Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Appreciate all the nice sentiments and whatnot on our current shit-show here at Casa El Grande Campesino… been a loooong curse filled weekend that’s for damned sure…
As in “What Mummy’s Tomb did I piss on when I was in Egypt? I was sure didn’t pee on anything critical!!!” I mean I went out of my way to only piss in what I (thought) were/was ‘safe’ spots, meaning no curse laden A.O.s that could possibly come back to haunt me…
<Le Sigh>
Anyways… Time to get back in the groove….
Wisco Dave sends me a daily dump of memes and ‘other’ things… we got a pretty good email chain happening with Me, Wirecutter and a few others… one of the things he sent me was a link to this… watch it and then I’ll discuss:
OK… now… according to Leadslinger, this isn’t ‘sped up’ nor is it Hollyweird Special Effects… those are for-real racing drones…
Of course I had to verify, so I found this from NBC on YouToob:
DAMN x2!!!!
So, I’ve already linked a bunch of the Russian and Krainian Drone attacks where individual troops on both sides have become ‘drone meat’… Now mind you, these are C.O.T.S. Drones… which means “Commercial Off The Shelf” drones bough by both DotMils because there wasn’t a significant analog in any DotMil, to include the US…
We have drones… have had them quite a spell, however, none of them had offensive capabilities like we’ve now seen. Not sure if it was the Russians who did it first, or the Krainians… I know I’m biased, as the Krain is nothing but a 70+/- IQ’d semi-retarded bunch of grifting morons who’s never had an original idea in their collective lives… Whereas Ivan tends to act stupidly to begin with, and then “adapt, improvise, and overcome” like pure-dee motherfuckers.
I’d hanker it was Russia who done dood it first.
Maybe I’m wrong… let me know in the comments. Reason I say it was them, was they supplied Armenia drones during the Nagorno-Karabakh war(s). It helped them to dump accurate Artillery Fire onto oncoming Azerbaijani grunts… the vidyas from that are out there if you look…
At some point, someone realized they could add bombs, even as simple as an F1 Soviet Era Frag onto a drone, and drop them with pretty good accuracy and take out individual grunts on the ground. As time went on, the Russians then added larger drones to the matrix, and rigged many of them with RPG Warheads… and when that worked, they graduated to substituting the RPG round with what essentially were ‘airborne claymore’ fragmentation mines. They’d take a foot long, lightweight plastic cylinder, put another smaller one inside it, the smaller one being packed with Semtex, and then, they’d fill the ‘gap’ between the two with a kilo and a half of ball bearings…
And man, effective? No shit Aye?
So, of course the usual “I kin shewt one of them there down!” morons (actually quite a few) started piping in, that “They shoot doves on the reg!” which apparently are supposedly harder to hit than a 90+ MPH drone…
Pull the other one Jethro.
Thing of it is?
The current Guinness World Record for “Fastest Drone”?
AVERAGE speed of 165.2MPH
Top End? Flat-The-Fuck-Balls-Out? 179.78 MPH
My ass you can shoot that down.
Think about it.
It’s fucking terrifying.
A small drone, like the Drone Racing Leagues Racer Mark 4:
0-90MPH in slightly less than a second
Ninety Fucking Miles Per Hour.
So of course “But Big Country, these are small sports drones, they’re tiny, and have no lift capability!!!”
No shit Sherlock, it doesn’t fucking need one.
It’s called Commotio Cordis, which sounds like a Harry Potter spell. It’s a result of impact to the chest. It can compress your ribcage a bit, essentially bouncing your ribs off your heart in such a way as to interrupt the hearts natural rhythm. Imagine the heart tries to expand in the moment of impact and is unable to do so because of the compression of the ribs. This is pretty rare, cause the blow would need to be struck with that exact timing and would need to hit almost dead center of the left ventricle of the heart. Still, it basically kills you outright. Breathing will stop and the heart will be in V-fib. With that perfect blow, in that perfect moment, an otherwise completely healthy person is now having a heart attack. They are likely to die without immediate CPR and AED treatment.
Now mind you, that’s a punch that can cause Commotio Cordis… sometimes ball players have had it happen getting hit with a fastball to the chest… very rare, however…
What if you have a swarm of these drones. ALL programmed to seek a thermal imaged human sized target? Launch and release 40 of them before you storm an objective. Each one closes with the target so fucking quickly the hit would be instantly either fatal or completely incapacitating… you wouldn’t even need to worry about Ye Olde Heart Pump… a drone doing 90 MPH impacting a limb I’m sure is going to tear that fucker clean the fuck off Aye?
Telling you, I have seen the future, and it’s Lethal Combat Drones… In fact when you go to the Drone Racing League website (look for the link yourself you filthy animals, I can’t always do all the heavy lifting as I’m writing this while making dinner…) the website has a LOT of links to the US Chair Farce…
Tells you where and what they’re thinking amiright?
So, thoughts in the comments
More Later
Big Country