Greetings everyone!
So the majority of us saw the farce that was the “Chinballs” (p)Residential Stand In. I’d hanker a guess that they got at least four of these guys who’ve been doing the “performance art” of filling in for the Corpse Formerly Known as the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den, or simply “The Joetato” for brevity.
The reason I call him Chinballs is pretty self-explanatory:

‘Deez Nutz’ if you will, were first noticed on the (p)Residential Airplane, ‘Air Farce Dumb’ a few months back. It raised all sorts of questions then which were dutifully ignored by the now-absolutely Traitorous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda. It was also when he went a wee bit off script, leaving Secretion of Staatz Anthony Winken, Blinken, and Nod looking utterly horrified.

What I find interesting (outside of the Chinballs) is that it always seems to be Blinken who is the ‘handler’ of the various “models” of the (p)Resident, the Corpse Formerly Known as The Joetato.
Considering that the Chinballs Guy goes off script pretty frequently, I have to wonder if he’s doing it intentionally? Maybe to keep people just wondering IF The Joetato is that fucking fried or what?
Not sure.
There were a couple of ‘other’ anomalies that played out. Keen-eyed observers pointed out The Joetato’s watch:

The time on the watch face is set to about 18:07/6:07pm, give or take a minute or two I believe.
Supposedly the “presser” went LIVE at 20:00 or 8pm “The Usual Suspects” immediately came out and started screaming about “Deep Fakes!” which is going to be a regular thing for the next couple of months I reckon. The upper left corner is what the time should have been, however, the watch face itself, as I said, shows a wee bit past 6pm. In this case, it’s his Rolex Datejust:

However, right after the presser, The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and the Relic Formerly Known as The Joetato came out to give some sort of ‘remarks’ in the Rose Garden out back of the Whytte Haus (leastways I -think- that’s where they were):

(Screengrab from CBS I think)
Anyone else notice anything?
I did.

This here above is a picture of the The Emperor and Empress where they are pretty much side-by-side there at some sort of fundraiser or some grift… Their respective heights are listed on the Goolag as such:

Tater is 6’0
Kinkyboots is 5’6
A six-inch-difference…
Time to do some BCE Investigative Bullshit…
Because of this, I did another screen grab, and ran it through my measuring tool, (the same one I used to measure Ree Tardy Autist’s rifle barrel length in another poast HERE) using a “known good” (the green line) and then got a really rough estimate for the Big Guy himself:

The ‘known good’ is ‘5.5’ as it’s done in increments of ten, so 5’6, is 5.5.
Him? That’d be about 6 foot 8? 3/4 of a foot.
And she’s wearing HEELS!!!
As Joe Pritch on ‘Poast’ put it up over there:

I report, you decide.
Even my patron, DiveMedic noticed, and put out his opinion HERE Besides the Chinballs, he points out that the eye color is different between the two guys playing (p)Resident…

H/T DiveMedic
There’s also the hair factor:

That was when ‘The Non-Chinballs Model’ was ‘supposedly’ coming back from Delaware to get ready for the “Big Explanation” that we saw yesterday. A LOT more hair than what they had last night. Gretchen, who’s done hair professionally said that there is absolutely a difference that even ‘product’ (i.e. gel/spray/ whatnot) could NOT account for int he differences.
Let me tell you, she knows her hair ‘stuff’ like I know weaponry.
That’s saying something…

That was taken at this year’s “State of the Onion”… which I believe is another Model, the “Intermediate Chinballs” one… Better hair, smoother skin and lesser Chinballs.
It’s a pretty sure thing that there’s a couple or three, if not more of the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den has more mobile carcasses running around loose out there.
Of course afterwards all of them are going to be stamped

