Let’s Talk About Jo-Urinalists and Why They Are Done.

Greetings and Salutations!
Well today (shockingly) went well

No meteor strikes, no nuclear exchanges, no flaming bags o’poo (that I can find), no rando-meth heads in our A.O. (more on that in a minute) and otherwise, outside of the predicted OMFG rain, and Chili peeing on the carpet, it’s been a good day.

People’s Glorious Tractor Factory even went well…

I’ll take what I can, when I can, and thank the Good Lord above for the mellowness.

The meth head comment is that as of late?
We’re seeing an ‘uptick’ of general scumbaggery in the Area. We actually even had an attempted carjacking back in June? or somewhere around there at what I call MY Publix shopping center, mine in that it’s walking distance from the house. It ended rather poorly for the perp in that a former Marine literally ‘clipped’ him football style as he (the bad guy) was playing tug of was with the 70+ senior whom he’d targeted.

Truly, watching the security cam re-runs were great. Ole ‘Jarhead Joe’ had a full head o’steam built up when he hit the fucker. You could practically hear the Meth-heads ribs crumple and shatter internally. The guy got hit so fucking hard that he was knocked out, and then transported to the hospital…he woke up cuffed to the bed charged with Carjacking, Assault on an Elder… the usual shit… After this hit/arrest, they (the local Ministry of Lies and Propaganda) interviewed Joe for the 5 o’clock buzz, and he sounded rather disappointed that the perp didn’t put up more of a fight… it was funny in that the ‘roving reporter’ kept trying to interject some sort of angle that our guy was a bit overly enthusiastic in what he did… Joe shut that shit down pretty hard… in fact his answers and attitude?

Methinks Joe really wanted to lay the pain on this retard.

Good on ‘im Aye?

That being said though
We truly do not hate the media ENOUGH.
As well as ALL of its employees as well.

Shun them.
If you know someone locally?

Until the Rule of Law collapses, that’s all we can do.

After that?

Well the bodies will be piled high, the blood will flow freely. On both sides. There’s going to be ‘famous folks’ on both sides, and more than enough ‘innocents and unknowns’ as that’s the way ‘civil-not-so-civil’ wars go… Just like in that shitty “Civil War” movie where ‘Fat Damon’ asks “What kind of ‘Murican are you?”

Know that there’s going to be ‘tests’ of who/what you believe in, and there’s NOT going to be any second chances or ‘respawns’ for incorrect answers…

In fact, a quick aside: That scene?
Completely unrealistic IMO.
“Fat Damon” was interviewing fucking reporters FFS.
The norm after all hell breaks loose?
Per this quote:

If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.

General William Tecunseh Sherman

Mainly because the movie-makers themselves don’t want to admit, nor show that any and all media folks more than likely in real life would have been killed on the spot, out of hand (most deservedly so) and with probably a goodly amount of satisfaction in having done so… “A Dead Jo-urinalist is the only Good Jo-urinalist.” they finished off that scene in the most unrealistic way possible.

To continue: The media these days? They’re just not fucking bright enough to understand that they ARE the current day Regimes Spokesfolks. And because of the tragic disconnect regarding how real war functions, and how collaborators, traitors, betrayers and their scummy ilk are usually dealt with, this will ultimately be their collective undoing.

I blame the Modern Education System

I know, I know… go ahead and laugh, but I’m pretty fucking sure that none of these ignorant fuckers have ANY knowledge of the history of propagandists… As in they have no fucking clue as to who Lord Haw-Haw AKA William Joyce, or the Japanese English propagandists that ran under the name of “Tokyo Rose” AKA Iva Toguri D’Aquino or “Orphan Ann” AKA Fumiyo “Ann” Kiyooka. Nevermind what happened to them after the War.

Ask any Jo-urinalist who these folks are, and I fucking gar-ron-damned-tee that you’ll get a blank fucking stare for your troubles.

And for those who aren’t crazy War History buffs like me? Let’s start off with “Lord Haw Haw”. Per the Wiki HERE he was an American born in 1906. Without going too deeply into it, he was essentially a Irishman (US Born) with a Catholic Father, and a Protestant Mother…

Pretty sure that had to be fun…. not.

Long Story Short: He fucked around during the Irish Troubles, but seemed to work both sides of the fence. Having read his biography, the term I’d call him by is “opportunist.” He bounced around in one form or another, working for the ‘Black and Tans’, who worked for the Brits in Ireland during the Troubles, to becoming an open Fascist at one point. He was also an ardent Anti-Semite, and in 1939, bailed to Germany one step ahead of the Brits, as they wanted to lock him up as a potential security risk.

Late 1939 William Joyce started talking shit on the radio for Germany against England.
Lots of propaganda… DotMil movements of Allied troops, defeats of Allied troops, the usual shit if you will… “You’re all dead!” and the classic “You’re over here fighting us while the Niggers and Jews are back at home, sleeping with your wife!” and the usual attempts to gaslight and demoralize the listeners. No idea or numbers on how effective it was, but you know it was not cool either way…

At one point he was being heard by about 6 million people on the regular, and upwards of 18 million occasionally. That’s quite the audience Aye? The Germans fucking loved him. Think “British Rush Limbaugh” if you will, except with Nazis.

He kept up broadcasting allll the way up ’til the last… His last recorded show was on April 30th, 1945. It’s not really clear IF it actually was broadcast, but at that point, WW2 was over.

Lord Haw Haw was was executed on 3 January 1946 by hanging

He was the last Brit to be hung for treason.

Then the more famous and well know, leastways to us Americans, is “Tokyo Rose“. Now this chick? Well… her IRL name was Iva Toguri D’Aquino. She was born a Nisei in 1916 in Los Angeles (of course!). I feel sort of bad in the respect that she went to Japan in July of 1941 to visit relatives, and got trapped there when the slants started their shit at Pearl Harbor in December of that same year…

Her case was one of ‘volunteered/voluntold‘ if you will. She didn’t and wasn’t given much of a choice under her circumstances. She did do propaganda broadcasts, however she was only one out of a slew of American-English speaking females… You have to understand in that there’s English and what WE speak on the daily which would be better called ‘American’. They used her to do propaganda stuff, but as to her genuine contribution(s) against the US DotMil?

Questionable at best
Outright fabricated at worst…
In that the two ‘star witnesses’ the DotGov used against her in 1949 were coerced in providing false, misleading if not outright bullshit testimony under threats to have they themselves arrested and prosecuted for treason as well…

Got to love our DotGov Aye?
And they wonder why people email Vladimirovich Putin and ask him to nuke the fuck out of the District of Columbia, and undertake ‘other actions’ to remove the vermin currently in charge of our country???

Gee, why would these things ever happen?

In the long run, her arrest, conviction and all subsequent issues essentially were thrown out. She was ultimately pardoned by President Ford in 1977.

My point is however, is that Jo-urinalists? They have zero fucking clue as to how disposable and worthless they are. Both to their ‘current day masters’, to the ‘regular folks’ who are just trying to scrape by.

I believe and this’s my own personal opinion, is that the Media got it’s sense of ‘invincibility’ when they managed to take Nixon down. Now granted, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that involved the CIA, and an intentional and willful undermining of a sitting President in favor of a Cabal of High Ranking Intelligence operatives, and their “Besties” who owned ALL of the Military Industrial Complex weapons and ‘stuff’ manufactories.

No one ever looked behind the curtain on that particular shytteshow. Woodward and Bernstein (really? Every. Single. Time. right?) came off as the “…scrappy underdogs who took on and ultimately forced the removal/resignation of one of the most Powerful Men in The World.”

And because of this?

We now have a bloated, retarded, incapable bunch of pseudo-intellectual trust fund babies (at best) who’ve been given every. single. participation trophy in the world, and then are “Shocked, Shocked I say!” when people push back… These fucking morons and malcontents have no fucking clue what it means to TRULY LOSE.

