More Of The Same

Oy Vey! All dis kvetching over the Olympic Opening Ceremony! Donchaknow it’s Antisemitisms!!! All them haters and eeee-vil right wingers???

Of course the soon-to-be THROATUS had to put her two cents in:

A post like that makes me realize that the Throat-GOAT can not ‘read a room’ nor…. well…. Hell… judging just in generalities I think “basic reading” at my Grand’s Level (age 6) is a bit of a stretch at this point

The only thing she’s able to do is successfully suck-start a Harley Davidson…

I mean I still can’t get over the shenanigans and bullshit, never mind the incredible amount of whitewashing and scrubbing that’s going on. I mean in full on Orwellian Fashion they’re desperately attempting to rewrite this vapid side-hoe cumdumpster into the Second Coming of…what?
Fuck…. even they don’t know what or who she is…

The entire operation stinks of the Intelligence Community again. I still can’t quite figure it out… the why of it all. I try to be a ‘big picture’ kind of person… thing of it is, none of it makes sense… it just reeks of hubris, ego, and institutional inertia that fails to take entropy into account… which then makes me think that it’s insanity that’s now fully infected the whole of any and all ‘things’ that are going on….

The very fact that “Bath-House Barry, the Obamamessiah” and “Big Mike” are still around and running the show ‘supposedly’? I mean anyone who’s spent any significant time researching Barry and his background knows that he’s literally a ‘product’ of the IC… I mean literally ‘made to order’ by some mysterious behind the scenes people that truthfully, at this point to me appear to be far more clownish than sinister.

We know he’s a CIA/Red Diaper Baby. That there’s a ‘strain’ of ‘true believers’ of “The Communism That Wasn’t Tried, But We’re Working on It!” group that firmly controls both our money and politics. John Brennan the former Head of the CIA being a prime candidate of these ‘behind the scenes’ clowns…

Brennan himself admitted during his polygraph that he’d voted for the Communist Party Candidate Gus Hall in the 1980 Presidential Election. Now, unlike some claims, he never admitted to being a member of the CPUSA, nor specifically being a Commie. He called it a “youthful indiscretion.”


Others like Anthony Lake, who had been President Clinton’s national security adviser got nominated in November 1996, following the resignation of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) John Deutch. Clinton then nominated Lake to be the new DCI.

Interestingly, Lake made some statements regarding Alger Hiss, the full-on fucking Soviet Spy who was oh so beloved and defended by “the System” to the point that when Lake was ambiguous on whether or not Hiss was in fact a spy, his dissembling was enough to derail his push to be the new head of the CIA.

So I guess if you don’t call out a Communist spy as a Communist spy is enough to derail the ‘job interview’ to be the Director of the CIA but voting for the Communist Party of the USA is just fucking peachy!?!

Just for the record, despite the attempts by the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, His was undoubtedly a fucking spy, and a long term one. Project Venona, a hi-speed-lo-drag early NSA project that had decrypted a bunch of Soviet messages and the like, and that Hiss was a spy, and that ALES was his probable code name.

SO yep.

Lots of behind the scene trash happening.
ALL linked, either up-front or peripherally to the Intel Community and it’s Lackeys and Fucktards


The more info we get about the attempted assassination of Trump, the worse it looks for the US Secret Service. Seesm now the local-yokel cops as well as their tactical teams had spotted Ree Tardy Autist almost a full hour before the shooting, and yet when they called it in, nothing happened. I can speak that even from my most limited experience in Personal Protective Details that IF there’s even a whiff of potential contact/danger to the principle, you lock him/her down, and keep everything locked the fuck down until a “clear” is called.

You sure as fuck don’t let the man take the stage and speak for 10-15 minutes…

But that’s exactly what happened
Add on the current ham handed election interference going on with the various tech companies attempting to erase any and all reference to the attempted assassination in real time? Seems that the goolag and ALL the AIs out there started saying that, when questioned about the “Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump” the answers invariably came back and said essentially “nah, never happened” or “I know not of what you speak”

Make of it what you will
“1984” apparently is being played out in Real-Time

As is the “Steal 2024, Venezuelan Edition” going on Right Now

Nicolás Maduro was up for ‘re(s)election’.
According to him He won with 51.2% of the vote.
This is/was damned near the exact amount percentage-wise that Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den won against OrangeManBad aka The Bulletproof Felon won by.

Interesting That innit?

Of course the THROATUS had to chime in… reinforcing the steal. I mean of course they’re going to try the same. exact. thing. here. AGAIN. Because that’s what they need to do.

But it’s getting ugly down there.
Lots of gunplay
Lots of dead.
SOME of the Venezuelan DotMil switched sides. It’s so bad that the opposition party ran, and hid in the Argentinian Embassy for protection. Maduro then ordered his Chavistas (his own private Army of thugs, much like BLM) to ‘take’ the embassy.

Argentina has started a general recall and activation of it’s troops. They issued a demarche, which pretty much is being ignored.

Shit’s getting interesting to say the least.
The last Venezuelan (s)election only went over because shit there wasn’t terminally bad. However, Now? It’s gotten far worse, and people are done. Have to watch and see.

So More Later
Big Country

Faggot-Infested France and Various ‘Things’ Usually Left Unsaid

To keep up with the outrage that’s going on with the pretty much openly-Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony:

Like really?
This’s a “Drinker Moment”

Did we really save all them French folks and sacrifice oh-so-many of our best and brightest to have this sort of shit happen?

Shit like this makes me want to ask them via a time machine…
Or at least call it out

Yeah. This was followed by a mockery of the Last Supper:

To whit I came up with this:

Yeeeeah… And LOTS of questions of just WHO was behind this?

First two guess don’t count as you know who is behind it.
and… man, they sure AF don’t help themselves:

But of course!
Gay AND Jewish.

Which also has this tidbit about that ‘can’t miss if you aim at it’ bull moose that was the “Christ” figure in the above abomination:

As Arthur Sido and I say on the regular:

And for those who want to throw the anti-semite flag?
Go ahead.
I’m not per se.
Just like they aren’t Anti-Whytte.
Just ask them. That’s what they tell you.
Until they get grouped in as Whytte.
Then “all of a sudden” when they look like they’re going to be hit by their Gollums, then they try like fuck to hide behind the fig-leaf of “oppressed group” to gain a foothold on the “protected class” group.
Hint: Ain’t going to help you, one way or another
Jes’ Sayin’

The problem is that currently, no one remembers the at-best Questionable ‘Holocaust Narrative’. With the ‘aging out’ of the troops who were there, the ‘Greatest Generation’ as well as the boomers and the should be dying out/aging out of ‘supposed survivors’ the current crop of youngsters don’t give a fuck…
That and they can do the basic math.

I mean lets be completely honest.

Supposedly there’s 245,000 death camp survivors STILL ALIVE

OK… to me? Seems a bit high IMO.

What you’ll notice is that they will not tell you how many of them went to the “death camps”. So, that leaves us to look at the last known good count of how many Jew there were in 1933:

9.5 Million.
In 1933
With supposedly “6 Million Killed” is all the camps?

And yet they also tell us that there’s almost a quarter of a million of them still alive? Not to mention the 9.5 million number includes areas that the Germans never had control over Like England, Spain and a bunch of ‘other’ places.

Add on the current surviving number of US WW2 Veterans as of 2023? Well to start with, we have a pretty good count of “How Many Served” +/- a couple of thousand:

So 16 million were “in Boots”
How are currently still alive?
Not fucking many:

This was as of September 2023.
I’m pretty sure that that number has dropped significantly.

My entire point is, that IF there were 9.5 million Jews at the beginning of WW2, and then 6 Million were Killed, and THAT majority came from ONLY occupied countries, well, let’s add it up, using their own chart:

The Jewish communities of eastern Europe were devastated. In 1933, Poland had the largest Jewish population in Europe, numbering over three million. By 1950, the Jewish population of Poland was reduced to about 45,000. The Soviet Union had the largest remaining Jewish population, with some two million Jews. Romania’s Jewish population was nearly 757,000 in 1930 and fell to approximately 280,000 (1950). Most of these demographic losses were due to the Holocaust, the rest to postwar emigration from Europe.

The Jewish population of central Europe was also devastated. Germany had a Jewish population of 525,000 in 1933 and just 37,000 in 1950. Hungary had 445,000 in 1933 and 190,000 in 1950. Czechoslovakia’s Jewish population was reduced from about 357,000 in 1933 to 17,000 in 1950 and Austria’s from about 191,000 to just 18,000.

