Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Thank you Jesus for delivering at least that particular cup of suffering away from my unworthy ass. Got the call today that the car?
Total Engine Failure under warranty!!!
Maaaaaan I was stressing like a mad dog over that. The very last thing I wanted was to be out of pocket or have to ask for help. Y’all were dead on about the Rod Failure… engine ate that sucker and ka-boomie-boom. Part of the reason I love y’all is that everyone has each other’s backs and have intel that we can all share to help each other out when needed.
That’s about 10k I now don’t have to sweat. Christmas was looking like “Hey Sapper, here’s a bottle of Gatorade man, Merry Merry and all that… Gretchen, I got you, not one, but two boxes of Nilla Wafers (Publix had a BOGO)!” I mean I know it’s the thought, but we’ve had some seriously lean Christmases in the past around here… not that we’re going all out, but still you feel me amiright?
BTW: The Raffle is now extended due to new readership, and mailing in of entries to December 15th. If’n you want to re-enter, those who’ve already done one, I’m doubling it to 2x for the one, and $50 will get you 10 entries. I’ve got 1-2 who did $50 already, so I’m giving them the extra 5 too. Happy Hanukkah everyone!
Speaking of that, the Israelis, doing their ‘usual thing’ opened a Nova Festival Display commemorating the October 7th bushwhack at the Tel Aviv Expo? I didn’t read the article too closely as we who live in reality have found out the majority of casualties at that Rave were caused by the Hebrew Helicopters laying waste to anyone who moved. Thing of it that struck me was this:

Just what in the fuck is the Jewish near obsession with shoes and shitters!?! “Look Goyim, here are the pile of shoes of the victims!!!”
And shot up shithouses???
Seriously… they got some serious mental issues to contend with… and if THAT wasn’t bad enough, to try and pull at the heartstrings a bit more:

A coloring book and crayons? I -think- the intent was to show that there may have been lil kids there… There’s a problem with this concept however…
It was a RAVE
Techno-Drug Addled Teens and a LOT of overage MILFs who should have known better. Thing of those folks who go to Raves? They do things like using coloring books and all the other weird child-like things… Especially since the Nova Rave was ostensibly a Peace Rave to protest the lockdown and treatment of the Gazans!!!
Any wonder why the Izzy DotGov and DotMil didn’t step up and stop it/warn them? According to the latest, they knew this was going to happen. Take for example that German chick, Shani Louk who refused to do her mandatory DotMil service with the IDF and was able to get away with it due to being a dual citizen… I mean when you put into THAT perspective just who the IDF was shooting at, as well as the Muj, well then, file under “things that make you go hmmn”…
So, yeah, More Shooz for the Goyim to look at…
Thing of it is…

Sums it up nicely.
Look, I don’t deny bad things happened.
Problem is when you photoshop what essentially is a burnt brisket and/or a meatloaf, and say it’s a Baby they stuffed in an oven (Oy Vey!)? You lose all credibility and that is why the world is starting to Seriously Notice
There’s only so many times you can roll out a pile of shoes before people go “Meh, so fucking what? There’s piles of shoes like that at the local Goodwill.” It also doesn’t help that your own people tried to warn you explicitly that this particular shitstorm is coming, and you did nothing to prevent it so as to gain political traction and avoid discussing your “Dear Leader” Nutjobyayhoo’s corruption.
Like I said, we got no dog in the hunt per se.
Like the Kraine.
Either way, WE, the Untied Staaz should not be involved in any way shape and or form with any of this shit. ESPECIALLY when we have the most Brain Dead Third Rate Leadershit Board running the Clown Car into the metaphoric Bridge Abutment,. peddle to the metal, at 100mph+, with a trunk full of Gasoline and Thermite.
In fact ALL of our current choices, every. last. one. of. them, to include OrangeManBad should in no way ever be allowed to take control of the Clown Car. Unfortunately, ‘We The People’ don’t get a say anymore apparently…
This will not end well.
Makes me long for the Days of Noninterventionism. I mean right now, we’re being told that we need to pay the Kraine an additional 600 BILLION USD because Putin is going to take over ALL of Europe, and yet, Rheinmetall just announced they plan on building a tank factory in the Kraine?
Which the fuck is it?
Even they can’t make up their minds
Mainly because there’s no brains in any of ’em.
Now, let’s get upbeat. Gretchen found some TikTok Vids (I know, I know… tried explaining it to her, but “….female and reasons!”) and showed me them to me because she knows the “A Year without Santa Claus” is one of my favorite Christmas Specials, and mainly because of these two:

Yeeeeah Baby… Heat Mizer and Snow Mizer…
LOVE those guys… they crack me the fuck up to this day…
So, she found this guy on the Tok, and you can download the clips (who knew?) No idea what I may or may not have infected my rig with, but seeings I’m already on ALL the “lists”, let’em make of it what they will of these… The kid’s name is Chris Matesevac and maaan, kid’s got some talent IMO. These cracked me the fuck up too, so I figured I’d share.
First Up: Snow Mizer:
Funny right?
Then, Heat Mizer:
Put a smile on my grill. Hope they did for you as well.
Overall a good day… Nay, a great day which have been few and far between as of late. Now tomorrow I’ll be out until Saturday as I have to do an all day-overnight Biddness trip for People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #206, so I may not have a Friday Poast unless something goes sideways and I do an emergency update.
Otherwise More Later
Big Country