Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Now, a whooole lotta interesting things to go over, some related, some not so much. More like a list of ‘things that caught my eye’ today and over the past few.
Call it the Friday Afternoon Round Up.
So, first off, found a guy recommended by Simplicius76 on his substack, namely Dr. Rob Campbell’s stack. Guy does a pretty good job, and is added to my ‘regular read’ list now. Link to it is HERE. He had a pretty good write up this A.M. and some pics and breakdowns vis-a-vis the whole Krainian Klownkar Show.
One of the things that caught my attention was a picture of Andreevka, a ville located just outside of Artyomovsk, AKA Bahkmut. The location that was broadcast far and wide as touting the Krainian Kounteroffensive as being “Great” and “Successful AF” as well as “Unstoppable“… the way they (The various Ministries of Lies and Propaganda) were spinning it up, this was a Major Coup and showed just how winning the Glorious Armed Farces of the Krain were doing against the Russian Orcs… that the “Stunning” and “Brave” farces of the Krainian DotMil ‘rescued’ the town from the Godless Invaders…
Included in the write up was a picture of the town…
With ‘wins’ like this, who needs a loss?
Mind you, this’s a Krainian Town
It did, however, positively SCREAM at me for a meme:
Appropriate Aye?
Figure the reason the Russians left was there was literally nothing left to fight over… even the rubble has rubble, and I’d say that is the very definition of “obliterated” i.e. erased… gone, done, el finito. Even Carthage wasn’t so thoroughly thrashed I’d reckon…
And then, over at Art Sido’s place, he did a nice write up on how Krainfeld was ‘spun’ by the Ministry of Lies and Propaganda when he addressed the UN… his poast is HERE. The TL;DR is that when they showed Krainfeld at the podium, they used old footage of the General Assembly listening earlier to Krainfeld do his “Putin is Hitler, give me shekels Goyim!” shtick… problem is you could tell that they used old footage ‘cos Krainfeld himself is in the Audience apparently listening to himself drone on!
Talk about ‘not sending your best/low effort retards’
IRL, the audience (which I found on PBS) was actually this:
Quite the difference Aye?
Looks like everyone is tired of that grifting lil fucker…
Jes’ Sayin’
And speaking of ‘not sending their best’…
Seems that Kumdumpster Karen AKA Kameltoe Hairyass, has been named the head of the new ‘White House Orifice (sarc) of Gun Violence Prevention’:
Well consider me relieved…
Seeings how every single thing that this fucktard touches goes completely and utterly sideways like a motherfucker as well as pear-shaped, I’d say it’s safe to say that we don’t have a hell of a lot to worry about… this broad is too stupid to even know which end of a weapon the bullets come out of, so I’d say this might be a good thing. I mean she’s doing such a bang up job on the Border amiright?
Then, back to the Krain for a moment. Seems that we might have an idea what Russia’s plan for the winter is, which looks like “Make them freeze to death in the fucking dark.”
According to multiple sources, they (the Russians) blew the ever-loving-shit out of a metric fuckton of Krainian power infrastructure over the past 48 hours… most of which is probably going to be non-recoverable.
“No Power/Heat For You!”
It’s looking grim for Krainfeld… he only went home with the consolation prize of 300mil as opposed to the ‘retirement’ level funds of 24 billion he was demanding. That’s barely enough for him and his wife to settle in back in Israel. Damned shame eh?
And lastly, again, in keeping with the whole ‘not sending our/their best:
According to the article HERE, 17 Geniuses got caught mailing and/or selling “Spice” also called “K2″… that fake synthetic Weed… now, not for nothing, I personally think it’s bullshit, as there’s drugs, and then there’s drugs. That shit is fake assed bullshit, no matter how you ‘class’ it… However, the South Koreans are hardcore when it comes to smuggling as well as illegal drugs. So, that essentially means those guys are toast.
Ahhh the DotMil of today… gotta love it.
As I’ve said before, and I’ll keep saying, Thank God I’m out.
So More Later
Big Country