To keep up with the outrage that’s going on with the pretty much openly-Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony:

Like really?
This’s a “Drinker Moment”

Did we really save all them French folks and sacrifice oh-so-many of our best and brightest to have this sort of shit happen?
Shit like this makes me want to ask them via a time machine…
Or at least call it out

Yeah. This was followed by a mockery of the Last Supper:

To whit I came up with this:

Yeeeeah… And LOTS of questions of just WHO was behind this?
First two guess don’t count as you know who is behind it.
and… man, they sure AF don’t help themselves:

But of course!
Gay AND Jewish.
Which also has this tidbit about that ‘can’t miss if you aim at it’ bull moose that was the “Christ” figure in the above abomination:

As Arthur Sido and I say on the regular:

And for those who want to throw the anti-semite flag?
Go ahead.
I’m not per se.
Just like they aren’t Anti-Whytte.
Just ask them. That’s what they tell you.
Until they get grouped in as Whytte.
Then “all of a sudden” when they look like they’re going to be hit by their Gollums, then they try like fuck to hide behind the fig-leaf of “oppressed group” to gain a foothold on the “protected class” group.
Hint: Ain’t going to help you, one way or another
Jes’ Sayin’
The problem is that currently, no one remembers the at-best Questionable ‘Holocaust Narrative’. With the ‘aging out’ of the troops who were there, the ‘Greatest Generation’ as well as the boomers and the should be dying out/aging out of ‘supposed survivors’ the current crop of youngsters don’t give a fuck…
That and they can do the basic math.
I mean lets be completely honest.
Supposedly there’s 245,000 death camp survivors STILL ALIVE

OK… to me? Seems a bit high IMO.
What you’ll notice is that they will not tell you how many of them went to the “death camps”. So, that leaves us to look at the last known good count of how many Jew there were in 1933:

9.5 Million.
In 1933
With supposedly “6 Million Killed” is all the camps?
And yet they also tell us that there’s almost a quarter of a million of them still alive? Not to mention the 9.5 million number includes areas that the Germans never had control over Like England, Spain and a bunch of ‘other’ places.
Add on the current surviving number of US WW2 Veterans as of 2023? Well to start with, we have a pretty good count of “How Many Served” +/- a couple of thousand:

So 16 million were “in Boots”
How are currently still alive?
Not fucking many:

