A Pup Update and SQUEEEEE!!!

Sorry for missing yesterday… It’s now Day Four of “The Nuklear Powered Gran Versus The Puppers”

Telling you, if I could harness even one third of the energy these two have, I could power the Greater Tampa Area for the next five hunnerd years…

Maybe even moar.

Chili is fitting in rather well. In fact, I hate to curse myself like this, but so far she’s the most laid back and mellow puppy ever when she’s not wound up by the Redheaded Nook. Also went outside first thing and did her pee-pee thing outside for the first time… she’s only had 2x accidents ‘off the training pads’ and I’m now trying to figure out the timing for her lil butt so I can get her out before she dumps inside.

At least she hits the training pads there too. Clean up on Aisle Nine has been a breeze. The only issue is occasionally I’ve laid down the new clean training pad after she hits it, and if I don’t watch her, she’ll go over, tear it (the new one) off the floor (they have adhesive corners) and decide to play “Let’s SHRED this shit Big Daddy!”

At which point it becomes ‘hot pup-suit’ to paraphrase Roscoe P. Coletrane and chase her ass all over the house while she leaves a trail of destruction and pieces-parts of the pad and stuffing everywhere. Queue Yakkity Sax.

Send. Drugs/Monsters. NOW.

Seriously though, her and Stella have been getting along pretty well too:

…although the Sausage Princess in Dog Years is now about mid-fifties like be, and doesn’t put up with a lot of shit. She’s more being like an instructive Auntie, rather than a momma.

She also has been doing the pouncing thing like Chili is doing, and doing the play bark/growl thing, to which we’ve discovered that the Pup has a cute lil baby-bark and growl. She’s really quiet otherwise.

So today we went to the Villages for Gretchen’s Dad’s B-Day. He turned 87 this year. Still kicking it despite being all banged up. The man just needs a new carcass and I think he’d be good for another 80+ as he’s sharp as a tack.

We took the Nook AND the Pup, as well as for his lunch/supper, I also took all the fixin’s for “Breakfast for Supper” I made Eggs to order, two pounds of thick cut maple smoked bacon (the good stuff), Hash Browns, and pancakes that got topped with a Crown Maple Madagascar Vanilla Infused Organic Maple Syrup.

Hey, I’m from New Hampshire… we tend to be “Syrup Snobs” OK? This shit is THE BOMB!!! Link to it is HERE

And yeah, I get (pardon the pun) a ‘taste’ if you order some.

We then had the cake, which was a White Chocolate Raspberry “Nothin’BundtCake” with that awesome cream cheese frosting.

Gah… I’m still full from eating everything.

I had to bring my own cookware which disconcerted Mom, but hey, not to be mean, but her pans date back to when TV Dinners were the “latest and greatest” and I’m pretty sure that just looking at some of her non-stick pans from back then could cause cancer, never mind actually using them to cook.

I use All-Clad stuff for the most part. Damned shame that Willaims and Sonoma card had to go into the default mode…

Le Sigh

What? Y’all think I could normally afford the good stuff?

If it wasn’t for my used-to-be good credit from about 4 years ago, I’d be using WalMart Specials like I did when I first got divorced. Unfortunately, the Williams and Sonoma card was the last card that I had to kill off in this soon-to-be-done bankruptcy. I purely love to cook, and in many cases the tools do actually matter…

So to explain the “Squee!”

Gretchen has a Brother. Well two, but I’m not going into the whole family dynamic. This here is “GoodBro” that I’m referencing. Navy Vet. TOTAL nerd. D&D dude. BIG TIME gun guy like me. Very cool. He’s got a kid. Junior. This’s Gretchen’s nephew. He too, is a good kid, albeit a bit of a stoner and trying to figure out what he wants to do w/his life. He came down here 2? maybe 3 years ago and stayed with us for like 2 weeks.

Fucking kid practically ate me out of house and home.
Gretchen had strong words with GoodBro about the next time Junior came, that a healthy $$$ check for groceries needed to be sent with, or the kid would be stuck eating old MREs and Dollar Store Spaghetti Os.

Not that I think Junior would have noticed.
TL;DR, Junior came down for a visit with his squeeze. New G/F. Everyone is all like “OMFG!!! They’re such a cute couple!!!”

I’m like “The kid is 2 months away from turning 21… Miss Teen Queen? Unless that box is Platinum Lined and she’s a nympho, or her dad owns a Liquor Store? As they say, ‘this too, shall pass.”

And then every calls me an asshole…

Hey. Reality bites.
So they came to visit. They’re staying with her Grandma, who apparently got on the phone w/Mom and Dad… I think the Lass-in-Question’s Granma wanted to check to see where she’s be staying whilst Junior came by to visit the In Laws.

Seems they exchanged Boomerisms and whatnot, and somehow WW2 came up in conversation. Now Gretchen’s Great Grandad, Mom’s Pops, was in WW2 and was in Normandy at some point. I have no real intel and Mom is sort of really having a tough time mentally after Vax #2. I’ll see if I can get some intel and do a dive as I like doing that… if and when things slow down around this joint.

Point is, Grandma sent a gift via her Granddaughter as a ‘thank you’ for hosting her, to Dad for his birfday. Dad in turn, while really appreciating it, gave it to me, knowing it’s significance:

Holy. Fucking. Hells.

That frens, is a field-improvised neckerchief cut from a section of a 1943/1944 T-4 Camouflaged Parachute from the jump on Normandy France, the night of June 5th, 1944 from the 101st Airborne.

