Well THAT Is A New One I Didn’t See Coming…

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Not sure how this particular ‘thing’ is going to play out or how they’re going to spin it:

Got a hunch they’re going to spin up Ye Olde Memory Hole as fast as fucking possible… Like a Warp Speed Spin Up…

The last thing they want to do is have this give –anyone elseany ideas in the same groove. Not for nothing, got no idea if the guy is a full-on nutjob… I mean he obviously is but there’s ‘nuts’ as in the guy has a loooong history of being a Schizophrenic and/or on an even loooonger list of psychotropic drugs, OR he’s ‘nuts’, as in he just finally said “I’m fucking DONE!” and went full house-psycho on his old man…

Story is here: LINK (Let’s see if it gets memory holed)

So, there’s got to be a story behind this. Dad was 68 and a Boomer. Kid, named Justin Mohn is 32, so that makes him a Millennial. Dad worked for the FedGov for 20+ years. My guess? Kid being 32, still living at Home, and maybe BoomerDad gave him the ‘bootstrap lecture’ one too many a time, and guy fucking flipped his collective shit.

“Off With His Head!!!”
But, the reason I say they’re gonna memory hole this?
The money quote from the article is:

“Mohn went on to say he was offering a $1 million bounty to anyone who could kill top officials including FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland and former Attorney General Bill Barr.”

The Daily Mail

Unless they’re absolutely fucking retarded even more that -I- believe, they’ll bury this story deeper than Epstein’s Client List. Now, considering just how stupid some of the jackholes who’re running the show in the country right now, they might just go Full Retard and blame MAGA and Trump or some such… Thing is, this right here is something I’ve been watching for.

I’ve said it a multiplicity of times.
The Head Honchos out there?
Pretty Untouchable.
Lots of Guards, Security… what have you.
The Support Staff/Lower Bureaucrats and whatnot?

VERY Fucking Touchable.
Never mind their ‘support staff’ to include families and ‘other’ things. I mean look at what happened to that Mayor in France who was promoting his Village as a migrant sanctuary.

“The mayor of a small French town whose home was set on fire amid a bitter battle over bringing in migrants is resigning from his job of overseeing an increasingly divided community.”

Associated Press, May 11, 2023

Seems the Mayor ‘got the message’ and GTFO while he still could. They firebombed his crib with him and his family inside, and torched two of his cars in the driveway.

He’s lucky.
Like I said, not sure if the kid above is a Genuine Nutjob or a “Momentary Loss of Sanity” Nutjob… either way, gotta say, it takes a lot to remove a human casaba off of one’s neck and/or shoulders.

Now I’m not promoting anything. Nope, I’m just a JAFO. Just Another Fucking Observer. And I’m figuring we might… waitaminute… come to think of it, IF some individual DID take in on themselves to start ‘cleaning up certain issues’ they more than likely wouldn’t let anyone know, ‘cos THAT would most definitely spawn a HUUUGE level of copycats, so no…

Probably won’t be hearing anything about wide swathes of FedGov Drones and Petty Bureaucrats being found dead of ‘suddenly’ and/or random muggings like the DemoncRat Kid Seth Rich that they had murdered for comping all of Killary’s emails and dirt to Assange.

Word I got was that he was murdered by two hired hand MS-13 thugs for leaking the thumb drive full of dirt to Assange. The MS-13 hitters were hired to do the deed, and then when they showed up to get paid, they in turn got whacked by a dependable contractor who’s known for doing dirty for the Clintons et al. No one was going to miss a pair of illegal MS-13 Gang Members Aye?

Shit is right out of a Reacher Episode innit?

PsyOps In Play Then and Now

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Doctors and the like. Fucking hate the croakers. Even WITH Insurance the cost of all of these visits is starting to cost. Next on is a $300 up-front copay for the next MRI? CAT? Mammo? Not even sure. Anyways, feel free to hit the Paypal if’n you can as it’d help.

Now, Besides being run thru the titty-wringer (literally in Gretchen’s case) I’ve been watching and seeing the whole unfolding of the Taylor Swift/NFL/Travis Kelce PsyOp unfolding right in front of us…

A fucking disturbing video IMO…
From the comments: “TFW When you realize the target they’re referring to in the video is you.” Indeed.

They’ve been all over the news worldwide.
It’s enough to make one puke.
She’s a flat-assed 34 year old brainless singer who’s fully co-opted by Soros and Company. She started out in 05 as a moderate Country Singer out of Nashville, and somehow managed to get noticed by all the right (or wrong depending on your perspective) people.

Before this marketing push, she was best known as a chick who was famous for singing about all the shitty men she chose to slore on her cock-carousel.

Somehow, this managed to translate to all the tween girls out there, and next thing you know, she’s “dating” Travis Kelce of the Chiefs…

Reason I use quotes around that was Enty over on CDAN had a blind months ago saying that the whole relationshit was transactional. The NFL has been suffering for years with a significant drop in viewership and ticket sales. What not a better thing than to get “The ‘IT’ Girl” of the Year and promote a relationshit with a well know Hero-Sportsball player?

Then, make sure that the Team that the Hero plays for not only gets into the Stupor-Bowl, but wins it? Yeah, I’m calling it now… Chiefs 42, Other (I don’t even know who they’re playing) 38, with some oh so close calls and a last minute WIN!

Maybe I’m wrong but hey, it is “sports entertainment” according to the charter. Just like the World Wrestling Entertainment, it’s a show. IT’S NOT. REAL.

I figured that out when the Patriots went to their very first Stupor-Bowl. Remember when that was? Yep. Right After 9-11.

Of course that “PATRIOTS” were going to be “The Winningest Team EVVAR!!!” that year. Not only that, when the team was introduced onto the field, for the first time ever, instead of naming off the individual players, they all were announced as ONE BIG TEAM!!!! running onto the feild all at once…
How ‘Murican!
How Patriotic!
Yay Sportsball!
So lots of people have come to the ‘wake up’ time… especially in light of how hard they’ve been pushing it. In fact, that’s part of their problem. They lack intelligence in pushing this sort of shytte, so they lack subtlety. This particular shitshow is so blatant and in your face, I think it’ll backfire.

Vivek and Jack get it…
I mean she’s never been one to hide her true feelings:

There’s also a reason you never see her being interviewed. I found ONE clip that’s out there from around 2020, and let me tell you, ‘ditzy dumbass blonde cumdumpster’ is a pretty accurate description.

If she picked her nose, the roof of her skull just might cave it, as she’d be undermining the support structure that’s there.
Jes’ Sayin’
So, high-on-her-own-supply, and probably in coordination with the PsyOps kids, as well as the DemoncRats, they think they can mobilize the “Swifties” to voat… some numbers being tossed around is 15 percentage points of the idiots out there who ‘follow the programming’ will voat for “the current thing”.

