The Chili Pupper is Red Hot and running
Adding tot he mix is the Red Headed Gran who’s here for a few weeks and of course over the moon about the new pupper. The tow of them just. don’t. slow. down.
Any and All donations vis-a-vis Adderall, Methamphetamines, Crank and or Good Blow would be appreciated… I ordered a CASE of Monster today. Got me a hunch I’m going to be pounding them by the case over the next few.

I joke, I joke…
But anyways, all is good here at the Casa. The pup finally dropped a deuce which is a good thing as she hadn’t since we got her three meals and a lot of water ago. Of course it was as big as she was. I was getting a wee bit nervous as that’s a looong time for a pup to be backed up, but now that she finally cut loose? Everything is back to coolness.
To the Trenches:
News comes out of the Krain last Thursday:

Per the story HERE the Ivans dropped heavy on a base that resulted in 18 “Mercs” KIA’d and 30 WIA. The Krainians interestingly collected all cell phones from everybody in the A.O.
This story was confirmed by multiple sources. One stating (and has subsequently been ‘memory holed’ that it was a group of Brits with a ‘Command Element’ who were there to train up the Krainians there. One of them pretty much a mirror of the Sputnik article was SANA:

Happens frequently
The big deal?
I get a tip from one of you readers (H/T to DE, many thanks bro!) with this as the lead:

21 hours ago.
I then verified it HERE:

Per the article, his stiff was found Saturday
As I emailed D back: “ANY bets that stiff was cold… like as in frozen/defrosted cold?”
Board Stiff
As in Iced Down and set up.
My reason for saying this is buried waaay down in the article is this:

Notice it does not list him as “Acting as a Emeritus” or something like that
So which the fuck is it?
Was he ‘retired’ still serving or sheep dipped?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Especially in light of the Helo Crash in Australia which happened back in July of last year:

The interesting thing about this one was at first they reported that there was an Aussie One Star and his two-man staff on board. That they, and the crew were all KIA over the ocean.
No mention of the General ANYWHERE
At all.
The crew are showed to be smoked, but the Gen’rul and his staff? Not so much. The rerason that this is part of what I’m talking about is around at same exact time, in the US, another “Retired” US Army in this case, General died while piloting a single engine aircraft over Maryland:

Seems July 28th, 2023 was a bad fucking day to be an DotMil Aviator, and if the original news was correct, a really bad day to be a One Star in two different Militaries Aye?
Per the Asia Times however:

The story is dated July 30th 2023, but the strike happened on July 28th 2023… the very day of the tragic ‘accidents’ that smoked two general officers… the link is HERE
Per the article “…on the evening of July 28, Russia attacked a Ukrainian command post in Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk) with “precision weapons” after Ukraine launched an attack on a Russian command post in Taganrog in Russia’s Rostov oblast (province).”
And the reason for such a quick notification as opposed to the usual ‘couple of days of obscuring and obfuscation’?
Well besides General Officers being high visibility folks there was a wee problem which is why I think they did what they did. Specifically: “…There are some videos circulating and photos that show some of the damage and it appears likely that the Russians hit the command post. The full extent of the casualties is not known. Reports say that some people are buried under the debris.”
Which is a way of saying that said-Generals carcasses are gonna take a while to dig out, IF they are even viable for recovery. Some of the bunkers that the Hypersonic Missiles have been hitting were, mind you WERE, rated for fucking almost direct hits from Nuclear Weapons (at least Hiroshima Sized) STILL and got blowed the fuck up.
Ten Thousand Tons of concrete and rebar crashing down on your nugget tends to leave a closed and sandbagged weighted casket as a result aimiright?
So, my call?
Ivan bagged them another US General.
No harm no foul IMO.
Mess with the bull, and you’ll always invariably get the horns. In fact my only problem is we haven’t had enough Perfumed Princes from Sodom-on-the-Potomac get smoked yet
So we can always hope
Jes’ Sayin’
More Later
Big Country