Random Stuff… Worn Out and Tired Still

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Great comments all around TBH about being under surveillance Thing of it is?

I no longer give two fucks.

54. Old. Sorry. Sore.

Not much of a physical threat anymore. That being said, what’s inside Ye Olde Thinking Meat… THAT is where I’m a genuinely dangerous motherfucker. As Jack Burton once said: “I can see things no one else can see. Do things no one else can do.”

Damned skippy.
Learn’t an awful lot from the Hajiis what with IEDs and whatnot… Being friends with the hottie JEFF chicks helped too. That was the Joint Expeditionary Forensic Forces. That was a bunch of Fed that did the forensic breakdown after various shootings, bombing etc. We used to party with them ‘cos, well, hawt ‘Murican Chicks.

I never got anywhere with them as A) Married and B) Because they were hawt, they deemed theyselves too good to get with the BCE when he was still overweight and a ‘massive fatbody’ as R. Lee Ermey would have said… A true “Red Pill Moment” happened about 6 months later with me, specifically AFTER I had lost ALL the fat and gotten ripped. I didn’t go and party with ANYONE as I was pretty much clinically depressed, and the at the time wife was treating me horribly. Then, finally, Ranger Jay literally dragged me to a party with them…. which led to:

“All of a sudden” I had ALL the hawt chicks suddenly wanting me… I wasn’t Red/Black pilled at that point… I was a good married blue pill simp. Once I started getting hit on (and truthfully Ye Olde Marriage wasn’t doing so hot at the time) I did a bit of a dive in to men’s rights/manosphere. Guess how that worked out for them right? Didn’t do shit with any iof them but led them ALL on and then kicked ’em to the curb.
Like a complete asshole
Fuck them bitches.
Serves ’em right.

The manosphere saved my life, no joke. Black Poison Soul, 1SGT Terrance Popp… all them guys kept me from self-deletion when my life blew up. Thankfully I was able to recover.

Now, no news politically speaking tonight.

For long term readers I -did- get a phone call tonight from Serbian War Criminal. I texted him “Merry Christmas” as he’s Serb/Orthodox. He called me all happy as hell I remembered. We had a great talk, and I think if and when Gretchen’s parents finally cash in, (as cold as it sounds) we’ll sell everything and migrate.

I love Florida, but ‘too many ants on the anthill’ as DeadDad used to describe the NorthEast. I’d be curious how he’d see things these days but eh… he’s dead, I’m here. Either way, too many New Yawkers here now. Time to GTFO IMO.

Not sure where.
The town Miss Daisy is in has it’s plusses… not too many people headed into that A.O. and hell, it’s a beautiful place. About an hour outside of Ashville (a negative IMO but Gretchen loves that libtard location) and two hours from Adriana, which means that when it’s time to get her back, well, she’s that much closer. When being determined as a further breakdown of the rule of law. Game on motherfuckers.

Did I say that out loud?
Appoly-olly-geez there… sometimes the fingers typing runs ahead of the brain. “Ignore that to all my FedBros!!!!”

Anyways, I’ll have more tomorrow. We have to go up to see Gretchen’s ‘rents, return the Kia Soul (Dad’s car) that they loaned us for the duration of the Hyundai having the engine replaced, and fixing some computer issues that Dad came up with. God knows I love ’em both but man… geriatrics and computers do not fucking mix.

<Le Sigh>

Telling you, the reason I do so fucking much for them is that unlike my last in laws? These folks actually love and give a fuck about me. Told Sapper last night at dinner that I’m sort of baffled by it… the explanation is that I’m sort of kind of like a junkyard dog that was kicked for 20 years, and NOW I have a loving (genuine, not the bullshit they played on me while hating me/robbing me) set of in-laws, and well… I’m a bit confused.


I wish it was easier
More Later
Big Country

Under Observation?

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So lots of ‘good comments’ about my ‘observer’. TBH I have a hunch I have more than a few in the Area of Operations. And no, that’s not me being paranoid. The new neighbors across the street positively scream of being Federales or Law enforcement of some kind, and more on that in a minute.

Thing is, WAAAAY back in 1993/94, I was stationed at CMTC… call it the NTC of Europe. Combat Maneuver Training Center where I went thru a ‘terrorist course’ to fight the US DotMil, either as a state actor, or a terrorist. We were even told back then that we’d be added to a ‘list’….

Early Nineties… I wish I could tell myself back then what was coming…


Point is, I’ve always been on a list, if not “the list”.
Not sure how shit might have gone sideways as of late, that which means I’m deserving of ‘extra observation’ or whatever…

Thing of it is

Shit like this pisses me off
Shit like that?

Not cool man.

My personal fear is that they’re going to go for the Hollywood “Stupid” bust a’la Waco… come in, kick the front door or whatnot, thinking they’re all bad-asses, and they’ll look good on camera.

I’m not going to go into ‘things’ but I will give a few items up front:
1) The Sausage Princess: Yeah, she’s a pit bull, but she’s also completely the most non-violent dog in the universe. Worst. Guard. Dog. EVER. Sapper’s attitude is IF we have a raid here, and they shoot the doggo, he’s sworn to kill ALL the agents involved kids. (The Sausage Princess and Sapper are very close.. she sleeps with him nightly)
2)Man… really? I have a fucking flamethrower. Crispy Feds are a lesser tax burden IMO
3) My background: I’ll leave that alone here. Needless to say WHO and WHAT three letter agency I worked for FOR YEARS I leave to y’all to extrapolate. (Hint: It’s part of the reason I have such leeway here… my former bosses are with me.)

And considering that lack of communication between any FedGov Agencies? Yah. I’d say with a guy like me it’s better for them to stand the fuck down, and shut the fuck up, rather than face a psychopathic inventive genius level IQ’d motherfucker like me…

Jes’ Sayin’.

I mean when you got a guy who figures out how to make a flammenwerfer for fun and games, and then starts selling said flammenwerfers for a couple of grand, with the advisory that NOMEX doesn’t prevent flame injuries?


IMO, call it: File under “People We REALLY Don’t Want To Fuck With” (unless absolutely necessary)

I stone cold absolutely know I’m watched

Difference is: Do you want to piss me off?
OR: Do you want to survive whatever is coming?

Lots of weird shit out there, but those who choose ‘poorly’ don’t get a second chance, nor do their families, ‘cos as far as I can tell, ain’t no innocents out there.
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Big Country

Memes ‘Cos I’m Tired, Plastered, Pissed Off and Tell my Feds Watching Me to FUCK OFF

Greetings me Droogs n Droogettes!
Memes for the night. I’m hammered, paranoid, and burned out.

Work at Glorious People’s Tractor Factory #206 was a stone bitch today… ALL sorts of new clients and bourgeoise thinking that “they’re special”

News Fucking Flash

Nope to the fucking nopes ad fucking infinitium.

Now, reason I’m paranoid?
Now, for those who don’t know I have about 8-9 cameras that have a live feed to the cloud, as well as my fon, AND PC. I have a camera hidden so well, that IF a FedGov ‘stack’ were to try to get into the “Full Retard” mode, I can A) Get alerted thru my phone but also B) I can see everything on my property.