Sums it up nicely there Aye?
The good news is that in the same poll, 17 percent of folks said they’d do the polar opposite of what Tay-Tay calls for…
So not everyone is that retarded out there thankfully. It’s just amazing to me how many fucking sheep buy into this sort of thing. Hopefully we don’t get a (s)election this year… that’s my wish.

Let ’em suspend it, postpone it, delegitimize themselves.
Can’t hurt me:

So, Your thoughts?
My thanks for y’alls support, patience and prayers.
Makes a world of difference to me.
More Later
Big Country

Life Don’t Stop, If Anything, You Get Busier

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So, t’was our turn to Celebrate the –6th– Birfday of the Redheaded Nuklear Powered Gran. She hit the marker on this past Tuesday, but appointments and reasons we couldn’t attend the celebration on the day itself.

So today was the throwdown.
Maaan… she’s six
Where in the ever loving hell did the time go???

We took her to an honest to God toy store that’s up in Wesley Chapel… Turtle’s Toys or some such. It was a massive throwback to the ‘old days’ when toy stores still existed. Wasn’t overpriced either. She got to pick out three toys. One from each of us, being Myself, Gretch, and Sapper (who actually ventured out with us, which is unusual as normally Sunday is his busy day at work). The only limitation was $$$ and the ‘type’ of toy… none of that “Bratz” pseudo-slut female gggggggirl dollys or shytte like that Aye?

She actually picked out three very cute and nice toys. One was a Barbie-ish (offbrand, so cheaper Yay!) doll with a wardrobe of clothing and outfits to change into, as well as a princess doll w/ MOAR outfits to change her into, and some coloring book thingy.

Had to talk her out of the $100 Giraffe…
Even if I -did- buy it for her, how the hell was I going to fit it in our itty-bitty Hyundai?

Then, after the toys were handled, it was off to the Main Event.
That’s the name of it “Main Event”

It’s a BIG chain like “Dave and Busters” except with more ‘stuff’ to do… Bowling, Pool, Laser Tag, Video Games… a major entertainment complex. We did lunch first, which after she had her pepperoni pizza, (“heavy on the cheese” mind you) she got her birfday dessert:

Oreo Cheesecake…
And nope, there were NO leftovers for Big Papi to have (queue sad face). Once she got done with that, and after she had talked up like everyone in the immediate area, we did the bowling thing. And no shit, she damned near handed ALL of us our asses.

She didn’t use the kid bumpers, but did use what I took to calling the ‘ball launcher’ as she couldn’t really heave the ball. Not even kidding, she got 2nd place out of the four of us playing, and the ONLY reason I won was I got lucky and got a strike. Lil Goober had mad ability compared to the rest of us.

Sapper almost requested the bumpers as his handle came close to being changed to “Gutterball”.

In all reality, we, the adults, were definitely feeling out age(s). I was so stiff, I couldn’t do the traditional “walk up, slide and bend and throw/roll the ball” towards the pins. It was more like “Lurch up to the line, and heave that fucker at warp speed, damn how loud or hard the ball hit when it finally made contact with the alley”…

Sort of a “Hulk SMASH!!!” approach to bowling.

So, that was today. Living life, albeit sore and a wee bit sorry after the fact. As far as the -other- stuff, I greatly appreciate everyone’s comments, concerns and prayers for Gretchen. We still have another round on the Titty-Squisher to get comparables so’s we can see what may or may not be going on. Never fear though people, I’m on the case.

I mean I know how to deal with these CancerQuacks.

DeadDad earned that moniker waaay too early due to them pushing the “Regular Treatment Plan” consisting of Loads of Chemo (at $26k a throw, mostly covered by insurance thank God) and Radiation (which left him feeling like shit, and bald AF), and finally, towards the end some surgery.

Seven. Fucking. Years. he had to go through all that shit.
Agony. Miserable. Hating it.
His last year (I was in Iraq) he decided he was done fucking around, and called ENDEX (End of Exercise) on all the shit so’s he had a few months of quality left with MomUnit before he cashed in.

Because of having observing this (from afar, as I was overseas the majority of that shytteshow) and hearing and on the occasion of seeing it (like at FedBros wedding and a couple of other times), when -I- got diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer, I wasn’t falling for the “standard protocol” bullshit.

Not that they didn’t try that like O’Shytte.

I was lucky and got to be treated at Moffit here in Tampa. When I went in, I was pretty fucking upfront about the treatment plan. ‘Plan A’ was that I told them to cut the whole lower left half of the lung out ASAP.

It took some threats and coercion on my part… I had to explain to the FrogDoc (French Canoehead CancerDoc) that IF he tried to debate me vis-a-vis cutting it out RT-RT (Right There/Right Then) that ‘Plan B’ was that I’d go home, have a couple dozen drinks of Jim Beam to wash down a handful of Oxys, wait 15 mikes, and then have an accident while cleaning my 9mm that just -happens- to blow a large-ish hole thru said afflicted airbag.

Told him if he didn’t believe me, to pull my psyche file from the VA (who Moffit is partnered with surprisingly). Gave him a few days, and whaddya know? They went with ‘Plan A.’

And I’m alive and kickin’ because of it.
Now, I’m praying hard that this’s a false alarm. I’ve become rather fond(le) of Gretchens Hooties. I’d rather -not- have them get fucked up, as that’d be like desecrating a classical artwork…

However, there ARE ways of mitigating the damage. Our good Fren Doc Samizdat is doing some research for me as he’s ‘wired in’ so to speak in that particular field. Can’t thank him or y’all who’ve been helping across the board.

As the title said at the top, life don’t stop… you can’t really let everything keep you down. Right now we’re int he midst of some of the wildest shit that’s been seen in over 200 years here going on, and as the Carnies in Gip-Town say about the spinning wheel, (as a metaphor for life), “Round and round she goes… where she stops, nobody knows!”

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Ferris Bueller

We’ll see where things end up. I’ll do a bit of a breakdown tomorrow as I’m curious to see what happens after the warmongers in DC have made a call for us to hit Iran again despite the fact that our ‘current day DotMil’ is at it’s lowest and weakest that it’s been since right before the Korean War.

Going to be getting weirder.
Ammo, Weapons, Food, and Frens.
Head on a Swivel
More Later
Big Country

When It Rains, It POURS. (I’m getting REALLY tired of this)

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes
This’s getting –OLD
I’m so emotionally drained it’s not funny.
Like zombie-mode
1000 Yard Stare Mode

No update on Gretch. Waiting on test results and whatnot. Some of y’all figured it out. The E.R. found a lump, which under normal circumstances, not a big deal.