<Queue Angels Chorus and Shit, Beams of Light From Above>

Holy. Fucking. HELLS!!!!!
As Indy would say
“It belongs in a Museum!!!”

Whew… I am just sooooo blown away.

Tell you what, hell or high water, or I dunno how, sell plasma maybe, and get it framed. Like professionally. I did some research on it as soon as I got home… like right before I hit this. Seems the camo parachute was very rare and from what I’ve found, only used by pathfinder elements of the 101st on the late-night of the 5th, before the early morning dawn drops. I also found it’s a wee bit on the valuable side:

I can’t tell if it’s early nylon or silk. Either way

To an Airborne Guy like me?
Hell, any Wing Wearing Motherfucker?

This’s like getting a piece of the For-Fucking-Real “True Cross” or some such similar “Holy Relic.”

A piece of ‘The Big Jumpmaster in the Sky’ OG Chute so to speak.

Mind you, There’s a LOT of fakes out there.
eBay is positively covered in them.

However, according to what Dad was told, Grandma said Grandad (now deceased a few years back) landed in Normandy at Omaha in 44 on the 6th as a straight leg grunt. He ran into a couple of 101st Guys after a few days in-country who were selling sections of their chutes for $5 as neckerchiefs, of which Grandad bought one. That, by today’s standards was about 75, 80 bucks. That sounds like some guys I know, including myself… It also explains the triangular shape and ragged cut to it, as they probably had to use a knife/scalpel or bayonet.

How fucking cool is that!?!

Now this thing is a wee bit faded and stained, and I’m not sure how to get full Provenance on it, but TBH perfectly Honest, much like a lot of recovering Catholics, I’m taking this one on faith. Primarily there is zero fucking reason for an 80 year old something widow to be having a section of a fake Airborne Camo Canopy from 1943/44 laying around. Odds of this being legit?

Probably, like Ivory Soap, 99.44% Legit

So… the interesting shit that keeps coming my way Aye?
It’s not always a bad thing.
I blame MomUnit.
She cursed me long ago with the Chinese Curse of: “May you live in interesting times” I have no idea that I had pissed her off that badly at the time, but hey… sometimes it –is– fun to be me.

More Later
Big Country

Yeeeeah, Dat Me…
And, of course AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY!

The Red Hot Chili Pupper and Another Konvenient Krainian Kommandant Killing?

The Chili Pupper is Red Hot and running
Adding tot he mix is the Red Headed Gran who’s here for a few weeks and of course over the moon about the new pupper. The tow of them just. don’t. slow. down.

Any and All donations vis-a-vis Adderall, Methamphetamines, Crank and or Good Blow would be appreciated… I ordered a CASE of Monster today. Got me a hunch I’m going to be pounding them by the case over the next few.

I joke, I joke…

But anyways, all is good here at the Casa. The pup finally dropped a deuce which is a good thing as she hadn’t since we got her three meals and a lot of water ago. Of course it was as big as she was. I was getting a wee bit nervous as that’s a looong time for a pup to be backed up, but now that she finally cut loose? Everything is back to coolness.

To the Trenches:
News comes out of the Krain last Thursday:

Per the story HERE the Ivans dropped heavy on a base that resulted in 18 “Mercs” KIA’d and 30 WIA. The Krainians interestingly collected all cell phones from everybody in the A.O.

This story was confirmed by multiple sources. One stating (and has subsequently been ‘memory holed’ that it was a group of Brits with a ‘Command Element’ who were there to train up the Krainians there. One of them pretty much a mirror of the Sputnik article was SANA:

Happens frequently
The big deal?

I get a tip from one of you readers (H/T to DE, many thanks bro!) with this as the lead:

21 hours ago.
I then verified it HERE:

Per the article, his stiff was found Saturday

As I emailed D back: “ANY bets that stiff was cold… like as in frozen/defrosted cold?”


Board Stiff

As in Iced Down and set up.
My reason for saying this is buried waaay down in the article is this:

Notice it does not list him as “Acting as a Emeritus” or something like that
So which the fuck is it?
Was he ‘retired’ still serving or sheep dipped?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Especially in light of the Helo Crash in Australia which happened back in July of last year:

The interesting thing about this one was at first they reported that there was an Aussie One Star and his two-man staff on board. That they, and the crew were all KIA over the ocean.


No mention of the General ANYWHERE
At all.
The crew are showed to be smoked, but the Gen’rul and his staff? Not so much. The rerason that this is part of what I’m talking about is around at same exact time, in the US, another “Retired” US Army in this case, General died while piloting a single engine aircraft over Maryland:

Seems July 28th, 2023 was a bad fucking day to be an DotMil Aviator, and if the original news was correct, a really bad day to be a One Star in two different Militaries Aye?

Per the Asia Times however:

The story is dated July 30th 2023, but the strike happened on July 28th 2023… the very day of the tragic ‘accidents’ that smoked two general officers… the link is HERE

Per the article “…on the evening of July 28, Russia attacked a Ukrainian command post in Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk) with “precision weapons” after Ukraine launched an attack on a Russian command post in Taganrog in Russia’s Rostov oblast (province).”

And the reason for such a quick notification as opposed to the usual ‘couple of days of obscuring and obfuscation’?
Well besides General Officers being high visibility folks there was a wee problem which is why I think they did what they did. Specifically: “…There are some videos circulating and photos that show some of the damage and it appears likely that the Russians hit the command post. The full extent of the casualties is not known. Reports say that some people are buried under the debris.”