LOTS of them have been to “The Mog”…
Baghdad, Nasiriya, Kabul…
You get the idea.

Yeah they might have been under some indirect fire
It’s part and parcel of being ‘over there’
No matter what, they always retained that ‘ignorance/superiority’ complex I personally have run into oh so many times. I’ve had my fair share in Iraq/Affy having to deal with Jo-Urinalists. Lord Love a Duck. I can not deal with them. In fact at one point, I was being spoken TO (mind you a big difference there) I was being spoken TO as if I was some third grade retard (guilty as charged!) by some dickweed wearing his helmet, as well as his vest.

Not exceptionally outré for the “Fashion of the Day” a’la Baghdad Late 2004… In fact he was almost dead on point, except for the protective mask. I mean FFS… a promask? Not that I was having an issue with it… no no no… it was the outrageous hypocrisy I saw.

On one hand?
“There is zero evidence of Saddam Hussein having Wepons of Mass Destruction. This whole war is bullshit, and the Shrub is a lair-liar-pants-on-fire Monkeyboy!”

AFTER one of our EOD Teams accidentally ‘popped’ a 152mm Sarin Gas binary Artillery shell and got themselves a bad dose of the “Kickin’ Chikin”?

After that minor incident?
Every. Single. Media. Joker wore their protective mask kit religiously. THIS while the entire time these fuckers were utterly and completely DOWNPLAYING any and ALL IRL examples of Weapons of Mass destruction being implemented, either accidentally (this being the most common case) to a willful deployment of some seriously bad shit that IF it’d gotten out?

Bad juju.

So my hatred of the Media is well known to the powers that be. My original Blogg waaaaay back when was HUGELY about the disgust and outright horrow I was witnessing in real time vis-a-vis the reports, the stories and the utter bullshit that the people ‘back home’ were getting from the “other enemy”, Also Known As our own fucking Media Companies

Of which I have now subsequently dubbed, and shall call them:

“The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda”

Tell me I’m wrong.

But yeah…

They sure as hell hate us. It’s because of their fear and loathing of us. They truly know that waaay deep down inside that they’re nothing more than scurrilous scribners of fantastical and fascist lies that are meant to promote their own specious and supercilious superiority. That they are cowards and liars, too stupid to understand that the tolerance for their behavior is coming to an end.

And that end will not be pleasant.

As stated by far better than I
We Do Not Hate The Media Enough.
Wash Rinse and Repeat

More Later
Big Country

Never a Dull Moment Around This Fargin’ Place I Swear…

So after Poasting last night, and retiring to Ye Olde Bed, somewhere around 12:20AM-ish Gretchen and I both separately get woke up? awakened? by the LifeAlert folks calling us. Both separately, within a minute of each other… we knew when both cellies went off, something was fucking wrong somewhere….


Seems Dad took a header on the way to the shitter and cracked his nugget again. His walker snagged -something- and down he went.


Sooooooooooo Queue the ‘get your emergency shit together and roll’ drill, of which, as of late, we’ve had far too many experiences with. This includes the “Oh Shit!” bag with the battle belt, a long rifle, and all the ‘needed stuff to get home’ as the place in the Villages is a perfect 98 miles from La Casa El Grande Campesino.

That’s a wee bit of a hump for this old Grunt…
Lord spare us from a CME or EMP…

As an aside: This is a sling-bag that has my ‘tools’ which includes 2x Leatherman/Gerber tool(s), 2x Headlamps w/Batteries, 3x mini flashlights, 4 days worth of Mountain House LURP style compact rations, a 1.5 liter Lifestraw Bottle (actually 2 of them, I have one on the Battle-belt by itself, the other in a pocket on the sling bag), a plethora of medical stuff, as well as spare mags, spare handgun (my Smith 669 and about 5 mags loaded with some really mean hollowpoints). There’s also a shitload of 550 cord, some heating tabs and stove, plus lighters, spare batteries, a poncho and a ‘do-everything’ General Purpose Gerber Field Knife…

Socks, spare ‘other stuff’ to include my NODs.

It weighs in at about 25 pounds.

Anyways… that’s the standard grab bag. There’s a bunch of other things that slip my exhausted mind but hey… can opener, Radiation Monitor, iodide pills… I mean I have a LOT of bases covered in this compact kit. The poncho liner for sleeping is already ALWAYS in the car ‘cos I never leave home without my woobie. I got like 5 of them… The Battle Belt is a medic kit, the water bottle, and 4 spare mags of a mix of Tracer and Steel Core M855A1…

That’s the new stuff… my neighbor who knows someone, who knows someone who got me the newest M855A1 in trade for a couple of trigger jobs… cleaning up them nasty milspec AR triggers… and add on that considering they’re selling online for sick $$$?

I say well worth the trade and having a LOT of M865 tracer helps in that potential ‘bad guys’ get wigged out by “Star Wars” shooting… leastways the Hajjis ran like fucking gophers when the full mag dumps of Tracers stared cooking in…

Jes’ Sayin’

So we get there, and we find out Dad is in OK-ish shape…
Couple of lumps and bumps, no concussion.

He was more embarrassed to have done the whole ‘ass-over-teakettle’ thing than anything. Neighbors all came out to watch despite the late hour…. Can’t have the Jones and Smiths talking donchaknow?

So we took Mom home, and left Dad until they cut him loose at about noon? 14:00? I lost track of time as I had a grand sum total of about 2 hours of ZZZs before this happened.

And while the Paramedics were at the house?

The AC shit the bed…


“Achievement Unlocked: Final Straw Broken

Queue a UTTERLY MASSIVE swearing rant-a-thon… even massive by the BCE standards. I think the Pope shuddered in the Vatican at my outburst. I mean I really went the fuck off! I’m pretty sure J.C. up in the Great Beyond heard that one, and took notes, if only to remember some of the moar creative shit I let loose with to talk to St. Peter later and ask questions about one of his wayward Grunts… Call it my BCE ‘pity-party’… I had two weeks of vacation days this year.

I’ve spend ALL of them but 4 days now…
ALL of them on “other people’s problems”
Nothing for me.
Same goes for the expenditures of any potential ‘fun bux’

<Le Sigh>

So I now have another and final control board on the way.

THIS TIME Dad INSISTED that he pay for it, despite his current boomer-lifestyle induced poverty. I did however find a cheaper board for $182.00 on eBay. The going rate at some of the shyster HVAC Online Scum-Supply houses have it anywhere from $500 to an outrageous $1113.00… how they came up with that particular number is beyond me…

So since ALL the repairs I did and using ALL the previously “new/old stock” now errored out, and I know that they’re OK… it leaves this last board, which I was intentionally avoiding due to the rather excessive price points… It’ll be here Friday, which means Saturday I’ll probably be out of pocket again as the Battle of The HVAC continues…

I’ve now made it to the Senior Boss Level
I’m oh-so going to fucking finish this fight.
Fucking Watch Me.

So that’s been the past 48? 72? Not sure. Got a few beers in me.

I needed the break.
So More Later
Big Country

Dinner, A Couple of Minor Updates and Memes For Tonight

Greetings and Salutations.
Going to be a bit of a ‘filler’ night, as I’m working on a large-ish poast that I’ve been grinding on. Politics and Observations from The Edge if you will. Please bear with me as I’ve just been so fucking busy…

My Minion at work even said to me today “You just don’t seem to get any ‘down time’ do you?” while we discussed my absence and she was getting me back up to speed for the Tractor Factory’s daily output, two-to-three day that I was in absentia. She’s a good kid. 21 years old, smart as a whip. Cute too. Had to go to great lengths to explain to Gretchen that I’m seeing her and treating her as my “Missing Spawn #2” and trying to help her out, as she’s got a few negative checkmarks as far as HR is concerned.

