Five Days In January and Maybe a Dead Pool?

Greetings and Salutations!
Well thank goodness! For a minute I was worried…

Wow… Tell me you’re going to try and kill him, without coming right out and telling me that you’re going to try to kill him…

Bizzaroworld 101.

Clownshoes baby, nuthin’ but Clownshoes…

Tell you what… makes a man proud to hear that the G-Men are on top of things. Got to make sure them eee-vil whytte sooperpreemicysts don’t take a shot at OrangeManBad! Nosiree By God!

Jeez… I just can’t… I threw up a little bit in my mouth while writing that bile… I mean there’s humor, then all of a sudden, you realize it’s a farcical tragicomedy unfolding right in front of you.

Add on there are soooo many other indicators that are pointing in the exact opposite direction. James O’Keefe who recently busted some former G-Man who was (operative word) an advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (DotMil) talking about how he and a “…couple of retired two and three star Generals” were meeting and from the sounds of it conspiring to “do something” to “stop OrangeManBad”.

Apparently after the Holiday Season we have Sedition and Treason Season.

And it seems that Jamie Mannina was immediately shitcanned after this broadcast came out.

Guess he just got turned into fucking Plutonium.

Ain’t no one no how is ever hire that fucking guy again.

Even funnier is allll the bragging he was doing was to score some pussy, which belonged to the female who was actually the undercover ‘date’ who fried his ass.

It’ll get ya every single time.
Personally, I’d say that he’ll be ‘Epsteined’ for that fuckup. And then they’ll point the finger at O’Keefe and his family will probably sue or some shit because that’s how Leviathan rolls… Have to wait and see on that one…

Moving on…

Back to the Bureau of Idiots proclamation that “All it Well! Remain Calm!” O’Keefe then had an interesting follow up a few weeks earlier that’s now getting some play on a different subject that ties into the opening headline I gave y’all:

You have to read the whole thing, but the TL;DR is basically the Health and Human Services via the Office of Emergency Management kids put out a request for an “all hands on deck” for the Veterans Administration to provide potentially needed Emergency Medical Services on Inauguration Day in the District of Criminals.

So far all requests to find out if this sort of request has ever been sent out before via FOIA requests have been met with Nada. Zip. El-Zilch-O.

Now interestingly this is now coming to light, as the Memo is dated December 10, 2024. The mission parameters start on January 17th, until January 21st, with travel days to and from being designated as well. They’re specifically looking for 2x Paramedics, 2x RNs with ED/ER/med-surg certs, 2x Medical Doctors/Osteopathic Doc, or 2x Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners. One common thing is they ALL need to be Emergency Room/Trauma certified.

Now it’s not uncommon for a BIG EVENT to have extra Medical folks on standby. What -is- highly unusual that this call is being put out to the Veterans Administration, which is very odd to say the least. Never mind that it’s going out to ALL the VISNs nationally. VISN stands for Veterans Integrated Service Network. VISNs are regional healthcare systems that provide care to veterans in the United States. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has 18 VISNs. My VA, James Haley, is in VISN 8 I believe.

Like everyone else, I’m curious that if this is a first or if this common, and we’re just hearing about it now for the first time? Far be it for me to trust the DotGov/Mil or any other part of the Leviathan, I do know (and have first hand experiences) that there’s a LOT of shit that happens in the background that gets ignored in the ‘static’ of everything… I mean it is The Leviathan so I wouldn’t doubt if this is a regular thing that someone this time just happened to notice…

Either way you couldn’t pay me to be in D.C. or anywhere near that A.O. over the next week or two. Fuck that noise.

Moving on to the California Fires.

I got nothing for them. NONE of them.

North Carolina has been left to ‘die on the vine’ and people are still living in tents, in some seriously hostile environs, while the Hollywood Fucktards are bemoaning the losses of their mansions and shit…
Fuck Them
I got NOTHING for them except hatred and contempt.
This’s Gods way of saying “You get what you fucking deserve.”

MY only question about this is about the Homeowners Insurance companies. I mean damned near ALL of the Homeowners Insurance in that ENTIRE Area of Operations was cancelled like juuust before these raging blazes. Some have even said ‘suspiciously so’… With that in mind, should we start a Dead Pool on which CEO gets whacked first?

I mean there’s got to be another Luigi ‘waiting in the wings’ right? Seeing that total pay does not include End of Year bonuses, stock options and the perks of like private jets, limos and the like?

If –I– were one of those guys, I’d be locating to like Fiji or some other far away remote location.