Which is a way of saying that said-Generals carcasses are gonna take a while to dig out, IF they are even viable for recovery. Some of the bunkers that the Hypersonic Missiles have been hitting were, mind you WERE, rated for fucking almost direct hits from Nuclear Weapons (at least Hiroshima Sized) STILL and got blowed the fuck up.

Ten Thousand Tons of concrete and rebar crashing down on your nugget tends to leave a closed and sandbagged weighted casket as a result aimiright?

So, my call?

Ivan bagged them another US General.
No harm no foul IMO.
Mess with the bull, and you’ll always invariably get the horns. In fact my only problem is we haven’t had enough Perfumed Princes from Sodom-on-the-Potomac get smoked yet

So we can always hope
Jes’ Sayin’
More Later
Big Country

A -Slight- Miscalculation W/Cowboy and Why This’s Short…

Tired here.
First off, As the Brits are Wont to Say:
Happy Treason Day You Ungrateful Colonials!

Fuck Yeah!

We went to see Cowboy today, who’s still in the deepest of dumps. Like down-down. Told him I dig it, but he’s got to start hardening the fuck up…

Wallowing in a self-induced pity parade ain’t going to do anyone any damned good.

Sooooooooo on the way over to his house, we found a guy who was, which as shitty and horrible as it sounds, was selling puppies off 301. Now, before anyone climbs up my 4th Point Of Contact, we stopped per Gretchen’s request as I have issues (i.e. potential puppy mills and whatnot) with some shady shit like this. She had me turn around and go back…

That being said…
Turns out this dude is trying to do a ‘righteous thing’ to a point.
He’s got a farm a waaays down from Cowboy’s spread. His female doggo got knocked up by the next door doggo, and had a litter of 8 puppers. Complete Mix Breed… he had pictures… a Labradoodle (his) and Pit Mix of some kind…

He was selling them with the proper shot certs and 1st paperwork one would normally get when you get a dog taken care of the first time ’round at a vet… As he told me, he just wanted to recover the invested medical money, as they already had about 3 other farm dawgs already, and to drop them off at even a no-kill shelter these days here in Florida? Well… let’s just say ‘no-kill’ ain’t so much these days… they’re overcrowded and overrun… fucking shame is what it is.

The biggest selling point to me is as we discussed the various issues is that he refused to sell to any blaqs, as he feared they’d be used as bait-pups for Niggershines and fighting pits.

How’s that old phrasing go?

“SOLD ‘Murican!!!”

Fuck it… I did 6 hours of OT this past week… a Cee Note for a ‘good thing’ for a best fren who’s hurting ain’t going to bother me amiright? I mean hell, when you’re as close to bankruptcy as I am? What’s another $100?

“You care if it falls?”
“The Roman Empire?”
“Fuuuuck it!”

Which is another thing… that’s well within the cost of what a first visit is to the ‘free pup clinic’ we have here in Tampa and where the paperwork is from… it’s where ALL the animals here at the house (besides Sapper) have been taken for 1st Shots and Spay and Neutering…. so I knew dude was pretty much on the level.

I also checked her gums, her toofuses, all the ‘stuff’ the Ex taught me… ALL of the pups seemed to be in good shape and good to go. There were 3 boys left, and 1 girl. The girl kept snatching Gretchen’s skirt and playing tug-o’-war with it, which is what got our attention.

We got to Cowboy’s place, and then loaded him in the car with a “STFU and get in the car asshole!” and brought Cowboy down… my thought processes of trying to make this a sort of a “John Wick” thing… granted it’s only been about 3 weeks +/- but hey… I know he’s got a fuckton of work on the farm to do daily, however a puppy is a whole ‘nother level.

He initially loved the idea, cried his eyes out…

And seemed onboard…
Problem was, when we got home, he just. couldn’t. do. it. yet.

Stress the word yet…
This dynamic I was not quite expecting.

I figured sunshine, puppies, rainbows, new life and hope and happiness… that’s what I get for have a wee bit of a romantic soul I suppose.

Better to stick with my curmudgeonly side…
‘Cos now?
I got me a new puppers………….

Meet “Chili”

Who could turn away brown eyes like that Aye?

I decided on ‘Chili’ as is she’s waaay more chill that any other pup I’ve ever seen. And that’s a lot of pups… The Ex is was/a professional dog trainer, and we had, at any given time 4 doggos in the house full time, never mind BEFORE she went ‘career’ with the dogs… we had a TON of puppers over the years… Chili? She’s soooo mellow. Gretchen wanted to name her ‘Xanax’ after her favorite med, which ‘Zani’ would be the brevity call sign, but I called a big negatory on that…

Of course the Sausage Princess had minor concerns initially… more like “Who is that!?!” and all sorts of curiosity:

That was taken while I took the above pics of the FNG.

Once she realized she’s not getting demoted nor replaced, she’s already gone into “Big Sister Mode.” Their first walk together outside was fucking clown show… Sapper walking Stella, and Me walking Chili, who was ‘puppy-bouncing’ all over Stella, me, the Sapper and generally being a ball of fun…

Mind you we had a great visit with Cowboy, but I did not expect to be bringing home Chili.

It is what it is, and she’s sweeter than all get the hell out.
So hence my exhaustion.
I’ll have more later
Big Country

Back AGAIN, New Names for The Grifters in Chief, and a Prediction!

