The Battle of The Pool, British Retardation, a Cool Shotty Oh Yeah, The Boers Rock.

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
SO, couple of things or three to go over tonight. First, the personal. The “Battle of the Swamp-Pool” has been officially won!

Yay Me!|

Took a sample of the water down to Pinch-a-Penny Pool service (a chain ALLLLL over Florida) and had them run an analysis. Came back that I needed a smidgen more Chlorine, but otherwise? It’s just fine for swimming! Seems the whole ChemWarefare I dumped in expended itself on the Algae and after the report I hit it again with another round.

Should be fine long-term. I ran the reusable filter overnight, and will continue to do so, in that this A.M. that sucker was clogged with Algae-Nasty. Again, much to my happy-dance, it cleaned up, and I got it running now non-stop.

Otherwise, let’s see… News that Caught My Eye (a CME if you will…) One out of Jolly Ole England that just shows how far the former Commonwealth has fallen. Link to the Story is HERE

The TL;DR and DR if you want to keep your blood pressure at a normal level is some Piece Of Shit Nigger from Eritrea who raped a teenager, who was up for Deportation after ten years in the clink, is getting to stay in Jolly Ole because if he gets deported back to his Turd-World-Shithole he’s from “…wouldn’t be able to access care for PTSD or depression in the East African country

Are You Fucking Kidding?

There’s Insanity.
Then there’s INSANITY

Just WHY is this fuck even still alive?
Like… OMG… like… I don’t even know where to begin…
Let’s just say it’s the final nail in the Collective Coffin of the Former British Empire. THIS is proof that it’s DONE in caps, bold, and underlined. Soy doesn’t even begin to explain how fucked that whole situation is.

At least in Ireland, it’s primarily because they (theoretically) elected some fucking Wog into power as the Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, who also was an openly flaming ass pirate…

Annnnnnnnnd Huh… doing my blegg-research, I’ve looked it up, and it seems the FagWog quit as of March of this year, and the new PM is a guy named Simon Harris. Not sure as to how Harris is going to run the show, but anything outside of a fucking Wog has got to be better for Ireland overall. At least unlike the last fucker, he was born there amiright?

So, unexpected Good News from the Land of My Ancestors.
About fucking time Aye?
Unlike Scotland… where you have that other mental case Wog, Humza Haroon Yousaf pretty much made it illegal to say anything that he and his feel is ‘mean words/thoughts’

The exact idea being that the law is meant to “…make(s) it an imprisonable offense to incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, transgender identity, sexual orientation, age or disability.” I.E. anything and everything that the various “Ministries of Propaganda and Power” say it means.

Which means I’ll catch a ban on going to Scotland for saying that thier current Prime Minister is a short, insecure Punjabi Paki, who was installed to further the destruction of your basic Anglo-Saxon way of life… I mean tell me I’m wrong…

Fucking Ireland? The former PM (Varadkar) was a Half Irish/Half Hindu. Then, the Scottish PM? A full bore Paki. And the last two? England itself: Rishi Sunak, ANOTHER Punjabi Paki. Add on to that that the Mayor of London, (considered to be one of the power centers in the world) is Sadiq Khan. In this case, rather than Punjabi, he’s a Sunni Paki…

Soooooooooo… tell me I’m wrong.
In every. single. case. of these specific countries that -I- personally experienced and not as a visitor, but by living there for long periods of time, did ANY case of ‘the other’ being embraced. I mean honestly, it. just. didn’t. happen. Meaning in MY experience, both in Ireland and England would you find at the corner pub(s) someone extolling the virtue of a Paki… ever.

And the very fact that Sunak did not get into the position of PM without a LOT of shenanigans and pieces/places moving? He sure as fuck by normal means would never had stood a chance of being legitimately (s)elected… Not for nothing the whol e(s)election process is faaar different from ours, but you should get the idea.

I mean literally, it’d be like Pulaski Tennessee electing a Black Man to be Mayor in 1866. The joke here being that the KKK was founded there on Christmas Eve of 1865… so you get the idea.