BIG history of breast cancer in the fam. Her Granma cashed from it. Her Mom got it, and survived, albeit significantly boobie-reduced. In Gretch’s case, well, seems said lump (which I hadn’t noticed despite the regular groping and titty-time) has already grown a wee bit.

I know it just may be -me- thinking it, however, it -has- gotten a wee bit larger and pronounced. Tests and whatnot ongoing, and the prayers have been really welcome and appreciated. I’ll deal with it as we go, as it’s not my first rodeo with the “Big C” having had a nice bout of it myself a few years back.

Only cost me 1/2+ an airbag, but who’s counting?

As the Sergeant from the 1980 classic “The Big Red One” said:
“That’s why they give you two.”

Of course he was talking about Smitty’s ball(s) being blown off by a castration mine, but balls, lung… whatever… I’m shy half an airbag and still kicking thankfully.

Hopefully we get better news tomorrow or at least by Monday.

This’s been the longest, slowest week I’ve gone through in about ten years. The waiting is killing me. Anyways, that’s the update for her… moving on to sadder news

Tonight and the reason I’m poasting is I got word thru Facebook that a very good friend of mine from Iraq died a few days ago. Hilal Ahmed Abu Dlou, better known as ‘Spidi’ or ‘Speedy’ to us ‘Muricans, cashed in after a heart attack five days ago in Lebanon.

He leaves behind two really cute kids, a wife and a big family.
Damn it.

He was about 8 years younger than me.
I always gave him shit about his diet… he never met a hamburger that he didn’t love. Guess it finally caught up.
Again, Damn it.

I talked to him not even two/three weeks ago… yeah… I stayed in pretty close contact with him… especially when the Izzys went batshit and started doing full on ¡Genociding! of the Palestinians.

I offered up to sponsor him and his immediate fam to come here to the states to live if the Zio-Clowns in Izzystan decided they wanted to roll hot North into Lebanon where he was located. He’s Palestinian by birth BTW.

People can talk shit all they want about the Palestinians being worthless motherfuckers who’d rather destroy shit and be parasites and whatnot rather than get their collective shit together? Of course. Look at the blaq BLM population of the Untied Staatz and tell me they’re any different from Hamas. Only dif is that BLM lacks the balls to do something significant against their ‘supposed’ oppressors. ALL groups have “that retarded group” of asocial fucktards… ALL of them… White, blaq, Asian, Hispanic… everyone has “those people” in their tribe… however, in this case?

There are some great Palestinians out there, ones who genuinely are hardworking and awesome folks. Some of whom I’ve shed blood with and for, and some of which I proudly claim as brother, albeit from another mother. Speedy was one of them.

My brother Speedy, may you rest in peace, be it with Allah or whatever Greater Power there is. In the words of your own, Insh’Allah we will meet again Habibi.

I will miss you.

More Later
Big Country

Be Back, Please Stand By

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes

Not going into a lot of details, but we got some medical issues here at The Casa. Going to be out of pocket through the week… I’ll try to pop in, but right now, I’m dealing with a LOT on my mind.

I’ll update as I go. Maybe later, but concentration, on top of keeping up my hours at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #206, and then dealing with the news we got back on Gretchen’s test(s) I got a lot going on.

Appreciate everyones patience!
More Later
Big Country

Flammenwerfer Sunday or How I Might Break The Internet Today

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Thank goodness for .xml files. I was able to pull the Flammenwerfer original poasts and save them to Word Documents, which I’m reproducing here.

Now, with the understanding that prices have gone pretty much insane since 2019 when I did the original project, expect MOAR Fiatbux to be spent on the whole kit and kaboodle.
Also, this’s the Mark One, Mod Zero Flammenwerfer.

There have been Modifications that’ve been done to improve the build and ease of things. I’ll include details on that after the fact. But, Poast One, Page One:


“In the United States, private ownership of flamethrower is not restricted by federal law. Flamethrowers are legal in 48 states and restricted in California and Maryland.”

Yep. Legal. Suck it Fuzzballs.

It dawned on me just -why- they’re so terrified.

(insert music and deep voice) Since the Dawn of Time, fewer things have terrified man, and proto-man more than burning to death. (end music) Horrible way to go really. And here the fuzz were in a stand off with an at the time mentally unbalanced dude with the ability to roast them alive. As you can see, the ‘throw’ on it was about 40-50 feet, but thats because I was running pure 87 octane which burned off w/out sticking… if I had been running Napalm, the throw goes out to 80-100 feet…

In CQB thats good enough to count along with Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, Nukes, and Bad Analogies.

Kevlar doesn’t do shit. In fact, Kevlar is a ‘no-no’ as it melts and adheres to the skin. If I had decided (not that I could) to go Full Retard, the night might have made international news, never mind national or local. Thankfully it didn’t happen.

But in the interest of these now Screaming Socialists and Retardigans running for the Orifice of the Criminal In Chief, I thought it was my public duty to inform my readership as to the alternatives to an AR-15. Home defense has never been so much fun, but be aware it’s as dangerous to the user, and I -highly- recommend that the novice NOT fuck around.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Do NOT try this at Home. Do NOT build a flame thrower if you are a fucking moron with delusions of being a handyman. Do not use to dry pets. The author is strictly relaying humorous and theoretical anecdotes so please don’t blame me if you F.A.F.O. DO NOT BUILD IF IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND OR CALIFORNIA. Them fuckers got no sense of humor.

That being said and out of the way? as I said.
Scares the FUCK out of Coparoaches.

Did I mention easy as fuck to build if yer not a complete fucking idiot?

And cheap? I got ALL the parts on Amazon with Prime shipping for less than $350. (This now being Modified by X2)

Red Flag Laws you say? Flammenwerfer I say. F.A.F.O. Mister “I’m here to arrest you because you didn’t follow the law!”

Thats rich.
Bring it.

Now, onto Page Two:
These are all the pieces-parts I used to make the Flammenwerfer Mark One Mod Zero. The Link will take you to the part (if they aren’t dead) and Yes, I do get a taste of the vig as it took quite a while to put this all together.

