Now this post might be a wee bit ‘controversial’ in that my sourcing for this is sketchy AF. I got sent a picture supposedly of what my source said was/is “Ree Tardy Autist’s” rifle. The one that he theoretically used to take some shots at the Bulletproof Felon.
Again I do not know if this’s legit.
This was grabbed from social media before the “Great Enscrubbening” happened. Which as people are finally noticing (AKA the normies and NPCs) always seems to happen when you’ve got some exceptionally shady DotGov involvement going on.
You would think that they’d have set up alternative fake and ghey accounts that they could put out as part and parcel of the coverup right? I mean the very concept of what appears to be a 20 year old Male, who by all reports was a fucking incel (which is a ‘bandwagon’ that they have not as of yet ‘jumped on’, which I find surprising) and generally had NO real friends locally has ZERO online presence outside of ONE count it ONE Discord server!
Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells.
I mean do YOU know of any 20 year old, outside of the Amish and/or Luddites who don’t have some sort of online presence?
So, not sure just where this pic came from. The source in question has never steered me wrong. I have NO IDEA if it’s legit, or where and when it was taken. Now it’s supposed to be a Bushmaster AR-15@e? or a DPMS… it was bought in 2013, so I can’t find a lot of info on just HOW it came from the factory.

Either way, factory or not, the red dot alone tells me some things were done to change it up a bit. I was only informed that this pic came off of a ‘family member’s’ social media. The father owned 12-13 weapons, of what type I have no idea. Supposedly he had only the one AR. Because of this, this picture matches up with the descriptions of the weapon in question when I mate it up with the rifle laying on the roof:

Now, the only missing parts I can see are from the front of the barrel. In the clear pic, we’ll call it “Dad’s Rifle or “DR” for brevity, there looks like there’s a short vertical grip, and what appears to be a light or laser in front of that mounted. The ‘rifle on the roof or “RR” the same reason, doesn’t seem to have these on there.
It’s neither here nor there as we all know, ARs are very quickly reconfigured which is why so many people love them.
It’s Barbie, but for Men.
The MLOK rails down the side also appear to have the rubber covers installed on the DR weapon. The RR is too blurry to tell. In fact the RR? It’s almost impossible to identify anything on it or about it, which is, as I’ve stated before highly unusual in itself as the ‘normal thing’ is for every. single. anti-gun. fucktard. in the nation to wave around the AR used like a “bloody shirt” to gain traction for their anti-2a causes.
Now as far as basic DR/RR analysis.
It’s got a 16in Barrel. I made sure to check. Using an online measuring tool I got this, using the dust cover (3.1in+/-) from the DR and then did the drag/measure on the rifle barrel itself to get as the approximately ‘known width/length’. This gave me a 16in+/- barrel length. I just wanted to make sure as some have said it from the rooftop pic that it looked longer. This, mind you, is a rough-rough estimate:

You can’t see the red line for the ‘known good’ but it -is- there.
Then, the red-dot. Now the RR shows something mounted. The press have said that he had a red dot, and that picture leads me to believe this is correct. The DR rifle has a red-dot as well. It looks like a Holosun. The logo matches. Probably an older model as Dad bought it in 2013 I think? Zooming in:

To do a ‘for comparison’:

I think the ‘crosshair’ “O” is what gives it away.
Then the furniture appears to be Magpul. Rear stock and grip. The stock might be aftermarket as the Bushmaster doesn’t come with this particular model:

The sight in the front IMO is a Magpul as well. It’s really nice and fat on the curves. That would be the MBUS front sight:

However, the rear sight lacks the ‘fatness’ that the MBUS rears have. To my eyes I think it’s a skinnier metal folder like the UTG:

SO, that’s what I got for the rifle.
My conclusion is, using THAT setup it’s definitely plausible that RTA managed to ‘wing’ OrangeManBad. Especially IF that Holosun is dialed in correctly.
The thing of it is however, is that considering that they have not gone out and shown any official pictures of the Rifle-in-Question, it sure as hell raises MOAR questions than anything else.
The biggest being “What else are these morons hiding!?!”
In fact today during the GRILLING of the soon-to-be fired Head of the USSS< Auntie DEI-Boxwine Catstink, a question was asked of “How many spent shell casings were found on the roof?” To which Auntie DBC answered “I don’t know.”
There’s Fucktardation
Then there’s “You’re going to go to jail Fucktardation”
Seriously… just who are they threatening? What relative? Nieces? Nephews? Mom and Dad? I mean she’s the epitome of an “empty egg carton” who bemoans “Where have all the good men gone?” whilst drowning herself in cheap Chablis at night…
Or what are they promising?
Is there an island in the Bahamas with her name on it with a –quiet- number Swiss account waiting for her?
Inquiring minds.
I sure as fuck know that at this point, she should have figured out that when the plot went sideways, that this was not going to end well for her. MY bet is she ‘Epsteins’ herself (/sarc) dramatically due to the “…unwarranted misogynist attacks on her and her ‘X’ numbers of years of dedicated and loyal service to our Great Nation” or some pukey type drivel like that that the DemoncRats will utilize in some form of attack ad later after shes dead.
However, since she most definitely is not the sharpest knife in the block, she’s still going to “stand stronk” against all those ‘haters’!!! “You go gurrrrrl!”
They can carve that on her tombstone after she gets cashed in when they’re done using her…
Jes’ Sayin’
So, your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

