Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Telling y’all… keeping an AD-HD Nookular Powered Redhead busy and entertained is a mite strenuous to say the least… to say I’m tired has to be the understatement of the year…
Coloring, crafts, baking cookies and rocketry today of all things. Got me a three-pack of Estes Model Rockets off the Zon for about $25+/-
FedBro and I had a rocket launching set when we were kids and had a hell of a good time playing with it. It was another $10 at Hobby Lobby for the rockets, and I already have all the ‘other’ needed equipment that I use for fireworks and whatnot… wasn’t hard to convert one of the igniter to shoot a 9v ‘squirt’ to the flameless initiator that Estes engines use…
I let her ‘decorate’ the rockets themselves after we had put them together. This was HER fav:
Now, when we launched it, and mind you it’s been 40 years since I’ve done a ‘recoverable’ model rokkit, Ye Olde Memory still ‘had it’ and we set everything up quite nicely in a HUGE field up the road from here. Unfortunately, Gretchen didn’t get it on video, despite that being her one job.
It’s better that we didn’t though. Had a “Challenger Moment” so to speak… I’m still not sure if the engine was faulty or what, but it launched, got about 25 feet in the air and blew the fuck up.
As you can see, that’s the top part, with the parachute and all still packed in the rocket itself. Took a few minutes to find the ass end of it, which was all melted and blown out:
Bad Engine?
Not sure…
I managed to put it all back together again so’s she can take it home to put on her bookshelf if she wants… I mean it is her first rocket amiright?
Hell we got two more available for tomorrow if she wants to try Round Two. Afterwards, we did dinner on my Birthday Gift:
Gretchen, Sapper and her ‘Rents all contributed to get me a Weber Grill. Been needing a new grill for quite a spell. Been cooking the ‘grillables’ on the Ninja XL Air Grill or the Forman grill… which has been great. However
Nothing beats a real charbroiled piece of dead animal flesh.
Like ab-so-fucking-loot-lee nuthin’
As such, Point Proven:
Best Hamburger I’ve had in a looong minute.
So we drop off Gran#1 later tomorrow IF I haven’t died of exhaustion. Either way, it’s been a blast but I sure could use the rest.
Lets do a broad overview of “Things in the World That We Have NO Say In”… Time to get it stuck in Aye?
The Gaza Slaughter is still kicking, although Nutjobyayhoo is talking about some form of ceasefire to exchange hostages or something… which strikes me as odd because the whole “We never negotiate with Terrorists” started with the Israelis… And because of this willingness to call a pause in the ¡Genociding! tells me that there’s one of two things going on here:
1) They’re calling for a ceasefire as public opinion is getting waaay beyond their ‘normal narrative control’ methods. I mean when the fucking Rwandans come out and start saying that “You’ve gone too far!“, you got issues that the ‘normal’ Jewspin of “Muh Holocaust” and Kvetching just ain’t going to stop… I mean when a coalition of Hutus and Tutsis are saying you’ve literally worse than Hitler? Yeah, you ain’t coming back from that one anytime soon bro…
And then there is, what in MY opinion is the real reason that BadBibi wants to cop a rest, is
2) That the IDF has been getting their kosher asses handed to them, one fat chunk of asscheek at a time. What few vidyas I have seen show a very large body of work of Hamas kids (and I do mean kids… we’re talking 12-16 year old flip-flop wearing kids toting RPGs) coming out of a disguised tunnel, and firing off what appears to be some newer model RPG round(s) into Merkavas…
Namely one, introduced in 1988, the PG-7VR:
Anyone want to guess who currently has a metric fuckton of these and has been using them since February of 2022? A country who’s >ahem< moral character is somewhat less than stellar?
That and one of the Doctors from Docs Without Borders let it slip that he, personally, had counted over 400 dead IDF kids where HE worked… that was in one week. Both the interview and story have been scrubbed, and for that matter, according to Le Monde (he was a Frog) the Doc himself is currently listed as MIA… “Whereabouts unknown.” Which is Mossad/Spook-Speak for ‘dead in a shallow grave and we’ll blame Hamas later IF they find his stiff….’
Like ALL of the NATO equipment, and ALL the hype of the superiority of the training, the weapons, the support and the all-around mythos of the Invincibility of both the JewArmy and the US DotMil, the hubris that was gained by essentially beating on smaller, weaker opponents that ‘burnished the reputations’ of the fighting prowess of the aforementioned folks, when in reality?
Well, as they say, in many cases, it’s been “Fucked Around, Found Out” on a near continual basis. The US DotMil got its ass beat in and chased out, tail betwixt legs from Affy, and the IDF has been pretty only been a slightly better armed police force for the past 20 years. Both outfits are Best Known for (metaphorically speaking that is) ‘rousting the neighborhood drunks’ and acting like badged overblown bullies that 99% of our cops have become… It’s a whole different ball game when the heavy hitters come out to start swinging…
It’s one thing when Barney Fife arrests and pushed around good ole Otis Campbell in Mayberry… it’s an entirely different situation when Barney decides to -try- and intimidate a just-released-from San Quentin Prison inmate who did a stretch for murder, and then decide that he’s going to arrest said-killer because he can…
Somehow I -don’t think said-con is going to put up with Barney’s shit, one bullet or not.
Hamas has been very quietly building up over the past ten or so years. And because of The Kraine, they timed this Op perfectly. It left Krainfeld completely in the wind, with ZERO chance of getting any money and/or weapons. Mainly because our “true masters” have spoken:
Hell, Krainfeld is ALSO in the wind in the respect that someone in his chain of command was the one who authorized the sale and transfer of allll them tank killing RPG rounds. (The PG-7 variant round I’m talking about and have seen in the vids are designed to take out tanks like the Merkava with Reactive Armor specifically)
Got me a hunch his fellow (((co-religionists))) aren’t too happy with his ass right now. I know -I- sure AF wouldn’t be, profit or no profit…
Then on the home front, well… truthfully not a hell of a lot going on….
…………………..(pause ‘cos I literally fell asleep)…………………
OK… I got to go to bed… no joke my head went off the KB and just woke me up. I am officially worn the fuck over and out.
More Later
Big Country