Said Parts List:

20 lb CO2 Tank https://amzn.to/2muHXH0
Now a note on the tank. You can get a 10 pound Tank Like I made for one of the readers here. He wanted lighter, and was willing to sacrifice burn time/ammo for maneuverability. Also, a 15 or 10 pound tank costs less. Jes’ Sayin’

1/8” Male NPT To 1/8” Male NPT X 4.5” Length https://amzn.to/2kQ656A

1/8” Male NPT To 1/8” Male NPT X 3” Length https://amzn.to/2ncG5mN

320 cga Female To 1/8″ Female NPT https://amzn.to/2lpsuYE                     

Paintball Universal Fill Adapter https://amzn.to/2mWhXVs

24oz CO2 Tank (I recommend having 2… quicker refill to ensure you empty out the main tank.)  https://amzn.to/2moGdzl

Male Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT https://amzn.to/2mPuxpg

Female Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT https://amzn.to/2mXkvTe

Female Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Female NPT https://amzn.to/2kNQODg

High Pressure Hose 3’ https://amzn.to/2kQddzS

Blue Hawk Pressure Washer Gun https://amzn.to/2mrzQLD

M22 Male x 1/4” Female NPT https://amzn.to/2mpaEp2

1/4” Male NPT x 1/8” Female NPT Reducer https://amzn.to/2kRvigX

Red Brass Seamless Pipe Fitting, Nipple, Schedule 80, 1/8″ NPT Male X 3″ Length https://amzn.to/2kSl6VD

Anderson Metals Brass Pipe Fitting, Coupling, 1/8″ x 1/8″ Female Pipe https://amzn.to/2lrNJsP

Erie Tools Pressure Washer Twist Connect M22 X 3/8″ Quick Disconnect Plug 4500PSI Hig Pressure Brass Fitting 300° F Max Temp https://amzn.to/2lpJq1j

Bernzomatic TS4000 Trigger Start Torch https://amzn.to/2lsdnh7

Quick Disconnect Hose Clamps  https://amzn.to/2lhikcP                            

16.4 oz Propane Cylinder (I buy mine at Lowes or Home Depot)

ALICE Pack frame w/Shoulder straps and kidney pad https://amzn.to/2lgkFEU

ALICE Pack frame Cargo Support Shelf https://amzn.to/2lsjiCR

Cambuckle Cargo Straps, no hooks (for securing the tank to the frame) https://amzn.to/2mXZlV3

I -think- that rounds up the pieces parts.
Next is the Tools.
The list with the links attached are NOT the common stuff a dood or doodette might have laying about in “Ye Olde Toolboxe” So I linked them for convenience.  The stuff w/out links -should- be in yer basic home/car repair kit, and if not, then shame on you.

1/2” Dewalt Pilot-Point Drill Bit https://amzn.to/2lLNl8H

37/64” Drill Bit https://amzn.to/2lM6oQh (This is a MUST HAVE… it’s what bores the hole in the tank)

3/8″-18 NPT Thread Tap  https://amzn.to/2l7nw2D

7/32” Dewalt Pilot-Point Drill Bit https://amzn.to/2nf7OTP

Thread Tap 1/4”-28 NF https://amzn.to/2n9Tzj5

Teflon Tape Yellow https://amzn.to/2n9LJ98

The Rest Y’all should have if you’ve got a basic toolbox.

1” Wrench

7/8” wrench

¾” Wrench

½” Drive socket Wrench

3/8” Drive socket Wrench

3/8” Drive 8” Extension Bar

11/16” Deep Socket ½” Drive

15mm Deep Socket 3/8” Drive

9/16” 8-Point Socket ½” Drive

5/8” Socket ½” Drive

½” Socket 3/8” Drive

Pliers, Needle Nose

Center Punch

2mm Allen Wrench

Cutting Oil

Flathead Screwdriver

Damn… Lot of ‘stuff’…
No wonder I’ve been a lazy bastard and keep putting this off.


For the sake of clarity, Parts will be in BOLD BLACK

Tools will be shown in BOLD ITALIC

So Step One:

I started off by doing accountability of ALL the parts.  Once I had them together, I literally started from the top down.  First thing, Take the Main tank, the 20LB Large Tank, and using the 1 ¼ INCH WRENCH remove the Tank Fill Valve.  Depending on which model you bought, there may be a spinning black plastic guard.  This does NOT need to be removed.  In fact, I suggest leaving it on there to assist in protecting the Tank Fill Valve

Step Two:

Using the Yellow Teflon Tape, wrap the threads of the Tank Fill Valve on the upper part of the valve.  DO NOT WRAP THE BASE OF THE VALVE.  This’s because it’ll make it impossible to remove it from the tank when you are trying to refill the Main Tank..

Gather the following parts:                                                 

1/8” Male NPT To 1/8” Male NPT X 4.5” Length https://amzn2kQ656A.to/

1/8” Male NPT To 1/8” Male NPT X 3” Length https://amzn.to/2ncG5mN

1/4” Male NPT x 1/8” Female NPT Reducer https://amzn.to/2kRvigX

Female Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT https://amzn.to/2mXkvTe        

Male Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT https://amzn.to/2mPuxpg

And do the same.  Wrap all of the threaded sections of the gathered parts with between 2 ½ to 3 turns on the threads.  Make sure its neat and tight and that you cut it away -cleanly-.  Put these aside for now, but have them ready for:

Step Three: 

Parts Needed:

320 cga Female To 1/8″ Female NPT https://amzn.to/2lpsuYE

This is made up of 3 individual sub-parts including a Large Brass Nut, a Small Brass Nut, and a Plastic White Washer

From the set aside parts, get the 1/8” Male NPT To 1/8” Male NPT X 4.5” Length https://amzn2kQ656A.to/ 

Paintball Universal Fill Adapter https://amzn.to/2mWhXVs

Take the small brass nut from the 320 cga female to 1/8″ female NPT  and thread it onto the 1/8” male NPT to 1/8” male NPT x 4.5” length  Tighten as much as you can by hand.

Take this assembly, and insert the tube into the Large Brass Nut like so:

Once you have this ready, the Large Brass Nut should be hanging relatively loose.  Get The Universal Paint Ball Fill Adapter,  and insert the other end of the 1/8” male NPT to 1/8” male NPT x 4.5” length

Into the 1/8th hole in the side of the Fill Adapter.  Once its hand tight, get the 11/16” Deep Socket ½” Drive and the 1/2inch drive socket.  Slide the Large Brass Nut off of the Small Brass Nut and insert the Small Brass Nut into the 11/16” Deep Socket ½” Drive and -FIRMLY- crank the 1/8” male all the way into the Paint Ball Fill Adapter.  Make sure its nice n’ tight, as this is a potential leak area where the propellant gasses are going to be feeding the Flammenwerfer.  Once its good, slide the small nutback into the Large nut, insert the Plastic White Washer into the Large Bass Nut to secure the small nut inside.  Click it in place so the tube is locked in place.

