Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Maaan… I got whatever head-bug has been floating around as of late. NOT feeling the love. Spent almost a full day in the rack, weak as a kitten and tired.
Although I’m feeling much better… I broke into Gretchen’s alternative meds, i.e. the Vitamin C sooper-concentrate and dumped a megadose of that into me. I figured what the hell.
And it seemed to have worked. Two days later and I feel a lot better and am on the recovering side of things. Lots of other bloggers have been reporting in various A.O.s that they too are seeing a bitch of a flu going around… Dio up in ye yonder hills, and Arthur Sido in Amish Country… plus a few others… I think Francis Poretto even is down and out…
OTOH Gretchen’s labs came back… her Vitamin D count is low, which is to be expected in the Winter. However, I find it odd as I’ve been supplementing her for 3 weeks BEFORE the panel, so not sure what to make of that.
Other than you know, the whole CANCER Diagnosis, she’s in pretty good shape.
Oh, and yet again (and I’m figuring it’ll happen to this one too) the page(s) that I get the ‘warning/demonetization’ hits on have ALL mentioned badthink (alternative medicine) and hatethought (calling it like -I- see it) pages.
To me, it tells me just how worried they really are.
As the meme goes “It’s Afraid“
Seeings that I’m just a lone asshole screaming off into the intarwhebz man. Nothin’ special about me except for my propensity to telling some funny assed stories from the past, and some prognostication that thus far has been about as successful as your average Vaudevillian. It is, as Bugs would say, to laugh.
Only recent personal piss-me-off was whomever the Moderator(s) is/are over at Gab, namely the “Super Seekrit Flammenwerfer Club” page and the “Guns of Gab” page threw me out, and blocked me from trying to rejoin. A shitty, petty thing IMO. Especially in light that as far as I know, –I’m– the O.G. Flammenwerfer guy out there… That happened a few weeks ago… The “Guns of Gab” ‘dump and ban’ happened just a day or two ago… just after I poasted about the Manville MM-1 26.5mm Grenade Launcher that WiscoDave and I had discussed both via email, and in the comments.

When I went back to check, I’d been ‘dumped and banned’
Like I said “Meh”
My bitch? At least tell me why you did it. Don’t be a fucking cunt and hide because you lack the sack to stand up and tell me (even as a ‘keyboard warrior’) to go and fuck myself.
I fucking hate petty shit like that.
It’s how a split would act.
Without going into too much detail about World Events, Russia is still winning. The Krainians got lucky, but are still losing, and “World Ends at 11:00, Putin is still Hitler, OrangeManBad again and film at….?”

Add on “Judicial Corruption” at oh so many levels!!!!
As they said in “Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome”
” ‘Member THIS???”

