Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
OK… lots of ‘strange things’ with that boat hitting the FSK Bridge in Baltimore. Now Doc Samizdat, juuust before he went in to ‘cut on’ Gretch, mentioned how it was almost a perfect metaphor for the United Staatz these days…
Specifically a Bridge, named after the guy who authored the text of the American national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner”, gets completely and utterly wiped the fuck out by a company based out of Singapore, crewed by an All-Indian (not “Whoop-Whoop” Indians, but Dot-On-The-Nugget Indians. Jes’ Sayin’) which, according to the sources out there, was Captained by a Krainian.
How’s that DEI working out for y’all?
Yep. The Glories of Multiculturism Aye?
Now, I’m not a big fan of the whole conspiracy theory stuff on this particular case… albeit the missing 2 critical minutes from the Boats “Black Box” does indeed raise some serious questions. Thing of it is, the wind does blow a big fucking boat like that around. My understanding is the wind was 40 knots which is like 46 miles per hour… According to the National Weather Service, 46mph is Gale force winds

Being from Florida, I know some gale force winds are fucking serious. So ALL them fuckers saying that last minute “turn” the boat makes, when it looks like it lines up with the middle of the superstructure? Who’s to say that the 10 seconds before that that there wasn’t a gust of wind that hit the side of the boat? I mean the containers themselves?
They act like a fucking multi-story sails for all intents and purposes. The pic here:

This pic shows, at the max amount of containers stacked high on the boat-in-question, that the containers were stacked about 9 High. Now, being a loggie in Iraq, I know containers… God Knows I climbed into enough of them in outrageous heat… thing is, A 20-foot container’s dimensions are standardised in the shipping industry. It measures about 20 feet in length, 8 feet in width, and 8.5 feet in height. Which means that these containers, stacked 9 high?
170 square feet worth of surface on one container.
Times 9 Containers high? That’s 1530sq ft in one row, top to bottom. That is a LOT of square footage for a “sail” of a sorts…
I’m not even going to -try- and figure out how many rows of containers, bow to stern there are here…. My own “rough count” is 19 rows long +/- of Containers… so let’s just say, 19 rows/piles of 9 stacked high? That’s about 30,000 square feet of “potential sail surface” if you will… a little less than a football feild (57,600 sq ft.)
So, because I’m spitballing here, let’s just say it’s a “shit-pot” worth, and yeah, a BIG gust of 50 +/- miles an hour wind hitting a solid surface like that? Yeeeeeah, that’s going to push even a BIG sumbitch like that tub around like a plaything.
So, despite everyone yelling and screaming that it was intentional, I say No. Nothing to see here. Believe me. I’m the first guy to ‘jump on the tinfoil bandwagon’. In this particular case? Nah. Just bad timing, bad tides, bad wind, and bad mechanicals. Especially in light of the maintenance records coming out about the boat in question. Apparently its a floating shitheap.
Moving on.
Now, Anyone hear about that Polack Gen’rul who “died of “unidentified/suddenly and unexpected natural causes” this past week?

Seems there was a massive Khinzal Strike by the Russians on a Command and Control Center as well as ‘other targets’ two days prior. Lots of dead motherfuckers. A whoooooole lot of dead foreign motherfuckers, which I’m sure included El Generalissimo Polackski.
Mind you and of course not one fucking word of said-Gen’rul getting his chips cashed the fuck in by the various Ministries of Lies and Propaganda in North ‘Murica. Sort of like that Australian General who supposedly went down on a malfunctioning Helo in the remote outback, with his staff, bodies nonrecoverable, about a year or so ago, when the Russians managed to hit another Krainian Klown Kommand Center.
Man, the bodies and bullshit are starting to stack up so deep and so kwickly in the Krain, pretty soon, the Leviathan is going to positively have to start a reely-dealio war if only to cover the massive casualties already incurred.
Now mind you, some of y’all more astute motherfuckers mentioned that there’s probably a LOT more actual KIAs in the Krain than are actually being accounted for… meaning that the DotMil probably ‘farms out’ the ‘volunteers’ (or even worse, the volun-tolds) from MULTIPLE Units so as to have ‘cover’ when casualties happen.
Which makes a WHOLE lot of sense.
Let’s use a Patriot Battery as an example.
Reason being, my room-dawg/fellow Rakkasan, when the 11H MOS went away, well, the lucky fucker became a ‘Patriot Puke’ as we teased him. He however, was a smart motherfucker, and applied to, and got Warrant.
He then ended up finishing his 20+ as a CWO running a section of Patriot Batteries. Now, to get to the bones of it:
Let’s just use this ‘imaginary Patriot Battery’ as an example. It takes roughly 90 soldiers to run a Patriot ADA Missile Battery.
