OK A Bit of a Different Topic: Axes and Then Some Krain Updates

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So during my 10 Minute Mandatory Break at Glorious Peoples Tractor Factory, I checked a couple of international news stories. One of them caught my eye for a multiplicity of reasons. One of which is the “history bug” that I caught loooong time ago, and that I enjoy. In this case it has to do with the rebuild of the Notre-Dame cathedral.

Now, if you remember (before they utterly memory holed the story) the famed Cathedral of Notre-Dame in France suffered a catastrophic fire.

An absolute tragedy that all things considered, IF the perps were to truly become known, my own opinion is that their country that they’re originally from? Drop a fucking Cobalt Bomb man… wipe out their homeland… Fucking savages man…

Word is that they have now stated that during the investigation, that just like Flight 800 (which was shot down…) errr…crashed off Long Island, Notre-Dame too suffered from an ‘accidental short circuit’… In reality there were-slash-are still a number of Haji running around France, torching historically significant Christian Churches, and in this case quite a few were spotted ‘working’ in the area that the fire started, so if it quacks like a duck? Yeeeeeah.

So, the article in question I found?
Man… it’s cool AF

Like for real man…
Forged in Fire stuff right there.
The TL;DR in the Link HERE is that they want the rebuild to be as close to original as possible. In order to do this? They got this guy and a couple of other Master Blacksmiths to start making the axes they need to cut and hew the timbers to the Cathedral. It’s because the original timbers had the tooling marks which meant:

“The axes had to be as close as possible to the originals used by the carpenters who first built the cathedral in the 12th and 13th centuries — so that the new wood beams would bear the same markings as the old.”

Like I said, cool AF.

Things that give you hope right?

Now… moving on…

Things that crack me up.
The very fact that the Krainians have told the US to go ‘pound sand’ as far as settling the current unpleasantness. Looks like a Peace Treaty is no longer on the table, leastways as far as Krainfeld is koncerned.

Seems Krainfeld is pushing a Krainian Konstitutional Amendment stating that they ain’t gonna stop fighting as long as one inch of the Krain is in Russian Hands. That for the War to end, the border has to be restored to the 1991 borders.

Which ain’t happening, not in this lifetime, if even ever.

This means, by and large, that even if the Current Cabal Running the Group Behind the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den WANTED to ‘off-ramp’ the war into a “North Korea/South Korea” situation, Kreinfeld just skewered that idea completely.

Don’t know if it’s the Kocaine is burning out his Synapses even worse than before, or if he’s still believing his own Press Releases. I mean Jon Bon Jovi wrote him a personal song man! Add on that there’s been some intel slipped (via simplicius76, Link HERE) out that for real, the Krainians are so desperate to cover up their losses, that they’re issuing orders to Unit Commanders to get guys to sign off on being cremated in the field immediately, rather than having their stiff packed up and sent home. A translated copy of the document is there, and for shits n grins:

So, yeah, disinfo? maybe?

Don’t know, don’t care. I do know Lukashenko (the Belarusian President) let it slip that there’s a quarter-million moar Russian troops, all volunteers, who’ve been trained up and ready to ‘end game’ this shitshow. Again, don’t know, but I sure AF just want it over, if only to break the spirit and spine of OUR fucking assholes who’ve been behind this entire massacre. Nuland et. al. need to have their faces rubbed in it but good. That being said, history shows that if anything, NONE of them will ever be really called out for their absolute failure(s).

Personally? If I were a Krainian who had his father/son/brother kilt by these bloodthirsty “Regime Change” ‘Murican Poly-Tick-ians? I’d be getting me a Javelin for myself, and wait until they showed up at the Airport to meet with Krainfeld, and blow their theoretically up armored limousine to its component pieces-parts. I mean a Jav, when it works would reduce a civviemobile to itty-bitty ripped up parts.

Ahhhh to dream…
Plus, I wanted to thank everyone for the input on the whole CBDC thing and Power. Without going too deep into it I actually back-in-the-day was a Counter-Terrorism Occifer for CIS or Critical Intervention Services here in the Tampa Area. They had the contract (back then) for TECO, Tampa Electric to provide physical security for the power plants. It was a shit job with shit pay and shitheads running it, hence why they lost the contract with TECO.

To give you an idea of how shitty? Back then, the Head of the Uniformed Security Division, AKA The Paul Blart Team, his stupid ass wasn’t legally able to carry a firearm due to felony domestic violence conviction(s). However, because he was a founder of the company, HE got to still get paid the big bux and run the show. We also had to buy our own weapons if we were part of the Armed Guard force. And even then, they got shitty with you about -where- you bought it if it wasn’t one of their ‘preferred vendors’… methinks there was kickback going on… They wanted us to ‘be uniform’ and all have Springfield XDs, which, while an ‘ok’ pistol, I got me the XMD because 19 rounds plus 1. I actually got a deal on it from GunGirl as it had been a trade in, and was faaar less than the going rate for a XD. Took a lot of shit over it from the Higher-Higher too, but since it was a “XD” model, I argued it, and they left me alone. For the most part that is… I took a bit of petty harassment from some of them when I called out some of their blatantly obvious stupidity vis-a-vis Access Control and HOW -T-Walls were supposed to work, but that’s another story again. They dropped the subject when I brought up Iraq, ‘cos the majority of them had no idea what my background was, and I wasn’t advertising.