Being the youngest, smartest and most competent female in a place that has a bevy of older, more “Crone-Like” post wall females is never a good thing. The other whammenz have had their knives out for her, until I took her under my wing, and got her transferred to my Department, the Widget side of things.

It also helped immensely that the I.T. Commissar has been recently promoted to being the overall Operations/Office Commissar, and has the ability to quash any of the aforementioned bullshit the Crones have been trying to get my Minion fired. Win-Win in my book.

So, tonight? After a full day of bullshit dealing with truculent and miserable Clients, I decided to make a nice dinner:

Another Boneless Ribeye that I had in the deep freeze, Butter and Garlic pan-seared Green Beans, and Mac n’Cheese (home-made). I managed to time everything excatly right in that the steak came off the grill, as the beans just got done, and the Mac n’Cheese was ready to serve.

My attitude at this point is “Avē Imperātor, moritūrī tē salūtant!!!” which is a line, credited to Suetonius, said (supposedly) by Gladiators as they went to fight in the ring is translated as “”Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you”.

In this case, it’s more a “Eat well, we have NO idea if this will be our last great meal.” I mean at the rate things are going? It’s a tough call… best to live for today, as the way things are looking, there may not be many meals like this in the future.

And if you take that as a Blackpill?

Well, hey… I’m good with that. I know Sapper, Gretchen and I have gotten our ‘hatches battened down’ and are pretty much in a position to ride out a lot of bullshit. I’ve also gotten a LOT of the neighbors on board with getting ‘prepped for weirdness’ and adding on the fact that where we are is a far superior location in many respects than other places (of course realizing the heat and humidity suck), but we’re in pretty good shape.

I’ll say one thing, I sure as fuck have no plans on becoming a high end “Loot Drop” for the local retards. The only thing I feel we’re lacking is in the barbed wire/tanglefoot wire and razor wire area. I need to get a couple hundred more feet of each, just to have a reserve. That and more pickets.

One can never have enough engineer pickets.

That and getting the 3D Printer back up and running. It’s been down, but due to my own laziness. I got a buttload of upgrades for it, but I’ve had oh-so-many other IMPORTANT and NEED IT DONE NOW projects, that that’s been on the back burner for a minute. Seeing that I’m going to need more battery holders, I should make that a priority.

Otherwise, feeling pretty good.
Tired AF but good.

Another thing: The Poly80 company apparently shut down. Seems the lawsuits and financial losses were too great, so they’re toast. Which sort of sucks. I wanted and have been looking for the G26 lower 80% forever and one just never seemed to materialize. I had a Glock 26 for about 4 months in Baghdad (right before I left) and sort of liked that itty-bitty toy. VERY concealable. That being said though, I did NOT want to pay full price for such a niche weapon.

Yet another reason for me to get Ye Olde 3D Printer back up and running. Of course in the past, my attempts to 3D print “Glock” wannabe lowers were less than successful… they usually ended up being a pile of semi-melted cord with no resemblance to a proper frame. It’s part of the reason I went and got some upgrade kits, as a LOT of the forums out there said that the print-head on my particular 3D printer model had ‘issues’ doing Glock frames…

So I’ll update you on that when THAT shitshow gets handled.

So beyond that, I’m sort of spent writing wise, hence my cop-out with Memes. Tomorrow I head back to the In-Laws as Yes, I did get the replacement thermostat and boards, so I have to get them in before Dad has an OCD-oriented meltdown. I’ll install them tomorrow.

The cool thing is though we’ll be seeing a ‘lost fren’ so to speak. Dad’s best friend Artie is going to be there. Long story short: Artie and his wife were neighbors in The Villages to Mom and Dad forever. Like two houses down from each other. Dad and Artie were BFFs forever. Both are close in age. They hung out every day. Both were prior service Navy. Artie is Jewish (nonpracticing) and unfortunately, his wife rules him with an Iron Fist.

Two years ago, SHE decided that SHE wanted to move from The Villages to Jacksonville to live near her brother. It practically destroyed Artie. Artie had supported us financially with donations (despite his shrew-of-a-wife’s objections) in our fight for Addy.

Well, he finally put his foot down. Told her she either packed up, and shut up, or they were done, as “…leaving The Villages was the worst mistake I ever allowed you to make in our lives!” He then sold the shitass Condo they were living in, and are back, looking for a place to live near Dad.

Good on Ya Artie!

Great guy. I just wish he’d had curbstomped his out-of-control Yenta before all this went down. Now that Artie’s back, I have hopes Dad might come out of the ‘funk’ he’s been in since he left. I mean a man needs his bros right? Artie is a trip man… He saw my “Rakkasan Tat” on my shoulder and asked about it… I explained it was my Unit symbol and an “Army Thang”. He in turn let the secret out that he had two anchors tatted over the top of both ass cheeks!!!

I was like “Bullshit! A Jew with tats over/on his ass???”

He then dropped trou, and proved me wrong. Fucker does have twin anchors, a’la 1950+/- when he was in, tatted juuust above his asscheeks. Fucking legend man. It’ll be good to see him. If only to give him shit again, as I always did what with him and Dad being ‘fucking squids’…

So, to the Memes…
Gathered from Across the Web:

(That one is for Phil and Cederq)

Any wonder Gen X is jaded AF?

If you get it, you get it…

So More Later
Big Country

I Got Me The HVAC Blues… It’s Been A Looong Couple of Days…

Greetings and Salutations!
Been out of pocket AGAIN! So Solly About that…
Gretchen’s parents A/C was playing the “I’m Working” then “I’m not Working!” thing for the past week or so. I finally got a case of the Ass ‘cos you just can not allow old folks to swelter and die in that sort of heat…

Her Mom didn’t want to ‘bother us’…

So I spent a couple of vaykay days to head up and evaluate and work on the AC…

Been a minute since I had to work in that kind of heat.
Soaked to the bone. 97 degrees, which is OK… it’s the fucking humidity at 110% that gets me…

Even worse was/is the AC?
The parts are woefully obsolete.
An older Carrier model that had E-1 Error codes which means the thermostat and Board(s) are bad. And to ‘add to the fun? It has a full 8 strand wire that ALL the wires are connected to -something- that was ‘important’.

None of them matched up to what “Industry Standards” should be or currently are FFS.
What. The. Fuck…
That’s the board the thermostat goes to, and THEN goes to another control board inside:

And the wires to that board were a soup-sandwich of extreme fuck-ed-uppedness. A tangled web of “What drunken asshole installed this shytte?!?” sort of moment.

Even worser than worse?
Finding a replacement thermostat? Specifically a “Carrier EDGE” w/Boards? Some of the parts houses had them going for $300 plus, which was a budgetary no-go. So I went down and got a off the rack Honeywell at Ace Hardware for $50. I even had a coupon…

The Honeywell, while fine for NEW ACs, unfortunately does not support the 8 strand bullshit that Carrier has. I mean I was sure I could “Obamarig” it… I learned via a LOT of YouTube Vids, due to my previous Iraqi HVAC experience, and it took me a few days to unfuck what wire was what, as they do not correspond to the “regular” red = ‘hot’ black = ground and on and on…

No no.

I had to UnMonkeyFuck ALL the wires.

THEN to add to my misery, I had to figure out which ‘parts’ were noncritical to getting the Air Flowing again. My research showed that there’s a Two Stage Heater, a flex-dehumidifier and an air quality sensor… ALL (as far as I’m fucking concerned) is extraneous bullshit that can be I hoped bypassed.

I wasn’t a very happy camper Day #3 into this, especially in light of one of the videos specifically talking about this exact model, the actual Carrier HVAC Tech stated that IF you fucked up and did the wrong wire to the wrong circuit, you might cook the whole thing… which meant being like an EOD Tech in making sure I didn’t fuck up.