I personally think a Dead Pool would be most appropriate. I’m not encouraging anything, nor condoning anything at all and none of this should be taken seriously as I’m just some rando-former DotMil Tard who like to blow smoke so to speak… That being said, I’m pretty good on knowing human nature, and I’m pretty damned sure that out there there’s at least one or two seriously pissed off former homeowners (now the owner of a pile of charred rubble) who are thinking bad and evil things to do to the CEO of whatever company they used to have their homeowners policy through…

How many people were affected? Like as of now some of the numbers I’m seeing are like 12000 homes at a minimum have been “Dresden’d”. All it takes is one motivated pissed off motherfucker… And according to some sources the top three companies that flat out denied claims from the 2023 fires were, in order, Farmers Insurance, which denied around 50 percent of claims for payment, and then USAA who denied 48 percent of claims, and lastly, Allstate Insurance, which denied 46 percent of claims. I’d say between denied claims and cancelled policies, and a bunch of pissed off folks, it’s quite the tinderbox they’ve built for themselves, no pun intended.

Jes’ Sayin’

And tomorrow I’ll be (hopefully) doing an unveiling of the newest project. No reveal until I have it ready to go, but it’ll be interesting, educational and y’all will dig it I’m sure.

So those are my thoughts. Let me know yours in the comments
More Later
Big Country

You’d Think I Would Have Learned By Now…

Greetings and Salutations!
Man… life lessons…
The Rules of Life…
What have you. There’s just so many… too many to keep track of… “Never get out of the boat.” “Don’t run with scissors.” “Don’t eat at McDonalds past 11pm.”

I forgot about the Mickey D’s Rule on our drive home.

Goyslop. All of it. But it was Midnight after a VERY long day and I needed -something- just to fill the hole in my gut, and and at midnight, choices are extremely limited. There was a Burger King, or a McDonalds, and I went with option number two…

Got to the Casa at about 0130. Did the barest minimum of a download of gear… the Chili-Pupper, who we took as the MomUnit loves doogies, the weapons, and my toothbrush… that was about it. Both Gretchen and I were utterly exhausted, both emotionally and physically, and I figured we can get to it when we get to it.

So, off to bed.

Gretchen hit the pillow so hard I swear I heard it crack. She was out cold. Myself? Wellll this’s where things got ‘dicey’… I couldn’t initially sleep as my legs were vibrating, which is something I get after some serious long distance driving… they’re not actually vibrating, but that’s how they feel… it usually goes away after about 30 to 45 minutes of laying down, so I expected it.

I’ve been reading a series of new-ish Science Fiction on my Kindle “Decline and Fall of The Galactic Empire” by Andrew Moriarty. Six books, and I really like the interplay between the various characters. Some of it has been some genuine ‘made me laugh out loud’ stuff… anyway… I had my book, and I figured to knock out some of it whilst awaiting dreamland.

About 0230, the guts got ‘unhappy’… I sat up, and whoooooa! MAD dizzy. Like ‘could not stand up’ dizzy. So we’ve got a four-poster bed, so like when I need an assist, I grabbed the post, and heaved my carcass upright.

Bad move. Double vision and a brain-freeze/rush.

I sat down hard enough that it woke the Missus. I told her I needed to get to the bathroom as I knew this was a ‘going to purge the guts’ scenario, but that I was INOP. Hearing this, Gretchen went and grabbed a big plastic mixing bowl from the kitchen, and got it to me on time which was a good thing. I managed to keep the gorge in place until she got the bowl to me, and even thoughtfully put two paper towels at the bottom to keep the splashback to a minimum. BTW take that as a pro-tip if you’ve never heard of that… Gretch introduced that to me, which again, a good thing.

What was a bad thing was the fart-that-wasn’t-a-fart.

Yeeeeeeah… Ugly-Ugly.

I was done. I’ve been down until about a few hours ago. The car is still needing unloading. Gretchen thankfully only had one bite off of said-Chikin Sammich, so she was on alert, and made sure that when she farted, she was already secured to The Royal Throne. She was an absolute Goddess and made sure to have Sapper get me Pedialyte, as I was getting so highly dehydrated, gave me meds when appropriate, and most importantly took care of the bedding after I nuked it.

Yeah, no embarrassment on my part. Literally “Shit Happens” and shitting oneself in Iraq was so common that one night at a party, we were playing spades, and one of my bros cut what we thought was a huge wet fart, to which we started all howling with laughter (we all had a pretty good snootful at this point) so a LOUD fart at this point was utterly hilarious. He then announced “Dammit! I done sharted!!!” and we lost it even harder… I handed him a roll of paper towels and a bottle of Windex, and asked that he wipe down the seat if he could as he was departing so we could continue the game with his replacement…

A “Proper Gentleman” always ‘Polices His Poo’ under such circumstance don’t you know?

But yepper
I gots me one Hell of a Good Woman
And I’m lucky AF for it.
Thankful too.

Otherwise, I really don’t have much to contribute tonight. Haven’t seen the news for like a week? or so now? I’m surprised at my lack of ‘withdrawals’ as I’m normally addicted to following the current ‘stupid’ but lately, the break has been good for me I think. Less stress.