Greetings And (Almost) Happy Fourth of July!
This seems to always happen to me…
Telling y’all I’m going to start sticking to the “MRE ONLY” diet I swear
That’s for ‘packaged foods’ that is
If -I- don’t cook it, I ain’t eating it…
As I emailed to the Tactical Hermit

“Been down w/another stomach issue.  Bad food from the Wedding that Gretchen worked on this weekend.  About 12 guests bailed so the bride stopped by on Sunday and gave us a fuckton of leftover catered food.”

“Didn’t help me at all.  Gave me the pukes and shits for 2x days solid.  Stuck in bed, and/or on the shitter.  Weak as a kitten.  I’m sort of operational today, but still a bit weak physically.  Hungry AF too as I lost a lot of weight over those 2x days and dehydration was/is a bitch.”

As Aesop did a good ‘un recently: Link HERE
IMO something to read up on and think on.

No idea if it was ackchully the Lasagna or not, as now I’ve been getting reports of other frens who’ve been imitating AT-4 rocket launchers… that’s when you have a back-blast corresponding to you launching a projectile pukefest. Might be a stomach bug oot and aboot? I mean this’s the most socialized I’ve been in months as I work from home, and generally the only folks I interact with closely are the Sapper and Gretchen. I usually keep all others at ‘defensive/pistol range’ i.e. 10 meters plus.

Think I might have to start supplementing heavier to get the immune system back up to specs.

So otherwise, it sounds like the Joetato, read “The Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den” is planning on fighting and staying!!!

Or maybe what I should say is (and these are the newly assigned names) The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster are demanding that Dear Olde Soon-To-Be-DeadDad keep running so as to (more than likely) keep the Grift Running for as long as it takes.

Major “Weekend at Bernies” Vibes going with those two fucktards… I mean they definitely do NOT know how to ‘read a room’ as this article HERE oh so viciously points out…

The TL/DR is that again the Empress is on the cover of Vogue:

This’s cover #3 for that pruned up cunt.
While I can understand to a point why Anna Wintour, the editor of that rag kept Melania Trump off the cover… you know, and actually attractive IRL Model…. nope… Wintour, who I heard positively reeks of cheap red wine and cat piss, prefers to associate with those of her own kind… like Big Mike and his/her bulge got on the cover 3x him/herself!

Crazy Cat Lady material all over the place there.
Not that I actually care, I just think it’s hilarious that they have to be so fucking petty and then the second they catch heat for anything these dimwitted fucking fucktards start shrieking and “Reeeeeeee’ing” all over the place.

Personally, I’d love to hear the news that Wintour got carjacked/knifed/robbed/shanked or something… let her get a good taste of real NYfC IRL.

I’d laugh my fucking balls off.
So Yepper
IMO the Joetato is being full on Elder Abused by Empress KinkyBoots and the Dissolute One so as to keep their perks, as otherwise?

THEY get stuck changing Ole Joe’s Diaper

Which cannot be any fun.
I worked in a nursing home, I know of what I speak
That’s some nasty shit there, both literally and figuratively. Right now, the Empress gets to party on, and play Edith Wilson, while the Dissolute One does lines in the Presidential Library.

When Joe gets either “25th’d” or “The Night of the Pillow” Comes, allllllll that influence and $$$ goes the fuck away… and my own personal guess? Once they, the Bidens as a whole, are out, I’m calling it now:

Hunter Biden will be dead within 6 months of them leaving the White House.

My Reasoning?
He’s so fucking stupid and dissolute and depraved he either ODs or what I think will happen (more likely IMO) is he’s going to try to blackmailsomeone- faaaar more important than himself, thinking that Dear Old Dad will still have the ‘yank’ to keep him safe, and not realize that his worthless ass is now Dogmeat. Without Dear Old Soon-to-be-DeadDad covering and protecting him, he’s nothing more than a Trailer Trash Junkie who’s mojo value is waaaay over and done.

If he’s lucky, ‘they’ll’ make it happen by way of a plane crash and take the whole fucking grifting lot of them out… if the Depraved One pisses ‘them’ (for the values of ‘they’) off, (and the blackmail route will piss ‘them’ off I’m sure) he’ll be found very publically and embarrassingly dead in a $20 flophouse from an O.D. from fentanyl laced coke with a illegal Vietnamese or Panamanian $15 whore…

Who then sells her story for $$$ to whatever National Enquirer type gossip rag that’s still out there… dragging ALL the remaining Fam through the dirt… stories of threesomes with the Empress and Sister being the play maybe? The sicker and more twisted the better to shame their asses for all eternity…

Which is what they deserve.
Your Thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

Too Much SUNday so Meme Time!

Back to the Aloe again. Thank Gawd I have 2x LARGE plants that Gee-Maw (our former across the street neighbor) left behind when they moved…

Got me the fresh-off the plant stuff and yeah, I’m roastie-toastie again and that also means exhausted. Sunburns just make me want to sleep, so I culled a bunch of sick ones for you, with the focus MOSTLY on the Joetato:

So More Later
Big Country

RAIN! LOTS and LOTS of RAIN Today!

Ended up being a partial beach day in that from 0600 to 1000 Gretchen was doing the Bridal Party for the 14:00 ‘On The Beach’ Wedding at Fort DeSoto.