So I painstakingly hit Reddit, Goolag, all my resources. I still have no fucking clue what the OAT setting is… I know it’s the Outside Air Sensor, but in never discussed if it was a ‘critical need’…

In the end, I puzzled it out.
3 Full Days.
No AC.
I lost a lot of water weight…
It’s on, and it’s running like crazy. To the point the interior of the house is now like a meat locker as I set it initially to 72 degrees. Mom however due to the Pre-Dementia has forgotten already how to turn it down/up to the normal 76… I told her until I get back up there, to put on a sweater if she gets cold. Better that it’s running and working, that she should NOT to fuck with it anymore at this point.

Let Running ACs Run Aye?

I had to bypass a lot of shit to get it this far, redo a lot of the wires, and relabel everything, plus make note ‘cos I know Dad is going to want it eventually brought back up to factory specs…

I am so not going to be a dick and tell him the repair is probably going to outlast him unfortunately. Love the Hell out of the Old Man, but he is pretty OCD about ‘factory/OEM’ parts…

Which leads me to yesterday:
I caught a “happy break” for once. This in that yesterday, I found a “New/Old Stock” exact replacement Carrier Thermostat KIT! It comes with the Board(s) as well!!! I have been checking eBay Diligently, and this was a new listing… like put up a hour before I found it. $70 w/$6 for Priority Mail.

The mail said it’ll be here tomorrow as the place I bought it from is literally down the road in Oldsmar. I didn’t notice that or I would have DM’d dude and asked if I could come and pick it up.

Once I get it, I’ll take one more day to go and redo the whole thing with the New/Ols Stock which looks good. Still has the clear plastic protective coatings on everything, and all the parts are present. If it works? Yay Me. If not? I’ll put the Honeywell back in, and call it good.

I’ll figure out the fucking heat when the season changes and not one minute before. I’ve already done my fill of this shit.

Other Updates:
We got some pics from the BabyDaddy who still seems to be on the straight and narrow. We’ve been in a LOT of contact since the arrest of DC as it affects everyone involved. She’s definitely becoming a lil Redneck Girl…

No idea where I’m going to come up with the $$$ for a Battery Powered 4 Wheeler, but I’ll come up with something. We’re planning on going to her B-Day in October.

And she still loves watching the fishies according to BD.

That was her checking out the Aquarium when we were still fighting for her. Maybe someday we’ll get some long visitations… BD and his kin have finally come around in that the poison that DC had spread was bullshit…

Especially in light of what we found out.
I called it right down the line… the guy she was with was done with her, and told her to pack her shit and GTFO of his house. She did her “usual” which is to go and play the victim, call the cops, and try to get the ‘bad man’ arrested and hemmed up. She did it to me 2x times, did it to Gretchen once, by convincing the LezboDyke Deputy that GRETCHEN was the aggressor, despite ALL witnesses contrary to that, and the time(s) that she hemmed up the BabyDaddy using the same exact M.O.

This time, the guy in question was ready
Had the recording going on his phone that showed her punching herself in the face, busting her lip. When the cops showed up, and it all came out, yep…

That’s all she wrote there.

She called everyone here and no one is willing to help

All them bridges..
I think I’ll end this on this rather appropriate song:

Friends all tried to warn me
But I held my head up high
All the time they warned me
But I only passed them by

They all tried to tell me
But I guess I didn’t care
I turned my back and
Left them standing there

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore

Joey tried to help me find a job
A while ago
When I finally got it I didn’t want to go
The party Mary gave for me
When I just walked away
Now there’s nothing left for me to say

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore

Years have passed and I keep thinking
What a fool I’ve been
I look back into the past and
Think of way back then
I know that I lost everything I thought I that could win
I guess I should have listened to my friends

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore

Burning bridges lost forevermore….

Can’t say we didn’t try…
Kind of a bummer…
But a Wise Man once told me: “You cannot save one who does not wish to be saved.”

More Later
Big Country

Another Full Day of Travel and Some Updates About My Life As Boring As It Is.

Greetings and Salutations…
A rather somber vidya snatched from Fran Porretto over at Liberty Torch:

Damn if that doesn’t make a lot of sense Aye?

So… let’s see…
Great News about Miss Margorie. The Judge dismissed the case this afternoon. No idea of the -why- but hey, take the “W” amiright?

I got an email from the Museum following up on the 120mm round. Seems they took me seriously enough to get the EOD Team involved. This was the County Team. Mostly Veterans like myself, who, when presented with my facts went “Hoo shiiiit… clear the building and get the gear!”

They ended up X-Raying it, and sumbitch!
At -some point- someone emptied out the interior of the shell of the Ka-Boomie-Boom! No explosives in it, and since the outer combustible casing needs the Boomie ‘stuff’, well… all’s well that ends well. It’s now marked “INERT” so other VetBros don’t have the same issue I had…

So I chalk this one up as a “W” as well, or maybe a “Tie”
I was right, but I was wrong…

Following these InfoBits:
Gretchen has been following up after DumbCunt, or rather trying to find out what her latest and greatest scumbaggery that she’s been up to. We got a letter in the mail yesterday stating that this was a final attempt to contact her from the Florida DMV.

Seems they suspended her license back in July for failure to pay child support, which means she’s been “ridin’ dirty” for quite a spell. Not that it matters as when Gretchen reached out to a Detective who’s been trying to track her down in Tennessee for welfare fraud, we found out that the dumb bitch is in jail AGAIN!

No shit Aye?
THIS TIME it’s for Felony Domestic Abuse and Felony False Reporting. Word we’ve gotten is she beat the fuck out of her current Simp, then called the cops and said he beat her!

This’s becoming a habit with her.

Problem was is the Simp had a camera inside the house and when the fuzzie wuzzies showed up, heard her out, and then asked the Simp his side, he played the vidya.

Buh Bye DumbCunt.

I hope she finally learns a thing or two. She still is facing the Parole Violation from last year, as well as the Failure to Appear. The Parole violation was for a fucking slew of charges around Christmas Time 2022. Some of then she skated on, but my understanding is the Judge was sooooo pissed off w/the Parole Violation, the lack of paying any of the fines and court fees, and then going onthe Lamb for almost a year?

That’s a dead bitch walking.
I figure she’ll get 15, do 5.

Ok… so what else?
OH! Dinner tonight were some nice steaks for the fam, and a hamburger for me. Steak doesn’t do well with my Diverticulitis unfortunately. Ground beef? No problem. Pork chops? No problem. Chikin, same. Just steak sits too hard. So I made nice-nice good-good Moo Cow Ribeyes from Bravo Supermarkets.


Look at that marbling…

Bravo is the Spanish Aldi.
The meat is waaaay cheaper ($7.99 per pound for these steaks, 3.5 pounds to the package, the rest I froze) and the Ground beef is OMG super cheap as well… like $8 for 3 pounds… sure the fat content is high, but WTF? I don’t care as long as it’s edible.

Ribeye at Publix tonight, was on sale mind you, was running $11.99 Per Pound.

I’ll take the questionably sourced Spanish meat thank you.

And lastly, well I don’t have a hell of a lot to say. I’ve been so busy getting my shit straightened out her at The Casa and as well at the In-Laws place. Their AC keeps shitting the bed, so I spent the better part of today working on it, and tomorrow I have to chase down a new control board I think as it’s the only part that seems to be causing the shut-down error coding.

The blower unit is fine, the blower engine/barrel is fine. The exterior coil shows no damage (it’s only 5 years old) and the only issue it did have was the external drain was clogged a bit, and a wet-vac took care of that. Got it all done today, only to get the call after we got home that it’s crapped out again


So… another day ‘eaten’
I do have a cool thing to talk about weapons wise, but I need to check with the source to make sure it’s cool to talk about. Nothing bad or anything, just…. potentially sensitive.