The only observation I’ve had recently is just how quickly that the Vegas Bomber story got memory holed when the Special Forces guys who like actually served with the poor bastard started coming out and saying that the whoooole story reeked to high heaven. Another aspect that I noticed is if he was a Team Lead, just where are the other members of his ODA???Questions, questions… a whoooole lotta questions… That and pissing off the guys who are trained to train locals to form an Insurgency against whatever DotGov is running the show for the aforementioned locals are at is a really bad fucking idea donchaknow?

“Nice country… be a shame if the Local Population rose up and killed all of you…”

I’m waiting on confirmation on something about that, and IF I get it, I’ll let you know. Backchannels and all.

Otherwise, it’s great to be home, and I’ve kind of missed y’all. I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after and the day after. I’m waiting on some possible good news regarding a potential sponsorship, so that too is on the radar. I’ll update that when I hear.

So More Later
Big Country

Re-Establishing Contact

Greetings and Salutations!
So far, so cold but hey, it’s a nice change to step away from everything and just try to relax. Took the past two days and just did a big fat pile of NOTHING. Been visiting with MomUnit… unwound a bit, did a lil grocery shopping and cooking for pleasure.

I needed this.

Then last night, I realized I have a local contact… a Brother From Another Mother whom I worked with back Pre-Iraq (2000 to 2003) at Harvard Vanguard in the IT Department. He was one of our top network Engineers, and we formed a pretty damned tight friendship. In fact MOST of the old HVMA crew? We’re all for the most part still in contact with each other.

I remembered last night he’d moved down here outside of Charleston, so I reached out. He called me at 0800 this AM, and we set up a meet up, with HIS NewWife, Myself and Gretchen.

This fucking guy… he and his brothers (IRL fam) adopted me into his Clan so to speak, and TBH they sent me more care packages and shit to me while I was in Iraq than MomUnit and DeadDad did.

True but funny story about his FIRST care package: This might be hysterical to those who might have ‘done time’ in Iraq as you’ll ‘get it’. I had been there about 5, maybe 6? months. One afternoon at about lunchtime, I got a call telling me that I had a very large package that showed up at the Al Faw Palace mailroom.

That was the CJTF-7/MNC-I HQ Headquarters Mailroom, AKA “The General/Occifers” mailroom.

The mailroom was located on the far right of that pic… that first silver vehicle? Where the end of the hood is? If you go straight back to that tall opening there, THAT was the mailroom. Now, CJTF-7/MNC-I being defined as “Combined Joint Task Force 7” and MNC-I being “Multi-National Corps – Iraq”… Thing of it was, this was May 2004, and the CJTF was being changed over to the MNC-I name… either way…

It was very odd for me to get mail there. In fact I think it was the first and ONLY time I got something sent there as opposed to the ‘normal’ mailroom. Personnel were assigned to specific mailrooms so as to cut down on the missing/misrouted and lost mail… This, as I said, was not my normal pick up point.

So I bounced down there, and by this time, I was pretty well known on VBC… The mail clerk saw me, and when I gave him my ID, he was like “Ohhhhhh! So this is your real name Big Country?” It wasn’t the first time this had happened, so I confirmed it, to which he tells me the package had been sitting around for a few weeks ‘cos they had no idea who “Billy Coughlin” was, as A) I wasn’t assigned to this mailroom, and B) No ONE knew my real name for the most part. EVERYBODY knew Big Country, but not the IRL moniker.

Smitty sent a private to get my box, and while we were waiting, he then said “Maaaan… you got some asshole friends Bro! The crate is a liquor box! And that customs form? We all had a good laugh about it!” Needless to say, my curiosity was piqued. I also was mildly concerned as yes, I DO have some ‘asshole friends’… I mean for all I knew, it could have been a Box O’Rubber Dicks or a Swedish Penis Pump… Jes’ Sayin’

Pvt Joe Snuffy came out, and sure as shit, it was one of them Boxes… either 12 liters of alcohol or 6 handles that would be considered a ‘case ‘booze’. I then looked at the customs form, which listed 12 liters of booze, ALL different flavors so to speak. OK… fine… It was when I saw the return addy I realized the truth and the ‘internal monolog’ practically screamed out “Oh Holy Shit!!!!!”

I played it cool, and chuckled, and told Smitty that, Yeah, my former coworkers were dicks, and that I’d save him some jerky or socks or whatever the fuck they had actually packed.

I immediately grabbed the box, hauled ass out of there before questions were asked (“So what -is- in the box Big Country?”) back to my hooch, and opened up my “Christmas In May” gift.

For those of you not in the know, we… ALL of us, from the lowest Private to the Highest Occifer (which was oh so much bullshit, another story for another time, but occifers ALWAYS had booze or the ability to get it) were under General Order Number One: No Booze, No Sex and No Rock n’Roll so to speak. If it was fun, relaxing or interesting, it was Strengstens Verboten (strictly forbidden).