Ain’t no way in fuck-all that not one, not two, but 3 PMs who all happened to be Punjabi Pakistanis get (s)elected to the Big Chair in the various countries we are speaking of. Add on the Sunni Paki who’s running Londonistan into the ground, and we have here, what most people would call “a fucking pattern so blatant that Stevie Wonder could see that shit.”

Not that we can do shit about it
Except call it out whenever we see it

I mean I’m sure I just pulled a lifetime ban to any of the aforementioned Areas of Operation, unless it’s for duty. In fact one concerning issue is my old boss, The Gunny? He’s (and I know it’s alliterative) Bailing for Wales here int he next few, if he hasn’t already. He’s had a Welsh Girlfriend forever and a day, but for him to be bolting the way he has? Yeah… as he is/was my former boss, when he starts moving, I pay attention.

Told me the Welsh Country farm that they’ll be on is fine, out of the way, and self-sustaining. Prick. Jealous AF here, except the whole ‘no guns there’ thing…. Not much I can do but give him shit, and keep an eye on his farm HERE as that’s what the plan is from my understanding. Another potential redoubt as it were… have to finalize some stuff but hey… it’s Clownworld now right?

Speaking of which
Stopped by GunGirl’s place.
She had THIS on the wall:

I, of course, went apeshit…
I mean OMFG how awesome is that!?!
As you might be able to see, it’s a Tokarev 12 Gauge Mag Fed Bullpup Semi-Auto. And as you can see, It’s done in A Clown Based Print/Cerakote.

Call it “Clownoflage”?

Here’s a close up of the trigger group:

If I had the $400, I’d buy it.
It’s priced at $369

“Urban Camo”


I had to explain to GunGirl what “ClownWorld is, as well as what the Blue, Red, Black and Honk Pill is. She’s hard right, but she’s not up on the whole terminology.

What’s even MOAR Hilarious is that she’s sold TWO of them already, and this one is ‘spoken for’ by a regular long term customer… which means that;’ she’s sold three of these fuckers, and has more on order, as it’s been by all accounts a big seller.

Interesting IMO, and I think exceptionally well done.

Then, lastly. Tactical Hermit has a fantastic article that he’s referenced at his place, Link HERE It’s an accounting of the utterly depraved and heinous behavior of the British Empire towards the Boers during the Boer War, and the Concentration Camps that were used. The full article (go to it after reading TH’s stuff) goes in depth on the ‘how’ it was exposed, and what happened to the heroine who was responsible for saving VAST amounts of innocent lives…

TBH, after reading this, makes me wonder if Jolly Ole is getting what it fucking deserves… just a day late or two if you will…

SO, That’s me for Tonight. Your Thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

Sunday Night Memes MREs and Muzzleloading

Greetings Me Droogs n Droogettes!
Kind of expended myself updating Tactical Hermit on things ’round here at the Casa. I will say the pool is coming along nicely. Still cloudy, but filter is working, so long as I clean it out every 45 minutes to an hour….

Or now it’s more like every two hours as I got the majority of ‘nasty floaty crap’ out of it. I also had a offer from Tactless Wookie from Gab to get me some moar filters, which was exceptionally kind of him, so I figured I’d give him some props for that publically…

Speaking of gifties… this one from someone who wished to stay anonymous… I got a B-2 Can from a real C-Rat:

Probably one of the last ‘sundries’ cans to ever be made, as the date is 5-80 on the top picture… shit is mint baby. I also got a BUNCH of other MREs from waaay back in the day from one of y’all… including my favorite Omelet w/Ham… It’s older than fuck, but still MUCH appreciated as they’re on the display in the ‘museum’ so to speak…

Yeah, the room is a cluttered mess…
I’m working on it is all I can say.

But yeah, as you can see, the DotMil coins, the M17 Binos (also given to me by a reader) and my oversized Kukri, plus the alibaba ‘fake lego Nazis’ which, TBH are pretty fucking cool:

And b/c I got them on Alibaba, I think I spent like what $10???

They have ALL the armies on there too… US, Brit, Russian… pretty neat IMO. I did the ‘Kragle’ on them to keep them from being messed with, which is hard for Gran #1 who’s ALL about some Legos now… those of you who’ve seen the “Lego Movie” knows what the “Kragle” is (i.e. Krazy Glue).