Good News/Bad News
Good News: I get all the alerts
Bad News: I get all the alerts
So tonight?

That’s the screenshot of my east-to-west border/property line.

In this neighborhood? Where he’s parked is my fucking property
So, I confronted the fed…. err the guy behind the wheel.. said he’d just gotten off work and was having dinner

Bull-Fucking Shit.
So much so after I confronted him (with Sapper being my heavily guarded backup) with in 5 fucking minutes he boosted out of My A.O. My issue(s)? Problem is, this’s a deep residential neighborhood, and there’s a shit-pot of other areas to chill and eat dinner at.

And MY guess?
They’re feds.
Maybe? Maybe not…

Anyways again.
My point: I think it’s an absolute minimum that we back the current thing, despite what the intarhwhebz say… Opinions?

Like I said, done for the night.
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Big Country

Dinner Tonight w/Recibe as Well As a FUNNY Memory From back in The Day

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Going to take a night off from the usual ranting and raving (well sort of). I mean I never fully stop ranting and raving, however, I’m burnt the fuck out. One thing for a ‘case in point’: Another skool shewtin’

As it sez, one DRT, 5 wounded.
Make it 6 as the shewter done capped hisself according to reports. Now… here’s where it gets interesting. I’m all about trying to figure out if Leviathan and the various (Un)Intelligence Organs have popped a ‘wind up toy’ to cover for whatever nefarious bullshit that’s going on out there.

The latest ‘new shiney’ for all the sheepole and ree-rees out there to focus on: “Gunz BAD! Repugnicunts BAD! NRA BAD! OrangeManBad BAD!”

You catch my drift.

Thing is, the perp?
Dylan Butler, 17.

Annnnnnnnnnd he’s a tranny.


Curious to see if that makes it into the discussion.
Highly doubt it.

So, on lighter things, made my famous (round here at least) Tater, ham and cheddar soup. Getting cold, so a good stick-to-the-ribz soup for dinner is juuust what the Professor ordered. Recibe as follows:
1 Bag of Russet Taters
4 Celery Sticks (sliced)
4 Baby Carrots (sliced)
1/2 Large Vidalia Onion (diced)
1 Stick of Salted Butter
Black Pepper (to taste)
Aleppo Pepper (to taste)
Garlic Powder (to taste)
Water (to thin the mix) as needed
Shredded Cheddar Cheese (to garnish)

Now, the cookin’ instructions:
First thing, get a bag of russet taters. Dice ’em. Put ’em in a big ole pot.

Got me a bag of Publix russet… think it was like 2-3 pounds? Whatever the standard size is when you buy a bag of them. Hacky-Hacky-Choppy-Choppy and into the pot. Once in there, cover them til there’s about 3 inches of water over the taters. Set the stove to ‘high’ and then add just enough salt-to-flavor. This’s going to be pretty much the only salt you add to this, as the ham has enough, and as I lern’t by doing this recibe (yeah, this’s my own creation) that too much salt makes it inedible.

Now, once the taters are set to boiling, (I set the timer for 30 minutes and check with a fork… they have to be soft all the way thru,. but NOT falling the fuck apart FYI) I then start choppy-hacky on the next prep cycle of the vegetables.

Now, how much you add is up to you. For this batch, I used 4 celery stalks, and 4 mini-carrots cut –thinly– into rounds. I also, b/c I was pressed for time, cut the celery thin-thin too, as the thinner, the quicker they’ll cook to softness.

Now I use a trad Japanese Nakiri knife… I like the fact the veggies stick via capillary action, which allows me to scrape the pieces-parts off the blade into the bowl. Also, the pic above shows the two x 12 oz packs of diced ham. YMMV, use whatever ham you want, but about a pound and a half is best.

Then I diced up the onion. In this case 1/2 of a LARGE Vidalia:

Again, much easier to let the onion ‘stick’ to the blade to dismount it:

By the time I got done veg-prepping, The taters were done. Strain out and RINSE them in the strainer. Put ’em back into the pot (I also suggest rinsing the pot too). Rinsing is to get rid of the extra starch, which you may or may NOT want, again, YMMV.

Now, here’s the next stage.
This’s when you add the spices, blend the taters, add the heavy cream, and the butter, the butter in particular as the taters will still be hot, and the immersion blender or whatever YOU have will get it mixed faster as the butter melts from the heat of the taters.

Once the taters are in the pot and liquified with the butter and heavy cream, add the water as needed to make the thickness to your liking. Watch how much you add as you go… this batch took about a little over 3/4 of a cup. I added it a 1/4 cup at a time… YMMV again may vary. Then, add the spices. The Black Pepper, Aleppo Pepper and Garlic Powder are ALL to your taste.

Me? I go heavy (2-3 tablespoons) on the Garlic, 1 tablespon or more on the Black Pepper, and a tablespoon and a half on the Aleppo Pepper.

Now, for those not familiar.
Aleppo Pepper is a pepper from the Middle East (naturally) and I lern’t to cook some damned good Middle Eastern food while I was there, and lern’t a lot about local ingredients. Aleppo pepper is actually Halaby pepper, which became a staple in the ancient markets of the old city of Aleppo Syria, which is where the spice gets its name (Halab is the Arabic word for Aleppo).

That’s the one I use.
A dab’ll do ya, so the $12 for the small bottle isn’t too bad.
Thing about Aleppo pepper is the flavor it has? Maaaaan…

Heavenly IMO.
It’s all the ‘pepper’ flavor, rich and complex, but without the throat burning OMFG heat. Reason that is is because of the way they dry them… long of the shot is despite that the Halaby pepper is technically hotter than jalapeño peppers, with a Scoville heat unit of 10,000, it’s mostly a mellow flavor enhancer.

HIGHLY recommend.

Anyways, once all the spices are in, and the flavor of the ‘base’ is to your liking (I do the add a bit, taste a bit, wash rinse repeat as you can’t remove spices once you added them) then add the veggies, as well as the ham:

Fold everything in, set the stove to med-low for 10 minutes, and keep stirring as because it’s heavy cream and taters, the bottom of the pot will burn unless you keep up on the stirring. Once it’s ‘good’, turn the heat down to ‘simmer/low’ for about 20 minutes…

After that, pull it and serve. Best way to tell if it’s done is get a piece of the carrot and celery and see if it’s nice n’ soft as opposed to crunchy, (unless that’s how you roll). Then, I add shredded mild cheddar on top to garnish.

Give it a shot, let me know what you think.

Otherwise, since we mentioned the troon earlier, I figured I relate a story from waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day during my post-Gulf One Reserve service. This’s hopefully a short one, but either way… Nmaes changed to protect the stupid and/or guilty.

After Gulf One, and being highly unsatisfied with my time in the desert (to paraphrase Sam Kinnison: “It’s a fucking desert!!!! Nothing grows here!!!! Nothings gonna grow here!!!! Pack your shit, we’ll make one trip!!!!” I went back to college… (what a mistake!)

Found I had been inexorably -changed- by my time in service. I still had a rather significant reserve commitment (thank God as it allowed me to be among “My People” i.e. Infantry) and I was doing the one weekend a month plus. The supply Sergeant and the First Sergeant fucking loved me and my best bro of the time (a guy I went thru basic with, a week apart but we were joined at the hip alllll the way until I got out of the Army, and he went ‘strange’) as we volunteered for ALL the extra time/duty we could get.

