Why SHOULD We Care? I Know I Don’t and Neither Should You.

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Wasn’t going to poast as we’re ALL worn out post-Red Head. It’s all fun and games until she decides to crawl into bed with you at oh-dark early and sleep in the King Sized bunk with you and the Frau, and then kicks you not once, but twice in the junk whilst having a dream.

Yeah, Ye Olde Nutsack is still throbbing and not in a good way.

Not to blame her, she was having bad dreams.

Which was probably due to the cray-cray that happened late last night. No one died, but I did have to call the Sherriff. They are intimately aware of the address unfortunately, due to MY issues from years gone by, as well as Dumbcunts antics. Every time they show, I get the “Hey! You’re the guy with the flamethrower right?”

Le Sigh.

At least it causes them some discomfiture.
They’re well aware I have no use for them, nor any other authorities and that my default setting is “BBQ Them All, Let God Sort Them Out” if needs be. They ALSO know I don’t call them outside of really needing them as my distain for them is blatant. The -only- time I call them is like last night. I have a Bass pond in the back yard. It’s why my property values are high. Corner lot, pond, great view.

Well, last night the local kids decided to show up at 0100, and have a drunken brawl/party/orgy in MY back yard. Turns out it was Homecoming (according to the cops who rousted them). Meh. Party alllllll you want, but not in my back yard… I do NOT want to have to replace the landmines… the Claymores take forever to reprint on the 3D printer…

Jes’ Sayin’.

So, besides rousting the local kids, the news is that it seems that “our greatest ally evvar” got their heads handed to them, both metaphorically and in real life. WHY that means we have to do anything outside of offering condolences beats the ever loving fuck out of me. Realistically, and say it with me kids:



FFS We got ENOUGH of our own bullshit to deal with.

What I will say, is “Great Op guys.”
Gotta admire it.
I mean wow.

I mean WOW
Whoever came up with THAT particular aspect of the mission was a fucking genius on par with Von Clausewitz. I’m MOST impressed with this…this’s possibly THE most heavily patrolled Airspace (likely outside of the District of Criminals, AKA Sodom on the Potomac) it gives one pause as to “How could they stop a ‘swarm attack’ of paragliders combined with drones?”

Answer: They -can’t-.

All pertinent folks, take notes.
Any bets that the FAA -suddenly- starts issuing a whole shitload of new ultralight/paraglider regs in the next two-three months? Nope… ain’t betting ‘cos I know it’s a sure thing. Shit like this has to have “The Detail;” start shitting in their Brooks Brother’s trousers… a suit that costs that much, they ain’t pants donchaknow? Nah, they make it all about “Muh Safety” and shytte, knowing full well they no longer control airspace after something like this.

Remember, you heard it here first.

Then, well, in keeping with “Hippy Dippy Assholes dying stupidly” I give you Shani Louk:

German Tattoo Chick, ID’d by her leg tats.
Kil’t and raped to death by Hamas.
30 Years Old…. Pretty good looking for an almost-walled slam-pig. Seems she was there for the “Peace Rave” near the Gaza when all hell broke loose. Damned shame…


Not sure if that’s going to work… but still… From the movie “Heathers” ANYways, yeah, waste of a good looking broad… Guess her “Louk” ran out Aye?

And yeah, I’ma headed to hell for that one.

But seriously, why the fuck should we cxare and why the fuck should we invest one fucking dollar in the current shytteshow? It realistically started when 800+ seriously hardcore Jewish far right fucktards stormed the Al Aqsa Temple Complex on October 5th.

Now, having lived with, worked with a BUNCH of Islamics, and considering a number of Palestinians Friends that I made in Iraq?


That’d be the equivalent of the Jews going into The Cathedral in the Vatican, of St Peter and desecrating it. So, even though the planning may have been in place for quite a while, I’d call that the potential ‘trigger event’.

Meaning Hamas might have been “So… do we do this or not?” and after THIS particular fuck up, they said, “Oh hell yes” and rolled hot and heavy. What -I- want to know is how long BEFORE the Israelis start top realize that THIS might be the end game?

Too many ‘moving pieces’…
Too much happening everywhere all at once.
The Jews have two end-of-shit-no-shit plans IF everything goes to hell… Plan Jericho, where they do ‘danger close’ nuke strikes IF they feel it’s needed
The Sampson Option, which is the one that causes all our Politicians to suck Jew taint ALL day long. The Yids have never been subtle about the Sampson Option. Sampson is where they launch ALL their nukes at ALL the world capitals to “smoke the world” so to speak

Meaning if THEY can’t have it/own it, no one can.

At this point in my life, I know they don’t have a hell of a lot of nukes… I’d almost be good if they went “full Sampson.” That they torch DC, FNYC and possibly LA… Moscow (which BTW is ‘uparmored’ these days like a motherfucker) Chyna? Cool… Thing is

Not a solitary Jew would survive Sampson
I mean there might be individuals, but let me tell you…
Can you imagine the rage and hatred of them after?
They snivvle about the Holohoax…
Pretty sure if they do the “Sampson Dance” we’d be Jew free inside of 3 months, 4 tops.

Just my thoughts
I hope I’m wrong, but the retards in charge?
Well, they are retards amiright?
More Later
Big Country

Getting Hot Out There And the Female Mind of Insanity

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Got Gran#1 yesterday, hence the night off. Watch Disney’s “Elemental” which, shockingly wasn’t as bad as some of the critics had made it out to be. She enjoyed it, and she’d spent the day at the pool with G, so she actually slept in today.

Which was good.

My issue today was that I was going to sneak her across the street to use the pool. Our neighbors moved out quite a bit ago, and the house the other day had a notice put on the door stating it was considered ‘abandoned’ now. So I recon’d the A.O. (yesterday) as I had thought and had been told that it’d rented and the new folks were due to move in any day, which has precluded us from blatant trespassing.

There was some unassembled furniture that I could see through the back slider, and otherwise, the people who were supposed to move in haven’t been seen in over a month and a half other than the initial stop by (to drop the aforementioned furniture, which consisted of WalMart specials so to speak). I figured they must have changed their minds as I looked it up.

$2775 a month for rent.

Even with the insurance rates going insane, which has led to an increase in my mortgage, that’s LITERALLY 2.5 times my current. That’s $33,300 a year in RENT

Any wonder I figured when I saw the “Dis place be abandoned” sign on the front I figured they’d bailed? Yeah, me too. So color me “OH Shit!!!” surprised when Gran and I did our infiltration. Told her we were doing the “sneeky-creepy” and to stay quiet. She did really well considering how talkative she is… like non-stop running full-bore monolog usually…

We got in, and I went really quiet to check the windows -again- and Ah shit! There’s a dood, right there assembling the furniture.

Run Away! Run Away!
I attribute it to my training… she slipped out quiet as a itty-bitty nuclear-powered mouse could, and for a big fucker, I tend to be exceptionally quiet… enough so I regularly scare the shit out of people when I move up on them… G usually freaks when I do my ‘suddenly appearing’ thing.