The only other thing I finally finished was a kit I bought six months ago. It’s this specifically:

A Traditions Percussion Kentucky Rifle.
Currently, it’s gone up in price.

I paid $349 w/free shipping.
I wanted a flintlock… however, and prove me wrong, but I cannot find a reasonably priced Flintlock –anywhere-. I started saving for it when I got that Multicam Tricorn hat… figured it’d be awesome to do the whole “Minuteman” thang to the fullest extent, and in the past I have dabbled in Black Powder weapons. My first being a Pedersoli Walker .44 Hand Cannon

DAMN if that hasn’t gone insane on the price!!!
I got it for Christmas many years ago from MomUnit and DeadDad… I think they spent $100 on it? Anyways, THAT was my FIRST gunsmithing experience from scratch.

The budget here was a total of $400 that I had stashed over time. Gretchen has pretty much vetoed me buying anything in the future, and TBH, in the past year? maybe even two? I ain’t bought shit as I got all that I’ve wanted, outside of “fuck you money” guns like a M-249 or Barrett or shit like that…

So, it took me forever, especially when Gretchen’s Cancer Diagnosis went ‘live’ so to speak… I packed everything up, and left it. There was ALSO a minor issue that one of the ‘bag o’parts’ containing some screws were missing, and that only added to the frustration and delay, as it took a loooong minute to get Traditions to send me the missing ‘stuff’. The majority of work needed was on the wood. It needed to be sanded like mad, and I refused to use a power sander.

Everything on this thing was done by hand
From the sanding, to the fitting, to the final assembly.

After I had gotten the stock(s) down to a nice smoothness using 1500 grit, I then hit it lightly with a blowtorch. Juuust enough to bring out the grain. A couple of soft spots? or something? got a wee bit darker than I liked, but after hitting it with the fire, I re-sanded it down to 2500 grit.

Then, three coats of 50-50 water based stain. Wait a few days between coats, then, a follow on with 2 coats of linseed oil after both stain coats were done. THAT took forever, as I had to let it dry completely before I sealed it. Took about a week between coats ‘cos I positively soaked it in the oil.

Once done? 3 Coats of a tough polyurethane glossy clear coat.

Looks good don’t it?
(TBH the lighting sucks)
I ‘browned’ the barrel as well rather than bluing it, as ‘browning’ is more authentic…

Haven’t fired it yet.
So, yeah. Kind of neat.
I want to do a picture of me, with it, in Multicams and the Tricorn… sort of a modern “Join Or Die!:” thing? Not sure… have to see what pans out. Got to say though, a nose heavy MoFo for sure…

So, Now to the Memes:

So More Later
Big Country

Not Much For Tonight as I’m VERY Tired

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Got an above ground pool on the lanai. Think I may have mentioned it. It’s the bane of the HOA’s existence, or leastways used to be as the cunt who was our HOA rep ‘retired’ recently. No idea nor word from the Fucking New Guy… hopefully he has more than two brain cells to rub together as I already had an ‘issue’ many years back with the previous Management Company that ‘enforced’ the HOA rules…

Specifically, when I had a bounty on my head from Al Qaeda In Iraq ($25,000, not a smol amount of shekels for the average Iraqi back then) I was home on R&R or a break? Can’t remember… Long ago and too many years, too many beers, but I was still married to #1 Wife. Spawn came in and told me “Dada, there are men taking pictures of the house in a car outside!”


I hit a Full On Red Alert.

Had #1 Wife call 911. Grabbed my Vest, Helmet and M-4 in like point zero seven seconds, locked and loaded, and flanked out the back slider to the car outside from the side yard… Pulled them out of the vehicle, at gunpoint, and did a quick zip-cuff on both driver and photographer… Gagged them too as I had long lengths of duct tape already in place on my vest for just such a ‘social occasion’… Hell, BOTH looked like Hajis mind you… Cops showed up and started to unfuck the situation…

Turns out that they were from the Property Management Company… representing the HOA… taking pictures of my decrepit lawn.

How was I to know?

Thankfully, no charges filed, but that was like the last time I ever heard from the HOA until the Management Company swapped out… Since then I’ve made it a point to warn the HOAs and PM groups NOT to play the ‘Sneaky Pete’ shit with me, lest they catch a bullet or 30.