Another example of just how shitty the company overall was that TECO gave out/paid a HUGE Christmas Bonus to CIS as a “Thank You” for all the hard work we’d put in… we meaning the Grunts on the Ground who walked the beat so to speak. Literally… patrolling, Gate Control, all the usual ‘stuff’ for a ‘sensitive site’ per Homeland Security.

The bonus? Never saw a dime.
The Foul Four Founding Fuckers, the “4Fs” as we called them? They bought customized Harley Davidsons for themselves at a cost of like 40k Each. And then proceeded to show them off to everyone by parking them in the Corporate HQ in Pinellas on a Friday. Needless to say, the paid-$10 and Hour Guys like myself fucking ALL walked. They got royally buttfucked labor wise when THAT story got out. NO ONE wanted to work for them. Last I heard, G4S ate their lunch contract and biddness-wise, and is running the TECO security contract now.

Good, ‘cos fuck those guys.

I did learn though the location of all the Storage and Backup Depots for TECO and how most major power companies ‘scratch each others backs’ on the regular. This means that if Duke Power Company, which runs a LOT of Northern Florida and Georgia, runs into trouble, be it a catastrophe of some kind or runs out of a major part (like a Transformer) then they either send Guys to assist with repairs, like they did after Hurricane Katrina, or they send the pieces parts as needed. A very educational job experience, even if poorly paid.

So, Making Molasses Cookies Again as I only got one, maybe two from the last batch, as everyone else in the house, to include the BrotherInLaw? Bastards hoovered them up like a motherfucker leaving me high n dry!

This batch? Allllllllllllll mine baby!
So More Later
Big Country

Another Grand Weekend, CBDCs and Power

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Before the thunderstorm rolled in, we had a pool day today

Other Granrents had her take swimming lessons.
She’s gone from “Don’t you dare let go of me!” to “Watch me cannonball Papi!” The kid is a Mermaid I swear.

Sapper got in on the action, albeit in the Hot Tub.

She was ALLLLL over the pool, and I taught her how to dive for a rock today, as I didn’t have the obligatory .50 cent piece that DeadDad taught me with… I’ll remedy that next time around and have one with me… Used a big ole piece of the pool gravel which stood out quite well on the bottom, and got her to use her arms to pull herself down to it.
Me? I’m again, bushed.
Even a short day with the Redneaded Nuke Plant is tiring.
Ain’t no ‘control rods’ on that ‘un.

So, other subjects.
Was talking to Sapper about everyone having meltdowns and freakouts about the potential of the Central Banks rolling out a CBDC, i.e. for the uninitiated, a Central Bank Digital Coin, whereby in theory the Controllers -could- essentially take control of your money, thereby your life and establish some serious social controls, much like Chy-Nah has rolled out over the past few.

Thing is, this ain’t Chy-Nah, Nor is it the Wannabe Chy-Nah-of-the-North, Can-nada under the leadershit of Justine “Baby Fidel” Turdstew. Nope. We still got guns.

And no, it’s not that we’ll be doing some sort of “CV-2 Shit Just Got Real”… Nope… be a lot more subtle than that. As Sapper and I talked about, these folks seem to forget a few things. Like in order for a “Digital Coin” to work? You need power. Not Political Power, I mean juice baby…volts… Power. Computer without a functional outlet? A fucking very large and complicated doorstop.

Two small substation(s) got whacked a few months ago.
Someone using long rifles.
Plugged some transformers.
Power loss was about 80,000 people without power, for about 3 days in some areas +/-. Now, that was a few small incident. Now, in theory, IF “they” (whoever are the real shot callers out there) if the Mysterious and Undefined “They” decide to implement such a drastic overhaul of the financial system, in conjunction with a societal lead into social credit scores, they know not of what kind of feces would be impacting the oscillation device.

Mainly because this Elusive “They” have never actually worked and honest days work in their collective lives. They have always had “power” in their domiciles and work places. They have never had the power shut off for a non-payment or late payment. They naturally assume that “it’s always been this way.” That when they throw the switch on a outlet, the light comes on.

Until it doesn’t.

REALLY HARD to use a “digital currency” if there ain’t no power. Even harder to understand when you have no idea how the real world works. Fat, rich, and stupid is no way to go through life, but for the most part, they actually have. These are the people who tell us that we need to stop hunting because it’s barbaric and killing animals is wrong, and then in the same breath, tell us that if we want meat, we should go to the supermarket and buy our meat there, ‘cos ‘no animals were harmed that way’.

Thing of it is, a lot of “Them” think that they’ll just whip up and order another Transformer. Now, Yeah, to a point they can but there’s a few facts out there that one should know. First off, the approximate price(s) of these things? They ain’t cheap, not by a long shot.

Yeah… those prices are +/- from 2010 to 2011… like 10+ years ago. Per the electrical engineering Webpage I found that one, they also state: “…In 2010, the approximate cost of an LPT with an MVA rating between 75 MVA and 500 MVA was estimated to range from $2 to $7.5 million in the United States. However, these estimates were Free on Board (FOB) factory costs, exclusive of transportation, installation, and other associated expenses, which generally add 25 to 30 percent to the total cost (see Table 1 below).” with Table one being the one I poasted above.