Made it home without tipping our hand thankfully.

So, that was todays stupidity on my part. I’d love to know when the hell they got there, as I’ve been watching, and I haven’t seen any movement. Like ZERO. Meh… and no, I don’t feel bad at all. Fuck ’em. New Yorkers BTW, the plates on their car (which is no where in sight right now BTW) are NY Plates… and the Property Manager told me they were a FNYC Couple, no kids, and a hypoallergenic dog.

Of course you know, this means war.

Guess I might have to make a habit of wearing my “Gaze upon my Privilege and Despair!!” Got that a while back from Redonkulas.com, and unfortunately, Popp doesn’t have that one anymore, ‘cos I sure should have bough 2-3 of them when I got the first as it’s offensive AF and, more importantly, FIT. Also need to start collecting the Sausage Princess’s loaves and doing a ‘deposit’ or ten. Dog drops a deuce like a fucking Rottie I swear…

So I was asked a ways back about my mentioning October 4th… Reason I didn’t elucidate was I didn’t have anything solid on possible upcoming festivities. What I –missed- was the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. That and the assassination a few years later of Anwar Sadat, which I know a LOT of others forgot about as well.

Gonna get worse if things chart the way I’m thinking it may.

Just in the videos -I’ve seen- the Hamas kids totally got the drop on the Israelis. One of them showed a barracks room full of Jew Stiffs. Bunch of them also only wearing drawers and boots, no uniform, but dead in their battle rattle.

And as I’ve so frequently stated, Drones are here to stay to the point even the Hamas kids took out a few Merkavas with airborne munitions. Now, seeing that Iran has been selling/supplying Russia with the Geranium drone, no bets on if they’ve supplied Hamas with them. I’m sure they have. And that’s an arena that I have no idea if the Israelis have been looking at/working on countering. If not then they’re fucked.

And other than that, fuck ’em.

Let the fuckers slaughter each other. As far as -I’m- concerned, let Israel take the hit. They’ve been sitting on their asses, getting paid and supplied by us for faaaaaar too long, and we literally shouldn’t have any skin in this game. Like the Krain… Fuck ’em all with a rusty chainsaw sideways.

Don’t know, don’t fucking care.

Got my own shytte to worry aboot Aye?

Then, closer to home and something(s) worth mentioning is the drunken BoozeHag Hitlary came out again with some bullshit authoritarian crap about needing to “deprogram” Trump “cultists”.

THIS from one of the stupidest females to have EVER drawn good oxygen and wasted it. I mean just how fucking stupid do you have to be to lose a RIGGED election!?!

My DOG has more brains, and I have to occasionally stop her from eating cat poo. THAT is saying something amiright?

Then the other ‘stellar example’ of “Feminism Gone Wild” is the utterly contemptable and loathsome ‘girlfriend’ of the guy who caught the bad end of a one-chimp chimpout. Ryan Carson is that guy who got stabbed by a nigger in NYC in the chest and bled out. Claudia Morales, his “girlfriend” supposedly was a eyewitness.

The reason I say supposedly is twofold

Dunno… that face positively screams “Resting Gheyface/Soy”
Which makes me wonder IF they were actually a couple, ‘cos she sure AF isn’t acting like it. Seems Ms. Morales was unable to make a positive ID of the aforementioned Nigger in the police line up.
Link to Lulz HERE
Guess it’s either because they weren’t a ‘real thing’ (possible)

Two: More than likely, she’d prefer to be Mudsharking, as it’s come out that she’s a hardcore BLM supporter, although you won’t find many pics out there as she’s scrubbed like well, her entire online existence which tells me a few things. More on that in a second… the ONE pic out there of her BEFORE the “Scrubbining” is this:

ACAB = all cops are bastards.
Then her and her “soyfriend”:

Remember the face of that broad lads…

May she die lonely and her corpse be fed on by whoever many cats she ends up with. Literally, she deserves no better. Not for nothin’ I got nothing for “Mister Poet/Social Activist” either… in a mate, “…he chose…. poorly.”

I mean what IS it with fucking fucked-in-the-head females like this? Much like all them ‘Liberal Jew Females’ being dragged off by the Palestinians, probably to be raped to death and whatnot? What IS it about the Leftist Female Mind that insists on being so utterly repulsive and self destructive? TBH, it’s part of the -why- of why I went with Gretchen, as opposed to trading in the X for a younger, faster model.

It’s because ALL modern women these days are fucking insane and no, I do not want to hear NAWALT from any of y’all. Tell you what, reality when shit hits the fan? ALL those whamenz who think that they’re going to be guuuuuurlbosses and run around thinking they’re all badasses?

No. Ain’t happening. Blame Hollywood for that bullshit.

Gonna be a LOT of dead bitches when the fall starts…

And as far as Soyboys supposed “Friends?”
I got less than nothing for them either…

Dunno if you heard but his so-called “Friends” set up a GoFundMe… NOT for a Funeral, NOT for supporting the commie-cunt he was supposedly fucking…


Directly lifted:
“We are a collective of Ryan’s close friends, reeling from a brutal loss. We are asking for your help on behalf of his partner in easing the burden and stress of this horrifying situation so that we can have space and time to grieve, and remember Ryan. Immediate needs are to offset the costs of working class people taking time off of work to properly mourn.”

Are you fucking shitting me!?!
Congrats Leftards, you broke my brain. $73k should allow ALL of you to have a nice “…time off of work to properly mourn.”
I hope y’all too, die in a fire, tasting your own sizzling flesh, RIGHT before you get “called home” to where the burning will continue for all of eternity.

And truthfully, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.

What hilarious tho are the folks willing to spend $5 to tell off this particular group of grifters…me? Personally I wouldn’t give them the steam of last winter’s dogshit in the snow. I got more respect for the shit, ‘cos, unlike them, at least it can’t help being shit.

So More Later, Time for Dinner
Big Country

Predictive Programming

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
OK, besides the First Rule of Fight Club, one of the others out there is “don’t reveal your sources.” Especially IF it could open up a world of shit on an individual IF they’re easily identifiable. Now, that being said, a LOT of what I do is ‘combing the web’ and noticing ‘trends.’

I’ve had a lot of different pluses and minuses in doing so, however, that being said, I’d say I’ve been close to the positive side than the negative. As dumb as it sounds, these days?

Maaaan so much weird shit out there, being able to mine a good ‘infonugget’ is becoming more and more of an Art than anything else. So, in that for tonight, as the substack is up from today with rantings about the Kraine (Link HERE) I figured I give a peek to one of the many websites I’ve used, and continue to use, as a ‘marker.’

What I mean by that is as I’m checking various websites, there are a few that seem to be ‘plugged in’ to the ‘human hivemind’ and tend to stand out over time. Meaning that I read something on the site, be it a story, or historical anecdote, and a month, maybe two or even three do I have that sense of deja-vu that I read something about this before. It’s really hard to explain.