This was as of September 2023.
I’m pretty sure that that number has dropped significantly.
My entire point is, that IF there were 9.5 million Jews at the beginning of WW2, and then 6 Million were Killed, and THAT majority came from ONLY occupied countries, well, let’s add it up, using their own chart:
The Jewish communities of eastern Europe were devastated. In 1933, Poland had the largest Jewish population in Europe, numbering over three million. By 1950, the Jewish population of Poland was reduced to about 45,000. The Soviet Union had the largest remaining Jewish population, with some two million Jews. Romania’s Jewish population was nearly 757,000 in 1930 and fell to approximately 280,000 (1950). Most of these demographic losses were due to the Holocaust, the rest to postwar emigration from Europe.
The Jewish population of central Europe was also devastated. Germany had a Jewish population of 525,000 in 1933 and just 37,000 in 1950. Hungary had 445,000 in 1933 and 190,000 in 1950. Czechoslovakia’s Jewish population was reduced from about 357,000 in 1933 to 17,000 in 1950 and Austria’s from about 191,000 to just 18,000.In western Europe, the largest Jewish communities remained in Great Britain, with approximately 450,000 Jews (300,000 in 1933) and France, with 235,000 (250,000 in 1933). In southern Europe, the Jewish population fell dramatically: in Greece from about 73,000 in 1933 to just 7,000 in 1950; in Yugoslavia from about 70,000 to 3,500; in Italy from about 48,000 to 35,000; and in Bulgaria from 50,000 in 1933 to just 6,500 in 1950 (the reduction in the Bulgarian Jewish population resulted from postwar emigration). The demographic focus of European Jewry thus shifted from eastern to western Europe.
Before the Nazi takeover of power in 1933, Europe had a vibrant and mature Jewish culture. By 1945, most European Jews—two out of every three—had been killed. Most of the surviving remnant of European Jewry decided to leave Europe. Hundreds of thousands established new lives in Israel, the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, South America, and South Africa.
“The United State Holocaust Museum ‘Holocaust Encyclopedia’ ” website
So as the numbers go from their own website HERE as the following:
Germany: Start: 525000 End (1950): 37000 Loss: 521300
Hungary: Start: 445000 End (1950): 190000 Loss: 255000
Start: 357,000 End (1950): 17000 Loss: 340000
Austria: Start: 191000 End (1950): 18000 Loss: 173000
The other countries NOT listed with very specific losses were Russia, Poland and Romania. However, through the extraction of things from their own charts gives us an approximate loss:
Russia: Start: 2525000 End: 2000000 Loss: 525000
Poland: Start: 3000000 End: 45000 Loss: 2955000
Romania: Start: 980000 End: 280000 Loss: 700000
All in all, doing the math using their own numbers, that means 5,469,300 were killed in the Holocaust. And then they say that there was ackchully 6 million, which is a disparity of about 530,700.
My point is, that if they Der Chermans were so good at this ‘extermination’ then HOW did, as of last year, a quarter of a Million of them not only survive, but are still alive!?!
Let’s also just say, for grins and giggles that those 245000 soooooovivors were what? Let’s assign the Age of “10” as at ten, they’d be able to do things and have enough self-awareness/survival skills to stay alive under horrific condition. That means that IF they were ten in 1940, and they made it to 1945, it means they were born in 1930.
That means they’d ALL be 94.
My Father-in Law was born in 1938. 86 years old. He’s still mentally ‘there’ but health-wise, physically? Notsomucho.
Just how many 94 year olds do you personally know?
Me? Fucking Zip. Nada. El Zilcho. ANd for all the ones who claim to have been ‘babies in the camps’?
What happened to “babies were bashed/killed/slaughtered/fed to dogs as soon as they got to the camps?” Just…. wow…
I mean THIS is why no one buys the grift anymore.
FAR too many ‘supposed survivors’ coming out and being nailed to the wall for lying about their ‘sooooooviving!!!’ The very fact of they still are getting paid by Germany and getting ALL this Grift Money flowing into their coffers, never mind the Christian-Grift ads on TV at night talking about ‘poor Holocaust Sooooovivers’ who need “your monthly $22 dollar donation so they can stay alive!!!!”
I mean the Daily Fail at least once every two weeks or so does an ‘expose’ on some ‘stunning and brave’ soooooovivor and either their sooooooviving and their story or even better (for laughs at the total bullshit factor) of how the “newly widowed Sooooovivor met up with her childhood boyfriend NOW, who ALSO is a sooooovivor, and how they just got married!!!!”
Ahhhh true love…
THIS is why the newer Generations like the Millennials and Gen Z don’t believe in the Holocaust, nor are willing to even entertain the idea. Those of us who’re Gen X? Well, we just don’t and didn’t give a fuck anyways. We were the first generation to realize ALL the other generations were full of shit, and thus, we. didn’t. care. either. The Jewish groups overall, just made it too unbelievable.
What they (Gen M and Z) do believe is what they see… which is GAZA and the savagery unleashed on a mostly-civilian population, and OUR bought-and-paid for Mostly Dual Citizanshit Politicos sending a metric fuckton of OUR money to support an ongoing Genocide.
Believe you me, I’m not denying anything from the past.
However, the numbers just don’t add up.
I’ve been to the “death camps/work camps” I’ve seen them with my own two eyes.
Did bad things happen there?
Fuck yeah.
Was it as bad as they say it was?
Don’t know.
I wasn’t there. And neither were you.
So because of that, I’m pretty neutral about it. That being said though, and seeing what I do see which is that the ones who seem to nearly constantly call for the annihilation of white people and/or the Christians as a whole? It bothers me, as IF you say anything it gets you hemmed up.
WiscoDave send me this:

It’s a propaganda drawing from ‘back in the day’ that was an American anti-communist illustration showing Stalin painting the world red with the blood of ‘Dead Christians’.
Of course I had to update it:

Far More Accurate for today’s times w/Krainfeld.
Which in itself has not been addressed by anyone that I can tell. The Kokaine Kowboy Krainfeld and his Koterie of Klowns are ALL Jewish. ALL. of. them. and they’ve been utterly resolute in continuing a war that is slaughtering primarily Orthodox Christians. In fact, look at the Members of the Tribe on the US Side who’ve been the architects of this ‘tiddly lil war’ and man…
I think the backlash on THAT particular problem, when and IF the Krainians ever figure it out, there won’t be a Jew left alive in the entirety of the Krain at all. IF they wake up… man. Glad I’m not part of that group when that particular “sleeper awakens” over there. Considering that the Krainian Nazis were MOAR Nazi-Than-Nazi back then, and even now?
Then there’s the mentioning of the Gaza. Seems up north, a soccer field was supposedly hit by a Hezbollah Rocket, that resulted in 10 dead kids. That really really sucks, no matter what the situation is. However, on finding out a bit more info/intel, turns out the kids in question are Druze.
The Druze are of the Druze faith, Abrahamic, monotheistic, syncretic, and ethnic religion whose main tenets assert the unity of God, reincarnation, and the eternity of the soul, per Wiki. They ain’t Jews, and they ain’t Islamic. They tend to side with the Jews however, as the Islamics hate them almost as much as they hate the Jews. It was they who bore the brunt of today’s casualties.
Twelve teenagers and children have been killed after a rocket attack on a football field in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, Israeli media reports.
The rocket hit a football field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams killing several people between the ages of 10 and 20.
The Israeli Defence Force have blamed Hezbollah for the strike with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warning the militant group ‘will pay a heavy price’, according to his office.
Israel’s military called it a ‘very serious’ incident with their military chief spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, describing it the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since the Hamas attack on October 7.
Daily Mail
Problem however:
The Hezbollah denied it. Not for nothing, BUT then this came out:

Even the locals are saying it was a falling Iron Dome round…
Make of it what you will. Thing of it is, the Hezbollah aren’t known for targeting the Druze at all. I fact, so far? It’s been primarily targeting Izzy DotMil bases and settlements.
Again, make of it what you will.
Your thoughts always welcome in the comments
So More Later
Big Country