So More Later
Big Country

Some Corrections and Support Needed!

Greetings and Salutations!
OK gang… couple of things…

Couple of Corrections:
Miss Marjorie and I spoke on the phone today. Gretchen called her, and man, it was old home week I swear. Her and Miss Margie again were hitting it off like they’ve been life long frens.

Which then she asked to speak to me…

The biggest being Correction #1: That is that ALL the weapons poasted, The Long Guns, the Pistolas, ALL of them are for sale. Said weaponry being these:

Personally, if I had the scratch, I’d be grabbing that ORIGINAL Colt Army 1860… The LeMat is cool AF, but I love that particular “Josey Wales” looking sucker…

Then, Correction #2:

Is not a coffee mug nor container.
Gretchen took the pic, and I saw it after, and I assumed it was a mug/ceramic container. Miss Margie educated my dumb ass.

It’s a butter churn
The handle is hidden underneath a stuff possum that Dent put on it years ago, which only added to my confusion.

Then, another addition to the uniqueness that is Wildmans…


The top is a French Pinfire… pretty rare.
The next one below I’m thinking a Hawkins Rifle, as the stock appears to be correct. Rifle #3 down? No idea. Percussion, long, not sure. It’s #4 that fires me up…

THAT my frens, is like the Great-Great-Great Grandaddy of Bolt Action Rifles and Carbines.
THAT is a Palmer Model 1865 Bolt Action Carbine.

Designed in 1863, but unfortunately not delivered in time to be used in the war, this was the first bolt action rifle/carbine that fired metallic cartridges to have ever been adopted by the US Army/DotMil.

The Wiki on it is HERE

They only made 1000 of them.
Not sure how many are left, but Gunbroker has a few going for about $3k. Either way, an OMG cool thing to actually handle, as such weapons are usually behind display cases.

To the Support Aspect.

Miss Marjorie has her Court Case on this Coming Friday, September 6th. I found out a LOT about the bullshit they’re trying to do, and it in the TL;DR mode is that initially, Dent had his sister, Janice Bagwell (284 Main Street, Clermont GA, 30527) and Miss Marjorie Lyon as dual executors of the estate. The sister apparently did some MASSIVELY shady shit to try and run Miss Margie off the battlefield…. meaning take total control of her brothers estate. This was done with and by the backing of ALL the current pro-BLM leftist communist-fucktards in the Area of Operation.

Now, the Case Number is 24GC06200.

It’s being held at the Cobb Country Superior Court
The reason I say this, is she’s (Miss Margie) has been desperately trying to find out the time and location (which courtroom) that this ‘supposed’ continuance is happening. You can see the documents and such from the case HERE

Just punch in the case number, and it comes up.
What’s interesting is the meeting/continuance was done on August 26th.

Again, supposedly

There’s no mention nor paperwork uploaded to the Cobb County Superior Court Website outside of the ‘Rule Nisi’ dated August 23rd.

According to my conversation today, the Clerk of the Court is a serious Social Justice Warrior, which is a clear and present conflict of interest. That and the bitch is NOT giving Miss Margie the info she needs, which is “Who, How, When, Where, and Why” info… If she misses it, she defaults.

Add that to the fact that especially in light of that some of the documents being used (in the initial filing, listed as Exhibit D TRO, a handwritten codicil to the Last Will and Testament of Dent Myers) that the Plaintiff’s notary? Well the notary? A Miss Dena L Whitmore? She notarized the document without a Date Nor Attestation.

Per the Georgia Notary Law (link HERE):
Under the Acts of “All Notarial Acts Must be Accompanied by the Seal” paragraph 2 states explicitly:

“In documenting a notarial act, a notary shall sign the notarial certification in ink exactly as the name appears on the notary commission and shall also record the exact date of the notarial act. However, in connection with attestation of deeds or other instruments pertaining to real property, the date of the notarial act shall not be required.”

Georgia Notary Law Webpage

Specifically (and this’s ALL public records) but let me put it out there (I tried to call Miss Margie to get permission, but fuck it… better to get everyone who can help on it… in the Army the Golden Rule was “Better to ask for forgiveness…”) Fuck it… damned the fucking torpedoes, full steam ahead, and Kill ’em All, for God will know His Own. A very General Dent Myers POV IMO….
Jes’ Sayin’

Does this look fucking legit to you?

That is an untouched complete screen capture done on my PC using the “Snipping tool”. The metadata being as such in case this whole thing (my poast here)gets requested/subpoenaed :

Said Notary (the aforementioned Ms. Whitmore) is part of the Court… which means there’s a pretty good chance she’s part of what is, to me becoming a legit “local Cabal” of Social Justice Warriors with an Axe to grind to try and destroy Wildmans.

I’m not going to break it down too much but FFS, the date in the upper right corner of “Exhibit D TRO” is the only date on the whole paper. And looking at it? What exactly IS that date?

I can’t fucking tell.

Never mind that the line that states right above where the signatures start (theoretically) “Dated and Signed on This Date:” and then fucking nothing except what looks like a single lil ink line where someone either whited-out the date, or photoshopped out the date, and left a lil ‘marker’ so to speak.

I’d need to see the plaintiffs original copy

Which is what the fucktard Lawyer should be doing dammit.

So, now that that’s out, do me a fave and see if you can find out when the Case is being heard. I called and it was too late in the day. I’ma tryna do it tomorrow, but maybe y’all can ferret out some stuff. I want to nail these fuckers to the wall…

Fucking purely hate Social Justice Keyboard Warriors..
After that WHOLE ‘stalking’ and bullshit I went through?
Yeeeeeeeeah… I plan on doing what I can to help out.

So anyways….
ALL That and IF you’re local and want to support Miss Margorie, we have to actually be there. The court information, from the Clerk of The Court Website is HERE and at the bottom. For those who’re inherently link adverse:
Court and Administrative Divisions

70 Haynes Street
Clerk of Superior Court
Marietta, GA 30090
Main: 770-528-1300

Call ’em and ask where and when Case Number 24GC06200
is being heard so y’all can make an appearance. I may have to ‘break the bank’ to go myself as so far, Miss Margorie’s lawyer, despite her telling me he’s ‘hot shit’, the very fact that I’m finding out basic shit that he should have seen and automatically told the court was an instant disqualifier is a fucking MASSIVE negative.

This’s bullshit.

So… lastly.
Final Correction
The weapon in question that Gretchen had her Full Auto Experience on was an Argentine FMK-3:

Ugly fucker innit?

Either way, she was too damned good with it.
Controlled 3-4 round bursts.

She even naturally ‘counted’ the rounds…
She had 32 in the mag, and after a couple of short, on-target bursts, she said she was going to “…go for broke!” and railed off between 8-10 rounds which emptied the mag.

I wasn’t even that good.

Took me a second to get the trigger control when it was my turn. I mean I’m not a subgun guy per se… My mojo is Belt Fed Light and Mediums… I can do the ‘song and dance’ when needed however. My wife though? She appears to be one of those exceptionally rare people.

A Natural.

I say this, and Borepatch can confirm,. she’s a badass naturally. BP had his new CMP M1 Garand, and offered to meet up with Gretchen and me for some ‘recoil therapy’. He really hadn’t even done much with the weapon but set it for a ‘battlesight zero’ and then, being the Gentleman he is, let Gretchen crank off the first clip.

She was like scarily on target.
Her second en-bloc clip?

She put the rounds through the holes she’d previously put in the paper at 75 yards. Granted, for a seasoned rifleman? Not a biggie. But for a FEMALE Noob? Firing a 30-06?

Oh Holy Hells
ZERO Recoil issues… which surprised the fuck out of me…
30-06 is a beast
She handled it with ladylike aplomb.