Then, back before I realized what was going on, I’d go back to find out -what- it was that ‘twigged’ me to the current situation. In this case, one of the sites that I use and go to on the reg is Listverse. Now, as to the ‘how and why’, well, tonight in particular:

Now, maybe I’m reading too much into it.
To Me?
Tells me that we got some hard times ahead when they start talking about Recibes from the Depression… Jes’ Sayin’

As of late, and right before the DotGov got on the “We’re going to reveal Aliens!” bandwagon, Listverse put a shitton of stories up, between Alien Abduction, to Alien Encounters.

Mind you, this’s MY own personal observations, YMMV, don’t run with scissors, and sure as fuck don’t try to ‘get inside’ my head… NO ONE should have to be exposed to the ‘rats and snakes’ running through this cortex…
Jes’ Sayin’
But seriously…Predictive Programming is well known. Take for instance one of the most famous claims of it with the “Twin Towers” as well as the Pentagra…er…gon… in that “Illuminati Card Game” pre-9-11:

I mean hey, if it quacks like a duck amiright?

I mean there’s a lot of static and clutter out there, however, after a while, depending on how insane you are, some patterns do start showing.

That and being a trained intel analyst helps.

Pattern recognition is a key function of being able to know what is going on, and IF there is bad shit brewing. Hence why, due to budget cuts, political correctness run amok and various ‘other things’ that the Intel Agencies have been essentially ‘hollowed the fuck out.’ We haven’t recovered since from what I can tell/have heard. The worst time was being under the Obamamessiah, what with his “FundaMental Transformation” of AMerica into a Turd World Shithole.

Guess he missed Indonesia and/or Kenya, and wanted us all to get a taste of his birth/upbringing. That and cocaine-fueled Buttsecks, which if you’ve noticed since his misrule, we’ve had in spades.

Now granted, some folks in the Agencies could figure out certain patterns and whatnot. Problem was? The middle management. Fucking career bureaucrats who, God Forbid, offer up an Anal-lysis that goes against “the Current Thing” as unpopular as it may be… having ‘unpopular opinions/analysis meant no promotions or better assignments. Have the ‘wrong opinion’ was career-i-cide.

I mean FFS, they knew pre-9-11 that there was serious chatter out there that -something bad- was coming… and man, between the ass covering, the denial, and the unmitigated bullshit, we got purely ass-fucked by a LOT of folks who are, to this day, laughing their collective balls off at us… Yeah, Mossad, I’m looking at you fuckers…

Not for nothing though, these days, it doesn’t matter how fucked up or screwy the latest “Conspiracy Theory” is in my book… I mean what do you say to your crazy Conspiracy Theorist Uncle/Friend these days?

“I’m sorry, you were right.”

Not that’ll ever happen. Even when said-CT is poking them in the dookie- chute. It’s purely amazing how bad the CogDis (Cognitive Dissonance) is these days in Normietown.

I mean even I suffer from it.
As long as no one is fucking with me directly, that I can get food on the table, and Aliens (if there be such a thing) aren’t landing in -my- back yard, I’m good. It’ll take one hell of a serious dislocation for me to be ready to break loose the torpor of “Suburban BCE”.

Not that I’m not capable… I just prefer it this way.
And I think a LOT of us are ALL of the same mind, and in the same boat. As I said yesterday, “Don’t Start None, Won’t Be None” seems to be the motto of our current state.

As shitty as it sounds, I’m comfortable with that.
So More Later
Big Country

A Winner, Other Things and a Zioclops POS Confirmation

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Good News first, down to 314. Been vacillating between that and 319 (5 pound diff) on what appears to be the daily. My VA Dietician is happy, so at least I got that going on.

BTW Publick Service Announcement: If you’re a Vet who’s got a rating, you can get an initial 3 month free membership to the YMCA. You have to get a referral to the VA ‘Whole Health Program’ (which I got today) and then get scheduled for the hour-long either virtual or in person brief, and then go from there… I got the referral and no shit, less than 15 minutes later a guy called and scheduled me for the virtual session next week.

3 months worth of a membership to start, and then they go from there. Now the YMCA for me? The reason I’m excited is three words: Olympic Size Pool. Part of my major weight loss in Iraq was because I was able to go and swim 2 hours a day. One hour in the AM, then an hour after work. Laps. Lots and lots of laps. Best. Exercise. Ever. In Iraq the Aussies were mad crazy about pools, and they refurbed a pool on VBC… had literally containers full of pool repair and maintenance equipment shipped over so they’d have a pool… God love the Diggers man. So because of this, I was swimming in Saddam’s personal pool…

Loved that place…
It was also an in-country R&R location and there were quite a few nubiles running around in bikinis on occasion, but I was married at the time dammit…

Then… we had a winner on the Hate Tank Reference. Delta Mike got the reference to “The Hate Tank” which was a thrash song we used to listen to back in the day by M.O.D.

Used to listen to some seriously hardcore music back in the day… in fact I still do, ‘cos truthfully I -still- prefer a lot of it from the bullshit that’s out there these days… Give me some Manowar or Suicidal Tendencies…

So, the story. Back in the day post Gulf One, my bro and I were ensconced in a shitty trailer in the foothills of the White Mountains. We used to have to road trip down to Salem in the People’s Socialist Republic of Taxachusetts (yeah that Salem) to meet up with another friend-of-a-friend who had the best ‘shmokable consumables’ that just weren’t available in NH, as NH has been, believe it or not, one of the most Anti-Weed states ever.

So one of the guys who lived in the apartment with “our Weed Guy” as we called him was a seriously asocial Misfit-loving motherfucker… and when I say he was a Misfit lover, he was both a misfit personally (think Goth/Punk with a serious attitude problem) but also a lover of the Band, The Misfits.

Great band BTW and Glenn Danzig? Oh holy Hells YES!

This guy? He tended to wear all black, as well as a long black leather duster, and did his hair up like Jerry Only (3rd from the left above) in what’s called a ‘devilock’. Dude also did the black fingernail paint, white base on the face, eye makeup and a “what the fuck are you looking at asshole?” attitude. You get the idea…

Now, he was -always- friendly to us, the friendly neighborhood War Vets, that and -I-, despite the Yuppie/Preppie look that I wore, knew and dug the music, which sort of blew his mind. Yeah, I tended to wear a lot of Rugby Shirts, khaki pants, and Deckies… also called ‘boat shoes’… what can I say? Grew up in a boating New England Brahmin level family, talking thru the clenched toofuses and all… LaCrosse was a staple too

You know you’re a New England Preppie when the catalogs are all from North Face, Lands End and LL Bean in the household. In fact, I for the life of me couldn’t remember LL Bean and had to call MomUnit, who remembered after a second.

Anyway, despite my ‘normie-for-the-time’ Preppie clothing, it worked. Didn’t have a hassle with these guys. Dude and I used to compare notes on what band was better, and wondering if Glenn was ever ‘going to get the band back together?’ and if so, in what form? Yeah… like I said, I dig and knew the music. Now beside his look, his car? OMFG. He had a (I think) it was a 1962 Cadillac Coupe DeVille.