So anyways, the pool drives them nuts. It’s a 30 foot across nice Above-Ground Pool. It’s there as I:
A) Can’t Afford a real in ground pool and
B) The waterline is too shallow… if I dug down, the pool would be floating on water in like 4 feet of dirt… it’s the Bass Pond in the back yard that has me screwed.

Soooooo Gretchen LIKES a pool, as do I. So I put this in, much to horror of the rest of the HOA Karens in the A.O. For the past two years though, with the whole Adriana thing happening and all my -other bullshit-, we didn’t use it at all as we were living in Tennessee. Then it got funky. Like crazy overgrown swampy funky.

Until this weekend.
I started early on Thursday, with the weekend “plan-in-place”. I removed the HIGHLY rusted out ladder. I then shocked the ever loving fuck out of it. LOTS of chlorine… enough to make you think I was the Germans hitting the French at Ypres…

THEN I spent the next day (today) skimming said water getting the slimy gray funk out (dead algae) and melted dead geckos and bugs out. I also busted out a really cool tool which was something I bought over a year ago… it’s a reusable C Sized Pool filter…

HIGHLY Recommend.
Hadn’t had a chance to utilize it…

The filter screen ‘unrolls’ and can be washed in the sink. It’s been working GREAT. My only issue is I’ve had to go out every 30 to 45 minutes as it gets clogged so badly as the water is that funky with skoonge.

Considering the last time I had to do a ‘deep cleaning’ before I knew of this thing?

With tax, call it $20 per 4 filters… and at the rate I’d be using these? I’ve already cleaned out the reusable filter 4 times, which means that’s $20 right there… and from what I can see, it’s going to be at least another 4 to 8 ‘cleanings/filters worth’ before the water is good enough to let Gran #1 swim in it… or Gretchen for that matter…


I made it to Rudder for Swamp Phase when I dropped.
I’ve swam is some shit no one should have ever, so needless to say, I’m not worried. I -do- have to scrape the bottom of the pool in the A.M. though, which I think is going to require me to climb in… hope the neighbors sleep in, ‘cos I’m not ruining or ‘funking up’ one of my good bathing suits… I’ll just go ‘buckass nekkid’ and let the chips fall…

Besides, once I’m in, not that anyone can see anything anyways.

Speaking of the Neighbors.
Found out tonight the Marine from across the street, now living in the former Serbian War Criminal’s house? The same guy that I got the nice rolling tool box from? Seems he went into the VA to get some rotator cuff surgery. Now, I don’t know jack about this guy… TBH, he’s a New York Transplant who keeps to himself… which I’m good with… I’d rather he was a friendly guy, but I can at least understand a retired Marine Curmudgeon right? SO, because of that, I give him the benefit of the doubt and his space. So to continue…

My other new neighbor Portagee (his background, hence his nickname, short from him being Portuguese) who is also a ‘good transplant’ (in this case New Joisey), he gave me the low down. The reason Portagee is a ‘good transplant’ is he’s been getting lessons on shooting from me, bought an AR on my recommendation and his whole family is getting armed up and prepared.

So anyways, seems “Joe the Marine” went in for Rotator Cuff Surgery. While there in Pre-Op, –SOMEONE– realized he hadn’t had his 2nd? or third? COVID booster. They pretty much pressured him into getting it, as “It’d be a good idea.” And, since “Joe the Marine” is a good Marine and goes along and follows orders, he got the shot, whatever number it was…

20 Minutes later while waiting for his ‘turn’ to go into the Surgical Suite, he suffered One of Two massive Heart Attacks brought on by ‘sudden clotting’ that “…no one could explain.”


The reason I haven’t seen him nor his wife around lately was he just spent the past 13 days in a coma trying to survive.
He made it, but it was a near thing.

Portagee said Joe the Marine’s wife is absolutely bullshit at the fucked up situation.
Like absolutely pissed beyond recognition.
Problem is, like most Cops, it’s a case of “It’s the VA.” or, as it is, call it “Sovereign Immunity.”

Can’t sue the VA.
Unfortunately right?

