The Trannyfesto In All Its Glory and Stuff

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So, we’ll start with what Crowder put out (in order per the dates on the paper screenshots):

Now, besides the fact that it’s full of every. single. thing. we with out brains still operational expected, the only thing that caught me peepers was what -I- highlighted in red… I even twattered it:

Now inquiring minds want to know:

Where’s the vidya people!?!
Got me a solid hunch it was on her phone, which means we-the-people-who-pay-these-assholes-salaries will never EVER see it.

Can’t be anti-fucking mentally-ill tranny donchaknow?

Some of you may know, some may be new.
My daughter, whom I love dearly, who was gay and hey, no ish with gay, as it does run in the fam in some areas. Point is, the genetics don’t lie, and man, the problem is she decided she was ‘trans’ at the absolute height of Bruce Jenner’s move to out-eclipse the Kardashians by coming out as an ugly 60+ year old broad….

Go with me on this.
You have to understand: Bruce? He literally went utterly and completely insane being married to the ‘Momanager’ whatever the fuck that psycho cunt who whored out her daughters name is. See, Bruce went “Hollyweird” back in the day when he was on the Wheaties boxes. Everywhere, and I mean everywhere he went, the Paparazzi chased him around, be it Studio 54, or even out and about.

Fame does weird shit to people.
So, as his star faded, as it does do, as HIS? His was due to being THE ultimate athlete, who unfortunately got old. Gold Medals or not, he really lost his mojo.

And then he married that psycho-whore.

And when she successfully whored out her daughters?

He lost his damned mind.
This whole fucking ‘trans thing’ with him is nothing but a (successful) attempt to regain that lost attention and limelight.

THAT is why he hasn’t had his schwanz cut off. He eventually intends on going back to being a dude… just fucking watch… you heard it here first.

THAT is why it’s nothing put a bullshit attention grabbing pile of shit, which because it caught on socially so he can’t stop doing it now.

THAT is why my poor 15 year old gay daughter at the time, without realizing it, was brainwashed into that cult, because being a 15 year old female is bad enough without ‘other shit’ impacting.

THAT is also why she ‘cut me dead, ‘cos she knows I won’t tolerate this bullshit. Gay? Fine. Trans? Social Fad, cut the shit and get back to being YOU. (I miss you M… hope you read this and understand where I’m coming from)

Lastly, THAT is why, without any bullshit that IF -I- personally happen to run into “Caitlyn Jenner” I will remove his ass from the planet in the most painful and gory way possible. Think “Biblical Level Horror and Gore.” If I had my way, he’d be saying “Hi!” to Satan you degenerate attention seeking fucker.


He, in my mind, and after reading this, you’ll probably agree, that he’s responsible for death on a scale that’s comparable to the Gestapo. The rate of suicide of ‘trans kids’ is like 45%
He needs a reckoning.

People like Jenner and the proponents of ‘trans cult-ideology’ need to be tried as doing “Crimes Against Humanity” not that that’ll ever happen. Literally, that fuck did moar damage to the “Youth of America” than Communism.

Sorry… some hardcore personal venting there, but I needed to get that out there so to speak. Been bugging me forever that these people, which such a heavy impact to shit, like our fuckstain moron Overlords, that they never seem to understand nor suffer the consequences of their actions.

Things like the Mayor of Nashville?
A good Irishman named Freddie O’Connell?

Yeah…… going batshit insane and running essentially a pogrom to find out who leaked the images I have above? Yeah… fucker has -kept- the info close to the vest for whatever reason… it’s not like MAGA folks nor even folks like US are going to start performing ‘active measures’ against trannies in response to these revelations… We always knew that it was going to be a bugfuck-nuts anti-whytte screen…


Couple of things about the hizzoner, da “Mayor” of Nashville:

First thing I said to myself when I saw the pic (besides what a butch bitch he’s married to) was “Dude don’t look Irish a’tall.”

Got that nebbish soy-rat-face going on.

And whaddya know?

I take shit for saying it and a lot of hate but…

No fukkin’ shytte Mel Aye?

Do none of them understand?

Talk about an absolute incapacity for introspection or critical thinking.

No fucking wonder they’ve been cast out of a shit-ton of places.

Right now? IRL? Despite ALL the Ministry of Propaganda and Lies triumphant tales of bravery of the IDF killing whammez and children? IRL IF Erdogan decides that “Enough Slaughter of Muslims is Enough” ain’t nothing going to stop the Muj from utterly cleansing the Middle East of Jews forever.