There were only 2 million jews in German occupied Europe, and many of them were ignored e.g. in the German military, Academia and large corporations, or Hitler’s doctor and friends, or never sent to the camps for other reasons…So the 6 gazillion jews never existed in the first place..
Hence why the current generation just don’t give AF. Sort of like how Gen X reacted to the Civil War educational blocks back in the day (from a Northeastern Perspective) “We won, they lost, who cares?” sort of thing… The narrative is changing AGAIN and -certain groups- are NOT happy…
They overplayed and abused their hand.
Some groups are also incapable of self reflection
I would love to go back to Auschwitz, just to make such quips as “a maternity ward. Huh.” and “looks like a nice soccer field. Hmm.”
When the kids were in junior high they had a teacher who didn’t believe Japan was a real country.
That same teachers believed pol pot was a hero and told kids 16 million jews died in camps.
Kids can see bullshit and they know its to be avoided.
The MG should be in enfilade so the beaten zone more efficiently sweeps an area target. Jes’ sayin’. But Shirley, the Flammenwerfer would be more appropriate for this group?
As to the holocaust, maybe it wasn’t quite as comprehensive as claimed, but the next one will be:
Zechariah 13:8-9
[8] And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
[9] And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.
Nuoe it from orbit
Charles de Gaulle, Churchill, Stalin, Eisenhower, don’t mention any Hollow Cost in their biographies/autobiographies.
Some debate about the first mentioning of it on the Ed Sullivan show and after the fake and GAE Skokie ILL march in 1977 along with a teevee series about it in 1978.
The leader of the Skokie march was a Cohen who vanished shortly afterward, with a bucket of shekels?
Swede skullcap desk general Ike had his own starvation concentration camps for Germans and the British started the concept by using them on civilians who supplied the Boers.
It would take literally thousands of years to incinerate that many bodies with 1940s tech and the Germans could’ve used the army of people needed to run such camps on the bloody brutal Eastern Front or as Flak 88 crews.
Anthony Hopkins is underrated as Herr Adolf in 1980 Das Bunker made for teevee.
One data point that convinced me the Holocaust® was bullshit was regarding some plaques at entrance of Auschwitz. Auschwitz being THE death camp. It used to say that 4 million had entered the camp and were killed. Then it was revised down to 1.5 million.
The magic 6 million number is sacred. If you question the magic 6 million, you are an evil anti-semite as bad as Hitler. My question is if the 6 million number cannot be changed and there was a downward revision of 2.5 million, where were that 2.5 million murdered? If that 2.5 million wasn’t murdered at Auschwitz, where were they murdered? Why is the 6 million number not being revised if they can’t come up with an explanation of where they are make up for the 2.5 million?
As for Gen Z and M, I agree, they don’t give a shit. I’ve seen them ask why the Holocaust® gets so much coverage but the Holodomor doesn’t. Lots of people have been holocausted. Cambodians, Armenians, Ukranians, Native Americans, Tutsis(or was it the Hutus?). All holocaust are bad, but the Jewish holocaust was more bad because reasons.
And BCE makes a very good point about what is going on in Gaza. I’ve seen the pictures of dead Palestinian children along with contemporaneous smug attitude from the Israeli government about who they are genociding. It is hard to get worked up about what happened in history books when one is downloading high definition pictures and videos of small children literally blown to pieces. But hey, Jews are known as the least self aware people for a reason. God has smited them for their traditional lack of self awareness for good reasons.
The 6 million comes from the chosenite prophecies. There had to be 6 million burnt offerings, according to the Talmud, before Israel could be brought to life.
They tried it before the Bolshevik Revolution whereby the chosenite newspapers here in this country spent untold gallons of ink berating the Russians for killing the magic number in an attempt to drum up financial support for the extermination of the Czar and his supporters and bring about Red October.
It was not until all the pieces fell into place with the overthrow of the communist and antifa action (the armed faction of the German communist/Bolshevik party) and the National Socialist came into power did the Bolsheviks find the proper opportunity to turn a regional war into a world war which culminated in the soviet Bolsheviks taking over Eastern Europe and infiltrating and completely taking over the American gubmint.
