Greetings and Salutations
OK… sorry for the prolonged absence. Been really busy here getting things recovered from the Hurricane… as minor as the damage was, there still was and still is quite a bit of cleanup to do. After working a 8-10 hour day at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory so as to maximize my overtime as Head Commissar has authorized O.T. for me, then having to go out and do Mexican Work, i.e. “Manual Labor” cleaning up the yard and stripping off the destroyed Lanai, by the time I’m done, I’m fucking done.
Plus there’s other aspects I’m doing to insure maximum redundancy here at the Casa. Installing Starlink for one.
Since Elon The Great set the Starlink service to free until the end of the year, ($120 per month normally) Sapper and I both agreed to go ‘havlsies’ on the equipment. This in addition to seeing Elon The Great (no sarcasm) also knocked down the price of the gear as well, (we paid in total, including shipping $396.68, it normally being $600+/-) we figured that it’d behoove us to have a pretty much uninterruptable SatCom Internet hookup.
Nevermind it ALSO means I can finally get rid of the business internet line. And Sapper can get rid of his internet line as well… in total, the $275 (combined that is… $100 for Sapper’s, $175 as mine is a biddness line) saved is well worth the sunk cost, as even when Elon’s ‘free net’ runs out at the end of December, the normal is $120 a month anyway. I mean realistically, it’ll pay for itself in a short period of time… Win-Win IMO.
Add a couple of largish UPCs (Uninterruptable Power Supplies) to the PCs and the Starlink Router/Dish and BOOM!!! A net for all seasons…
Unless (((they))) (Leviathan) literally ‘break it’ (the Intahrwhebez backbone so to speak) intentionally at the server points.
We’ve also been working on the consumables.
Water too has been a big thing. Reloading the potable that we used, and recalculating the used amount so as to make sure we have enough-enough for the next potential shitshow. We normally have on hand 65 gallons of purified 5 gallon jugs worth of agua. 4 Days of no power and a lot of heat and exertion, and we went through more than I expected.
Part in parcel of these things concerning me is like oh so many others, is the upcoming (s)election, as well as the Middle Eastern Theater of each Bad Guy/Good Guy punching each other ad infinitum for the sake of the whole ‘pretend war thing’… Tonights activities in particular positively reeks of theatrical bullshit.
After all, General Smedley Butler said it best: “War is a Racket!”
That and other things…
One being I got word after the fact that my former Boss headed to what I consider ‘safer ground’… this Boss was in charge of me when I was in Iraq, and then shall we say guided me and or closely monitored me as we went to Afghanistan together a few years later? He’s a retired Gunnery Sergeant. I may or may not have mentioned The Gunny in the past… and yeah… Capital letters: “The Gunny”…. either way, he’s MAD Multilingual and used to work strictly as a “Embassy Marine” during his 25…30? years in the Corps… Not sure what else I can say, but let’s just say he recruited me, and is like a big brother to me.
He bailed to Wales about 30 days ago.
Granted his current girlfriend is Welsh… that being said however, if you had to pick ONE Area of Operations that’d be I dunno… to my analysis, it’s off the ‘normal chart’ that I (or anyone else would for that matter) would pick for “Bad Shit Happening” there… in fact, due to recent events, I’d say Wales is damned near an absolutely brilliant choice.
Despite being Oh-So-Close to being ‘theoretically British’ Wales is a wee bit of an oddball.

As you can see, It’s part of England, but not part of England
The reason(s) are multilevel.
Different Culture
Different Landscape (the SAS use the Welsh mountains as a ‘torture test’ to join their Regiment… it’s that fucking hardcore… look up “Brecon Beacons” to know of what I speak)
It’s harsh, cold and wet as fuck environment… Not one that most people willing want to live in if there are other options available…
The biggest difference being they speak Welsh there.
Sounds stupid, but bear with me.
Wales is one of the few places that the injection of the Multicultural Imported Rapefugee Virus hasn’t really been able to ‘take hold’ in. The Main Reason Why?