To give you an idea, A PATRIOT battery (i.e., the basic firing unit) consists of a phased array radar, an engagement control station, computers, power generating equipment, and up to eight launchers, each of which holds four ready-to-fire missiles. 90 folks are needed to run it…
Now, IF the DotMil deployed a single Patriot Battery from, oh lets say my old Home of Fort Hood, well… let’s just say that a single Russian strike might ‘blow the cover’ of the DotUSMil operating without official sanction so to speak in the Krain… that many dead from one unit would cause ‘issues’…
Case in point: Back many moons ago, the Russians utterly and completely obliterated the main Patriot Battery that was guarding Kiev’s Airport. I saw the ‘before/after pictures’… What’s absolutely hilarious was, at the time, ‘the usual cheerleaders/suspects’ were out saying that the battery was ‘damaged. but not destroyed’. This of course, was reversed in the news much later. Thing of it is? I can’t say for sure, but I’m willing to bet, dollars-to-donuts, that US Troops got blown away in that strike.
But how to cover it up?
Well, if my “theoretical individual Patriot Battery from Fort Hood” is that that single battery consisting of 90 personnel from a single unit deployed, even under the most fearful and Top-Secret-Double-Secret-Probation levels, IF the unit got wiped the fuck out, the families would be on TV raising Holy Fucking Hell about it, and the shit that was going on.
So how to work around it?
Take ONE Patriot Puke from Germany…
Three to Five, right out of AIT from Ft Bliss (Home of ADA)
Take them piecemeal.
Here and there…
We’ve got Patriot Pukes in Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Poland, Sweden, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Romania, Spain, and Taiwan.
That’s a LOT of motherfuckers to choose from.
They’re either there as “full (regime) protection troops”, like in Kuwait and Qatar, or as ‘trainers’ in the other countries.
So no, it wouldn’t be hard to gather the 90 or so guys (and gals) to run a Patriot Battery by onesies-twosies. And while they’re there, part of the job would be to train up the locals. That of course would be a bitch for the most part, as they’d be dealing with double-digit IQ’d Slavic Farmers in their mid-40’s with ZERO education for the most part…
Jes’ Sayin’
Which then leads me into the “why this concept fucking blows rotten donkey cocks”
Thing of it is, no matter what job you have in the DotMil, you are part of a team. Teamwork takes time to ‘come together’. You don’t just take 90 motherfuckers from alllll over the world, and throw them together, in a War Zone, while being told that they’ll never be recognized for their efforts and to keep their fucking mouths shut, and expect them to function at a high level. I sure AF didn’t immediately ‘fall into’ my position as a SAW gunner in my squad…I had to be integrated. NOT doing so? THAT right there is a recibee for a fucking disaster. ESPECIALLY in a seriously High Tech/Know-how job like a Patriot Puke? Bad JuJu there…
Which is, from what all reports have stated has happened.
Time and Time Again.
Either the Patriot is a COMPLETE AND UTTER piece of shit
The folks they ‘shoved together’ on these specious and probably illegal missions never got the time to ‘gel’ into a cohesive and functional team. Truly, it would explain WHY the Patriot, outside of all the other reports of why it (the system itself) failed so utterly and spectacularly.
And the shitty reason that they, the DotMil did this (outside of ‘plausible deniability that is) because it’s waaaay easier to tell Missus Jones that Husband Toby got killed in a car crash in Korea, and that his “remains are unviewable” and not only NOT pay out the Soldier’s Group Life Insurance, (‘cos he was a naughty monkey driving while drunk) but also deny any survivors bennies that a widow would normally get from being a war-widow for the same reason…
Of course….
NO mention of PFC Jones (nor his fellow soldiers) being atomized by a fucking Russian Khinzal strike in Kiev right? Because we don’t have troops on the ground in the Krain dammit!!!! Nope… each one gets written off like those SEALs who supposedly died trying to get on a Dhow in the Gulf a few months ago…. I mean for real!?! Trying to tell us that 3 fucking SEALs drowned!?! That is oh so much bullshit….
Nice DotMil/DotGov we have aimight?
So, Your Thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

The elites form a parasitic superoranism, a la a cancer tumor, but an incompetent one in which the parts defend each other’s parasitic exploitation of the general population from attack or even criticism but no part really undestands what the whole system or even the other parts need to keep functioning (they only know, perhaps instinctively, what’s must be stopped in order to keep the racket going). Wrote a paper on the topic if you (the ex loggie) would like to read it. Want me to DM it to you on Gab or something? (Sidenote: asked Doc Samizdat in the comments of his latest Substack if he wanted to read it, got the reply “absolutely,” and tried to ask him if he by Substack’s messaging if he wanted it sent that way or some other, but I didn’t hear back. Do you know if he has a Gab account that he checks more regularly? I know his Sub articles are only posted every few months.)