Clean out connexes during ‘off weeks’? Fuck yeah.
Do a supply run with Supply Sgt Bloomington in a ton to get shit for the unit? Fuck yeah.
Help Motor Sgt Sirloin-of-Beef (nickname) in the motor hole fixing our trucks? Again, Fuck yeah. These guys were all the “Full; Time Active Reservists” that kept the unit operational. There wasn’t any openings, as the 1st Sgt had the Operations down pat, and Master Sgt Zennenmann assisted with all the rest of the shit.

A side note: MSgt Zenny as we called him? Cool AF.
Dude was in his, I think, late 50s, maybe early 60s. Now mind you, this was 1992… he was American and a ‘Murican can be, but ethnic German too. No accent however, he was proud AF of his Dads service to Der Fuhrer. Seems Dear Old Dad was an undiscovered member of the SS who managed to make it to the US.

Zenny used to regularly wear a pair of M40 German Feldgrau pants, suspenders and everything, that were tucked into a pair of what looked like a pair of legit jackboots. Told us lowly privates that he “…was keeping up a family tradition!”

Gotta say, he was a cool old dude.

Anyways… back to the point of the story…
The reserve unit was located veeeery close to the Cabaret strip club… a shady AF facility to say the least. Thing was, it was spitting distance for ‘home drills’ which were drills we spent staying at the reserve base, or leastways going home at night, and making it RTB on time in the AM, but as it was, it was usually more fun and easier to crash at the base after a night of serious Infantry Level Debauchery.

The base itself was an old Nike-Hercules Nuke Missile Interceptor base. No shit. Link HERE for the story. That was where I did my drills until the unit got close to disbanding back around 93? Thing about the base was the buildings were literally nuke proof. Like 3 foot thick, steel reinforced fucking bunkers man.

Kinda cool IMO

Anyways, so we went out to the Cabaret… it’s pretty well known as a skankasaurous kind of titty bar… but full spread eagle crotch shots being legal and whatnot. Now, it was Myself (PFC), our Platoon Sgt., Big Franko, the Section Leader Sgt. Wally, my Squad Leader Sgt. Booker, and a couple other Privates, my best fren Dee, and a guy named Gillette (like the razor). Like figure 9-12 guys (I was pretty stoned at the time, as Dee and I blazed up in my car on the way there to say the $$$ on the drinks).

So…. we get there, we’re in uniform, against every. single. regulation. that -I- can think of, but hey, fuck it, I’m a PFC, and I got an E-7 buying rounds of Tequila.

Good Times, Good Times.

Now, whilst the shenanigans were going full bore, as every slore in the place was ALL about the Infantry, (much to the hatred of the other patrons) SP4 Gillette struck up a conversation with a ‘chick’ working the club… call it a rather unexpected person.

Namely it was a tranny.

Now, granted, this one was pretty fucking well on his? her? its? way to full conversion, but maaan, the Adams apple gave it away. Truth be told, I was stoned as fuck, and didn’t realize that G had a thing going with what appeared to be a broad, but was a dude. -I- thought it was a chick, but, like I said, stoned AF on some primo Columbian herbals.

So, once I was ‘in’ on the joke…I sort of left it alone. Call it a case of “Nunya”… Gillette was a deep Southern Borne and Raised guy, who’d only come waaay up to the ungodly and degenerate Northeast (Boston) for work… he got transferred when they shuttered his workplace in Alabama? Arkansas? something like that, and they let him transfer to the North. He was a former AD kid like me, and now was a reservist, and as our unit was closest to his house, he joined our unit.

So, as the late afternoon transitioned (heh) into early evening, Sgt. Wally looked around, and realized Gillette was AWOL. No biggie, but now word was passed to keep an eye open for him, and if he wasn’t back shortly, then we’d go on a search. That suited everyone, up until Haskel, another PV2 in our crew came over and said he saw “… Gillette going out to his car with the fuckin’ fag…” or word to that effect.

We waited, although we weren’t too concerned as Gillette was a grown assed man, and IF shit hit the fan, well, we were in uniform, and DotMil usually catch a break from the local Po-Po and Swine, be it State Level or ‘other’.

About 45 minutes after Gillette left, he sauntered back in, with what could only be called a look of ‘satisfaction’ on his face. Sgt. Franko, our Platoon Sergeant rolled over to him and asked him “Where the fuck you been asshole? You had us worried!!”

To whit Gillette replied in this reeeeally hardcore half-plastered south’ron voice “Welllll Sarrrrgent, I done went and got me a skull job from that there female I’da been talkin’ to!”

Man, you could have heard a fairy fart.

We all had this look of absolute incredulity on our faces…
How the fuck does shit like this happen Aye?

Well, leave it to Sgt. Wally, who happened to be an absolute asshole, not in a bad way mind you, but like one of those guys who’s head is terminally stuck in “smartass/dick mode”… well he breaks the news to Gillette:

<stated in an East Bawston/Hardcore Northeastern Accent>
“Gillette… you know something?… that broad… the one you went to the car with? That was a fucking dude man!!!! That was a fucking tranny troop! Just what in the fuck do you have to say for yourself!?!”

Gillette sat back…
Grabbed his beer… (Bud Longneck)
Quaffed his thirst… took about 30 loooong seconds for those of us who were eagerly awaiting his answer never mind reaction to this what I’d consider a catastrophic revelation…

Looked at ALL of us, and I shit you fucking not said:
“Welp, she or he sure did give good head.”

Talk about a phlegmatic and philosophical outlook

Anyone else would have gone pure dee batshit…
But, looking at the clock, between ALLLLLLLL the shit I was doing tonight, I ran over my ‘before midnight’ poasting. Apologies for that.

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Big Country

Tanks and a Theory on That SK Opposition Guy Who got Stabby-Stabbed

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So couple points of interest. One is Belgium found a HUGE stockpile of Leopard 1 tanks. They’re older, been in storage, and need a full refurbishment, but guess it’s looking like Krainfeld might be on the receiving end of 200 to 300 Leo 1A3s.

That’s a shitpot of Heavy Metal.
(Pic is NOT the tanks-in-question but a representation to give you an idea of -how many- tanks they found… those are Leo 1 Mark One Mod Zero)

Now, couple of key points to this however.

The Leo 1A3, well there’s two types. One is the variant above, but has a large-ish amount of ‘strapped on armor’ bolted to the turret, glacis and other areas that needed uparmoring, due to the lack of armor so to speak.

That’s an upgraded A3 with the applique mounted armor…

As you can see, the bolted on upgrade is on the sides and front glacis of the turret. That’s the Bovington Tank Museum’s A3 being run around at TankFest, a yearly Armor Showcase in England, which is like the ONE place in England that I want to go see. I’ve done everything else there, having lived there for 3 months a ways back. London was still London back then, before it became Londonistan.

