Newly Unburdened, or is That “UnBidened?” and A Range Card Instructional (IMPORTANT!)

Greetings and Salutations!
“May you live in interesting times!”
I’d have to say we got that going on in spades these days. Lots of info flying around about the Joetato deciding to ‘step back’ from the Re(s)election, so much so as to leave everyone wondering just how this happened when less than 24 hours go, the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den was so absolutely adamant that he wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon…

To paraphrase Captain Willard again: “The bullshit piled up so high in Vietnam Democrat Politics, you needed wings to stay above it!”

The best take I’ve seen on it?

Wow. <slow golf clap >

Now… besides the latest drama, my post for an Instructional that I think is going to be needed, leastways possibly? in the near future?

That being Range Cards and the “How to and Why” of them.

Now, a range card is, per the Manual: “A range card is a sketch of the assigned sector that a direct fire weapon system is intended to cover. A range card aids in planning and controlling fires and aids the crews and squad gunners in acquiring targets during limited visibility. It is also an aid for replacement personnel or platoons or squads to move into the position and orient on their sector. The individual soldier or gunner should make the range card so that he becomes more familiar with the terrain in his sector. He should continually assess the sector and, if necessary, update his range card. The range card is always being updated.”
The Range Card itself looks like this:

The actual DotMil Document number is a DA FORM 5517-R
FEB 1983. An .pdf (downloadable and printable) one can be found here: DA FORM 5517-R The ones I have are smaller, waterproof and meant to be folded and put into my wrist quick reference pouch.


The size of the card is really not that important. It’s primarily utilized to assist you, and others in being able to quickly identify various approaches, terrain features and dead space to your operational front.

The Purpose of the Range Card:
There are several goals that a Range Card seeks to achieve:

-aids in targeting known points during limited visibility

-identifies key terrain, sectors of fire, MELs, Enemy AA,
natural/man made obstacles, ‘Dead Space’

-allows several adjoining Range Cards to create a Sector
(Platoon Range Card)

-permits ANY replacing unit/Soldier to quickly conduct (RIP –
Relief In Place)

-uses a standard form for ease of use

-allows for precise targeting points (distance, direction, T&E
measurements etc.)

The preparation of the card incorporates ALL of the above information to provide a graphic (albeit crude) representation of the potential battlespace, to include approaches, and other key terrain features.

Everything ‘radiates’ from the dot in the center at the bottom of the card. Your Left and Right Limits (how far you can shoot/see/observe to your left and right OR the L&R Limit is where your particular positional responsibilities begin and end, as your Buddy t-FAT or Berglander in the foxhole/position next to you on the left takes over and starts HIS area of responsibility where your ends.

This means in this sort of instance, YOUR Left Limit Line would be your STOP, and Berglander’s RIGHT Limit Line is the START of his sector. A near complete card for example:

The lines also delineate the Sector(s) of Fire – The sector of fire is identified on the range card with a left and right sector limit drawn in. These lines represent the far left and far right areas the fire team or even just the ‘grunt in the hole’ is covering. If time permits, these sector lines should be accompanied with proper azimuths measured with a compass and then correctly annotated in the data section of the range card. These sector limits are important as they are used by commanders when setting up sector sketches, as well as by other coordinating elements.

The card information that you should put down if available is as such:

Marginal Info includes the who, as well as the map orientation in the upper right corner. It depends on how important that info is. Under the sort of circumstances that we may need it, positional defense fighting without heavy or even intermediate support, it comes down to personal preference. I’d say that it IS just good practice to do everything you can. As you might know ‘which way is North’ from your familiarity with the defensive position, however, a newbie might not.

The Data section – This refers to the bottom portion of the range card that provides an area for additional information such as weapon system, what distance each arc represents, TRP info and any other pertinent data for the team.

Now, per the manual, these are the steps ion order that one should utilize in preparing the card:

Each concentric line going around the card, those help determine range. You can guesstimate it, or if you want accuracy, and have the ability to genuinely measure it out it needs to be done.

An aside regarding ‘laser rangefinders’ and the hoopala about Lee Tardy Autist having one.

I bought one back in 2020 for less than the current rate. The link is HERE and yeah I get a taste. It was about $70? as I remember? but hey… for everyone of the morons out there yelling about “specialized DotMil Equipment” and the cost? They can go soak their heads… maybe the water will fill in some of that empty space between their ears…

Either way, a very handy tool to have.

The referenced “TRPs” stands for Target Reference Points – Target Reference Points (TRPs), are selected locations within a given sector that are identified on a range card with grid coordinates that can be pre assigned to artillery units in order to rapidly engage enemy units without having to go through all the normal steps when calling for fire. For sniper teams, TRPs are also used for various other reasons such as a spotter being able to use the TRP to direct his sniper onto a target as well as other uses. A team should have at LEAST one TRP on a range card, typically several would be better. Assigning the TRPs names helps with team communication and this can be done with standard SOP naming conventions, or simply calling it what it is, such as “road intersection”

Now, lets talk about “dead space”
Besides being a pretty good video game, it’s defined as “areas and masking terrain like depressions or ground behind hills/objects, such as buildings”
Using this as a card:

The roads, bridges, various woodlines and buildings have been drawn in. So far, so good. The next thing however is plotting your ‘blind spots/likely infiltration areas’ AKA ‘dead space’. This is identified on a range card by shading in the area(s) that are NOT within your immediate visual range:

Terrian features like the creek, specifically depending on how deep/how high the walls of the banks are contribute to whether or not it would be considered an area of interest:

Now, IF you had higher support echelons, such as the ability to call for indirect fire, the dead space areas would be pre-registered for a call for fire. This means that if you have Bad Guys firing from the woodline, or behind the barn, you would, and could, via information on your range card, call for some pain to hit in the areas that have been defined.

In fact, this was part and parcel of the placement of the snipers at the event in Butler. The team of snipers, the one that EVERYONE has seen,

were placed in a position that blocked the direct line-of-sight to where the bad guy was set up. The MAJORITY of pictures are older ones that show the trees when they were still small-ish.

As they are NOW?

They’ve dialed down the illumination on the picture, but if you look closely there’s a lot of dead space that team could not cover. In fact it’s telling that the building that the team that did take out Lee Tardy isn’t even in the picture so to speak.

I’d say that gross incompetence played a role.
Maybe even a lack of proper range cards?
I know that range cards were mandatory in Sniper School. Guess that part of the curriculum is no longer part of it? That or:

So I hope that gives you something to ‘play with’ and think about. It can be a lot of work in making them, but it is something that in a “Hard Times” situation, especially IF you have people/family members and other trusted elements that show up, but don’t know the area, it’s a critical item.

I have, for myself printed off some 8.5in x 11 Cards and laminated them, and have them for all four major corners/fronts of the house, with the ability to use good dry erase markers to keep them updated as needed. I also used some of the online wizardry to get the houses and various other semi-permanent structures printed, with the range card overlaid.

I say ‘semi-permanent’ in that in a full on Mad Max cycle, some of these houses might be reduced to burned out shells. One can never know, nor expect things to ‘remain the same’.

So hope this helps!
Let me know in the comments!
More Later
Big Country

I’m ALL Over The Place Tonight. Classified Docs, Taylor Swift and Lots of ‘Things’

Evening Everyone!
“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“I think so Brain, but what if the world doesn’t want to be dominated by a bunch of rodent-brained psychopaths?”


That about covers it for our current DotGov situation.
Rodent Brained Psychopaths is a pretty fucking accurate description of our current Leadershit as it currently stands right now. Seems that Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den is utterly committed to ‘staying the course’ and running for re(s)election.

