the Leftist Commiemob jumped in as well…

So when he announced that there were openings, and his quote: “I don’t care what your politics are!” I took him at his word. Signed up/Applied, and Gave him my link to El Bloggo Nasty, and waited.

As you can see in the right side, I was approved, as well as for my custom 10% off your first purchase using the Name The Jew NTJ code… My ‘cut’ of the vig is 5% of all sales made using my code(s)… I mean why not? Every. Fucking. Dime. Counts. these days, as if y’all don’t already know it. If you do try it, let me know in the comments if it’s good or not… I’ve seen some reviews that say it is, and I have to wait til payday to take advantage of my own discount Aye?



My personal favorite?

Just Wow… especially when you see things like this:

Again, so much winning.

They did however ‘put points on the board’ today…

Today the “Big News” has been that the Krainians –did– hit the port in Sevastopol. Word is a dry docked Sub got taken out, and a dry docked Landing Craft (one of their BIG ones) got damaged, although the extent hasn’t been called out yet.

By their own admittance, they used the Brit Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles in a BIG strike… that the orders and Intel (Satellite and whatnot) was allll coordinated by the NATO generals, as these 70-80iq Krainians just do not have the capability and or capacity to do a mission like this without NATO. Hell, even the Storm Shadows were given to them by the Brits. All of which leads me to My Current Question:

How much longer is Putin going to hold off on hitting the sourcing of these expensive ‘toys’ that’ve been supplied? I mean the Russians have been diligent in hitting Logistics Hubs when they get the Intel, and a lot of equipment (that which hasn’t been stolen/grifted by the Krainians) hasn’t made it to the front… In fact, as an example, I saw this and commented on Gab today:

Not sure where it was taken but correct me if I’m wrong, but the newly painted crosses on there are Krainian Armor markings?
If so, there’s scraping the ‘bottom of the barrel’
And then there’s this.
That Frens, is a Panzer 38(t) Model. Originally made and designed by the Czechoslovakians, and when the Germans took over them, they kept using and making them. Link to the history is HERE

I am NOT going to say that they are digging up museum pieces, but maaan, even by my standards that shit IS a pure-dee Museum Piece. Made in 1938? Whew, they’re getting really desperate if in fact that is the case. So back to the original issue:

How much longer is VodkaManBad going to put up and keep allowing the Brits to keep this charade up? I mean if –I– was in charge? The factory that the Storm Shadows are produced at would suffer a calamitous on-purpose accident or a cruise missile strike. At this point he knows that the current NWO/GAE morons are literally going to let this continue… as in “the beatings will continue until morale improves” sort of shit… up til the last Krainian as it is…

And considering I’m re-evaluating just how stupid the average Krainian seems to be at this point… Dense doesn’t even start to cover it. I unfortunately had a few run-ins with some ‘Gopnik Krainians’ quite a few years ago, and no, they ain’t ‘sending their best’.

Especially in light of that mentally ill tranny they got as the English spokesthing… Link to the story is HERE and ‘it’ looks like a deranged version of the Church Lady, albeit with a ‘Karen’ wig…

I mean FFS Mr. Putin, will you please just end it all at this point? Take out London, Kiev, DC, anything… just shut this shit down ok?

Sorry but man, the longer this goes on, the less patience I have for all ‘teh stooopid’… Drop the Bomb man, End it now.

More Later
Big Country

Everythings Cool

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Life is ok… just busy-busy
Eye Surgery for my cataract(s) is coming up on like the 25th, so I’m positively inundated with appointments, all of which require the whole “let’s dilate the ever living hell out of his eyes!” which leaves me less-than-able to write.

Seems I’m sensitive to the juice they use.
Of course I am.
So, it’s being done by the VA

Hopefully it’ll be better than this…
Jes’ Sayin’
In reality, I’ve got my choice(s) of lenses, long, mid and multi… ScouterGreg said the Mid to Multi is the way to go. I have to have both done it seems as my vision is such absolute shytte int he left eye that if I don’t get both done, I’ll be all ‘out of balance’… there’s a specific term but essentially, on top of needing glasses, I’d need (if only the right gets done) some sort of contact lens on top of the glasses on the left, until they get this finished.

So More Later, sporadic poasting to follow
Big Country

So Much Winning! All the Winning They Can Handle!

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Latest word out of the Kraine via both sides is that casualty figures since June are positively abysmal. As I wrote up before, there have been (for the numbers involved) minor gaaaiinz by the AFU on a few fronts.

Of course the various Ministries of Propaganda and Lies have been spinning that out like one of Phil’s metal chip-making deee-vices in his garage… how many RPMs does one of them lathes spin up to again?