So, the problem here is that the Leo 1s are running the old main gun, the L7/L52 105mm tht predated the current 125mm main gun found on all NATO MBTs these days. Now, for those of you who may remember, I broke it down in a waaay earlier blegg that the BIGGEST problem with the 105mm is we ain’t got any more of them rounds to give to anyone. More on that in a second ‘cos that’s the ‘tinfoil hat side’ of things in regards to the ammo…

The 105mm rounds are scarce. Currently, the only large supply is in South Korea. The reason being is the South Koreans are still running the venerable-but-mostly retired (worldwide) M48s that we left with them back in the 50s. They’ve been systematically upgraded over the years, and are now either M48A5 (275 of them) or M48A5K1s (195 of them) and lastly, M48A5K2s (210 of them). ALL 680 of them are -still- using the M48 and it’s 105mm Main Gun.

Now… since the 105mm is sort of kind of -scarce- and South Korea has been very quietly supplying Krainfeld with ammo, mostly via ‘selling it’ to Poland, well… this’s where I break out the tinfoil. According to an article from July of this past year on the Beeb (BBC) Link HERE the SKs have been hesitant to publically support the Krain:

“A recent poll suggested that 56% of South Koreans oppose such assistance, with 42% in support. With elections next year, the government does not want to give the opposition any metaphorical ammunition.”

Guess what happened in South Korea recently?

Now, granted violence in South Korean politics isn’t too uncommon, however. The perp was a 67 year old man, and no motive has been released.

Every. Single. News article I read ALL say “the motive is unclear/unknown” My posit on this is that this guy on the record is against being involved in the Krain. Which, to me, makes me think that IF or maybe WHEN the Krainians get the refurbished Leo 1A3s, well, the only source of ammunition is South Korea, and the guy who if elected would more than likely put the kibosh on any sales/transfers of the aforementioned 105mm tank ammo?

I’d call that a potential motive.

I mean who’s to say Krainfeld and his Kokaine Kronies didn’t offer up some disgruntled 67 year old dude to ‘off’ the guy? I mean from MY perspective is that Krainfeld has been more than willing to use extrajudicial means to kill folks outside of the Krain (very Jewish of him innit?). “Ice this guy and we’ll take care of you/your family” or some such thing.

I wouldn’t put anything past Krainfeld.
I mean he’s got to be feeling a bit panicked by now

So, yeah, all in all, the Leo 1?
Not very impressive by todays standards. Designed in 1956, first fielded in 1965. Literally old/OG AF and with armor that by todays standards? Hell a Bradley or Stryker, hell, even a MaxxPro has heavier, more robust armor.

And we saw how well THOSE lasted this past summer


Thing of it is however, as we’ve said all along, with credit to Stalin: “Quantity has a quality all its own.” and in this case? 200-300 fresh armor, even if it’s ultimately disposable?

It’ll keep Krainfeld from dangling from a meathook juuuust a leetle bit longer, and maybe allow him to grift a few more mil here and there that allows him to retire to a non-extraditable country.

Have to see.
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Big Country

Is Everything Going Rotten? Logistic Turmoil and Observations

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So. As we’ve all been seeing the disruptions worldwide, in particular in the Gulf. The Houthis have pretty much made it a no-go zone in support of the Palestinians getting really ¡Genocided! by what seems to be a Rabid Zionist group running the show over there.


I hope the fucking Houthis shut the Izzies down but good. It’s so bad that we’ve been literally controlled by the IPAC and the ADL… what with now any and all questioning of “the narrative” is officially Anti-Semitic. This despite them acting like, you know, ackchual NAZIs

Now, Operation “Cover the Jews” as I call it, well, that coalition sort of kind of shit the bed harder than our current (p)Resident. Those depends got filled so damned quick, I can say I haven’t LOL’d about a foreign policy pantshitting that hard since the Emperor took a shit in front of the (anti)Pope.

For those unfamiliar, a LOT of folks, from the Frogs (French) to the Dots (Indians) decided that their bread is buttered on the opposite side of what the Globull Amerikan Empire-of-Lies wanted, and told everyone Adios! They essentially decided that the Izzies had gone “one Holohoax too far!” (can you say ‘burnt baby-brisket’ anyone?) in their overwhelmingly obnoxious approach, and Noped the Fuck Off. Guess everyone world wide is tired of the Jews…
Go fucking figure… for a group that’s soooo oppressed, they sure do seem to carry an awful amount of ‘pull’ worldwide.

So, either way, the other day, the Houthis made the tactical error of letting a couple of their speedboats get caught unawares by a couple or so of Seahawks, which in turn blew the three boats and the 10 dudes on board back to Allah with a quickness. The Houthis and Iranian response(s) was essentially: “Oh, so you wanna start sinking boats now do ya?”

This apparently led to Queueing up “Operation Cut N Run 3: Don’t Lose The Boat in an (s)Election Year”, with the first one having been “Operation Cut N Run: Iraq, Damn Them Hajiis!” and then followed by “Operation Cut N Run 2: Arm The Afghans”.

It’s going to be replaced by an amphibious assault ship, the USS Bataan, and the USS Carter Hall, a Harpers Ferry-class dock landing ship. It’s going to meet up with the USS Mesa Verde, (already ‘on station’) which is a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock. Seems that if anything, it sounds like they’re getting ready for a MEU landing (Marine Expeditionary Unit), what with those resources.

God I hope they’re (our current Eee-leet Overlords and ‘Masters of the Analverse’) not that fucking stupid to think that they can “Land the Marines!!!” in Yemen and do anything other than have them die in a Glorious, Gory, Highly Military Manner… either that or the cost of the Bataan is significantly lower dollar wise so we can theoretically afford to lose it.

So, as the title said, “everything is rotten”.
When I say that, I mean it literally
Case in point:

Two Days Ago I bought a 3.5 pound rack of ground beef at Publix. I broke it down into ‘consumable’ sizes, of about 2x at a pound and a half, and then this ‘un here, at about a pound.

That nasty shit is only 48 hours out of the store plastic wrap!!!

I put the two larger ones in the freezer right then and there, and threw this in the fridge to make dinner last night. Things went a bit sideways planning wise as Sapper, coming home from work, picked us up McAllister’s Deli subs. Quick aside: OMFG, great subs… had me a 12 inch Italian w/the works. Unbelievably good. Anyways…

I figured that the meal planned for last night, I’d make tonight my Beef Stroganoff using the in-the-fridge ground beef… yeah, I know you purist out there’ll bitch, but top sirloin tips (nice n tender) is a bit above the $$$ budget right now, and the ground beef, IF prepped right is as good, if not better.

So tonight after I got off of work from People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #206, I realized I didn’t have the cream of mushroom soup I use, and then when I checked on the beef?

The discoloration I expected. ALL beef is hit with a dash of carbon monoxide keep it all pink and fresh-looking. Which starts to wear off the second you break the ‘factory seal’ so to speak. So a bit o’the brown? OK… next step? The smell test.

Oh shit

The odor that hit me in that baggie flashed me back to when I first hit VBC in Baghdad. The 1st Armored Kids who took the base had apparently thrown a LOT of dead Haj into Saddam’s lakes and ponds rather than burying them. Those that didn’t get eaten by the big assed Carp or whatever the fuck them giant fishies were, well, some of them started being ‘floaters’ which reaaaaally stunk like a motherfucker. THAT is what this meat was stankin’ like.