Having been there myself, and having seen it, and having it inflicted on me personally? Let me tell you…. DeadDad while we were in ‘tourist mode’ driving our family around damned near (no joke!) suffered a nervous breakdown trying to interpret the road signs in Wales back in the day… The name of a Town there? The longest name of a town in Wales is Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, which is located on the island of Anglesey in northwest Wales.
It was forever immortalized by “Hanoi Jane” in ‘Barbarella’:
So yeah…
A couple of articles I read pretty much said that the -few- Apefrican “Immigrants” that got sent there… they didn’t really feel ‘welcomed’…reason being is that in response to this unwarranted and unwelcome importation of sub-90 IQ’d Australopithecines, the locals “went native” and only spoke Welsh to them, and refused to interact with them otherwise.
Stores ‘suddenly’ removed signage in English-English, shopkeepers refused to speak anything but Welsh… and considering that the Ubuntu Motherfuckers barely spoke English” this caused considerable consternation
“Learn the language or get the fuck out” seemed to be the Watchword of the Day… to the point even the “Authorities” couldn’t do much except offer a relocation to Londinistan or one of the other ‘occupied Territories’ which after having to deal with not only an incomprehensible possibly hostile Local Populous, the majority of them were more than happy to bail back to more friendly ground. I mean let’s face it, unless you’re born to it, the Welsh language is a motherfucker to learn, and apparently, there isn’t any Law or Rule (that I know of) that can force anyone to speak English in Wales….
So YAY for the Welsh.
Side Note: Unfortunately, I think it’s too late to implement the same idea in the family homeland of Eire… Gaelic would for certain cause a lot of the Invaders to fuck the fuck off, and keep fucking off if the choice(s) were to be made… I mean I only know a few words, and man, it’s not an easy Language by far.
Biggest Takeaway However: When The Gunny packs his shit and gets the Fuck out of Dodge, it’s time to seriously reevaluate your stocks, positioning and preparedness. He’s got this inherent inbred ‘survivalist’ thing going on… the guy has more lives than a cat… Lebanon in the 80s… Grenada… Iraq…. Afghanistan… just to name a few… When The Gunny heads for ‘high ground’, I sure as fuck pay attention.
So… as it is, I’m keeping my head on a swivel, loading mags, rotating stock and doing a lot of Praying… and that’s a Good Thing/Bad Thing. Me and the Big Jumpmaster have a relationship of sorts… I do my ‘thing’ and try to behave like a ‘Good Monkey’, and stay on the path He commands, and I try not to bug Him unless I think shit is getting waaaaay sideways… a sort of “You Do You” thing where I don’t blame him for anything as it’s His Plan and I’m just along for the ride, but if shit gets too thick I’m not beyond asking for a solid to get me through. His will be done either way, just that I ask that if I have to go, make sure it’s a good death worthy of a Warrior
What more can a Grunt ask for amiright?
So More Later
Big Country

My mother was a full blooded Irish woman and knew how to speak Gallic… Spoke it with her parents and grandparents. She tried to teach it to me. I just couldn’t get the tongue rolling and side ways tongue you need to do to pronounce Gallic words. My first wife was Welsh and could speak some Welsh, her parents spoke Welsh. I didn’t even try to learn it. It will wrap your nuts up to speak it.
Brandon had the free high speed internet for seniors but it ended recently.
Some free underwear and tacos were needed for the replacements.
Loving Gab and dank freedom of speech meme page where minds will be melted.
Pappy was one of those survival uber alles Sarges and taught me well (recon/evasion/shelter building) on CA Winnebago roadtrip as a lil’ shaver after flying out alone, took the slow scenic route back home.
Still have his last BDU from late 1980’s with paratrooper wings and 101st patch along with Papaw’s WWII USMC dog tags.
Found a golden fleece Tiger Stripe at a local park, not in mint condition as it was buried with vines growing but did clean it up with Dawn in the tub.
The Patton fanfare sounded when it was founded. (s/)
Shocked by the commie agitprop posters in Mexico as a lil’ shaver, this was circa early 1980’s.
The roast beef flaps Kamalalala was hilarious meme of the day.