Realistically, ALL of us know that in reality it’s his ‘closest advisors’ that are the ones behind it. The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only (remaining) Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster absolutely can NOT risk being ousted at this point.

Part of the rationale is that IF the Dementor-in-Chief stops running his campaign, it’s a very short step to having his ass “25th’d/86’d” out the door right there, right then. As in “being fired as the (P)resident”, leaving the functionally illiterate Kamelhoe in charge as the new prez.

In all reality, his ass should have been shitcanned after the investigation into his classified documents case. As I recall, the findings for the reasons why they did not go after him as they did with the Bulletproof Felon, was that the Hur Investigation felt that the Popeshitter was an “…elderly man with a poor memory” and that he’d be considered pathetic and this would cause a jury to be exceptionally sympathetic towards him.

Gee, what a relief Aye?

Too old/stupid/pathetic to be charged with violating Title 18 U.S.C. 1924, which makes it a federal crime to knowingly remove classified documents or materials from their designated locations without authorization or retain them in an unauthorized area?

Wow… just…. wow.

Now if -I- did this ‘back in the day’ as a contractor?

They would have freeze-dried my ass, and buried me under the DotGov Federal Pokey as they saw fit. The Just-Us system at work again Aye?

To give you a peep-hole on Top Secret Documents/Info and how they normally handle shit like this, or at least should handle shit like this, a quick story that some of you might remember, but since as of late I have a PILE of new folks popping in here (BTW: Welcome! Welcome! Please don’t shit on the floor, and enjoy the ride!), I’ll do a short one about my time as a Document Courier, handling TS Docs and other ‘stuff’.

As the OG Kids here know, I did a lot of contracting back in the day in Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I also live in Tampa, which is home to McDill Air Force Base, which also is the Headquarters for CENTCOM (Central Command) as well as SOCOM (Special Operations Command). Because of this close proximity, and MY clearances that I held, I got asked if I was willing to do courier work when and if I was going home?

No prob Bob!
I’m heading that way anyway, right?

This was a ‘regular thing’ as there was a LOT of physical ‘stuff’ was being shipped back and forth between the CENTCOM/CJTF-7 Field Command at Victory/Baghdad, and CETCOM Central Command at McDill. Not just between there, but also folks who lived around Sodom on the Potomac, and other primary bases, provided they had the proper level(s) of clearance to perform the duty. My job was to just carry the bag(s) ‘over the pond’ and meet with a guy/gal who’d identify themselves with the proper credentials, (usually at Tampa International) and I’d transfer over all the shit, and go on my Merry Way.

This was mostly ‘stuff’ that they did not sent via the ‘net, as well as ‘other means’. Lets face it, good old ‘hand-passing-notes-by-hand’ or in this case, notes and ‘stuff’ being packed into a locked and secured Briefcase filled with Top Secret/SCI/RD/LD ‘stuff’ that they didn’t want to chance by sending even by ‘normally secure ways’ was a better bet of staying absolutely secure…

Hell… for all I know, Mr. General just wanted to send Mrs. General some dick-pics via a thumb drive… I didn’t know, nor care. The only perk to it was occasionally, I got ‘bumped’ to Bidness or First Class, as the Airlines usually were impressed with ‘courier credentials’… Hence why when they asked if I wanted ‘in’ on doing it, I jumped on the opportunity.

This went very well for a number of trips.
Until I got to in Atlanta in mid-2005.

The TL;DR is that I had a locked and secure briefcase packed with TS/SCI ‘stuff’ that I was carrying when I was passing through customs in Atlanta. I also was carrying my courier paperwork per regulations. This was FedGov/DotMil OFFICIAL courier paperwork, that essentially stated that ANY and ALL Law Enforcement personnel were to assist me in any way, shape or form if requested, to prevent any compromise of the Top Secret ‘stuff’ I was carrying, up to, and including lethal force. All sorts of signatures, stamps and whatnot… a very impressive looking packet that I unfortunately had to turn in when I stopped performing the duties alas…

So OF COURSE The fat, ugly and stupid Female TSA agent that -I- drew for my customs inspection was of the ‘ignorant nigger’ persuasion who just HAD to get stupid(er). She seemed to take it as a personal affront that “Whitey” was exempt from her petty TSA bullshit. I’d say this fucker had a sub-75 IQ IMO and was not put off by my trying like hell to explain why she was fucking up by the numbers… In fact the stupid fucktard was bound and determined to open the case, and rifle through it.

The hostility was compounded by the fact that I had been given very specific and direct orders NOT to allow the bag to be X-rayed under any circumstances, nor, of course be opened or inspected by ANYONE outside of the designated list of recipients on the shipping/delivery paperwork. Shit, if I opened it, it was Leavenworth for me probably… Not sure but the ‘no X-ray’ might have been because there were Hard Drives in there?

Do. Not. Allow. The. Bag. To. Be. Compromised/X-Rayed.
Got it.
Don’t know, Don’t care.

What I do know is she raised such a fucking ruckus, and between her screaming and yelling, and my telling her to “…get fucked sideways you damned dirty ape!!! You are not and will not touch nor open this case!!!” things escalated very quickly.

Her supervisor, another Yard-Ape/Spear Chucker, Ignorant Porch-Monkey, Type One each also got in on the funsies of ‘screaming at the uncooperative Whytteguy’ and at this point, threatening to forcibly take the bag and have me arrested. To be honest, I stayed relatively cool… I did needle the fuck out of them asking for “…a literate person, someone who speaks English, ‘cos I don’t speak ‘jive’ nor Ebonics” as both of them were functionally illiterate to my ears, which made them even angrier. Like foaming-at-the-mouth raving. Cruel to a point, but fun.

Now mind you, when the contact was initiated, I handed her my courier paperwork. She barely looked at it, and from her bootlips moving while she tried to read it, I realized that she probably couldn’t read it…. not at the level of comprehension that -I- needed her to. She got frustrated, I could tell. Her ‘supervisor’ wasn’t any better.

As you get whenever you get a fucking nigger in any position of power, MY failure to ‘bow and scrape’ sent them into a near-rabid frenzy. Of course this immediately attracted the attention of the SWAT/Cop detail on site, who ran over when they (the TSA tards) tried to grab the bag, and I started resisting pretty fucking firmly.

Thankfully I managed to not get tasered/shot, and actually managed to get a word in edgewise with the LT who was the ranking cop. He was not a FedGov employee like the TSA (Thousands Standing Around as FedBro calls them) but I guess he was at ‘Facility Command Level’? Not sure how that rank structure works. Either way, everything stopped when the ‘combat loaded cops’ showed up…

Thankfully, the LT was a fellow Whytteboy, and once he read over my paperwork, heard and understood what was going on, he banished Shaniqua out of the general vicinity to try and de-escalate things. She was, even after the goon squad showed up, barely comprehensible and still raving, never mind under control. He then turned to Shytteshowvious, the supervisor, who seemed a bit more receptive to what happened next…

In short, The SWAT LT explained that IF he (the supervisor) as well as his subordinate, continued to be ‘stupid’ (this was the actual term used) and continued to try and confiscate open/mess with/fuck with my bag, bad things would happen. Lethal things. Namely that they -could be- shot out of hand, and there wasn’t a damned thing that he, nor she could say about it, as they had literally fucked up so badly. Lines had been crossed, Uncrossable Lines and that the LT would be making a report ‘up the chain’ and “why don’t you and her go get some coffee?”