Given what we now know, with the rifle set up and the marksmanship skills of the turd on the roof, I think that said turd was shooting COM, and winged his rounds high and left. I know a red dot equipped bottom of the barrel AR is nowhere near accurate enough to make 130 yard headshots. Not intentionally.
Trump was not wearing body armor, so a COM shot would have been fatal had fuckboy connected, but I think that divine providence intervened. That and an inquisitive cop who startled the guy.
I still think that deliberate indifference set the conditions that allowed for fuckboy to get this close, so heads need to roll on USSS for sure, but I am not, and will not, entertain any rumors of more than one shooter.
I watched a program ten-fifteen years ago that they have quarter million bullet proof suits that the president and other elites wear. If it was lined with graphene it would stop rifle rounds. He very well could have centered him and they are keeping it under wraps as they might not want general public to know they have bullet proof suits.
Thats what strikes me… I have several ARs. Red dots or scopes, my eyes can’t do irons anymore… 140 yd headshot is no joke.
Why are all these supposedly experienced military people saying thats a cake-shot?
I’ve put thousands of rounds into steel with those guns, and would only attempt center mass shots at that range. At 75 yds I might go for a headshot.
Why are supposedly knowledgeable and experienced shooters polluting the information space suggesting that is an easy shot? Its NOT!
Cuz propaganda works both ways!
150m with an AR and a red dot is not a difficult shot to make, especially from a stable firing position like the prone.
It’s gateway and they often are wrong on scope stories, but they are quoting the heritage foundation as saying an electronic device used in the shooters house and at his work was also visiting FBI offices and Plymouth.
Interesting if true.
The body of the shooter does not look like Crooks, who is effeminate and looks retarded…it looks quite a lot like Maxwell Yearick, a violent anti-Trumper who served time for an altercation with the cops at a Trump rally 8 years ago…
Today, Biden was apparently Medivacced to Johns Hopkins, and there were emergency meetings at the WH…sounds like Biden is either dead or dying…
All they have to do is stop or change dose on his super meds.
Unknownsquid, the sound recordings are obvious in the time stamps that there was more than one. The science of sound movement related to distance is well known. Bullet crack followed by the report of the shot later. Measure the time difference and going by the speed of the bullet’s movement you can determine distance. It’s science and math. It doesn’t lie. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of incoming fire has heard it.
Yes. The audio evidence from 1000 cell phone videos and the speaker’s PA system is the only evidence the gumshoe gestapo have no physical control over. They can lie about how many shell casings were on the roof, but they cannot doctor the audio evidence without it being obvious. There is no escaping that the three measured and muffled shots that opened the shooting, followed up by the unmuffled shots attributed to the booger eater are 2 distinct weapons.
Cheatle was expertly walked yesterday into admitting that she had spoken to the FBI Director and Deputy Director about the assassination and that they had told her how many shell casings were recovered with Crook’s body. She refused several times to answer what that number is. Evidently, a simple static fact about this event must remain secret until the conspirators have rehearsed the “truth” with each other. You will note that Cheatle maintained throughout the hearings that the the FBI investigation is not her business and her concern must remain limited to what went wrong with the USSS security plan. The congressional questioner failed to ask her why she was discussing the number of shell cases with the FBI Director then if this was not her concern. The only explanation for not revealing what should be a fixed number is that the conspirators need time to figure out what their lie will be and get on the same page.
Yes, the sonic evidence is that there were at least 2 shooters, maybe 3…how inconvenient!
the “3rd shooter” – as the audio sounds to me – fired once. His shot struck his target, gunfire stops.
Its been over a week… they’d have gotten their story straight last Monday if that was the case.
Esteemed CPUSA (D) party member commissarina Boxwine of the FIB is expendable just as Kamala won’t be the nominee.
This is beautiful the CPUSA (D) immolating due to derpy DEI derelicts.
The Antifa patsy allegedly made some cryptic comments on a gaming platform about July 13.
If it all goes well, we just might get rid of at least one useless crime syndicate posing as a political party.
Lee Patsytard wasn’t strong enough to carry a .308 on the vegan diet?
The rear sight is an original plastic MBUS. You can see the triangle shapes in the back of the sight in the DR picture.
To quote Cankles Clinton – “at this point, what difference does it make?”
I’m gonna go ahead and say it: it’s time for reprisals. A bullet through Stretch Pelosi, or through Hamburglar Schumer, or even Obutthole – might change the liberals penchant for using violence in their politics. It’s the only way with these people.
While I cannot condone such things (officially, at least),
I have to say: I can find no lie in your statements.
drumpf is full of shit… just as i said when it first happened- where’s the blood?–is-trump-lying.html
“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”
— Zbigniew Brzezinski
Henry Makow belongs to The Tribe. So there’s that.
you’re so smart….
pay your taxes- someone’s got to pay my bills.
now, THERE’S the ol’ tfA-t that we haven’t seen for a while. Not that we missed your asinine shit, but you’ve been so fucking vanilla lately, those who remember you from at least a decade ago were thinking you lost your balls. How’s fantasy island, there; you ol’ warlord motherfucker?
He’s way good buddy. Same ol’ guy-not another one like him!
Probably just the usual Trumpian exaggeration.
( headshot ) Shooter was behind Trump?
Picture of bullet – trajectory of bullet is too flat to have come from rooftop in front of Trump?
Blood on Trump’s cheek – in front of his ear? Bullet would be passing rear to front?
Blood on the cheek could well have run there while he was kneeling down. Looks more like stream than splatter.
