Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Ok… so the past two-three days was a stone cold nasty. NO IDEA what it was (although I’ve heard thru the grapevine there’s a nasty stomach bug oot and aboot) but after publishing the poast on Tuesday? Night? I ended up in the latrine every. single. hour. on. the. hour.
Like “set your watch to it” sort of thing…
Needless to say, didn’t get a whole lot of rest that night. Wednesday I pretty much got up, and did the barest minimum to qualify the day as a “work day” as truthfully, I was a mess. The nice thing about The People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #206 is that IF you are so fortunate as to be ahead in production, one can slack a bit on days like this, just as long as when the end of the work-call you’ve done enough for ‘spec’ so to speak… “They Pretend to Pay Us, While We Pretend to Work” I think is the applicable phrase… Anyways…
Managed to stave off dehydration via the BritMRE Hydration packets… I have a boatload of them, and they’re really good, never mind actually tasty… the Raspberry being exceptionally good… two or three of those kept me from needing a trip to the ER for dehydration as I was in a bit of a state of bother as the Brits would have said.
So, ‘came to’ today, relatively operational, but still…
Been working too hard and all that rot. Have to get a bit of a better balance. The great news is that my membership to the YMCA via the VA Move Program came through. That’s the fatbody program where they have you go through alllll sorts of fiery hoops in order to get a 3 month membership paid for via Uncle Sugar at the “Y”. It’s renewable after the initial 3 months… which I intend on making sure as joining the “Y”?
OMFG expensive
To join as a ‘single’ at 30+, is a $29 joining fee, and $56 a month. Not for nothing, but that’s pricey for a DotGov subsidized program. I belonged to the “Y” under the “Lance ‘One-Nut’ Armstrong” Foundation when I had Cancer that time, however, it was luike for 2 months only which to me? Seemed a bit paltry considering the amount of bux that One Nut had been gathering for his foundation.
The Grift™ is apparently Universal, and Everywhere.
So, a BIG reason I’m so pumped tho is the one in question that I joined? It has a pool… Lap pool no less, plus exercise plans for the pool. All Low Impact which is what I need at my stage of the game. Lets face it… I’m no longer 30… hell 40? Shiiiiiit… 50 is now in the fucking rear view as well, so I need to realize and adjust. I start tomorrow as that’s also the beginning of the days off we’ve been given.
Now, other things besides the obvious ‘stuff’ we got going on… Colorado? Don’t know, don’t care. They’re retarded in that by tipping their hand this early it’s going to make it uglier than they can even imagine… Art Sido did a GREAT Writeup HERE

This shit’s going to happen ALLLLL over the place
Up til motherfuckers start getting shot.
Leviathan, for ALL it’s power, has no idea the level of shit they’re playing with. Personally, I’m content to let it all burn, as Myself? OrangeManBad didn’t do shit to stop anything because of the (((influence))) of his worthless Son-In-Law… let him and theirs rot.
However, there’s a LOT of folks who aren’t as forgiving as me…
I’d say they’re the ones to watch out for
Jes’ Sayin’ as I’m wont to do.
Otherwise, It’s Christmas!
Gretchen and I did a couple of Gifties for Gran#1, Big K as I’ll call her as OtherGrans don’t want me putting too much info out there, which I can respect. She’s got a MAJOR mermaid thing going on… so one of the ‘we made this gifties’ we did was Gretchen found a set of “Whale Tail” clothes hangers on Amazon:

Now, those are very very “Cape Cod-ish” if you… I will grew up with that sort of ‘decoration’ in the relatives house(s), especially on and or ‘down on the Cape’…
Gretchen and I however, changed things up a bit:

According to OtherGrans, Gran#1 (5yrs old going on 6) has a bad habit of coming home from school and dropping her gear -wherever- as opposed to hanging it up/putting it away. Big K –might– be encouraged to hang up her shytte IF she’s got a “Mermaid Tail Hanger” to do it on, which is how we’re looking at it.
I did the color selection and initial design, Gretch did the scales and detail work as my pseudo-Parkinson’s has me shaking too much to do anything better…
Hopefully she likes them/it… OtherGrans think this might be the trick to getting her to hang up her shit when she gets home from school… we’ll have to see.
Otherwise, all our Gifts Via The Zon arrived to Adriana’s current residence, and of course we’ve gotten ZERO acknowledgement, despite having dropped more than we could realistically afford. I’m not sure how to approach this non-violently.
It’s killing me literally
So I’ll leave it at that, as I got enough ‘rocks in my ruck’ right now, and don’t need to double down on ‘teh stoopid’ of the Baby Daddy and the Crypt Keeper. I’m soooooooooo over it especially knowing there’s NO LEGAL RECOURSE as the entirety of the system there is corrupt as FUCK. Hell… we got a mocking message from Dumbcunt LAUGHING at us, as the woman who go appointed to the Juvenile Judge Position after OUR “Judge” got nailed for corruption?
HER fucking Public Lawyer assigned to her by the courts as she was indigent and broke as a joke. Apparently, said “New Judge” (according to DumbCunt) told her that she’d be getting Addy back shortly as now that she’s the Judge, she can do whatever she wants to insure Addy “…gets back to her Mama where she belongs…”
I’m not even going to go that deep into it except to call “Bullshit”… DumbCunt at best is a bit of a fantasist, and I think this’s part of it. Hell, recently, it’s come to light that DumbCunt is an actual prostitute as well as a cam-whore. She’s soooo far gone it’s insane… her BF (10 years younger than her!) of the current timeframe is also a Big-Time Weed Dealer in Western Virginia, and tied into some bad people from what I’m getting, so I have a hunch her ‘shelf life’ is in the double digits month-wise…
Right now I’m banking on the Crypt Keeper to cash in as no one else in that Family (Baby Daddy Side) is capable, either physically, legally or financially of taking care of Addy long term. We’ll have to see.
I gotta cut this off… Getting angry AF here.
More Later (Objectively Speaking)
Big Country\