The only issue she did have was her manicure kept her from being able to stuff the en-bloc clip of live rounds into the magazine well. Her nails were waaaaay too long to allow her to jam that fucker in properly.

Much hilarity and teasing about that ensued.

And BTW: Her ability with an AR, which I had put down to ‘beginners luck’ I’m now realizing, this’s potentially one lethal bitch with the proper training.

Good News?
Bad News?
I dunno.
Either way, I loves her to death, even before I found out she’s a potential Second Coming Of Annie Oakley.

So… your thoughts?
More Later
Big Country

Far Too Short a Respite! I Had Georgia on My Mind

Greetings and Salutations!
Back from an abbreviated Road Trip up North a ways.
WAY too short IMO.
Specifically this trip was to Georgia. Marietta GA to be specific. Gretchen has a ‘thing’ for ‘Gone With The Wind’ and the Civil War and such locations. So seeing that we literally have had NO time to ourselves over the past few months years, I had Hilton ‘points’ that were expiring, and sumdood (one of you depraved deplorables) had a ‘donation’ to the Museum of War and History for the Casa that I needed to pick up. He lives a couple of hours outside of Marietta, so it was a foregone conclusion that we’d get away thataway.

And let me tell you…
I have not had a better time in a looooong while. This entire vay-kay was alllllll about ME for some reason. “Everything’s coming up Milhouse Big Country” so to speak…

Somehow for some reason the stars aligned, and almost every place we went had a “Big Country” ‘thing’ going on. First off, Gretchen found a very unique shop. It’s located in Kennesaw, right next to Marietta. 7 miles from our Hotel. The shop in Question?

Right smack dab on Main Street in Kennesaw:
Wildman’s Civil War Surplus
The link will take you to the store’s website.

Now… this was one of the biggest and coolest surprises Gretchen has sprung on me in a while. Seems’s that “Wildman’s” has been around since 1971. It was owned and operated by a Civil War Reenactor/True Son Of The South gentleman named Dent Myers. Now… Gretchen found this place doing searches for localized Civil War ‘stuff’… on YouTube, well… I’ll embed it here and let y’all make up your own minds… to give you an idea, this is to me leastways, your typical Ministries of Lies and Propaganda Treasonous HateThink/Speech:

A pure-dee hit piece (of shytte) with two “Jogger ‘Muricans” doing said hit piece. I mean really??? With a line like this: “….and signage that most minorities would find offensive.”

Fuck them motherfuckers.
There’s reasons they’re minorities.
Although you’d never fucking know it.

THEY get an entire month of “Hug-A-Monkey” but apparently WE who actually, you know built the entirety of that thing called “civilization” can and are regularly demonized, ‘cos donchaknow blaqs can’t be rayyyyyycist and sheee-it amiright?

I mean they have given -some- things to further civilization, like these that I found in a local gas station:

I. shit. you. not.
“Rap. Snacks.”
Talk about the furtherance of the scholarship of Basketball Americans everywhere Aye? Oh how did whyttepeepo ever make it this far without the gloriousness that is our Potato Chip Rappers??? Beats the ever loving fuck out of me.

So we went in, and were cautiously welcomed by the owner Miss Marjorie herself. She was initially cautious as we found out because she’s been essentially at war with a bunch of litigious fucking douche-canoes who I think would better serve humanity as skin-and-organ-donors. Gretchen was her usual charming self, and got along with Miss Marjorie like a house on fire.

They let us take all the pictures we wanted to as well.
Normally that’s a ‘no-go’ at this station as we’d say in the DotMil. However, I -did- explain that I too, am a pretty well know rayyyyyycist and eeeeee-vil anti-tribalist on probably all the lists for this here HateCrime Blogg. Us UberNazis need to stick together right? /sarc.

Fucking Retard Leftists.

Anyways, from a purely Historical Perspective?
Oh Holy Shit this place has stuff you are NOT going to find anywhere else in the world. Never mind the quote racist stuff unquote, but oh Holy Hells… the weapons? The uniforms? the tintype pictures!?!

That one at the bottom:
A HIGHLY collectible and rare AF LeMat revolver/shotgun, one once owned by “Wild Bill” Longley a Texas outlaw best know for being hung three times, with the third finally getting him. Guess three times is a charm after all Aye?

A LeMat is unusual in that it’s a .46 caliber revolver with an under barrel single shot 16 gauge shotgun under the pistol barrel. Think “Mini M-203” before the M-4/M-203 combo was even an idea. A VERY rare weapon these days…

Now: A quick note… If that wallpaper doesn’t positively scream 1971, I’ll eat every inch of it LOL. The long guns were incredible and all original as well… from 1860 Springfields, to French Pinfires… most of them were obvious family heirlooms that aren’t for sale, but display only. And I’ll just throw some more pics up… these are the field packs… NOT repros, but real:

There were literal tons of books, diaries, photos, allllll original….
Personally I think this stuff belongs in like the Smithsonian, but we all know those fucking pukes aren’t about preserving history, but re-writing it.

There was also the ubiquitous KKK stuff, to include the dressed up manikin from that news-hit piece. Myself, I found this ceramic mug fascinating:

And there was also an original Battle Flag (w/scars) there as well…
Specifically the Third Confederate National/Battle Flag:

Like damn right?
So, lastly, as we did have to get going, on my way out, Miss Marjorie gave me a gift, which surprised and humbled the hell out of me.

Now this is still a regular surplus store.
She has cases of wings and ‘stuff’ from all time periods. During my discussion with her Husband who showed off some of the prized weapons, I mentioned that I had been in the Army and a para. Five jumps is still five jumps. Well, she set up and gave me the closest thing to Airborne wings she had:

A lil shadowbox with Sterling Silver WW2 Aircrew wings.

She SO did not have to do that, but like I said, I’m both honored and humbled. I had already planned on doing this writeup either way, so she had no idea about that when she presented this to me. She’s just that nice a lady.

Which is why I get pissed off hearing that even as recently as last week the local ingrate BLM worshipping fuckwads tried to fuck her over again. Seems that -someone- filed an Ex Parte motion in court to get her shut down… My question is How in the fuck is it only in ONE parties interest to shut down a business? I mean doesn’t the owner of the business have an interest in that sort of thing????

Which is exactly what the judge said/asked.

The next motion is scheduled for this Friday, September 6th. Fucking Yankee Carpetbagger BLM worshipping hug-a-monkey Juneteenth assholes…

I say hit ’em all with a Flammenwerfer:

Man I was overweight then.
Not FedPoasting… just expressing my extreme displeasure and hoping that the perpetrators of such an evil premise of claiming shit like it’s “for the children” smell their own flesh as they burn to death. Tell you what, that line “for the children” is going to go down in history as one of the greatest PsyOps ever.

“Bless their heart!” is what Miss Marjorie would say.
Fuck their asses to the deepest parts of Satan’s Anus.
I hope they burn.
Go over and ‘show some love’ to Miss Marjorie on the store FB page if you have it: Link HERE

So after wishing her well, and telling her that I’d be writing this up, we went on to the next museum, The Marietta History Center. Which then led up on our way there to a quick detour.

I saw a A-7 Corsair off to my right while sitting at an intersection. It was mounted on a pillar, like on display. Gretchen thought it was like another park and such, so we kept going… Until we started passing the Lockheed Martin aircraft plant. I turned around because I had a hunch.

Turns out is was sort of a park.

It’s the Aviation History and Technology Center
It’s NOT associated with Lockheed Martin per se.
It IS an awesome self-guided aircraft tour however:


An F-14, an A-4, an A-6, and the A-7.
The F-14 is impressive b/c of the Globull War on Stupidity, because Iran has/had F-14s, the DotMil took and like destroyed the remaining ones. It was because of an embargo on F-14 parts to keep Iran from being able to maintain their F-14s. This is part of the reason they were retired and the whole reason none are flyable. Once retired the airplanes were shredded along with all spare parts as a black market developed getting those parts to Iran.