Agreed on blood on cheek likely occured when he was kneeling down.
Re: trajectory of bullet – I don’t think that there’s as much difference in apparent trajectory as you might think – given the range. Shooter wasn’t more than about 20′ off the ground (by my reckoning), and DJT standing on the stage’s platform would put his head at not less than just about half of that. 10′ over 400′ isn’t that much of an angle – when viewed as the picture of the bullet ‘whizzing by’ shows. Just my $.02, not adjusted for inflation. 😉
The question isn’t how RTAmanaged to hit Trump.
A retarded orangutan with Parkinson’s shakes and cataracts in both eyes could pull that feat off at 140Y.
The million$$ question is how even RTA could manage to miss a 6’3″ 215# man standing erect at that range 7-9 times out of 8-10 tries.
BCE: you know, I know, and anyone who’s ever qualed even once knows, Trump should have been Swiss cheese at that range, and so should any 3-9 fat-assed slow-poke DHS toads.
Which is what makes the whacktards pimping the “two/three/eleventy other gunmen” stories sound 2/3/11ty times moar retarded.
If bullets had been flying at Trump from other directions, that scene would have looked like the Las Vegas country music concert.
It also would have been a billboard the size of Mt. Rushmore saying “Obvious Assassination Conspiracy”, which is exactly what TPTB were trying to avoid any appearance of.
I have little doubt RTA was another three-name wind-up duck, and the 200 security screw-ups make Epstein-not-killing-himself look like a brilliant subterfuge, by comparison. They (nor anyone with any real rifle experience) couldn’t imagine any way for RTA to fail at that range.
But noting is foolproof, because fools are so ingenious.
If RTA was serious, this would have been a rifle with a caliber starting in 3, with a dialed-in scope, and Orange Man’s head would have become Orange Julius, on live TV, worldwide.
We’d also be going full boogaloo in 43 states by now.
So there’s that apocalypse disaster near-miss to be thankful for.
But like a hundred other fuck-ups in the last 10-30 years, we’re never getting the full story on this unless and until some higher-ups start getting water-boarded on national TV, with hot fireplace pokers and thumbscrews if they lose motivation.
Best Wishes
Although the high ground was allowed to be compromised there were at least a few set stage pieces that were still in place such as bullet resistant panels that might have soaked up some of the incoming rounds. If we had any sort of an honest reporting on the whole clusterfuck then maybe such things would be mentioned. However, since it is in the interests of the planners to hide how many shooters were involved we will never see it. I agree that it seems odd that there wasn’t a slew of bodies on the ground or for that matter that Trump is even alive. Logically it really SHOULD look more like Las Vegas. However, there was 7 shots with 4 different people hit. That’s only 3 total misses bro. With a strong breeze involved as well.
Qualed. Is that even a word? I hit a paper target, now I is an operator?
You bring nothing to this conversation.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
Has anyone seen Cheatledum and Annie Wilkes in a room together? Strong resemblance.
Thought not.
aaaaand here’s another thinker amongst the millions of NPCs…
Well I will say this. Thank you TFat for posting the link. That was an interesting and not totally surprising read. While I do believe that they tried to murder Trump, {Live on CNN no less} I have never been a Trump guy. Too bad that Dr. Paul is not an option.
here’s some background on Trumps pick Vance..
“I am concerned about this election time and the complete silence of presidential candidates regarding the ongoing human COVID19 genocide.”
The current VP pick has deep ties with Silicon Valley the seat of the new AI technocratic transhumanist “religion”. He has invested in biotech companies.
How a Network of Tech Billionaires Helped J.D. Vance Leap Into Power Mr. Vance spent less than five years in Silicon Valley’s tech
Battelle, investors including J.D. Vance, launch gene therapy startup, AmplifyBio
Google’s Peter Thiel has supported Vance.
How Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley funded the sudden rise of JD Vance
Vance is expected to deregulate AI – which is the opposite of what we need – given that the AI control over people’s nanotechnology in the blood could lead to human extermination.
J.D. Vance’s A.I. Agenda: Reduce Regulation
Silicon Valley is where the real Masterminds of the transhumanist technocratic agenda reside, including Google engineer Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweils newest book “ The Singularity is nearer – when humans fuse with AI” is quite explicit about the creation of Zombies, and he discusses how the zombie would not be recognizable to other humans, but their consciousness is fully AI controlled. The fusion of humans with AI via implantable nanorobots that swim in our blood stream and the military agenda to augment humans well beyond supersoldiers is also extensively discussed with plenty of mentions of the 4th Industrial Revolution sustainable development goals and full endorsement by Gates, WEF spokesperson Yuval Harrarri and even Tony Robbinson. Unaugmented humans will be less than pets to these omnipotent technocrats. I will discuss Kurzweil’ s new book in a separate article soon. The former President Trump himself met with Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, for “peace mission 5.0” Society 5.0 is a vision of the Japanese adopted internationally as the fourth industrial revolution, meaning a “superior” society based on nanotechnology, AI
Almost a ‘LOL’… SS says please sir we don’t know how to do our job, don’t ask us.
We only know two things. Trump was shot and and AR was used to shoot him.
That is all. Rest is conjecture.
Yes, Roofie had to use an AR, because that’s the type they want to ban. If he’d used daddy’s 30-06 deergun and glass Don would be as brainy as Biden, but they’d only be able to ban the Fuddguns. Watch out for a Port Arthur style bloodfest by a Lone Nutter®….probably greasy long hair, so the real shooter can ditch his wig after. Same playbook…same composer.
Sen Grassley body cam video from Butler Co PD
Two different links to the same site that has bodycam video of the police standing over the greased perp. The twink’s legs are as skinny as a 12 year old girl.
The Most Powerful POTUS Psyop In American History
trump has all ewes conned…