In western Europe, the largest Jewish communities remained in Great Britain, with approximately 450,000 Jews (300,000 in 1933) and France, with 235,000 (250,000 in 1933). In southern Europe, the Jewish population fell dramatically: in Greece from about 73,000 in 1933 to just 7,000 in 1950; in Yugoslavia from about 70,000 to 3,500; in Italy from about 48,000 to 35,000; and in Bulgaria from 50,000 in 1933 to just 6,500 in 1950 (the reduction in the Bulgarian Jewish population resulted from postwar emigration). The demographic focus of European Jewry thus shifted from eastern to western Europe.

Before the Nazi takeover of power in 1933, Europe had a vibrant and mature Jewish culture. By 1945, most European Jews—two out of every three—had been killed. Most of the surviving remnant of European Jewry decided to leave Europe. Hundreds of thousands established new lives in Israel, the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, South America, and South Africa.

“The United State Holocaust Museum ‘Holocaust Encyclopedia’ ” website

So as the numbers go from their own website HERE as the following:
Germany: Start: 525000 End (1950): 37000 Loss: 521300
Hungary: Start: 445000 End (1950): 190000 Loss: 255000
Start: 357,000 End (1950): 17000 Loss: 340000
Austria: Start: 191000 End (1950): 18000 Loss: 173000

The other countries NOT listed with very specific losses were Russia, Poland and Romania. However, through the extraction of things from their own charts gives us an approximate loss:
Russia: Start: 2525000 End: 2000000 Loss: 525000
Poland: Start: 3000000 End: 45000 Loss: 2955000
Romania: Start: 980000 End: 280000 Loss: 700000

All in all, doing the math using their own numbers, that means 5,469,300 were killed in the Holocaust. And then they say that there was ackchully 6 million, which is a disparity of about 530,700.

My point is, that if they Der Chermans were so good at this ‘extermination’ then HOW did, as of last year, a quarter of a Million of them not only survive, but are still alive!?!

Let’s also just say, for grins and giggles that those 245000 soooooovivors were what? Let’s assign the Age of “10” as at ten, they’d be able to do things and have enough self-awareness/survival skills to stay alive under horrific condition. That means that IF they were ten in 1940, and they made it to 1945, it means they were born in 1930.
That means they’d ALL be 94.
My Father-in Law was born in 1938. 86 years old. He’s still mentally ‘there’ but health-wise, physically? Notsomucho.
Just how many 94 year olds do you personally know?
Me? Fucking Zip. Nada. El Zilcho. ANd for all the ones who claim to have been ‘babies in the camps’?

What happened to “babies were bashed/killed/slaughtered/fed to dogs as soon as they got to the camps?” Just…. wow…

I mean THIS is why no one buys the grift anymore.

FAR too many ‘supposed survivors’ coming out and being nailed to the wall for lying about their ‘sooooooviving!!!’ The very fact of they still are getting paid by Germany and getting ALL this Grift Money flowing into their coffers, never mind the Christian-Grift ads on TV at night talking about ‘poor Holocaust Sooooovivers’ who need “your monthly $22 dollar donation so they can stay alive!!!!”

I mean the Daily Fail at least once every two weeks or so does an ‘expose’ on some ‘stunning and brave’ soooooovivor and either their sooooooviving and their story or even better (for laughs at the total bullshit factor) of how the “newly widowed Sooooovivor met up with her childhood boyfriend NOW, who ALSO is a sooooovivor, and how they just got married!!!!”

Ahhhh true love…

THIS is why the newer Generations like the Millennials and Gen Z don’t believe in the Holocaust, nor are willing to even entertain the idea. Those of us who’re Gen X? Well, we just don’t and didn’t give a fuck anyways. We were the first generation to realize ALL the other generations were full of shit, and thus, we. didn’t. care. either. The Jewish groups overall, just made it too unbelievable.

What they (Gen M and Z) do believe is what they see… which is GAZA and the savagery unleashed on a mostly-civilian population, and OUR bought-and-paid for Mostly Dual Citizanshit Politicos sending a metric fuckton of OUR money to support an ongoing Genocide.

Believe you me, I’m not denying anything from the past.
However, the numbers just don’t add up.
I’ve been to the “death camps/work camps” I’ve seen them with my own two eyes.

Did bad things happen there?
Fuck yeah.
Was it as bad as they say it was?
Don’t know.
I wasn’t there. And neither were you.
So because of that, I’m pretty neutral about it. That being said though, and seeing what I do see which is that the ones who seem to nearly constantly call for the annihilation of white people and/or the Christians as a whole? It bothers me, as IF you say anything it gets you hemmed up.

WiscoDave send me this:

It’s a propaganda drawing from ‘back in the day’ that was an American anti-communist illustration showing Stalin painting the world red with the blood of ‘Dead Christians’.

Of course I had to update it:

Far More Accurate for today’s times w/Krainfeld.

Which in itself has not been addressed by anyone that I can tell. The Kokaine Kowboy Krainfeld and his Koterie of Klowns are ALL Jewish. ALL. of. them. and they’ve been utterly resolute in continuing a war that is slaughtering primarily Orthodox Christians. In fact, look at the Members of the Tribe on the US Side who’ve been the architects of this ‘tiddly lil war’ and man…

I think the backlash on THAT particular problem, when and IF the Krainians ever figure it out, there won’t be a Jew left alive in the entirety of the Krain at all. IF they wake up… man. Glad I’m not part of that group when that particular “sleeper awakens” over there. Considering that the Krainian Nazis were MOAR Nazi-Than-Nazi back then, and even now?


Then there’s the mentioning of the Gaza. Seems up north, a soccer field was supposedly hit by a Hezbollah Rocket, that resulted in 10 dead kids. That really really sucks, no matter what the situation is. However, on finding out a bit more info/intel, turns out the kids in question are Druze.

The Druze are of the Druze faith, Abrahamic,  monotheistic,  syncretic, and ethnic religion whose main tenets assert the unity of God, reincarnation, and the eternity of the soul, per Wiki. They ain’t Jews, and they ain’t Islamic. They tend to side with the Jews however, as the Islamics hate them almost as much as they hate the Jews. It was they who bore the brunt of today’s casualties.

Twelve teenagers and children have been killed after a rocket attack on a football field in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, Israeli media reports.

The rocket hit a football field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams killing several people between the ages of 10 and 20. 

The Israeli Defence Force have blamed Hezbollah for the strike with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warning the militant group ‘will pay a heavy price’, according to his office.

Israel’s military called it a ‘very serious’ incident with their military chief spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, describing it the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since the Hamas attack on October 7.

Daily Mail

Problem however:
The Hezbollah denied it. Not for nothing, BUT then this came out:

Even the locals are saying it was a falling Iron Dome round…

Make of it what you will. Thing of it is, the Hezbollah aren’t known for targeting the Druze at all. I fact, so far? It’s been primarily targeting Izzy DotMil bases and settlements.

Again, make of it what you will.
Your thoughts always welcome in the comments
So More Later
Big Country

A Follow Up To ‘Chinballs’ Height and THROATUS’ Wiki

A couple of you pointed out that the scale, because of the distance front-to-back in The Empress and The Popeshitter, that there would have been a variance of scale.

Now, supposedly the tool I have takes distance wariance into account, and does it’s best to compensate. That being said then, I found, courtesy of WiscoDave a great pic that ALSO shows that the various “Chinballs, Type Many Each, Mark One, Model(s) 1,2,3 and 4” have a variation of heights. This one was taken when he was standing next to Bibi “ChildKiller” Nutjobyayhoo at the meeting yesterday:

You can go to the Twatter and dig out the rest if you want, but for shits and grins, I ran this pic through ‘Ye Olde Measuring Toole’ as well:

Pretty Close to what I got last night.
Close enough for <ahem> “Government Specs” Aye?
And looking at it, I’d say this was “Chinballs Model #2” which is the same one they’ve been using a lot lately.

Either here, nor there.
“Janky” was this (mal)Administrations forte.

“Skanky” is going to be the one under THROATUS on the off chance that she actually gets in. Myself? I personally think there’s no way they can run her alllll the way to a win. Even with a cheat or outright ‘steal’ she’s just too damned disliked, if not outright hated and despised. Despite the knee-jerk (and drop) that the various Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda reaction had, and subsequent attempts to poorly scrub any and all negative stories about this cum-dumpster, it’s readily apparent to even hardcore Blue-Dawg DemoncRats like MomUnit that she’s critically, if not criminally incapable of doing the job.