Transportation is a big deal with these as well. VERY heavy and awkward to move around. One does not generally just ‘throw one on a flatbed’ and call it good. Lots of specialized equipment to move one of these:

And yeah, the reason that it’s a pain is they’re essentially a filled oil tank, which is how they’re put together:

SO is it any wonder that “They” just don’t understand?
Sure, there have been attacks in the past… all of which seem to be some lone-wolf nutters, of which like not very many have ever been caught. I think that there was a smaller less-successful attack out in Washington State that they did bust the two morons who did it. I did a write-up on it at the time as a LOT of it didn’t pass the ‘smell test’ and since it memory-holed so quickly, I’m sure that the perps were not Whytte Sooperpreemiecysts as they were off the news at Lightspeed.

Ether way, a Central Bank Digital Coin needs computers, which in turn needs power, and truthfully, as fast as our infrastructure is collapsing, I don’t even think nutjobs would need to do anything drastic. Hell… Texas couldn’t even keep the power on in a winter chill… and Commiefornia?
They’re talking about making a law that if the Power Grid starts having issues, that the DotGov has the right to drain your Battery on your Tesla back into the grid, essentially making all the Electric Vehicles in the state UPSes or a backup “Uninterruptable Power Supply”. I’m not even going to touch that one…

And in order to implement the “Social Credit Score” thing? In Chy-Nah, they use your cell phone. Last I looked, cell phone towers are even Moar fragile than a Transformer. Lots of fiddly-bits and gizmos.

Also ALL reliant on a stable electrical grid and infrastructure. I mean I’m only pointing out some obvious and open-source stuff. By no means would I want to see anything like this come about… my point is the People Behind the Curtain so to speak, the ‘Shot Callers’ have never thought of this. In fact the info that’s leaking out about the current Krainian Klown show is showing our self appointed “Betters”? The very fact that they really believed their own bullshit about the “Counteroffensive”?

The fucking hilarious part is the leak that said the planned Jeddah Summit was supposed to be the ‘Crowning Achievement’ of the Krainian Kounteroffensive… to quote:

“Jeddah was Sullivan’s baby,” the official said. “He planned it to be Biden’s equivalent of [President Woodrow] Wilson’s Versailles. The grand alliance of the free world meeting in a victory celebration after the humiliating defeat of the hated foe to determine the shape of nations for the next generation. Fame and Glory. Promotion and re-election. The jewel in the crown was to be Zelensky’s achievement of Putin’s unconditional surrender after the lightning spring offensive. They were even planning a Nuremberg type trial at the world court, with Jake as our representative. Just one more fuck-up, but who is counting? Forty nations showed up, all but six looking for free food after the Odessa shutdown”

How that one work out for ya?
Ahhhh Hubris… gotta love it…
They’re a bunch of Fucking Misfit Toys… Scarecrows without Brains. To call them retarded is an insult to the genuinely disabled.

And because of it, things are fixing to get a LOT wilder and stupider as the weeks go on. Head on a Swivel people.
More Later
Big Country

Doctor Who and Friday Night Humor via 4Chan

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
A -wee- bit hungover this A.M. from hanging with Wifey’s Lil Brother. Had a lot of fun exchanging some stories and we found ‘common geek ground’ when we started talking about, of all things Doctor Who. He got introduced to it when they rebooted the series with Chris Eccleston, after which he went ‘backwards’ and started watching older versions of Who. Now, as far as Eccleston, a lot of “Whovians” didn’t like him, however I had no issue with him playing The Doctor.

In fact, episode six of what they’re calling “Season One” (which pisses me off… acting like the previous 26 seasons didn’t exist) was actually a fave of mine…”Dalek” showing the last of the Daleks and it’s fate. Pretty Good IMO.

That being said, there is only one True Doctor:

Can I get an “Amen”?

Tom Baker… the definitive Doctor IMO.
Got a true story about him that maybe I’ll pass on at some point. I have a honest-to-gawd handwritten thank-you note from him, to me. A gentleman in every way imaginable.

We watched the ‘Attack of the Cybermen’ series… for those not in the know, Doctor Who when Mr. Baker was running the show, was serialized like the old Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers stuff… 4 nights, one major plotline, which each show ended with a cliffhanger of sorts, with the 4th episode being the resolution. So we (BIL and I) had a good night hanging out and beering it up, hence todays ‘issues’…

Now, today after work I came across a group on Blab that’s called ‘Greentexts’ which are stories pulled from 4chan. OMG some of them are brutal AF so I figured since my brain is still a bit fuzzy, I’d throw this at y’all for S&Gs (Shits N Giggles to the uninitiated).
First One:

Got to admit, I LOL’d on that.

Heh… Here’s your Crown, King.

