Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Yep…. had me a bunchabeerz tonight.
Who can blame me?
“And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 23:39 New Testament English Standard Version
I really need a break
Anyways… enough whining
Earlier I talked with Mike from Cold Fury. I had missed a call from him a couple of days ago, as, well… reasons right? I gave him a call back. He was looking for a sit-rep as Gretchen is one of his favorite people. (I personally think it’s the titties) He knows I’ve been busy/fucked up by what’s happening, so he proceeded to chew my ear off and kept me laughing a bit in light of the situation… Mike’s damned good people, and I’m proud to call him friend.
In fact I got a lot of good friends out there in the Intarwhebz, some of whom I’ve faced-to-faced with. Some I haven’t but would LOVE to see IRL and if I have my way, I’ma going to make an effort to do so, if only to look them in the eye, shake their respective hand, and thank them for having Gretchen’s back.
It’s a pretty distinguished list of a ‘Whos-Who’ of r/ourguys bloggs… Wirecutter, DiveMedic, Borepatch, Dio, Concerned American, Normal American, Art Sido, Phil and Cederq from BustedKnuckles, WendyWorn… and Mike from Cold Fury as I mentioned before…
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition
from Henry V, spoken by King Henry, William Shakespeare

These are my people
I’m not sure if some of them understand the depth of my gratitude, but to use an old line:
A good friend helps you hide a body
A great friend brings a shovel and doesn’t ask questions
I lean towards the second side.
It’s a honor thing.
That and We’re all in the same fight.
The world has gotten waaay further gone in such a short period of time that even I in my most pessimistic didn’t expect this particular shit show, what with a barely-sentient Alzheimers Patient theoretically ‘running the country’ for ‘fun and profit’ (10% for the Big Guy donchaknow?) I mean it’s so obvious now that even DemoncRats are saying they’re going to have to 25th his pantshitting ass.
And hate to say I told you so, but I did. They’re saying the best candidate out there is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, Governor Hairgel of Califrutopia. I called that if you remember a ways back… Now this I personally find hilarious as that fucktard is even stupider than the Veep, Kamel Toe “Cumguzzler” Harris. No wonder Putin isn’t worried for shit about shit, as we’re not fielding our best.
I’m just a broken old bastard who screams into the ethers.
30 or 40 years ago, Pre-Internet I might be doing it on a street corner, and being called a derelict. Boston used to have quite a few of them… in college there was one I knew as Crazy Tommy who I used to give spare change to… he was always polite, lived in an alley up the street from my apartment in Murderpan… err sorry Mattapan. Homeless, whytte, schizophrenic, but content, and occasionally when I’d be walking home stoned out of my mind, I’d buy an entire pizza from Cappy’s, and as I walked home, Tommy’d invariably show up, (guy had ‘pizza radar I swear) and walk with me, sharing the pizza. Kept me from getting mugged by having the two of us, one being a known ‘crazy street person’ with me… I hope he’s ok, or at peace…
Good Memories.
But all my fellow bloggers I’ve mentioned, and a few others, well… these are people I’d go the distance for. Like I said, haven’t met all of them F2F yet but I’ll be damned if I don’t make the time to in the very near future.
Got a hunch Phil and Cederq’ll take that as a threat LOL.
But as I was saying, those of us, the happy few I mentioned, are all those who have decided to stand up and be counted. As stated in the Constitution “…(we) Pledge Our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor” to continue to expose the lies and propaganda set out by the enemy.
By doing so these days there is the distinct potential to have our lives fucked up because of the intolerance of the Left. Despite these threats and hazards, we band of brothers continue to chip away at the foundation of Lies and Propaganda set forth under the growing intolerance of our supposed “betters”.
They know they’re losing.
We just have to stand tall and fast.
A lesser known verse, Nehemiah 4:14
“And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.”
New Testament, Standard English Version
That’s us.
And if you’re here, That’s you too
Fighting for your family, your homes, your way of life
One Step/Action/Meme at a time
So yes, I’m allllll over the place… been studying the Bible… as one in wont to do when you’ve got some heavy shit to deal with… reading favorite passages as you can see… bet y’all didn’t know I have a Masters in Comparative Religion did ya? Yep. Love me some religion/philosophy and the various “why” of it all…
So, I’ma gonna go crash… Gretchen just came out ‘cos I wasn’t in bed yet. To all who’ve donated, all I can say is two things: One HOLY SHIT! and Two, Thank you from the bottom of my blackened heart. This is going to help enormously. The prayers also offered are exceptionally welcome, as every voice lifted in prayer is a force multiplier.
More Later
Big Country