I mean on her best days she’s barely verbally comprehensible.

Considering that we’ve had to suffer through the Mindless Stumble-Bum Joey “Mumblefuck” Xi-Den’s incoherent ramblings for years, The Throat-Goat is NOT a viable replacement… At least with him, they had the ability to fall back on his ‘stutter’ which he had as a fucking child. However, her near-constant propensity for clueless “word salad” and mindless/clueless verbal drivel/diarrhea has been a joke for years, even among the Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda who on occasion has made fun of her… An example of such ‘pithy phrases’:

“What can be, unburdened by what has been”

What in the fuck does that even mean!?! She’s said it so much that it even has it’s own Wiki Page! Interestingly, it still there (link HERE) but as ALL things that are negative against the Uber-Fascist Left Wing, there’s an ongoing ‘discussion’ of whether or not to delete it. If you have a Wiki Account, you can get in on the fun if you want. I don’t and won’t, but that’s just me. For posterity though, here’s the screen cap:

…and they call US fucking fascists

If there was ANYTHING that makes me utterly and completely oh-so-over them, I’d have to say the whole ‘projection’ thing. These people… it’s like they’re from an entirely different planet or something.

They sure as fuck don’t live in the real world.

So. That’s about it for tonight. I’m utterly exhausted from all the ‘extra’ stuff I’m doing these days. Like “falling out/wiped out”…
SO I’m off to bed. “Emptied” the pupper again, took care of “The Gimp” and now it’s MY TURN!

More Later
Big Country

The Various ‘(p)REsidents’ And Chinballs… We Got Problems.

Greetings everyone!
So the majority of us saw the farce that was the “Chinballs” (p)Residential Stand In. I’d hanker a guess that they got at least four of these guys who’ve been doing the “performance art” of filling in for the Corpse Formerly Known as the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den, or simply “The Joetato” for brevity.

The reason I call him Chinballs is pretty self-explanatory:

‘Deez Nutz’ if you will, were first noticed on the (p)Residential Airplane, ‘Air Farce Dumb’ a few months back. It raised all sorts of questions then which were dutifully ignored by the now-absolutely Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda. It was also when he went a wee bit off script, leaving Secretion of Staatz Anthony Winken, Blinken, and Nod looking utterly horrified.

What I find interesting (outside of the Chinballs) is that it always seems to be Blinken who is the ‘handler’ of the various “models” of the (p)Resident, the Corpse Formerly Known as The Joetato.

Considering that the Chinballs Guy goes off script pretty frequently, I have to wonder if he’s doing it intentionally? Maybe to keep people just wondering IF The Joetato is that fucking fried or what?

Not sure.

There were a couple of ‘other’ anomalies that played out. Keen-eyed observers pointed out The Joetato’s watch:

The time on the watch face is set to about 18:07/6:07pm, give or take a minute or two I believe.

Supposedly the “presser” went LIVE at 20:00 or 8pm “The Usual Suspects” immediately came out and started screaming about “Deep Fakes!” which is going to be a regular thing for the next couple of months I reckon. The upper left corner is what the time should have been, however, the watch face itself, as I said, shows a wee bit past 6pm. In this case, it’s his Rolex Datejust:

However, right after the presser, The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and the Relic Formerly Known as The Joetato came out to give some sort of ‘remarks’ in the Rose Garden out back of the Whytte Haus (leastways I -think- that’s where they were):

(Screengrab from CBS I think)

Anyone else notice anything?
I did.

This here above is a picture of the The Emperor and Empress where they are pretty much side-by-side there at some sort of fundraiser or some grift… Their respective heights are listed on the Goolag as such:

Tater is 6’0
Kinkyboots is 5’6
A six-inch-difference…
Time to do some BCE Investigative Bullshit…

Because of this, I did another screen grab, and ran it through my measuring tool, (the same one I used to measure Ree Tardy Autist’s rifle barrel length in another poast HERE) using a “known good” (the green line) and then got a really rough estimate for the Big Guy himself:

The ‘known good’ is ‘5.5’ as it’s done in increments of ten, so 5’6, is 5.5.
Him? That’d be about 6 foot 8? 3/4 of a foot.

And she’s wearing HEELS!!!

As Joe Pritch on ‘Poast’ put it up over there:

I report, you decide.

Even my patron, DiveMedic noticed, and put out his opinion HERE Besides the Chinballs, he points out that the eye color is different between the two guys playing (p)Resident…

H/T DiveMedic

There’s also the hair factor:

That was when ‘The Non-Chinballs Model’ was ‘supposedly’ coming back from Delaware to get ready for the “Big Explanation” that we saw yesterday. A LOT more hair than what they had last night. Gretchen, who’s done hair professionally said that there is absolutely a difference that even ‘product’ (i.e. gel/spray/ whatnot) could NOT account for int he differences.

Let me tell you, she knows her hair ‘stuff’ like I know weaponry.
That’s saying something…

That was taken at this year’s “State of the Onion”… which I believe is another Model, the “Intermediate Chinballs” one… Better hair, smoother skin and lesser Chinballs.

It’s a pretty sure thing that there’s a couple or three, if not more of the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den has more mobile carcasses running around loose out there.

Of course afterwards all of them are going to be stamped

…and ‘disposed of’ promptly.
Not sure if they understand that.

So, AGAIN, we live in INTERESTING times to say the least.

The basic issue that I’ve been meandering towards is that we got problems. And it’s NOW out in the open. Like it’s been in the open forever and a day for anyone with half-a-brain. The thing of it is? The majority of the US “Educated” NPCs had no idea that it was this fucking bad. I mean just the other day, I saw some Joe Rogan podcast from February where Michael Malice explained to him just what an “NPC” was/is.

The fact that Joe Rogan “Mister Super-Intelligent and Wired-in Who Examines The Pulse of ‘Murica” had no fucking clue what an NPC is tells me a lot about the current state of affairs.

Celebutards like him AND his ilk are the primary ‘Gatekeepers’ of the current ‘Social Constructs’ if you will. Much like how George Clooney, who raised how many millions of dollars for the Festering Corpse of The Joetato’s re-(s)election, until he suddenly reversed course? And when Clooney did the fastest turnaround in the history of them, how many Box-Wine Aunties and Eggless Egg Carton Wahmen did the same exact thing? They jumped so fucking quickly from the sinking “Joepedo”

over to voat for literally a woman who made it to the “top” by being on the bottom?

The very same wahmen who speak of misogyny and how “…they don’t need no man!” and all the usual fucking platitudes? They literally have changed their political allegiance without question from a because a ‘top tier man’ who gives them the screaming thigh-sweats told them to? A guy who, for the majority of them, wouldn’t piss on them to put them out if they were flailing about at his feet, on fire.

To steal a line from Monty Pythons “Holy Grail”
“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government…”

But instead of any rational reason Clooney, a multi-millionaire Nepo-Baby ‘adult pretender’ told them to (s)elect a Desiccated Dullard who on his best day(s) might have been a high functioning Midwit Retard, told them that it was a good thing for them to voat this way.

Because reasons and sheeeeee-it.

JD Vance had it right. As he stated in 2021 he saw as one of the biggest problems facing America: It’s being run “by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

Absolutely Goddamned Right.

And it’s only going to get worse as time goes on.

Too Many NPCs.
Too many fanatics.

I will openly state though, I can’t say that I know a lot about Vance, nor do I really give a fuck. I do know he was a genuine combat Marine as opposed to Transportation Pete “Never Left The FOB” Buttplug. Everyone can agree to disagree with me, but IMO, he’s the possible Vice President, so why should I give a fuck? In the past, no one genuinely gave a shit who the VP candidate was, unless it was some “Erf Shattering Change-Up” like when Geraldine Ferraro got picked to run with whatizname? Walter “Nobody” Mondale… that was it…. and notice if I didn’t define who she was, the majority of you non-political types would have had to goolag her name…

The one and only reason that the Veep became even remotely/partially important over the past few years is

A) The Joetato was so blatantly infirm and incapable. Anyone (with the exception of hardcore DemoncRats and NPCs) with even a quarter-of-a-cortex could see it, and therefore damned near everyone thought there was a pretty good fucking chance that -whoever- The Corpse Formerly Known as “Brandon” picked would be the new Prez shortly after the (s)Election.