No shytte Aye?
That’d be my luck for sure. Now, the next one is not in the ‘humor’ category but the one called ‘things that make you go Hmmmn’…

Uhhh yeeeeah…
Wee bit disconcerting methinks.
And then, filed under ‘gross but funny’:

“I’ll take ‘Things would suck’ for $500 Alex”
And going on the ‘chan wouldn’t be complete without some good ole racism:

And Lastly, under “The Truth Hurts”, I give you:

So, doing a Russian Ration for the Stack on Sunday. Hope my guts can handle all the weirdness.
Hope you got a laugh or two out of those
So More Later
Big Country

Rehab and Cleaning the House

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So, we got Dad out of the Rehab facility.
LOTS of shady shit happening there. His clothing, all new stuff me n Gretch got him for his b-day, (2x pair of Underarmor Shorts and 3x Battlecats DotMil Vetbro type shirts) all fucking gone and replaced with some worn out nigger-wear… like Hobo-clothes. NOT his stuff…

SO MUCH shady shit, that I was told to stand down, as I was so angry, I was ready to do bad things. Like unfortunately, the ‘legal routes’ have been explored by a LOT of people… the place, after all the shit we went through to get him out of there, both him and Mom are like just wanting to put it behind.

He was put in there via the Hospital. They sent him there.. we didn’t have a choice. In the two point five weeks he was there he was given one bed-bath BY MOM!!! They didn’t do all the rehab, they ignored him when it came to helping him to the shitter…all sorts of really fucked up shit.

And yeah, it was overrun with ‘Muh Diversity’ hires from Haiti apparently.

The Google Reviews even say people died under ‘suspicious circumstances’ there. Almost EVERYONE with a problem has reported it to the various agencies, only to be summarily ignored. Hence my rage. And there were some seriously weird things that happened while he was there that made me nervous.

Dad was raising hell on the phone, which happened to be a ‘house phone’ to Gretchen. They don’t allow cell phones… during his bitch session, a nurse came in and started question WHO he was talking to, and asked how old G was? We HEARD HER in the background. How the fuck did she know Dad was on the phone unless someone was listening in from the main switchboard? Even worse was they wanted to keep him there for an additional 5-7 days, despite being ‘cleared and done with (minimal) PT… THAT had me really nervous as I think there’s some serious fraud going on that’s being ignored. Hence why I was going to go Scorched Erf if something untoward happened to Dad.

Not to worry tho, my bridezilla went up there, made the appropriate comments, and got Dad out of there. Things like “My Brother In Law is a Federal Agent, a Special Agent in Charge in the Orifice of the Inspector General…” (He was, he’s now medically retarded but still, sounds good) and then “My hubz is a former Merc who loves my Dad, he’d hate to have something happen…” as well as a few other pertinent info-nuggets that were enough to convince them that Dad needed to leave post haste. They sprung him this A.M.

So now? Fuck it. Would love to burn the place to the ground, metaphorically speaking, as in get ’em busted for Medicade/care fraud and collect some of that sweet, sweet bounty lucre. BUT M&D said stand down, so ok… Fuck it as I like to say. I will say tho, my bullshit sniff-o-meter was reading a 11 out of 10 for the bullshit there…

So, going to not get too deep tonight…
Brother In Law (G’s Lil Bro, who’s as big as I am) is in town and coming over to spend the night tomorrow. Cleaning the haus as it it a bit of a shambles, not that he’d give a shit. Great guy, former Navy, one term, no deployments, and still ‘lives out of his seabag’ so to speak, as in he’s a man of simple tastes. NOT dumb by any means, just laid back with a ZFTG attitude. He’s about 4 years younger than G, which means I’m 6 in seniority.

I -am- excited though as he’s bringing me a broke-ass 12 gauge Winchester Pump Shotgun to fix… it’s his buddy’s that was left in an outdoor (not climate controlled) storage unit and the action is currently locked up tighter than Sister Mary Elephant’s thighs. Rusted too… wants me to check it, repair/refinish, and y’all know I positively live for such things. If I can, I’ll do the photos and document the job for here.

So More Later
Big Country

H/T to WiscoDave for the Pic

VA “Stuff”… Miserable Bastards… Jes’ Sayin’

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Whelp, took a long time for the Tampa VA to fuck things up, but, like all “good things”, this week the sterling record they with Me had come to an end.

Nothing overly dramatic per se… just some major pain-in-the-ass inconveniences that I could have done without. I went into the Online App to check to make sure that they had gotten my ‘script riflls needed message… to which I got a “Because you missed your last three month Opioid Check In appointment, you’re cut off untill we see you!

Of course I was like WTF, and went to check my appointments, and man, WTF are they taliking about!?! Shit sez I completed the July one… so I opened a couple of tabs, and went to get some screenshots to argue my case, ‘cos man, I hate withdrawals. I don’t get them bad, think “bad hangover” level, but still, if I can avoid it, I most certainly will. So, the issue and “Big Thing” that pissed me off was they, while I was in the appointment tracking App went in and started changing some of my past appointments to show that I was a no show.

I have the screen shots as, like I said, I was in confirming some info, (my appointments in ‘MyHealthE-Vet App/Website) and as I got screenshot #1 for proof that I –hadbeen there, and completed the appointment successfully and was marked thusly, (God love the snipping tool) when, while I was in the App, the appointment changed from “Completed” to NO SHOW.

People have gone to jail for shit like that.

I got multiple screenshots as well, ‘cos the appointment in question? My 3 month Opioid Follow up. Gotta prove I’m taking them, not selling, and that my body is handling it.
Fill a cup too, showing that I’m being a ‘good lil junkie’ and that I am pissing hot as opposed to making… what is it now? Like $30 a pill? selling them? Only reason I know the price point is back in the day when they wouldn’t give them to me, I had to ‘outsource’ my supply of ‘critical infrastructure support’ so to speak….
FedGov Meddling donchaknow?