This was riiiiight before they started X-Raying bulk mail, in particular packages, so somehow “The Gods Of Good Booze” managed to get my Bestest Frens “care package” to me.

It was impressive. A Bottle of Gentleman Jack, one of his brothers Johnny Black, Jimmy Beam Single Barrel, Bottle of Baileys, Bottle of Kahlua… gin, tequila, vodka… all 12 bottles of really top shelf booze. A Grade-A complete selection that made me and my Hooch one of the best stocked Bars in Baghdad instantly.

Needless to say I spread the word to my Infantry Brethren in 2/8 Cav who were all the Infantry Elements and that I used to ‘run and gun’ with in my off hours… back in those heady days of Wine and Roses, I’d occasionally go ‘outside the wire’ (completely off the books mind you) on missions with these kids. I didn’t do much… I was mostly a JAFO, but I still dug rolling in the back of a HMMWV or a Brad while they went door kicking.

JAFO = Just A Fucking Observer.
Still, I felt honored that they let me ‘go out and play’ with them. Their LT was ‘on the payroll’ so to speak, meaning he got his booze through me and Lil Country, so what I used to do was wear the Three Color DCU pants, my Merrill Contactor Combat Sneaks, and gun up. Between the beard, and the weapons, (my H&K MP-5) and all the rest of my gear, if anyone asked who I was, the reply was “He’s an SF/Intel/Company Observer”…

I mean I sure as hell looked the part.
Right out of Central Casting…

That usually took care of it. Plus we usually rolled out and hit the SP (start point) at about 22:00. Not too many folks around to ask questions, so cool. I only did it like 3, maaaaybe 4 times. Mainly because I usually had already done a full 10-12 hour day already, so my ass would be dragging for a loooong while after such shenanigans.
Good Times, Good Times…

So since I had to take care of my boys, that night, since there were no activities on the mission schedule, it was Steaks and Booze at Big Country’s Bar and Grill. One of the best nights I ever had in Bagdad…

And it was all thanks to dis fukkin guy:

B-2 as I’ll call him here, was, is and always will be my brother. Reason he’s B-2 is there are three of us with names that start with B. B-1 would be me, B-2 is him, and the missing part of the Old Crew, B-3 form up the old “1-2-3 Booze!” crew from HVMA. It wasn’t any official naming of our lil crew of degenerates, but every Friday, usually around 14:00, when we’d see each other while working, we’d yell out “1-2-3 BOOZE!” to each other in anticipation of the after work bar hopping.

B-3 would usually come by and give us a countdown: “Hey! It’s 45 minutes (or however long it was) ’til Booze-O-Clock! Best get ready Gentlemen!” B-3 had been a 1stLT in the Army who from my understanding got cashiered for punching out his utterly worthless CO, so of course, my kind of people. Hopefully we can co-ordinate a meetup AGAIN with the whole Booze Crew in the near future. THAT group of people are some of the best I ever worked with…

So More Later, I’m on the road home tomorrow, so no idea on Posting.
Big Country

On VayKay for the First Time in YEARS!

Greetings and Salutations for South Carolina’s Low Country!

NGL… It’s niiiice to GTF out of dodge and visit w/MomUnit for the first time I -think- since 2019? Not sure… like there might have been a visit in there since then but TBH in 2020 when the ‘Vid hit MomUnit like many of the other elders went into full on lockdown mode rather than risk the as the Critical Drinkler calls it the “Virus of Unknown Origin”

It hasn’t been without it’s ‘issues’
I’m not going to focus on them, but so far is the score is One Dislocated Ring Finger, a set of Road Rash, MAD soreness and lumps bumps and bruises, and this’s just day fucking one.

I’m not going to go too deeply into some of it ‘cos it involves a lot of family drama, and the fact that yet again I’m unfortunately being proven absolutely Goddamned right about Dumbcunt again. I’ll just leave it at that.

And the various physical issues are from Chili
She’s still got mental issues, and is scared of her own shadow. Like seriously mentally ill.
Even with a Xanax… a full tab she goes into full flight mode constantly and tonight was ANOTHER instance where she managed to take me out during a walk in a blind panic. I’ve raised twitchy dogs… Hell, Spawn #2 had a full blooded Collie that was wrapped a weeee bit too tight, but she mellowed with age…

Chili is almost a full loss…. She’s due to be fixed, but right now? I dunno man. I spent $45 on a “Thundershirt” and all it did what put her in ‘frozen piss on the floor scared mode’ when I gently wrapped her up in it. Then she refused to move. I’ve never seen a dog so scared of everything and she absolutely is NOT improving. I just can’t figure it out… any and all suggestions are welcome. She’s NEVER been abused/hurt/or anything. Only the cats fucked with her when she first showed up at the house, but she’s sooooo terrified of everything my only conclusion is she’s got a screw loose.

