Oy Vey! All dis kvetching over the Olympic Opening Ceremony! Donchaknow it’s Antisemitisms!!! All them haters and eeee-vil right wingers???
Of course the soon-to-be THROATUS had to put her two cents in:

A post like that makes me realize that the Throat-GOAT can not ‘read a room’ nor…. well…. Hell… judging just in generalities I think “basic reading” at my Grand’s Level (age 6) is a bit of a stretch at this point

The only thing she’s able to do is successfully suck-start a Harley Davidson…

I mean I still can’t get over the shenanigans and bullshit, never mind the incredible amount of whitewashing and scrubbing that’s going on. I mean in full on Orwellian Fashion they’re desperately attempting to rewrite this vapid side-hoe cumdumpster into the Second Coming of…what?
Fuck…. even they don’t know what or who she is…
The entire operation stinks of the Intelligence Community again. I still can’t quite figure it out… the why of it all. I try to be a ‘big picture’ kind of person… thing of it is, none of it makes sense… it just reeks of hubris, ego, and institutional inertia that fails to take entropy into account… which then makes me think that it’s insanity that’s now fully infected the whole of any and all ‘things’ that are going on….
The very fact that “Bath-House Barry, the Obamamessiah” and “Big Mike” are still around and running the show ‘supposedly’? I mean anyone who’s spent any significant time researching Barry and his background knows that he’s literally a ‘product’ of the IC… I mean literally ‘made to order’ by some mysterious behind the scenes people that truthfully, at this point to me appear to be far more clownish than sinister.
We know he’s a CIA/Red Diaper Baby. That there’s a ‘strain’ of ‘true believers’ of “The Communism That Wasn’t Tried, But We’re Working on It!” group that firmly controls both our money and politics. John Brennan the former Head of the CIA being a prime candidate of these ‘behind the scenes’ clowns…
Brennan himself admitted during his polygraph that he’d voted for the Communist Party Candidate Gus Hall in the 1980 Presidential Election. Now, unlike some claims, he never admitted to being a member of the CPUSA, nor specifically being a Commie. He called it a “youthful indiscretion.”
Others like Anthony Lake, who had been President Clinton’s national security adviser got nominated in November 1996, following the resignation of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) John Deutch. Clinton then nominated Lake to be the new DCI.
Interestingly, Lake made some statements regarding Alger Hiss, the full-on fucking Soviet Spy who was oh so beloved and defended by “the System” to the point that when Lake was ambiguous on whether or not Hiss was in fact a spy, his dissembling was enough to derail his push to be the new head of the CIA.
So I guess if you don’t call out a Communist spy as a Communist spy is enough to derail the ‘job interview’ to be the Director of the CIA but voting for the Communist Party of the USA is just fucking peachy!?!
Just for the record, despite the attempts by the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda, His was undoubtedly a fucking spy, and a long term one. Project Venona, a hi-speed-lo-drag early NSA project that had decrypted a bunch of Soviet messages and the like, and that Hiss was a spy, and that ALES was his probable code name.
SO yep.
Lots of behind the scene trash happening.
ALL linked, either up-front or peripherally to the Intel Community and it’s Lackeys and Fucktards
The more info we get about the attempted assassination of Trump, the worse it looks for the US Secret Service. Seesm now the local-yokel cops as well as their tactical teams had spotted Ree Tardy Autist almost a full hour before the shooting, and yet when they called it in, nothing happened. I can speak that even from my most limited experience in Personal Protective Details that IF there’s even a whiff of potential contact/danger to the principle, you lock him/her down, and keep everything locked the fuck down until a “clear” is called.
You sure as fuck don’t let the man take the stage and speak for 10-15 minutes…
But that’s exactly what happened
Add on the current ham handed election interference going on with the various tech companies attempting to erase any and all reference to the attempted assassination in real time? Seems that the goolag and ALL the AIs out there started saying that, when questioned about the “Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump” the answers invariably came back and said essentially “nah, never happened” or “I know not of what you speak”

Make of it what you will
“1984” apparently is being played out in Real-Time
As is the “Steal 2024, Venezuelan Edition” going on Right Now
Nicolás Maduro was up for ‘re(s)election’.