Thing is?
I miss one appointment as a No Show and I’m fucked.
Cut off.
And for my raggedy broken blown up ass? Sorry, no matter what sort of JuJu people recommend, I know at this point what works for my carcass. Took me years to get them to finally admit that this’s what I needed. I know it’s a ‘case-by-case’ thing, and all the stories of “The VA is handing out opioids like Pez!!! So much it confused John Wilder!!!” To me?

Not so much.

Literally like pulling toofuses with my Leatherman. To the point if any medication, no matter how new, experimental yadda yadda… even if it wasn’t meant for pain, but had “pain relieving side effects” to include some really fucked up head meds, they put me on it.

And that was a problem… as my casaba? Well, lets just say the grey matter in the brain-housing group is… shall we say highly sensitive to some meds… as in some made me sooooo depressed I was listening to the Smiths, and XWife wanted to know why I had switched to wearing all black all the time and reading Friedrich Nietzsche nonstop…

On the flip side? Some of them?
Think “Predator” Level Ragebeast… Homicidally so.
Doctors at the Pain Clinic Consult:

Doc#1: “Well Doctor, the medication you want to put this veteran on has potential side effects to include homicidal tendencies. He’s a 10 year former Airborne Infantryman, who’s been a mercenary alllllll over the Middle East for the past 12 years He also is 6’4, 320 pounds, and leg presses almost half a ton and his last deadlift was almost 380… do you think we have to worry?



About that.

I called the VA Advocate for whatever good it was going to do me, and for my (making) trouble I had to go in today for a repeat of July’s appointment. Meh… reason I’m so pissed is if they did this to me, how many others are getting fucked with who are not as ‘flexible’ as I am right? Because my “Boss is a GOD” at Peoples Glorious Tractor Factory, I can punch in and out, and make up my time, as long as I get my forty each week.

So when I called the Advocate, who was a nice guy

End of the day, He’s system. He’s still the FedGov. The fucking enemy. A big provable part of my case with the Advocate was I was able to point out the whole time I lived in Tennessee, I never once missed a three-month appointment. Lord knows they tried to gaslight me into the “maybe you forgot!”

Bitch, I might be deaf, half blind, shot to fucking ribbons, driven by purely Monster, Stackers, Coffee and Hate, but I never miss what I call my “dope appointment”. To the point of making the every, fucking. three. month. fucking. drive. back. to. fucking. Florida. from Buttfuck Tennessee, and fucking back, without fail…

So, the deal was, I make todays appointment, which I did, and they’d make sure I don’t go “Trainspotting” Fucking cost me $30 in Uber fare as G was out of the house up helping Mom and Dad, and Sapper was at work.


Anyways, I’m good now… Had another appointment they made for me, back to back, as I needed a biopsy….
Yeah… might have a touch of the Cancer again, tho a very small issue for me… these are some skin issues… MoleMoleMole stuff that’re getting a bit painfully agressive, as I never wore sunscreen in the Middle East like a tard, and being the Whyttest Whytteboi alive (maggotbelly colored for real) I got burned up really badly on multiple occasions…

Cut ’em all off, and call it a day… after the left airbag carved out of me with a Orange-Sized Tooomah? Skin Cancer?
Bitch Puh-leeeze!!!
Worried/Not Worried.
So more later gang.
Big Country

Oh FFS…UPDATED: BAWHAHAHA and Memory Hole Activation in 3…2…1…

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!

A 17 year old kid was busted in Philly for plotting a “national attack” with a group even -I- haven’t heard of…
” Philadelphia teenager was plotting a national attack with members of the global terrorism group Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad, which is affiliated with Al Qaeda, and had access to a “significant” number of guns and was working on building a bomb, authorities said.

The 17-year-old, who wasn’t named during Monday’s press conference, was arrested and faces a litany of charges, including possession of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. 

He was in the process of building improvised explosive devices with several undisclosed targeted locations “that were not just in Philadelphia,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Jacqueline Maguire said during Monday’s press conference.”

Now, I ain;’t never heard of these clowns.
I worked with a group in Iraq back in 2004-2006 that ‘handled’ these groups. None of my contacts (that I have left) don’t recall the name of it being a group, as much as an idea, i.e. Monotheism in Islam. Band allll the various ‘factions’ together… Sunni, Shi’ite, Wahabis… essentially get ’em all banded together for the sake of Jihad and go fight the Great Satan.

Now, the idea was promoted by an old favorite, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He was one of my personal favorites mainly because we had (not sure if it ever got publically released) but we had footage of him doing the “Standard Islam Will Win” rants on film, while holding a captured M-249 SAW. Fucker kept trying to ‘cap off’ his rant by blasting away per the norm in a lot of these vids, but the stupid sod had -no idea- how to ‘run’ the thing. First he didn’t cock it, so they refilmed… then he forgot the safety, and someone had to show him -how- to work that… then they reshot the scene again and the weapon jammed…

Wash, rinse repeat until he finally got it right.

We used to watch it while drinking and laughing our collective asses off on how much of a tard this guy was.

