Greetings and Salutations!
As stated at in the title:

So a bit different tonight. An update about Adrianna with some pictures. We’ve been in contact w/her BabyDaddy over the past few days as there’s some -other- things going on regarding the Grans, not that anything is bad… just ‘issues’ that we and OtherGranRents are working on. We regularly stay in contact anyways with BD, as she is our Gran, and we miss her terribly as you can well imagine…
Considering BD is doing faaaar better than ANY of us expected (to include y’all) and stepping up the way I had hoped he would, TBH I’m sort of proud of the guy. He’s finally growing the fuck up.
Took long enough that’s for damned sure.
And her?
That being said, well I leave it for y’all to judge for yourselves:

That’s the smile I miss and remember…

That and OMFG she’s getting BIG!!!!

Her arm now is fully healed as you can see. She had a green-stick fracture and a cast for a while that came from falling down on the way into the kid’s playground/park. It’s the same one we used to take her to. Seems she was running, and tripped, and she went flat-out like she was trying to fly like Superman, and her arm hit the edge of the curb. According to BD, she didn’t cry at all, and they took her to the ER when it started to get really bruised up/swollen, beyond the ‘normal kid wear n’tear’ so to speak.

And also, she’s still my Lil Goofball as I call her.
She’s developed quite the sense of humor according to BD.
We’re going to see her when/if we go to assist with the eviction of Miss Daisy’s unwanted guests. She talks to us on the fon regularly, and thank God remembers us, as her BD has made sure to show our pictures of us to her. Like I said, it took long enough, but the kid is finally getting his head together from what I can tell, and doing ALL the right things… (part of the issue I think with him was he had like ZERO positive MALE role models as he was growing up.) And as you can see, she’s getting fucking BIG and thankfully, outside of her size (that’s DumbCunts side, as Gretchen and her Ex are both Tall) she’s looking a LOT like her Dad, the BabyDaddy.
So we got THAT going for us.
The other update is on the Red Hot Chili Pupper:

Auntie Stella-The-Sausage-Princess has been such a good dog.

BEYOND Tolerant to be honest…
She’s -not- trying to ‘Mommy’ her, but still puts up with her shit, and doesn’t get overly mad nor aggressive. I’ve rarely had to say anything. A couple of ‘clomps’ of her jaws at the Pupper is usually enough to get Chili to chill out a bit. She hasn’t even really had to growl at the lil one either. What’s also cool is that on occasion, Stella will actually get in on the whole ‘pouncing-puppy-playtime’ as I call it without going all hyper-aggressive.
Stella just sort of sits there and takes it, and I reward her for it after her tolerating the pupper-abuse with some good chewies that she positively loves. They’re a 6 inch long rawhide that has some ‘chunks’ of some sort of fake-beef or something on them. Made in the US (no Chinesium poison treats allowed here) and she freaks out when I pull those out. The only issue I’ve had is that I have to feed Chili in her ‘den’ which is a travel cage I’m using to housebreak her with.
Stella is an inveterate chow hound of the First Degree.
No boundaries nor respect for other peoples food.
No food aggressiveness, as that would be a bad thing. Nope.
Just all food, ALL the food, regardless of -whos- plate it’s on, is meant to be Stellas, period, point blank, end of story. With the humans, she begs constantly. With the Gran, if the dish is left for too long (by Stella’s timetable of course) without being ‘properly addressed’, i.e. eaten, then by default said ‘abandoned plate’ is by rights, hers now.
Hence our need to make sure that the Nukular Redhead can’t be playing games at vittles-time. “You snooze, you lose” is Stell’s motto. Of course we also have to keep an eye on the Redhead as she has, albeit very rarely, in the far-past had palmed off something she doesn’t like to the Fattie-Boombalattie AKA Stella. It’s only been one or two times, over the past couple of years, so not too much of an issue, but nevertheless, standards must be maintained!!!
Stella also as you can imagine makes for a great pre-wash for the dishes. I know, I know, NOT a good thing in respect to keeping the ‘line drawn’ on the whole food thing. The ExWife is/was a professional dog trainer (one of the best in the state to be honest) and I know ‘the rules’ so to speak. I also know that hey, fuck it. They’re part of the family and cleaning off the plates after the fact (provided no onions or any other potentially dangerous “stuff” are on them) for me isn’t an issue.
I mean she does try to get ‘down to the paint’ so to speak.
So tonight’s post is a ‘happy family’ post.
I’m actually happier now than I was when I started this.
It’s really nice to realize that some things out there are still beautiful and cool and righteous. Stuff like this gives me hope yannow?
I thought we could use it after the non-stop negative-stupid since Saturday. It becomes like a grind after a while, so a nice happy-poast is what I thought we all needed. Too many doom-poasts and shit out there as of late, to include my own. Also, I will say I have a GREAT post I’m throwing up on the Substack this weekend. Totally neutral. A DotMil training related with a LOT of GREAT info/intel. I’ll probably cross reference it here, as it’s so chock full of info/instructions/intel. Stand by for that one either way.
So More Later
Big Country