It was definitely a late 50’s early 60’s Caddy.
Now, this t’weren’t no normal Caddy.
Nope… it was a beater… Rusted out in many spots, with bare sheet metal crudely riveted to the body panels…some of that even gray from age. The paint (black of course) was all faded and possibly even spray painted in spots to cover some of the damage… dents ALL over, as if a maniac with a ball-peen hammer had gone to work on it. The windows were tinted out blackout-tint… and then the grill.

Let me tell you… the grill? Somewhere he’d gotten a hold (at a junkyard he told me) of a couple of old chrome bumpers, which he cut up with I think was an angle grinder, fashioned the pieces into crude teeth of all fucking things, and then welded said teeth to the front of the car… on the bumper itself and whatnot… might have even had some welded crudely to the hood… either way, the effect was kind of -unnerving- especially if you were a pedestrian. The chrome got all rusty on the edges fucking teeth over time too, adding to the effect. Then he did something similar on the fins in the back… he made them higher with rough cut and welded/riveted sheet steel, painted them black and added a “Hate Tank” logo on both, as well as across the windscreen. I wish I had gotten a pic back in the day…

Thing was a Frankenstein Monster of a Vehicle.
When he turned it over, it sounded like a garbage disposal that has a BIG metal spoon stuck down inside it. Couldn’t tell if that was intentional or what… great heaps of black smoke would positively pour out the ass end like a destroyer laying a smoke screen for the Marines in the Pacific prior to an invasion… It also had a Killer sound system… probably worth more than the whole damned car. He’d blare the thrash metal at nosebleed levels when tooling around. He didn’t get hassled too much by the local fuzz as I -think- he had family on the force, but never copped to it, pardon the pun.

Good Times, Good Times.

So. That is the story of “The Hate Tank”. No idea whatever became of dude or the car, but man, the old-school stoners back in Salem probably remember him to this day. It’s hard to forget a Legend like that.

Now, current day:

As I like to say, “This’s my surprised face.”
The article is a bit old (Jan 22) however someone felt the need to dig it up. I think because the stench of the revelations of DeadFi’s obscenely huuuuuge estate and the fact that her daughters are now fighting over it. If you want to puke in your mouth a bit, the link to the Zioclopic Sellout is HERE. To boil down the TL;DR is that besides ‘everyone is doing it’ that this’s the only way to make sure that:

“If you want only millionaires and billionaires to run for Congress, then keep making sure we can’t raise our pay,” he added. “Just keep in mind that no one will run for Congress because you have no way to better yourself.”  

Uh… so in order to keep only the rich from running for orifice, you yourself need the ability to become rich by cheating?

What sort of twisted pretzel logic is that?
Fucking Navy, that’s for damned sure. They should make sure they got all the shrapnel out of his squash when he lost his eye… that sort of ‘logic’ makes me think that someone missed a piece…

Jes’ Sayin’

Then yeah, the aforementioned DeadFi File? Try like upwards of 180 million shmackers at stake. 102 Million Plus in Real Estate, and a 67 Million private Jet. Now, granted her dead second Hubby was Richard Blum who cashed in back in February of 2022 was rich AF supposedly, THIS money is strictly HER money.

I.E. NOT tiered or tied to her DeadHubs.

Seems DeadHubs, although we’re told he was a “billionaire” court documents are showing his net worth was faaaar less… possibly even less then DeadFi’s. And it too was being fought over by the daughters and dead old (now dead) Mumsie. The media has been selling and spinning faster than a Samsung Washer on “Spin” to make it seem that ALL the shekels are because of DeadHubs.

Problem is, the will for that fucking guy (DeadHubs) is still being fought over. It was in Probate, and may NOW get settled. The fight was between DeadFi and the daughters, and what with DeadFi being a ‘good Senator’ now, that’ll only make the cat-fight that much more entertaining. The fact that they’re (the Media) so desperate to make it sound like the shekels she had came from her “billionaire Hubs” is funny IMO. Can’t let the Proles know she was stealin’ and dealin’ the whole fucking time she was in the Senate now can we?

Now there are 3 step daughters, I.E DeadHubs kids, and one BioKid that he had with DeadFi. THIS one seems to be the one who’s the most ‘grabby’ of them, as she was the one who propped up Mommy Dearest and took full legal control when Mumsie lost her mind and bladder control, but still kept her voating in the Senate despite her expiration date being long past.

Yeah… tells you ALLLLLL you need to know about her
Every. Single. Time. comes leaping to mind as well…

I mean jeez. Nice work if you can get it… palatial estates in Hawaii, Sprawling Ranches in Colorado, and a Gulfstream G650, that used sells for $62,000,000. All on a Senatyorial salary.

And people wonder why Rome fell?

Welcome to the New Rome, same as the Old Rome

‘Cept with less Orgies and no Togas.
Unless you count Tinder.

Any wonder even Joe Normie is fed-the-fuck up? I mean it’s horribly gratuitous at this point. We’re paying for everything. The fucking illegals, who get a reported $800 per person when they claim ‘asylum’ and a ticket to a city-of-their-choice, the niggers who burn down their own houses when they riot (then rebuilt using OUR fucking money) and continually cry that WE ‘don’ do enuff!’… the funds that are OBVIOUSLY going to their ‘pet projects’ like the Kraine, which at this point, I’ve lost track of how many Billions we’ve thrown there like kindling on a bonfire, which I’m sure that a HUUUUGE portion is coming back to the states in laundered fashion. Campaign donations via Sam Bankman-Fried anyone? BTW: Odds of him getting ANY time?

Yeah… that’s what I thought.

Anyone ask YOU if YOU wanted YOUR tax ducats spent in such a fashion? I sure as fuck haven’t been. So much for a “Representative Republic” Aye?

I mean let’s face it.
The “System” is fucked.
They know it, and revel in it.
We know it, and suck it up, as long as no one fucks with us unnecessarily. And that right there is where it stands, and will continue to stand.Don’t Start None, Won’t Be None”

And those in charge know it

As long as the majority of folks are willing to sit back, and continue to take the crumbs offered via Ye Olde Boob Toob, the EBT cards keep working, and we are still armed, they’re content to keep looting the Treasury down to the Last Sestertii.

The ‘still armed’ thing is where the dreams of “Total and Absolute Control” go out the window for them. They’ve tried, oh Lord Knows they’ve tried on multiple occasions and the majority of people, no matter -how bad- their Sad Wind-Up Toys act, nor how many people died, there just is no way in fuck
to safely and comprehensively ban guns.

I mean they can ban them, but does anyone want to do the math on noncompliance? I mean you only have to look at the magazine issue when they banned them in California… “Turn ’em in” and all the owners were like “Meh… whatever…” Same with Bump Stocks… hell every. single. order. to turn in some form or part or piece of now-outlawed weapons? The compliance rates are almost in the negative.