“Either the Patriot is a COMPLETE AND UTTER piece of shit …”
Yeah, hold that thought, the owners of a car lot in Riyadh probably have a few choice words on that particular subject. 🙂
For those of you who missed it?
They were supposed to be intercepting Burkan-2s launched by some Houthi Youthis.
What’s the real intercept success rate, not the one bloviated by Patriot Wunderwaffen Cheerleaders?
i think it was an inside job- bridge thing
but what do i know? i’m just a dumb old grunt who retired at 40 with plenty of $ after working a plan for just 10 years… yep. i worked for a whole 10 years………………….
take another look at this video, those flashes at the top the bridge look very similar to those on WTC 1&2 before and as it collapsed
Inthink rhose are arcs generated as electric wires are severed. Note the glowing debris falling, that’s likely molten metal. It drops pretry straight downward, not out to all sides as it would if rhere was an explosion. If you look at rhe flashing beacons along the top before the collision, that’s exactly where we then see the flashes.
F A I L !
OPERATION BRIDGE TAKEDOWN: The Carefully Controlled Demolition Of The Very Important Baltimore Bridge—WHO & WHY? (Updated)
when oh when will the low IQ murkins wake the fuck up?
Yep, the story of the SEALS was BS. “They were attempting to board a ship in rough seas.” WTF? They didn’t just show up and say “Wow, these seas are unexpectedly rough but let’s do this anyway!” Pretty sure the fucking Navy knows sea conditions everywhere all the time. They would have waited until things calmed down a bit. There were also a few killed in some sort of training exercise in the Med. Let’s also not forget the random “accidents” here at home. The recent Osprey crash in Cali comes to mind. Prob no one on board but the “dead” were actually smoked in the Krain. There have been others and way more frequent than in previous years. Nothing the TPTB say can be trusted. Usually the opposite of what they say is closer to the truth.
The elites form a parasitic superoranism, a la a cancer tumor, but an incompetent one in which the parts defend each other’s parasitic exploitation of the general population from attack or even criticism but no part really undestands what the whole system or even the other parts need to keep functioning (they only know, perhaps instinctively, what’s must be stopped in order to keep the racket going). Wrote a paper on the topic if you (the ex loggie) would like to read it. Want me to DM it to you on Gab or something?
Rough calculations on a 45 MPH wind perpendicular to the beam yields about a combined pressure (windward + leeward) of about 6.5 PSF. So multiply that by the surface area and you have the lateral force (400′?X 120′?)=48,000X6.5=312,000 lbs . Resisting this is the surface area of the hull below the water line, any opposing current and the mass of the ship.
That load is applied equally front and aft so the ship changing course might be something else.
“Nah. Just bad timing, bad tides, bad wind, and bad mechanicals. Especially in light of the maintenance records coming out about the boat in question. Apparently its a floating shitheap.”
If they have suspicious-tin-foil-head-cover you convinced it was all multiple coincidence, bad luck, well then they pulled it off. You didn’t apply Occam’s razor. And if you want to start in on math, calculate the odds of that many failures all at the right time. In my engineering days we designed for two fault scenarios because three faults was so unlikely as to be non-existent. You know what they say about once, twice and three times.
They removed the backup power system due to financial issues… Adding to the ‘shitheap’ and ongoing increase in the (in)competency crisis…
More likely they were 40 foot shipping containers, see the front left just above the mangled bridge, you are able to visually see 2 different sized containers. The ship is 985 ft long.
2 local harbor pilots were guiding the ship out of the harbor, per sop, and would be at the helm until clear of the harbor where they would then be picked up by recovery boat then head back to the harbor house. They are likely longtime locals. Im going on the assumption that they are high seniority list pilots, not dei new hires, but that is where to start your look for helming the ship in local waters. Can’t keep a ship in the channel if its entire electrics drops offline, twice in 3 minutes.
Makes one wonder though. How much material/materiel left that port for Ukraine since 2014.
Well, they tell us that two pilots were on board…frankly, who knows? If the media says it, I’m largely inclined to not believe it.
BCE, you see how the .mil can “sheepdip” guys and then hide the casualties.
Let’s just say that someone I trust that put in his 30 in the Army and retired a WO told this to me.
He “hypothetically” said that IF you were going to deploy troops where they are not supposed to be, that’s how you handle the inevitable casualties.
Supposedly they have been doing this since WWII and ancient history now but we had troops on the ground fighting against the communists in Greece in the 1940s yet officially we weren’t there, they were just “advising and training”. Ditto in Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, etc during the Vietnam era carrying on until today.