International Chosenites declared war against Germany in March of 1933 after Hitler became chancellor as they knew what it meant for them. The Weimar Republic would cease to exist, the institute of sexology would be banned along with its inherent perversion, Rothschild was arrested as the Bolshevik banks were outlawed, and (as Churchill stated – the international bankers would not be able to profit if Germany’s financial and banking institutions spread throughout Europe) the German work ethic was turned inward.
Germany invaded Poland to stop Stalin and his plans to invade all of Europe via his “Operation Thunderstorm” which was brought to light by thousands of secret documents made public after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Germans knew that invading Poland would mean the French and English would become involved through treaties with Poland but it didn’t matter. What mattered was stopping Stalin’s red army from marching to the English Channel.
So, the magic number must be kept sacred in order to keep the lie alive, well, and used as a club to beat those who wrongthink.
There is no ‘israeli government’.
They are a criminal gang masquerading as a religion… part of the time.
The rest of the time, they are masquerading as professional victims.
Money wise, there are a shit ton of Jewish billionaires. Even if one donated a small percentage of their hoard, every last poverty stricken survivor could be living in a manse somewhere with every need taken care of. Thanks but I’ll donate to animal rescue charities.
watch this and i guarantee you’ll freak out
“cognitive warfare”
Teef: Yes, it is freaky all right. I am glad I and my tribe NEVER took the vaxx. Even though we got sick with the Fauci/Gates germ warfare (I ended up in ICU for a few days), we powered through it. I still take the selenium/zinc which you recommended. While the truth is out there, the elephant in the room is that NOT ENOUGH OF THE VAXXED ARE DYING to wake up the masses. The Eloi are perfectly content with their bread and circuses being provided by the Morlach’s debt bucks. I just keep watching the decline of this corrupt, degenerate, syphilitic-thinking country. So sad. Stay frosty. Bleib ubrig.
The American people are enabling their own suicide thru apathy. Never would have believed we have so many lazy stupid people, but here we are.
Be interesting to see who’s left in 100 yrs from now, the 3rd worlders won’t survive on their own either.
Do NOT forget Vitamin D or get in the sun often. I can’t overstate the importance of that. Here’s how I know:
Early on during the lockdowns a reporter casually asked Dr Fauci about VD. Have only seen/heard it once but it stuck with me. He was asked how much of it he takes. He replied off the cuff 10k IU’s per day.
That’s a pretty hefty dose btw. Which makes me suspect it is indeed extremely important. This is the ONE fucking time we should listen to Dr Fauci.
There were more than jews in those camps. I am second generation out of Czechoslovakia. There are more Slavacheks that I am related to here in the US than there is in Slovakia. In fact, one family is left in the old country. My grandparents came over in a boat before the war. To the Germans, the Slavs were little more than animals. My dad and two of my uncles served in the Pacific theater. The other four were in Europe. All gone now.
As far as the Olympics go with yet another anti-whyte, anti-Christian weirdo fest. It makes me glad that we stopped watching tv a long time ago. As Frank Zappa said, “Why do you think that they call it programming?”
Seems to me that the Kranians dropped an anti-air missile on a town a year ago or so and tried claiming that the Russkies had bombed it. Bet the izzies get to keep their story line.
Politics in this country? Blah, Blah, Blah. As W.C Fields once said, “Who am I going to vote for? I don’t vote FOR anyone. I only vote against.”
Well, well… I can hardly believe that you fine Christian folks haven’t mailed in your Benjamins to furnish a $40 kosher food box to those surviving holocaust victims in Russia like that dumpy Jewess on the tee-vee demands! Just how old ARE those “survivors” these days? If they have lived this long then their diet must be adequate as it is. My Dad joined the Navy at 17. Died three years ago at 94. WWII vets around here are becoming about as rare as chicken lips. Just how did all those death camp Jews do it? SMH
Weird that with all of the Jewish billionaires in the world that old Jewish women are depending on contributions from American evangelicals living in trailers to get them to THE HOLY LAND.
FcknA there dude…
I was always disgusted with those commercials and disappointed with Mike Huckabee for.participating in them.
You have ALL been reported to the ADL for antisemitisms.
I can’t believe you DARE to question the six gorillion who died in the Shoah!
Lot of trouble just to kill them. Build camps. Run trains. Troops required. Gas showers, yada yada.
Germans were just not that inefficient.
I forget which German General said it, but “if the order had been given, not a single one would have been left alive.“