So part of the ‘summons’ here is it seems MomUnit had a few medical issues, as she wanted to see me. She’s not dying, but methinks the heart surgery gave her a shake on the Mortality Clock. Either way, we’re have a good reunion.

SO I’ll be sporadic AF as I’m here thru Sunday.
Also, ONE question:
I cannot find a .312/.314/.316 slug to ‘slug’ the barrel juuuust to see what the width of the inner part of the barrel. The ONE slugging kit out there is discontinued. I need to slug it to figure out the reloasd factor, so any help would be appreciated.

So Ima gettin’ ‘nother beer.
More Later
Big Country

A Bit Late But Mystery Solved!

Greetings and Salutations!
So we had to take Sapper back to the VA this evening at 20:00 per the Doc’s instructions so we’d get the same ER Doc who treated him last night.

Good News/Bad News.

Good News is the actual re-packing of the wound took about ten minutes, and the drainage looks great. They’ll stich him tomorrow if it looks as good as it did tonight.

Bad News: Oh Holy Hells was the ER fucking packed tighter than a tick on a Coon Dawgs ass. Like ALL the sick veterans in there tonight… ALL of them. We didn’t get in until almost midnight. And unlike Applebees or Chilis, you have until wait until called. No leaving or you lose your place in line.

At least we had our Kindles.

Which BTW, 47 books read last year in total, and I missed one fucking day out of a perfect year dammit!!!! That being on December 30th when I was out cold running that fever for 2-3 days nonstop.
364 days that I read…
GRRRRR again.
This year I’ll get the full year in, come Hell or High Water dammit…

THEN after the Doc took care of Sapper, I-75 going home was down to ONE LANE for construction, which added a good 45 minutes to the drive home. The traffic was minimal, but between the Lookie-Lou’s checking out the construction, and general retardation that seem to be oh so prolific on ‘Muricas! Interstates these days? Yeah that was an hour and a half to get home.

Thankfully I got my beer on the way there TO the ER as last night my resupply was buggered up by the timing… I mean I could have reupped at 7-11, but the ‘juice’ ain’t worth the ‘premium squeeze’ if you will, as an 18 pack of my favorite swill is like $4 a pack MOAR at the PajeetMart.

I did however when I first got home took care of my biddness.

I hung the SMLE on the wall where it was destined to go either way, as a magnificent rifle/rebuild deserves to be Gloriously Placed On Display in the Big Country Museum of Mayhem.

I dropped the H&K banner down eight inches, and put the rifle hooks up. I might drop the banner another 3-4 inches, leaving the rear stock w/out an overlap, as I mis-measured it. Tough call as either way, the esthetics are still good IMO. I will probably replace/relocate the Sig sign, and put something more “British-y-er” in it’s place.

I have –somewhere– in storage an Australian WW1/2 Slouch Hat that’d do the trick I reckon. It’s got an Emu-Plume on it and a Australian Army badge and everything… Queensland Cavalry as I remember…

Yeah I got a LOT of hats man.
50+ years collecting.

And yeah, that’s a reproduction SS Officers Dagger, but the belt is a genuine MG-34 50 round belt of 7.92mm with steel boolits and with starter tab.

How I do love my collection.
I might have to do a full on post on that… maybe put it on my long-dormant substack, as I’ve been very remiss there and I have a LOT of new free follower sign ups as of late.

Now, after placing the Lee Enfield on the wall, and as a note, I put it up there not because of the shooting findings the other day. It is NOT a wall hanger for lack-of-function. No no no. This’s ‘cos it deserves to be displayed IMO. I mean I worked my ass off restoring it right?

Anywho… I did a thing tonight right after I set the hooks. I measured the crown, and then measured the rounds that I was shooting. I took a 5 round sample out of both types and measured them at the crown, where the bullet is seated into the shell casing. As to my findings of the muzzle-crown?

The crown width “off of the rifling” (i.e. NOT on the rifling itself, but between the grooves, or is it the lands?) came out to .318.
The rifling measurement was about .002 less… call it .316
For this particular rifle
Other rifles, YMMV

The rounds I was firing?
I measured a random sample of 5 rounds each.

The 180gn JHP PPU Privi rounds measured in width at .310

The Greek 170gn FMJBT was .308!!!

No fucking wonder I was keyholing like a sumbitch.

Mind you, for those that want to question my methodology:

I have 3 sets on micrometer-calipers. One is none, two is aight, three, especially when the third is not digital, but analog (old fashion dial) then I know that my measurements are at least as accurate as a Shyttehouse Gunsmythee like myself can be.

They ALL confirmed/conformed within a +/-10% variance (one of the digital said one of the rounds (the PPU) was at .306! which threw things off a wee bit numbers wise) that these fucking things? When shot? They went rattlin’ down the barrel like a rice grain blown through a straw… which explains a LOT!

The barrel passed gauging, the headspace passed gauging.

