Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So, Sapper’s boy and gran made it out of here today. Amazingly so as the airports nationally seem to be seriously jacked up with hundreds of flights cancelled and whatnot. Hopefully we get the call around ten tonight that they landed safely.
Seems the traffic in addition to the weather (good ole Florida summer downpour as we type) was completely made up of morons and rage inducing shmucks from the North East.
Faaaaar too many New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut…all the usual suspects and hell I’ve even been seeing on the rare occasion I leave the house, Ontario of all places.
So I’m -again- wiped out.
Been sleeping a lot lately. Getting caught up on a lot of lost ZZZs from the stress of moving back here, losing the battle (but not the war) for the Gran#2 and just general stress overall. Shit’ll kill ya dead if yer not careful.
On the front lines, seems that the ‘strike’ on the ‘hotel’ or should I say barracks? in the Krain? that happened over the weekend? Seems someone there was spotted sporting what appears to be a 3rd Batt Ranger Emblem on their forarm:

The guy with the tat were rendering first aid to someone who apparently got fucked up in the missile strike. Lots of the vidyas from there that were filmed had the majority of voices being in English or, as some of the more astute listeners said, South African or Aussie accents… either way sounds like whatever it was that got hit was the right place (as far as Ivan was concerned) to hit if it was in fact chockablock full of Mercs and/or troops.
Which then brings me to the news that Germany has decided to deploy to Lithuania 4000 troops. Now, considering the size, condition and overall shitty level that the Krauts have kept their armed forces in, I’m not overly worried. What I -do- worry about is that at some point someone, somewhere, at some time is going to be on either the wrong side of the border and someone gets shot or some false flag happens… too many people mixed into too small an area with too many diverse commands and controllers to keep track… Lithuania is about the size of what? Rhode Island and now is hosting a shit-ton of Polish DotMil, their own minor DotMil, the French, the US and now the Krauts?
You know, for diversities sake, they should insist on a bunch of Pakistani and Congolese troops from the UN, just for funnsies. Hell, how about some Samoan troops? I actually saw the Samoan Marines doing their pre-combat/deployment Ha’kaa in the parking lot back in Kuwait in 2007… scary bunch of Giant Brown Bruddas der Mon. BIG fuckers… made the M-4 look like pop-guns.
But yeah, too many DotMils on a postage stamp, clustered in and around will eventually lead to communications fuck ups. Never mind who’s in charge of what aspect of what mission(s). In fact, why in the ever living 5th Ring of Hell are we doing in Lithuania? In fact, at this point, it’s all so tiresome ‘cos THEY know its a bullshit for-profit grift (for them), We know its a bullshit for-profit grift (for them) and the Media know its a bullshit for-profit grift (for them).
The more the same and since there IS no voating our way out of it, and we seem to be in an almost pre-world war one Massive Armament and DotMil buildup, all we can do is brace for the inevitable impact.
Hell, they took the ball-gag out of old Gaggy Joe I saw… let me tell you, ain’t no CPAP machine that has a mask that makes lines like that on a dude’s face… someone left the gimp-mask on him riiiight up until they had to let him off his leash to perform, and even then, he fucked it up.
OrangeManBad tripped on the stairs once and the media was ready to trash his ass using the 25th Amendment, and now we have a drooling fucking pope-meeting pant-shitter child molester who doesn’t know shit from his brains, and “Everything is cool!”
No wonder we’re circling the drain.
More later
Big Country