Fun Fact:
Fort De Soto was originally proposed to be built on Egmont and Mullet keys as Gun Batteries for Coastal Defense by ‘Brevet’ Col. Bobby E. Lee in 1849. ‘Brevet’ as meaning that At-The-Time Colonel Lee was frocked from Major to Colonel to carry out this mission.

Ultimately it took until 1898 to actually get the building started.
They currently have 2 12in Model 1890 Mortars still on site, hell, still in situ in the revetments:

Tell you what, them suckers are big.

There’s also a Rapid Fire 1890 12in Rifle (i.e. cannon) on site as well. It was recovered from Fort Dade which is isolated on Egmont Key. Dade is s-l-o-w-l-y being reclaimed by nature, as there’s some turtle hatcheries (Leatherback, Loggerhead, and Green Sea Turtles and thusly endangered) as well as some rare seabird nesting areas, so currently Egmont Key is strictly verboten as far as exploring.

So, from what we heard, the Wedding went off without a hitch, and she (the Bride) kept sending thank yous and DMs to Gretchen all day long. Good for her!

Now, for us? After we got rid of everyone?

Well, it was Netflix and Chill until about 4pm or 16:00. That’s when the rain cut, and the sun sort-of-kind-of came out… it was vaguely overcast. Of course that didn’t stop the Ultraviolet. I’m again a wee bit cooked. After only 2 hours…

Thankfully the last sunburn gave me a base to run off of. And I actually got into the ocean for the first time in a few years. For a guy who’s lived in and around the Ocean his entire life, in my Old Age I’ve developed a few new rules.

The biggest?
Don’t swim where you’re lower on the food chain that the other critters in there with you.
Loosely interpreted as “Don’t swim where big toothed shit lives”

No interest in getting chewed on. And as the majority of you know, IF there’s gonna be someone that gets targeted by a fucking Shark, it’s going to be my big whytteboi ass for certain.
So, we check out tomorrow.
More Later
Big Country

The JoeTato PLUS Bait N Switch Fun!

Well now, that was…. interesting to say the least. The Joetato pretty much unzipped and showed his wrinkled near-dead ass in front of the Universe.

When you’ve lost the Fuckin’ New Yawk Slimes, you know you’ve pretty much are sitting on a Dead Man’s Hand. The only thing now is to finish off playing that hand by putting the metaphoric bullet in the head like Wild Bill Hickok took in Deadwood.

That was a pretty damned bad performance. Art Sido over at his Dissident Thoughts stated waaaaaay back in October 2023 that he thinks this’s all part of the plan man, meaning letting/forcing OrangeManBad to win, and then ‘overturn the table’. The table being defined as the economic, social, or World War II level stuff to happen on his as well as the Repugnicunts watch so as to attempt to assure a ‘Permanent DemoncRATic Totalitarian DotGov’ under their theoretical ‘Benevolent Rule’, in perpetuity.

I mean it makes sense to a certain POV that they desperately need to get some sort of ‘broom/clean sweep’ done in the next few… economically speaking, we’re sitting at about 36 trillion dollars in debt that we know of. Unfunded liabilities?


Probably a literal metric shit-ton of bux. Like so many as to be obscenely stupid… and because of that, we’re screwed no matter what fucking puppet they stuff into the Orifice of the (p)Resident.

I mean if it wasn’t absolutely transparent that the guy in the Orifice isn’t actually running things then all I can ask in where the fuck have you been for the last couple of dozen years!?!

I mean the last time we had an actual PRESIDENT like a REAL Elected guy as opposed to a Intelligence Community Installed and Controlled fucker?

Simple: Kennedy.

Every. Single. Guy. after him?

ALL installed and controlled by the Intel Community, starting with Naval Intelligence, and working it’s way through the various cut outs and whatever the ‘flavor du jour’ Agency was running things. I mean Nixon? Flushed like a dead rat b/c he ended The Nam. Some of the things I read said they were pissed that he turned off that particular money-maker… Hell, they killed Kennedy as we all know for threatening the status quo and “…scattering (the CIA) to the four winds…”

So, considering that for the past 50 years we’ve been essentially looted and fucked over in favor of what DeadDad used to call “The Ten Families That Own America” and all of their ‘Minions’, this is now our reckoning. Out of money, out of time, and damned near out of options.

So of course the “best option” for the ‘Powers That Be’ aka ‘Leviathan’ to them is to, from my educated guess is to start World War Fucking Three.

Hence why we’ve seen a dramatic uptick in ‘Teh Stoopid’ in the Krain. This also leads me into that job offer that I had in Kuwait? A month or so ago? In Kuwait? Yeeeeah… as I said, I felt it was a ‘bait and switch’ in that I was told that the reason I couldn’t deploy to the Middle East is that I’m overweight.

I’ve subsequently found out that that’s bullshit.

I reached out to an old Buddy of mine who just so happens to be over there IN KWT right now. He said he’s heard of nothing about a weight limit… told me they got a big-gut motherfucker who’s tipping in at almost four bills who’s doing the job, and there’s been no issue. And lo and behold:

Lookie Lookie…
The offer changed from “Well, you can’t go to Kuwait, buuuut we might have something for you in Europe sooner rather that later!”
Jeez… do I have “Noob” or “Desperate” tatted on my forehead?

FFS… I got the email late yesterday talking about the need for a Master Gunsmith in the Fucking Krain!!!”
Telling you, that “Lil Voice” is still working Thank Crom.

So apparently the whole idea all along was to get me to head to the Krain. Head into a country that in my Professional Opinion is in the long-term fucking doomed?

No fucking thanks.