And the groups were pretty damned tight despite… I mean it’s no where NEAR a sniper rifle, but I’ll take hitting a 5 inch wide target, with a BIG honking round like a .303 Brit at the ranges I was shooting, stumbling and tumbling like a drunken Marine anytime.

So my guess?
Undersized bullets for whatever reason
Maybe cost savings?
Who knows?
Maybe meant to be shot through a MK1 Model 4?
(Of which I’m waiting delivery on r/n)

My plan is to do two things.
One is fire-lap the barrel, just for general purposes. Thanks for y’all who suggested that… I’d never heard of that trick before, but then again, I’ve never had to deal with this sort of issue before…
Can’t hurt right?
I’m going to TRY and find some FMJ .314-.318 diameter rounds to hand load. If I can’t find them, then I’ll look at casting my own flat-bottomed girls so to speak in pure lead. THAT should take care of the tumbling either way.

So it’s now 02:40, and I have to work in the next 3-4 hours.
More Later
Big Country

The Enfield After Action Report

Greetings and Salutations!
So, it’s never going to be a ‘tack driver’.

I didn’t get pics of the target… call it ‘shewtin’ fever’ as I was just oh so pleased to be getting some recoil therapy, as it’s no where often enough that I get to get some trigger time. I purely forgot to.

That being said, well… the crap and shytte in the barrel is completely shot out now, and as I found out, so’s the rifling to a point.

My guess is too many corrosive rounds between 1939 and now.
I’d grade it at ‘fair’
My reasoning is I was still getting a 2-3 inch 5 round group at 50 yards off the bench rest, and a 4-5 inch group off hand but ‘strapped in’ with the sling.

The problem was the rounds were spinning and cantering like a pure dee motherfucker. Every 2nd or 3rd round was either hitting sideways, or at an angle. Like I’m not that heartbroken as I’m hitting what I aim at. There’s also the benny of a .303 Brit round that hits sideways? Talk about ‘scattering and splattering’ a motherfucker.

OK Bit of an emergency here… This time it’s Sapper. He’s ok, but he’s had this BIG fucking cyst on his ribcage for a few years now, and he just walked in from work and it seems it sort of burst like EUUUW!

Off to the VA to get that handled. (Never a dull fucking moment here I swear!)
More Later
Big Country

Being Busy Busy Here, More Later As We Roll

Greetings and Salutations!
Got the Nukular Powered Redhead here this weekend.

Between the Red Hot Chili Pupper remembering her and thinking she’s her bestest fren EVER!, the two of them are running Myself, the wife, the two cats and Stella The Sausage Princess ab-so-loot-lee ragged.

I got some more ‘stuff’ coming, but TBH having a wee bit of family time and a break has been nice.

Exhausting AF

But nice.
Tomorrow is a “Zero the Lee Enfield” day so I’ll have a follow on on that as well. The stock repair came out magnificently as you can see:

The brass pin is visible, but perfectly recessed, as planned.

So More Later
Big Country

Make It Make Sense? OK. My Theory on Vegas.

Greetings and Salutations!
OK gang! Down the rabbit hole.

They’ve ID’d the guy who blew himself up in front of Trump Tower yesterday. Supposedly the mook in question is Matthew Livelsberger.

Or should I say Master Sergeant Livelsberger of 10th Special Forces Group?

How about that?
Know what I say?

Per a rando on Twitter, this what The Brotherhood has been finding and/or saying:

MY theory?
Oh the guy is dead. No question. Personally? I think someone there saw a GREAT opportunity. It’s blatantly apparent that the Federal Bureau of Incompetence dropped a rather big ball regarding the Aloha Snackbar Incident (if they didn’t actively assist in the perpetrating of it that is).

They dropped the ball so hard it passed straight through the planet and is now in orbit. Stevie Wonder can see how badly they fucked up. From Alpha Centauri.

So someone realized that they had a way of fixing some ‘stuff’ real quick. You and I know that there’s been casualties in the Krain. US DotMil casualties. On occasion the Russians actually find the stiffs and IDs and are able to show them, and invariably, the dead have been ‘deserters’ or ‘AWOL’ or ‘retired’ when they were killed. My intel actually tells me that they were ‘sheep dipped’ and there, under ‘double secret probation orders’, I.E. they were never there, but they were, but the Secretary would disavow any activity or words to that affect.

Any bets the MSGT was KIA’d in the Krain?

I mean they got his ID card:

Which is most definitely a wee bit roastie-toasty.
(Shades of the 9/11 passport anyone?)

But as they said on the Daily Fail:

AT the bottom there:

Huh… “…burned beyond recognition”
What a cohensidence.
And the ID card juuuust managed to survive?
How conveeeeeeenient!!!

Someone pulled this guy’s info, and went “It’s Perfect!”
Why do you ask? Well…

He’s exactly the very definition of a TERRORIST that the Feds have been screaming about for the past four fucking retarded years.