…and ‘disposed of’ promptly.
Not sure if they understand that.
So, AGAIN, we live in INTERESTING times to say the least.
The basic issue that I’ve been meandering towards is that we got problems. And it’s NOW out in the open. Like it’s been in the open forever and a day for anyone with half-a-brain. The thing of it is? The majority of the US “Educated” NPCs had no idea that it was this fucking bad. I mean just the other day, I saw some Joe Rogan podcast from February where Michael Malice explained to him just what an “NPC” was/is.
The fact that Joe Rogan “Mister Super-Intelligent and Wired-in Who Examines The Pulse of ‘Murica” had no fucking clue what an NPC is tells me a lot about the current state of affairs.
Celebutards like him AND his ilk are the primary ‘Gatekeepers’ of the current ‘Social Constructs’ if you will. Much like how George Clooney, who raised how many millions of dollars for the Festering Corpse of The Joetato’s re-(s)election, until he suddenly reversed course? And when Clooney did the fastest turnaround in the history of them, how many Box-Wine Aunties and Eggless Egg Carton Wahmen did the same exact thing? They jumped so fucking quickly from the sinking “Joepedo”

over to voat for literally a woman who made it to the “top” by being on the bottom?
The very same wahmen who speak of misogyny and how “…they don’t need no man!” and all the usual fucking platitudes? They literally have changed their political allegiance without question from a because a ‘top tier man’ who gives them the screaming thigh-sweats told them to? A guy who, for the majority of them, wouldn’t piss on them to put them out if they were flailing about at his feet, on fire.
To steal a line from Monty Pythons “Holy Grail”
“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government…”
But instead of any rational reason Clooney, a multi-millionaire Nepo-Baby ‘adult pretender’ told them to (s)elect a Desiccated Dullard who on his best day(s) might have been a high functioning Midwit Retard, told them that it was a good thing for them to voat this way.
Because reasons and sheeeeee-it.
JD Vance had it right. As he stated in 2021 he saw as one of the biggest problems facing America: It’s being run “by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

Absolutely Goddamned Right.
And it’s only going to get worse as time goes on.
Too Many NPCs.
Too many fanatics.
I will openly state though, I can’t say that I know a lot about Vance, nor do I really give a fuck. I do know he was a genuine combat Marine as opposed to Transportation Pete “Never Left The FOB” Buttplug. Everyone can agree to disagree with me, but IMO, he’s the possible Vice President, so why should I give a fuck? In the past, no one genuinely gave a shit who the VP candidate was, unless it was some “Erf Shattering Change-Up” like when Geraldine Ferraro got picked to run with whatizname? Walter “Nobody” Mondale… that was it…. and notice if I didn’t define who she was, the majority of you non-political types would have had to goolag her name…
The one and only reason that the Veep became even remotely/partially important over the past few years is
A) The Joetato was so blatantly infirm and incapable. Anyone (with the exception of hardcore DemoncRats and NPCs) with even a quarter-of-a-cortex could see it, and therefore damned near everyone thought there was a pretty good fucking chance that -whoever- The Corpse Formerly Known as “Brandon” picked would be the new Prez shortly after the (s)Election.
B) The Fucktard they/he did pick is probably why no one tried to off The Spud. I mean even on his own side, despite the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda to the contrary, he wasn’t exactly beloved by the various DotGov Population. Even the Obamamessiah purely hated his ass. The problem was, he (or the people who run him) picked the best ‘safety valve’ he/they could. A sperm-burping, nonintelligent, right color, right gender, and unambitious at the time cackling retard. A perfect ‘nonentity’ that IF she got elevated, everyone knew she’d be an UTTER and COMPLETE disaster (and probably as easily controlled), so therefore everyone held their collective breaths (and noses) and waited. And prayed that they could just s-q-u-e-e-z-e ONE full term out of him, maybe two.
The Veep position, per historical precedent would have been under ‘normal circumstances’ just overlooked and ignored. He/She is just supposed to be a ‘spare’ in case of ‘issues’
No More, No Less.
But per German Field Marshal Helmuth Von Moltke: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”.
I’d say that’s a stone cold fact.
The other reason now isn’t because of the Throat-Goat, (or THROATUS which also cracks me up) but because someone took a shot at OrangeManBad, and someone else will probably do so again, so again, the Veep candidate unfortunately matters.
So your thoughts? Gotta go empty the pupper (who’s growing like a weed!) for the night.
More Later
Big Country