According to him He won with 51.2% of the vote.
This is/was damned near the exact amount percentage-wise that Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den won against OrangeManBad aka The Bulletproof Felon won by.
Interesting That innit?

Of course the THROATUS had to chime in… reinforcing the steal. I mean of course they’re going to try the same. exact. thing. here. AGAIN. Because that’s what they need to do.
But it’s getting ugly down there.
Lots of gunplay
Lots of dead.
SOME of the Venezuelan DotMil switched sides. It’s so bad that the opposition party ran, and hid in the Argentinian Embassy for protection. Maduro then ordered his Chavistas (his own private Army of thugs, much like BLM) to ‘take’ the embassy.
Argentina has started a general recall and activation of it’s troops. They issued a demarche, which pretty much is being ignored.
Shit’s getting interesting to say the least.
The last Venezuelan (s)election only went over because shit there wasn’t terminally bad. However, Now? It’s gotten far worse, and people are done. Have to watch and see.
So More Later
Big Country

Yeah, everyone might want to manage their expectations. It’s going to happen again , IF there is an election. If I remember correctly a certain commentator here predicted what’s going on right now, a few days before Biden resigned ( I am also known to my friends as negrodamus).
Figuring out their next moves isn’t too hard IF (and “if” is the middle part of life) you pay attention. Half the time the dumbasses telegraph it.
The who, what, when, where, how isn’t to hard to form a hypothesis on. I’m with you Big Country, the why has me stumped.
South American Banana Republic for El Norte?
Yes we can, si se puede!
A feature to the batthouse gloryhole server.
Leave The World Behind 2025.
Still have the demotivational from the Year Zero era 2009 of a bombed out wasteland with dingle Barry and the caption… my work here is done.
Our ancestors would never have put up with any of this fourth world turd behavior.
Hear me out… the why behind several of these occurrences:
– the plan is set up for one of two options on the table for the idiots running things: a) allow Cheeto jeebus to win giving the illusion that “the good guys won” and everything is going to be great now (personally I expect this), or, b) they orchestrate and execute some massive crisis requiring shut down of elections or some similar large-scale manipulation/change in procedure allowing “their side” to “win”.
– there seem to be some (((similarities))) in major campaign donations for both “sides” of the “(s)election”.
– allowing the nacho felon to win would quell the masses again for a little while and while certain (((groups))) benefit from a good or bad economy, good economies likely allow their pockets to fill a little more quickly. So allowing their other controlled puppet of the uniparty to “win” will give hopium and copium to the disgruntled masses who have teetering toward consideration of action and calm them down with a a big red white and blue pacifier and everybody goes right back to “our side won so things will be great now, let go back to grilling and watching sportsball. At least everything will be fine for the next 4 years”
– notsofast there bucko. They’ve slid the slimy pajeet cucked vp into another easily controllable slot (jury’s still out on how I feel about the guy because there are certain things to like, but my “uh-oh” radar keeps pinging with him for some reason). It wouldn’t be a stretch to let the golden toilet master to win, then they finish the fake job done in PA and then let the kid run things according to how they instruct him.
It just seems obvious to me that they are doing everything they can to tee up a win for the Holyfield wannabe. It seems that the “blue” side is making everything as ridiculous as possible to make it appear that “there’s no way they could cheat because eeeeevvvverybody can see how bad the left is and they couldn’t possibly win without cheating”. So with everyone thinking the way they want them to, they allow the big D to get in and then carry in with the rest of their plan. I think “they” are aware that if a cheat (that would have to be 10x more obvious than the last selection) happens, people might finally get to the point of some type of physical response. Which I also wouldn’t put out of the realm of being tried because they are salivating for a reason to pull a martial law situation and deputize willing military age males (who there just happens to be a good supply of thanks to the all-but-open imaginary line in the dirt “border”) to try to round up “evil gun owning people” who don’t toe the line. They know that will be a suicidal task but using a bunch of expendable foreigners for the job will help them get rid of extra mouths to feed while working to deplete private supplies of resistance.