White? Check.
Veteran? Check.
Combat Experienced? Check
Radicalized? Check
Disgruntled? Unknown but pretty sure by trying to tie him to his EX WIFEs OrangeManBad’s obsession, that’s the link. And yeah… he’s divorced which I find has hardly rated a mention by the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda.

And Her? The pic IMO speaks for itself:

Shithouse Crazy eyes IMO.
Bugshit Crazy.
Not only that her home of record is Mexico…
Say it with me: How conveeeeeeenient!!!

And breaking news is that supposedly, HE SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD BEFORE THE TRUCK BLEW!

Man, the bullshit stacks up around here so fast, you need wings to stay above it, to borrow a line from Coppola.

So yeah.
They quickly nigger-rigged some barely functional bomb and had it blow up in front of Trump Tower. Now speaking from experience, I was just a plain ole Infantryman. Granted in some High Speed units. I got to do a week long demolition class while in. VERY fun time, learning how to cut I-Beams w/det-cord, making a monkey-fist w/det cord and how to measure timer cord… making Heap BIG boomy-boom, making IEDs, cutting trees down… all the shit I was in the Army to do.


-I- could have made a better and more functional IED that that.

What the fuck do you think a 19 year fully qualified Special Fucking Forces Team Leader could do? Just short of a nuclear weapon I’d wager. That limp-assed firecracker? That was a joke.

Looking at it, it looks like 4-5 cans of Coleman White Gas, and maybe one or two 5 pound tins of gunpowder of some kind. The fireworks are a given now, so alllllll of that was “The Bomb/IED”?

Weak Fucking Sauce that Aye?

And all the people saying “But muh availability!!!” and shit like that? That that was the best he could do? Puhhh-leeeeeze!

Anyone who know SF or worked with SF knows that “availability” is NOT an issue. True story: While I was at Campbell in 94, for the first time ever, they did a Health and Welfare on the 7th 5th Group Barracks. (Corrected and Thanks to John… Too many beers/years!) Most of them weren’t home.

The amount of shit they found? while being kept on the down low was positively insane. Even the Brass, they couldn’t hide the fact that the fully equipped DsHK 12.7mm Heavy Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun, complete with ADA Tripod, sight and ammunition was found… the Beanie who had it in his room ‘donated it’ to the Base Museum where it’s on display to this day.

So no, Virginia, I don’t buy that he couldn’t get ahold of any better supplies. Some of the guys I knew in SF and were really good friends with kept bricks of C4 on hand ‘just in case/need’ back in the day, and that was back when inventory control was faaar worse than the past ten years… I wouldn’t doubt if the GWOT vets out there have some ‘souvenirs’ stashed for a rainy day or two either…

And the Feds? By doing this, they now get to spend all their time justifying the invariable new hunt(s) for “Eeee-vil Whytte Superpreemiecycts” instead of focusing on their near absolute failure(s) to deal with Sudden Jihadi Syndrome AGAIN. Notice how NOW there’s no longer a manhunt for the three dudes and one split who were on fucking camera planting fucking IEDs all over the city!?!

One last time: How conveeeeeeenient!!!

So yep.
So MSGT Livelsberger: May He Rest in Peace.

Once things come out, this dishonorable stain will be removed, and the perpetrators/pieces of shit in human form who performed such a cowardly act for political points will be hung from lampposts if I have my way. Leave their rotting corpses for the crows, and the bodies of their damnable spawn dead at their feet, so as to erase their lineage from this Earth, as those so dishonorable and despicable deserve no memorial, nor descendants. Salt the ground from which they came, and let no one remember them except as the curse that they are. May their souls rot in Eternal Damnation. AMEN.

So your thoughts?

A Carbon Neutral Terrorist Attack

Greetings and Salutations!
I’m back and Merry New Year!
Tell you what, a guy leaves and takes a few sick days, and all Hell breaks loose. Seems we had ourselves a SJS Incident in the “Big Easy” last night… SJS meaning “Sudden Jihadi Syndrome”.

Seems that the mook in question? Shamshud Din Jabbar is not a illegal, but a US Citizen and a veteran no less. And surprisingly, he was an Environmental Conscientious Terrorist no less. I mean he was driving a electric Ford Pickup right?

Play Dead Hajii!!!
That’s a goooooood Hajii.
Thing of it is, per usual, there’s so much conflicting info out there. First the Mayor of New Orleans said “Terrorist Attack!!!” and was almost immediately contradicted by the most DEI-Hired FBI Freakoff Fibbie on the planet…

Nothing like Shaniqua’s nose-ring to just scream “professionalism” in my book…

And people wonder why the rest of ‘us’ consider them ALL to be a fucking joke and/or fully and completely INSANE?