B) The Fucktard they/he did pick is probably why no one tried to off The Spud. I mean even on his own side, despite the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda to the contrary, he wasn’t exactly beloved by the various DotGov Population. Even the Obamamessiah purely hated his ass. The problem was, he (or the people who run him) picked the best ‘safety valve’ he/they could. A sperm-burping, nonintelligent, right color, right gender, and unambitious at the time cackling retard. A perfect ‘nonentity’ that IF she got elevated, everyone knew she’d be an UTTER and COMPLETE disaster (and probably as easily controlled), so therefore everyone held their collective breaths (and noses) and waited. And prayed that they could just s-q-u-e-e-z-e ONE full term out of him, maybe two.

The Veep position, per historical precedent would have been under ‘normal circumstances’ just overlooked and ignored. He/She is just supposed to be a ‘spare’ in case of ‘issues’

No More, No Less.

But per German Field Marshal Helmuth Von Moltke: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”.

I’d say that’s a stone cold fact.
The other reason now isn’t because of the Throat-Goat, (or THROATUS which also cracks me up) but because someone took a shot at OrangeManBad, and someone else will probably do so again, so again, the Veep candidate unfortunately matters.


So your thoughts? Gotta go empty the pupper (who’s growing like a weed!) for the night.
More Later
Big Country

A Bit Sparse Tonight, Got Medical ‘Stuff’ Happening

So for once it’s not me!

Last Night, Gretchen was in the bathroom handling business. The pupper was out and ‘being a pupper’ running around, just clueless when she decided that doing the “I’ll weave in and around Mommy’s legs while she’s trying to get her drawers back on.

Needless to say Gretchen attempted to do the whole ‘bob and dodge thing as well, Chili is still but a wee pupper. In the attempt, she rolled her ankle pretty badly.

So I ended up instead of blogging, I was now in ‘help the wife’ mode and have been in it since. Lots of ice, compression, an ace bandage to start with, and then I got her one of those gel-cast things. She said that that’s what she used when she’d roll her ankle when she did dance back in the day.

I’ll say thing, I ordered that sucker at like 7pm, and it was at the front door when I went to take Chili out at 0700. The box at the front door scared her to death as it ‘was out of the norm’ for her. She’s at that age where anything out of the norm scares her… typical pupper.

So that showed up, and this AM and after I ’emptied’ both doggos, when I went to put the brace on, her ankle was now black and blue and way more swollen up that the night before. I called the Orifice at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #871 and told them I was clocking out to get Wifey to either the EER or the Urgent Care up the street.

She got in, and that went pretty quickly.

It was when she had to go on referral to the large-ish Medical Imaging place is where we ended up spending the remainder of the day. Like a 3, maybe 4 hour wait for the MRI.

And even worse, the results didn’t get back to us until about an hour ago (20:30+/-) so too late to do anything. Not that there’s much to do. Reading the ‘stuff’ she’s got 2x clean tears on the ligaments on the outside of her hoof:

AS I circled, specifically the Anterior talofibular and Calcaneofibular ligament(s).

Thankfully, surgery isn’t required.

However, it means I’m now reduced in ranks to “Body Servant” as she’s going to be bedridden and I’ll have to jump around. Between taking care of all the dogs, the cats, the cooking and cleaning, plus my ‘regular duties’ I’m going to be as busy as a one-legged motherfucker in an asskicking contest.

The only thing of specific note on the Poly-Ticks side of things is that one of my oldest friends, who literally has been a Absolute Hippy-Democrat for like his entire life has “rage-quit” the DemoncRats. This’ a guy who for years debated with me over the various ‘stuff’ going on ‘out there’. We’ve always been on polar opposite sides, but we’ve always respected each other and each others opinion. Like one of the few I’ve ever been able to get along with like that.


On Facebook, the current undemocratic “selection” of the. most. unpopular. woman. in. politics (outside of Killary) has him so pissed off that he’s now fanatically Pro-OrangeManBad…

For that matter he said that anyone who runs against the “Throat Goat” would get his vote, even if it was a fried-egg sammich. Now taking that into account, let’s just think about the math on that… That’s just one guy I know.

Word is there’s a couple of thousand just like him. And Twitter? The fucking ‘swing to the right’ is truly something to behold. Like crazy levels of ‘defections’. What is it they say? Something about an anti-gun/anti-self defense person who gets raped/robbed ‘suddenly’ becomes a fanatical pro-gun/pro 2A person?

Converts tend to swing far harder in the ‘new direction’
I.E. becoming damned near fanatical Converts.
So between the ‘reality’ of the Joetato becoming well and truly exposed, the media lies of the past 3-4 years become even MORE exposed, and now the ‘switcheroo’ to the Throat Goat?

Grabeth Le Popcorn.
Gotta go get the Wife some water w/ice
More Later
Big Country

Ree Tardy Autist’s Supposed Rifle and What I Got

Now this post might be a wee bit ‘controversial’ in that my sourcing for this is sketchy AF. I got sent a picture supposedly of what my source said was/is “Ree Tardy Autist’s” rifle. The one that he theoretically used to take some shots at the Bulletproof Felon.

Again I do not know if this’s legit.

This was grabbed from social media before the “Great Enscrubbening” happened. Which as people are finally noticing (AKA the normies and NPCs) always seems to happen when you’ve got some exceptionally shady DotGov involvement going on.

You would think that they’d have set up alternative fake and ghey accounts that they could put out as part and parcel of the coverup right? I mean the very concept of what appears to be a 20 year old Male, who by all reports was a fucking incel (which is a ‘bandwagon’ that they have not as of yet ‘jumped on’, which I find surprising) and generally had NO real friends locally has ZERO online presence outside of ONE count it ONE Discord server!

Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells.

I mean do YOU know of any 20 year old, outside of the Amish and/or Luddites who don’t have some sort of online presence?

So, not sure just where this pic came from. The source in question has never steered me wrong. I have NO IDEA if it’s legit, or where and when it was taken. Now it’s supposed to be a Bushmaster AR-15@e? or a DPMS… it was bought in 2013, so I can’t find a lot of info on just HOW it came from the factory.

Either way, factory or not, the red dot alone tells me some things were done to change it up a bit. I was only informed that this pic came off of a ‘family member’s’ social media. The father owned 12-13 weapons, of what type I have no idea. Supposedly he had only the one AR. Because of this, this picture matches up with the descriptions of the weapon in question when I mate it up with the rifle laying on the roof:

Now, the only missing parts I can see are from the front of the barrel. In the clear pic, we’ll call it “Dad’s Rifle or “DR” for brevity, there looks like there’s a short vertical grip, and what appears to be a light or laser in front of that mounted. The ‘rifle on the roof or “RR” the same reason, doesn’t seem to have these on there.

It’s neither here nor there as we all know, ARs are very quickly reconfigured which is why so many people love them.

It’s Barbie, but for Men.

The MLOK rails down the side also appear to have the rubber covers installed on the DR weapon. The RR is too blurry to tell. In fact the RR? It’s almost impossible to identify anything on it or about it, which is, as I’ve stated before highly unusual in itself as the ‘normal thing’ is for every. single. anti-gun. fucktard. in the nation to wave around the AR used like a “bloody shirt” to gain traction for their anti-2a causes.

Now as far as basic DR/RR analysis.

It’s got a 16in Barrel. I made sure to check. Using an online measuring tool I got this, using the dust cover (3.1in+/-) from the DR and then did the drag/measure on the rifle barrel itself to get as the approximately ‘known width/length’. This gave me a 16in+/- barrel length. I just wanted to make sure as some have said it from the rooftop pic that it looked longer. This, mind you, is a rough-rough estimate:

You can’t see the red line for the ‘known good’ but it -is- there.

Then, the red-dot. Now the RR shows something mounted. The press have said that he had a red dot, and that picture leads me to believe this is correct. The DR rifle has a red-dot as well. It looks like a Holosun. The logo matches. Probably an older model as Dad bought it in 2013 I think? Zooming in:

To do a ‘for comparison’:

I think the ‘crosshair’ “O” is what gives it away.

Then the furniture appears to be Magpul. Rear stock and grip. The stock might be aftermarket as the Bushmaster doesn’t come with this particular model:

The sight in the front IMO is a Magpul as well. It’s really nice and fat on the curves. That would be the MBUS front sight:

However, the rear sight lacks the ‘fatness’ that the MBUS rears have. To my eyes I think it’s a skinnier metal folder like the UTG:

SO, that’s what I got for the rifle.
My conclusion is, using THAT setup it’s definitely plausible that RTA managed to ‘wing’ OrangeManBad. Especially IF that Holosun is dialed in correctly.

The thing of it is however, is that considering that they have not gone out and shown any official pictures of the Rifle-in-Question, it sure as hell raises MOAR questions than anything else.