I know that was a lot, but I think there is likely merit to it.
I still feel that Vance was expecting to be Nikki Haley’s VP and knew that Trump was supposed to get offed. It pains me to say bad things about a fellow Marine, even a REMF, but I don’t like the way his eyes looked at the CONvention. And Trump seems to have an uncanny knack for picking people who will stab him in the back.
Not necessarily…Vance is a manipulator…if being loyal to Trump looks beneficial, he’ll be loyal….
As the saying goes, you can vote your way into communism, but you have to shoot your way out.
Yep…it seems an infallible rule of human nature….Otherwise, you’re Cambodia, with 1/2 your population DOA…
they’re just mocking us now. they’re so confident in their hold on power.
“(((they’re))) just mocking us now. they’re so confident in their hold on power.”
There – fixed it for ya.
duh, i are a collige gradgiate….too early in the a.m….hey! i thought yawl weren’t supposed to question my possessive pronouns these days?
I pray the Trumpster campaign does not spend too much of their funds on Kameltoe, she is NOT going to be the nominee by the time Shitcago D convention is done. The DNC a-holes are doing a multiple tier bait and switch, not the Bi Den Xi puppet, not Kameltoe, but each tier causes counter expenditures that will not be easily recoverable. Who will be the final choice? Don’t know yet but the whole game just reeks of Borgia level intrigue.
WORD. She will be thrown under the bus. Do not discount others in the wings. Just like Nikki and Pompeo were standing by in case the Golden Golem got his head blown off, this slattern Kamala has a definite shelf life. My money is still on The Red Queen. Stay tuned.
Good to see you buddy!
They still haven’t filed papers to get her on the State ballots, so could be right….
(((Their))) pockets are full enough.
Money is only the means to the real goal of eliminating the white Christian race from the planet.
That will bring (((their))) messiah.
You just got the definition of zionism
(((communism/zionism and talmudism/cabalaism/noahidism))) to benefit “them” and never the goyim. Them being the Rothschild’s and their related globalist bagelboy bankster ilk.
As for drumphsctick vs. kameltoe…it’s just the (((parasite class’s))) never ending WCW style Kabuki political Uniparty Theater that’s used to give the conformie NPC’s that inhabit ‘Muerica’ the illusion that they have any say in how things are run…as George Carlin said. It’s nothing more than, distract, deceive, divide and make sure that the conformie NPC’s are entertained so that they continue bestowing legitimacy on the (((parasite class))) and their dangled meatpuppets as their “leaders”.
Watch “Message to the voting cattle” video; except for the ‘hollow toast’ bs references it’s spot on.
Be your own leader!
Northgunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Just like Maduro “saved democracy” by closing the polls early and declaring himself the undisputed heavyweight champion of the universe and then celebrated his criminality for all of Venezuela and the world to see, I agree that the com-tard cult will do a multiple bait n’ switch to save democracy (and the ensuing democide) for FUSA. Kamala “THOT” Harris won’t be anywhere near the next stolen presidential election when the dust has all settled. Chess isn’t that hard to master if you key on flipping the board over once its clear you’re going to lose.
Maduro is as American as apple pie…fixed elections, check!
I think the Maduro selection in Venezuela is a test. He was losing in a landslide, shut everything, and declared victory. If the Army sides with the voters and gives the Commies a Latin Helicopter ride, then I believe they’ll let Trump win, if however Maduro hangs onto power they will do the Big Steal if it sows they’re losing.
In the professional circles that are bringing us AI, they call it “Hallucination” when the AI lies or just makes things up. Kind of makes one wonder if all this AI has already been given its MK-Ultra programming.