Fucking Clownshoes man, nuthin’ but Clownshoes Baby…

And believe you me, I’m not buying any of it

Supposedly dis fukkin guy was in the Army. Someone scraped his LinkedIn before it (as well as ALL of his other social media accounts) got scrubbed:

Chairborne Ranger. IT Specialist.
No wonder he got popped so quickly.
And that the IED failed…
Running off of just that I’m making the call right now:

It’s just too ‘pat’
The “Isis Flag” on the truck that wasn’t there to begin with, then WAS there, but is now in the pics at least ‘rolled up’ which in itself is strange,

Lots of accusations that the Fuzz rolled it up and secured it so as to not offend. MY own observation is this however: The pic above? The flag on the right? Yeeeeeah….

It’s upside down

These are the ISIS / Islamic State Flags correctly set up.

Whomever set that one on the pole on the Ford was fucked up like a monkey trying to fuck a football.

A Haj would have known that.

And shortly after this fun and games, a Tesla Cybertruck blew the fuck up outside of Trump Tower in Vegas:

THAT to me at least looks like a bomb went off inside the trunk of that fucker. You can see the individual lithium batteries popping and bursting alllll over the place after it blew. I’ve seen a lot of footage of Teslas and other electric vehicles going up in flames, but none as energetically as that.

They usually burn… full on nuclear style meltdown… they burn, and burn and burn and keep burning, which is why when they do start burning, the general rule of thumb with fire departments is containment and keep the fire from spreading further. I read somewhere that it takes approximately 250000 gallons of water to douse a Tesla… and even then, depending on the circumstances, they can re-ignite.

Happened over in St. Pete a ways back… a Tesla went up at an intersection, and the St. Pete fire kids -finally- got it under control, and a tow truck was called to haul it off. Somewhere between the initial incident, and the junk yard, it caught fire again, and the tow truck went up with it…

So yeah.
This shit positively glows IMO.
Between us, I think that Leviathan is so desperate to keep the wars up and running, they sent in the Wind Up toy, and then blew the Truck as an ‘exclamation point’ so to speak. I mean lets face it,… now that Assad is out of power, we really don’t have or serve any purpose militarily speaking in Syria except to provide moving targets for whomever has a case of the ass with us at the moment.

Have your basic “Jihadi” do terrible shytte
Start the wars up again.

Another reason I think it’s a glowop?

The Hydraulic Barriers on Bourbon Street were “down for maintenance”…


So far, if this’s an indicator for 2025, I’d like to go back…
To say 1980…
Fuck this noise.

More Later
Big Country

Another Holiday, Another “Everybody Gets Sick” Moment

Greetings and Salutations!
What would another holiday gone by here at The Casa without ALL of us being bedridden and sick? Seems every year, Sapper has to go out to a boat/barge/whatever and interacts with the crew(s) from various nations, and comes home with the ‘latest case of ‘x’

In this case, it was just a head cold
To start with.
Then it got bronchial and full on flu-ish.

Two days after it went bronchial -I- started with the slight head cold, and ended up going down hard right after the gift exchanges on Christmas Eve. ALL of us were down hard. Gretchen as well.

This AM Sapper seems to have recovered quite a bit, so much as he was able to go into . I too am feeling slightly better, but one issue that was sort of related, but not cold related per se, was at one point during a coughing fit, I managed to torque my sciatic nerve…

So now I’m gimping, and while no longer hacking up a lung, I still feel shitty, but better than I was 24 hours ago. I also managed to get in a HOT shower and let the massage head pummel the nerve plexus, and that’s relieved quite a bit of the ouch. That was a niiiice relaxing shower too…

So, I hope everyone had a great lil break from the normal. Unfortunately for me I’m two full Christmas Meals behind, ours and Gretchen’s Parents. A LOT of cooking I need to get done, lest the ingredients go bad, as I’m not sure if you can safely re-freeze a Butterball? Some say yes, some say no. These were defrosted about a week and a half ago, and have been in the fridge since.

I’m sure if I cook ’em up in the next two days, we’ll be fine. The ham(s) are the pre-cooked, and only need to be heated and glazed (sort of like your Mom! >drum riff< ) But besides juvenile humor, I really haven’t been following the news…

The only thing that’s been popping up is the usual bullshit.
I.E. the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda pushing whatever ‘the latest thing’ is.

You’ll notice that “Drones” and “Nukes” as well as alllll the other “shiny-shiny Oh Look Squirrel” stuff that they’d been pushing like cheap heroin on a junkie.

Right now, there’s like a ‘pause on propaganda’

Not sure what to make of it, but I don’t trust the bastards not one whit, and nor should you.

So, I’m off back to bed…
I’m still a wee bit laggard and I’m still not fully over whatever this bug is. Thankfully it -seems- to be minor… just another one of those unexpected unpleasantries that comes along, and almost always at the most inopportune moments, i.e. time off from People’s Glorious Tractor Factory.

So hope you all Ate Drank and Made Merry
More Later
Big Country

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