So, totally sucks to be them. Think tomorrow in between cleaning the pool, I’ll make a batch of molasses cookies and run them over… dunno if they necessarily like them, but fuck it… dealer’s choice right? I mean it’s got to count for something as I -did- get an awesome set of rolling toolboxes from him, and I -do- feel bad that he got fucked over by the VA…

Either way, see how it goes.
I got to crash…. OMG it’s 0102 again…
I got to stop staying up so late I swear…

More Later
Big Country

Oh Man, I’m Going to Hell and Too Soon?

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Sometimes I just can’t help myself.
Dude who self-immolated today?

I’m sooo bad.
It’s all I could think of when I heard about this mook.
I mean really!?!
Of ALL the ways to self-delete this’s gotta be the worst choice.

And for what?
To draw attention to (and this’s from dude’s manifesto): “We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of their allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup.
Really? All I can say to that is:

No DUH!!!

Welcome to the party pal…
FFS where the hell has this guy been for the past, oh say ten years or so? Living under a fucking rock!?! If this guy ‘woke up’ to this recently, I’m telling you, how bad is it going to get when others like him wake up to reality? Gonna get ugly I think.

Telling you, we’re very definitely in the early stages of Heinlein’s “Crazy Years”. And it’s only going to get worse. Hence me being “Honk Pilled” at this point. I see something horrific, and nay tragic in that the dude who just lit himself up? His family has to be going through Hell. I can only hope he didn’t have kids… not a lot out there on him yet but I’m sure we’ll have everything soon enough. But yeah, I see something fucked up like that, and laugh at this point… it’s all you can do in this absolutely absurd world.

And me? I’ll do a sick assed vid or meme.

I mean yeah, shit’s whacked. Gold hit $2399 which is impressive as they’ve been trying so hard to keep it suppressed like a motherfucker. Silver hit $28 and is heading up as well. Not a good thing. Then BitCoin is doing something this week. I really don’t ‘get’ crypto except in my eyes, it’s Tulip Madness. I mean what good is crypto if there’s no power? Add on that in reality, there just isn’t enough IRL business that take it… yeah yeah, I know some of y’all be telling me about this place or that and the other, but like Gold, not too many people or places take it in a realistic exchange for goods.

Like 1-oz Gold Coins… sure… pretty as hell, now worth quite a bit. But can you walk into a store, slap one on the counter and ask for change? Not really right? I only knew of, and this was some years ago, a gun dealer who gave a discount if you bought from him in silver and/or gold. As he called US Dollars “fiatbux.” He had a different and higher price if you paid in USD rather than if you paid in precious metals. As I recall he even took 90% pre-64 coins at the silver value as well…

I -used- to have 4 1-oz coins that I sold waaaaay back in the day when the X and I were short on $$$. Never got over that… especially since it was when Gold was like $300 an ounce…

MAD ouch!!! there.

BUT back then, the spawn needed diapers more than I needed the coin(s) at the time. Just like when Spawn #1 was born, the Army didn’t pay shit (still doesn’t) so to get him the good car seat, I spent a couple of days bouncing around to the Plasma Centers around Fort Hood. Got me the $200 I needed and then got a great kids car seat with ALL the whistles and bells. It’s what a man does Aye…

Other things? The Izzies hit the Iranians… again… so I’m wondering if they’ll just keep doing this tit-for-tat bullshit or if they’ll just finally call it a day? Not sure. Don’t really know, don’t really care UNLESS it looks like canned sunshine is going to be set loose. THEN I’ll give a shit.

Not a lot of other news. The Just-Us system is still doing the thing against OrangeManBad, the Krain is sort of off the news as well, and it’s not going to be coming back anytime soon. Can’t be mentioning the black hole that the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den has been throwing, nay shovelling OUR tax dollars into (and/or lining HIS and Krainfelds near-bottomless pockets) during the (s)election year.

So yeah, take the Honk Pill.
You’ll be better off for it.
More Later
Big Country

Two Times is Coincidence is What We’ve Been Told in the Past…and New Memes!

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
About that line I said yesterday “Might be that a recent diversity hire done fucked up maybe?”

Mayhaps I was a bit premature?