48 Hours… I wish I had checked the ‘best by’ date on the package before I tossed it… either way though, what with the sale on the 3+ pound packs, the norm is that you got at least a week before full on corpse-ification of yer meat.

That’s not the only thing however.
Bag of South Carolina Vidalia onions?
Shit started to go rotten and liquified after less than 7 days from date of purchase. And even worse?

A bag of baking potatoes.
You ever had taters go rotten on you?
Maaaan… Mc-Fuckin’-Nasty me Droogs… those were DOA after about two weeks. Used to be a bag of spuds would last like -forever-… grow some stalks and eyes? Sure… break ’em off, cook ’em up. But these? Pure Dee Bio-Warfare Stank.

As a trained Logistician in moving DotMil Bullets, Beans and Boots from one end of Iraq to the other, I have to say, something ain’t right. KBR, who I had the extreme displeasure of doing this job for, would have lost their ass if a shipment of grub showed up so late as to have like ZERO time left on the “Expiration Clock” so to speak.

Critical Party Elements, nay… Necessary Life Elements such as food/water and probably medical supplies are ALL experiencing exceptionally fucked up delivery times. Even when the roads in Iraq, like Route Irish and MSR Tampa were ‘black’, meaning no-fucking-go zones, we still had trucks ‘push thru’ to make sure #ourguys (and us) didn’t run out of fucking grub. Couple of times in late ’04, it was a near thing. Now the routes? Irish ran in and around BIAP (Baghdad International Airport) and to Downtown Baghdad in the Green Zone, while MSR Tampa (Main Supply Route) was like an Iraqi I-95 North to South.

That’s Tampa there, and as you might notice

That was a truck hauling a POL vehicle we followed to Irbil.

There was never any guardrail or roadside anything, because that would provide a nice hiding place for roadside bombs. The Army ran the M1A tanks with the mine plows down the edge of the road and tear ’em all the hell up out of the ground. Better safe than sorry IMO.

So, point being:
We’re seeing (leastways I’m seeing) a serious degradation in the timely moving of critical items absolutely needed to continue insuring the stability of our various locales. As it is, we’re strictly one EBT Card Failure away from a Chimpfestivus like they had a couple years ago, which looking back, appears to have been a ‘control test’ to see exactly what would happen when Shaniqua and Donterious’s various DotGov Gibs no longer functions. Reason I say that was there was ZERO accountability for the multi-state EBT failure(s) across the board, which leads me to believe it was intentional.

Add on the current State of the (dis)Union, and we’re a racially radicalized powder keg, sitting on cases and cases of nitro-soaked, sensitized TNT waiting for a match. 1.5 million Illegals (a standing army of epic proportions, no matter the level of training) in the wings who ALSO are now fully reliant on “The GAE System” for their bread and butter, and man, that’s a sure fire recipe for disaster.

Especially IF the theories being bantered about that they are actually an ‘army in the wings’ for the Globalist Fucktards,.

I mean without going into personal numbers, but even with my crew, we’d be hard pressed to stave off 100+ armed enemy combatants. I mean to –really– do some damage, I’d need a goodly long early warning, indirect fire like mortars, and at least 4 belt-feds, plus a copious amount of ammo for said-belt-feds. Hell, I don’t think that any current prep/local support groups can or are able to stop those kind of numbers, especially IF they have “official sanction” with potential ‘police support’… I know for a fact we’d do some serious damage


There’s only so much one can do.

So, Besides keeping your head on a swivel, also plan for the worst case scenario as I have as of late, i.e. bugging the fuck out IF it looks like the local scene is going to go ‘full retard’. Download and PRINT hardcopy maps, with primary, secondary and even tertiary escape routes, as well as areas surrounding your fallback positions.

Make sure you look at secondary non-common travel routes, like train tracks and the like. Old hiking trails in some areas, that a 4 wheeler can traverse. Be aware of physical obstacles, like rivers/streams and conditions pertaining to weather/seasons as well. Is that stream you plan on crossing going to be ankle deep, or is the winter run-off going to swell it to a waist-deep rager? Shit like that is Muy Importante IMO.

Also make sure you have multiple compasses to go with those maps. Make sure at least two of them are quality, like a tritium Cammenga like I have, and used in the DotMil:

I ‘stole’ one by not turning it in (paid the statement of charges) when I got out of the DotMil, and acquired another later on down the road. Remember, especially with gear like this, One is None.

GPS and coolio whizz-bang gear is fun and neat, but also they need (unless it’s sooper-high end solar powered) batteries. Like the Garmin HERE Also, Hi-Tech tends to be a lil bit less resilient than old tech. Throw your Garmin at a brick wall, see how it works, as opposed to a solidly built compass capiche?

So, that’s the lesson(s)/observation(s) for today. One last thing I would suggest is take advantage of ANY food sales on canned goods that you can, while you can. 3 months ago, Chef-Boy-R-Dee was 10 cans for $10, or a buck-a-can. Gross, but food is food amiright? Goyslop, but it’ll last a looong time.

Today it was 4 cans for $5, or $1.25 a can.

Like I said, start stocking DEEP(er) if you haven’t already.
Ain’t no time like today, ‘cos there sure as shit might NOT be a tomorrow.

More Later
Big Country

The Redhead, Rifles, The Kraine and Vaporware. Happy New Year!

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Took a few days off as I’m plum run down. The Redhead Nuke has been going full speed since her feetz hit the ground on Christmas Day “…It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!

That’s rather appropo IMO.

I’m getting too old for this shit.
Truthfully, it’s been fun, but maaan… a highly energetic 5 about to be 6 year old? I’ve literally been trying to run her ragged around the pond in the back yard. She like to chase the ‘poke-poke’ birds as we call them (they’re some sort of small crane that ‘poke’ at the itty-bitty fishies in the pond) around the pond…

It barely scratches the ‘energy coefficient’ so to speak… she’s always red-lining. And Me? Worn the fuck out.

So, as of late couple of good frens asked me to upgrade some of their rifles, as I do a side hustle of building/gunsmithing on the side. Not enough to require licensing, but IF the need came up, any needed FFL transfers were done thru GunGirl’s shop to keep everything copacetic on the Law side. So it’s been a while, but my buddy Cowboy, who owns the ranch that we occasionally visit (horses…absolutely gorgeous horses) got himself an AR in 300BLK.

A pretty standard 16in barreled 300BLK. M-16 BCG and some sort of ‘tacticool’ rear stock…

Now, I started the disassembly, and when I pulled out the front upper receiver retaining pin, it >popped< right out…

No detent pin, no spring.
The pin itself came out completely.
The ones you see in the pic above are there because I replaced? or should I say “installed for the very first time”? the proper detent pin/spring combo, PLUS I also had to replace the upper receiver retaining pin as well, as the pin?

Made of fucking plastic man!
And nope, I wasn’t ‘off’ on this… to the point, we subjected it to the burn test:

Yeah, it’s on fire.
Bit blurry ‘cos it’s hard to get the shot with one hand holding the now-on-fire retaining pin, and I edited out Wirecutters email in the background so anyways…

I decided to do a full check and damn…

Every. Single. Lower. Part. is made of plastic.
Trigger Assembly:

Who the fuck makes a sear out of fucking plastic!?!
Oh. My. God.

