Greetings and Salutations!
Well today (shockingly) went well
No meteor strikes, no nuclear exchanges, no flaming bags o’poo (that I can find), no rando-meth heads in our A.O. (more on that in a minute) and otherwise, outside of the predicted OMFG rain, and Chili peeing on the carpet, it’s been a good day.
People’s Glorious Tractor Factory even went well…
I’ll take what I can, when I can, and thank the Good Lord above for the mellowness.
The meth head comment is that as of late?
We’re seeing an ‘uptick’ of general scumbaggery in the Area. We actually even had an attempted carjacking back in June? or somewhere around there at what I call MY Publix shopping center, mine in that it’s walking distance from the house. It ended rather poorly for the perp in that a former Marine literally ‘clipped’ him football style as he (the bad guy) was playing tug of was with the 70+ senior whom he’d targeted.
Truly, watching the security cam re-runs were great. Ole ‘Jarhead Joe’ had a full head o’steam built up when he hit the fucker. You could practically hear the Meth-heads ribs crumple and shatter internally. The guy got hit so fucking hard that he was knocked out, and then transported to the hospital…he woke up cuffed to the bed charged with Carjacking, Assault on an Elder… the usual shit… After this hit/arrest, they (the local Ministry of Lies and Propaganda) interviewed Joe for the 5 o’clock buzz, and he sounded rather disappointed that the perp didn’t put up more of a fight… it was funny in that the ‘roving reporter’ kept trying to interject some sort of angle that our guy was a bit overly enthusiastic in what he did… Joe shut that shit down pretty hard… in fact his answers and attitude?
Methinks Joe really wanted to lay the pain on this retard.
Good on ‘im Aye?
That being said though
We truly do not hate the media ENOUGH.
As well as ALL of its employees as well.
Shun them.
If you know someone locally?
Until the Rule of Law collapses, that’s all we can do.
After that?
Well the bodies will be piled high, the blood will flow freely. On both sides. There’s going to be ‘famous folks’ on both sides, and more than enough ‘innocents and unknowns’ as that’s the way ‘civil-not-so-civil’ wars go… Just like in that shitty “Civil War” movie where ‘Fat Damon’ asks “What kind of ‘Murican are you?”

Know that there’s going to be ‘tests’ of who/what you believe in, and there’s NOT going to be any second chances or ‘respawns’ for incorrect answers…
In fact, a quick aside: That scene?
Completely unrealistic IMO.
“Fat Damon” was interviewing fucking reporters FFS.
The norm after all hell breaks loose?
Per this quote:
If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.
General William Tecunseh Sherman
Mainly because the movie-makers themselves don’t want to admit, nor show that any and all media folks more than likely in real life would have been killed on the spot, out of hand (most deservedly so) and with probably a goodly amount of satisfaction in having done so… “A Dead Jo-urinalist is the only Good Jo-urinalist.” they finished off that scene in the most unrealistic way possible.
To continue: The media these days? They’re just not fucking bright enough to understand that they ARE the current day Regimes Spokesfolks. And because of the tragic disconnect regarding how real war functions, and how collaborators, traitors, betrayers and their scummy ilk are usually dealt with, this will ultimately be their collective undoing.
I blame the Modern Education System
I know, I know… go ahead and laugh, but I’m pretty fucking sure that none of these ignorant fuckers have ANY knowledge of the history of propagandists… As in they have no fucking clue as to who Lord Haw-Haw AKA William Joyce, or the Japanese English propagandists that ran under the name of “Tokyo Rose” AKA Iva Toguri D’Aquino or “Orphan Ann” AKA Fumiyo “Ann” Kiyooka. Nevermind what happened to them after the War.
Ask any Jo-urinalist who these folks are, and I fucking gar-ron-damned-tee that you’ll get a blank fucking stare for your troubles.
And for those who aren’t crazy War History buffs like me? Let’s start off with “Lord Haw Haw”. Per the Wiki HERE he was an American born in 1906. Without going too deeply into it, he was essentially a Irishman (US Born) with a Catholic Father, and a Protestant Mother…
Pretty sure that had to be fun…. not.
Long Story Short: He fucked around during the Irish Troubles, but seemed to work both sides of the fence. Having read his biography, the term I’d call him by is “opportunist.” He bounced around in one form or another, working for the ‘Black and Tans’, who worked for the Brits in Ireland during the Troubles, to becoming an open Fascist at one point. He was also an ardent Anti-Semite, and in 1939, bailed to Germany one step ahead of the Brits, as they wanted to lock him up as a potential security risk.
Late 1939 William Joyce started talking shit on the radio for Germany against England.
Lots of propaganda… DotMil movements of Allied troops, defeats of Allied troops, the usual shit if you will… “You’re all dead!” and the classic “You’re over here fighting us while the Niggers and Jews are back at home, sleeping with your wife!” and the usual attempts to gaslight and demoralize the listeners. No idea or numbers on how effective it was, but you know it was not cool either way…
At one point he was being heard by about 6 million people on the regular, and upwards of 18 million occasionally. That’s quite the audience Aye? The Germans fucking loved him. Think “British Rush Limbaugh” if you will, except with Nazis.