It’s the same thing during the Korean and Vietnam War, the “North Korean” and “Vietnamese” pilots were really good and for some strange reason spoke Russian on the radio.
It’s an old game and BS but I feel for our brave troops who fought in wars that they shouldn’t have been in, officially were never there and if they died they died in a plane crash.
Never seen a harbor pilot at the helm , giving orders to the helmsman , yes . But point is well taken , and skilled and familiar with the harbors and piers they are . Even though they are on the deck logs and assume the deck and conn , the ship’s captain is not absolved of all responsibilities . From what videos I have seen the ship was having some real mechanical problems and was at one point backing down HARD , starting to twist . It was a fuckin weird deal for sure . Sabotage ? who knows , maybe . Shitheap of a vessel , yep.
Regarding the FSK Bridge:
I usually think of these things in probabilities. There is a good probability that this was just some bad luck or bad fuel or bad whatever that caused the ship to lose power and crash into the bridge pillars.
I also think that there is a probability that it was intentional sabatoge by DEI. A state or other actor might not want to risk money or assets getting a genuine spy into position to cause the outcome desired. IMHO, the next best think is to hire a low IQ diversity hire. You get to meet your diversity quota, have plausible deniability, and get a desired outcome. Say they wanted to use this ship to cause some shenanigens. Well you hire a bunch of stupid dot Indians. There are millions if not billions to choose from. You put them on a ship and hope for a fuck up. The fuck up could be anything from losing cargo, to running aground, hitting another ship, getting lost as sea, etc. This time though, “they” hit the jackpot by bringing down one of the more important pieces of infrastructure on the East coast.
The third option is that “they” sent in a particular asset for this particular outcome. Of the three options, I think this is the least probable. I don’t think that is necessary. But I can see how it could be done without anyone on board having to do anything. I read a story about how there are problems with fuel. I can see that crappy fuel or a fuel additive
For example, there are many server farms across the nation that serve the like of Amazon, Meta, Netflix, Jewtube, etc. Now you would like some shenanigans to go down at any one of those server farms. How do you do that? Easy, hire a 70 IQ dot Indian. Sooner or later, their incomptency will lead to some sore of event that cause a cascade of other events that lead to civilization terrorism one is looking for. DEI sabotage is merely sabotage with long term payoffs.
Here’s an odd twist for ya, Turkey Neck McConnels sister in law who recently backed into a pond in an SUV and drowned was the CEO of the shipping company.
The old Krupp 88 AAA batteries of WWII took a 10 man crew to operate and just read about the downing of the Stealth plane back in 1999 yesterday learned about
Baltimore’s mayor in catch me outside mode over the Didn’t Earn It and Brandon says mommygov will build it back better for $60million.
I’m loving this popcorn as it is damn near orgasmic!
After World War II, Reinhard Gehlen acted under the tutelage of US Army G-2 (intelligence), but he wished to establish an association with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In 1947, in alliance with the CIA, the military orientation of the organization turned increasingly toward political, economic and technical espionage against the Eastern bloc and the moniker “Pullach” became synonymous with secret service intrigues.
“2 local harbor pilots were guiding the ship out of the harbor, per sop, and would be at the helm until clear of the harbor where they would then be picked up by recovery boat then head back to the harbor house.”
To me, this is what rings the most conspiracy bells. Why? Because using two competent, seasoned harbor pilots provides a great amount of plausible deniability. Do these pilots inspect the boat before they pilot it? Do they actually steer the boat with their hands on the wheel? Or are they just commanding….uh….. whoever steers a ship…. to go in what ever direction the pilots command?
If you have sabatoged the fuel or hijacked some sort of electronics that causes a mechanical failure, the pilots are along for the ride just like anyone else.
The flashes on the top of the bridge as it went down?
Rewind it and “Play it again, Sam”. Do it on a loop if you must.
See the lights up there? There are J-Boxes and light fixtures wired in that circuit. There’s at least 220v and maybe 440 feeding though those. Gravity does its thing and the connections are torn apart, causing a big electrical arc at each J-Box. It looks like an explosion and in a sense it is, but the arc of light is not from set charges. Those were electrical explosions, i.e., arcing from connections tearing apart. They all happened right where the lights were – the “weak spots” in the circuit.
electrical shorts only happen ONCE. the breakers shut it all down right now.
Breakers don’t necessarily trip b/c of a breaking wire arc that comes and goes in under a second. They are more likely to trip after a prolonged overload.
double F A I L !
Being a high tech redneck for the past 40 years or so I would agree with you wholeheartedly in that whatever voltage was being used for the bridge span lighting it would have shorted out and gone zap the moment it’s conduit was cut/bent enough to break through the insulation and hit the live wires shorting them out.