So, with all that in mind, it’s AMAZING how a ‘didn’t know this was a thing’ group –suddenly– appears and with an updated Wiki page HERE The latest update being July of this year, which is funny ‘cos the “Attacks” list only show ‘stuff’ back in 2003/2004.
They ain’t done shit.
Probably only exist in the fevered dreams of “We need a Al Qaeda group to pin this one in conjunction with the kid we groomed!” Any bets?

What a cohencidence that the Feebies find and stop a “national terror attack” right after it comes out that they tipped off Biden’s team that Hunter was in the Just-Us department’s sights in December 2022, thereby AGAIN allowing the facilitation of the installation of the Illegitimate Regime of Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den.

For fucks sakes.
Only thing -I- was looking to do at 17 was
A) get laid
B) get more laid.
C) profit.

The other thing: If there was a concerted effort, then where’s the rest of the arrests? I mean they say that it’s a “national attack” that was prevented… where’s all the other terrorists?

Or did they forget that part of the scam?
More than likely. Your average Fed is showing xir/xeyselves to be none-too-bright.

Problem is, most of ‘Boobus Americanus” ain’t much better.
I Report, You Decide
More Later with some possibly disturbing news
Big Country


The suspect, according to sources in Philly is the 17 year old son of….

wait for it…

The Link to the news is HERE
Fully expect the “memory hole” to go fully active very very shortly.
Who’d a thought? Also it seems the Shyster…errr…father is a Corrupt Lawyer: Link HERE to the judgement against him from 2020. And yeah, don’t think there’s too many Qawis running around Philly…
Anyways, so much for that… even if he -was- set up by the feebs, this’s going away quickly and quietly, as we now have a ‘protected minority’ involved. It’s already been ‘moved down’ on the Faux news website to row 3…

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weird Aye?
More Later

Drones and The New Substack is Up Finally!

Gotta admit, it’s pretty cool. I’ll be doing a more thorough breakdown tomorrow as I’m toast from finishing the stack.

The most interesting thing here in the video is the explosive that they strap to that thing is a cut-down RPG warhead. The red tape on the front is to keep the EFP (explosive force penetrator) inside, along with the boom-boom mix. The way it’s wired up?

Wow… NOW I see how they’ve been getting them smaller drones to take out light armor.

Glen Filthie, you might want to re-think your opinion on these things… Jes’ Sayin’ That payload is a section of a PG-7S RPG.

You can make out the 7C above, and “C” in Russian is an “S”
The red circle is the section in question:

Eliminate the front fuse, take the ass-end off, and you have a nice, light effective (as seen in the video) Anti-Armor Flying EFP.
God I love it when I nail something like that.
So, the Substack….
That’s up BTW.
‘Bout fukkin time Aye?
Sorry about that gang… life and all that…
The link is HERE
So More Later
Big Country

Let’s Go Brandon!!! (Seriously… Not a Joke)

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Oh Holy Hells!

Brandon Herrera is running for CONgress.
Texas apparently… for District 23 as a strict constitutionalist.

Boy… this’s gonna be great.
He’s one of the few guntoobers I -really- dig. My only complaint is that I didn’t think of his shtick first. Couple of weeks? months? ago he testified before Matt Gaetz against the ATF. Considering his line of work as a Manufacturer/Class III guy? The record of the ATF being…. shall we say… demonstratively retaliatory towards anyone who doesn’t fall into the regime line?

Balls of Adamantium man, purely.

You just know the “Usual Suspects” are going to come crawling out of the woodwork to -try anything- to knock him down… that being said though, the very fact of his Media Presence might hold off unless there’s something particularly egregious out there…

That and he owns machine guns and has a FA-FO attitude.
Yeah, not wanting to be the first guy in the stack if they decide to fuck with him.
Nevermind he’s got like ALL the other guntoobers out there having his back.

So that’s the news for that.
Other things:
Got another ad from PSA:

$260 and change?
For a full rifle (provided you got a spare charging handle and BCG)
OF COURSE this happens when I’m broke-as-a-joke amiright?

So… International “Stuff”
As Predicted by myself and a lot of others, The Krainian Kokaine Klown Show is nearing it’s end-run. The disastrous “counter-offensive” (which was utterly hopeless to begin with) combined with a noticeable turn via the Ministry of Lies and Propaganda and it’s organs on the outcome looking rather dim it’s pretty obvious that shit is about to go south in a Major Way.
The overwhelming evidence such as articles like this:

Yeah, the Wall Street Cage-Liner did an article where they discussed the “exceptionally high number of amputees” in the Kraine…

Now realizing that when they say the numbers are “comparable to World War One” you have to realize and keep in mind that was a HUNDRED YEARS AGO

As even Aesop would tell you and agree with me on this, Battlefield Medicine has “come a long way baby” and it ain’t like it used to be… So, given that they have -as many- peg-legs and arms missing as WW-1 now, and considering how many folks probably didn’t get their shit removed due to modern improvements, That means there’s a metric fuckton MOAR of casualties compared to the “Good Old Days”

Hell the Graveyard(s) in Kiev?

Fucking Full Man… they’ve taken to stacking three stiffs in a single grave as they literally ain’t got the space anymore. Some chick on “X” was calling them out on it… she’s a Krainian who’s Grandpa died, natural causes from what the translation said… he was old-old, a Vet from “The Great Patriotic War” and when they went to plant him in the family plot, they were told “No way Jose, graveyard is full man”

Needless to say she was righteously pissed
No Idea if the NAZI SBU came after her, but judging that the little Kokaine Fiend is about 4 Steps ahead of the US on the “Tyrrano-meter” I’d say yeah, she’s “off to Gulag traitor!”