Once this’s completed, you should have an assembly that looks like this:

The next step is a Pressure test.  I suggest doing this first so that you know you ain’t got no leaks.  Especially before you start drilling on the tank itself, because once that’s done, chasing itty-bitty air leaks is a stone bitch (as I found out the hard way.)

Step Four: Air Pressure Assembly Test

Reassemble the Tank Fill Valve onto the tank.  Be careful re-threading it on the tank.  The tank is aluminum, and if you cross thread it, say goodbye to about $100.  Once you have it on, (being careful of the plastic guard, give the Fill Valve a slightly more-than-hand-tight spin.  You -don’t- want to crank down on it.  Just enough for the rubber gasket to fully engage.

What You DO need to get ready is the 1-1/8” wrench.  You’ll be utilizing this on the Large Brass Nut to crank the assembly nice n’tight.  The Universal Filler Valve needs to be vertical with it’s valve on top.

Once thats locked in and EVERYTHING is tight, grab a 24oz CO2 Tank https://amzn.to/2moGdzl

And take it down to the local paintball store to get it filled.  Should be about 5 bux to get it filled.  This’s why I like to have a few extra (2X for a total of 3) on hand.  Once it’s filled, bring it home and get s dish with some soapy water for a leak test.  2:1 ratio dawn detergent so it’ll blow nice bubbles if/when it leaks.  Install it into the Universal Filler Valve.  Make sure that you have both valve(s)closed BEFORE you install the CO2 tank.

Insert the CO2 tank into the Universal Filler Valve first.  Look and listen to see if it is holding pressure.  If so, Open the Valve.  Watch the seams on the junction points.  Dribble some soapy water on it.  Observe.  No bubbles = good.  Open the Main Tank Valve.  You should hear the tank fill with CO2 and become pressurized.  Be VERY CAREFUL while doing this.  I recommend Eye Protection and leather gloves in case -something- ruptures.

If there are no apparent leaks, Turn off the Valves in reverse order.  Remove the CO2 Tank SLOWLY.  Bleed off the CO2 CAREFULLY EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.  Fuck around, and you’ll find out the hard way.

Now, We’re gonna tackle the main Tank Prep, as in Prepping, drilling and tapping, then installing the bayonet valve that the hose will be attached to.  For this evolution, You’ll need the following part:

20 lb CO2 Tank https://amzn.to/2muHXH0

And the Tools to use:

Drill press with 1/2” chuck -or- (b) Power drill with 1/2″ chuck

1/2” drive socket wrench

9/16” 8-point socket 1/2” drive 

1/2” Dewalt pilot-point drill bit

37/64” Drill bit

3/8″-18 NPT thread tap

Cutting oil

Setup is as Follows.  At this point you’ve reattached the newly built Universal Filler Valve and tightened it down when performing your pressure/overpressure test.  With it set in the drill press (or workbench) measure out 90 degrees on either the left side or right side. 

Because the hose that feeds the fuel to the nozzle is only 3-4 foot long (I used a 3 foot hose) you need to insure that you cut in on the correct side of the tank.  If yer a righty, cut on the right side.  If’n yer a southpaw, cut left.  Once you unfuck yerself on the whole left/right thing, just realize that the pressure container, the 24oz CO2 Tank https://amzn.to/2moGdzl is going to be centered on the back of the tank on your frame.

Once you have the side picked out, Remove the Universal Tank Filler / Pressurization System.  Mark the side you want to use roughly one inch from the bottom.  Once you have the tank stripped down, roll it 90 degrees up to the side you wish to drill.  Measure ONE INCH from the base of the 20 lb CO2 Tank and https://amzn.to/2muHXH0  and then prep to drill. 

Make sure the tank is secure.  Squirt a lil cuttin’ oil on the spot your going to drill.  Using the 1/2” Dewalt pilot-point drill bit, begin cutting into the tank -SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY-.  You’ll be getting a huge amount of shavings and keep adding the cutting oil as needed.  Take your time and do it in stages is my approach.

This is your starting hole.  Once it’s cleanly punched through, change out to the larger finishing bit, the 37/64” Drill bit.  Add more cutting oil, and cleanly cut out the remaining metal, expanding the hole to 37/64ths.

OK.  So now you got the hole.  Take the square side of the 3/8″-18 NPT thread tap into the 9/16” 8-point socket 1/2” drive and insert the threaded side of the 3/8″-18 NPT thread tap into the 37/64” hole. Begin cutting the threads by turning the 3/8″-18 NPT thread tap clockwise ensuring that the 3/8″-18 NPT thread tap is perpendicular to the surface of the large tank.  

There is NO SUCH THING AS BEING TOO CAREFUL OR SLOW!   Make sure you cut slowly, adding cutting oil regularly so’s the thread cutter doesn’t get bonded or stuck to the metal. Continue cutting until only 6-7 threads of the 3/8″-18 NPT thread tap are exposed above the surface of the large tank.  This -should- complete this evolution.

Step Two: Rinse out the tank.

Now that you’ve drilled and tapped the tank, you HAVE to make sure you get ALL of the little fiddly bits of shavings and metal out of the tank.  Very carefully so as to not to damage the threads, use an old toothbrush or gun cleaning toothbrush to remove any clinging bits of aluminum around the tap hole.  Blow out / shake out all remaining bit.  Me?  I triple rinsed with water, shaking the shit out of the tank to make sure it was clean.  One itty-bit of metal in there when yer doing ‘flame on’ can cause BIG “Fiery-Ball-O’Death” Issues.  Big Safety Tip:  Thoroughly clean the tank.

Step Three:  Install the feeder nipple.

Parts Needed:

Male Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT https://amzn.to/2mPuxpg

20 lb CO2 Tank https://amzn.to/2muHXH0 (Now with hole drilled and tapped)

Yellow Teflon Tape

Tools Needed:

1/2” drive socket wrench

11/16” deep socket 1/2” drive

Take the Male Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT and wrap two to 2.5 times around the threads.  Mate up the threads to the 37/64” hole and thread it in.  Once you have it cleanly started, finish securing it completely to the tank using the socket wrench and 11/16 drive.

Annnnnnd more to go… we’re almost completed on the hard stuff…  the rest is pretty easy.  Lotsa pressure checks and a bit more modifications to the pressure washer wand, but for the most part, some of y’all cool kids make be able to figure out the rest….
and one last time for the slow kids in the back:







Now: Part 4 of this is going to be the Hose and Gun Build.

