Greetings and Salutations!
Another full day.
Gretchen is on her way home from her Parents. I haven’t seen her since last Sunday actually. That was when she went to go deal with the MomDrama that broke loose last Sunday. I’m pretty sure that for now it’s over, but I did explain that personally I’ve washed my hands of the whole situation.
I utterly refuse to participate any longer.
I’ll maintain and still help out the ‘rents, but only because of Dad and that reason alone. Any other stupidity-shenanigans that her Mom initiates?
Too bad, so sad.
So at least I got the wife coming back.
The bed was getting a mite lonely at night.
Now, as to ‘other things’
Try this one on for size:

Link to the story HERE
I guess this’s another instance where I was right.
As Razorfist would have said
I’m just here for the LOLZ
For those who are wondering of what I speak, my writeup is HERE. For you newbz, The TL;DR is that Back in February, Gretchen got diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Like absolutely the worst news a chick can get, especially since her rack was a defining aspect of hers.
That’s her own description mind you.
Tig Ole Bitties.
The concept of possibly losing them (‘the girls’ as she calls them) had her all sorts of fucked up. So I went full bore, and having survived Lung Cancer myself, I figured to do a LOT of deep dive research. The whole ‘too-doo’ and screaming over various COVID treatments, to include Ivermectin and Fenbendazole raised my curiosity, as they, as in Leviathan or whatever they are, were fighting waaaay too hard and making too big a stink over these supposedly innocuous drugs.
I mean when they’re trying that hard to discredit -something- that a year or two before was getting MAD props for being a lifesaving drug for its ‘work’ so to speak in Africa? So the deeper I looked the more I found… one of the biggest red flags was the cancer rate in Third World African Countries that use these drugs as a prophylactic anti-parasitical had a faaar lower cancer rate than us supposed First World ‘Civilized’ Countries…
That intrigued me.
“They” of course tried to palm that off on our First World Exposure to processed foods and pollution, but it didn’t ring quite true for me. Anyone who’s been in the Turd World can tell you flat-the-fuck out pollution is waaay worse there than here… just drive behind a HINO Dump Truck… a West Virginian Good Ole Boy trying to ‘burn coal’ in his lifted and jacked Pickup got nuthin’ on one of those fume-belching behemoths… Either way, it was a “Hey fuck it… what do we have to lose?” thing either way… so I ordered all the meds, and we, or I should say ‘she’ started the recibee that I have in the linked article and Boom!
Her tumor went from 22/25mm down to 15mm… Stage 2 headed to Stage 3, and was Stage 1 when they actually opened her up.
So again any time ‘they’ start telling you “Don’t do this/that/or the other” I’d recommend that you research it before making any final choices.. I mean use common sense of course, but even then, Common Fucking Sense is something that all levels of Leviathan seems to be lacking these days.
Hopefully this will make a difference for some folks.
DeadDad got the moniker ‘Dead’ because of Cancer. –I– was lucky with mine as I went and got aggressive as fuck with the Lung Cancer and refused to follow the Doctor’s orders. Instead –I– told them what –I– wanted done, and not to fuck with me as it was literally, “my body, my choice.” My choice being a radical Lobectomy of the entire Lower Left Half of the Lung getting cut out immediately after the tumor was discovered, rather than follow the ‘normal chemo/radiation protocols’.
DeadDad listened to them and it ultimately kil’t him
I wasn’t letting my Wife go the same route, so we tried my Protocol as either way she was getting the surgery, and IF it had a positive effect, then great! If not? No harm/no foul.
It worked out, and in the end, she ended up with a rejuvenated set of Boobies. All of the age-related sag got taken out, and I tease her that she got a set of titties that belong on a 25 year old.
SO I got that going for me.
And to fill out the rest of tonight: Some topical Columbus Day Memes…

So on that note, I’m going to crash out. I’m still tired from this past week, week and a half of retardation.
More Later
Big Country