Per the article, which I won’t link because trash and total fantasy doesn’t get played here, not to that extent… but per the article : “Blinken said at a press conference in Ukraine that he is seeing “real progress” in the counteroffensive operation. “Ukrainian forces have taken back more than 50 percent of the territory seized by Russian forces since February of 2022,” he said.” (bold mine)

Nigga say what!?!
You know, back when I was in the Army, and even as a Contractor, we were subject to a LOT of drug tests…
Guess if you’re “High Enough” in the food chain, you’re exempt from the Meatgazer Brigade… (see what I did there?)
Let’s look at the map from CNN of all places:

Them itty bitty blue ‘spots’?
Yepper… that’s what they’ve ‘taken’ and even then, like Blinken’s grasp of reality, it’s tenuous as fuck all. The counter-offensive has become a bit of a joke, or would be if it wasn’t so fucking tragic on how many lives are being lost.

To put it in perspective, the US lost 58000 DotMil and ‘others’ in ten years in Vietnam. According to some sources, the AFU lost 67000 since June of this year alone.

In fact, the ‘need for bodies’ is so bad, as I mentioned, the word out in the German newspaper Das Bilt is reporting that Germany has over 163,000 Krainian men of military age who may be dragged back to serve as cannon fodder for the
Krainian army. That’s a lot of bodies for the meatgrinder…

Poland is also beginning to extradite Krainian males eligible for or liable for military service who have been in Poland since the kickoff of the shitshow in question. Unlike the Krauts, the Poles are supposedly focusing on those who have entered the country illegally or have committed crimes, such as assisting illegal immigration, because they do not want such shitbags living in Poland ‘on the dole’. Word is also Krainian Kars (identified by their license plates) are being vandalized at an increasing rate, primarily because well, Poles man.

See, the Poles and Krainians, despite the face-to-face kissy-kissy their various politicos have made, they have traditionally hated each other. West Kraine used to be part of Poland, and they’d like it back, thank you very much. In fact that’s part of what’s been ‘floated’ (like the turd that it is) is that WHEN now (no longer IF) that the Kraine gets disassembled, that the Poles will take on Western Kraine as a ‘protectorate’. Otherwise? The Poles want them i’gnint fucking assholes to go back the fuck home…

Its not just limited to Poland and Krautsville either… seems the Ole Motherland Eire is getting in on the act:

Looks like ol’ Ihor is well and truly fucked.

Truthfully, I can’t ever remember a time where a country at war officially requested the extradition of college/military aged folks back to the homeland for a War…

I mean Canada opened up and hid the draft dodgers during Nam… I did a goolag search and got bupkis using “has any country at war officially requested the extradition of college/military aged men before?” so I think this might be a modern ‘first’

It did tell me that the Krainians have also asked Belarus to send back about 60+/- guys, but the Belarusians told ’em to piss up a rope.
Good on them.
What this note tells me that when you need to forcibly bring home your men, shit is well and truly and utterly sideways as fuck.

This ENTIRE WAR at this point? It’s a losing prospect .
Already has been.
Ain’t going to be any winners, especially in the Kraine, no matter what others are saying. And it’s also starting to show in that public polls are turning against further funding. Only 9% of Germans are still behind continuing the slaughter… here in the states supposedly the polls say 43%, but these are the same polls that ALSO say 40% of Americans think that Poopypants is doing a good job as (p)Resident…

To be honest, I’d say we, as in The US, is rapidly approaching the endgame. We’re fucking broke and the world knows it, our “leadershit” is either permanently compromised/bought off/fucking retarded, and the Average Normie is even waking up… just look at the reaction to the soon-to-be Ex-Governor of New Mex-hee-co, Queen “Karen” Luzer-Cockgobbler and her utterly insane power grab. Putin has the advantages, plus time, and as I pointed out the other day, he only needs to let the Krainian DotMil keep ‘crashing uselessly at the gates’ and it’ll all be over by June of next year.
Barring any false flag/black swan events.
BTW: Keep an Eye on the 23rd of this Month
Jes’ Sayin’

As I am so fond of saying
Grab the Popcorn
Shit’s getting waaaay more entertaining.
More Later
Big Country

Military Corruption and Is It Edible?

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
OK… so, first off, got the winner of the Raffle. I reached out via email to the winner to see if he wants to be ‘disclosed’ or not. If so, I’ll publically name and shame him.

That being said, on a lark, and as I am wont to do, I was surfing eBay, again looking at the various MRE/Field Rations of countries out there. Pretty cool stuff, and no, I can’t afford 98% of them. I mean c’mon man!

They’re MREs for Jeebus sakes!

90% of them (like the Krainian ones, pre-war) were ‘skimmed off the top’ by scumbag profiteers, and sold online for massive profit. No shit, the last one I substacked I paid ?$25 including shipping? Now they’re going for $44 plus $33 for shipping…

Any bets that somewhere there’s a grunt going hungry ‘cos his orificer sold the rations online? Wouldn’t doubt it for a second.

The same goes for the Russian National Guard Ration I had… bought a case of them for $100 with free shipping (x5 rations in a case). Again, any bets that somewhere there’s a grunt going hungry ‘cos his orificer sold the rations online?

I have to say, at least for now the US DotMil doesn’t suffer from that particular problem. My guess is that because we ARE essentially the ‘cornucopia of plenty’ and Uncle Sugar hasn’t actually suffered from any significant shortages in the past, oh say forever and a day, then the rations keep going out the door, the Grunts get fed, and the orificers don’t necessarily have to worry about being fragged for allowing the Supply Pukes to sell off the new rats.