In fact one of those compliance rates that I personally laugh at is the National Firearms Act of 1934 which outlawed allll sorts of formerly legal toys. Funny how in the midst of a full on depression and shortly AFTER the Bonus Army rout in 1932, and the failure of all the ideas to alleviate the ‘common mans issues’ during the Depression? The massacre all of the other demonstratively HUIGE failures of the FedGov of the time? That fucking fat Communist FDR outlawed DotMil grade fully automatic weapons early in ’34 as he probably -knew- it was only a matter of time before someone said “Enough is fucking enough.” Got me a hunch he knew what might be coming his way at the rate his retardation was going so he had to insure no one had machine guns…HOWEVER

Despite the NFA, how many guys came back from WW2 with a ‘duffelbag gun’? You see it a lot in the ‘gun turn-in for $$$’ where usually you have a relative who inherited Granpappy’s BAR that he smuggled back home and turned in for a fucking gift card, or in the case of a year or two ago?

Someone turned in a pristine StG-44.

Seems Pappy done brought it home, and his Grandkids, being the good little Libtardians that they are, turned it into I think Fresno PD or some other shitty municipality. Made National News as it was a low serial number, in perfect shape, and had all the ‘whistles and bells’ (mags and pouches and whatnot) that Pappy had taken off the dead Kraut. A very rare weapon to say the least.

Seems the argument came from a few Historians who were on hand for just an instance such as this. The fucktard Fuzz were all like “It’s gonna go thru the grinder either way, historic or not!!!” until cooler and wiser heads prevailed, and it ended up going to a Museum.

I know of at least two Vets that I knew growing up. One Korean War vet, another was a Nam vet… no idea if they’re still kicking, BUT
I do know that before I was 12 years old, I knew how to load BOTH an M-60 Light Machine Gun, as well as the M1919A3 Machine Gun in .30-06… Got to fire the M1919 too… fucking cool AF BTW. That and set up a M18A1 Claymore Landmine…
In fact, looking back at the pictures from that particular party where I lern’t how to set up the Claymore, I know realize in my old age, that fucker was probably live as it wasn’t a M33 training Claymore. Those are made of blue plastic, and the one “Uncle Fred” had me playing with veeeeerrry carefully was the regular green plastic.

Remembering just how Bugfuck Cray-Cray (in a good way) “Uncle Fred” was (God Rest Him) I now realize that that was more than likely live, and IF I had fucked up while setting it up, MomUnit would have been pissed as it would have taken out a goodly portion of the kitchen, as well as the living room.

Great Times and Great Memories.

But yeah, nothing on the news over the years, as you normally hear that “…during the firearm turn in today, a person showed up with an “X” and everyone collectively sharts theyselves and I’m sure a belt fed Machine Gun from either Korea or Nam would have definitely made the news.

Hell, another instance was when they practically shit over a spent AT-4 rocket tube being turned in. Even I had an issue when at one point I had CPS here doing a health and welfare check when we had Addy (God I miss her).

One of the “Inspectors” (more like Inquisitionist) almost melted the fuck down over MY Claymore:

For those with bad vision like Cederq, the side sez:

It’s a trailer hitch cover that I took the trailer hitch mount off of, ‘cos I don’t have a vehicle with a Trailer hitch anymore.
You’d have thought I had a real mine on the wall the way this idiot was acting… Finally when I took it off the wall and showed the back was hollow and one piece did she finally relent. Thank you Media Hype for ‘pumping up the scare’ every. single. time.

Fucking media
<Le Sigh>
And when do we get to clean THAT particular bedpan of people?
Not soon enough apparently.

So, yeah, tis to laugh.
All we can do at this point is drive on. Do the “Nancy Reagan” and “just say NO” In fact, that’d be a great t-shirt… a pic of ol’ Nan from back in the day, and just have the pic of her, and the phrase “Just say NO” on the front… Let everyone guess what the Hell you’re saying “NO” to amiright?

So More Later
I’m Big Country

The Kraine and The Fall of Civilization as a Sideshow

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Monday… shit… Monday again

Yeah, tired, the house is a mess, and I didn’t get shit done this weekend. I did manage to see a few vidyas and stories about the Kraine… pretty much despite the near-constant cheerleading, they’re now going to start drafting folks up to 70 Years of Age.

So much winning!

Word is they –finally– made it to the Surovkin Line…
Mind you, the first line of the MLR (Main Line of Resistance). It’s fo’ sho’ not looking good for the home team…

Yep, an oldie but a goodie…

Then, when you get to total incomprehensibility we have that gem above from the “Institute of War” as part of a series of explaining just -how- the Krainian Klown Show under Krainfeld could have been worse… and/or is getting better…

Trying to translate the statement above is like enough to cause a brain bleed in normal folks… Essentially, and distilling it down:

“Putin is telling the Russian military to win, to give the
false impression that the Russian military is winning,
despite all of the money and weapons the West sent to


That’ll work, no worries.

Everything I read, everything I see personally tells me not only are we in for a Train Smash Wreck of epic proportion, we are, for the most part going to be utterly incapable of recovering from it quickly.

SOME Areas might do well, but man, the fact is, our education system is shot… our political system is shot… we are, by MY measure, ONE serious catastrophe away from being utterly fucked.

I’m GenX

The -majority- of my G-G-G-G-Generation has been in ‘stand-by mode’ for like our entire adulthood. If you weren’t “hardwired into the system” via money, Elite Connections (Haaavard and the like, Skull and Bones anyone?) or family connections, you had to make it on your own. The majority of jobs I was, (stress the word was) qualified for usually had a Boomer or Late-Boomer in the managerial position, (that I was -more- than qualified for) and had ZERO interest in retiring, or mentoring -anyone- who could be a ‘potential threat’ to them.

Go on Reddit, cesspool as it is, and find story after story of folks talking about older generations who tenaciously cling to their positions, and/or intentionally sabotage an up and comer. I mean fuck, one of the greatest and most obvious cases out there is the Untied Staaz Senate and CONgress…

The few ‘new blood’ folks out there?
Occasional Cortex? Miss Motorboat Titties herself?
Hand picked because she’s a fucking moron.
No threat at all to the Status Quo.
In fact, not only is she a threat to the “Establishment”, she’s programable like a blow-up fuck-doll. Give her the ‘latest thing’ and she spews out whatever mentally retarded shit they want broadcasted.

The you have one of my own personal Bane…
“The Zioclops”, Dan Crenshaw….
You’d think a Navy SEAL would have some integrity.

Guess fucking not.

And another personal ‘bee in my bonnet’… my former classmate and bully, Maura Fucking Healy who I purely know is going to be going “national” IF we survive to the next major political race… IF and only IF we manage to make it to 2028, just fucking watch… You can say you heard it here first… she’s The Governer of Mass, a Haaaaavard Graduate and full blown anti-male BullDyke. She used to (along with the majority of my former classmates) bully the fuck out of me… (yeah, I was the class nerd) She’s currently running Massachusetts into the ground, and I know that somewhere, somehow, someone has her bruited as “Presidential Material”

I mean she has ALL the ‘boxes’ either checked or licked as it is…

So yeah, We’re done here…

Besides the fact that now that the Boomers ARE all ‘clocking out’, and GenX, well… we for the most part, there weren’t that many of us to begin with… Once read somewhere GenX is the smallest of all the demographics out there ‘cos between “the pill” and abortion coming out, our numbers t’weren’t that large to begin with.