It was one thing when I was supporting the Mean Green Machine while they were fighting against a bunch of rag-assed AK-toting sandal-wearing- Allah Worshipping Goatherds… the worst case scenario was when we had a daily-daily of Iranian made rockets drop on us… Never more than 5-6 in the mornings usually. Then occasionally we’d get the evening (10pm+/-) hits… I mean my only close call I had was on September 14, 2004 when I went to work 30 minutes early, and my hootch took a direct hit from a Chinese made 82mm mortar round…that was one of the ‘morning follies’ attacks…

The fucking Krain!?!
Potentially being on the receiving end of Iskandar-K missiles or even worse? A fucking hypersonic like the Khinzal!?!

HARD Motherfucking Pass Baby…
HARD Pass.

I mean as of right now, Ivan’s been really really holding back on his throwing shit at the ‘rear areas’ despite the propaganda to the contrary. The idea of me, sitting in either a hotel filled with other Contractors or working in a warehouse where I –know– the SVU or whatever other intel service working for Ivan has targeted?

I mean they already hit a hotel filled with them back last year. My intel sources told me a LOT of US, French and Polish ground pounders got ‘aced out’. Never mind when they hit that Command and Control Center which, after being blown away, within 2 weeks, an Australian General, as well as his staff, and an American General were all “lost in accidents”…

Suuuuuuure they were.

So Me?
Fuuuuuuck that with Bells On

Now, on a more personal note…
This weekend is being spent over in Saint Petersburg right on the beach. Gretchen has a bridal party for tonight and yesterday. The bride set us up in a suite for the weekend. The bridal party is staying smaller close-by digs… but us?

That’s Gretchen getting her shit laid out.
The bride came first for the Bridal Shower/Rehearsal Dinner tonight? The one of the Bridesmaids showed up late…

Not going to go too deep into it, but man, the Bridesmaid was –interesting- A Male to Female Trannie.

I’ll just leave it at that, as Gretchen actually has quite a following in the Drag Queen Society? Culture? Needless to say, I’ma not going to judge at all as that particular subculture, no matter how -I- may feel? It makes her a literal shit-ton of $$$ so who am I to kill the Golden Goose?

Besides… they don’t bother me.
My ‘other son’ is in that whole ‘realm’ now, so I don’t have much choice but to be as supportive as I can, as it is what it is… as Filthie has said at his house, it’s a fucking shame the fam had to ‘come apart’ and I hopefully look forward to maybe reuniting with either him or her, depending on how it goes… such is my own personal Hell. Either way, she’ll always be my little girl
as I’ve had zero interaction in the new chosen gender.

BTW>… no melting down in the comments.
Like I said, this’s MY personal Hell, and being an obnoxious asshole gets the permaban hammer dropped with a fucking quickness.

Other than feeling overtired and like shit, hopefully the rest of the weekend will be nice, as we are on a fucking beach, in a suite we ain’t paying for, so what more could I want?

More Later
Big Country

Sevastopol And The Reasons Behind It…

So back in “the groove”
To a point… I’m still on my “Climb to 100%” via the VA. Today’s intrusive fun was a CAT scan w/contrast. Now I’m not allergic like Gretchen is… that shit for her is potentially fatal. I am highly sensitive and get hot flashes which undergoing the scan, and then usually (like tonight) as I’m flushing it, my kidney feel like I went a couple of rounds of rope-a-dope with Tyson.

The boxer, not the Chikinz.

Tomorrow I have a long day as well with the TBI and Mental Testing, which I was told is about 3 hours worth. Measured IQ and cognizance test(s) to measure against the ones I had a few years ago. To me there’s been some noticeable changes, especially in the memory areas. We’ll just have to see.

Cowboy’s sister now has the duty as well, so I’m hoping that transition has gone smoothly, as I took today off in that I had too much “me” shit to deal with.

Now, as to the latest and greatest:
The Krainian Terror Raid on the beaches at Sevastopol has been all over the news as of late. Last I got was that it was 151+/- wounded, 4 dead, to include a 4 year old girl.

That’s Adriana’s age.

You can see the bomblets ‘walk’ their way up from the water… I suppose they/we should be thankful that it didn’t drop parallel to the beach as it would have been a hamburger-making slaughterfest.

Despite the propaganda to the contrary, Ivan has been pretty good about not bombing civilian targets, outside of the Energy Infrastructure. Got no complaints there either, as we did the same exact thing in Iraq and left them without clean water and power in our hitting them in 2003. Goose = Gander IMO there, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking liar.

That being said, targeting a beach at the height of the summer vay-kay? Nope, not cool, not cool at all. Pure Cowardice and Terrorism.

Targeting DotMil ‘stuff’ = OK.
Targeting Civvies vacationing on a Beach at the height of summer? = Major Not OK.

And spare me the bullshit of ‘collateral damage’ and whatnot.
That’s the same thing that the fucking Yids are doing targeting women and children in Gaza. Same thing, no more, no less. It amazes me how some people think this is, in both cases both justifiable and OK… fucking souless NPC automatons IMO.