Parts Needed:

Female Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Male NPT https://amzn.to/2mXkvTe

Female Quick Disconnect x 3/8” Female NPT https://amzn.to/2kNQODg

High Pressure Hose 3’ https://amzn.to/2kQddzS

Teflon Tape Yellow https://amzn.to/2n9LJ98

Tools Needed:

1” Wrench

7/8” Wrench

¾” Wrench

Simple really.  Wrap all the parts with the Yellow Teflon Tape.  It’s really important to use the yellow as it’s resistant to petroleum based stuff like, oh Napalm and gas… using -regular- Teflon tape and yer hosed (pardon the pun.)

You’ll want to connect the hose(s) to the fittings hand tight at first, then crank them down with the wrenches thusly:

Scissoring them nice n’ tight.  You do NOT want any leaks in the hose area.  Things could get HOT muy malo.

OK… once thats done, you can connect the hose to your previously built tank and see if it fits.  The quick releases are the bomb so to speak b/c it allows you to clear each section IF and only IF you have a clog or something goes pear-shaped during the running of this. 

Onward now to the Gun Itself:  For this

Parts Needed:

Blue Hawk Pressure Washer Gun https://amzn.to/2mrzQLD

M22 Male x 1/4” Female NPT https://amzn.to/2mpaEp2

1/4” Male NPT x 1/8” Female NPT Reducer https://amzn.to/2kRvigX

Red Brass Seamless Pipe Fitting, Nipple, Schedule 80, 1/8″ NPT Male X 3″ Length https://amzn.to/2kSl6VD

2X Anderson Metals Brass Pipe Fitting, Coupling, 1/8″ x 1/8″ Female Pipe https://amzn.to/2lrNJsP

Erie Tools Pressure Washer Twist Connect M22 X 3/8″ Quick Disconnect Plug 4500PSI Hig Pressure Brass Fitting 300° F Max Temp https://amzn.to/2lpJq1j

Bernzomatic TS4000 Trigger Start Torch https://amzn.to/2lsdnh7

Quick Disconnect Hose Clamps  https://amzn.to/2lhikcP                            

16.4 oz Propane Cylinder (I buy mine at Lowes or Home Depot)

Tools Needed:

½” Drive socket Wrench

3/8” Drive socket Wrench

5/8” Socket ½” Drive

½” Socket 3/8” Drive

7/8 Wrench

OK Starting with the Red Brass Seamless Pipe Fitting, Nipple, Schedule 80, 1/8″ NPT Male X 3″ Length https://amzn.to/2kSl6VD, Tape all the threads again: (Small hint: do this to ALL THE THREADED PIECES PARTS.  It’s a given that like -everything- on this puppy needs to be neatly sealed.)  Once it’s ready, take the 2X Anderson Metals Brass Pipe Fitting, Coupling, 1/8″ x 1/8″ Female Pipe https://amzn.to/2lrNJsPand mount them on the pipe you just wrapped (heh… that sounds obscene…)  Use the two socket drives thusly to insure again a -tight- fit:

Then take  the M22 Male x 1/4” Female NPT https://amzn.to/2mpaEp2and crank THAT on.  Once you have that installed, attach it to the front of the sprayer.  You now have the gun completed ALMOST.   The only thing left is to attach the Erie Tools Pressure Washer Twist Connect M22 X 3/8″ Quick Disconnect Plug 4500PSI High Pressure Brass Fitting 300° F Max Temp https://amzn.to/2lpJq1j to the end of the feed assembly. 

Once this is done, you should be able to do a pressure test once you’ve connected the hoses to the tank and gun respectively.  Give it a shot so to speak.

And it should look roughly like this:

Which then needs to have the propane tank slung underneath.  For this I used some shims to stabilize it, and used the aforementioned Hose Clamps to strap it on.  Adjustments will vary person-to-person. For that matter, it’s pretty much at this point complete.

So there you have it.
“How to build your own Flammenwerfer”

That right there is the mini I made for a customer. I also modified the air feeder from the brass to a 10 foot coiled hose (you see above) which alleviated the stiffness of the brass and the C02 tank ‘hanging’ off the feed. Too much tension IMO, so with the coiled hose, I was able to put the C02 bottle into a pouch, and hang it on the frame:

As I said, YMMV.
Hope you all enjoyed.
Like I said, I know nuzzin’!!!

More Later
Big Country

Actions and Sanctions Have Consequences, and a DeadSecDef PT2

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Missed last night ‘cos I was (again) wiped out. I woke up literally at 14:45, or 2:45pm to you civvies. >YAWN!<

I’m still a wee bit tuckered out.

Taking care of biddness is a mo’fo ’round here. Waiting on Gretchen with her being down with a sickness, plus working, as well as maintaining all the rest of the house. I do 90% of the cooking around here, so I also am primarily responsible for meals. Dishes, cleaning, laundry… it never ends.

BTW, glad a lot of y’all are enjoying the Tater Soup. It’s a simple but hearty winter chow that is IMO a perfect meal for the cold nights. Glad y’all have enjoyed it.

I’ve also undertaken to re-write the “How To Make A Flammenwerfer” and -hopefully- will have it done by tomorrow. Fingers crossed. If not, it’ll be done when it’s done. I also have a Substack that’s getting finished, and a lot have requested a new video. Man I need to be cloned.

Otherwise, on “News That Caught Me Gimlet Eyeball” I found this lil bit:

Reading the actual article, it’s HILARIOUS that the Brits are becoming unhinged at this. Like “How dare he!” Link HERE

Moscow said it was taking the steps after Britain excluded Russia from the ‘most favoured nation’ trading status in March 2023, with German Zverev – president of the All-Russian Association of Fisheries – declaring the 1956 agreement was one-sided with no upside for Moscow. 

The Daily Fail Jan 19, 2024

40% of the fishies that the Brits knock back on the daily is caught in the Barents. It used to be that Fish and Chips was a good, cheap meal in Britistan. When I was living there for about 4 months, it was the daily lunch, wrapped in a for-real newspaper.

Never did cotton on to the vinegar thing that they all slathered on… just lemon salt and pepper for this here Whytteboi. Got a hunch that the cost is now going to be significantly higher.

Gotta love it.
Fuck Around, Find Out Aye?

And as far as any potential conflict IF the Royal Navy decides that they’re going to stop the Russians from stopping their (the Brit) fishing boats? Well, lets check in on that:

That’s mighty fine work there Lou.
I’d have to say that the Brits as of now are done.
Over. Past Tense. No Longer Viable. Conquered.
C’est la Vie.

Now, back to a poast a few days ago:
“DeadMan” Austin, the DeadSecDef.

There has, as on now, ZERO real proof of life.
CONgress has subpoenaed to testify before a special congressional committee on February 14 for his being AWOL. In turn, he’s supposed to be answering in writing on February 7th, as “he’s too sick” to show up in person.