I mean I’ll always go with Hanlon’s Razor, as it makes it easier to deal with. I’m far more comfortable with believing that the majority of Hoo-mons are just plain dumb as a Box of Flahertys… makes it easier than to try and figure out the “Wh and Why” of an evil conspiracy and whatnot…

And then things like this happen:

Le Sigh…
Link to the Story is HERE
As I stated in depth yesterday, the Shell CAsings are made in Scranton PA, and the explosives in Holston Tennessee. They ship the explosives to Scranton, where the shells get filled.

Now, filled Arty Shells tend to need special handling and shipping.

In fact, Loaded Artillery Shells are Hazard Code One

So… a question. We’ve heard about the supposed ‘bottlenecks’ that we, the US Weapons Manufacturers have been having in supplying the Krain with MOAR 155mm shells. I’m going to make a guess that the shipping of said-materials factors into that slowdown.

Now, How much quicker (and safer) would it be to ship the empty casings to Wales from Scranton PA with no explosives in the shells? That would mean that it’d be quicker and easier (and possibly safer too) to ship them and fill it onsite and by happenstance, closer to the Krain?

And now the empty shell casing place has a fire/damages, and the place in England that the factory there that Artillery shells filler is made? The same place that –might– have been being used as a prepositioned/final loadout location in Jolly Ole England/Wales catches fire/gets damaged as well?

Again, Call in a Coincidence.
BUT if we get a Third time?
That is Enemy Action.

Not that we can do anything but laugh at this point. As they say, there’s Blue, Red and Black Pilled… but the lesser known one is being “Honk-Pilled”

“When you’ve taken the Honk Pill, you know everything is Clown World, and all you can do is laugh.”

Speaking of which:
Concern American is working on getting Western Rifle Shooters Association back up… haven’t gotten word on -what exactly- happened, but he’s working on it, and said it’ll be back ASAP:

So no worries for now…
All Updates are Up at Gab under his @WRSA moniker.

And beyond that, well, lots of ‘stuff’ happening that I can’t as of yet disclose. DC and her antics have gotten worse if you can believe it, and I’ll just leave it at that for now. All I can really say is Karma is a stone bitch and when you fuck with people and cause that much misery for your own enjoyment, well, the backlash? She’s got no one to blame but herself.

SO, because of that, how about a ‘palette cleanser’ of some of the latest Memes I discovered this past weekend?:

So More Later
Big Country

First Food Production, Then Bridges, Now a Defense Factory?

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Russian Activity or just MOAR DIE Stupid?
I report, You decide:

Link to the story HERE

Of course a lot of the ‘chatter’ out there is comparable to when all the food processing plants and ckikinz processing plants were ‘mysteriously blowing up/burning’. MY take on it at this point though is no one back then was talking about the ¡Muh Diversity! potential for just plain old stupidity.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

Hanlon’s Razor

So, since we’ve now seen the knock on affects of out-of-control ¡Muh Diversity! in many many other industries (coff!coff!BOEING!) I just wonder if this was ‘nother case of some dumbass failing to utilize the most basic industrial safety precautions? I mean to be fair, casting 155mm shell casings involve liquid steel which last time I looked was a very hazardous material to be working with.

Might be that a recent diversity hire done fucked up maybe?

Hard to say.

So, one thing top keep an eye on however is if ANOTHER piece of critical National Defense Production Infrastructure has a bad case of “-suddenly!-” and burns/blows up/catastrophically explodes without warning within the next, oh say 8 weeks? as a timeframe?

Places to watch next:
• Crane Army Ammunition Activity, (CAAA) Crane, Indiana

• Holston Army Ammunition Plant, (HAAP) Kingsport, Tennessee

• Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, (IAAP) Middletown, Iowa

• Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, (LCAAP) Independence, Missouri

• McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, (McAAAP) McAlester, Oklahoma

• Pine Bluff Arsenal, (PBA) Pine Bluff, Arkansas

• Quad City Cartridge Case Facility, (QCCCF) Rock Island, Illinois

• Radford Army Ammunition Plant, (RAAP) Radford, Virginia

The Scranton Army Ammunition Plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania just got hit.  Makes you wonder if this wasn’t intentional as Ole Scroteface Joe is “from Scranton”  Might be a message in this maybe?