“populace”. Small errors like this give the enemy ammunition to look down at us as uneducated.
Good. Nothing wrong with having Them underestimate you (us).
They will Never consider us equals anyway. We’re mere talking animals while They are the only actual human beings. And it’s not a matter of “practicing” or not. At some level They all feel that way. (And why not? The Chinese look down on all non-Chinese. So do the Japanese, only they’re more polite about it. Etc etc. It’s normal and to some degree healthy for any group to think in terms of “us” and “everyone else”.)
More power to Them for having Tribe (heh). The contemptuous xenophobia is part of Their nature. I don’t blame Them for that any more than I blame scorpions for stinging. What I DO hate is Their hypocrisy and underhandedness. But what I really hate is that more than half the fallen West thinks They’re Good Guys who do no wrong and fall over themselves to serve Them. Especially when They are a huge reason why Western whites have no Tribe (in Lineman’s sense of “Tribe”).
Oh, but while we’re at it on spelling:
@CederQ — Gallic is cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Gaelic is potato-eating fight monkeys.
Mike, I caught that AFTER I pushed the publish button. I am glad I have you on my side instead of slaving for the TRIBE side… I wish that BCE had an edit button, but alas poor Yorick.
If you want/need redundancy/reliability for that Darth Elon Skynet Trump Platinum Program Playset, you should spend the $100 extra to procure and additional router. Maybe the cord too.
The proprietary nature of that equipment is a big downside. The routers are crap in general but it is what it is. There will also be interruptions as bad weather can scram the signal just like the TV Dish in the olden times. Not terrible, and usually pass as the storms pass, but it’s not bullet proof. Expect lightning to be an issue at some point.
The biggest issue with Skynet is that everything is a black box. Especially the customer service. Should you have a problem or a service drop, expect that issue to last 2 weeks to a month. Yes, that is with zero internet.
Go try to find the customer service phone number right now. I’ll wait……
All issues are handled via their app or website. Which will lead you down the rabbit hole of FAQ, ‘search’ for problems which leads to boxed answers, and back round again. It is a troubleshooting Q&A model with no live humans and no obvious solution/exit to the roundabout.
So if you have a real problem and have done all the usual troubleshooting tricks and still out you have to slither into the depths to report a ticket like you are in globo corp and the IT guys are shitting in buckets in bangalore.
The auto response will thank you for your inquiry and that’s it.
In my case it was three days before I got a sort of human response. Through the app. Then eleventeen hoops to jump through to re-do all the stroubleshooting I already did, send them pictures of everything, etc. They dont want to send you new equipment and will try everything to avoid doing that.
So you need good cell service or other internet to run the App, obviously. This might be an issue.
In my case I knew the router crapped out but it still took some doing. So eventually, almost a month, I got a reconditioned router. Not good for work-from-home. This wasn’t even a storm. They have some known quality issues with their gear. Shocking, I know.
So enjoy the space wars but get extra hardware now to save you later. My gear was less than 1y/o. Now I have two routers and two cords and am ready for the EMP to spark it all so we can go back to being human.
Ha! This is why it is called Manuel Labor.
Regarding Wales (and other parts of those Isles):
Podcast of the Lotus Eaters (youtube channel too) has videos on a lot of the going-ons in that part of the world.
I hope the Irish get mad enough to cause quite a lot of Trouble over the invaders, maybe inspire other locales.
+1 for the Lotus-eaters
Also, The Duran is good for geopolitics. They do cover UK stuff a fair bit as the one host lives in London
Fuck Hanoi Jane. I’ve never seen her soft core porno space flick and never will.
I’m with you, S.F. – for God’s sake, Big; not one of us wants to see Commiecunt Fonda ever. And Mikey C. – I have this thought in the back of my mind, that it won’t be long before quite a few White guys are shown the “why” Brother Lineman has preached “Tribe up, White man” for over a decade. I can tell you that those of us who saw that as wisdom and paid heed to it, are now in a defensible spot.
Are you the guy who had had dinner at his house with me and a couple others not too long ago?