Actually I am SO happy that we were all wrong about BD and that he stepped up and is being a Dad to Gran #2.
Honestly that and him keeping DC FAR away from Gran #2 is the best thing that could have happened and he lets you guys still be a part of her life. That’s great news !!
Also don’t think that what you and Wifey did to try and protect and save Gran #2 didn’t have an effect on him ie maybe part of the reason that he manned up and stepped up was partly BECAUSE of you guys !
I’m so happy for you that all is well on the Grans front, you guys deserve some good news and some happy times.
Speaking of DC, what’s her status?
You don’t have to answer if you choose not to.
A great and uplifting post, BC.
Thank you for the reminder that even in the midst of this (former) American shitshow, you are very fortunate indeed to have a wonderful lady whom you love and who loves you, and wonderful grandchildren.
I think it’s a good reminder to all of us to count our blessings, even if sometimes we feel they may be few. (Or non-existent.)
If even just one person on the planet loves and supports you (Gretchen), it makes a world of difference.
Thanks for the happy feel good. It’s nice to get these little snippets.
Warm and fuzzy is good. We ALL needed that, BC. Thanks.
Cute haircut.
people cannot see the truth because they have been trained like Pavlov’s dog to believe the lie…
She’s gonna be a heartbreaker!
Thanks BC.
The “non-political post” is actually a bit right-leaning!
Thanks for the good news….about time, eh? Thank The Lord.
When you get around to current events again…here is a video of a 3d simulation analysing trajectories in the Butler 7/13 incident. An open source model would be most useful, since I am suspicious of the higher roof behind Roofiestiff. Also, I’d like to examine the angles from the windows in the elevated section to Roofie’s south. Some more photos with more detail of Roofie’s position as found would be gold….and perhaps never released by the Top Men/Women. The whole thing stinks and is only getting started…
I’m so thankful that Baby Daddy is living up to his responsibilities.
Thanks for the update and the happy break. A nice happy post hits the spot sometimes, good for reminding us what’s really important and why we should keep fighting for a better world. You’re a fortunate man BC, glad to see BD stepping up and really glad that y’all are being included in the Gran’s life. I don’t think some people realize how important that is to the kids and to the GPs. When you don’t have it there’s a gigantic hole in your life that nothing else can fill. She’s a cutie pie for sure, that one of her in the hat and shades is hilarious.
Had no idea you were in Substackistan, have to look around a little more. Have a great weekend.
Thank you BCE for not only recognizing the beauty and love in your life but sharing it with us.
Thank you! Your granddaughter is a prize that keeps on giving.
We all have those little moments that bring smiles to our faces. The quirks of our wives, dogs, kids, whatever. The trick is to recognize them in the moment and relish them!
That’s the Good Stuff.
The circumstances may change, the subjects may change but the love lives on as long as it is remembered.
I’m reminded of a quote from the movie Oblivion:
“If we have souls, they are made of the love we share. Undimmed by time, unbound by death.”
May we all be remembered!