That and as far as I can tell, we were the last really educated generation. EVERYTHING went to hell in a handbasket… and a LOT of it was GenX’s fault as WE became the teachers/educators… it’s OUR fault for

A) being lazy (why put anything into a dead end job?)
B) being indifferent (a hallmark of GenX) and
C) being told “this is the way it’s going to be” by ‘higher-higher’ and of course, just following orders…

Ans as far as “A)” is concerned, let me tell you, from first hand experience. I was on the “Art Teacher Track” in college post-Gulf One… and DeadDad and MomUnit wanted me to be doing the whole ‘becoming a Special Ed teacher’… The place I did my student teaching, well according to the Higher-Higher there, they loved me as did the students. However:

The offer on the table was less than what a PV2 made in basic training (1992). Like 11k. On a One Year, Non-Renewable Contract INDEFINATELY.

Like nigga please.

You want me, to work up to 12 hour days, and have to deal with Special Needs/Ed kids? (God bless them, I had like 9 Downs Syndrome Students… they were AWESOME but tiring as fuck) For essentially $250 a fucking week and have ZERO prospects at tenure?

The only reason motherfuckers become teachers is tenure.

So, I said “fuck that noise” and joined BACK into the Green Machine.

And now that the folks who, I dunno, actually know and can do Math and Equations without a computer or calculator are retiring by the boatload, leaving the Apathetic Don’t Give a Fuck GenXers to –try– and deal with the shitshow, as well as the Millennials, some of whom are worth a shit, but the majority of whom are even in worse positions educationally speaking, to try and keep the fucking wheels on this out-of-control festering shytteshow. We have no engineers… Nor ANY in the pipeline. STEM is DEAD due to current day politics…

Nuh Uh.

Ain’t fucking happening.
Much like the battery in a Negros smoke alarm, and to quote a guy from a shooting a few ago “That nigga dead yo!”
Just like our society.
It just hasn’t had the good grace to fall over yet

So grab the popcorn, this’s going to get really interesting shortly.
More Later
Big Country

Krainian Kowardice and The Komplete Katastrophic Klose Out

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
A-Polly-Olly-Geez for being ‘out’ another day AWOL. Turns out I’m not just ‘sensitive’ to the eyeball ‘roids, I’m full on allergic. Woke up yesterday looking like I had DiFi’s Blown Out Eyeball… like demonically possessed much BCE? Painful too.

So off to the Eyeball Emergency Room (the VA has one specifically here for these things, who knew?) which I guess this is normal/not normal, but common enough that they handled it nicely and quickly. No damage on the permanent side, but man, when you want to take a Leatherman out and rip the eye from the socket because of pain/itching? Maaaaaan… Add on this was straining the ‘for better or for worse’ with my bride as she was getting pissed with the docs ‘not getting it right the first time’… not that I blame her, as she had to haul my blind ass around in the car… I mean as much fun as it might be to try and ‘Use the Force’ and do a ‘Stevie Wonder’ methinks the fuzz might have something else to say about that.

That and I owe on the car… it’d be one thing if I had a beater “Hate Tank” but unfortunately It’s a ‘new car’ that I owe on. Remind me to tell y’all about the “Hate Tank” at some point…

On to ‘Da News’ as it were.
Been surfing a LOT of vidyas on the Krain.
GOD what an absolute shitshow.
Seems that the conscripts still haven’t ‘gotten it’

“Guys? Guys!!! I’m not dead yet!!!!”

Not sure who I feel worse for
1st Wounded Dude who they all were carrying or 2nd Wounded Dude who got hit after the round boiled in and they left behind when they hotfooted out of there.

To be very point fucking blank honest, that’s about as fucked up and cowardly an act I’ve even seen in my life… I mean I can understand that when the round hit, maybe 1st Wounded Dude took more shrapnel and/or was dead… I mean when they unceremoniously dumped his ass off the stretcher he sure as fuck wasn’t moving…

The shitty part is that as they move towards 2nd Wounded Dude (who’s flailing around, probably screaming his lungs out… if you enlarge you can see his left? leg is like totally fucked, all floppy and shit) they suddenly drop the stretcher, and dip. Now there’s no sign of any more incoming, leastways in that narrow field of view, but as them two dudes do the “bugout boogie” I don’t see anything that should have stopped them from helping their friend…

Any wonder why I ‘lean in’ on the casualty numbers being as high as I think they might be? With MEDEVAC like that, who needs friends? 400k KIA might be far lower IMO.

And then, another sure fire takeaway the wheels are coming off:

Which is different how?
But Krainfeld has reassured us
That should be enough amiright?


….And the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den wanted to give what? 24 MOAR Billion Dollars to these fucking thieves?

Guess Joe wanted to pad his retarded… errr retirement a bit more before he leaves the scene.

Which is exactly what this entire thing is all about. “The Grift™” Incorporated. I mean besides the Dissolute Scumbag Son, how many others kids were involved? John Kerry’s for one, Pelosi “The Gin Hag”, hell Mittens Fucking Fake Mormon Romney’s kids have all been hustling and shuffling that foreign aid back to the family coffers for years. This war just made it faster and easier.

Hence why it’s never going to end.
Not until Vlad decides he’s done and pops these assholes.
I’m just highly surprised he hasn’t let the kompromat that he’s got to have on all these fuckers loose. I mean The Gin Hag, as well as every. single. other. DotGov fucktard, to include the now good Senator DeadFi, has been on the Cartel payrolls since Christ was a Corporal. If -I- were Vlad? At this rate? I’d let the Krainians finish smashing themselves to dust on the defense, and as the full on Election season starts… July-August of next year, start then on the final march to Kiev, and when NATO and the rest of the Winken Blinken Stupid and Nod folks start squawking, drop ALL the dirt on ALL the politicians in the US everywhere and let nature take its course.

I mean at that point some of the shit out quote “Betters” unquote have been doing? Even Joe Normie might actually take up pitchforks and torches and go and burn out/hang the bastards, with Law “Enforcement” sitting it out, as they ain’t paid enough to die…

Jes’ Sayin’

So that’s it for today
More Later
Big Country

Not Blind, and Even the North Koreans Didn’t Want Him…

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Well, I’m sorts kinda back. The right eye could be used in an Advertisement for a horror movie. I had a ‘severe inflammatory response’ to the dilation liquid, meaning I have the “Red Eye of Death” going on. After they got done inserting the new lens, to keep it in place they shrunk (dilated) the fuck out of what? My pupil? to hold it in place as they told me because I’m ‘over average size’ they really ‘tightened it down’ otherwise the lens would have ‘floated off?’ Not really sure as they had to really dose me up with the Vitamin “V” (valium) to keep me from twitching around.

So the post-op explanation is a wee bit fuzzy.