That being said, some of the prices on the eBay are fucking insane. $85 for a French 24 Hour Ration… $63 for a Kazakhstani ration, made with real Horse Meat! and no, that ain’t a joke… check it:

I’d love to try it, but at that price?
I got bills man.

Now, that being said, I got this today in the mail:

That right there folks is one of the original MREs from waaaaaaaaay back post-trial. Meaning that was one of the first actual fielded rations. The dude wanted $14 to ship it, but we dickered, and I got it for $10 all together.

I am very pleased with it, and maaaan the taste-test is going to be epic. So I opened it up, and it had this:

A wee bit on the -sparse- side of things.
Beef Stew, a classic… Crackers AND Strawberry Jam!
The jam was/is rare even by todays standards.
The cookie is a Oatmeal, Chocolate Covered, which I remember as being pretty damned good. We’ll have to see, as when I checked the Julian date:

9006 turns out to be January 6th, 1990
That’s 33 years, 8 months, and 2 days.
Dayyyyyyyyyyyyum Son!
That beef stew is old enough to have kids in College.

Gretchen is not amused BTW. She knows I dig doing the whole ‘taste testage’ and various stuff with the rations, but she gets alllll sorts of cranky when I heat up and/or open up some of them. Mainly ‘cos as any of you know who’ve ever served, some of the smells of MREs can be a mite “pungent” to say the least. Makes the house reek until I get my Febreeze on… there’s also that issue where she ate the Lithuanian Hazelnuts that came in a Lithuanian MRE, and it turns out they were positively soaked in pesticides, which led to a ER Visit and various awful side effects… I still feel shitty about that.

Fuck Lithuania… I hope Putin nukes them fuckers.

Myself? I’m curious what 33 year old beef stew tastes like, never mind smells like. I’m fully expecting it to smell like a 4 week old drowned corpse fished out of a pond. I am positive that the Oatmeal Cookie is going to be a good throwback… I LOVED the ‘regular oatmeal cookie’ without the chocolate cover back in the stuff I ate in 91-92… some of those guys used to joke that you could pound nails with them as they were hard as a rock in the wrapper. The jam is a -bit- sus as it IS 33 years old… still sealed buuuuuuuuut… And also the Iced Tea packet is hard as a bridegrooms dick… probably good, but man, it’s like a solid piece of cardboard.

Jes’ Sayin’

But yeah, so far, outside of what I call ‘normal corrosive corruption’ i.e. contract awards and whatnot, the “Regular Joes/Joettes” of the US DotMil don’t suffer from the normal day-to-day shit that the second and turd word militaries do.

OUR orifier’s corruption is aimed primarily for the “Post Service Career”. They don’t necessarily go for the “Instant Gratification” that most turd world and even second world countries do. Meaning they don’t sell, nor allow the selling of the rations to outside forces, nor deprive the troops of their basic needs.

Vietnam taught them that US Troops, when push comes to shove got no problem throwing a fragmentation grenade into a tent or three if the orifier(s) in question is a douchecanoe or selling the beer ration.

I mean my first overseas contract was with CACI…

We used to tell people when asked that it stood for “Captains and Colonels Incorporated”

Fact of the matter is, BECAUSE the US started out being the ‘rejects’ of the ‘civilized world’ (a fact that the majority of the world seems to have forgotten IMO) that we as a whole, when backed against the wall so to speak….

Well, let’s just say that shit don’t end well for the folks who done really pissed us off. And no, I do not include any of the wars and shit since WW2. Korea, ‘Nam, ALL the conflicts since 1945 have been -strictly- done to subsidize and promote the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

Realisically, taking all the jingoism, bullshit, profiteering and just flat-the-fuck out bullshit of the last what? 80 +/- minus years? ‘Murica has not faced an existential threat. Hell, some folks might even say that WW2 we didn’t either, but that’s for others to argue. I know only of what I know from stories from my Grandad (MomUnit’s Da) and other folks from the Silent Generation…

Now? Oh my freaking gawd… not an external enemy, as much as an “internal enema.” Bunch of scumfuck boomers who utterly refuse to relinquish power, like the Gin Hag Pelosi, who announced that she’s running for re-election again.

Guess she wants to stay in Washington to avoid the whole “Gay husband with lovers hammer-quarrels” in the future amiright?

Seriously… Pelousi, Schitthead, Yertle-the-Turtle, Pantshitting Joe of Scrotum? How much longer do we need to see these blatantly obvious and oblivious corruptocratic Oligarchs still running the fucking show?

Voting ain’t gonna work, that’s for damned sure.

What? 6 States just put out legislation to keep OrangeManBad off the ballot? That’s enough to kill the (s)election in favor of the Retard Fuckface, the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den.

THAT right there should scare the fuck out of any legit person who -thought- there might be a chance at flushing the turds out. Apparently, it ain’t going to happen, not in 2024.

So Grab the Popcorn.
It’s going to get reeeeally interesting
More Later
Big Country

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