My first AR I built waaaaaaay back in the day I went ‘cheap’ and got some used parts, to include the sear… I was stationed at Fort Hood and went to the range, specifically the civvie/rod and gun club range when the Army still had such things… About 4 mags in, the ‘tooth’ on the sear broke off and I ‘rode the lightening’ for the last 10-12 rounds… Range control –totally– lost its shit on me thinking I had an illegal machine gun, until they inspected (with me) and I lern’t a valuable lesson about what you stuff into the guts of your rifle.

In this case? Cowboy got it for $500, about $40 off of retail:

The guilty party to this is American Tactical

They’re known for polymer/metal lowers. It’s not a bad lower TBH as I did have one. Bought it and used it for a while, but just didn’t think it’d be a good long-term thing to have a poly-lower so I sold it loooong ago.

My problem with ATI on -this- particular model is that nowhere in the description of the rifle on their web page mentions anything about the lower internals being made of plastic!!! It’d be one thing to tell people but nope… even in the full description of the specifications (in detail):

Forgive a bit of awkward formatting, it’s hard to snip all of that and keep it all in line. But yeah

If you know anyone who’s got one of these, tell ’em to either upgrade the guts, and that means ALL of them, to include even the mag release and the mag release button (no shit!) or go get a Palmetto State “Poors” which at this point IMO would be a safer, longer lasting bet than this thing. I mean the lower itself IS metal… maybe T-7075…..

BUT considering the fact they don’t mention what the is made of in the spec sheet?

I wouldn’t count on this thing necessarily if the chips were down and it’s gone to “full retard”. ESPECIALLY if it’s still got the factory ‘fantastic plastic’ garbage-parts. I mean IF it’s all you’ve got, then use it to kill someone to get their weapon, as it’s got to be better IMO, YMMV.

I’ll update you all after I get done with the rebuild on it, and after it’s had a couple hunnerd rounds thru it and we see if it’s worth a shit or not.

Now on ‘other things’
The fuckin’ Kraine man…
Buncha fuckin ‘bastards man.
I really hope Vlad decides that he’s sick and fucking tired of their shit, and gasses the whole rotten fucking country… like seriously. Krainfeld needs to be gassed like his ancestors, as he deserves nothing less. Bad enough that he’s allowed the slaughter of over what I think is probably half a million ‘real’ Krainians, thereby utterly destroying the country demographically but now? A new low… this pic is from a vidya shot by Russian troops who took a trench… they found one guy still alive and just chilling:

A Downs Syndrome kid…
Holy. Fucking. Hell.
They. recruited. a. Downs. Syndrome. kid.
Let that sink in.

See, I studied Art Education, and at one point did some student teaching, specifically with mentally challenged kids. I dealt a lot with Downs Kids… most of whom don’t have a mean bone in their body… all they want is to love and be loved from my experience(s).

The fact that Krainfeld is snatching up DKs and other folks who should never be anywhere near a battlefield? FUUUUUCK.

There’s a special Hell for Krainfeld and his Enablers and Ilk.

May God bring true Biblical level Justice down on him AND his entire family… every. single. last. one. of. them. May they suffer the agony of Hellfire and Damnation for all eternity.

Didn’t mean to get all Old Testament on y’all… shit like that’s been a burr under my saddle for a week or so since I saw it…

For a last note on the “Condition of Empire” and whatnot, Simplicius had an extremely valid point in regards to the current shit show in the Persian Gulf (h/t WiscoDave):

No kidding.

Now, for homework, I’m sure what’d be interesting is to go back over the past what? Month, Month and a half since they launched “Operation Protect the Jew”? Figure ALLLLL them stories about them shooting down the missiles and drones?

See, for each one brought down, figure 3x that number of interceptors that were used to bring down that one drone/missile. Which means that you can pretty quickly figure out how many rounds they’ve supposedly used on each ship, and, as I mentioned in an earlier blegg, how many rounds would/should they have left?

I mean one commenter said that max, they had 90 warshots for each ship before they needed RTB to get reloaded. Pretty sure some slick-math-kid out there could tell us how many have been shot, how many should be left onboard, and then, well…

My hunch is Simplicius is onto something
As we’ve found out, almost every single weapons system we have is pretty much vaporware, unless we’re using it against sandal-wearing goatherds (who BTW still kicked our asses).

Have to see. Also, word from the Kraine is that the retaliatory strike for the Krainian strike earlier on Belgrod, well the Russians hit the “…Kharkiv Palace Hotel at 2 Independence Avenue. It turned out that a meeting of American generals and in particular US security and intelligence expert Robert McCreery was planned there. This hotel is generally very popular among traveling SBU officers and high ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “

Have to watch if we see any fatal car/aircraft accidents in the next couple of weeks where we’ve lost some Generals/Colonels and the assorted piss-boys that usually accompany such luminaries.

So, as the Year Closes, I wish you all a Happy New Year, and Pray we all make it to the next one, Insh’Allah or God Willing as it were… My absolute thanks to you all for all your kind words, thoughts and support, both financial and other to you from Gretchen, Myself, Red, and Adriana.

More Later
Big Country

Christmas Day and The Latest Observations About The Krain and The Med

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Nothing sez “overworked” than a stress fracture on my hoof Aye? Pressure/stress fracture on the leg foot from alllll the cooking/cleaning that I’ve been up to over the past? two months? including Thanksgiving?

Yeah, been a busy couple of weeks to say the least. We did Christmas Day at Gretchen’s Parents place, and it went great.
The foot hurts like a motherfucker, but hey? Foot pain is part and parcel of being a grunt… We had a lot of fun… well Gran#1 did, me and Gretchen? Notsomucho… not that we didn’t… it was more to the fact of having to make sure -everything-… gifts, food, parents and Gran were all doing the right thing, at the right time.

Gretch spent most of her time being ‘Johnny-on-the-Spot’ for her ‘rents, as well as ‘herding the cat’ known as the Redheaded Atomic Firestorm, AKA Gran#1.

Me? I was on the Cooks Detail per usual.

Missing from the pic is the mashed taters, as I went “Full Philistine” and made the Bob Evans Nukular Mashed Taters…

There’s only so much one dood can do in a compressed day…. I mean I think I did well… 3 pound boneless Turkey Breast (perfectly done), a three pound spiral cut baby Ham, my super-seekrit Dressing (which I’ll poast the recibe on in a minute at the bottom of the page as I’ve gotten a LOT of requests for it) and Garlic Green Beans…

Needless to say, I pulled it allllll off and everything came out of the oven/off the stove precisely on time so’s everything was fresh and piping hot.

The only major fuckup was I forgot to grab the bag of frozen-to-be-baked sourdough rolls when we left the Haus… dammit… Leaving the casa we were bringing so much bullshit I overlooked the rolls… pisses me off, but no one was overly upset… One of those “woulda been nice if” sort of things…

The gift opening went well. Gran#1 helped Pop-Pop (Gretchen’s Da) open my plaque I made for him:

…and that was the gift of the night… Dad was really happy about it… like majorly. For those who missed it:

Dad tripped the fuck out over it, as he’d lost/thrown away most of his shit from being ‘in’… he loved that I got the rockers made and it was the gift of the night.