Just an FYI that Vance was in the Marine Corps but was in Public Affairs. Nothing wrong with that but he wasn’t an 0311 going out on patrol every day.
I’d just like to add that Trump’s VP matters as well because Trump is pushing 80 and there is a good chance that if he wins election that he might have a health issue and the 25th Amendment kicks in and Vance is President.
Agreed. It’s too early to say with JD but … he’s setting off my bush radar. His resume is very much like Pete Buttibuttblaster’s, his wife is a pajeet and a democrat, and on paper he looks like a Washington NPC. They pulled her pic down on Wikipedia… I heard him address the filthy plebs yesterday on OyTube and you could tell he was picking and choosing his words so as to say absolutely nothing.
The reason he is important is Trump has a problem with hiring swamp creatures that stab him in the back the way Pence did. My read is JD will too. He’s fake and gay all the way through, is my read on him. But… whadda I know?
It’s probably good that this is the closest I get to social media. Been reading about Wrays testimony that it may have been shrapnel and not a bullet that creased Cheeto Jesus’ ear.
Now it seems we have 3,273,952 ballistics experts on twitter explaining why it is shrapnel and not a bullet. I believe they also want Teflon Don executed for stolen valor or a stolen 3 musketeers bar or some shit. Like you would be any less graveyard dead from one or the other.
I saw the footage. I saw the injury. I heard Trump describe the sound. It was a bullet.
If this would have to any of those keyboard commandos they would still be on the stage sucking their thumb with soiled britches.
Nah, if it was any of them, /ourguys would have kept shooting to make sure the fuckers were fully perforated. Shot to fuck, and bleeding out.
In fact, IMO why I think the whole story of “2nd Gunman” is utter bullshit is IF there was a 2nd Shooter why did they stop shooting??
They HAD their patsy. They could have easily put a single, final round thru OrangeManBad’s Casaba, and the patsy would STILL have gotten blamed.
It would have been a ‘freebie’ so to speak.
Nope, NO second shooter. They FULLY EXPECTED and TRAINED UP ‘Ree Tardy Autist’, and he. fucking. missed.
End of story.
An imaginary 2d gunman who not only stopped shooting, but was even moar inept than RTA Fucktard? Who? Stevie Wonder??
Sh’yeah, when monkeys fly outta my butt.
Anyone trained would have put at least the first three to Trump’s chest cavity, and the next 5 would have shredded the DHS dogpile, with one or more rounds going through them and into DJT as well.
They bet the farm on a retard, and failed epically.
OP: Concur on all.
There’s a whole sack of Joetatoes, all of whom are going to have to be disappeared soon.
Interesting times.
Since we are all adults we can agree to disagree on various aspects of the situation. One thing that I think all three of us agree to is that this was a planned hit with the Homeland Security nazis deeply involved in it.
As far as the useful idiots who have been portraying jotato as soon as he is officially off the stage they are toast.
Throatus has been endorsed by Barry so he can have his forth term with another empty sock puppet as the face.
Life goes on.
The copies, even if they’re agency spooks in masks, are going to all be erased. Probably as soon as November.
My question. Where do they get all the Joetatos? Is there a casting call? Where do they advertise? I’d maybe apply for the job if they wanted a fit, balding , dark gray hair, good looking, scots-german guy to fill the roll.
He didn’t miss.
Someone taught him how to breathe and squeeze and make the first round count. If Trump hadn’t moved his head, we’d be talking about other issues, now.
Vance does not impress, not because of his lack of pedigree, but because of it. Yale grad is a big red flag. His past with Peter Thiel being another. Nevermind his marriage to a personal injury lawyer pajeet means he will be squishy on immigration, especially H1B visas.
Veteran status holds no weight with me. I’m a Veteran and I served with some of the best men I’ve ever known. I also served with some of the worst men I’ve ever known.
You’re assuming the ear shot was the 1st shot fired, rather than a subsequent one.
Facts not in evidence.