I.E. Go the fuck away, your career dissipation light just started flashing “Red”…

I have a hunch this SWAT guy already had issues with these two morons. He seemed to actually relish the idea of killing them for interfering in this particular instance… Not that I blame them.

But yeah…
The Joetato did shit that would have gotten them TSA Retards shot IF they had persisted and if I had requested it. There most definitively exists two double standards out there.

I mean here’s a good one:

He allegedly made threats against the world-famous couple on social media and event organizers warned authorities.

Make a threat against some uber-famous flavor of the weak man-hating lesbian and her NFL ‘beard’, and get arrested like immediately?


Guess ALL them celebutards who threatened OrangeManBad weren’t credible? Un-fucking-real.

Madonna: “Let’s blow up the White House.” (said the dried up expired, useless slore)

Peter Fonda: “Lock up 10 year old Barron Trump in a cage with child molesters.” (that one in particular bothers me)

Johnny Depp: “We need another John Wilkes Booth.” (normally cool, but in this case, not so much… do better Johnny)

Tom Arnold: “I fantasize about standing over Don Jr.’s dead body.” (another Hollyweird has-been. He fucked Roseanne FFS)

Joe Biden: “We need to put a bullseye on him!!!” (…..)

Corey Booker: “I dream of punching Trump in the face.” (Nigger)

Maxine Waters: “…harass Trump staff and supporters in public and refuse to serve them.” (Another Nigger, except she looks like a fucking prune)

Double Standard Much?

Forget it Big Country, it’s Fucking Clownworld…

Which add to this mix, the latest from the “Whacko from Waco”, Alex Jones:

Be curious to see where this goes.

What utterly kills me is that none of these Boomer Motherfuckers in power are willing to relinquish that power!

The very fact that The Gin Hag Pelosi at 84 years of age is calling on The Joetato top step down because of age and infirmities associated with his age at 81 is just flat out fucking hilarious. It’s so obvious that none of them ‘get it’.

Killary Clinton, AKA “The Hillaroid” is fucking 76 years old currently. She’s richer than fucking Croesus FFS. She’s already had more influence, power and whatnot for the majority of her entire Adult Life. FAR more than any of us fucking ‘deplorables’ have ever come close to. The only thing/position she hasn’t had is the “Big Chair” and from all RUMINT (and it’s not just the “Whacko from Waco” now) is that the DNC is planning on jettisoning the Popeshitter at their convention, and installing the Hillaroid as the DemoncRat Nominee to run against OrangeManBad!!!

The. most. despised. DEMONcRAT to have EVER held ANY orifice. The most DIVISIVE, anti-male Cuntbag to manage to worm her way into all her position(s) of power the way she has. A true misandrist of the highest order. A ‘woman’ who’s every. single. achievement was made by ‘riding on the back’ of her “Hillbilly Mafia” connected philandering Husband.

Tell you what… ain’t no steal big enough to get that cunt into the Oval Orifice… just like the Joetato supposedly got 81 MILLION voats…

We can’t get 81 million people in this country to decide what color the sky is on a good day. And they, in MY colored opinion really fucked up when they said that he got MOAR voats than Bath-House Barry, ‘Big Mike’s wife’. When the Obamamessiah was running, the niggers, NORMALLY a HUGELY apathetic voating block for the most part, came out in droves to make sure the Half-Breed Kenyan got in, despite the fact that he’s also not even fully blaq.

He’s the “Reggie Bar” of politicos:

A classic candy bar put out back when Reggie Jackson was a big deal back in the day. It’s appropriate to say Obama was/is like a ‘Reggie Bar’
Black on the Outside (chocolate)
White on the Inside (marshmallow/caramel)
And Half Nuts (peanuts that is)
Make of that what you will.

The problem is that the Obamamessiah IS literally the CIA’s kid. This as well as figuratively. Born and raised by a CIA family, and groomed to ‘move up’ in the world, he’s always been destined for power, despite his obvious homosexual proclivities and penchant for buggery.

His maternal Grandmother worked in the International side of the Bank of Hawaii, eventually become the VP of the bank itself, which is rather telling. The Bank of Hawaii which was the “CIA’s Personal Piggy Bank” during the Vietnam War which handled all the laundering and money handling for them.

His Mother “Stanley” Ann Dunham, worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which was a well-known CIA front organization… she eventually went to Indonesia during a period of ‘unrest’ and married a guy who had been posited to be the new leader of Indonesia, IF things had ‘gone his way’. Instead Lolo Soetoro ended up NOT getting the “Big Seat” and she divorced him shortly thereafter.

Bathouse’s Dad was supposedly a Kenyan father, Barack Obama Senior. He met “Stanley” when he attended the University of Hawaii back in the early 60s.

Junior sure don’t take after the Old Man Aye?

His real father that we can guesstimate, was a known Communist Party USA propagandist named Frank Marshal Davis, who if you look at the pictures, let me tell you, the phyzz gives it away:

Apparently Mom was a major coalburner…

Either way, The Obamamessiah wanted to “Fundamentally Transform” the United States… to which I’d say he’s been pretty fucking successful, unfortunately. Of course he’s just another fucking puppet. A lazy one too from what we’ve all heard.

I’m not overly concerned.
IF they announce Killary the Hillaroid as the next candidate, I can say, with absolute certainty that we’ll probably NOT have an election.

There just ain’t no way a cheat THAT BIG could happen.
Between selecting between Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton is like asking if you want Gonorrhea, or Syphilis?

Either way, both are incredibly bad for you.
So your thoughts? I got to crash, it’s currently 0202… This’s waaay longer than I expected….
More Later
Big Country

So Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Stupid and Polling Results Plus the Outage(s)

Greetings and Salutations on this Fine Friday Night!
Sweet Lord in Heaven. This had been one Hell of a day at The People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #731. I had/have LOTS of pieces-parts moving all over the place, and some of the Proletariat have unwisely decided that no, they’re ackchully members of the Intelligentsia and are acting like it.

Hate to tell you, you’re just not that bright people.

Despite the Premier and various Apparatchiks who tell me that I should be kissing their asses because they are clients that I need to bow n’scrape and do the whole “by your leave” thing.

Fuck that noise.

I’m a fucking Commissar and I’ll be damned if I fold like a lawn chair on this one.

So all in all, a stressful week.

That being said it can’t be any worse than it is for the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den and his ‘spouse/controller’, The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster.

THEY have to be completely on edge right now.

My rationale for that is that despite the polling out there, they’re juuuust about to be jettisoned, sans parachute from about 12ooo feet. SkyBill, a regular commentator here (who’s been MIA recently, I hope he’s OK) would tell you that’s a loooong drop to be falling without a chute.

Granted, the official polling(s) that these morons are following show this which is seriously indicative of a problem:

There’s twelve polls in that chart.

The average point spread/lead right now, according to them is Trump leads in the polls nationally by only 3 points.
If you can’t see them, the polls are run by the following ‘usual suspects’ with their numbers:

CBS: Trump +5
Emerson: Trump +4
Morning Consult: Trump +4
Reuters/Ipsos: Trump +2
Forbes/Harris: Trump +2
NPR/PBS/Marist: Biden +2
Rasmussen: Trump +6
FOX News: Trump +1
NBC: Trump +2
ABC/Washington Post: Trump/Biden A Tie!!!!
Wall Street Journal: Trump +6
New Fucking Yawk Times/Siena: Trump +6

My point of view is that IF these are the ‘various polls’ that the Joetato, as well as his corrupt and dissolute Family are utilizing in the justification of keeping the Corpse In Chief up for re(s)election? Well I can sort of understand why. A average 3 point lead with almost 109 days until November 5th. That’s 3 months, 19 days.