The biggest being “What else are these morons hiding!?!”

In fact today during the GRILLING of the soon-to-be fired Head of the USSS< Auntie DEI-Boxwine Catstink, a question was asked of “How many spent shell casings were found on the roof?” To which Auntie DBC answered “I don’t know.”

There’s Fucktardation
Then there’s “You’re going to go to jail Fucktardation”

Seriously… just who are they threatening? What relative? Nieces? Nephews? Mom and Dad? I mean she’s the epitome of an “empty egg carton” who bemoans “Where have all the good men gone?” whilst drowning herself in cheap Chablis at night…

Or what are they promising?
Is there an island in the Bahamas with her name on it with a –quiet- number Swiss account waiting for her?

Inquiring minds.
I sure as fuck know that at this point, she should have figured out that when the plot went sideways, that this was not going to end well for her. MY bet is she ‘Epsteins’ herself (/sarc) dramatically due to the “…unwarranted misogynist attacks on her and her ‘X’ numbers of years of dedicated and loyal service to our Great Nation” or some pukey type drivel like that that the DemoncRats will utilize in some form of attack ad later after shes dead.

However, since she most definitely is not the sharpest knife in the block, she’s still going to “stand stronk” against all those ‘haters’!!! “You go gurrrrrl!”

They can carve that on her tombstone after she gets cashed in when they’re done using her…
Jes’ Sayin’

So, your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

Newly Unburdened, or is That “UnBidened?” and A Range Card Instructional (IMPORTANT!)

Greetings and Salutations!
“May you live in interesting times!”
I’d have to say we got that going on in spades these days. Lots of info flying around about the Joetato deciding to ‘step back’ from the Re(s)election, so much so as to leave everyone wondering just how this happened when less than 24 hours go, the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den was so absolutely adamant that he wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon…

To paraphrase Captain Willard again: “The bullshit piled up so high in Vietnam Democrat Politics, you needed wings to stay above it!”

The best take I’ve seen on it?

Wow. <slow golf clap >

Now… besides the latest drama, my post for an Instructional that I think is going to be needed, leastways possibly? in the near future?

That being Range Cards and the “How to and Why” of them.

Now, a range card is, per the Manual: “A range card is a sketch of the assigned sector that a direct fire weapon system is intended to cover. A range card aids in planning and controlling fires and aids the crews and squad gunners in acquiring targets during limited visibility. It is also an aid for replacement personnel or platoons or squads to move into the position and orient on their sector. The individual soldier or gunner should make the range card so that he becomes more familiar with the terrain in his sector. He should continually assess the sector and, if necessary, update his range card. The range card is always being updated.”
The Range Card itself looks like this:

The actual DotMil Document number is a DA FORM 5517-R
FEB 1983. An .pdf (downloadable and printable) one can be found here: DA FORM 5517-R The ones I have are smaller, waterproof and meant to be folded and put into my wrist quick reference pouch.


The size of the card is really not that important. It’s primarily utilized to assist you, and others in being able to quickly identify various approaches, terrain features and dead space to your operational front.

The Purpose of the Range Card:
There are several goals that a Range Card seeks to achieve:

-aids in targeting known points during limited visibility

-identifies key terrain, sectors of fire, MELs, Enemy AA,
natural/man made obstacles, ‘Dead Space’

-allows several adjoining Range Cards to create a Sector
(Platoon Range Card)

-permits ANY replacing unit/Soldier to quickly conduct (RIP –
Relief In Place)

-uses a standard form for ease of use

-allows for precise targeting points (distance, direction, T&E
measurements etc.)

The preparation of the card incorporates ALL of the above information to provide a graphic (albeit crude) representation of the potential battlespace, to include approaches, and other key terrain features.

Everything ‘radiates’ from the dot in the center at the bottom of the card. Your Left and Right Limits (how far you can shoot/see/observe to your left and right OR the L&R Limit is where your particular positional responsibilities begin and end, as your Buddy t-FAT or Berglander in the foxhole/position next to you on the left takes over and starts HIS area of responsibility where your ends.

This means in this sort of instance, YOUR Left Limit Line would be your STOP, and Berglander’s RIGHT Limit Line is the START of his sector. A near complete card for example:

The lines also delineate the Sector(s) of Fire – The sector of fire is identified on the range card with a left and right sector limit drawn in. These lines represent the far left and far right areas the fire team or even just the ‘grunt in the hole’ is covering. If time permits, these sector lines should be accompanied with proper azimuths measured with a compass and then correctly annotated in the data section of the range card. These sector limits are important as they are used by commanders when setting up sector sketches, as well as by other coordinating elements.

The card information that you should put down if available is as such:

Marginal Info includes the who, as well as the map orientation in the upper right corner. It depends on how important that info is. Under the sort of circumstances that we may need it, positional defense fighting without heavy or even intermediate support, it comes down to personal preference. I’d say that it IS just good practice to do everything you can. As you might know ‘which way is North’ from your familiarity with the defensive position, however, a newbie might not.

The Data section – This refers to the bottom portion of the range card that provides an area for additional information such as weapon system, what distance each arc represents, TRP info and any other pertinent data for the team.

Now, per the manual, these are the steps ion order that one should utilize in preparing the card:

Each concentric line going around the card, those help determine range. You can guesstimate it, or if you want accuracy, and have the ability to genuinely measure it out it needs to be done.

An aside regarding ‘laser rangefinders’ and the hoopala about Lee Tardy Autist having one.

I bought one back in 2020 for less than the current rate. The link is HERE and yeah I get a taste. It was about $70? as I remember? but hey… for everyone of the morons out there yelling about “specialized DotMil Equipment” and the cost? They can go soak their heads… maybe the water will fill in some of that empty space between their ears…

Either way, a very handy tool to have.

The referenced “TRPs” stands for Target Reference Points – Target Reference Points (TRPs), are selected locations within a given sector that are identified on a range card with grid coordinates that can be pre assigned to artillery units in order to rapidly engage enemy units without having to go through all the normal steps when calling for fire. For sniper teams, TRPs are also used for various other reasons such as a spotter being able to use the TRP to direct his sniper onto a target as well as other uses. A team should have at LEAST one TRP on a range card, typically several would be better. Assigning the TRPs names helps with team communication and this can be done with standard SOP naming conventions, or simply calling it what it is, such as “road intersection”

Now, lets talk about “dead space”
Besides being a pretty good video game, it’s defined as “areas and masking terrain like depressions or ground behind hills/objects, such as buildings”
Using this as a card:

The roads, bridges, various woodlines and buildings have been drawn in. So far, so good. The next thing however is plotting your ‘blind spots/likely infiltration areas’ AKA ‘dead space’. This is identified on a range card by shading in the area(s) that are NOT within your immediate visual range:

Terrian features like the creek, specifically depending on how deep/how high the walls of the banks are contribute to whether or not it would be considered an area of interest:

Now, IF you had higher support echelons, such as the ability to call for indirect fire, the dead space areas would be pre-registered for a call for fire. This means that if you have Bad Guys firing from the woodline, or behind the barn, you would, and could, via information on your range card, call for some pain to hit in the areas that have been defined.

In fact, this was part and parcel of the placement of the snipers at the event in Butler. The team of snipers, the one that EVERYONE has seen,

were placed in a position that blocked the direct line-of-sight to where the bad guy was set up. The MAJORITY of pictures are older ones that show the trees when they were still small-ish.

As they are NOW?

They’ve dialed down the illumination on the picture, but if you look closely there’s a lot of dead space that team could not cover. In fact it’s telling that the building that the team that did take out Lee Tardy isn’t even in the picture so to speak.

I’d say that gross incompetence played a role.
Maybe even a lack of proper range cards?
I know that range cards were mandatory in Sniper School. Guess that part of the curriculum is no longer part of it? That or:

So I hope that gives you something to ‘play with’ and think about. It can be a lot of work in making them, but it is something that in a “Hard Times” situation, especially IF you have people/family members and other trusted elements that show up, but don’t know the area, it’s a critical item.

I have, for myself printed off some 8.5in x 11 Cards and laminated them, and have them for all four major corners/fronts of the house, with the ability to use good dry erase markers to keep them updated as needed. I also used some of the online wizardry to get the houses and various other semi-permanent structures printed, with the range card overlaid.

I say ‘semi-permanent’ in that in a full on Mad Max cycle, some of these houses might be reduced to burned out shells. One can never know, nor expect things to ‘remain the same’.