I agree with FCsays: @July 30, 2024 at 10:57 am analysis. However, I lean towards they are gonna steal the election. Because though I agree that a “win” will give hopium and copium to the disgruntled masses who have teetering toward consideration of action and calm them down with a a big red white and blue pacifier and everybody goes right back to “our side won so things will be great now, let go back to grilling and watching sportsball, what the fuck is our side and our side adjacent gonna do if they still the election? Nothing. Nothing but bitch about it online is what our side is gonna do.
They already have all the power, there is no reason for them to believe they can ‘t keep it. I’m telling you, even if Trump wins, the gigantic federal administrative state is going to be out right insubordinate. And if a federal agency is subordinate, who the fucking fuck are you going to get it to obey Trump’s administrative orders? The Courts? The evil cocksuckers is the black dresses that tell voters they don’t have standing to challenge elections? Even if you get the courts to give you a decision in your favor, who are you going to get to enforce it?
TPTB has poisoned us with clotshots, out right admit they will discriminate against us in employment, invading us with 3rd world criminal immigants, kicked us out of churches during covid, openly mocked our faith at the Olympics, invaded all of our institutions at the local, state, and federal levels, openly admit they want us dead, kill us with fentanyl, inverted right and wrong with sexual detergency, openly pray of the bodies of our children whether through open pedophilia or sexual mutilation, invaded women spaces with mentally ill pedophile degenerates, censored our opinions using monitors from comment sections like Jewtube and MSM web sites, subvert our churches with faggots and pedophiles just to name a few things off the top off my head. None of these, either individually or cumulatively, have spurred us into action.
There is NO! (none, nada) line that can be crossed that will convince dissidents to mitigate our atomism and come up with a list of suitable targets whether they be individuals, NGO’s, or government agencies, or start articulating some strategies to mitigate Saul’s Alinsky’s use of the Rules of Radicals being used against us. If you aren’t going to fuck people up because they are sexually mutilating your kids, you are not going to do anything. So I think they will steal the election. Why shouldn’t they?
If Mohammed had been insulted in Paris, there would still be fires burning. Faggots would be thrown off the Eiffel Tower. Which is why I admire Islam. I admire people that stick up for their beliefs, even if they are misguided.
The American people have shown they have no backbone for a fight. Since the NFA ’34, we (as a whole) have not raised one gun in anger towards these illegal alphabet agencies, the lawyers get rich and the masses empty their wallets to the special interest groups to do their fighting in court. And it goes on for decades with no end in sight. All in direct contradiction to the full meaning of why they wrote the 2nd Amendment in the first place.
So tell me why Team Evil has anything to fear.
“The entire operation stinks of the Intelligence Community again. I still can’t quite figure it out… the why of it all. I try to be a ‘big picture’ kind of person… thing of it is, none of it makes sense… ”
It makes perfest sense if the plan all along has been to suspend the election on the pretext of (insert crisis here). To cement their power officially.
Their problem for them is the rest of the world has grown tired of their shit and is in the process of dismantling their global griftings and ponzi schemes.
Was awoke by a dozen raccoons on my deck at 0430 this morning, apparently having a coon in! What the hell, I walked out onto the deck sat, and watched from ooo 15 ft.
Me my Ruger .22 pistol, with thunder beast suppressor , a couple extra mags and a Pvs 14 nod.
They’ve been terrorizing my 14 year old golden retriever and my 15 year old Cat for weeks. Turns out they’re trying to raid the dog food and cat food plastic box.
Appeared to be two coon families, was interesting me 15ish ft away, then growling at me for a few minutes then when they realized I was just watching, not going to shoot em, they went back to work on the box.
Amazing how organized they were each family worked a different side of the box, they actually made noises as if speaking to each other. My wife handed me a cup of coffee at 0500. About twenty minutes later the sun was about to rise, they left. Over to the wood pile climbed up the wood pile onto the wooden fence.
Before they dropped into the stream area, they all turned and said see ya tomorrow.
These two moma coons have been hanging out here for ooo10/12 years, it’s like we’ve become old friends, they stop by and introduce their new baby coons to us this time every year.