The following is a breakdown of “who makes what where”:

Scranton Army Ammunition Plant PA (SCAAP) manufactures large caliber metal projectiles and mortar projectiles.

The Radford Army Ammunition Plant VA (RAAP) in Radford produces rocket and gun propellants.

Holston Army Ammunition Plant TN (HAAP) manufactures Research Department Explosive (RDX) and High Melting Explosive (HMX) for ammunition production and development. ( I literally used to live across the street from this place)

Iowa Army Ammunition Plant IA (IAAAP) produces and delivers component assembly, and medium- and large-caliber ammunition items (fuses and primers and the like)

Lake City Army Ammunition Plant MO (LCAAP) produces ammunition for ALL military small arms, as well as a significant amount of ammunition for civilian use. This is the most modern and up-to-date plant and probably one of OUR favorite places IMO

McAlester Army Ammunition Plant OK (McAAAP) provides Centralized Ammunition Management for training ammunition and contingency stocks for Army units in the southwest region of the U.S

Crane Army Ammunition Activity (CAAA) IN produces and provides conventional munitions requirements

Pine Bluff Arsenal, (PBA) AR is where they do the manufacturing of incendiary grenades and bombs, and the manufacturing, loading, and storage of war gases; and production and storage of pyrotechnic, riot control and white phosphorous munitions, i.e. the really nasty shit.

Quad City Cartridge Case Facility (QCCCF) IL per the name, produces brass and steel cartridge cases.


Any wonder we can’t supply shit to the Krain?

All the HE and shit made in Kingsport TN has to be shipped, by train, to Scranton PA, for all the explosives be loaded into the 155 shells (literally, empty steel shells) where then after they pack in the HE to the shells, they all get loaded onto ANOTHER train, and set to Middleton IA for final assembly, and inspection. Hell, that should make some folks nervous as to the condition of our rail systems too amiright?

So if another one of those plants goes up, well, Logistically speaking, we’re fucked. I mean we already are but call it “Double Sooper Dooper Fukked” if we lose any MOAR capacity to make ‘stuff’ that feeds the beast so to speak.

Under current conditions, besides the shell manufactory going up, I’d personally say that it’s Radford that’s utterly critical at this point to keep running. “Rocket Propellants” being something that’s going to be in great demand as –something-is needed to fire off those Iron Dome, SM-1/2 ADA, Patriot and other Anti-Missile-Missiles. No gas? No defense. Which also means (((our greatest ally evvar))) by rights and in MY ‘umble opinion should be pulling security on these plants. The $7.50 an hour rent-a-cop Paul Blart sure doesn’t give a fuck…

The Krain should be doing likewise for the places that’re making ‘stuff’ to produce the 155mm shells they so desperately need/want, but the problem there is once here stateside, they’d bail into the vastness that is ‘Murica, never to be seen again, as it’s gotten that bad in the Krain…

Otherwise, it is what it is… The Izzies are making heap big smoke per usual about the “lawless strike” and how they’re going to “hit back”… Meh. Shut the fuck up already. Talk about exhaustion… it’s only the end of Tuesday, and I’m wore the fuck out already.

So off to bed early.
More Later
Big Country

The After Action Report or “More Lies The Zionist Spread”

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Talk about a bit of a piss me off…
All Hat, No Cattle.

Add on the fact that gas went down 9 cents locally AFTER I tanked up and reloaded the empty cans… shit like this makes me really wonder if we -are living in some computerized “Matrix”

So, here’s the scorecard supposedly

99% intercepted.
That’s impressive
Seeings that even the manufacturer of most of the Air Defense Missiles they’re using average a 15% successful intercept rate… My former roommate from back in the day switched from TOWs to Patriots, and retired a CWO, and even -he- said the Patriot is ALL hype.

Add on, who you gonna trust?
The Israeli DotMil/Gov?
The same Israeli DotMil/Gov who was responsible for the USS Liberty Massacre as well as faaar too many crimes against humanity to count…Lying Liars, One and All. Even the most jaded Pro-Krainian groups out there have said that for the most part, the Patriot Pac-3 is an expensive Pile of Shit.

I mean FFS I was up until 0300 waiting to see if it was going to Go Full Retard, and while scrolling Twitter, I saw WAY more successful impacts of Ballistic Missiles than they’re admitting to.