And to think I get to do this again on the 16th. I had to have the procedures split up, mainly due to various med issues. They weren’t sure how this one was going to go, and IF something fucked up, better I still have ONE peeper functional Aye?

Now that we know I’m not going to die/go blind I get to go through this all over again, once this one is fully healed.

So, back to the news, such as it is
North Korea made an announcement:

Former Pv2 Travis “Kang: King is being returned to the US DotMil. According to sources :“The relevant organ of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea decided to expel Travis King, a soldier of the U.S. Army who illegally intruded into the territory of the DPRK, under the law of the Republic,” the North’s official Korean Central News Agency said in what it called the final findings of an investigation into King”

“Reportedly, Kings repeated demands for “purple drank” and “…wanting to git sum stank on his hang-lo” were the deciding factors stated an anonymous member of the DRPK delegation.” “We cannot, nor do not understand how you people tolerate such an animal. He is no better than an unwashed, untrained monkey.” continued the source, “We in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea pride ourselves on our evenhandedness and equality, but after this experience, this “Kang” as he calls himself, would make even your Dr. Martin Luther King rethink his positioning.”

OK, so I made up that last bit….
Even so, the fucking Norks couldn’t nor wouldn’t put up with that asshole’s monkeyshines. I was wondering back when this story originally broke just what was going to happen. In the past, the Norks usually went ‘all in’ on utilizing such a thing as a propaganda coup, to show how corrupt/evil/yadda-yadda the Imperialist Americans are etcetera etcetera… during Viet Nam a number of guys ‘turned traitor’ and jumped the DMZ in order to avoid going to the Nam. Most of them actually stayed, married and led whatever lives they could eked out in the NK.

Nowadays? Looks like Kim Jong Un doesn’t ‘roll that way’ that his Dad and Granddad used to. Guess “niggerhaustion” is multinational now

Which then brings me to a really unmentioned bit from Italy.
Lampedusa, a small resort island between Tunisia and Italy ‘proper’ had what I’ll call a “pre-invasion” population of about 6500. Over the past week or two, Over 10000 North Apefricans descended on the Island in what I can only call a “Muslim Majority Invasion-Horde”.

As you can see, that screen cap is from Sunday… 4200 from that day alone…. and with that pic, and I realize it’s only that picture, but notice anything?
No Old Men
No Whamenez
No Kids

Nope, nothing to see here… moving on…
Which is of course the normal reaction by the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda. From other reports, the North Apefricans rioted pretty well, and have taken over the island, although the majority of news like that have been scrubbed per usual. The major issue, as is at OUR southern border is that we’re treating this as a fucking joke across the board.

The Repugnicunts and DemoncRats are both balls deep, if not deeper in the cross-border Cartel corruption, hence why there’s NO interest in stopping this shitshow. RUMINT is they’re ALL on the take… and why wouldn’t they be? I mean for real… you join CONgress or the Senate, and amass a HUGE FUCKING FORTUNE while in there… I do not want to hear that it’s all ‘stock trading’ and whatever bullshit-flavor-of-the-month it supposedly is.

The Cartels have more money than the Vatican I’d wager…
That right there, is saying something.
Add on that the DemoncRats are getting ALL them lovely lovely voaters to keep in power? No fucking wonder they don’t want to stop this shit…

You give me a Heavy Weapons Platoon plus… call it 40-50 Guys. 5 Mark-19s, 5 M2A2s, 10 M-240Bs… Give me open access to an ASP (Ammunition Supply Point) and some DMRs (Designated Marksmen… snipers with good rifles…) I can gar-ron-damned-tee we could end this invasion. I mean I’m sorry, but at this point? Demographically speaking, we’re done. And the real killer in all of this?

The “Golem” that they created? Lets just say that right now? They think they have it ‘under control’… much like ALL the ‘other monster movies’ out there, reality and your ‘pet monster’ tends to sneak up and bite you in the ass when you least expect it…

It will not end well either way.

And lastly, I got a package from an overseas reader. I’m going to do a writeup on the SubStack on it this weekend, along with some other history ‘stuff’

Ostensibly, a Cosmonaut Tube of “Cheeseburger with Onions and Ketchup”… It’s still good, and as to the veracity? Not sure but hey, what the hell? Rations are Rations, and a Cosmonaut chow? Why not? I did find some more of them when I goolaged it, particularly on the Zon, which is where I think it came from? Not sure but hey, if I had the $$$ eBay has real ISS food available…

Anyways, it should be fun to try right?
Got to keep the laughs up as well as the creative side of things…
So More Later
Big Country

Last One For a Few Days and Old School

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So gonna be out on Med Leave for a day or two. Getting the eyeball done, with the other sometime ‘after’… depends on how #1 goes. I already filled in the Politburo, and they’re cool with it

So, in keeping with yesterday’s footlockers, I realized there was another gift that Gretchen had gotten me when we had -first- started dating. At the time I was still smoking occasionally, so she found and got me an ashtray.

Mind you, not an ordinary ashtray. I have -no idea- where she found it, but man, there’s cool and then there’s very fucking cool:

In keeping with her taste mind you…
She’s got a ‘thing’ for the 1940s pin-up stuff.
I say that she was born too late.

The ashtray came from Duncan Ceramic Studios, of Fresno California, and was made in 1949:

Now, as it -is- an antique and in outstanding condition,
I never used it as an ashtray.
It’s just too damned pretty.
Instead, I reutilized it…
Meet, as we call it around the Casa, “The Butter Babe”

Works like a charm!

The knife slide under the legs, keeping it in place.
Hand washed only, I mean hell, how much cooler a butter dish could you ask for Aye? I’ve looked and continue to look for either duplicate, or something similar, but man, they just aren’t out there… even on eBay there isn’t anything quite as nice as that out there.

Again, file this under “Shit that makes me smile/happy”

Everything can’t and should not be all Doom and Gloom 24-7-365. There’s enough of that already, as anyone could or would tell you.

Even if it’s as stupid as a video like this of a couple of Chikinz that someone threw up on TikTok.
Gretchen strikes again with this one:

I have NO IDEA why that cracks me up so hard, but it does.

Maybe it’s just that it’s that stupid maybe?
Tough call, but I’ll take all the laughs I can get.
As should we all.

So More Later
Big Country

Helping Out One of Ours and An Update on A Krainian Klown

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
I got this from Wirecutter’s place, seems the guy who runs The Daily Gator is in need of some assistance. Per Wirecutter:

“If you can see your way to join me in donating a few bucks to help out a fellow Patriot, I know it will be appreciated. Times are tough and it sounds like Doug could use a helping hand.”

And per Doug:

My name is Doug, and my mother has decided to cease her dialysis treatments. I have been her caregiver for four years, since my dad passed away in 2019. I have not worked since 2019 because mom has needed full time care, which I have provided in our home and we have been living on her Social Security benefits.

When she passes away, her benefits will cease, and I will very soon run out of money to live on. I was just beginning to apply for Medicare and Disability for me, so, it will be a few weeks before I can begin supporting myself. Our bank account is low, and the final expenses will likely deplete it entirely.