Yea Brother he was the tough old buzzard with the mean look…😉
Ah cool-good to know!
If I was unclear, I wasn’t poking at Lineman. He’s absolutely right about the need for Tribe, and I respect his dedication and hard work over all this time. (And we’ve broken bread too; he gets around.)
I was however amused by the irony because Jews joke about being “The Tribe” themselves. (Often after committing some major nepotism.) And it’s not as if Jews are one big happy family. There are lots of factions, many of which pretty much loath each other. But they stick together against outsiders.
And you know your welcome at my fire anytime Brother…
BCE, can I horn in, since it’s so close to ballon-go-up?
Trump will be an obstacle to the 2nd Pandemic.
Kamala is granddaughter to Robert Mugabe’s main henchman*; she will pull of #2 without hesitation.
Biden was just the trojan horse to get Kamala in too late for anybody else.
Covid 1 was to compromise the immune systems of billions; Pandemic 2 may be the Killshot.
(*PV Gopalan, Communist ‘advisor’ to Kuanda, Mugabe, and Nkomo, who tore Rhodesia apart.)
I’m putting this here in gratitude to our lodestone Matt Bracken’s WRSA, and to you and your stalwart degenerates. I trust your grapevine, and all of you. I’ll take a POS over a POC any day!
p.s. Please get some barrels, if you don’t want to put out for a small water tank. I run my house off a tank, with the water truck coming by 2x a year;
1″ pvc pipe at the bottom makes a gravity feed due to the weight of the water, include a tap or faucet along the line for filling jugs/buckets by hand.
I plug in a ‘small well pump’ from Harbor Freight ($169), you can feed the water into your system from any outside faucet and the pump occasionally cycles to keep up the water pressure. (Just turn off the main to your well or city system.) A pump means you have running clean water with the power on, the tap is for power off. Eff me, 65 gallons ain’t near enough. Heck, down South, you can buy used peanut oil totes, 250 gallons ea., for $25 from the peanut processors. Clean, food grade, no toxins.
Guys set ’em up as showers at their hunting camps.
Any preppers worried about water–tanks are cheap, that way you don’t have to worry about if the well pump power is cut off. (Mine is 2500 gal., the size of a large shed; mountain farmers with families showed me their 5000 gal. tanks.)
Being from Nevada, Dune made me a Fremen many decades ago. Spice is power, but Water is life.
I have a sump pump and 4- 55 gallon drums in the back of my old Power Wagon I have a power pack in the cab. I can fill the drums, then feed the water into my system or use it to fight fires
On a side note, one of the members of the club I belong to where my boat is had a Rakkasans, tee shirt on today when I was there. He was also in that regiment I think in the late 90’s. I commented that one of the blogs I follow is a fellow member of that regiment.
I enjoy your blog.
Tried to learn Welsh in college. The other month I found an old folder of material in a trunk where I had been translating Welsh poems and I don’t remember doing so.
That long named city, they call it “Llanfair PG” for short. It refers to a town with a church by a particular river and is just a bunch of words smashed together like they do in German.
The hardest thing for me about Welsh is that some feminine nouns when preceded by an article change their first letter to the soft version (ie a c becomes a g, a t becomes a d, a d becomes dd which is pronounced “th” like in “they”). So it’s harder to find a word you don’t know in a dictionary if it begins with one of these letters.
A good example and a swear in Welsh is “Y Bobl Bach!” which means “the little people”. Pobl is people, a feminine noun, Y is the, pronounced “uh”. The Celts take their fairies seriously, they are not some cute Tinkerbell type things but rather something to be wary of.
A Welsh separatist song became a #1 hit there, and its hook translates to “Despite it all, We’re still here”.
“some feminine nouns when preceded by an article change their first letter to the soft version (ie a c becomes a g”
So lemme get this straight. It’d be something like: “So Lloyd said, ‘Fuck off, you cunt!’” But “Rhiannon kicked her brother’s ex-wife in THE gunt.” Is that how it works?