So hope this helps!
Let me know in the comments!
More Later
Big Country

I’m ALL Over The Place Tonight. Classified Docs, Taylor Swift and Lots of ‘Things’

Evening Everyone!
“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“I think so Brain, but what if the world doesn’t want to be dominated by a bunch of rodent-brained psychopaths?”


That about covers it for our current DotGov situation.
Rodent Brained Psychopaths is a pretty fucking accurate description of our current Leadershit as it currently stands right now. Seems that Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den is utterly committed to ‘staying the course’ and running for re(s)election.

Realistically, ALL of us know that in reality it’s his ‘closest advisors’ that are the ones behind it. The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only (remaining) Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster absolutely can NOT risk being ousted at this point.

Part of the rationale is that IF the Dementor-in-Chief stops running his campaign, it’s a very short step to having his ass “25th’d/86’d” out the door right there, right then. As in “being fired as the (P)resident”, leaving the functionally illiterate Kamelhoe in charge as the new prez.

In all reality, his ass should have been shitcanned after the investigation into his classified documents case. As I recall, the findings for the reasons why they did not go after him as they did with the Bulletproof Felon, was that the Hur Investigation felt that the Popeshitter was an “…elderly man with a poor memory” and that he’d be considered pathetic and this would cause a jury to be exceptionally sympathetic towards him.

Gee, what a relief Aye?

Too old/stupid/pathetic to be charged with violating Title 18 U.S.C. 1924, which makes it a federal crime to knowingly remove classified documents or materials from their designated locations without authorization or retain them in an unauthorized area?

Wow… just…. wow.

Now if -I- did this ‘back in the day’ as a contractor?

They would have freeze-dried my ass, and buried me under the DotGov Federal Pokey as they saw fit. The Just-Us system at work again Aye?

To give you a peep-hole on Top Secret Documents/Info and how they normally handle shit like this, or at least should handle shit like this, a quick story that some of you might remember, but since as of late I have a PILE of new folks popping in here (BTW: Welcome! Welcome! Please don’t shit on the floor, and enjoy the ride!), I’ll do a short one about my time as a Document Courier, handling TS Docs and other ‘stuff’.

As the OG Kids here know, I did a lot of contracting back in the day in Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I also live in Tampa, which is home to McDill Air Force Base, which also is the Headquarters for CENTCOM (Central Command) as well as SOCOM (Special Operations Command). Because of this close proximity, and MY clearances that I held, I got asked if I was willing to do courier work when and if I was going home?

No prob Bob!
I’m heading that way anyway, right?

This was a ‘regular thing’ as there was a LOT of physical ‘stuff’ was being shipped back and forth between the CENTCOM/CJTF-7 Field Command at Victory/Baghdad, and CETCOM Central Command at McDill. Not just between there, but also folks who lived around Sodom on the Potomac, and other primary bases, provided they had the proper level(s) of clearance to perform the duty. My job was to just carry the bag(s) ‘over the pond’ and meet with a guy/gal who’d identify themselves with the proper credentials, (usually at Tampa International) and I’d transfer over all the shit, and go on my Merry Way.

This was mostly ‘stuff’ that they did not sent via the ‘net, as well as ‘other means’. Lets face it, good old ‘hand-passing-notes-by-hand’ or in this case, notes and ‘stuff’ being packed into a locked and secured Briefcase filled with Top Secret/SCI/RD/LD ‘stuff’ that they didn’t want to chance by sending even by ‘normally secure ways’ was a better bet of staying absolutely secure…

Hell… for all I know, Mr. General just wanted to send Mrs. General some dick-pics via a thumb drive… I didn’t know, nor care. The only perk to it was occasionally, I got ‘bumped’ to Bidness or First Class, as the Airlines usually were impressed with ‘courier credentials’… Hence why when they asked if I wanted ‘in’ on doing it, I jumped on the opportunity.

This went very well for a number of trips.
Until I got to in Atlanta in mid-2005.

The TL;DR is that I had a locked and secure briefcase packed with TS/SCI ‘stuff’ that I was carrying when I was passing through customs in Atlanta. I also was carrying my courier paperwork per regulations. This was FedGov/DotMil OFFICIAL courier paperwork, that essentially stated that ANY and ALL Law Enforcement personnel were to assist me in any way, shape or form if requested, to prevent any compromise of the Top Secret ‘stuff’ I was carrying, up to, and including lethal force. All sorts of signatures, stamps and whatnot… a very impressive looking packet that I unfortunately had to turn in when I stopped performing the duties alas…

So OF COURSE The fat, ugly and stupid Female TSA agent that -I- drew for my customs inspection was of the ‘ignorant nigger’ persuasion who just HAD to get stupid(er). She seemed to take it as a personal affront that “Whitey” was exempt from her petty TSA bullshit. I’d say this fucker had a sub-75 IQ IMO and was not put off by my trying like hell to explain why she was fucking up by the numbers… In fact the stupid fucktard was bound and determined to open the case, and rifle through it.

The hostility was compounded by the fact that I had been given very specific and direct orders NOT to allow the bag to be X-rayed under any circumstances, nor, of course be opened or inspected by ANYONE outside of the designated list of recipients on the shipping/delivery paperwork. Shit, if I opened it, it was Leavenworth for me probably… Not sure but the ‘no X-ray might have been because there were Hard Drives in there?

Do. Not. Allow. The. Bag. To. Be. Compromised/X-Rayed.
Got it.
Don’t know, Don’t care.

What I do know is she raised such a fucking ruckus, and between her screaming and yelling, and my telling her to “…get fucked sideways you damned dirty ape!!! You are not and will not touch nor open this case!!!” things escalated very quickly.

Her supervisor, another Yard-Ape/Spear Chucker, Ignorant Porch-Monkey, Type One each also got in on the funsies of ‘screaming at the uncooperative Whytteguy’ and at this point, threatening to forcibly take the bag and have me arrested. To be honest, I stayed relatively cool… I did needle the fuck out of them asking for “…a literate person, someone who speaks English, ‘cos I don’t speak ‘jive’ nor Ebonics” as both of them were functionally illiterate to my ears, which made them even angrier. Like foaming-at-the-mouth raving. Cruel to a point, but fun.

Now mind you, when the contact was initiated, I handed her my courier paperwork. She barely looked at it, and from her bootlips moving while she tried to read it, I realized that she probably couldn’t read it…. not at the level of comprehension that -I- needed her to. She got frustrated, I could tell. Her ‘supervisor’ wasn’t any better.

As you get whenever you get a fucking nigger in any position of power, MY failure to ‘bow and scrape’ sent them into a near-rabid frenzy. Of course this immediately attracted the attention of the SWAT/Cop detail on site, who ran over when they (the TSA tards) tried to grab the bag, and I started resisting pretty fucking firmly.

Thankfully I managed to not get tasered/shot, and actually managed to get a word in edgewise with the LT who was the ranking cop. He was not a FedGov employee like the TSA (Thousands Standing Around as FedBro calls them) but I guess he was at ‘Facility Command Level’? Not sure how that rank structure works. Either way, everything stopped when the ‘combat loaded cops’ showed up…

Thankfully, the LT was a fellow Whytteboy, and once he read over my paperwork, heard and understood what was going on, he banished Shaniqua out of the general vicinity to try and de-escalate things. She was, even after the goon squad showed up, barely comprehensible and still raving, never mind under control. He then turned to Shytteshowvious, the supervisor, who seemed a bit more receptive to what happened next…

In short, The SWAT LT explained that IF he (the supervisor) as well as his subordinate, continued to be ‘stupid’ (this was the actual term used) and continued to try and confiscate open/mess with/fuck with my bag, bad things would happen. Lethal things. Namely that they -could be- shot out of hand, and there wasn’t a damned thing that he, nor she could say about it, as they had literally fucked up so badly. Lines had been crossed, Uncross able Lines and that the LT would be making a report ‘up the chain’ and “why don’t you and her go get some coffee?”

I.E. Go the fuck away, your career dissipation light just started flashing “Red”…

I have a hunch this SWAT guy already had issues with these two morons. He seemed to actually relish the idea of killing them for interfering in this particular instance… Not that I blame them.

But yeah…
The Joetato did shit that would have gotten them TSA Retards shot IF they had persisted and if I had requested it. There most definitively exists two double standards out there.

I mean here’s a good one:

He allegedly made threats against the world-famous couple on social media and event organizers warned authorities.

Make a threat against some uber-famous flavor of the weak man-hating lesbian and her NFL ‘beard’, and get arrested like immediately?


