Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Made it to the weekend. This week was a full on smokeshow I swear. People’s Glorious Tractor Factory had Heap Big Meeting with Head of Politburo. Specifically with –my– team. Thankfully, more of a constructive meeting than a full on Struggle Session. In fact, I’ve been chaired for Departmental Improvement, which means on top of my already-overloaded workload, I get to rewrite SOP and FAQs for new customers.
Seriously tho, Head of Politburo at least acknowledged that I’m slammed and overworked (and underpaid IMO) so hopefully things will improve. Seems like it can only get better.
So, back to some of the moar recent ‘things’ and ‘stuff’ going on.
Bahkmut, as expected finally collapsed. Since then not a lot of news out of the Kraine. Krainfeld is obviously throwing the jukes so to speak, as his short Hebrewness hasn’t been seen in the Kraine in Lord knows how long.
Word is a LOT of the locals are suddenly becoming aware of just how fucked they well and truly are, and odds are that Krainfeld knows it too, as he seems to be actively avoiding going home.
That and his demands are becoming oh so much moar obnoxious.
Who the fuck does that lil pissant think he is?
I mean between the AT-4s turning up on the Texas boarders?

I mean lissen Krainy… your bois been selling that shit to the wrong folks. It’s one thing for those anti-armor bunker busters to be showing up in Syria or Yemen, it’s a ‘nudder whoooole ball of wax when they show up in Mex-hee-co.
THATS the kind of shit that gets the “free guns and ammo” faucet set to the “off” position. ESPECIALLY IF one of /#ourguys gets clipped by one.
No way in hell… well then again, we ARE talking about the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den, AKA Joey Stumblefuck. The current crop of fuckers in the Whore House (it sure ain’t the Whytte Haus no more, Jes Sayin’) don’t give two flying fucks about any one but themselves.
Now, IF /#ourguys were to be able to get ahold on one of them thar toys and nook a limo? Well then things -might- change.
I mean NOT fedpoasting however, It -would- be hilarious to see someone who thinks of themselves as completely untouchable by ‘normal standards’ to suddenly have 84mms of High Explosive Reality hit home or close to home as the case may be.
Hence my expression:
“These fuckers have –never– been meaningfully punched in the face and it shows.”
As barbaric as it may be to some, there’s something utterly animalistic that a good, solid hit, either being on the receiving end or the delivering end that gets the dander and blood up. Trust me, I’ve been on both ends. Worst asswhuppin’ I ever took was my own damned fault too… drunk as a Lord and mouthed off to a much smaller Joe… didn’t know that he’d been a Golden Gloves state champion… I was in Intensive Care in a Cherman Hospital for 5 days… when the Padre came down to check on me he damned near puked ‘cos my face was so beat in. Thankfully nothing permanently damaged, however
I lern’t a valuable lesson or three.
And these current crop of fucktards? Joe Versus Corn Pop? Never fucking happened, you know it, we know it, hell Stumblefuck knows it… it sounds good but IRL? Man, that fucker, hell his son? The dissolute one, not the good one (good in the respects he’s fucking dead and we haven’t got to put up with HIS grifting dead ass either…) OBVIOUSLY never had his head handed to him on a plate. Dada has always been there to keep his ass out of trouble.
That’s what the world needs
MOAR asswhuppins.
I’d purely love to see some our political “Elites” get the ever loving shit beat out of them… live… on prime time… Hell want to solve the National Debt? Make it Pay-Per-View Worldwide and have Vegas do the betting… Hell, I’d sell my house to have a chance in the ring… against -someone- and just whup the every loving steaming shit out of them literally… beat ’em so bad they shit their pants… I did it once years ago… hit a guy so hard he shat himself…
Hey… he started it
I Finished It.
Fucker never bullied anyone again I know that for a fact.
Which is why it’s so blisteringly obvious to anyone and everyone that not. one. of. these. “educated”. elites. have never ever been punched in the fucking face before.
You DO NOT act the way these war-worshipping pustules act if you’ve ever had to pay for what you say. Even that current bloated sack of shit Milley? That asshole? ZERO Purple Hearts. His highest achievement? 4 Bronze Stars
-I- have a fucking Bronze Star
And in Iraq, they handed them out to the paper-pushing REMFs like tic-tacs at a Prom. Fucking ALL the REMFs got them… REMF is a Rear Echelon Mother Fucker for you civvies out there… My Boys from 2/8 CAV?
Fuck… don’t think -any of them- got anything but a couple of ‘green hornets’ (that’s the Army Commendation Medal… you get it for PCSing for fucks sakes… and PCS: Permanent Change of Station, i.e. leaving a unit, they usually give you a ‘going away gift’ of an ARCOM IF you haven’t been too much of a troublemaker, hence why in 10 years, I only got one LMAO!) Oh, and BTW? Milley-Vanilli got 5 Tells you ALL you need to know there….
So yeah, Our Esteemed Whyyte Rage Chairman of the (smoking a) Joint Chief? Fucking worthless pencil pushing no-load fucktard who got ALL his ‘tickets punched’ via being a REMF. I.E. another fuckwit who’s never had his ass kicked.
Don’t even get me started on the new guy coming in
Blaq Rage Boi… Gen’rul Down Wid Da Brown who literally has made it his goal to rid the ranks of Whyttey.
Works for me.
Hell, if I was fully retired I’d go down to the local induction/recruitment Store and park myself outside, with pamphlets explaining why no one, especially good Whyttebois should sign up for Uncle Sugar’s DotMil.
Die for Israel and GloboHomoCorp? Become a member of the 69th Intersectional Non-Binary Dildo Brigade? Fuck that noise with bells on.
This from a guy who literally spent from the time he was 21 until he got ‘broken on the wheel’ at 48 serving, in one capacity or another the DotMil, DotGov and a bunch of -other- things to keep shit on the ‘straight and narrow’…
Waking up and realizing you ‘bought the con’ really really sucks
But, it tis what it tis… No regerts Aye? 😉
More Later
Big Country