I wanted to learn Gaelic, and Welsh, at one point. But I never even made any headway with Greek or Latin in college. ☹️
As nice as Wales sounds I’m not moving. Here in Ohio 60% or so of all property taxes go to the school district you live in to pay for the schools. The Ohio courts have ruled this is illegal by the way. I’m waiting for the day, and it may arrive sooner than later, when we no longer have to pay property taxes. When your house is paid off it’s finally really yours.
The amounts of heads exploding will be glorious. Everything will come to a screeching halt. I’m waiting with popcorn.The Diversities will be everywhere soon, even Wales. You won’t be able to outrun them unless you move to Pluto.
Mars. Not Pluto. If they don’t kill Elon.
Waterbed mattresses make great blivets.
Just hooked up my Starlink last week and I’m loving it. I did have some concerns about hailstorms here in Texas Hill Country and have replaced enough windshields to have a healthy respect for the power of plummeting ice balls. Thought about some DIY solutions, mostly involving pool noodles and recycled campaign signs. Then I found Dishy Shield. It’s a sheet of 4.5mm polycarbonate with three wings holding it in place on the dish. No nuts, bolts, or screws to drop from the top of the ladder. It slides right on with a gentle nudge. Shipping time from Kangaroo Land wasn’t too bad, about a week or two. Might be worth a look.
Putting a deep well hand pump on my well. Spendy, but one day those Benjamins won’t make good TP, and maybe sooner than later. Its out in the garage now. Unfortunately a double by-pass not too long ago has me laid up and more than a bit anxious about doing the things I need to do as the world is coming apart. Hopefully my plumber son and friend will take care for the installation for Dear Old Dad.
Relocating off-shore, no matter where you chose, is risky business. At least your “Gunny” has a foot in the door already thanks to his wife… and he’s a white guy with skills. But the US is a big place with lots of good areas still and I already speak the language.
Wales, WTF is wrong with you! An island the Russians gleefully show movies of blowing up! Yea great plan. There is no safe place then the good ol USA, admittedly if your east of the big river your fucked. Ain’t no way around it.
Every other year we reevaluate our AO,” Southern Oregon”, has a certain sustainability, level we enjoy. The odds are rather outstanding here. Theirs a 100 deer tto every human. Fresh water pours out of the ground. It isn’t the only solution, U guys in Montana, Wyoming other stunning places are solid.
Life’s all about choices, make good choices, win reasonable living standards, choose poorly well you get it.
Starlink! You’re onto something there! We ordered ours three weeks ago, they tell us it will arrive this week. Starlink is exactly what Biggy says, plus “ a force multiplier” I grew tired of fucking with big TV the games they play.
Like anything in its infancy StarLink isn’t perfect “ Yet” give the South African gent a few more months and it will be. At that point only one organization can fuck it up. That’s our very own Govt.
I’m kinda looking forward to that go around Musk VS USA. My monies on Musk for the win.
Anyway Biggy think you nailed it on StarLink, think you should rethink leaving Conus. Your call I tend to think of sustainability in terms of 100 years for me and my folks. After that it’s up to them.
Not necessarily to be published but when did you get saved? In the past you’ve talked about or laughed about the great magical one in the sky but above that you use the word praying?
A Father wants a relationship with His child, not just to be called when desperate, so to speak. And He won’t do your will. It’s the other way around. There are lots of imperatives (commands) in the New Testament He gives us to obey.
“Prayer” is just talking, honestly.
Lots of scriptures about “praying ceaselessly.”
Thanks for the bleoeggh (Welsh for blog). Dunno about in Irish…
Oh yeah, wife’s name’s Jennifer. Welsh pronunciation like “Gwen hwy fur” (even though it’s Cornish, and I think King Arthur’s wife had something to do with that.)
Irish like “Sha nah fair”
Trippy how different Irish and Welsh are from each other.
PS, I’m guessing you’ve got a lot of fresh water nearby you could purify if you run out. Never been to Fl, but seems like there would be…
We have a lot of fresh water in places but it’s all full of gators. Where I live we have no fresh water. Just salt. Makes for some different planning.
Need some of this mountain spring water Brother…