Guess ALL them celebutards who threatened OrangeManBad weren’t credible? Un-fucking-real.

Madonna: “Let’s blow up the White House.” (said the dried up expired, useless slore)

Peter Fonda: “Lock up 10 year old Barron Trump in a cage with child molesters.” (that one in particular bothers me)

Johnny Depp: “We need another John Wilkes Booth.” (normally cool, but in this case, not so much… do better Johnny)

Tom Arnold: “I fantasize about standing over Don Jr.’s dead body.” (another Hollyweird has-been. He fucked Roseanne FFS)

Joe Biden: “We need to put a bullseye on him!!!” (…..)

Corey Booker: “I dream of punching Trump in the face.” (Nigger)

Maxine Waters: “…harass Trump staff and supporters in public and refuse to serve them.” (Another Nigger, except she looks like a fucking prune)

Double Standard Much?

Forget it Big Country, it’s Fucking Clownworld…

Which add to this mix, the latest from the “Whacko from Waco”, Alex Jones:

Be curious to see where this goes.

What utterly kills me is that none of these Boomer Motherfuckers in power are willing to relinquish that power!

The very fact that The Gin Hag Pelosi at 84 years of age is calling on The Joetato top step down because of age and infirmities associated with his age at 81 is just flat out fucking hilarious. It’s so obvious that none of them ‘get it’.

Killary Clinton, AKA “The Hillaroid” is fucking 76 years old currently. She’s richer than fucking Croesus FFS. She’s already had more influence, power and whatnot for the majority of her entire Adult Life. FAR more than any of us fucking ‘deplorables’ have ever come close to. The only thing/position she hasn’t had is the “Big Chair” and from all RUMINT (and it’s not just the “Whacko from Waco” now) is that the DNC is planning on jettisoning the Popeshitter at their convention, and installing the Hillaroid as the DemoncRat Nominee to run against OrangeManBad!!!

The. most. despised. DEMONcRAT to have EVER held ANY orifice. The most DIVISIVE, anti-male Cuntbag to manage to worm her way into all her position(s) of power the way she has. A true misandrist of the highest order. A ‘woman’ who’s every. single. achievement was made by ‘riding on the back’ of her “Hillbilly Mafia” connected philandering Husband.

Tell you what… ain’t no steal big enough to get that cunt into the Oval Orifice… just like the Joetato supposedly got 81 MILLION voats…

We can’t get 81 million people in this country to decide what color the sky is on a good day. And they, in MY colored opinion really fucked up when they said that he got MOAR voats than Bath-House Barry, Bike Mike’s wife. When the Obamamessiah was running, the niggers, NORMALLY a HUGELY apathetic voating block for the most part, came out in droves to make sure the Half-Breed Kenyan got in, despite the fact that he’s also not even fully blaq.

He’s the “Reggie Bar” of politicos:

A classic candy bar put out back when Reggie Jackson was a big deal back in the day. It’s appropriate to say Obama was/is like a ‘Reggie Bar’
Black on the Outside (chocolate)
White on the Inside (marshmallow/caramel)
And Half Nuts (peanuts that is)
Make of that what you will.

The problem is that the Obamamessiah IS literally the CIA’s kid. This as well as figuratively. Born and raised by a CIA family, and groomed to ‘move up’ in the world, he’s always been destined for power, despite his obvious homosexual proclivities and penchant for buggery.

His maternal Grandmother worked in the International side of the Bank of Hawaii, eventually become the VP of the bank itself, which is rather telling. The Bank of Hawaii which was the “CIA’s Personal Piggy Bank” during the Vietnam War which handled all the laundering and money handling for them.

His Mother “Stanley” Ann Dunham, worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which was a well-known CIA front organization… she eventually went to Indonesia during a period of ‘unrest’ and married a guy who had been posited to be the new leader of Indonesia, IF things had ‘gone his way’. Instead Lolo Soetoro ended up NOT getting the “Big Seat” and she divorced him shortly thereafter.

Bathouse’s Dad was supposedly a Kenyan father, Barack Obama Senior. He met “Stanley” when he attended the University of Hawaii back in the early 60s.

Junior sure don’t take after the Old Man Aye?

His real father that we can guesstimate, was a known Communist Party USA propagandist named Frank Marshal Davis, who if you look at the pictures, let me tell you, the phyzz gives it away:

Apparently Mom was a major coalburner…

Either way, The Obamamessiah wanted to “Fundamentally Transform” the United States… to which I’d say he’s been pretty fucking successful, unfortunately. Of course he’s just another fucking puppet. A lazy one too from what we’ve all heard.

I’m not overly concerned.
IF they announce Killary the Hillaroid as the next candidate, I can say, with absolute certainty that we’ll probably NOT have an election.

There just ain’t no way a cheat THAT BIG could happen.
Between selecting between Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton is like asking if you want Gonorrhea, or Syphilis?

Either way, both are incredibly bad for you.
So your thoughts? I got to crash, it’s currently 0202… This’s waaay longer than I expected….
More Later
Big Country

So Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Stupid and Polling Results Plus the Outage(s)

Greetings and Salutations on this Fine Friday Night!
Sweet Lord in Heaven. This had been one Hell of a day at The People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #731. I had/have LOTS of pieces-parts moving all over the place, and some of the Proletariat have unwisely decided that no, they’re ackchully members of the Intelligentsia and are acting like it.

Hate to tell you, you’re just not that bright people.

Despite the Premier and various Apparatchiks who tell me that I should be kissing their asses because they are clients that I need to bow n’scrape and do the whole “by your leave” thing.

Fuck that noise.

I’m a fucking Commissar and I’ll be damned if I fold like a lawn chair on this one.

So all in all, a stressful week.

That being said it can’t be any worse than it is for the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den and his ‘spouse/controller’, The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster.

THEY have to be completely on edge right now.

My rationale for that is that despite the polling out there, they’re juuuust about to be jettisoned, sans parachute from about 12ooo feet. SkyBill, a regular commentator here (who’s been MIA recently, I hope he’s OK) would tell you that’s a loooong drop to be falling without a chute.

Granted, the official polling(s) that these morons are following show this which is seriously indicative of a problem:

There’s twelve polls in that chart.

The average point spread/lead right now, according to them is Trump leads in the polls nationally by only 3 points.
If you can’t see them, the polls are run by the following ‘usual suspects’ with their numbers:

CBS: Trump +5
Emerson: Trump +4
Morning Consult: Trump +4
Reuters/Ipsos: Trump +2
Forbes/Harris: Trump +2
NPR/PBS/Marist: Biden +2
Rasmussen: Trump +6
FOX News: Trump +1
NBC: Trump +2
ABC/Washington Post: Trump/Biden A Tie!!!!
Wall Street Journal: Trump +6
New Fucking Yawk Times/Siena: Trump +6

My point of view is that IF these are the ‘various polls’ that the Joetato, as well as his corrupt and dissolute Family are utilizing in the justification of keeping the Corpse In Chief up for re(s)election? Well I can sort of understand why. A average 3 point lead with almost 109 days until November 5th. That’s 3 months, 19 days.

Mind you ALL of these polls are from what I have been calling the various “Ministries of Lies and Propaganda” for the past couple of years at this point. NONE of them operate at all except for their own dividends. Even FOX News or as I prefer ‘Faux News’ is the pro-war Boomer NormieCon Channel. Got to play the role of the “Loyal Opposition” Aye?

So since there’s only a 3+ point lead, as we saw this past weekend on the 13th, a lot can happen very fucking quickly in such a time. In this case none of it good IMO. To their point of view, a lead that small is NOT insurmountable at all.

Understanding that, there’s another poll out there:

THAT is a poll from Polymarket.

Well, it’s not a poll really. More like a ‘futures market’. Per the Wiki:

Polymarket is a decentralized prediction market platform that allows users to place bets on world events. Users buy and sell shares using cryptocurrency to bet on the likelihood of future events taking place.

The actual breakdown is here:

There’s 262 Million USD riding on this.

According to quite a few sources, the accuracy of a lot of the ‘bets’ in the outcome have generally been good. I.E. that if the MAJORITY of bets are, as they are now, on OrangeManBad to win by what appears to be a very wide margin then that’s the way it’s probably going to break. As they say, “put your money where your mouth is” and it seems like a LOT of people are literally betting on a MAJOR Bulletproof Felon landslide win.