Even IF the Yids throw nukes, they’ll only get nuked in response.

And if, only IF they’re fucking retarded enough to initiate throwing “The Big One” around?

Which leads to “Global Thermonuclear War?”

It’d be a ‘Jewish-Extinction Level Event’

Because Izzy Shekelstein and the rest of his ‘small hat-big nose’ tribe in NYC or wherever would be on the ‘soon to be extinct’ list forthwith. Hunted for their skins and hats I’d reckon…

I mean c’mon man. At that point knowing that the Jews destroyed the world? Would YOU allow one to live!?!

Fuck… went way overboard in my shit tonight…
Sorry about that.
Been a loooooooooong day.
More Later
Big Country

For Want of a Nail…

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail

And let me tell you gang, after today?
I have foreseen “Da Future”
We Are SO Utterly Fucked
Wish I was joking, however let me relate the past two days adventure(s). As y’all know Dad took a header, so we had to go up and help out, do the usual ‘rescue thing’ and make sure everything was on the straight and narrow. Saturday Morning after said long-assed day driving all over Hells Half Acre, we decided to do a bit of a ‘get out of the house’ road trip with Sapper.

Went to Micanopy. They filmed that Michael J Fox Movie ‘Doc Hollywood’ there back in 1991.

Damn, I’m old…
That was back before Florida got a serious case of the stupids, and set it up that Hollyweird gets the shit taxed out of it to film here. So anyways…

It’s an awesome lil town. VERY “Old Florida”
Lots of Antique shops and hippy-dippy tye-dye shops… VERY soothing to chill out. Back during the early 1700, during the Seminole War(s) Micanopy was Fort Micanopy and the scene of a virtual wipeout of a company of US DotMil Infantry of the time… cool lil Museum there too.

Also the best BBQ I’ve –everhad. In a Marathon Gas Station if you cane believe it. Bought us a pound of Brisket that we brought home for Dinner.

Now, that morning while leaving the computer on the Ride showed the left front tire a wee bit low. Not an issue, as we’d just started driving (2 hours to Micanopy one way) and I figured the tires would heat up, and the pressure would be nominal.

Get there, do “the day’s activities” and on the way to the BBQ pit, NOW the ‘oh shit’ light for the tire is on. WAY low… So I knew I’d probably picked up a nail (see where this’s going? bear with me). So’s I aired it up before the journey back home, being careful not to speed too much knowing it (the rubber donut) was compromised like Joe Biden.

Get home and sumbitch
It’s getting lower.
By Sunday Morning it was almost Flat. I aired it up with my portable compressor that I keep w/the spare under the deck in the rear (along with other critical party items). Drove it over to my local Pep Boys w/Sapper following me. We dropped it at noon, and by the look of it, and Dude telling us, it’d probably have to be handled first thing in the A.M. as they were swamped.

No Prob Bob!

Both of my kids LOVED that show… anywho…

Turns out it’s non-repairable
A nail in the sidewall near the edge of the rim
I tell ’em to swap it and I’ll get it in the A.M.


Around morning break, 9-ish or so… I go over to Pep Boys to pick up the ride after getting an email saying “Your Car is Ready!” I live within walking distance (one mile) so my first 15 from Glorious People’s Tractor Factory won’t cause me a hassle.

I get there and my shit is still on the lift, with the front left tire off. OK… shit happens. I ask my guy what’s up? He looks at me and is like “I have no idea!” and starts to investigate… The car has been there all morning? Comes back, and tells me “Someone fucked up and sent that email, they couldn’t find the tire you need, but we’ll have one for you in a bit! Give me an hour!”

So, I know this guy, he’s a good dude and the Manager of the place is a fucking retard, so I only deal with Guy. Lives up the road from me… anyways. I come out, and lo and behold!

Sapper bailed.
Thought I was good to go
And I didn’t have my cell phone.
Got my paces in for damned sure today. One Mile, In the wrong shoes, with my back still all fucked up.
Yay Me.

Get home just as Sapper pulls in, to which I give him some shit about “Never leave a man behind!”

Lunchtime comes.
I go back
Now, the fucking dolt who’s actually supposed to, you know, like actually putting the tire on STILL hasn’t done it. Mind you a prime example of Muh Diversity… As tall as me, about 450 (not muscle but FLAB) with purple dyed dredds… no shit. I damned near threw a clot.

I go back in and tell my Guy in a seriously menacing voice, “Bro, you got til 5pm.”

And yeah… 5pm rolls around.
#3rd Trip, 28 hours later
The car has a new sneaker, and Guy knocked $50 off the tab for all my issues. Like I said, a good dude. So I pull out, Happy to have the third time be the charm.