Then Gran#1 got some ‘stuff’ as well… a couple of games, one being the classic ‘Operation’ and then no shit, SIMON if you can believe it:

Maaaaaaaaaaan… lot of memories from Simon. MomUnit and DeadDad had it back in the late 70s. They and their frens used to get stoned and -try- to play it… they had that version above, whish is the 1978 1st Edition. The new one is significantly smaller, but works the same… do far my best is 15 light/number combinations. The thing is cool, but frustrating AF…

The ‘RAF’ as we’ll call her for brevity (see above) got a pair of matching pink Sketchers that her GiGi (Gretchen) has… now all she needs is a pair of matching black leggings and top, and we’ll have a “Mini-Me” situation unfolding. And BTW, if you look in the background of this pic, you can see Dad wearing his Sailor Whites right behind the RAF’s head… I’m really glad I got to do up his service plaque… he’s called 2x times already today and mentioned how thrilled he is to have it… Makes me happy AF to have been able to do it for him TBH.

Moving on:

As far as international ‘stuff’ happening/current stoopid: It seems the Krainians managed to take out a BIG landing craft, specifically the Novocherkassk, a 320 Foot Amphibious Assault Ship.

It can carry up to 10 tanks and 340+/- personnel. The ship’s regular crew is 87 people. It got hit by what folks are saying are the Storm Shadow missiles, which were supplied by the Brits and the French.

Blew the ever-living FUCK out of it from the vidyas I’ve seen. It was docked and from the size of the explosion, it reminded me of the Arizona going full retard when the Japs hit the magazine on the Big A… got me a hunch something similar happened to the Novy, as it too went full retard and blow’d da fuq up HUGELY!

Credit where credit is due, Good Op. Not that it’ll mean anything except hurt the Russian Morale and Pocketbook, as I imagine that a boat like that costs a metric shit-ton of Rubles. On the other hand, word is that the two planes that launched the attack? A pair of SU-24 Fencers:

These being a knock-off Soviet version of the US FB-111. According to reports, they were shot down during the second attack run. They literally went and launched successfully, blew up the boat, RTB (returned to base) refueled and rearmed, and went back the same exact route for a second strike

Say fucking what!?!

NO IDEA what genius came up with that particular plan?

Tell you whut, NOW the Krainians are down MOAR two planes… Utterly Irreplaceable planes for that matter… I highly fucking doubt that they’ll ever see F-16 #1 anytime in the next year, if ever… That’s just my call… fucking morons I swear.

I mean it’s been a looooong minute since they had any significant amount of Aircraft at their disposal, and it seems they didn’t heed Han Solo’s admonition of “Don’t get cocky!” and decided to try and run another attack, the same day, using the same route.

Even at the lowest level (Infantry), we had beaten into our heads never use the same ingress/egress on an Op. Basic Operational Security 101. Something the Krainians apparently failed… again. If they know HOW/WHERE you got in? They’ll cover it after the fact.

That route you used to ESCAPE/EGRESS? Same dealio. Might as well catch someone else lacking in the brains department who decides to do the same thing again, which leads in most cases to a bad case of the “deads” which brings us to the aforementioned Fencers, which are probably toast/scrap at this point.

In fact, shit like this makes me question the basic IQ of the Krainians. Like when right before the BIG counter-offensive, where they had all these front line looking motherfuckers holding one finger up to their lips like “Sssssh!”

As if Ivan didn’t know this shit was coming

Makes me truly wonder if these guys are in Somalia-Levels of IQ Dumbassery? It’d make sense as I don’t think anyone with an IQ over 70 would be doing what these fucking retards are

Jes’ Sayin’

Either way, I do applaud them for getting it done. However, it’s tempered by the notes that followed (via 3rd Party Sources) that they fucked up and got two irreplaceable aircraft ‘Aced-Out’ so to speak… never mind if the crews lived or not either… I mean wow… great publicity, as I can’t find any Western Media who isn’t putting this ‘on blast’ (as if it mattered at this point) but man, talk about prolonging the end?

Then, in the Med, after ALL our ‘allies’ essentially told us to ‘pound sand’ regarding the non-stop unending Israeli Defense bullshit, well, like I wrote about a couple of days ago, this lil bit popped up:

Wait One……………
FIRST Missiles?
This has to be bullshit

Mainly because going back just a few weeks ago the DotMil was trumpeting how they were shooting down Houthi ‘stuff’ on the regular… I got me a hunch that now, since folks like me and CDR Salamander (linked substack) have been talking about potential ammunition shortages, the impossibility of reloads, and the general fucked-uppedness of the current US DotMil Navy sit-rep there in the Med, that now they say that they just NOW started throwing ABMs at the incoming Houthi ‘stuff’

So which is it?

Did you or did you not stop a bunch of Hostile Houthi Hardware Hightailing it at Hebrew Hosts via shooting them down with all them hi-speed/lo-drag SM-2 missiles? Or was it all bullshit?

Inquiring minds want to know, because as I read the FauxNews story, and it’s sort of ‘murky’ if you will. My own opinion is that since it went ‘public’ on just how much ammo these tin cans have, (or lack that thereof/reloading capacity) and how quickly that shit can get spent, nevermind the fact that at-sea reloads? Nope… shit ain’t happening…

In fact, I’m sure some Navy PIO (pubic information orifice, no misspellings fyi) puke decided they needed to reassure us, the fucking taxpayers who’re footing this retard-bill per usual, that No, they haven’t been using and expending the sooper expensive missiles that require the boat to go home to be reloaded in the defense of the Yids!

Nope, not those missiles

We’ve been using these missiles

Nothing to see here, these aren’t the droids you’ve been looking for, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, the check is in the mail and that broad was dead when I got here I promise…

I’d swear they’re gaslighting us, but since gas stoves and dryers under our current occupational dick-tater-shit wants to outlaw gas ‘anything’ I must me sorely mistaken amiright?

You tell me…
All I can do is sit here, be thankful my wife, best bro, and Gran are safe and cool, and that I have enough food and ammo to keep it that way. Let me know if you think I’m wrong or insane in the comments

More Later
Big Country

Merry Christmas to All You Filthy Animals

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Merry Christmas Eve to one and all. A celebration of the birth of The One. Hopefully, you and yours enjoy a Magnificent Evening of Peace, Love and Good Fellowship as it was intended.

We here at The Casa had a wonderful day and then evening. Prepping for our visit with Gran#1, as well as the trip up to see Gretchen’s Parents. We’re bringing an entire Christmas Day Dinner with all the fixin’s, Turkey, Mini-Ham, Dressing (my sausage based specialty one) Green Beans and Mashed Taters.

I also got Dads Christmas Gift done today finally.

I made him a service plaque. I had the patches made up with his name and his specialty, Machinist Mate 2nd Class and his boats that he served on. He served during Korea, but was in the Med the majority of his time in. The two boats he was on were as seen, the Zellars, DD-777 a Sumner Class Destroyer known as the “Zippin Z”

and the Bailey, DD-713 a Gearing Class Destroyer

Both boats were sold to Iran in 1970, and 1971 respectively. Last notice on either of them was that they got eventually scrapped in the late 70s.