He kept up broadcasting allll the way up ’til the last… His last recorded show was on April 30th, 1945. It’s not really clear IF it actually was broadcast, but at that point, WW2 was over.
Lord Haw Haw was was executed on 3 January 1946 by hanging
He was the last Brit to be hung for treason.
Then the more famous and well know, leastways to us Americans, is “Tokyo Rose“. Now this chick? Well… her IRL name was Iva Toguri D’Aquino. She was born a Nisei in 1916 in Los Angeles (of course!). I feel sort of bad in the respect that she went to Japan in July of 1941 to visit relatives, and got trapped there when the slants started their shit at Pearl Harbor in December of that same year…
Her case was one of ‘volunteered/voluntold‘ if you will. She didn’t and wasn’t given much of a choice under her circumstances. She did do propaganda broadcasts, however she was only one out of a slew of American-English speaking females… You have to understand in that there’s English and what WE speak on the daily which would be better called ‘American’. They used her to do propaganda stuff, but as to her genuine contribution(s) against the US DotMil?
Questionable at best
Outright fabricated at worst…
In that the two ‘star witnesses’ the DotGov used against her in 1949 were coerced in providing false, misleading if not outright bullshit testimony under threats to have they themselves arrested and prosecuted for treason as well…
Got to love our DotGov Aye?
And they wonder why people email Vladimirovich Putin and ask him to nuke the fuck out of the District of Columbia, and undertake ‘other actions’ to remove the vermin currently in charge of our country???
Gee, why would these things ever happen?
In the long run, her arrest, conviction and all subsequent issues essentially were thrown out. She was ultimately pardoned by President Ford in 1977.
My point is however, is that Jo-urinalists? They have zero fucking clue as to how disposable and worthless they are. Both to their ‘current day masters’, to the ‘regular folks’ who are just trying to scrape by.
I believe and this’s my own personal opinion, is that the Media got it’s sense of ‘invincibility’ when they managed to take Nixon down. Now granted, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that involved the CIA, and an intentional and willful undermining of a sitting President in favor of a Cabal of High Ranking Intelligence operatives, and their “Besties” who owned ALL of the Military Industrial Complex weapons and ‘stuff’ manufactories.
No one ever looked behind the curtain on that particular shytteshow. Woodward and Bernstein (really? Every. Single. Time. right?) came off as the “…scrappy underdogs who took on and ultimately forced the removal/resignation of one of the most Powerful Men in The World.”
And because of this?
We now have a bloated, retarded, incapable bunch of pseudo-intellectual trust fund babies (at best) who’ve been given every. single. participation trophy in the world, and then are “Shocked, Shocked I say!” when people push back… These fucking morons and malcontents have no fucking clue what it means to TRULY LOSE.
LOTS of them have been to “The Mog”…
Baghdad, Nasiriya, Kabul…
You get the idea.
Yeah they might have been under some indirect fire
It’s part and parcel of being ‘over there’
No matter what, they always retained that ‘ignorance/superiority’ complex I personally have run into oh so many times. I’ve had my fair share in Iraq/Affy having to deal with Jo-Urinalists. Lord Love a Duck. I can not deal with them. In fact at one point, I was being spoken TO (mind you a big difference there) I was being spoken TO as if I was some third grade retard (guilty as charged!) by some dickweed wearing his helmet, as well as his vest.
Not exceptionally outré for the “Fashion of the Day” a’la Baghdad Late 2004… In fact he was almost dead on point, except for the protective mask. I mean FFS… a promask? Not that I was having an issue with it… no no no… it was the outrageous hypocrisy I saw.
On one hand?
“There is zero evidence of Saddam Hussein having Wepons of Mass Destruction. This whole war is bullshit, and the Shrub is a lair-liar-pants-on-fire Monkeyboy!”
AFTER one of our EOD Teams accidentally ‘popped’ a 152mm Sarin Gas binary Artillery shell and got themselves a bad dose of the “Kickin’ Chikin”?
After that minor incident?
Every. Single. Media. Joker wore their protective mask kit religiously. THIS while the entire time these fuckers were utterly and completely DOWNPLAYING any and ALL IRL examples of Weapons of Mass destruction being implemented, either accidentally (this being the most common case) to a willful deployment of some seriously bad shit that IF it’d gotten out?
Bad juju.
So my hatred of the Media is well known to the powers that be. My original Blogg waaaaay back when was HUGELY about the disgust and outright horrow I was witnessing in real time vis-a-vis the reports, the stories and the utter bullshit that the people ‘back home’ were getting from the “other enemy”, Also Known As our own fucking Media Companies
Of which I have now subsequently dubbed, and shall call them:
“The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda”
Tell me I’m wrong.
But yeah…
They sure as hell hate us. It’s because of their fear and loathing of us. They truly know that waaay deep down inside that they’re nothing more than scurrilous scribners of fantastical and fascist lies that are meant to promote their own specious and supercilious superiority. That they are cowards and liars, too stupid to understand that the tolerance for their behavior is coming to an end.
And that end will not be pleasant.
As stated by far better than I
We Do Not Hate The Media Enough.
Wash Rinse and Repeat
More Later
Big Country