Going off MY theory?

That’s the equivalent of the Krain putting a big Red Circle “X” on their “Political Assassination Targets” website. The one where they’ve publiocally stated that they were going to be going after and encouraged others to be going after and killing “Enemies of the Krain” and whatnot…

Russia’s website was similar, but didn’t call for the extermination of folks… just a “Who’s-Who” of the enemies of Russia.

And now Austin’s profile has been removed.
As said by that blaq a few years back: “Yo, that nigga dead yo!”

Granted a bit outside the box, but telling nonetheless. I personally think it’s going to be hilarious when they announce his retirement and subsequent ‘death due to long illness.’ Not that they really care or anything, but It’s not going to help any of the Leviathan Credibility UNLESS they can get a real-life dood to start walking and talking that’s actually him. The very fact that they’re sloooowly sliding him out show that that nigga dead yo.

BTW: finally found the pic supposedly of Biden visiting DeadMan:

I don’t buy it.
That could be James Earl Jones on that bed…
Hell, it could be James Earl Ray in Blackface on that bed…

Either ways, it’s good times, good times all around.
Mainly because we still have the ability to order a pizza, buy moar bullets and guns, and we’ve still got the lights on. Thank God for small miracles Aye?

So More Later
Big Country

Back From The Emergency Room

Greetings and All That
Gretchen woke up in a heap o’pain today, so off to the E.R. where I got to have my blood pressure shoot stratospheric as it was full-on packed with illegals. All sniffling, sneezing stuffy head fucking probably contagious AF literally packing the E.R. It was 6+ hours before she got to a room, and then an additional 6? 7? hours before the doc got in there.

She’s got a Kidney Infection. They scanned her (CAT) and sampled ALL the fluids (checked the oil, radiator, transmission and the like) and then drugged her, set up some scripts and then sent her back home with me. She’s resting and ok far as I can tell…

Reason I know they were illegals BTW?
NONE of them spoke a -lick- of English.
Not one stinking dink body of them

They had a fucking translator there to assist, which stretched out the fucking wait as the translator was working way double hard overtime. There were actually two, one who seemed to be speaks something other than Spanish… Peruvian maybe? The majority of them were Squatamalens that I could tell, not Mexicans… they had that Peruvian/Andes look to them, rather than that lighter skinned Castilian Spanish… VERY Brown and VERY South of the Border. I was half expecting to see a Burro or Llama or two in the parking lot after seeing that shit.

Jes’ Sayin’

So, I’m sorta-kinda done. Going to have to work Saturday now to make up the lost hours dammit. Ah well, fuck it.

More Later
Big Country

Why Aren’t They Dead Plus Drone Bombing

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So yep, last nights poast went a wee bit viral. WRSA via Concerned American put me up, but the one that shocked the hell out of me was I got re-poasted on ‘The Burning Platform’

Well whaddya know?
That’s a first.
When I first opened up I saw the engagement numbers were off the normal daily… like way higher than normal. NGL, this’s a great thing. Love when I get some good exposure.

I think my peak was back during the Christmas Eve Nashville Bombing (‘member that? Of course you don’t. Memory holed like a Mo’fucker.). That poast and all the running updates I hit over 100k in just 24 hours.

That referral gave me 8,800 new readers… my norm is about 10k of you on the regular, so I’m looking at about 18-20k by the end of the day. Not too shabby for a broken ole Grunt raging at the sky IMO.

So tonight’s ‘fist waving at the Sky’ is brought to us by the question of “What the fuck are these assholes still alive?”

I. do. not. care. about “innocent until proven guilty”
They have these evil sick motherfuckers on fucking film destroying and irreparably harming two innocent babies.

If I were the cop, it’d be cuff ’em, and two to the back of the head, right there, right then. Hell… if I could get away with it, it’d be time to go out into the wilderness and introduce these sick depraved motherfuckers to Mister Blowtorch and Mister Pliers. Make a full week of it. Bring a meatgrinder so’s the fuckers don’t starve. (use your imagination)…

Link to the Horror on the Daily Wire HERE

Even Dan “Zioclops” Crenshaw got in and at least is on the right side of this with a tweet “Death. Penalty. NOW!”

Telling you, we need to bring back Vigilante Justice.
The cops are worthless, the D.A.s are as well, especially if they’re bought and paid for by Soros. A quick aside… why the fuck is that depraved psychopath still drawing O2? You’d think –someone- some ‘energetic’ person would have taken out that decrepit fucking sociopath. Sit like him and all the rest make me wonder IF we really are plugged into a “Matrix” style world or not? Guys like Obama, Schwab, Soros, Bezos and Gates?

Are they actually more like Cypher in the movie? Did they ‘sell out’ to get ‘the good seats’ in the ‘game?’ It’s as good a reason as I can think of TBH. You sure as hell don’t see any of people anymore ‘getting ahead’ through legit means. It’s ALL nepotism and/or graft and grift. It seems like the legitimate ‘getting ahead/bootstrap’ thing ended around the time The Zuckerborg and the Drowned Rat Dorsey did the online app/web thing.

Since then, everything to include the entertainment industry is apparently completely out of original ideas and decent writers. I mean Coffee-Kennedy of Star Bores fame (or lack that thereof) managed to kill the whole of the Star Wars Universe in pursuit of “The Foarce is Female!” Damned dirty shame there IMO. I can Kennedy “Coffee” because she was literally Lucas’s coffee-fetching bitch. No talent no brain feminazi hack.

Now, been talking to Doc Samizdat offline. He’s doing well, and has just been busy AF so he’s been unable to blegg or poast as of late. We did get into a pretty good convesation regarding Drones and Drone jammers, and have been sharing intel. Main problem regarding jammers is the effective range of one.

The Russians as well as the Krainians have been having this issue, in that wide-area-effect jammers are really complicated, use a LOT of specialized equipment, and are (pardon the pun) out of range $$$ wise for most normal folks. The smaller jammers -are- available, but the ranges are very limited. Like 50-75 meters limited. Now, to some that may sound like a lot, but if said-drone is packing a 2-3 pound charge loaded with nails/screws and shrapnel in equal amounts, well… then you got problems.

50 meters ain’t shit when it comes to shrapnel and rapidly moving metal pieces-parts. In the research though, I did find a couple of things regarding prices and types of drones that are out there. In particular:

The DJI Mav 3 series is a favorite of the Russians. The basic case, drone, charger, remote and spare is, as you can see $1749. It’s got a 15 kilometer range (7 out, 7 back) which is pretty good. It ALSO has an option that made me go “Wow!”:

$150 for a Payload Carrier/Release, also known as “The Bomb Drop Kit”. 500 grams of weight? a Standard M67 US DotMil Frag weighs 400 grams. And a home-rigged 1/2 a kilo bomb of -whatever-? Yeah… welcome to Drone Bombing 101 for about a little less than 2k.