Mind you ALL of these polls are from what I have been calling the various “Ministries of Lies and Propaganda” for the past couple of years at this point. NONE of them operate at all except for their own dividends. Even FOX News or as I prefer ‘Faux News’ is the pro-war Boomer NormieCon Channel. Got to play the role of the “Loyal Opposition” Aye?

So since there’s only a 3+ point lead, as we saw this past weekend on the 13th, a lot can happen very fucking quickly in such a time. In this case none of it good IMO. To their point of view, a lead that small is NOT insurmountable at all.

Understanding that, there’s another poll out there:

THAT is a poll from Polymarket.

Well, it’s not a poll really. More like a ‘futures market’. Per the Wiki:

Polymarket is a decentralized prediction market platform that allows users to place bets on world events. Users buy and sell shares using cryptocurrency to bet on the likelihood of future events taking place.

The actual breakdown is here:

There’s 262 Million USD riding on this.

According to quite a few sources, the accuracy of a lot of the ‘bets’ in the outcome have generally been good. I.E. that if the MAJORITY of bets are, as they are now, on OrangeManBad to win by what appears to be a very wide margin then that’s the way it’s probably going to break. As they say, “put your money where your mouth is” and it seems like a LOT of people are literally betting on a MAJOR Bulletproof Felon landslide win.

Insight, which is another prediction market/betting space has the same thing:

Granted, it’s ‘gambling’

It’s also highly indicative of real people and how THEY feel. They’re willing to throw some cash down on this. In this economy? I’d say that’s a pretty damned good way to measure how the voat is going to go. This as opposed to the ‘usual suspects’ who’ve (as far as I can remember) –never– been right about anything.

Sort of like Jim Cramer from MSNBC.

No idea what his opinion is, but it’s wrong IMO either way.

The only other info from today was that HUGE intahrwhebz outage. According to the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, it was an update or more specifically, a failure of a CrowdStrike update that was ‘pushed’ that caused the dreaded “blue screen o’death” on all the machines running Microsuck. That included

…the Ball in Vegas, and from my understanding is that is a real picture, which makes it oh-so-much funnier to me at least.

Thing of it is, CrowdStrike?
If they sound familiar, they should be.

They’re the compoany that the DemoncRats utilized to push the story that the DNC (DemoncRat Notional Cuntfaces) was ‘hacked’ by Russia. This has been utterly proven to be false. I love their statement(s) too, the funniest being:

CrowdStrike’s conclusion that Russia was behind the DNC hack is supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and also by independent Congressional reports. 

That would have been the same “Intelligence Community” that said that His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster’s laptop was also Russian Disinformation.

The DNC was not hacked.

In fact I have it on very good sourcing that Seth Rich was actually the source of all the supposed ‘hacked’ info. He was murdered for this “betrayal” so to speak. Just like so many before who crossed Hitlery Killton, he ended up dead.

We’re ALL familiar with the supposed story.

He was killed in a supposed ‘robbery’ that the robbers in question didn’t steal anything of value. It was a payback killing. Rich had downloaded the info onto a thumb drive, which was forensically proven, as the speeds of the download precluded any ‘hack’ at the time.

He was a disgruntled “Bernie Bro” who was pissed off at the DNC rigging things to get Killary ‘in’ as the candidate. The killers from my understanding, were basic MS-13 ‘disposables’ who, on the completion of their mission were in turned whacked by their employer/handler in what appeared to be, and was called, a ‘drug deal gone bad.’

This completely alleviated any close scrutiny.

Per usual.

Fox News contributor and former homicide detective Rod Wheeler even volunteered and investigated Seth’s murder, which led to Wheeler asserting links between Rich and Wikileaks. Shortly after this, he bailed. Like “runs away like his hair was on fire”…. I’m pretty sure –someone– made him and offer ‘he couldn’t refuse’ to sit down and shut up.

Either way, I find it striking (no pun intended) that CrowdStrike is still out there and running around, causing chaos. Seeing that they’re involved deeply with the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center, which is supposed to be the entity that ‘polices’ our (s)elections? Per their own website:

The EI-ISAC® is a community of dedicated election officials and cybersecurity professionals working side-by-side to ensure the integrity of elections among U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) governments.

Foxes guarding the motherfucking henhouse Aye?
I report, you decide.
I for one just find it rather convenient that the entity that’s going to be ‘balls deep’ in insuring the ‘safety and security’ of our (s)election process just so happened to cause a Global Internet Outage today and was also EXCEEDINGLY balls deepest in the whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” horseshit…
Jes’ Sayin’
Derp State Much?

Almost a week to the day for that matter.
As far as I know, things still aren’t unfucked yet.
Make of it what you will.
Maybe something we should take as mahaps a warning?
Either way, like I said, I’m going long(er) in MOAR bullets, beans and boots. The moar, the bettera.

Been a long day… I got to crash.
More Later
Big Country

A Non-Political Post and an Adrianna/Pupper Update For Everyone

Greetings and Salutations!
As stated at in the title:

So a bit different tonight. An update about Adrianna with some pictures. We’ve been in contact w/her BabyDaddy over the past few days as there’s some -other- things going on regarding the Grans, not that anything is bad… just ‘issues’ that we and OtherGranRents are working on. We regularly stay in contact anyways with BD, as she is our Gran, and we miss her terribly as you can well imagine…

Considering BD is doing faaaar better than ANY of us expected (to include y’all) and stepping up the way I had hoped he would, TBH I’m sort of proud of the guy. He’s finally growing the fuck up.

Took long enough that’s for damned sure.
And her?

That being said, well I leave it for y’all to judge for yourselves:

That’s the smile I miss and remember…

That and OMFG she’s getting BIG!!!!

Her arm now is fully healed as you can see. She had a green-stick fracture and a cast for a while that came from falling down on the way into the kid’s playground/park. It’s the same one we used to take her to. Seems she was running, and tripped, and she went flat-out like she was trying to fly like Superman, and her arm hit the edge of the curb. According to BD, she didn’t cry at all, and they took her to the ER when it started to get really bruised up/swollen, beyond the ‘normal kid wear n’tear’ so to speak.

And also, she’s still my Lil Goofball as I call her.
She’s developed quite the sense of humor according to BD.

We’re going to see her when/if we go to assist with the eviction of Miss Daisy’s unwanted guests. She talks to us on the fon regularly, and thank God remembers us, as her BD has made sure to show our pictures of us to her. Like I said, it took long enough, but the kid is finally getting his head together from what I can tell, and doing ALL the right things… (part of the issue I think with him was he had like ZERO positive MALE role models as he was growing up.) And as you can see, she’s getting fucking BIG and thankfully, outside of her size (that’s DumbCunts side, as Gretchen and her Ex are both Tall) she’s looking a LOT like her Dad, the BabyDaddy.

So we got THAT going for us.

The other update is on the Red Hot Chili Pupper:

Auntie Stella-The-Sausage-Princess has been such a good dog.

BEYOND Tolerant to be honest…

She’s -not- trying to ‘Mommy’ her, but still puts up with her shit, and doesn’t get overly mad nor aggressive. I’ve rarely had to say anything. A couple of ‘clomps’ of her jaws at the Pupper is usually enough to get Chili to chill out a bit. She hasn’t even really had to growl at the lil one either. What’s also cool is that on occasion, Stella will actually get in on the whole ‘pouncing-puppy-playtime’ as I call it without going all hyper-aggressive.