That said my first thought was indeed it was the bridge wiring races/conduit shorting out at the steel girder’s pinch points as shown in the video giving the arcs and sparks show.
If you can find any of the videos (one that comes to mind is of the Puddle Jumpers flying by in one of their helos doing initial inspection) you can see one of the girders, the one on the left side of ship sticking up in the air, there is a definite 90 degree cut at the point where the flash was observed during the bridge collapse. The steel is painted white, the area where the ‘cut’ is has a very distinctive black mark down the whole width of the girder.
That would change my mind. Could you post a link? Thanks!
Several views on this video.
I read somewhere that the last minute turn that the boat makes happened after the power was restored and the engine was being run at full power in reverse (cloud of black smoke in the video). Since there is only one prop (screw), it caused the back of the boat to move sideways.
What I am wondering is: why weren’t there diamond shaped concrete structures around each of the piers, to deflect a run-away ship? I have seen these on other bridges. Why not on this one?
What was on the boat?
Two things at odds with what I’ve seen and heard since the initial goat fuck… 1) winds were less than what you stated, Big; not 40+ knots or whatever, not calm but not gale force either 2) a boat that huge, loaded like that, is an unimaginable mass, that does not ‘want’ to turn or stop. You can blow all the fucking wind at it you want, the weight at and below the waterline of that boat defies the wind…
The fact that this “perfect storm” of boat, wind, current, tide, moon phase, retarded crew and ship’s registry, ship’s Master being a Uke, criticality of the bridge/port/area infrastructure “in toto” to so much ancillary shit… sorry, Billy – I disagree. And the mad scramble by the fuckers to promote different “reasons” is a tell, too.
This was fucking deliberate.
The ship Dali has 2 minutes of black box recording ‘missing’ right before the crash happened.
coming from a Master Unlimited Tonnage Captain with 40 years on the water..
“There is a Voice recorder in every wheelhouse. We collect and capture the important moments when ships hit a dock, bridge or another vessel. We synchronize it the visual aspects with the ECDIS, (Electronic Chart Data information system), so you can determine exactly what was going on at the time of any incident. It works incredibly well.
Deep Sea ships have more complicated/intricate systems than what we have on the Great Lakes because they transit world-wide in many ports. It’s also illegal to tamper with anything related to that voice data recorder. They haul dangerous cargo and we haul iron ore pellets . . . . so this is strictly a cover up.”
Hey BCE, I appreciate your comments on the bridge event. While wind may be a factor, I’ve seen enough (just 2) people with significant experience in shipping explain 1) the power loss mid turn leaves the rudder in a fixed (turning) position, and 2) the emergency procedure is to drop anchor(s) and the video on scene shows that was done.
Frankly, there are enough conspiracies being proven true every day these days that statistically, we should expect an accident now and then. Even one with plenty of blame to go around as this one does.
BTW, I’m enjoying the DEI discussions on X from this. Apparently not a white guy within 50 miles of this disaster. I guess it is a white privilege to not be blamed for stupid/preventable disasters. At least not since the Hindenburg…
It’s a bummer to be the turd in the punchbowl but… it almost assuredly happened exactly as you’re hearing.
Indians make up more than half of all marine engineers. Bohunks and Indians make up the majority of deck officers. Krainans are in demand ATM because they don’t want to go home. No need to pay for crew changes or deal with visas, etc. Half the cost of hiring mongs to work on ships is repatriating them from the civilized world to their homes. America has… 108 ships? Something like that. Not much. 90+% of American merchant mariners, like me, prefer to work on tugboats, barges and smaller vessels. Better living conditions, more jobs, less bullshit.
Some little things- those containers are 40′, not 20. But force under water on the hull is 40-75x more influential on course than sail area, depending on if you ask the Coast Guard, or refer to Bowditch, the American Practical Navigation Manual.
Engineers usually put up 110-150% of the ship’s anticipated max current draw during port transits, which means firing up most or all of the generators and putting them online. Shaft generators (some ships put a rotor on their prop shaft and turn it into a generator too) aren’t used in port transits to reduce engine load and also because the engines are just giant 2-stroke direct-drives- to go in reverse, the engine must be shut down and restarted, backwards. The main engine DOES NOT provide it’s own electricity. The engine on the ship in question isn’t one with a mechanical self-powered fuel pump. The generators power the engine controls, lube oil and fuel pumps, everything, so an electrical power loss means the engine shuts down too.
All ships have an emergency diesel generator and automated switching so that in the event of a blackout, the emergency gen starts and goes online without human intervention. The E-gen only provides power to critical systems.
The ship lost power, the pilots called mayday, and the emergency gen kicked on, we saw that. When it was on, the pilot called for full reverse, you can see the smoke from that when the engine restarted in reverse.