For those of you who don’t know
THAT is the mugshot of the Corrupt-o-crat Juvenile Judge that fucked us out of the custody of our Granbaby #2 Adriana… The mugshot was taken for his, at last count 3 felonies, and 2 misdemeanors. ALL in dealing with Forgery, Bribery, and general scumbaggery. The piece of shit is named Daniel G. Boyd. He’s a product of his shit-family. His Great Grandaddy was a Judge, and his Daddy was a Judge, and I’m sure the whole fucking clan is as corrupt and bent as a fucking blackthorn root. That being the root an Irish favorite, the shillelagh club, is made out of…
I’d like to take a fucking shillelagh to that fuckers finger joints, hands, feet and toes, ankles, elbows, knees, shoulder sockets, and then just leave him to suffer. Crippled and fucked over… just like he did to our Gran. Because fuck that guy…
Why he hasn’t been disbarred is only an indication of just how utterly fucked a situation like this is. A KNOWN piece of shit, who had other corruption charges and suspensions of his law license and the fucker is still walking around free!?!
Two Tiered Justice… even in Hillybilly East Tennessee.
So color me not surprised to hear that the OrangeManBad persecutor, the negress “LoveBuns” and her co-conspirator “SexMachine” are dirty as fuck as well… the testimony there was a shit show, and come to find out, the Judge in that case? Yeah, seems he’s a supporter of “LoveBuns” and had donated and pushed to get her (s)elected.
Tell you what’s missing here from the discussion:
The media continually hiding and covering up any and ALL blaq peccadillos. No matter HOW BIG the crime… no matter HOW SMALL the crime… be it petite larceny, a minor rape, a murder or five? ALL are forgiven and covered up by today’s Ministries of Propaganda and Lies. And because of this, we’re seeing a major increase in blaq crime or ALL flavors…
Be it murder, rape… you name the crime on the violent side commited by blaqs, and it’s increasing exponentially. Add on the increase in what’s called ‘white collar crime’ like the bullshit “LoveBuns” and “SexMachine” have done?
They’re fucking emboldened
Because of the inability of ANY of the Organs of the various Ministries of Lies and Propaganda to call a spade a spade, or in this case a criminal nigger a criminal, period fucking dot point blank, they (the blaqs) feel that the ‘magic blaq skin color’ means an automatic pass/get out of jail free card for them. They (the two fucktards in question) are not afraid especially in light of the fact that the Judge on the case is a fucking supporter of “LoveBuns“!!! That in itself should have been known or at least ADMITTED to by the Judge at the beginning of this farce of a trial in order to self-disqualify himself…
But seeings how he didn’t … That right there tells me the ‘fix’ was in at the very fucking start of that whole fucking sham.
This will not end well…
ALL of them fuckers should get hung…
And one side note:
She AND her Dad on the stand said that she paid “SexMachine” back $30k or moar!!! with “…money she just had laying around the house…” because “…most blaq folks don’t trust banks.” Well, to me, I’d say that her house just got moved up on the local crime syndicate’s radar… God Knows -I’d- risk a B&E if I knew there was potentially $30,000.00 or moar in cash laying around that dizzy whores house…
Jes’ Sayin’
Considering that the majority of them (da blaq folks, to include “LoveBuns” and “SexMachine”) ain’t fucking rocket scientists, despite the claims by the various DotGov run Ministries of Propaganda and Lies, they, da blaqs in this case, keep thinking that “Yas! Weez gonna keep doing whut we be doin’, and Lording it ova Da Man! Weez be untouchable and Kangz and Shee-it!”
Until they can’t…
THEN it might get ugly
Case in point.
Today I was going through the Publix Parking Lot. Not in a rush, not really worried. Two people, one an elderly White Lady, the other a 20+/- something blaq chick, waiting to cross the road/lane in front of me. No joke, I stopped (it’s the law in FL to stop at a crosswalk) and Nice old White Lady, waved at me, smiled and moved out with a purpose.
Shaniqua? Not so fucking mucho.
She had her phone already out. She looked directly at me, and simply c-r-a-w-l-e-d at the slooooowest pace possible to cross the intersection/crosswalk, and even had the temerity to stop in the middle of the crosswalk for like 5 seconds, while occasionally glaring at me.
Took a serious amount of chanting the “I don’t want to go to Jail I don’t want to go to Jail I don’t want to go to Jail I don’t want to go to Jail” mantra to not get out of the car, and pistol whip that arrogant racist cunt a couple of times for good measure.
Which after the fact made me pause
Might be the reason they keep acting that way.
No one has made it painful for them to understand that that’s not acceptable behavior from a supposed civilized human being… I mean when you’re dealing with animals, a certain amount of ‘negative stimulus’ can work wonders…
Makes you think…
Problem is in our current political climate, ain’t shit changing until the shooting starts… which I figure is about August IMO. Just a feeling, no intel, but it’d make sense as they cannot allow the Corpse-in-Chief….errr… Cheat maybe? To actually run… they’re going to need to have something radical and stupid happen to suspend the (s)elections. August is good riot weather… so that’s why I chose it… close enough to the November timeframe, and enough for them to get their ‘footsoldiers’ out and doing stupid shit. That’s my current take at least…
Your Thoughts?
So an Update to the GiveSendGo: we broke $16,000.00 for the fundraiser. It’s helped out already, in that the ‘out of pocket’ appointment costs are retarded due to “ObamamessiahCare” and the ‘alternative’ treatments, especially the MAF (macrophage activation factor) from Japan are OMG pricey. God knows I’m seriously praying she doesn’t lose her hair…
Filed under “Things I Never Knew” but a good wig!?! Holy. Fucking. Hells. Batman. I didn’t pay that much for my first fucking car man!!! Whew… either way the Next Step is to finish off the tests, and see the Doc up round North of Here. I’ll keep you all updated, and again, Gretchen and I send our Love and Thanks for the support.
More Later
Big Country