I know it’s not a good thing to do, but I feed em in the winter out under one of the apple trees. Dog food between my Dog and them about 75 pounds of dog food a month.
We enjoy the wild life the Deer, raccoons a porcupine once. And the birds, Dove,Quail we’ve been talking about purchasing and freeing a few pheasant yearly hoping to replenish the native pheasant population.
Gotta be careful of these wild ani,Al’s, the neighbors dog attacked the coon family few weeks ago, they fucked the dog up pretty good. Don’t think he will be engaging those guys anymore.,
Get ready – after Harris is installed better buckle up. Remember that “defund the police” bullshit – well we’re going to see the arrival of the modern version of the Sicherheitspolizei.
The communists are going to use the Nazi police?
That makes no sense.
I said “modern version of” – state police force – jackbooted thugs – what more do you need to get the list of it, for the love of God.
Communists and National Socialists were absolute enemies, and you confuse the two.
So why not say the modern Cheka, the modern NKVD, the modern KGB?
The National Socialists were against the folks who won the war and then created this utopia we see around us.
It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the truth
Noted. Too bad they lost. If they had not, the engineering in the utopia we see around us would be much better no doubt.
It’s hard to say, honestly…Americans, Europeans, and even the Soviets in the 40’s didn’t want trannies running wild (well, I assume they didn’t) but a certain (((demographic))) has had free reign since 1945 and have slowly instituted their destructive plan since then.
I like to think that it would be better, but honestly, who knows?
I’d say that (((demographic))) has been running roughshod since more like 1913 after they injected themselves into the fabric of our nation to destroy it from the inside out. There have been many who have told the truth about (((them))) but they always get shut down: Martin Luther, Enoch Powell, GLR, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, etc.
But back to the point, things definitely accelerated through WWII and especially after (((they))) had England blast their way into P-stine for them in 1948.
more clownish than sinister
it’s an illuminati thing…
they mean to humiliate their victims as part of the demoralization/indoctrination process. once the ‘mark’ accepts living in clownworld, i.e. lies, ugliness, and death(satanism) he starts to go along with it to get on with his life. except the end game is to kill the victim once they accept lucifers ways.. a sacrifice.
live a lie and lose connection with the devine- because God is truth, beauty, and life. so it is written.
KamalToe sez, “we stand with Venezuela” .
Which side?
The ones enforcing the steal?
Or the ones fighting against the steal?
They may have a democracy, but we have a Republic.
a republic you say…
Chiquita style, type 1, each
Will someone please illuminate what exactly the headline from events in Tehran mean?
Airborne Guided Projectile?
For sale at our local purveyor of ammunition?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Spit ball shot through a pee shooter?
Obama Said, “jokingly” how nice it would be to see someone elected to follow him who he could have a third term through. And Lookie how that went..
The Incompetence is not actually incompetence. It’s enemy action disguised as stupidity. Nobody can screw up everything without some of it being intentional. A pack of drunk monkeys pounding the Vote buttons wouldn’t have us as screwed as our best and brightest Working to make being an American citizen Be something special.. I’m still waiting for the evidence that shipping money to other countries is in any way even slightly beneficial for America. But it’s a constant ongoing hemorrhage that costs all of us.
When something doesn’t make sense, it’s probably making CENTS for someone.
The masses flat out refuse to see this as deliberate enemy action (we were infiltrated by the Bolsheviks before WW1, FDR welcomed them in his Zionist court) , they instead stand around asking why this is happening, even when presented with the full facts.
You can’t fix stupid.
It’s not stupid…it’s a lifetime of programming.
Communists and National Socialists were absolute enemies, and you confuse the two.
Invoking god because you’re ignorant of history?, that totally makes sense.
I’m sure you are correct. I stand chastised and reprimanded.
Ukraine loses over 2000 soldiers in clashes with Russia over the past 24 hours
1994 article by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson:
“Slav, Russian, can be destroyed but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.”