Which personally I think is a pile of shit.

Iran could easily reverse engineer pieces/parts of the F-14s they have, even if the shit was broke. Personally, I think it has more to do with the F-35 being the flying (or rather non-flying) turducken/brick. They had to shred the remaining F-14s as it would have been easier, cheaper and been a WAY better aircraft than that fucking overly expensive turd.

More DotGov/DotMil procurement shenanigans per usual…

Anyways… it was awesome to see these glorious things:

God I love the Tomcat…

Then there was the AC-130B model:

#10 out of 2600 off the assembly line.

Interestingly, ‘Ghost Rider’ did NOT have the 105mm cannon. Not sure if that was intentional or if that was ‘added on’ to later edition(s). It might have been removed maybe? It did have the twin 7.62mm minis, the twin 20mm minis, and the twin Bofors 40mm guns… Even without the Arty, that’s a lot of hate to bring to a party…

Then there was the FIRST YC-141B model.
The original C-141 was 40 feet shorter… that was the “A” model. This particular C-141, built in 1967, was cut up in 1977, and had two sections, ‘added’ to the fuselage. That made it a ‘stretched’ 141 or in this case, a “YC” test bed. They literally ran it to death, and when they realized it could work as a longer plane with way more cargo/troop capacity, the YB-141B became the standard as of 1982.

This particular one was retired after all it’s testing was completed, and ended up here, slowly being restored over a 13 year period. It had over 34000 flight hours when it retired. That’s saying something.

By this time, Gretchen who’d been hiding in the car, wanted to hit her museum. Fair is fair after all, so we mounted up, only to find out the Brumby Museum was closed for Labor Day.


Guess we’ll be headed back there at a later date. A consolation prize was to go to the Marietta History Museum. They have an extensive collection of ALL sorts of ‘cool stuff’ and has a reputation for being haunted. I can see why as some of the artifacts are from things that happened in the Civil War or better known as The War of Northern Aggression. According to stories/legends The only reason that Marietta wasn’t put to the torch during Sherman’s March to the Sea was that he (Sherman) had his girlfriend who lived there.

Didn’t want to piss off his squeeze I suppose.

The museum was impressive. What -I- didn’t know is they have one of the largest collections of firearms in the Southeast.
Which included a personal fave:

C’mon Baby Light my Fire!

Along with other old friends:

The M-60…
Humped that bastard in Basic.
Pre-SAW days.

Now, there was a slight Issue that cropped up when I looked at the ‘stuff thru the ages’ displays. The first pic starts, from Left to Right, WW2 Parachutist Uniform and Gear, WW2 Dress Uniform, Korean War dress uniform, VietNam Marine Dress Blues:

then Gulf One (Chocolate Chips Uniform), and finally, Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Therein lies the problem.
Can any of y’all see what made me go “Whoa!” in the OIF Case?
It’s not readily obvious, unless you were a 19K on an Abrams. I’ll zoom in on it:

That’s a SABOT round.
What appears to be a live fucking SABOT round.
The reason I know this? There’s a couple.

1) The blue sabot petals themselves are blue, which is what allows a quick and dirty ID of a training live round as opposed to a ‘warshot’ Depleted Uranium round.

2) The Sabot Penetrator is Black, not Gold. Black means it’s a tungsten steel penetrator. It’ll still fuck up some armor, but it’s not the golden bee-bee of a DU warshot.

3) Lastely, and what tells me it’s a live round, is the outer shell casing color. That matte-gray/silver. It’s combustible. The only thing left when you fire either a Warshot or Practice round is the Aft-Cap. Saves room, weight and whatnot rather than kicking a big assed piece of brass back into the turret after it’s fired.

Plus there’s this from the General Dynamics Website:

…and it’s Warshot Brother:

At the time, it didn’t “click” with me…
I do know it did not have a “INERT” label on it.
Add on that when I zoomed in, and looked at the Travel/Packing Case at the top of the display case?

That marking “TPCSDS-T” which stands for  Target Practice, Cone Stabilized, Discarding Sabot-Tracer

Which is exactly what’s in the case.

I brought it up to the old gentleman Docent who was manning the desk, but as I figured, he didn’t have a clue. He did tell me though that it’s been sitting there since about 1996. That would be why it’s slightly different from the one on the GD website now. Minor upgrades and whatnot I figure.

However, having ‘thrown’ a PILE of those during my brief time as a Jedi Tanker, I know that fucker is live. It’s not too dangerous…


Explosives don’t age well.
They (like me) get grumpier as they age.
If the museum has a power outage for extended time periods, no AC, gets reaaaally hot… the temperature variations aren’t so good for Ka-Boomy-Boom ‘stuff’. The round itself is electrically fired, so dropping it IF the ‘internal stuff’ isn’t already ‘feeling poopy’ it should be OK.

But let’s just say for the sake of weirdness, that the display case lighting shorts or gets an unexpected power surge… Hell, a random ‘Act-of-God’ lightening strike on the building…

Having a pissed off 120mm Cone Stabilized, Discarding Sabot-Tracer fire off? Randomly?

This is a thing of Badness.

Like Danny Vermin would say “It shoots through schools, through the tree outside…” In this case? It’ll shoot through Anything in the way. It’s gonna get punched like a motherfucker. This thing is designed to kinetically take out a tank FFS.

So today I called and let the Marietta Cops know.

Which apparently was worthless. Their response after a well done explanation? Well, they are going to”…follow up with museum staff.” on Teusday.

Who I already approached and had NO FUCKING CLUE.

The next stop is the 789th EOD Unit based in Fort Benning, right up the street. And no, I won’t call it anything BUT Benning. Fuck them leftists hard. Do not comply Aye? I tried today but they’re still on a DONSA (day of no scheduled activities) so I’ll call the 1st Shirt on Monday, and explain the local fuzz AND the museum don’t know what they have.

They need to know either way. Especially since it means -some- slick motherfucker managed to steal a LIVE 120mm fucking round and get it off base. INCLUDING its travel tube…

They freeze dry people for shit like that, and bury them UNDER Leavenworth from my understanding… not for nothing I sort of admire someone with stones that big, but that being said? Even -I- wouldn’t fuck around with ordinance THAT fucking potent.

Sorry-Not-Sorry Unknown Thieving Joe.

Having now talked bout that ordinance, let’s talk about my donation from one of you Awesome Readers:

I had to clear off some space, but man…
That’s pretty!
That is an AT-3 Maketa 9M14P Soviet made ‘Sagger’ Anti-Tank Wire Guided Missile. Completely INERT and gutted.

I mounted a small section of picatinny rail underneath it, and used a $10 bipod to get it displayed properly.

It’s absolutely awesome no question.


I got to go make dinner for the crew. I hate to cut this short as there were other aspects of the trip that I need to go into… but that’s for the next time. Hope you enjoyed and I’ll keep you in the loop on the 120mm toy…

More Later
Big Country

A sign from 1942 Texas

On The Road

Getting out of Dodge for a weekend. Headed North for a while, but will have my itty-bitty tablet to keep up with the news, so I’ll be back in Monday unless something BIG breaks loose.

I mean packing even for a 100 mile distance during this questionable time makes for a heavy load.

Also: Another Series that was mentioned in the comments that I HIGHLY recommend:
Blue Eyed Samurai

Anime style animation, written and directed by a French Couple of all things… a half-breed female Samurai… don’t take that as a negative. Great storyline, unreal graphics.

So More Later
Big Country

Sorry ‘Bout That, Got Distracted!!!