So, now we have Russia, as a whole who got hit a couple of times with some recent terror-shytte… One was this strike on the beach, the other in Dagestan of all places… with a Sin-O-Gog and Orthodox Christian church being shot up/burned by our favorite Christians In Action Cutouts ISIS. Whole lot of people of both the Christian and Judaic faith killed there…

I’m telling you, there’d be ZERO terrorism overseas if it wasn’t for the CIA, (ISIS) and ZERO domestic terrorism here in the States without the FBI. (School Shooters and the like) Nice to see the clear delineation though, that they both keep to their respective ‘Rhubarb Patches’ so to speak…

But either way, the Krainians sure AF didn’t pick nor chart that particular ATACMS to hit where and when it did. That Drone over the Black Sea, the RQ4 Global Hawk was on site during the raid, after being gone for four days prior to this incident. Funny how the main Intel Command and Control Drone is grounded for maintenance, but on-site loitering just in time to be there before, during and after the strike package was delivered?

Myself? If -I- was Russian? I would declare ALL of the Black Sea off limits to ‘non combatant aircraft and drones’ give them 12 hours to GTFO out the airspace as ANYTHING and EVERYTHING after that 12 hours is now considered hostile and will be treated as such. No fly zone much anyone? I mean it is Ivan’s Sea IMO.

Goose = Gander
Pot = Kettle

Shoot down ANYONE who breaks that no-fly shit.
Then send a bill to whatever country that gets their shit shoved in for the cost of the Air-to-Air that was used. Watch the current do-nothing/know-nothings ‘Shultzes’ shit in their collective Brooks Brothers. Morons.

See… everyone to the point and I mean EVERYONE is operating under the presumption as if the ‘Shultzes’ actually have ANY clue as to what they’re doing. The majority of opinions being that “The US is hoping that the Russians respond so as to escalate!!!” or that there’s some ‘strategic thinking’ going on in how to ‘get into the war’ via a provocation of one kind or another. Truthfully… let’s use Occam’s Razor:

In this case, the simplest and most easily explainable rationale for these things are That these fucking jugheaded morons know not what they do.
I’m the one who posited on WRSA some years ago that these people “…have never been punched in the fucking face and it shows.”
ALL of these provocative actions

ALL of these apparently dumb moves

It’s all because they’re too fucking stupid for their own fucking good.
Fucking NPCs, the lot of them
“VodkaMan won’t do anything to us, he scared!”
Fucking Morons

Not one of them (our current cabal of LeaderSHIT) have ever suffered in any significant manner ever. Not one of them have known a true moment of privation in their oh-so-special lives. In fact that’s where the problem lies.

They’ve never had their fucking asses kicked for doing the stupid shit they do and/or talk!!!

They’ve been positively cocooned inside a bubble of privilege, wealth and surrounded by Yes-Men the entirety of their actually worthless skin-job lives. It’s never registered to them that there are real people who’re eventually going to get sick and tired of their collectivist bullshit. At which point they’ll die in wholesale lots. I just hope I get to watch and participate.
As they’re starting to say in France:

They just don’t understand ‘thesis / antithesis’

Action begets a reaction

If not from Vlad and the Russians the let me tell you…
WHEN not IF the Krainians finally figure out just how badly they’ve been fucked over by the Tribalists as well as the Globalists, there’s not going to be a place on the planet that any of the aforementioned can or be able to hide.

I mean Israel is in the midst of its death throes.

WHEN they invariably decide that it’s time to “Head North” into Lebanon, unless they plan on utilizing their ‘Toys from Dimona’ i.e. Nooks, then they’ll be getting obliterated by the Fuzzy Wuzzies of Hezbollah that much sooner. It’s bad enough that even a former Shin-Bet spy-turned Politico in the Big Izz came out against Nutjobyayhoo:

Link to the story HERE
Everyone seems to conveniently ‘forget’ that Good Ole Benyamin was about to be arrested on corruption charges with his wife RIGHT BEFORE October 7th came down. Add on now that there’s faaar too man legit stories out there that the Izzy Army was told to ‘Stand Down’ so that October 7th could happen. This was done IMO to A) Give Ole Benny the ‘cover’ he needed to NOT go to jail as well as B) Launch the “Final Solution Mark II, The Palestinian Boogaloo” to bring about the whole “Yid Messianic Comeback Party” of which he believes fervently in.

Considering that despite the propaganda, the Hamas kids?
They seem to be holding their own.
Which is what I expect of a bunch of filthy sandal wearing AK Toting RPG wielding goatfuckers…
I mean WE got OUR asses handed to US by the same sort of guys, not ONCE but TWICE in the SAME DECADE
Why should the Izzies be any different?

I mean let’s face it.
The Hamas kids were like the Mahdi Militia, which turned into the Mahdi Army in Iraq, which eventually assisted in running us out of town on a rail, never mind the ISIS Kids who we (or at least our CIA kids) created as a Revenge Force against the Ungrateful Iraqis. The Hamas kids are just as dedicated to killind the ‘Yehud’ as the next “Good Muj”

Thing is, and as I stated, they’re still kicking after how many months now? Long after the pundits predicted their expiration date that’s for damned sure. And since they’re still fucking things up?

I mean what a brilliant plan to now go after Hezbollah in Lebanon! An absolute stroke of fucking genius on the level of Hitler ordering “Operation Barbarossa” against the Russians in 1941, instead of, you know consolidating his fucking gains in Europe before looking to ya know, fucking expand?

That Bibi… can’t say he lacks for Chutzpah and balls…
Brains are no where to be found of course

But he is a politician out to save his skin, so it all works out in the end I suppose. Yep. Moronitude and Hubris is something that NONE of these fuckers are lacking. I can say with surety that it’s about to get a whole hell of a lot bloodier before shit mellows out.
Popcorn Anyone?
So More Later
Big Country

Airport Travails and Dealing w/the Fallout w/Cowboy

Whew… this’s another day of exhaustion.
Gretchen’s BFF asked for a ride to the areopuerto. Now, normally this isn’t an issue. However, the FIQ (friend is question) IMO is a fucking ditz at best.