Stella just sort of sits there and takes it, and I reward her for it after her tolerating the pupper-abuse with some good chewies that she positively loves. They’re a 6 inch long rawhide that has some ‘chunks’ of some sort of fake-beef or something on them. Made in the US (no Chinesium poison treats allowed here) and she freaks out when I pull those out. The only issue I’ve had is that I have to feed Chili in her ‘den’ which is a travel cage I’m using to housebreak her with.

Stella is an inveterate chow hound of the First Degree.

No boundaries nor respect for other peoples food.
No food aggressiveness, as that would be a bad thing. Nope.

Just all food, ALL the food, regardless of -whos- plate it’s on, is meant to be Stellas, period, point blank, end of story. With the humans, she begs constantly. With the Gran, if the dish is left for too long (by Stella’s timetable of course) without being ‘properly addressed’, i.e. eaten, then by default said ‘abandoned plate’ is by rights, hers now.

Hence our need to make sure that the Nukular Redhead can’t be playing games at vittles-time. “You snooze, you lose” is Stell’s motto. Of course we also have to keep an eye on the Redhead as she has, albeit very rarely, in the far-past had palmed off something she doesn’t like to the Fattie-Boombalattie AKA Stella. It’s only been one or two times, over the past couple of years, so not too much of an issue, but nevertheless, standards must be maintained!!!

Stella also as you can imagine makes for a great pre-wash for the dishes. I know, I know, NOT a good thing in respect to keeping the ‘line drawn’ on the whole food thing. The ExWife is/was a professional dog trainer (one of the best in the state to be honest) and I know ‘the rules’ so to speak. I also know that hey, fuck it. They’re part of the family and cleaning off the plates after the fact (provided no onions or any other potentially dangerous “stuff” are on them) for me isn’t an issue.

I mean she does try to get ‘down to the paint’ so to speak.

So tonight’s post is a ‘happy family’ post.
I’m actually happier now than I was when I started this.
It’s really nice to realize that some things out there are still beautiful and cool and righteous. Stuff like this gives me hope yannow?

I thought we could use it after the non-stop negative-stupid since Saturday. It becomes like a grind after a while, so a nice happy-poast is what I thought we all needed. Too many doom-poasts and shit out there as of late, to include my own. Also, I will say I have a GREAT post I’m throwing up on the Substack this weekend. Totally neutral. A DotMil training related with a LOT of GREAT info/intel. I’ll probably cross reference it here, as it’s so chock full of info/instructions/intel. Stand by for that one either way.

So More Later
Big Country

Follow The Money Then Show Me The Money Plus India Ascendant

Telling you, “The sleeper has awakened” on the Twatter side of the house. Tons of ‘former’ clueless NPCs have suddenly realized just what sort of shenanigans the Leftoid Morons have been up to for the past 10+ years.

Even some of the most recalcitrant motherfuckers are getting in on “Reverse Cancel Culture” i.e. ‘payback on the Left’ for all of the depredations that have gone on over the years.

My post last night barely scratched the fucking surface.

Todays cursory look showed that a metric fuckton of deranged TDS infected have been effectively ‘purged’ of their jobs that I can see. Lib of TicTok being one of the major movers and shakers who’ve been uncovering these scum.

So the good news keeps on flowing apparently.

Now, as to following the money, we have this:

Damned near the same exact thing happened on 9/11.
The airlines involved had massive short puts put against them as well, and when the stock invariably tanked as it did –someone, somewhere- made a ton of money.

No one ever found out who did as the SEC, when hit with a FOIA, said the records in question of just who placed those options, that they had been destroyed.

So someone better get hot on this one.

Find out where them puts came from and you’ll have an idea of who was, if not behind the plot, but either financed it, or knew about it.

Which then brings me to Michael Yon’s post:

The TL;DR is that Yon thinks that the NYFS (New Yawk Fuckin’ Slimes) Reporter who caught this picture:

…was actually looking for a different picture.

Mainly because of the shutter speed that was used. According to Yon, and a whole lot of other professional photographers the setting of the camera that the photog in question was using (30f 1/8000) is NOT utilized in ‘normal pictures’ such as they were.

Nope… that setting is for action shots
Like a guy’s brains coming out of his skull.
Guy might have been looking for a Pulitzer from the look of it.

Interesting note: The Photog In Question was the same guy who took that pic of Bush #2 at the school being told that 9/11 was going down.

Interesting idnit?

Granted, it is a bit of a ‘reach’
This rally in Butler PA was really really small comparatively speaking. Like a minor ‘whistle stop’ type of thing.

Which raises the question:
Why were the BBC, a PILE of other foreign news entities and ALL the US Major Ministries of Lies and Propaganda there, unless they fucking knew something or were tipped off something was going to happen?

Inquiring minds, Yo.

Then… in the aftermath…
The Repug-ni-cunt National Convention.

LOTS of people, to include Adrew Torba and the like flipped their collective shit as Christians over the Hindu who gave a religious blessing of some kind. My initial reaction was ‘Meh…’ they’re trying to ‘draw in’ as many as they can, and that it’s the “Big Tent” approach.

Sapper today disabused me of that.

His hypothesis, which makes a lot of sense, is that even the Repug-ni-cunts knew it was going down. They just didn’t expect him to survive! The rational being that the Hindu In question?

A Hindu of the Sikh variety.
A big time lawyer in Califrutopia.

You know who else is a Sikh?

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.
A.K.A. Nikki Haley.

Anyone want to take any bets that she was supposed to be the Deep State Replacement for OrangeManBad after he had his shit collectively scattered and splattered?

She’s a known neocon for fucks sake.
Beloved by the neocons and forever war folks.

Then, add on the new Veep Pick, JD Vance… his wife?

ANOTHER ascendant Dothead.

Considering that ‘they’ took over Britland without firing a shot, and that there’s a hell of a lot more of them than any other race/nationality outside of Joe Chink and we have a “Houston, we have a problem” moment.

I mean I might be completely off the mark here
One time is happenstance
Two times is Coincidence
Third time? Enemy Action.

A Sikh who happens to be a high-powered, heavily wired in Repugnicunt Lawyer, from California no less (Dhillion) giving some sort of Hindu Blessing to the eight armed Elephant God of some sort, with another Sikh, waiting in the wings, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa, who’s a major Deep State player and neocon. She would have been a great choice if OrangeManBad had bought the farm. I mean a female of the darker persuasion, and a tool of the Deep State?

Riding on a “OrangeManBad is dead, we need to elect our new candidate!!!” pity party. “Do it in memory of OrangeManBad!!!”

And it would have worked…

And then the presumptive Veep, who had probably already been selected for her, with a spouse that’s the same nationality/race? Who now is the presumptive Veep for the now-Bulletproof Felon? After a long time of trash talking OrangeManBad?

That’s the three things to call it, IMO enemy action

They fucking knew it
It was planned allllllll they way down the line
And because of Divine Intervention and/or a Minor head twist, all that shit went out the window, and now they’re in full on pantshitting mode. On both sides.

Keep that in mind
A cornered animal is when it’s most dangerous.

Your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

What Is Best In Life and Excuses Excuses.

You knew it was coming:

The quote I’m using is for referencing the unbelievable backlash happening out there against the Leftist Retards who’ve been suffering from a head full of their “Bad Programming” i.e. ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’.