Insight, which is another prediction market/betting space has the same thing:

Granted, it’s ‘gambling’

It’s also highly indicative of real people and how THEY feel. They’re willing to throw some cash down on this. In this economy? I’d say that’s a pretty damned good way to measure how the voat is going to go. This as opposed to the ‘usual suspects’ who’ve (as far as I can remember) –never– been right about anything.

Sort of like Jim Cramer from MSNBC.

No idea what his opinion is, but it’s wrong IMO either way.

The only other info from today was that HUGE intahrwhebz outage. According to the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, it was an update or more specifically, a failure of a CrowdStrike update that was ‘pushed’ that caused the dreaded “blue screen o’death” on all the machines running Microsuck. That included

…the Ball in Vegas, and from my understanding is that is a real picture, which makes it oh-so-much funnier to me at least.

Thing of it is, CrowdStrike?
If they sound familiar, they should be.

They’re the compoany that the DemoncRats utilized to push the story that the DNC (DemoncRat Notional Cuntfaces) was ‘hacked’ by Russia. This has been utterly proven to be false. I love their statement(s) too, the funniest being:

CrowdStrike’s conclusion that Russia was behind the DNC hack is supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and also by independent Congressional reports. 

That would have been the same “Intelligence Community” that said that His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster’s laptop was also Russian Disinformation.

The DNC was not hacked.

In fact I have it on very good sourcing that Seth Rich was actually the source of all the supposed ‘hacked’ info. He was murdered for this “betrayal” so to speak. Just like so many before who crossed Hitlery Killton, he ended up dead.

We’re ALL familiar with the supposed story.

He was killed in a supposed ‘robbery’ that the robbers in question didn’t steal anything of value. It was a payback killing. Rich had downloaded the info onto a thumb drive, which was forensically proven, as the speeds of the download precluded any ‘hack’ at the time.

He was a disgruntled “Bernie Bro” who was pissed off at the DNC rigging things to get Killary ‘in’ as the candidate. The killers from my understanding, were basic MS-13 ‘disposables’ who, on the completion of their mission were in turned whacked by their employer/handler in what appeared to be, and was called, a ‘drug deal gone bad.’

This completely alleviated any close scrutiny.

Per usual.

Fox News contributor and former homicide detective Rod Wheeler even volunteered and investigated Seth’s murder, which led to Wheeler asserting links between Rich and Wikileaks. Shortly after this, he bailed. Like “runs away like his hair was on fire”…. I’m pretty sure –someone– made him and offer ‘he couldn’t refuse’ to sit down and shut up.

Either way, I find it striking (no pun intended) that CrowdStrike is still out there and running around, causing chaos. Seeing that they’re involved deeply with the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center, which is supposed to be the entity that ‘polices’ our (s)elections? Per their own website:

The EI-ISAC® is a community of dedicated election officials and cybersecurity professionals working side-by-side to ensure the integrity of elections among U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) governments.

Foxes guarding the motherfucking henhouse Aye?
I report, you decide.
I for one just find it rather convenient that the entity that’s going to be ‘balls deep’ in insuring the ‘safety and security’ of our (s)election process just so happened to cause a Global Internet Outage today and was also EXCEEDINGLY balls deepest in the whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” horseshit…
Jes’ Sayin’
Derp State Much?

Almost a week to the day for that matter.
As far as I know, things still aren’t unfucked yet.
Make of it what you will.
Maybe something we should take as mahaps a warning?
Either way, like I said, I’m going long(er) in MOAR bullets, beans and boots. The moar, the bettera.

Been a long day… I got to crash.
More Later
Big Country

A Non-Political Post and an Adrianna/Pupper Update For Everyone

Greetings and Salutations!
As stated at in the title:

So a bit different tonight. An update about Adrianna with some pictures. We’ve been in contact w/her BabyDaddy over the past few days as there’s some -other- things going on regarding the Grans, not that anything is bad… just ‘issues’ that we and OtherGranRents are working on. We regularly stay in contact anyways with BD, as she is our Gran, and we miss her terribly as you can well imagine…

Considering BD is doing faaaar better than ANY of us expected (to include y’all) and stepping up the way I had hoped he would, TBH I’m sort of proud of the guy. He’s finally growing the fuck up.

Took long enough that’s for damned sure.
And her?

That being said, well I leave it for y’all to judge for yourselves:

That’s the smile I miss and remember…

That and OMFG she’s getting BIG!!!!

Her arm now is fully healed as you can see. She had a green-stick fracture and a cast for a while that came from falling down on the way into the kid’s playground/park. It’s the same one we used to take her to. Seems she was running, and tripped, and she went flat-out like she was trying to fly like Superman, and her arm hit the edge of the curb. According to BD, she didn’t cry at all, and they took her to the ER when it started to get really bruised up/swollen, beyond the ‘normal kid wear n’tear’ so to speak.

And also, she’s still my Lil Goofball as I call her.
She’s developed quite the sense of humor according to BD.

We’re going to see her when/if we go to assist with the eviction of Miss Daisy’s unwanted guests. She talks to us on the fon regularly, and thank God remembers us, as her BD has made sure to show our pictures of us to her. Like I said, it took long enough, but the kid is finally getting his head together from what I can tell, and doing ALL the right things… (part of the issue I think with him was he had like ZERO positive MALE role models as he was growing up.) And as you can see, she’s getting fucking BIG and thankfully, outside of her size (that’s DumbCunts side, as Gretchen and her Ex are both Tall) she’s looking a LOT like her Dad, the BabyDaddy.

So we got THAT going for us.

The other update is on the Red Hot Chili Pupper:

Auntie Stella-The-Sausage-Princess has been such a good dog.

BEYOND Tolerant to be honest…

She’s -not- trying to ‘Mommy’ her, but still puts up with her shit, and doesn’t get overly mad nor aggressive. I’ve rarely had to say anything. A couple of ‘clomps’ of her jaws at the Pupper is usually enough to get Chili to chill out a bit. She hasn’t even really had to growl at the lil one either. What’s also cool is that on occasion, Stella will actually get in on the whole ‘pouncing-puppy-playtime’ as I call it without going all hyper-aggressive.

Stella just sort of sits there and takes it, and I reward her for it after her tolerating the pupper-abuse with some good chewies that she positively loves. They’re a 6 inch long rawhide that has some ‘chunks’ of some sort of fake-beef or something on them. Made in the US (no Chinesium poison treats allowed here) and she freaks out when I pull those out. The only issue I’ve had is that I have to feed Chili in her ‘den’ which is a travel cage I’m using to housebreak her with.

Stella is an inveterate chow hound of the First Degree.

No boundaries nor respect for other peoples food.
No food aggressiveness, as that would be a bad thing. Nope.

Just all food, ALL the food, regardless of -whos- plate it’s on, is meant to be Stellas, period, point blank, end of story. With the humans, she begs constantly. With the Gran, if the dish is left for too long (by Stella’s timetable of course) without being ‘properly addressed’, i.e. eaten, then by default said ‘abandoned plate’ is by rights, hers now.

Hence our need to make sure that the Nukular Redhead can’t be playing games at vittles-time. “You snooze, you lose” is Stell’s motto. Of course we also have to keep an eye on the Redhead as she has, albeit very rarely, in the far-past had palmed off something she doesn’t like to the Fattie-Boombalattie AKA Stella. It’s only been one or two times, over the past couple of years, so not too much of an issue, but nevertheless, standards must be maintained!!!

Stella also as you can imagine makes for a great pre-wash for the dishes. I know, I know, NOT a good thing in respect to keeping the ‘line drawn’ on the whole food thing. The ExWife is/was a professional dog trainer (one of the best in the state to be honest) and I know ‘the rules’ so to speak. I also know that hey, fuck it. They’re part of the family and cleaning off the plates after the fact (provided no onions or any other potentially dangerous “stuff” are on them) for me isn’t an issue.

I mean she does try to get ‘down to the paint’ so to speak.

So tonight’s post is a ‘happy family’ post.
I’m actually happier now than I was when I started this.
It’s really nice to realize that some things out there are still beautiful and cool and righteous. Stuff like this gives me hope yannow?

I thought we could use it after the non-stop negative-stupid since Saturday. It becomes like a grind after a while, so a nice happy-poast is what I thought we all needed. Too many doom-poasts and shit out there as of late, to include my own. Also, I will say I have a GREAT post I’m throwing up on the Substack this weekend. Totally neutral. A DotMil training related with a LOT of GREAT info/intel. I’ll probably cross reference it here, as it’s so chock full of info/instructions/intel. Stand by for that one either way.

So More Later
Big Country

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