A couple of you pointed out that the scale, because of the distance front-to-back in The Empress and The Popeshitter, that there would have been a variance of scale.

Now, supposedly the tool I have takes distance wariance into account, and does it’s best to compensate. That being said then, I found, courtesy of WiscoDave a great pic that ALSO shows that the various “Chinballs, Type Many Each, Mark One, Model(s) 1,2,3 and 4” have a variation of heights. This one was taken when he was standing next to Bibi “ChildKiller” Nutjobyayhoo at the meeting yesterday:

You can go to the Twatter and dig out the rest if you want, but for shits and grins, I ran this pic through ‘Ye Olde Measuring Toole’ as well:

Pretty Close to what I got last night.
Close enough for <ahem> “Government Specs” Aye?
And looking at it, I’d say this was “Chinballs Model #2” which is the same one they’ve been using a lot lately.
Either here, nor there.
“Janky” was this (mal)Administrations forte.
“Skanky” is going to be the one under THROATUS on the off chance that she actually gets in. Myself? I personally think there’s no way they can run her alllll the way to a win. Even with a cheat or outright ‘steal’ she’s just too damned disliked, if not outright hated and despised. Despite the knee-jerk (and drop) that the various Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda reaction had, and subsequent attempts to poorly scrub any and all negative stories about this cum-dumpster, it’s readily apparent to even hardcore Blue-Dawg DemoncRats like MomUnit that she’s critically, if not criminally incapable of doing the job.
I mean on her best days she’s barely verbally comprehensible.
Considering that we’ve had to suffer through the Mindless Stumble-Bum Joey “Mumblefuck” Xi-Den’s incoherent ramblings for years, The Throat-Goat is NOT a viable replacement… At least with him, they had the ability to fall back on his ‘stutter’ which he had as a fucking child. However, her near-constant propensity for clueless “word salad” and mindless/clueless verbal drivel/diarrhea has been a joke for years, even among the Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda who on occasion has made fun of her… An example of such ‘pithy phrases’:
“What can be, unburdened by what has been”
What in the fuck does that even mean!?! She’s said it so much that it even has it’s own Wiki Page! Interestingly, it still there (link HERE) but as ALL things that are negative against the Uber-Fascist Left Wing, there’s an ongoing ‘discussion’ of whether or not to delete it. If you have a Wiki Account, you can get in on the fun if you want. I don’t and won’t, but that’s just me. For posterity though, here’s the screen cap:

…and they call US fucking fascists
If there was ANYTHING that makes me utterly and completely oh-so-over them, I’d have to say the whole ‘projection’ thing. These people… it’s like they’re from an entirely different planet or something.
They sure as fuck don’t live in the real world.
So. That’s about it for tonight. I’m utterly exhausted from all the ‘extra’ stuff I’m doing these days. Like “falling out/wiped out”…
SO I’m off to bed. “Emptied” the pupper again, took care of “The Gimp” and now it’s MY TURN!
More Later
Big Country

Their ‘disguise program’ isn’t exactly a secret, what they can do now may be.
I see a (biblical) anti Christ likeness in The Great Orangeman.
Not THE Antichrist, but AN anti Christ.
He used to be a brand, but now his image has become Messianic. And he sure ain’t Christ.
Anyone else? …anyone…Bueller…Bueller?
Nah… I mean MAYBE among the more unhinged folks who’re ALREADY hardcore religiously inclined maybe?
I just don’t get that ‘feel’ from the MAGAkids.
I do however get that ‘nationalistic pride’ thing that Hitler DID in fact ‘tap and mine’ like a motherfucker.
WE WHO BUILT EVERYTHING are TIRED of being shat on, carped at, and relegated as ‘bad folks’ for WANTING our rightful recognition. All because the majority of a specific, immature and genuinely incapable minor inconsequential contributor-race to society as a whole get all upset when we point out that THEY AIN’T DONE SHIT.
OUR discoveries being ‘muddled’, ‘diluted’, and worse ‘polluted’ because a group, that over all has a sub 70 IQ and can NOT take care of themselves outside of “Big DotGov” GIVING them EVERYTHING, well they do get Butthurt when we tell them that they were better off as OUR living-farm-equipment, and that’s all they were ever intended to be.
Gah. Nigger-exhaustion is real.
Great Orange Man gave us the Covid shots. He will never renounce them, even though they’ve had NEGATIVE efficacy for around the last 2 years.
The censorship, slandering, and defamation of ALL experts who spoke against the government response to the virus (that the govt engineered to be able to infect humans) was the very definition of fascism. Corporations and gubbermint united. I’ve worked in healthcare 30 years, and witnessed firsthand how FAST science was killed and totalitarian mindset began. Went from open minded scientific approach (in my job) to mob mentality.
He could’ve fought Fauci/unlawful mandates, the shots, but didn’t.
If The Dear Orange ain’t messianic enough now, wait. I think the image is growing on him.
I get yer point BCE. Wanting vindication is good and normal, and to a born again like me, it’s coming (in the form of Him).
But as you watch Orange Dear Great Leader become messianic, remember my point.
Thanks for yer blogthing or whatever this is.
I’m thinking a successful assassination of THROATUS would be a two birds one stone for the Democrats. Excuse for axing elections or a crackdown, maybe finding evidence Trump was involved. Use your imagination.
Tell me I’m wrong and it’s not a serious possibility.
That would be a great punk band the Brandons or Joe Bidens with everyone dressed as Mah Lazer Man!
But, but, but, the CPUSA (D) comrades just loved them some Brandon a few weeks ago… as they hold his head under the bus wheel today.
Be of good cheer, the bottom of the barrel dreg minions of the CPUSA (D) are too stupid to run a brothel on the grounds of a lumber mill as Grams always said.
I like the alien Brandon from the previous post like an old 50’s Plan 9 Ed Wood flick so bad it’s goooood!
it’s a MIRACLE! drumpf truly is the chosen one
no one recovers from a wound that fast………………………………..
It’s also interesting… As we age we shrink… So I’m guessing 6ft tall Biden was in his forties and fifties… Never as an 80+ yr old…. So …
The only thing that makes sense for doubles is the old man is dead. Otherwise, why have a stable of demented shitheads embarrassing us?
The other, more simple explanation is the tools aren’t 100% and disease and the drugs they pump into him alter his appearance. Anyone who has a relative with Parkinson’s and dementia knows this.
Far as that last speech being ai, how do you go to the level of detail and secrecy and have the wrong time on the watch?
Too much Hollywood. In real life you have screwups and incompetence. It’s implausible they have all these blunders like the assassination attempt, Afghanistan, et al but this one thing they are 100% on game all the time?
Off topic. Not a bad ‘BONUS’ for an ‘Insurance Salesman’.
Peter Strzok and Lisa Page awarded $2 million cash settlement from DOJ.
Yeah, conspire to commit election interference, if not outright fraud, and instead of hanging from a bridge somewhere in DC, they get a golden parachute, courtesy the US taxpayers. Seems reasonable.
Seen this one:
“Unburdened by what was [waves left hand behind head].”
“The significance of the passage of time [sadly, no wave].”
Everything surrounding Brandon and fedgov has become fake and ghey.
Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf
The Double Coup
Where Is the President? What Happened to his Campaign? Who is That Dashing Older Gent in the White House?
discusses fakery, digital and phony Biden and that the entire drop out of campaign and pass it to Harris has no legal founding in FEC (Federal Election Commission) law and documentation. Where’s the proof of life?