As we’ve all seen, damned near within minutes of the Bulletproof Felon almost catching a round through his casaba, numerous members of the aforementioned afflicted got on various Social Media Websites and started their normal harangue and bloviating about how the Wind-Up-Toy (WUT for brevity from now on) failed his Basic Rifle Marksmanship attempt and got a bolo badge for his efforts.

That and a .300 Win Mag through his mouth, and out the back of his head…

As THEY have been crowing for the past couple of years or so, “Actions have consequences”. It was the catch-all phrase to delegitimize any question about the tactics they employed to utterly destroy good people whom they differed with based on political opinion.

Hell, I’ve had one person try to do that shit to me.

I was writing a good fictional murder mystery story at the time. My protagonist, via a third party so as to obscure the issue a bit, made sure that the antagonist of the story, that said-individual understood that they would be left alive, but crippled from the neck down for the rest of their miserable life. However, every. single. person. in their immediate as well as extended family would pre-decease them.
Needless to say, the antagonist demurred so much so that my protagonist was then free to continue his life unbothered, moisturized, happy, in his lane, focused and flourished long enough to solve the mystery (it was Col. Mustard, in the Kitchen, with the Lead Pipe) and get the girl.

I do love a happy ending.

The happy ending(s) here are as follows

FAFO #1:

This one was sum dood tracked down some broad from Facebook in his town who said some aforementioned vile shit, and the clip went viral.

FAFO #2:

A larger-ish one was Jack Black cancelling his tour. Granted it was almost over, but his Guitarist said some vile shit too, to the point that the Aussies are debating on deporting them (it happened in Oz while on tour) and doing a lifetime ban.
FAFO #3:

A middle school ‘guidance councilor’ resigned after her nasty shit surfaced. A quick aside… why are all school councilors mentally fucking ill? Asking for a fren…
How it started:

How it’s going:

How it ended:

Queue Sad Trombone:

And these are just what I found popping up on my feed!!!

I can not even imagine how it’s going ‘out there’ for the rest of the country. The Non=Left apparently has had enough and decided that this past Saturday was one step too far, one Bridge too far, ‘one toke over the line’ so to speak.

The knives are out
And the lamentations are glorious
Just wait until we really start harvesting heads.

I’m going long in pikes.
A good future investment
Got a hunch we’re going to need them sooner, rather than later.

The Societal Pendulum swings… continually. Sometime hard left, sometimes hard right. Invariably, the harder it gets pushed to one side, the more so it swings on it’s return to the other side.

And since for the past decade that pendulum has been pushed further and further left, it’s readily apparent that it reached it’s apex on Saturday.

What hilarious is the panic that’s setting in already.

‘Cos that fucking thing has just barely started to swing to the opposite direction, namely the right.

And it’s going to gain a fuckload more momentum before it slows down… if it ever does. Myself? I don’t see it coming back. Mainly because of the light switch/thermostat dynamic.

As oh so frequently talked about, the societal changes and pressures from the Progressives/Left side are usually gradual… much like a thermostat. “Lo-Med-High” settings that can be tweaked and adjusted as needed.

From what I can tell, the next plan was “Pedophilia is normal you Bigot! Give us your children!”
“Ha Ha, please to face wall Comrade.”

Because of shit just like the above graphic?
For the Right?
It tends to be a might more accelerationist.
Mainly because ‘normal regular people who just want to be left the fuck alone’ keep getting pushed.
And pushed
And pushed
And pushed
And pushed
Until “all of a sudden” people decided to start killing all of these blue haired, mentally ill, deranged fuckwits, retards, morons and assholes who just can’t leave us well the fuck enough alone.

Another investment:
That many carcasses tend to get whiffy pretty quickly
Especially in Florida.

Seriously though… the ‘willful blindness’ coupled with ‘cognitive dissonance’ has these assholes that I poasted up above utterly confused as to how this could happen to THEM!!!

They genuinely don’t understand why “Big Daddy DotGov” isn’t coming to their rescue. Why these eee-vil Drumphenstein Monsters are allowed to do such horrible and mean things to them like this! “There ought to be a law!!!”


Suffer you fools, suffer.
Payback, as noted before is a stone cold, uncaring bitch.

OK… enough gloating.
Next on the list
Auntie Cheeto-of-The-Box-Wine A.K.A. Kimberly Cheatle, the for-now Director of the United States Secret Service. I say for now as the dumb bitch is going to be fired.

They hope a sacrificial lamb like her will be enough to get the baying hordes under control. The problem is she keeps doubling down on ‘teh stoopid’ and OMG… the statements she’s made? Especially the one about the slant of the roof?

That’ll show ’em!!!


I’m not sure if this’s part of their plan to kill her career. Considering how she’s utterly refusing to admit any wrongdoing (as one would normally expect from any DotGov entity) I’d say that either she’s a complete moron (more than likely) OR she’s doing as she’s told with the promise of a good pension/retirement and NBC guest hosting gig later.

Either way, the former head of Pepsico’s Anti-Theft Division of Snacks N’ Sodas sure looks like a winner to me.
Le Sigh
What was it I was blasting about the other day about the “Crisis of Competence” again? I’m not even going to go into my experience(s) this week with the fucking VA and the Post Orifice… maybe later… it involves missing Controlled Substances, possible theft and retardation, which appears to be the norm, rather than the eception these days when dealing with the oversized Welfare Program that’s called “FedGov Employment”.

So More Later
Big Country

The Info Overloading, the Gun Question, The Wound and Stress

Hey gang. Been a looong couple of days. Information overload and bad info versus good info. It gets to the point smoke starts to pour from your cranium as it’s just too much to handle

Personally, I think its intentional
Willful Obscuration via Information Overload
Throw so much bullshit at us that our critical thinking skills short out, rendering us “Bidenized” a.k.a. brain dead. Dump so much truth, mixed with juuust enough bullshit that we shut down.

I mean Hell… when was the last mention of the Joetato’s blaringly obvious mental deficiencies? As far as I can tell, it was about 17:50 p.m. on July 13, 2024. That was about ten minutes before whoever it was started throwing ‘party favors’ at the Former President better known as OrangeManBad or, as I think I might start calling him, the ‘Bulletproof Felon’.

Teflon Don indeed

Much in that as I predicted, Leviathan knowing they now can’t risk further antagonizing the masses of people that like actually live in the Untied Staatz and you know, are kinda sorta pissed off with the near continual “Reeee’ing!!!” and shrieking and cancelling coming from the Left, cut the Bulletproof Felon free from the Classified Documents case.

The question is now is if that golem-looking rat-faced fucking Judge in NYFC has the stones to try to give the B.F. any jail time? I’d say probably 60-40 right now. Before this incident, I had my own personal odds being 80% that he’d get some jail time probably suspended and/or house arrest so as to cripple the campaign.

Well, like I said, 60% odds for some sort of actual punishment. My reasoning is because the judge is a member of the Tribe, and because of that infamous inability to self-reflect, as well as the inherent belief that the 6 Million is a permanent injunction against any criticism, I think he’s stupid enough to try and jail the Cheeto Jeebus.

Of course as the civil discourse seems to be getting worse, the odds of that particular judicial seat becoming available shortly after such a short-sighted and ignorant decision seems a likely possibility. No FedPost, just stating the facts. I mean after all, the Non-Left started pushing back and got angry as fuck after this fucking travesty. And much to the delight of the Non-Left, and the utter horror of the formerly ascendant Left, there seems to be a shift in the power dynamics.

As my meme from this A.M. stated:

All over the web, to include fucking Twitter of all places, shitheel Leftists are being called out on their collective bullying and bullshit. The Daily Mail today had at least 3-4 stories of people who talked shit about ‘bad aim’ and whatnot after the attempt, and found themselves fired from their jobs.