Needless to say, they don’t make the rockers for them anymore BUT I did find a company in Newport News that did custom work… go figure… Navy Central there… and it -didn’t- cost me an arm and a leg… The plaque I painted up myself, with Gretchen helping ‘cos the carpal tunnel gives me some mighty bad shakes, so she did the fine-line work for the gold paint.

I’m sure he’ll love it.
Reason it took so long to get done and at the last minute was the plaque took forever to get here via the Zon, and the rank patch?


I started this project at the beginning of November just in case of retardation like that… Everything started to come together… hell, the custom patches? Like less than 10 days after ordering… the rank patch?

It got so bad I ended up sending some very nasty emails threatening grievous harm/financial impact if they didn’t get the fucking thing in the mail to me tout-le-fucking-suite. This was after multiple phone calls where I was assured that it was going out ‘any day now’… Told ’em I’m slag them to all my DotMil folks, to include the Navy Times, and see how that affects the biz?

Fucking thing got here like 4 days after that. Which was on the 20th. When I ordered it on November 7th!!!!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?! Gah! THIS is what we speak of when we talk about eventual cascading systemic failure(s) amiright? And yep, the phone calls? All handled by Muh Diversity! females who probably promptly forgot all about me and my order the second the phone was hung up.

Fuck ’em. I got it done, that’s what matters.

Now, for dinner, we went a bit overboard. We had a gift box of Omaha Steaks that we broke out the bacon-wrapped Filet Mignons from, and Sapper and I got the surf to go with the turf, namely half a pound of scallops, and three Maine (theoretically) Lobster Tails… $10 for the scallops, and the tails were $6 a throw… small, but considering the “Royal Level” of the eats?

I mean Hell, it’s once a year.

(quick aside: This may be the last year we get a chance to do this, so, I’d say it’s time to Carpe That Fuckin’ Diem Aye?)

A minor splurge for premium grub either way can’t be beat.
The blackened filet BTW isn’t burned, that’s the spice crust that’s seared on… the steak itself was magnifico… the side was Mac n Cheese and a slice of cheesy Texas Toast that I added a splash of garlic salt to before I hit it in the air fryer.

As far as gifties?

I got Sapper the appropriate t-shirt as you can see…

Gretchen got me a really cool bowling shirt with “Big Country” embroidered on it, as well as some new under-mah-pants, and Sapper and I teamed up to get her a purse she wanted (my gift), as well as a matching clutch/mini-purse (Sapper’s gift) which made her exceptionally happy-happy.

All in all, a mellow, thoroughly enjoyable Christmas was had by all… I hope and Pray y’all have a similar experience, and I’ll be back probably the day after tomorrow, as the aforementioned day is rather jam-packed.

Merry Christmas From Myself, Gretchen and Sapper
More Later
Big Country

A Day Off Ain’t Even a Day Off Anymore! Queue the Horror-daze

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Busy-Busy up ’round here yonder… Gift Wrapping and cleaning, and setting up Gran#1 New Bed over the past two days. She’s outgrown the toddler bed… actually has been for a while. Budgetary concerns also was part of the equation until Gretchen had a multi-chick gig that paid out $550 for the Bride, Maid of Honor and Mother of the Bride.

And unlike some past clients she’s had, they were great, left a great review as well as a $100 tip on top. That was about $200 an hour +/- for about 3 hours work. Great if you can get it. She’s now also booked solid for the New Year… before, during and after. So post-gig, she sprung for a new Queen sized bed:

Again, the bane of Modern Man:
“Some Assembly Required”

We already had a mattress for it, a Caspar no less from when we (Gretch and Me) upgraded from a Queen to a Cali-King as we’re both needing the space I’m BIG and she’s an Amazon… As far as assembly? All 10,000 pieces-parts? Sapper and I got it done, and then Gretchen busted out the other ‘things’ that she got (the comforter as you can see) and matching sheets, shams, pillows, all the girly-girl stuff you can imagine. You can’t really tell, but the walls have a ton of silver glitter mixed into the paint as well, so the place ‘shimmers’ when the fairy-lights on the back wall start running through the program…

Hey man, I just live here amiright?

Other things: Concerned American put it up as a favor as I was talking to my Man G, who runs Dissident Rags, who’s got a spot over on the sidebar.

I don’t make any commission, in fact HE just gifted me a coffee mug one time as a “Thank You” for the writing and laughs. He did it custom as seen here:

My name and the Regimental (Rakkasan) Motto “Ne Desit Vitus” or “Let Valor Not Fail”. It was really decent of him to do this, and so I threw him up on the sidebar. Unfortunately, he let me know thibngs have been tough (as they are everywhere) lately and he might have to shut down.

So give him a hit and see if you like any of his gear. He’s got some great designs IMO. Hopefully we can help one of /ourguys over a hump right? Besides, I don’t have anyone to fill that spot if he closes down…

Other biddness: Lots of ‘Muh Diversity’ fun and games going on out there. Art Sido has been innudated with so many Monkeyshines, I swear he’s going to need another writer just to keep up. His house is “Dissident Thoughts” where he’s got some good writing going on as of late.

I also got ‘in’ on a deal to test out some new Ammunition. Sapper found a request for Bloggers and Social Media folks to test out some new PMC Defense Ammunition. The company that asked is Bulk Munitions and he sent me a link that had me put in my pertinent info. Wasn’t sure if this was a scam, but what the hell?

I got an “Approval” email and instructions on how to get my BeeBees. Less than 5 days later:

100 Rounds of the new PMC SFX 124gn Hollow points.

It’s selling on Bulk Munitions for $34.00 a box. It’s a Jacketed Hollow point, supposed to be waterproof, and meets FBI/Law Enforcement standards for duty requirements. After Christmas, I plan on doing some Range Therapy, and I’ll do a review then.

I’ll probably only use one box tho, as 124gn JHP “cop rounds” are expensive and keeping the additional 50 available for spicy times is recommended. Either way, we’ll see. I don’t have access to any ballistic gel or the like (I wish!) but I have seen some recibes on YewToob so maybe?

Have to see what the ingredients are.

It would be stellar if I could home-brew it. Got me some stuff I’d like to test personally. I mean the majority of munitions out there, if there’s a bullet, I’m sure somewhere someone did a vidya of it being used into some BG.

As far as the rest of the world? Meh.
Let. It. All. Burn.
Selfish I know, but if’n it’s not affecting me and mine directly?

Leave me alone, just to enjoy the Season. We did a ‘mini-tree’ today, as opposed to the usual large one, as we don’t know how Beans AKA Penis the Cat would be. Last thing I want is a tree with allllll sorts of heirloom and nice decorations to get put up, and at 0300, hear the crash and smash, followed by Gretchen crying b/c her Great Grandma’s heirloom crystal decoration bit the big ‘un. AT which point I have to make mittens out of the kittah. So we went teeny-tiny, but still pretty.

So Merry Christmas if’n I slow down on Ye Olde Poastage. I’m probably still going to keep throwing ‘stuff’ up and keep following the usual suspects. Otherwise it’s time for Netflix and Chill with Gretch, and some Nog with Rum.

More Later
Big Country

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