I’ve been screwing around a -bit- with the drones as well here, but mine are all toys. Can’t afford the big ‘un like that. However, just because -I- can’t doesn’t mean that there aren’t others out there who ARE observing/learning/training with these. I know if I had the scratch, you can bet I’d be practicing, practicing and then practicing some more.

That being said, I did download, and have been using The Drone Racing League simulator, which is a free download for PCs and other gaming consoles. To be perfectly honest, I don’t have the reflexes. Can’t get past the third training scenario. It’s hard man!!! I use my Xbox controller, which is very close to the standard for Drone controllers. Over all, I’m barely capable. A Drone Top Gun just isn’t in the cards for me.

So, that’s where we are these days.
Rampant Pedos raping kids in public restrooms, and NOT being killed on the spot… Piles of Military aged invaders are being welcomed in, an Army-in-Waiting, but for whom? DotGov officials doing whatever the hell they want, however the hell they want, to whomever the hell they want ‘cos apparently “The Law” is for us ‘little people’ and not the special Elite who’ve decided that they’re our self-anointed and appointed betters.

God’s Wrath is coming. Gonna be ugly.
More Later
Big Country

Milli-Vanilli and Why I Think The SecDef is Dead

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Man, started watching Season Two of ‘Reacher’

So far, so good. Loved Season One, and this one seems to be tracking in a good way. Sapper got irritated when I skipped the scene of Reacher bangin’ out his long unrequited squeeze, at which I told him “Yo man, I’m just here for the violence!” I’m too old and too tired to be interested in some soft-lit softcore bullshit. The violence?

There’s been plenty of that so far and I’m good with that.

Now, OrangeManBad made a good showing in Iowa. Either way it doesn’t matter as there is no way in hell the Deep State/Establishment Bureaucrats who actually run things in the District of Criminals are going to –ever– let him within 100 miles of the Levers of Power. Realistically they can’t as the only reason that none of them have been punished for blatant and open treason is ‘their people’ are in charge, and they mean to keep it that way.

I mean when the Joke-of-a-General “Whytte Rage” Milley gets on the phone and tells one of our biggest adversaries that he’d refuse and NOT let the LEGAL Commander in Chief issue orders, and that he himself would refuse to follow any lawful Orders issued by OrangeManBad, there is a word for that my frens, and that word is


People used to get hung or shot for that.
Hell, that Fat Suck-Fuck-Foul-Four-Star-Sack-o-Shytte Faggot should have been cashiered for the Afghanistan Debacle, and shot for being a fucking partisan traitor.

And TBH, ain’t no way in hell –anything– is going to happen to him OR his fat fucking Pentagram Pension.

And they wonder why no one, leastways no Traditional White Males are willing to sign on the dotted line? Why the fuck would you?

And this leads me to his counterpart: SecDef Lloyd “Dead Man” Austin. Reason I’m calling him “Dead Man” is there’s some RUMINT out there about him:

Now, since this InfoBit came out, there was a pic, what appeared to be a “proof of life” picture of Biden visiting what was supposedly good ole Lloyd in the hospital. It was a bit problematic however, in that the blaq guy on the hospital bed was wearing a really big mask. The reasoning was the COVID stupidity supposedly, but it just was rather convenient as fuck that the mask kept you from telling if it was really The Big Nig or not.

Another reason I’m leaning on that…

…is that Prostate Cancer?

That is usually treated over a very long period. It’s not a “Oh shit! You got Prostate Cancer! Quick! Get him into surgery STAT!” In fact, it’s something that can be approached gradually, provided it’s not hyper aggressive that is, which only 15% of cases are that… it’s pretty rare for it to be that aggro and provided the afflicted is in pretty good shape, you can deal with it at a ‘normal pace’.

“When men are carefully evaluated and their risk assessed, you can delay or avoid treatment without missing the chance to cure in a large fraction of patients,” said Dr. Bruce Trock, a professor of urology, epidemiology and oncology at Johns Hopkins University

“Most men with prostate cancer can avoid or delay harsh treatments, long-term study confirms” CNN, March 12, 2023

In light of that fact, I’m thinking that he got aced out in the Krain. Word is now he’s home and going to be ‘resting’. Which in Leviathan-Speak means they’ll quietly announce his retirement and subsequent death shortly after.

It would also explain the extreme hesitancy to keep paying Krainfeld. The Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been all in over the new approach with stories that the Krain is pretty much over and done with. It’s to start getting everyone ready for the eventual fall. And among the higher echelons of the DotGov, they can’t keep trying to push the ball any further. They ALSO can’t come right out and admit that the SecDef got his chips cashed, as that’d completely nuke the narrative.

And then for further fun and games fuckery, we’ve got the word from Herman the German that VodkaManBad is planning to invade the rest of Europe in the next 18 months.

Quite the -specific timeline- Aye?

“Man, the bullshit stacked up so high in Vietnam the Krain, you needed wings to stay above it”

paraphrasing Martin Sheen in “Apocalypse Now”

Reason I say this is that for the past two years we’ve heard the damned near relentless drumbeat of Pro-Krainian Propaganda. We’ve been told how Russia’s DotMil has been practically annihilated. That the Russians are almost out of ‘X’, the ‘X’ being the weapon of the week, be it Tanks, Missiles, Artillery shells etcetera etcetera. How the Russian Army itself is a poorly led, ignorant backward pile of convicts and malcontents who are incapable of doing anything.

And yet SUDDENLY!!! They’re the biggest, baddest treat to Europe, that VodkaManBad’s ravening hordes are going to pour out of the East, and utterly crush and subjugate the rest of Europe?

Yeah. OK.
Somebody needs to perform an intervention, and tell both the Enemedia Clowns and Retards, as well as any and all supposed Intelligence Agencies that wrote this up and leaked it, what they need to do is to step. away. from. the. bong.

Which is it?
Are the Russians a degraded and useless DotMil?
Are they Unstoppable Evil Orcs that’re going to sack Europe?

Yet ANOTHER reason why everyone needs to ignore the fucking clowns, and pray that they’re not so stupid as to be believing their own press releases. “Don’t get high on your own Supply” is the appropriate quote that they should reference. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, these fuckers literally think that they’re our betters. Usually that means it will not end well for us, the regular folks.

Morons. A pox on ALL of them.
Your Thoughts?

More Later
Big Country

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