Of course the usual cries of “Not fair!” “We did nothing wrong!” “Muh First Amendment!” and the usual platitudes after the fact.

I got nothing for them
Not. One. Fucking. Thing.
Go live under a bridge. May your children end up in foster care, and you die of AIDs while impoverished and addicted to ALL the drugs forgotten, without honor, under the aforementioned bridge.

I got nothing for you.
Get Fucked.

Now, the rifle:
LOTS of folks, including a regular here The Fuckin’ A-Team, who’s a fellow Rakkasan, linked Hal Turner’s website. Not going to link it. Even -I- have standards. I mean I worked with and around and maybe for some shady agencies. I openly admit it. No idea if it’s why I get away with some of my more incendiary comments, but then again, I still get pitched to ‘come back tot he dark side’ occasionally. Turner on the other hand was and probably still -is- a FBI Informant who was responsible for having some militia guys jailed a ways back. That’s on the record.

He’s also to the faaaar Right of Alex Jones which is saying something. I used to listen to Jones when I was stationed at “The Hood” in Texas when we called him the Waco Wacko and variants of that. Especially when he kept going off on the New World Order tanks on base… the “hordes” of Russian Tanks and whatnot… all of which I saw and drove by on a daily basis as there was a HUUUGE collection of Gulf War One ‘trophies’ that’d been ‘corralled up’ as most of the Units didn’t properly demilitarize them.

In fact that’s a funny quick side story: After I got on “Perma-Broke Dick” status (i.e. being Med-Boarded/Retired) the CSM put me in charge of cleaning up our battalion’s Trophy Case. We had an original McClellan Saddle with full tack that needed work, a Shun Gunto WW2 NCO Katana, and a slew of light weapons from Iraq. Bunch of uniforms, and ‘other’ cool shit. The Ex Wife had been an Equestrian back in the day, and she actually helped me restore the tack… a good memory from better times as she really enjoyed doing that with me.

Now, one of the weapons was a PKM. I had to take it out from it’s display case, and I misjudged how it was sitting on the table I put it on. To my knowledge, the barrel was filled with -something- and it was inoperable.

When it hit the floor hard, and I picked it up, a cleaning rod fell out of the barrel! I looked closely, and sonofabitch! Someone, no idea who, had just lightly tack-welded the cleaning rod into the barrel at the flash hider so as to give the appearance of being filled with metal/liquid lead or something. I then tore it ALL the way down after this discovery and realized I had a fully operational PKM Machine Gun available to me!!!

I did the right thing.
I informed my Chain of Command, a Captain of the S-4 shop.
He also happened to be a buddy in that the Four Shop was really without rank when it was ‘just us’. He was also getting out of the Army in a few months after me. He said he’d handle it.
OK… I’m a Corporal
He’s a Captain
I know nuzzing!!!!
Mind you, this guy? MAD gun nut. We used to go shooting quite a bit. I left it at that, popped it back into the display case and that was it. I got out of the Army like 3 months later. My understanding was that Captain X got out like 2 months after me…

The cops (CID no less) showed up at my new home of record a few months after that. Seems the PKM, as well as the RPG-7 that were on display ‘grew legs’ and they wanted to know if I knew anything?

Told ’em that I didn’t know shit, and go the fuck away, and call my lawyer, as I wasn’t in their fucking Army anymore.

Godspeed Captain X, wherever you are, and God Help whomever decides your homestead is an “easy target”.

End of Digression #68t54298
Hal Turner as well as a lot of non-weapon owning/knowing morons have been jumping on the “The sniper had a $12,000.00 rifle!!! How could he afford that!?!”

Well, easy.
Uncle Sugar paid for it

Le Sigh…
The Counter-Snipers were using $12k rifles dummies.

The shooter?

Besides knowing it was an AR-based platform, the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been strangely silent regarding the shooters weapon. NORMALLY they wave that fucking thing around like a bloody damned shirt to ‘rile up’ the anti-gun retards.

This time?
Strange that.

Maybe they had to have the “Wind Up Toy” use a Palmetto State instead of the usual Daniel Defense like the last two mass shooters did. Must be them budget cuts we’ve been hearing about.

Then the wound:
Jeff Rense, an aggregator of ALL weird and wild news, bullshit or not, had some moron saying there was “No bullet hole!” on the Bulletproof Felon from being shot. Several other Twitter “Experts” have catagorically stated that this was faked/bullshit/kayfabe what the fuck ever. Some of them have been fired

<Sad Trombone Noises>

In reality?

I enlarged it, and put a green line as red would be as pronounced. That’s what -I- think is the trajectory of the bullet followed. If you look at the second that OrangeManBad took the hit, the angle of his head, slightly canted as he usually has it when he’s speaking, as well as the angle, the sumbitch is lucky as fuck in my professional opinion.

From inspection, per my earlier comments, is that it hit the veeeeery front of the ear just a wee bit, clipping the helical crus, then transversed the ear, hitting the Darwin’s tubercle (yeah the outer parts of the ear have names… who knew?) and then kept going. 

Literally, that fucking stung.
Not going into it too much, some of you who’ve met me in meatspace know I got my own really nasty grazing scar on my gut. Times where you are thankful for a beer gut and hate the fact that modern body armor isn’t designed for long torso’ed Silverback Gorilla Built Bastards like me. A couple of inches deeper and I might have been disemboweled.

That’s neither here nor there.

Now Stress:
We had to send the Redheaded Nukular Power Station back a bit early. Love her to death but OMFG. We’re worn out. How the other Grans do it I have not a clue. MAD props to him AND his spouse. Personally I think it’s because my alter-ego probably has to either stay drunk, or he has a secret Meth addiction… I can’t decide which…

And BTW, that’s just a joke folks… he’s a regular reader here….
That and it drives Gretchen up the fucking wall that he (her Ex Hubz) and I get along so well. He’s not a bad guy. Personally I think the issue there with the two of them was marital stress because of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. DumbCunt’s fault.

She almost had me and Gretchen get divorced, so them being her parents? She fucks up everything that is good in the world willfully and intentionally, hence why BOTH Grans are NOT with her. Anyways… Pure Evil and we won’t talk more of such things. The great news is they’ve formally filed for adoption of the Redhead. Even better, the Babydaddy is now officially out of the picture.

These things are good.

The bad news?

She’s still watching you Wirecutter….
Jes’ Sayin’

Miss Daisy has trouble up in North Carolina. Seems after we ‘retreated’ back here from Tennessee, and got busy-busy here, she hurt her back and needed help. One of the neighbors offered to have her 20-something kid move in temporarily to help. This was back in March. I had a bad feeling but was told to stand down…

I need to stop doing that.

So this fucker moved in temporarily. He then brought his slore, and their bastard spawn as well as ALL their furniture, and are now squatting. They achieved ‘tenancy’ after 14 days (NC Law) and by my standards have been doing what’s been happening to the Joetato, namely elder abuse. She called us and let us know yesterday she wants them out, as she can’t normally say anything in her own fucking house. She had to sneak the call to us as they’re on vacation… They’ve been borrowing money from her as well, she (the slore) doesn’t work, he’s only doing part time work occasionally, there’s no lease, and they haven’t contributed a dime to Miss Daisy for expenses. The only thing they do is buy their own food on fucking EBT

Le Fucking Sigh

For fucks sakes. She’s 87+/-, and damned near ALL of her kin are dead. ALL of her sons as well as her husband (bad hearts, all of them) Her ONE remaining Granddaughter had no idea this was going on (she said) when we updated her. She (the Granddaughter) asked for our help… dammit.