Sounds like Leon Degrelle. Fascinating man. Was a Belgian politician who later fought for the Germans and in the post WW2 shitshow gained asylum in Franco’s Spain and lived the remainder of his life there.
No, I don’t believe that it was him. I’ve read his book, though.
War is a street fight, where the only effective result is one of the combatants kicking in the ribs of the other that is in the gutter. Get in the way of one of the punches, or trying to stop it, will get you involved, and you may find both combatants working on your ribs as you lay in the gutter. It doesn’t make much sense, and it’s always bloody, but when it’s nations, enemies become allies, and innocents become unwilling victims. The spoils are the goal, and the victims collateral damage.
Wrote about the Olympic nonsense this morning, just another example of outrage porn to drive clicks to Fox News. I did notice that all of the initial frantic reporting about the attack on the soccer field seemed to fade away in a hurry.
Finally given how many “Holocaust survivors” are kicking around, as I always say “Worst. Genocide. Ever”. Uncle Joe Stalin and Comrade Mao could have given Moustache Man Bad some lessons in killing people.
Hey Art, I’m unable to comment on your blog but hope you see this…
I spent the morning picking worms off my plants. Those worms were more beautiful and worthy of life than the freaks I saw at the olympic opening shit show.
Just venting here to amuse our host hopefully.
I like it… the other quote that leaps to mind regarding them “Buzzards gotta et, same as worms…”
My only issue is burying those fuckers would -probably- be a HAZMAT violation or something
What causes much confusion is that gypsies, communists, retarded, resistance and homosexuals were included in the six million. Yep, every group seizes the number for their own purpose.
Doesn’t matter how many died in the Holocaust, or Holodomir, or Dresden Bombing, or Hiroshima , etc, etc, etc. All one needs to do is see how many Vietnam ‘Vets’ there are presently. There are more ‘vets’ than the number of personnel who served in the armed forces during those years. Not to worry though. The number of ‘vets’ from the excitements and entertainments of the ’80s, 90’s. and the 2000’s up to the present date will amaze and educate you when these figures start being shuffled around. I’m sure the ‘agony aunts ‘that make a living off of other people’s misery will figure out how to make money.
I’m about as skeptical as one can get, and agree.
I enlisted at 18 in July 1972, was off the coast of VN in ’73 with a marine BLT (never went ashore), and have met many younger than I am who have claimed VN vet combat status. The marine combat units were gone by ’71, the army was there until ’73. I had 2 friends who were there when Saigon fell in April ’75, another was on the Mayaguez debacle. The lying never stops with the poseurs, and the worst part, they’re getting away with it.
Your post is the first mention of the Mayaguez I’ve seen since Ford left office.
The original stalin cartoon is correct.
Don’t completely blame the French people over these atrocities – most of them are as repulsed as we are. They have about as much say in these things as we have say in what goes on in the US. Remember, there are more jews in Paris than in palestine…
The entire holohoax is just that – 100% hoax. Did bad things happen in Auschwitz or wherever? probably – bad things happen all over. But not nearly as bad as on the front lines.
Not only is (((their))) story[ies] illogical, they can be disproved easily mathematically. The Red Cross also did camp inspections regularly; there indeed were hospitals [with a maternity ward] and even a theatre. The RedCross could only find a total of some 200k or so deaths throughout the conflict, the majority of them coming late due to sanitation issues, lack of food and water caused by allied bombing of civilian infrastructure. And younger people may not care, but if they had an inkling of what the lies cost them societally and monetarily, they might wake up…
+100 ^^^
My family served in the Wehrmacht in WW2, both my uncles were Heer officers, KIA and MIA in Russia, my father a Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager from ’39-46 (US POW). Every German has said the same thing, and I’ve seen pics of some of the liberated camps where the prisoners were actually healthy and well fed.The (((chosen media))) was imbedded with the US Army photo Corps and painted a slanted picture from D-Day thru the surrender and occupation, today’s Germans believe the same gehirnwaschung as the Allies did. Look at the (((names))) of most of the photographers on the newsreels from the ETO, every single time, right?