Now, prop walk is why the ship crabbed sideways when they hit the brakes. Prop walk is the tendency of a propeller to force a ship’s stern to swing when turning backwards. When a prop is turning at slow speed, a lot of water moves to the sides and is lost, it doesn’t all run smoothly forward and backward. When this happens with the prop turning in reverse, a lot of that water is being forced down, to the sides, and also up, where it hits the underside of the hull of the ship, creating resistance. The more resistance that creates, the more the propeller acts like a wheel instead of a propeller, and walks the stern sideways. (This is a condensed version, the physics are very cool but take forever to explain).
Prop walking is one of the skills that single-engine boat owners should have knowledge about. Old school fishermen and tugboaters from the days of single-screw boats rely on it extensively. The art of shiphandling requires that a master knows exactly how to use this to his advantage.
Anyways, the pilot had to choose between gunning the main engine and hoping for a low-angle blow that might not destroy everything, or backing down full, turning more directly at the bridge abutments, and reducing momentum at a cost of a more direct hit on the bridge. What they didn’t expect, and what everyone wants to know, is why the emergency diesel stalled. The load on it might have bogged it down, stalling the engine, or a breaker blew, fuel valve turned off by accident or left in the off position for some insane reason (this is one of my favorite pet theories given the amount of time the engine was running), who knows… what I, at least DO know is that there’s only that for redundancy for power loss. And ships have been knocking down bridges for a couple of centuries.
Now, it’s unlikely, but I did hear one mariner conspiracy theory that was pretty fun.
Maersk charters that ship. They’re a bunch of Danes, the largest shipping company in the world, and notoriously a bunch of cheap dicks to their chartered vessels. They monitor EVERYTHING. Now, nobody can remotely alter anything that could screw with the physical ship, ships are not designed to be accessible online- there’s no wireless way to get into the controlling equipment for a reason. Digital switching is almost nonexistent on ships. Computers are handy for monitoring, not for controlling. Marine engineers are not given IT training, and must be able to be fully repaired in situ, which means no Internet of Things.
Maersk is known, however, to pressure foreign engineers to keep excessive generator capacity to a minimum to save on fuel, generators running on expensive diesel, rather than HFO (#6 oil, sorta), the cheap shitty fuel the engines run on. This is known because when they ask American engineers to not run any extra generators during maneuvering, the American engineers told them to get fucked. But Indians NEVER argue with authority. They value conformity… so, it may be that the ship wasn’t running a lot of spare power, had a demand spike tripped the gens, and the emergency gen took a shit not long after coming online… it’s a theory, and likely bullshit, but interesting.
Anyways, just my take. I figured out last month that, God Help Me, this is year 42 as a somewhat professional mariner for me, and I did get my start on oil tankers in the engine room, but I admit it’s been 15 years since I actually stepped foot on one.
As another licensed mariner (Chief Engineer) the emergency generator may have shut down for the following reason. The emergency generator is supposed to have it’s own separate fuel supply, enough for 24 hours IIRC. Every month this supply tank is to be drained and refilled with a fresh, clean supply. The “clean” fuel usually comes from a tank that has been processed through a centrifuge to purify it. With all the deficiencies this ship has had in the past I can see this procedure being skipped but logged as being done because “we never need to use the emergency generator”. Long work hours, fatigue, and DEI do the rest. As for Indian “engineers”, I worked with one when I switched to working on yachts. He had the job of changing some fuel hoses to an approved type as the boat was going to charter. Didn’t measure the fittings at the ends and ordered imperial instead of metric. Wasn’t fazed that they didn’t fit together smoothly, just use a bigger wrench! And he wondered why the engines kept getting air in the fuel lines and shut down. So my guess is DEI is a big factor here.
Chief Steve- good to see a real engineer here. I’m barely in my area of competence. I’m a deckie, and while I did want to be an engineer, while I was wrapping up my sea time to sit for QMED, I got a butt cheek seared to well done at Cristobal anchorage when we were hunting down a steam leak and my ass contacted the side of the economizer chamber while pressure testing steam tubes. After having to eat my meals standing up for 6 weeks, I asked to go chip and paint outside.
Ouch! Steam is nice because it’s a cleaner form of power, but, it can be very dangerous. A pinhole leak on a boiler can result in a jet of steam that will nearly cut an arm or leg off. Did they not issue you a decent boiler suit?
Hey, where are you guys hearing about missing voice records? Is another ignorant retard talking like they know shit about ships? FFS, of course Voyage Data Recorders don’t record networked data when the lights go out. They record physical conditions, radio traffic, location, engine/throttle/rudder state, fire and main alarm panel status, hatch open/shut state and ECDIS (chart/radar data) ), and voice records, which is why we are not supposed to make gay jokes during incidents.