Miss Daisy doesn’t want any fuss.
I told her point blank “Fuck That, We’re Coming”
Sound ‘Boots & Saddles’ boys!
First Cav/Rakkasans to the Rescue.

I called the cops, and they said she needs to call them to help but SHE needs to tell the cops this’s going on. However, she’s so afraid of them that she won’t, so since she literally has no one else, I have to “Cowboy Up” and head to North Carolina on Friday with a couple of things. One is a back-dated lease showing Gretchen and I, as legal tenants, as we are/were as we stayed with her for over 14 days during the shitshow Adriana Saga have the right to tell them to get fucked sideways. This’ll make it official.

Then I have a ten-day Notice to Quit/Evict on this bullshit to cover the eviction that I’ll give them. Since they haven’t paid any rent, and have no lease according to the cop I talked to on the fon today said all we need is Miss Daisy to say she no longer wants them on the property, and that should be it. Then I’ll do the protection order and whatever else it takes. Probably have to relocate there for a spell, as morons like that haven’t got the brain God gave a common retarded ground squirrel.

My understanding is HE’s a fucking pussy, and SHE’s a loudmouth cunt, but either way, I’ll have the Sherriff there and I’m going to ‘flex’ on them in full battle rattle, armed to the teeth as is my open carry right in the Glorious State of North Carolina.

As Forrest Gump would say, that’s all I got to say about that!
And as Josey Wales said, Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

So anyone with any ideas on dealing with THAT pile of shit, let me know via DM at the proton account. It’s in Morganton NC so let me know or if you want to help with any ‘cleaning’ please let me know.
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Big Country

Well Well, He Has Three Names and DAMN! Are the Leftists Running Scared Now!

Good Morning!
Up early to see the overnight fallout from yesterday’s festivities. They came out and handed us the Patsy’s name: Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from western Pennsylvania, as the cuck who attempted to assassinate OrangeManBad.

Not going to link it, as the ‘story’ is going to be a 24-7 event for a while. I will smugly say that again the “Three Named Assassin” thing just happened to pop up.

Was he a ‘wind-up toy’?
Not enough intel so far.

To make that determination, we need to know more. Like his family life, job, what weapon he had… the usual stuff. Right now, just for the fact that they allowed this assclown to successfully get within the perimeter, armed never mind taking multiple shots, I’d have to say that as of now, there’s a pretty good chance that he was.

Then, as far as getting in close and taking not one but up to three shots, by my count that is… three good, measured, cadenced shots, (which serves to tell me this guy had training IMO) and then the fucking fusillade of counter-fire? Well h/t to WiscoDave for this one:

Not sure but it does make sense. If anyone has any pics of any outdoor rallies where they DID fly a flag like that, hit me up in the comments or email them to me at bce187th at protonmail.

Either way, the Secret Service kids are getting roasted across the board for this obvious failure. It’s so bad that if -I- were OrangeManBad?

I’d be hiring some heavy duty for-fuckin’ real Pipehitter Motherfuckers who shoot first and ask questions later.

Stack bodies
It’s the only way to be sure.

‘Cos the guys on that detail were retarded.

Moving on…
Lots of people out there, especially on the Left have been saying “Hurr Durrr! This was staged!” “Fake Attempt!” and the like. The fact that OrangeManBad stood up waving his fist and pumping it after the fact, to them, is proof this was faked.

Tell you what, if it was ‘faked’ then I feel bad for the guy who caught a round to the squash and was killed. In fact to tell you how fucking deranged these assholes are, a lot of them stated that they think that OrangeManBad is capable of allowing ‘collateral damage’ like that to get re-elected.

Sorry fuckwits… that’d be your side that allows that.

See, OrangeManBad’s reaction?
Like the Bad Guy in the movie “48 Hours” (cue up to 1:39)

I have a hunch that any and all doubts about what he’s going to have do to his enemies have been utterly eliminated… the level of Revenge that OrangeManBad is thinking about right now…

No fucking wonder the “Please don’t retaliate!” seems to be this A.M.’s mantra from the Left.

They’re quite rightfully scared, if not terrified.

Breaking Screenshot from Twitter:

Now it is feasible that he was using Iron sights.
I was tagging 300 meter man-sized silhouettes in Basic Rifle Marksmanship training back in Basic after 3 weeks of BRM, which is still the standard apparently:

My problem with that poast above?
Who the fuck took that picture of the shooter!?!

I mean someone on the ground saw him obviously.
Where the fuck was the Secret Service!?!
Probably getting hooked up with some more Columbian Prostitutes and Blow I gather…

Seriously though…
I’d have to say seeing that picture that the SS didn’t assign their best. Add on that during the scrum, the in-close female protective detail was less than stellar as well. One chick can’t even find her holster to holster her weapon. I train drawing my piece. You end up as fast holstering as unholstering, simply because for every draw you practice, you immediately follow it with a holstering. If your draw becomes good, you will be fast and smooth holstering as well. Ask James Wesley Hardin, the famous wild west gunfighter.

The fact that she is fucking around for where her holster is would indicate almost no time spent practicing her draw. It is unfucking real to me she is PSD for Trump, and she can’t find her holster, which means probably has spent close to zero time practicing getting her gun up and running in a hurry. There’s two types of gunfighters, the quick and the dead, and maaaan…

The only other thing I can think of is that whatever bullshit charges that they “convicted him” of juuuust went the fuck out the window. Leastways as far as doing any time that is.

Bad enough ‘they’ just allowed some asshat to try and kill him, to try and jail him? The lyrics from that song “Smuggler’s Blues” comes leaping to mind:

“Everything exploded, and the blood began to spill….”
IMO, I’d say that for every drop of the OrangeManBad’s blood that dripped down on stage, five of theirs need to pay a penalty a’la Vlad The Impaler.
Seems fair donnit?

So, that’s what I have for now
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Big Country

You. Do. Not. HATE. Them. ENOUGH. Not By A LONG Fucking Shot.

Well, the Ministries of Propaganda and Lies are at it again. Seems that they’re doing their damnedest to downplay the single most significant for fucking real attempt on a Public Figures life since Reagan in 1980:


Is that what they’re calling ‘gunfire’ now?

Must have been those champagne corks…

At least with this fucking guy we have an identifiable target

Annnnnnnd if that particular pile of shit doesn’t make you want to storm the CNN Building and put them all to the sword, and then decorate the roadways with their now-dead impaled corpses, well, you need to harden the fuck up.

‘Cos plainly, it’s what they have planned for us.

Now, to cases
Looks like the Secret Service done fucked up and screwed the pooch. Reasoning for this is someone did an approximation of the rough area the rally was held, with the Known Distances +/-:

Pulling the distance measure around, it varies between 140 to 180 yards. Some are saying the stands are up in front of the buildings to the right, the white-roofed building at the bottom, in the middle of the pic. That’s where the counter-sniper fire team was stationed at supposedly.

Reason I say this’s bullshit?

The Secret Service usually have a cordon sanitaire of out to 500 yards, depending on terrain and whatnot. No one should have been able to get on that roof without authorization, nevber mind WHY wasn’t there a team up there to begin with doing overwatch?

And a LOT of buzz about some wild haired dude and his friends who say thay saw dude with the rifle climbing onto the roof, and when they told the Fuzz, the fuzz blew them off

Make of it what you will
It’ll all change in another 3-6 hours I figure.
Grab the popcorn is all I can say

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Big Country

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