And some of those impacts were impressively large with secondary explosions meaning they hit something that then blew da fuq up spectacularly. Means they most certainly did not shoot down allll the incoming
Again, Lying Fucking Liars Lying Again

And then this quite good Analysis:

Now, over at Concerned American’s place WRSA, there’s a couple of good screen grabs from Gab on there. The two guys, Stop_Shouting and Zerogov are correct in their statements that this really shook up the Izzies. They’re used to doling it out, and –not– taking it on the chin like a motherfucker…

Call this their “Doolittle Moment” as in the Doolittle Raid that the US did right after Pearl Harbor… bunch of B-25s flew essentially a one-way mission, dropped some bombs on Tokyo, and caused mad panic in the population.

Add on one thing BOTH guys failed to mention as well, is that NOW the Iranians more than likely have mapped the locations of alllll those ADA batteries. Any bets there was some back-door dealing to have whatever dedicated Chinese/Russian/Nork satellite watching all the fun from Near Earth Orbit? Any bets that the Izzies are complacent and won’t move those ADA batteries or can’t as they’re permanently affixed?

IF the Izzies decide that they need to continue this idiocy, well, the intel estimates before this little strike is that the Iranians have what would be called in the DotMil Logistics parlance “A Metric Fuckton of Missiles”. They got as LOT more from where that came from.

Considering early estimates is that they shot off over billion dollars worth of ammo to shoot down faaar less expensive drones and missiles, well… the price point investment leans heavily towards the Iranians. Especially in light that there really isn’t anything currently available for reloads. WE sent damned near ALL of OUR stuff to Krainfeld. The cupboard is fucking bare, and the Iranians could do the same. exact. thing. like they did last night with like ten times, say 3000 missile/drone combos, and that’d be it.

Plus numerically, just in people alone:
Iran: Population of 44 million.
Israel: Population of 9 million.

And the Izzies have been able to get away with this shit for way too long due to Muh Holocaust Inc. and Sheeeit! and all the Dual Shitizens in our DotGov… for once someone stood up, and punched the bully back, right in his cockholster. Of course the bully then ran to the teacher (the UN, Useless Nations) and snivvled about how “The Rules Based Order” were broken, and how mean the Iranians are… and then proceeded to beat up the class Retard (Hezbollah in Lebanon).

God its all so (((tiresome and expected))) at this point…

So yeah.
I’ll call this one (provided Israel doesn’t get stupid(er) a Draw.
Iran got to save face, and also show that they’re not putting up with the Izzies Bullshit any longer.

So with that, I’m off to bed
More Later
Big Country

CONFIRMED The Shit Has Hit The Fan

Greetings Me Droogs and Droogettes!
Official War Alert
Started on Twitter an Hour Ago:

Guy who put it up on Twitter…
How it’s going:


More Later if we’re lucky…
I’m going to fill the empty water jugs.
Drones should take about 2-3 hours depending on how big they are (weight and propulsion systems). And knowing the Arabs, this could be a feint to have the Hebes expend all their ADA stuff, and then hit them with a Ballistic Missile Barrage like the Russians have done to the Krainians oh so many times.

Gotta Bounce…
It’s been an Honor and a Pleasure if this goes Full On Kinetic.
Big Country

Got The Gran For The Weekend SO Here’s Some Memes For Your Enjoyment

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Gran#1 is here for an extended visit. OtherGrans ‘Rents have some medical issues they’re dealing with, so we’re filling in. She’s having a blast, but seeing that Gretchen is still on the mend, I’m the full time Papi/Dancing Monkey/Cook/Entertainer…

Loving it but -not- at the same time Aye?

I feel like I got hit by a truck.
THIS right here is what makes it all worth it:

Red Headed Nukular Powered Female, Age 6, Type One Each.
Not only that, but a smart lil goober
Who can argue rings about you if’n you’re not careful.
Gretch has fallen into that trap…
You never negotiate with Terrorists.

Which, by and large, is the very definition of ALL kids under the age of, oh say 10?

So yeah, found me and gathered me some over the past few. Hope you enjoy them:

That’s it for tonight. Not much else to add.
More Later
Big Country

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