On power loss, voice records are not affected but some of the data coming in stops BECAUSE IT ISN’T BEING SENT ANYMORE!
Jesus Christ. You unplug the toaster, and can’t figure out why you don’t have toast?
Nobody is saying there is missing voice data that I can see. DC Draino is a shoemaker, not a mariner, which is fine. The fact that he didn’t ask a mariner before running his dick holster suggests he’s a fuckin’ potato, though.
^ thanks for this. I’ve no experience on ships,nor the systems thereon, but have in the past worked with some complex building telemetry systems. Loss of power (or physically disconnecting/severing cabling or wireless transceivers from the overall system) will result in loss of data reporting ranging from a single zone or portion of a subsystem all the way to multiple subsystems being offline. Which makes sense, and a ship this large undoubtedly has its various system monitoring apparatus powered from different circuits depending on the physical location of the hardware, and whether those have connections to only the main, or both the main and emergency power busses.
I also don’t know if UPS type battery backups are utilized on critical hardware, and if they are, whether they were properly maintained and actually working.
Right now we have a terminal case of self styled experts talking out of their asses online, and it is rather embarrassing to see all the straws being grasped at and outlandish theories propagated. And I say that as a guy who has spent most of his life getting dogged as a conspiracy theorist and other pejorative bullshit for questioning official explanations. It has gone completely parabolic lately, though I can understand why with a govt that openly lies to our faces and denies doing so when caught dead to rights doing so.
Why wouldn’t the voice and data recorder be battery backed as on aircraft. You might lose some input data, but the recorders keep running and voice data is always on
The recorder itself likely had uninterrupted power, but if sensors or remote systems (to the recorder physical location) were offline due to general power loss, then any data from those nodes not powered would not be present on the recorder form the duration of the time the remote nodes/systems were offline. Which was the whole point Sailor Paul was making, and I was concurring with.
Realtime voice recording from the bridge, if it is missing, is another matter and may be cause for suspicion. However, I don’t know how these systems are physically structured and installed, so while I’d expect some redundancy to ensure continuity of voice recording and some key data, maybe I’m giving them too much credit.
Overall, the big issue I’m having is the rampant speculation and rumor mongering are muddying the water so much that now we will never come to a consensus on a believable conclusion concerning what happened, no matter who does the investigation and what they ultimately claim happened. Which means it’s just another tar pit of endless conjecture that will go on forever, at least until something else comes along as a shiny new distraction. See JFK and 9/11, which will never be truly settled either.
Something off the radar-Two Apache crashes in two days and three the past month.
The port of Baltimore is important regarding shipping military equipment and a Mason-Dixon line divider.
NTSB Releases “Black Box” Timeline of Baltimore Bridge Strike
At about 0039 hours on Tuesday morning, the boxship Dali got under way from Baltimore’s Seagirt Terminal with 21 Indian crewmembers, two local pilots and 56 hazmat containers on board. The pilots released the docking tugs shortly after, and the vessel entered the ship channel.
At 0124 hours, Dali was under way in the channel, making eight knots and steering 141 degrees. At about 0125, multiple alarms went off, and the VDR ceased recording the ship’s electronic system data. Using backup power, the VDR kept recording bridge audio, and it captured the pilot’s verbal rudder commands.
One minute later, at 0126, the VDR was able to resume recording the ship’s electronic data. Shortly after – at 0126:39 – the pilot made a general VHF call for tug assistance. This was the first distress call from the vessel.
At about this time, a dispatcher at the pilot’s association contacted the duty officer at the MDTA, the state authority that operates the Francis Scott Key Bridge. This gave the MDTA enough early warning to begin shutting down the bridge to traffic, an action that officials have credited with saving many lives.
At 0127:04, two minutes before contact with the bridge pier, the pilot gave the order to drop Dali’s port anchor. He also gave additional steering commands.
At 0127:25, the pilot made a general radio call over VHF to warn that the Dali had lost all power and was approaching the Key Bridge. By this time, MDTA’s duty officer had dispatched units to shut down all lanes of traffic.
The ship was still making seven knots at 0129:00, the moment that the VDR began recording the audible sounds of the allision. The noise continued until 01:29:33, and the pilot made a VHF call to report the bridge’s collapse a few moments later.