The masses do not understand Hitler was trying to save Europe from the Bolshevik onslaught that took down the Czar and Russia in WW1, the post war fighting between the Bolsheviks and Freikorps and endless battles with Antifa into the 30’s My father was Hitler Youth for 3 yrs prior to Labor Service and Luftwaffe, they fought the Antifa kids in the streets. Hitler believed western Europe would unite with him against Stalin, instead they sided with Satan, as my father said to me. The jew controlled banks forced every western nation to fight Germany because Hitler stood up to them and printed it’s own money instead of borrowing from the Ziobankers. Germany had the strongest monetary system in the world in the late 30’s. They had to be exterminated, just as we’ve seen today with Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and Putin.
Germany was not godless as we are told, they were very staunch religious families and chaplains served with every military unit as we have in the US, the jews even had rabbis in the Wehrmacht. They won’t tell you about that one either.
That book you told me about was really good. It was cool to read about your father.
This can’t be real. The Great Orange turning against the Medical Induatrak Complex??? Noooo way. I’m dreaming…
Roflmao 🤣…..if I didn’t I would cry. BCE, the man who says what we’re all thinking.
We probably should have just given the cheese-eating surrender monkey fags to Hitler.
Had Germany won the war, France would likely still be France, and not populated with foreigners and rules by jews.
Everyone would be better off Brother…
I seem to vaguely recalling reading somewhere that every time some country instituted a pogrom against its Jewish population the number that always popped up was “6 million”.
6 plus some zeros is the number they always pull out of their hat when they don’t have a real number. Just Google 600,000 dead.
There’s 600,000 dead in Tigray , Ethiopia.
600,000 dead of Covid in the US.
600,000 dead Iraqi civilians in the Gulf War.
600,000 dead in Syrian Civil War.
600,000 made homeless by Typhoon in Philippines.
Etc etc etc
It’s all gross estimates.
File this under ‘We shall see what we shall see’.
‘Even the cockroaches won’t survive’: Expert discusses Hezbollah’s new EMP weapon
Anything is possible.
If Israel preemptively attacks Turkiye does that invoke NATO Article 5.
It might be a good excuse to break up NATO if nothing else..
When Jews die it’s a Holocaust. When non-Jews die they are simply dead people. Lots of civilians died during the war.
Bullshit. They aren’t people. They have no souls. They were merely animals that could talk.
Look at the silly goy! He thinks he’s people. Hahaha. Only Jewish lives have value. You “people” exist only to serve us. Apart from that you have zero value.
The goy does not understand he is but a tool, an ass to be beaten and exploited until he dies.
The goy believes he is brother to his master.
The jews are rioting for the right to rape prisoners.
Every. Single. Time.
Must be anti-semitisms to notice.
I’ll just stick this right here…surprised you haven’t already appropriated it, BCE.
Well damn! It didn’t copy/paste…Hans get the flammenwerfer…Olympic dudes(?) putting their hands up. Stolen from Josey @ GAB
Let’s look at TheHolocaust™ myth:
1930s and 40s, why did Germans need Poland and North Afrika?
Germans needed petroleum for vehicles, aircraft, maritime, and agriculture.
How much petroleum is required to incinerate one corpse?
A funeral parlor with a crematorium uses about twenty gallons (80 liters/litres) of fuel per corpse.
Incinerating one corpse takes about ninety (90) minutes… according to some sources.
Other sources say about four (4) hours
Let’s be conservative:
SixMillion™ times ninety minutes equals over a half-billion (540 million) minutes.
Each twenty-four hour day has around 1,440 minutes.
Using standardized funeral practices, about sixteen (16) jews could be incinerated each day.
How many days to incinerate SixMillion© jews?
375,000 days, or about a thousand years.
How much fuel to incinerate SixMillion® jews?
At twenty gallons (80l) per jew, Germans burned through 120,000,000 gallons of fuel.
One hundred twenty MILLION gallons.
As a kid in the 1950s, we had a set of 1932 Encyclopedia Britannica.
According to the 1930 European census, about 132,000 jews lived in Europe.
A few hundred thousand squatted in Palestine.
A few hundred thousand settled in fUSA.
Tragically, the other SixMillion© were lost during TheHolocaust™.
Small correction. In Poland there were approx. 3.5M Jews in 1939. This number is so high because there was a lot of Jewish immigration in the years leading to the war from Austria, Germany, or even Czechoslovakia. But it is what it is. Various documents indicate that there could have been around 2.7M killed during the war. It is impossible to verify. Still that would give you a number of up to 800K surviving. Official Polish Jewish estimates talk about close to 500K surviving. But there are known issues with the way they were counted, so it is possible this number was higher, maybe as high as the difference mentioned above. I think that affects your estimates significantly. Despite the fact that millions really died in the war.