The flight was at 20:00
8:00pm for you cake eating civvies.

Gretch calls me at 18:17 which is 6:17pm and tells me that WonderDitz is almost ready to leave. I of course melted down. Between 16:00 til 19:00 in Tampa is rush hour!!! Where the roads are going to and from the Ditz’s house to the Airport??

At rush hour!?!

I-75? It becomes a fucking parking lot.

That’s the norm, not the exception.

WonderDitz thinks she can get to the Airport for an 8pm flight by leaving at 6:30pm??? And NO, she’s not part of any of the ‘frequent flyer/trusted traveler’ programs like yours truly used to belong to… this means she’s subject to the whims of the 60+/- IQ point niggers manning the TSA (Thousands Standing Around) Agency whims…

They got there at 7:30pm

HOW or WHO she blew to get on the plane remains open.

I’ve never made a plane with 30 minutes to spare from takeoff. Generally they shut the fucking door at 10 minutes before the final departure. Meaning if the flight leaves at 8pm, they shut the door and you’re shit-out-of-luck (baring mechanical issues) at 7:50pm.

Even when -I- was of Extreme and Exalted Status as not only a Diamond Level Frequent Flyer (KLM and Delta) but also I vetted myself through the TSA as well as ALL the Agencies to get the “Trusted Traveler Status” as well as “DotGov VIP” status which helped by me being a courier, as well as working for various 3 Letter Agencies… even with ALL of those prerequisites met, there was now way in hell I was getting on a plane that the door had already closed on.

So, no idea what happened there, but thankfully WonderDitz is on her way to see her married man (yeah, she’s that brilliant) while she leaves her full time boyfriend here (again WonderDitz… not the brightest bulb in the socket). Any wonder why I don’t like Gretch hanging with this broad?

He’s still a mess.
Unfortunately, -I’m- not allowed to institute what needs to be done. In Iraq we had this happen a lot. Now granted, the guys who bought the farm weren’t wives/husbands as far as I know. Thing is, guys get closer that marriage in Combat.

And because of this, the thing is, we had a set of immutable rules put in place to get the rest of the guys over IF the bad scene happened when a squad member/battle buddy or crew member got KIA’d. As in we had in situ a set of plans that got initiated if one of the boys bought it… Now as a contractor, I wasn’t ‘officially’ looped in, but b/c of my status I was as I rolled on missions with these guys, and they ‘were my boys‘ so to speak…I was looped in.

The first 48 hours, the guys who survived weren’t left alone. WE ALL sat with them/babysat them. It take about 48 hours for it (the reality) to hit. We took turns if they didn’t sleep which wasn’t uncommon. Then the next 24-48 came the self-recriminations:

“WHY did -I- live!?!”
“What could -I- have done differently!?!”
Again, ALL normal and TBH expected.

The next 24-48 is the hard grief stage.

Lots of crying, a general breakdown. Cowboy was in this when we went to see him. The realization that the individual is gone-gone and ain’t shit bringing them back.

Now, in the Army, for the survivors, after that 4-5 day timeframe, they usually sent the survivor(s) to a/on a two day rest camp, either at Camp Victory to the Australian Pool R&R in-country place OR back to Kuwait for the same sort of pool side R&R. Just two or three days… get them out of the area and out of the hootch area, especially if the roommate had been KIA’d… literally a full on ‘change of scenery’ so as to ‘hard reset’ the mentality. Get ’em a couple of ‘off the books beers/drinks’

No one is letting Cowboy do this.
The change of scenery part.

I argued hard that he needed to GTFO of the house, especially in light of the fact that she fucking died in the goddamned living room. Every. Single. Time. we were there, when he got up to piss, and walked past that particular spot, he kept muttering “Fuck, oh fuck, why God oh fuck!”


But apparently, no one wants to listen to the fucker (me) who’s dealt with too many fatal KIAs in my various years overseas… some of the guys, and gals who died that were very fucking close to me personally that I ‘shelved’ all them feelings because I was in my late 40s, and could ‘compartmentalize’ these deaths faaaar better than these poor fucking kids… I mourn them in my own way…. and they have not been forgotten

Thing is, life. goes. on.
There’s NO point in mourning forever.
He’s got too many responsibilities IMO
I’d say he gets 4 more days max to mourn, and then he needs a fucking slap upside the squash, ‘cos I sure AF know that’s what his now-deceased wife would do…she’d purely kick his ass for wallowing so badly.


As Gretchen has said, T’ain’t my place, as she talked to his utterly Libtarded Daughter and Son-in-Law. Fweelings and all that take priority I guess. I just hope he reads this, and understands I want nothing but the best for him, and that yeah, it sucks, and yeah, it’s gonna suck but shit ain’t gonna change, and you got shit to do, so it’s time to “Charlie Mike” which means “Continue Mission” and handle. your. shit.

Goddamned exhausting is what it is.

So later on, I’ll go over what I think is going to happen to us, because if the Krain. That cluster bombing of Women and Kids on the Sevastopol Beaches? Yeah… not a good thing, and our retards have no idea what it means, because they have their head so far up their own asses they wouldn’t understand either way.
So More Later
Big Country

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