Frankly, I need some help, and would be grateful for any help you can give.

God bless and thank you very much

Doug Hagin

Now his GoFundMe is HERE
As I well know from experience, every lil bit helps, especially when family is involved. So, there it is.

So, the Krainian Klown that I referenced in the lede?

Seems our favorite ‘Murican Born Crazy As Fuck Wannba-Whammenz, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who used to be a dude named Michael John Cirillo, well… besides being a fucking full bore psychopath, some new news that may or may not be related to It’s suspension from being the Krainian English Speaking Spokesthing has surfaced:

That’s about right
Nothing these days phases me, nor surprises me.
It makes sense however, as most of the fucking loons are known for having exceptionally dangerous sexual practices. Getting the HIV? Par for the course IMO. Deviants gonna deviate I suppose…

Now, as far as the rest of this weekend, or at least -today- I spent it cleaning up and painting some footlockers. About a month ago, Gretch was surfing the Fecesbook marketplace, and found a couple of old army footlockers for sale. An anniversary gift… been together 7 years at the end of August… Mind you, she didn’t tell me… just up and bought ’em. I was mad surprised and she told me she only paid $50 for the two. They’re in great shape too! The only problem with them was someone had done a shit-job of painting them. Like covered up the original stenciling that was common to them…

I did manage to clean off a dataplate and date one of them:

Post war… like RIGHT after WW2… these were from the Korean War timeframe. Made in 1946. I know this as there was a old label on it stating that it was “Locker #2 of 5” and the destination was Sasebo Air Base in Japan… I unfortunately couldn’t save the label as it fell apart to itty bitty pieces when I tried to remove it… that being said…
Cool huh?
So the paint job sucked… it was all nasty and fucked, and as much as I wanted to try to clean them up to the original, I just ran out of patience, and broke out the rattle can(s) and hit them both. Now the OD I’m using is period-correct, Color Number 33070 Early WWII Flat Olive Drab…

The only issue I have with it is Rapco paint takes forever to dry, and it’s sort of -thin- which means it takes a number of coats to get it done right. Personally, I think they came out OK:

Only thing that does suck is they’re both missing the internal trays. Sucks in that they’re not complete, BUT… I’m using them to store spare tactical gear… like they’re both full the hell up. Who knew I had so much shit? I got more pouches in ALL colors than I care to admit…

Anyways, the latches on them are intact, as well as the internal hinges, the lock hasp, everything. The one on the bottom is missing the dataplate, and otherwise, they’re both perfect. All the rivets are good, as well as the metal banding.

Funny that when I looked on eBay, like WOW again!

$175 plus $75 for shipping???
With a broken/missing right hasp?
Maybe I should sell these?
Hard to call it… the problem is the shipping… these things are heavy even when empty. “Stout” is the word that comes leaping to mind. That and Wifey might get upset that I I sold her anniversary gift.

So tomorrow, I have to do almost a full day of work, as when I tried to log in, I got the ‘system maintenance’ messages… I should have known. The IT Commissar always does his ‘stuff’ on the weekends… ah well…

So More Later
Big Country

The Friday Afternoon Round Up

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Now, a whooole lotta interesting things to go over, some related, some not so much. More like a list of ‘things that caught my eye’ today and over the past few.

Call it the Friday Afternoon Round Up.

So, first off, found a guy recommended by Simplicius76 on his substack, namely Dr. Rob Campbell’s stack. Guy does a pretty good job, and is added to my ‘regular read’ list now. Link to it is HERE. He had a pretty good write up this A.M. and some pics and breakdowns vis-a-vis the whole Krainian Klownkar Show.

One of the things that caught my attention was a picture of Andreevka, a ville located just outside of Artyomovsk, AKA Bahkmut. The location that was broadcast far and wide as touting the Krainian Kounteroffensive as being “Great” and “Successful AF” as well as “Unstoppable“… the way they (The various Ministries of Lies and Propaganda) were spinning it up, this was a Major Coup and showed just how winning the Glorious Armed Farces of the Krain were doing against the Russian Orcs… that the “Stunning” and “Brave” farces of the Krainian DotMil ‘rescued’ the town from the Godless Invaders…

Included in the write up was a picture of the town…

With ‘wins’ like this, who needs a loss?
Mind you, this’s a Krainian Town
It did, however, positively SCREAM at me for a meme:

Appropriate Aye?
Figure the reason the Russians left was there was literally nothing left to fight over… even the rubble has rubble, and I’d say that is the very definition of “obliterated” i.e. erased… gone, done, el finito. Even Carthage wasn’t so thoroughly thrashed I’d reckon…

And then, over at Art Sido’s place, he did a nice write up on how Krainfeld was ‘spun’ by the Ministry of Lies and Propaganda when he addressed the UN… his poast is HERE. The TL;DR is that when they showed Krainfeld at the podium, they used old footage of the General Assembly listening earlier to Krainfeld do his “Putin is Hitler, give me shekels Goyim!” shtick… problem is you could tell that they used old footage ‘cos Krainfeld himself is in the Audience apparently listening to himself drone on!
Talk about ‘not sending your best/low effort retards’
IRL, the audience (which I found on PBS) was actually this:

Quite the difference Aye?
Looks like everyone is tired of that grifting lil fucker…
Jes’ Sayin’
And speaking of ‘not sending their best’…

Seems that Kumdumpster Karen AKA Kameltoe Hairyass, has been named the head of the new ‘White House Orifice (sarc) of Gun Violence Prevention’:

Well consider me relieved…

Seeings how every single thing that this fucktard touches goes completely and utterly sideways like a motherfucker as well as pear-shaped, I’d say it’s safe to say that we don’t have a hell of a lot to worry about… this broad is too stupid to even know which end of a weapon the bullets come out of, so I’d say this might be a good thing. I mean she’s doing such a bang up job on the Border amiright?

Then, back to the Krain for a moment. Seems that we might have an idea what Russia’s plan for the winter is, which looks like “Make them freeze to death in the fucking dark.”

According to multiple sources, they (the Russians) blew the ever-loving-shit out of a metric fuckton of Krainian power infrastructure over the past 48 hours… most of which is probably going to be non-recoverable.

“No Power/Heat For You!”
It’s looking grim for Krainfeld… he only went home with the consolation prize of 300mil as opposed to the ‘retirement’ level funds of 24 billion he was demanding. That’s barely enough for him and his wife to settle in back in Israel. Damned shame eh?

And lastly, again, in keeping with the whole ‘not sending our/their best:

According to the article HERE, 17 Geniuses got caught mailing and/or selling “Spice” also called “K2″… that fake synthetic Weed… now, not for nothing, I personally think it’s bullshit, as there’s drugs, and then there’s drugs. That shit is fake assed bullshit, no matter how you ‘class’ it… However, the South Koreans are hardcore when it comes to smuggling as well as illegal drugs. So, that essentially means those guys are toast.

Ahhh the DotMil of today… gotta love it.
As I’ve said before, and I’ll keep saying, Thank God I’m out.
So More Later
Big Country

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