Speaking of Krainfeld… Lots of rumors of rumors of the Russians looking to ‘off him’… which is utterly hilarious as he’s the best ally that Putin has. God knows he (Vladimir) don’t want someone competent in there… best to keep Mister “Probably Smells Like Phys-Ed” (seriously, doesn’t he have moar than that one outfit?) at arms length, and let him fuck up until the US offs him a’la “Paging President Ngo Dinh Diem, General Minh would like a word with you and your brother…”

Yeah, you’re a friend to the US
Until you’re not

All them stories of “Russia wants to kill Krainfeld” is just that. Stories. Made up by self-stroking egotists in the State Department and CIA who think they’re “Oh so clever”

Now, other things, bit controversial. I was on Gab last night while working on the Ukrainian MRE Substack (tomorrow, I swear it’ll be up tomorrow)… The uploading of the pictures was taking a while so I was bouncing back and forth.

Sumdood commented on a poast with this as the opener:
(Link HERE)

“Halper: Zelensky might be sending a signal by declaring Ukraine to be the next Israel

Journalist Katie Halper said it is unclear what Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky means by declaring that Ukraine will be the new Israel.”

Now, he (specifically @radkowski… just followed him, he’s got some good poasts). He then went into the how Krainfeld might be trying to ‘model’ The Kraine after the war (if there is a Kraine left IMO) after Israel… namely a highly militarized country surrounded by enemies…

On reading this, I thought of something I’ve been swirling around in Ye Olde Cortex. I mean really… just why in the fuck would he be talking about making the Kraine into “Greater Israel”? Now, my thoughts: This is not so far fetched as one may/may not imagine. Roll with me on this.

The issue is (and I know, having lived in the Middle East for 12+years) is the Jews land is finally ‘wearing out’ i.e. not capable of supporting agriculture in the country. Israel is done soil wise.

No amount of magic dirt (literally!) or chemicals/fertilizer is going to ‘bring back’ an area that LITERALLY has been farmed/cultivated/exploited over the past what? 3000 +/- years (and I’m including the ay-rabs in this maths just for Shits and Giggles)

The CIA Worldbook and the Google say only 17.56 percent of all of Israel is arable land at this point.

Point blank, if they keep growing, (demographically speaking) outside of ¡Genociding! anyone who isn’t “of the tribe” (i.e. the Jordanians, the Palestinians etc) and if food imports stop, the Jews die as there is no way for them to provide for themselves.

Hence, the annihilation of the majority of the 16-50 year old Krainians. Krainian chicks are, lets face it, Hot AF. Killing off the breeding males, emigrating all the hebes in, win-win (per usual) for the Juden.
Go Figure…. maybe I’m ‘off’ but I don’t think so… it -feels right-
Especially when I see things like this:

FAAAAR too many vidyas out there, of prime ‘breeding stock’ Hawt AF Krainian females prancing, dancing and gettin’ their “groove thang on” with the guys who’re either too connected or too rich to get ‘conscripted’… if you call being clubbed over the head while riding you bike home, stuffed in a truck and shipped to the front lines ‘conscription’.

Back in the day it was called getting “Shanghaied”

The DotNavy, specifically the Brit Navy would either get you drunk as a skunk or do the ‘club over the head’ thing and when you woke up “You’re in the Navy now laddie!” with all the fixin’s to include and not limited to, Rum Sodomy and the Lash.

So who’s to say there isn’t a “Grand(er) Plan” behind all this manipulation in the Kraine. I mean every. single. person. involved at the highest levels are of the tribe. Cookies Nuland, her Husband, Krainfeld himself, ALLLLL of Krainfelds “Top Men” and man what a cast of characters. Some have even posited this’s the grand attempt to just kill off as many Christian Slavs (i.e. Brother War) in revenge for the Jews being driven out of the Rus areas back in the day…

I just write it…
Up to you to Decide.
More Later Y’all. Jeopardy Time
Big Country

Back Again. Happy Friday Evvabody! Plus True Lies.

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
@#$%^&* Pinkeye man. In the ONE eye (left) that didn’t have any issues. The cataract in the right eye made it damned near impossible to see period. fucking. dot. The VA has been, on the eye issue less than helpful in that they now insist that I come in to get ‘checked out’ by their folks.

Problem is, the VA here eye clinic here is retardedly backed-up appointment wise. I went through the VACCN Program, the Community Care Network (CCN) to get the appointment initially which was “OK N/P” Now? Since it’s going to cost? “Uhhhhh we can get you in in 18 months.”

Uhhhhh no motherfuckers. This’s my dominant shooting eye. I can’t see my red dot on my weapon(s). If the SHTF, I need to see ASAP.

Sooooo now I’m looking at having to use the work Insurance (I did get the vision plan as it’s the only affordable part of the health plan these days, and I do like the ability to get new glasses when needed. I’m just not sure what the OOP is going to be, which means watch out, possible raffle/fundraiser inbound.