If he’d been “taught” to make rounds count, the first shot and the next seven after that would have been high center torso, and we’d all be playing with molotovs about now, in earnest.
All if the tools saying shrapnal never say from whence it came
No teleprompter, no trees, nothing between the shooter and Trump. The shooter had a clear, 100% unimpeaded line of sight.
It is as an absurd claim as the former SS DEI hire claiming that the roofs were too sloped for agents – after everyone saw a sniper team on a SLOPED roof behind Trump!
Strange that the same photog that captured “W’s” 9/11 reaction….
Set his camera up at 1/8000 shutter speed to do Trump45’s campaign event….
and captured a photo of the speeding bullet thru the air mass….
Yeah. Hard to filter out the signal from the noise nowadays.
I think that is the point. It is Obama’s stray lightning stratagy. People have only somuch bandwith and when thay say nonsese everyone spends time debunking instead of keeping focus where it belongs
Not really.
With modern pro and prosumer cameras, and no film, just electrons, you can set the ISO level to a film speed of 4000 or 8000, forcing the camera in the early evening to choose an aperture with everything in focus from 1′ to infinity, at a shutter speed so fast that it can capture hummingbird wings and freeze them mid-flight.
And that’s exactly the gear a long-time pro photographer who’s been photographing presidents for 25 years for the AP would be using, with everything in focus for every shot, no blur or motion artifact.
That’s why this is really a non-issue to anybody with any experience with higher-end photography gear.
There’s 50-100 guys at these events who do nothing but shoot presidents and world leaders, all vying to be the next Eddie Adams Pulitzer Prize-winner for photography, with every single shot. It’s why they get out of bed every morning.
A presidential campaign is the Olympics, World Series, and Superbowl of photojournalism.
The Red Diaper Baby Wonder Twins Batthouse Barry and Heels Up Harris planned it all along?
Xi Brandong the big dumb ol’ YT gets all the blame and the Wonder Twins are here to save the Mofo day yeah like the Team America World Police song?
Anything is possible in the most retarded society in human history.
Leave The World Behind 2025 LARP incoming?
That Brandon on the right with puffy face looks like an alien.
Petey Butt or comrade kommissar Rachel Levine as vpeezy of the steezy just for the “historic” LULZ.
We now have helmet cam video of local cops counting off 8 expended brass lying on the roof around the body. That matches with the count of rounds passing the podium microphone concurrent with their muzzle reports. 3 measured shots, 5 shots rapid, then SNAP the USSS sniper team zaps him with one shot. No report because the police/USSS snipers had suppressors.
To the idiots sperging out about “the cops had snipers in the window behind the guy, how did they miss this guy?” snipers teams do not set up at the window, they set up deep in the room away from the window,”/i> and could not see the shooter. The Movie American Sniper shows this in extreme detail.
Anyone expounding on quote unquote “audio analysis” is full of shit. That includes Viva Frei and Robert Barnes.
Snipers do this when the objective is to remain hidden. In a counter-sniper role, in CONUS, at a public event, hiding from enemy snipers and/or the public is not a concern
Throatus, throat goat, blackhawk tuah …
blackhawk tuah….now that’s funny!
Demfucks know they dont have a viable candidate to beat the machine Trump has built. The cheating would have to be on a scale unfathomable for anyone to believe. Peter Thiel TOLD Trump to choose Vance who has been groomed for a wall licking deep state wind up. They let Trump win, hence the Throat Goat, and whack him out with something sprinkled on his eggs and we are right back in the same toilet with a little hat wearing, deep state, curry eating cocksucker. No civil unrest or war, MAGA cools their jets, ( YAY, WE WON),same old shit. Just a pumping of the brakes. Enter financial collapse, bird flu, war,kitchen sink, etc. Just my take.
Indeed. PLUS , (((they))) dont hafta worry about some of their pets in the demoncrap party turning on and biting them.
Looks like 6’8″ Biden has on real-boy shoes.
Not those training-to -walk shoes he’s been wearing.