Not going to go too deeply into it, but caught a “The Drinker Recommends” episode from our favorite Drunken Scottish Movie/Show reviewer, and decided to give the show in question a shot.

In this case?


Season One so far.

Started off at 8pm/22:00 on Episode One, Season One.

It’s now 0100.
Yeah it’s that fucking cool/good

Basic Storyline: 14th Century South Korea + Zombies + Political Intrigue = Loads of Binge Watching Pleasure.

I needed a mental break
As I’ve stated, been under a lot of pressure lately.
This provided the needed break for me quite nicely.
Exceptionally well done I have to say… South Korea is definitely a ‘comer’ when it comes to movies and TV as of late… just make sure to turn off the subtitles, and let the Engrish Verbiage work, otherwise it’s out of synch. Netflix has it, so off you go!!!

Check it out.
I have to work, so I’m off to bed.
As the Drinker would say,

“Go Away Now!”
Big Country

I’m Back, and a Lesson in Drones and Fiber Optic Weapons

Greetings and Salutations!
Sorry for a bit of a prolonged absence. Been emotionally drained like you read about. Saturday Afternoon was Cowboy’s wife Kim’s Memorial Service. Gretchen and I both attended, and it was really really nice, with a LOT of people there and some good catered BBQ (great brisket BTW).

It was tough though.

Cowboy’s aged hard in the past two months. He said he’s doing OK but I worry. Purely hated seeing him all fucked up like that.

Takes a bit out of me yannow?

So Sunday was a mental health day. Which I extended into Monday as for whatever reason, I was completely mentally and I dunno? Spiritually? wiped out? I clocked into People’s Glorious Tractor Factory, but did the barest minimum to justify my hours for the day. Between the Commissar demands as of late, the abusive Clients, and just the overall “I’m not paid enough for this shit!” attitude that I’ve developed, well, all I can say is bring on the Sweet Meteor O’Death!


Even my minion is feeling the grind. Too much happening, not enough space to recover, working project to project, and having moar dumped on us on the regular. The new gig? I turned it down. Got word that damned near everything they had been telling me was bullshit. Glassdoor was very helpful in that regard.

So, on the Krainian side, Simplicius has a fascinating update regarding drone warfare. In that the Russians have started fielding Fiber Optic Guided Drones or FOG-D’s as I’ll refer to them here.

Seems that, depending on the size of the spool, they have upwards of a 5-10km (3-6 mile range) as the FO wire/cable ‘unspools’ behind the drone:

That, per the pic is a Kraut HMX drone.

Seems that FOG-Ds are not affected by Electronic Warfare. EW suites are designated and designed to block the radio signals on specific wavelengths to either ‘spoof’ the drone or ‘block the signal’ which renders it inoperative.

Also, in that there is no radio interference at all, the signal is faaaar crisper and cleaner if you will at the transmission/receiving end, as seen in this pic:

The link to the article and video is HERE

What I find interesting is that waaaay back in 1996 I heard about a program that the Army was looking into to replace my weapons system, the BGM-71B TOW, the Tube Launched Wire Guided Missile system:

THAT was my bread and butter back in the day. With the OLD thermal sight on top (waaaaay obsolete by todays standards).

There were whispers that the FOG-M or as it started being called in 1998, the EFOG-M was back on the table (1994/95) as a new weapons system designed to replace the TOW…. This was around the same time when I’d been told us 11-Hotels were on the ‘endangered MOS list’ so I dun went and lern’t whut I done could about this here new-fangled toy… got to stay ahead of the power curve Aye? Maybe get an early ‘place at the table’ right?

Originally, the base version, the Fiber Optic Guided Missile (FOG-M) was thought up in 1988, and was cancelled in 1990. Then around 1994, the DoD/Army put out a request to re-open the idea of a FO guided missile.

This was the EFOG-M or Enhanced FOG-M. They essentially took a standard TOW missile, specifically the motor, of a BGM-71 TOW missile, had a TV camera in the nose and a fiber-optic cable instead of the regular guiding wire that spooled out from the ass as it flew downrange. The Fiber Optic cable acted as a data link which transmitted the camera’s image to the gunner (hopefully moi), who could then send commands to the missile to the target.

It also was a vertical launch system as seem by the few pics of it:

It had the ability to pack 8!!! missiles on one vehicle which was designated the XM-44. The range was an insane 15km (9.3 miles!) and could be fired from a full defilade! That means they could dig a deep hole, and fire it out-of-sight-out-of-mind, and still plaster enemy targets. It also had ‘instant repeatability’ meaning the second you smoked ONE tank you could fire another missile and guide it in… The targeting system was NLOS (Non-Line-Of-Sight). It relied on a map overlay of where you were firing from w/GPS, and then the camera itself on the missile and the skill of the gunner to guide it in…

And as an ‘added plus’ it was a ‘top down killer’ which meant it came down from ‘on-high’ thru the roof of an MBT/APC where the armor purely sucks as we’ve seen oh so frequently in the Krain on both sides.

Considering the TOW only had an ‘official range’ of 3750m, or 2.3 miles, although I have heard <ahem ahem> of Really Good Gunners Hitting out at 4400m. Either way, at the time, the TOW looked like it was on it’s way out.

THEN ‘things’ happened.

Somehow the TOW got a second ‘lease on life’ and a newer sight system, as well as a new MGS (Missile Guidance System). The famous picture from the Narang Valley in Konar Province Afghanistan shows the latest and greatest variant of the M220 SABER TOW System:

Either way…
I’m sure money changed hands on many sides to keep the venerable TOW around despite the glaringly obvious advantages the EFOG-M has/had. Whomever made that decision should be killed out of hand.

After this and the ‘latest and greatest’?
They might be thinking/rethinking the idea…

The again, Meh…
Who am I shitting?
The DoD changing their ossified retard ways?
Never gonna happen Aye?

But the whole point to this is we’re seeing a generational jump in the past two years of Ground Warfare. Don’t want to get into the whole ‘who’s ackchully winning’ or ‘I don’t believe drones could carry those weights’ or any of the other stupid out there.

Fact of the matter is, the Azerbaijan vs Armenian war, or better known as the ‘Second Nagorno-Karabakh War’ drones played an integral part in spotting ‘troops in the open’ for both sides. I saw some of the earliest Drone Footage in that war and was truly horrified as to the whole “you can run, but you can’t hide” aspect of a Drone’s invasive observational capacity regarding scouting, and laying fire on troops/infantry. No need to have a Arty-Spotter… nope… just throw a Chineseum drone up, and let it sneak and peak at a distance, and bring the Hate.

First it was just Drones for Observational Capabilities. “We can see you!”
THEN it became “Hey we can mount an RPG Warhead on this and take out vehicles!”
After THAT, it was “Wow! We can drop grenades on dudes w/this!”
After a while it became “We have Swarms of AI Guided Flying Fucking Bombs. You can run, but you will only die tired Tovarisch!”
And as of late: “We have drones that even your most advanced Anti-Drone Tech cannot stop. Surrender now. Resistance is Futile.”

Being an ‘old Grunt’ from the ‘old school’ I’m fucking glad I’m out of that particular Infantry Based game now. In fact I’m doing, with Sapper some seriously pointed studies on Anti-Drone ‘stuff’ due to the extreme civilian/police/andd DotMil Proliferation.

This’s one Genie which ain’t going back in the Bottle any time soon. Hell, perusing the 3D Print pages, (quick aside: I need to finish getting my printer back up and running. It’s not broken per se… It’s that I got a newer design print head that I just haven’t had time to install. I got the fucker apart, but haven’t had the time to rebuild and install the new one. ) But yeah, the 3D pages these days are positively flooded with prop designs, body designs… you name it, Drone-Wise, it’s out there, and the ‘functional parts’ are readily and cheaply available.

Make of it (literally!) What You Will.

So More Later
Big Country

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