Let me know in the comments what y’all may dig. I got the “Battery Holder” Claymores, and also the Matryoshka KGB dolly I used in the substack. Plus another one that’s the Russian Leadership from Lenin at the Center to Yeltsin. Those were from my time stationed in Germany after the Wall came down. Like I said, let me know. I may even do a weapon or so…

Now… True Lies.
“While our work isn’t finished, Bidenomics is already delivering for the American people.” (whitehouse.gov LINK)


That’s my “Amazon Saved for Later” list…
Some of it is ‘stuff’ Gretchen was looking at, others from when I had saved it and just plain forgotten about it.
Yeah, we ALL have a list like this
Look at the amounts on the increases (if you can, I believe click to embiggen works)

In the past, to my malfunctioning memory) the increases were $0.25 here n’ there… this time? The majority of ‘stuff’ has increased across the board by $2.00 or moar fiatbux. The roof racks I was looking at for the car? $5.00.

Some will say “Well BC, it’s inflation.”
No fuckin’ Duh!!!
It’s just that the spin and lies that keeps coming out from Sodom on the Potomac… Those brain-fucking-dead ‘corpses in suits’ in DC are going to be utterly shocked when the next “Insurrection” that may or may not happen is of the “Frankenstein Torches, Pitchforks, and Rifles” sort instead of the “orderly unarmed variety”

In fact IMO, the very panicky reaction to the J6 “Insurrection-Which-Wasn’t” (which is how it should be referred to, not this “J6” bullshit… quick aside, by r/ourguys calling it the ‘J6’ thing, it’s going along with their definition, which we should never, ever do, here endth the spiel) but the “IWW” reaction, or I should say overreaction?

I can only imagine how they’d react to a genuinely pissed off heavily armed mob of say 50,000 people who show up, and don’t stop no matter what casualties taken… like overwhelming human-wave assaults like the Japanese did in 1942 on Guadalcanal… reason I say this is we now know with a certainty that OUR fake and gay DotMil doesn’t have the ability or stones to stand up to that sort of thing.

Those Marines back then were faaaar the superiors of the now-neutered 69th Intersectional Non-Binary Dildo Brigade(s) that the Leviathan can call up to guard them…and even then? We already know they don’t even trust those guys.
How do we know this?
The very fact that alllllll them Nasty Guard folks that were there to insure the installation of the Current Illegitimate Regime? That of the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den?

They never issued nor allowed any of the troops ammunition.

Only O-3s and above had rounds for their pistols. I > think < they had some rounds, but it was all locked up and kept far away from the line doggies. Can’t risk a MAGA-Turret Gunner with his M240 deciding that “he’s had enough of this shit” and ending the whole farce right then and there. (looking at you Grimmy)

Happiness is a Belt Fed Machine Gun I swear….
Ride the Lightning gang if given the chance…
That’s what spare barrels are for.

True story:
I melted the cover off of my M249 SAW (5.56mm) heat shield and blew the chrome out of the barrel back in the day. In fact the plastic on the heat shield caught fire as it slagged into the barrel. What had happened was we’d signed for a utterly retarded amount of ammo for our Fall Field Exercise… “Use it or Lose it” indeed. SO much ammo… makes me smile to this day… so much that we had to shoot it all the fuck up. We’re talking tons here… each gunner got TWO TOW missiles each to fire… those were at the time running about $15,000.00 a throw, which in 1996 fiatbux was the cost of a really nice car EACH.

You can’t even imagine how much .50cal, belted 5.56mm, 40mm Belted (for the MK-19s) we had… Literally, I have a picture of my crew that I need to scan and put up here of them loading what was like a 60 foot long single belt of Ma Deuce ‘food’ into a BIG MK-19 can… it looks like those old pictures of the guys loading the wing ammo-sponsons on a P-51 Mustang with .50… 3-4 guys, a looooooong ass belt, being ‘layered’ into the can. Took 2 guys to manhandle it up onto the roof when it came time to shoot it all off.

Me? I had a 20 foot long belt of SAW ammo, which I subsequently used to chop down a small tree downrange. My TC/Section Leader fucking loved that. Like for real… he was cheering the whole time and when that tree went over? OMG…

Anyways, back to ‘stuff’
Don’t know if it’s still going on, but the great gun sales have gotten even lower. Don’t know if it’s still valid but PSA (Palmetto State) had this:

A mid-length AR for $280!?!
With Magpul Furniture?
If’n I wasn’t stone broke I’d buy two.
I mean I have two spare BCGs for backups anyways. With the $30 transfer fee at GunGirls? Free shipping???? Holy Hells! Even with shipping, figure a little over six bills for two ARs? (And just as an FYI, I personally prefer the mid-length gas system and use that as my primary weapon)

Good Lord, that’s giving them away

Then in Entertainment news:
As predicted by Enty, Lizzo the Hippo is going completely under the bus, after which said-bus will be going into the shop for a complete suspension rebuild. Them shocks and springs are never going to be recoverable after running that fat blaq pile of lard over. ONLY reason I mention this is that

A) Enty from “Crazy Day and Nights” called this months ago which is why I consider him a must-read for Intel. Link is HERE he’s 5 out of 5 on the scale and because he also dabbles in Poly-Ticks as most fuckwad Poly-Ticians are now interchangeable with celebutards, you can sometimes mine some intel nuggets. That and

B) This Meme:

If you get it, you do, and sorry about the keyboard(s)
So More Later
Big Country

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