There is a book J have read and researched – Dressed to Kill. It is by a couple anthropologists who noticed something interesting in Figi – cancer rates for women in the hills was non existant, but in the cities was at western levels. Difference? The bra.
Consider first aid for a snake bite. Apply a tourniquet with just enough pressure to stop the lymph movement until one can get to the hospital. That just takes a little pressure that doesn’t stop the circulation. Same idea applies to the bra – pressure that inhibits lymph movement. The lymph removes cellular debris and toxins from the cells. Inhibiting the lymph movement keeps them there.
During the study, they noted that fibrous breasts recovered themselves by just removing the bra. Just a thought.
In case you missed it, recent reports claim Columbus was a small hat tribal member. Go figger.
So the Hats had their minions tear down statues and void Columbus Day. After all he was and Eye Tai. So now the Genocidal Whyte Mon who started a Hollycaust an sheeit was a Yid?
HAHAHAHA. God has a sense of humor. Open for suggestions how the JMSM will spin this one. Can’t make this stuff up for sure.
The way I heard it, sr. Columbus was a legit cargo-ship captain.
One day, on a day a lot like today, while strolling through a town on the south-east Iberian peninsula…
…an area usually avoided because of jew criminals infesting the place…
… he was murdered, his identity stolen.
For years, the murderer used the ‘Columbus’ identity to swindle investors and merchants…
… eventually gaining access to well-paid bureaucrats.
At one point, apparently just to get rid of the nuisance, some royals gave him three antiquated ships and crews of convicts.
An aside:
As I understand it, the ‘Columbus’ impersonator had a strong appetite for 9yo girls…
… often bragging about his conquests in letters to friends and family.
Now, nobody is claiming that sick twisted pedophile and the crews of convicts were jew.
But if the noose fits…
They are quite active in real estate so that fits.
a g’damn jew in every box…
Ancestors on my mother’s side were from Calabria, Italy. Anyone that could float on a log for a day or two wound up there. Got Arabic, turk, Greek, north African and probably little hat in my blood as well as latin/roman. So what?
The Admiral of The Ocean Sea is still that.
If I found out I was part jew…I’d go whole hog
“Oy vey!!! But what’s (((our))) price?”
Is AOC sephardic?
Bust out some MGD when she gets voted off the CPUSA (D) plantation, being worth $29 million is enough for the comradette, don’t get too greedy as you fight for the working class.
Sick care system is for culling not health in this toxicity of a society.
Check out the beautiful girl in CA now practically destroyed by vaccine injury from a Pajeeta MD that has bailed on her.
Being told to do this and that is for the drooling NPC hive that is too stupid to live and begging to be put out of misery.
BFYTW is the answer and always will be only Stockholm Syndrome mediocre hive dullards want to be tread upon by homegrown commies.
DJT even said stupid people are what threaten muh demockracy.
He should know that MD is rule by the retarded.
We know what Uncle Joe did with the Useful Idiots of his day. Transport today’s NPCs back to the Commie Paradise of their dreams and imagine the scene. “Comrade Stalin will hear of this!” Assuming they still had enough of a tongue left after the beatings and before the gunshot.
Yup, thousands of American useful left wing idiots emigrated to “the workers paradise” in the 1930s.
What happened to them ?'s_Russia
That was a hell of a read…
Glad both your cancer journeys went well BCE, decades ago a family unit had basically what you had, and at the time they also were doing lobectomies, so they lived 36 years cancer free after and kicked it of non related issues. I would imagine today if the same thing happened, you’d have to fight for a lobectomey and the Rx’s make them so much more $$$$$.
Got another libtard fam unit who bought all the propoganda last few yrs and got a bad case of turbo cancer for it, gave them the info on the “”pet meds” but I doubt they’re doing it. Last i heard from another fam unit, he’s all in on whatever the docs give him. Will be 0% shocked when I get the unit expiry call someday soon.
Little brother and sister both diagnosed with the C within a week of each other. Similar types, as well – both aggressive.
Little brother took “their” treatment and was dead in 6 mos.
Sister went to Mexico for a month and got cured as an in patient at a clinic there. She still does the holistic treatments and protocols and her markers are pretty much in remission. Plus, she has to maintain a carnivore diet. If she starts eating breads and vegetables, her cancer markers start going up.
Well, thanks for the ‘heads up’. “Pentagon Issues Federal Directive Allowing Military to use ‘Lethal Force’ Against Americans”
What has helped me in my battle against leukemia is an increase in my vitamin D level.
When I got diagnosed with leukemia; my vit d level was critical low. Now after 5 years of supplements; and using “their medication ” I have it in the optimum range.
And guess what…. the leukemia is “non-detectable”. Hm, imagine that.
Just breaking on X, VP candidate Walz was raping boys while teaching high school in the mid 90’s. Don’t know if this is true but if a push for early mail in voting is happening then this could be the tell tale marker that it is. Anybody else seeing/hearing this?
P.S. I don’t want to spread any rumors but holy cow.
this could be the kick-off fellas…
“Yesterday, China surrounded Taiwan with Naval vessels and sent over 100 aircraft into the Taiwan “Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) on all sides of the island. (Story HERE)
Both North Korea and China have issued statements concerning their “ally in the Middle East, Iran” and have made clear they will not sit bay and allow Iran to be attacked and destroyed. If Iran is attacked, both China and North Korea “will take action” as will Russia which issued a similar statement.
If the US starts a war with Iran, WW3 seems guaranteed.”
Hey Ernie , I’m glad I found you again.
Break through my ass, here is some history.
New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol was first on substack. Joe cured his own cancer using these Rx repurposed drugs. The article is rather windy but the protocol of supplements are at the bottom. This substance writer publishes this quite often.
I believe this link gets you right to the protocol.