Michael Buckley III, Chief Engineer for 20 years with Maersk Lines, weights in on the events that could have taken place leading to the tragic accident where the vessel #Dali hit the #baltimorebridge causing its collapse.
it’s a screen shot but says 2 possible causes, drop of fuel pressure or computer system failure
Yet More On Baltimore Bridge Strike
With the ship steaming 8.7 knots in a southeast direction down Ft. McHenry Channel, the 4 to 5 knot northeast breeze on the port quarter applied negligible force to the vessel. Likewise, the section of the Patapsco River under the Francis Key Bridge is part of a tidal estuary. River and tidal currents within the deep channel were also negligible, especially when applied to a 95,000 ton vessel traveling 8.7 knots at the time the ship’s bow turned to starboard and onto a collision course with the pylon.
The NOAA station data deepens my suspicion that the ship’s movement out of the channel and onto a collision course with the pylon was initiated by a rudder input. I continue to suspect that if the pilot had simply held his course after the loss of propulsion, the ship would have remained in the channel and safely glided under the bridge.
This is NOT a conspiracy theory. This is a simple observation. Wind and current conditions cannot explain the ship’s course change.
the whole damn thing is falling down around us all as 14 million new invaders are about to make themselves comfy on your dime.. it’s all rather amusing to moi because i told of the things happening now-years ago. the murkans are just too stupid to continue to exist. i hope they enjoy their slow vaccine deaths with a heaping side of financial insolvency and brainwashed idiocy.
The night was humid.
The night was moist.
I love it when you two talk dirty…
demolition expert says it’s thermite
So maybe the ship and crew were the patsies in this one?
the ship is a brilliant a distraction from the real objective- blowing the bridge to cripple that massive port infrastructure . fucking PERIOD
oh how the murkans love taking the bait all the way down their throat..
this is, I know, a likely “harbinger of the apocalypse” – me, agreeing with tfA-t; but…
Imma gonna hafta agree with tfA-t on this one… the boat and all the other stuff- theories, conspiracy or not- this bridge and all it had to handle, and the port and all it had to handle –
let’s just say that all of this is “just a little too fucking convenient and ‘cohencidental’ “.
All that math is great stuff, but until you have tried to pilot a boat in high winds and NO POWER, you have no idea. As a kayaker, I don’t provide much surface area to wind, but I can tell you, what I do have exposed does crazy things when the winds get up there. Currents; same.
Now, what makes the biggest change is HULL SHAPE. small kayaks tend to be ‘weather helmed’ which means they will want to point into the wind when in motion. We have things called skegs and rudders to account for that. Not all hulls are weather helmed, some are lee helmed (will want to point down wind) or nuetral. Seeing how most of these 1000′ shippers are long wide and near flat on bottom, I would say they are nuetral helmed. Add wind, it will want to turn sideways into the wind. And that is what this thing was doing,, bow headed cross wind and the aft was lining up. That they had no power means no rudder, no thrust to use said rudder, and no bow thrusters (if it even had them,,, don’t know)
and while boats have anchors, they do not have brakes. Tossing anchor MIGHT have slowed them down mitigating damage, but it takes a bit of drag for the anchor to ‘grab’ and I doubt they had that much time.
As for Tfats thoughts on ‘those flashes looked like,,,” those bridges also have lots of electric lines to power all of those lights they cover them with. Electric arcs as power-lines break look a whole lot like Det-cord popping,,,, Just sayin’
IMO,,, this is a “shit happens” moment, that was a series of failures due to lack of maintenance by cheap shipping company. No Conspiracy here,,,
Steve S6:
I agree. On one of the merchant mariner discussion groups I check out, a couple of pilots, one being a Brit (probably the best mariners in the world) and the other American (A close 2nd, IMO), both said that they wouldn’t second-guess the pilot, as he had to take conditions in the moment in account, and choose whether to firewall the engine and hope for a little bow cushion (the slight tendency for water to force a bow away from a solid object laterally, for the non boaters) and a higher speed glancing blow, or a lower-momentum allision with greater odds for a more direct strike from the prop walk.
I’ve only ever seen a club-haul (dropping the anchor to change direction) twice- once in Haiti, where we did it to make a 270′ turn because there were no tugboats, and once in the Mississippi, where the ship ahead of us lost power, plowed into the bank and went broad to the current, and the pilot had to do a 180 in a half mile at 16 knots. Both times were sketchy AF.
The fact that the pilot tried to club haul the ship and back down suggests that a
“electrical shorts only happen ONCE. the breakers shut it all down right now.”
>when The Diversity is so strong it makes it look like professional saboteurs
An unmaintained rustbucket crewed by jeets was bound to have something go wrong at any time or place, just like the planes designed by jeets and maintenance records fudged and parts not up to standard.
The over half a century of nonwhites from 1965 was building up to this collapse (of course with the usual suspects involved and forcing them in all those positions over and over again). There is no way they get that bridge repaired anytime soon; it took years to construct it the first time when there was a lot less diversity and more american industry.
Expect to see even more of this from both bad actors and immense incompetence.