drumpf is a just as big a scam .. the whole thing is a scam..
always was and always will be…
PROOF the Trump ‘Assassination Attempt Was a Hoax?
You are def doubled vaxed, if you are this dumb please stop wasting the O² of everyone else on the planet and delete your self.
Explain the dead fire fighter and the other two spectators then. They were at Trump’s back.
I mean…do any of us know, for a fact, that any of that actually did or didn’t happen? I wasn’t there. I don’t know.
We do know that the media lies to us, for all practical purposes, all the time…
(I really don’t care if it’s fake or real or not. Who the president is has about 0 effect on almost all of my life.)
Gopnik AK is interesting. I can only hope that some mid level White House staffer with a sense of humor throws a wrench in the works. Wouldn’t it be great if this staffer scheduled the “fleet” of joes to show up on stage somewhere all at the same time.
Nobody knows but the staffer and poof six joes show up live all at once. What a laugh that would be.
Gents, only a fool under estimates their enemy ! Camel cunt has The Machine working for her, do not underestimate she or them!
Donald in the WH isn’t a given, a lot of work left to clear the finish line. These cock suckers have recently proven their willing to kill to seat their stooge in the WH.
Don’t shit yourself this one’s the single most important election most of us old fucks will ever have the opportunity to cast our ballets in.
TFAT, my friend, a NO vote IS a vote for the Communists!
Your measuring scale is wrong, JB is standing several feet in front of the Empress, look at their feet, not their heads.
Not arguing all the imposters, but your scale is wrong.
Many decades ago I got a degree in drafting, we did many drawings at angles/depth. Scale was a huge part of it.
Good point
My sister was.watching and said she was in really high heels, if so was to help compensate for the height difference?
Thing of it it -I- inputted the height of the Empress, ASSIGNING her the 5.5 height, which b/c the tool utilizes 10s, ergo 5.5 would be 5 foot, 6 inches in height. It doesn’t MATTER what the scale is, if someone is in front, behind or whatever. The tool takes that into account, ergo, 6 foot 8 inches would have been a ‘correct’ approximation. I know what you’re saying, but the too has (supposedly) a built in compensation for these things. Other examples will be provided tonight.
Yup. My town’s a ways from Mt Ranier, but photographers take zoomed shots with the the marina in the foreground and the mountain in the background, so the mountain looks much bigger than when you’re actually standing there. Makes the town look closer to the mt. also.
“ I do know he was a genuine combat Marine as opposed to Transportation Pete “Never Left The FOB” Buttplug.”
Yeah, they say “Every Marine is a rifleman,” though I guess that would be “rifleperson” or “riflex” now. But JD was in public affairs.
He confesses in his Hillbilly Elegy that he thought he might be gay, until his memaw set his mind straight. Still, he got plucked out of obscurity by someone, and set on the fast track to the criminal elite, complete with Yale education and his Cabal-issued Yalie Pajeet “beard.” And he worked for Peter Thiel, FFS. His butt belongs to someone, and you can be sure it ain’t Trump.
THROATUS is hilarious and needs to be promoted. I wouldn’t count Killary out as VP for THROATUS. She fell in line with a quickness while Bathhouse Barry just got around to endorsing Commie LaWhorish today.
Trump picking Vance shows he’s learned nothing. The Yale grad on top of his horseshit story about being plucked from nothing and sent on the path to greatness, the book & movie deals, it’s all contrived to get the Normie republicans to clap like trained seals while he pockets those AIPAC shekels. And he thought he was gay at some point? Yeah he’s a rump ranger, probably Mayor Buttplug’s boyfriend and they’ve got evidence to keep him in line. His street shitting wife is a product of the WEF. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Personally I felt that Vance was supposed to be Nikki Haley’s VP and he knew it.
If you were a Leftie in Harris’ shoes, would YOU pick Killary as YOUR VP?
You life insurance company would drop you faster than the one way speed of light!