Until I took the corner to pull into the yard.
The Air Conditioner filter, apparently had been taken out, and propped up against the seat where I could see it. It’s only like a month or two old, and I also did not ask/tell them to do -anything- filter wise on the ride at all.

Get in the house, rant at Sapper about the Incompetence of Muh Diversity! and realize that shit is just SO FUCKED UP now.
Gretch had me go back over, and I told Dude about it… he looked so fucking frazzled at this point, muttering eee-vil incantations about the fucking retards working there who’re supposed to be his coworkers… I spoke to “Dewey the DoucheManager” who gave me the song and dance about how they do the ‘overall filter check’ and shit, but I know he’s full of shit… I hope he does roll some heads in private…

Dude fixed it himself. I went home and started ranting here

Because Sapper and I, talking about it?

LITERALLY a nail caused all this fucking mess.

And if not for a nail… sweet Jeebus. Talk about the exposing the nature of just how fucking useless people are, and how when the Whyttemenz die out as the Leftist Dream is, just how utterly fucked this planet will become in short order.

These assholes are doing the barest minimum to earn their paycheck. And even then they still need constant supervision by their smarter and betters Anyone who wants to argue that point with me at this point, all I can say is leave “Blaq Lies Matters (not)” in charge of an area for any significant amount of time, and in short order, not only will you have rampant crime, rape and pillage, but I’d even bet on cannibalism being back on the menu.

And for the record?
My Dude? Mexican, Hard Working, Put Upon, Type One Each.
The Manager? Whytte Trash, Drooling, Type One Each.
The Crew? Broken Farm Equipment… ALL of them.
Enough to make a man sing:

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

Make of it what you will
But if we don’t get our collective heads out of our collective asses in short order
Sooner Rather than Later
And start Recognizing and Acknowledging some hard truths
That yes, some people are not as smart, nor as clever as others by nature
Then we’re doomed to go the way of the Dodo

More Later
Big Country

New Substack is FINALLY Up!!!

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Been a Busy AF Beaver today. I finally got the new Helmet Substack up and running. Took me, no bullshit almost 4 hours to put together. Between pics and cross referencing and historical research to make sure I had some accuracy (helmetz iz important!!!)

Link is HERE

Despite my poverty I still keep the substack voluntary to join. Meh. It’s info people need IMO. Call it a public service… and OH! Reminds me! BIG Thanks to “D” for the donation to ‘keeping my ass out of the poor house!’ fund… no joke, MUCH appreciated! Paid the majority of the power bill with that. Thankfully it’s cooling off here now, so we’ve been able to open winders instead of canned air as of late, which significantly cuts down on household expenses.

Gotta love/hate Florida to a point.
Only issue now is if we get hit with humidity. Bitch of that is is it can be a cool 73 out, but humid, and it’s a bitch to run the AC and I don’t have a dehumidifier. It’s only a few weeks either way I suppose.

Now, the latest and greatest from the Kraine is it seems like the Krainians launched what was left of their cruise missiles and managed to hit one of Vlad’s new(er) boats. Might have sunk it… definitely damaged it… Haven’t gotten confirmation on it yet, however, as I say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again.

‘Cos even Time magazine has gone “Full Hitler” on Krainfeld.
How it was:

To How it’s Going Now:

The reason I’m saying they’ve gone “Full Hitler”…
Well, I’ll let history speak for itself:

April 1936, Person of the Year

And considering the news? Seems Krainfeld is in his “Hitler in the Bunker” mode now… even his Generals are coming out and saying, in flowery terms which I’ll translate for you, is that “We utterly and completely fucked like Comrade Chuckovich and Glorious Leader Krainfeld has lost his damned mind!”

The ‘Grand Offensive’ only slaughtered what was left of their DotMil. Leastways the professional DotMil. Now all they have left are the Females, forced conscripts, Syphilis cases, and literal morons and retards? The very fact that they have to essentially keep pumping up teeny victories when they’ve gotten played into being annihilated by Ivan-on-the-Defense show just how bad it is. Hell the very fact that WE are hearing how bad it is?

That right there tells me a lot.
As an intel analyst who’s been digging the propaganda war?
Remember Bahkmut?
How The Krainians were winning 24-7
Until they weren’t?
Even on regular Ministry channels (that’d be the same Ministries of Lies and Propaganda mind you) they’re talking about 100k worth of casualties… KIAs mind you since June of this year. As they said back in the day, when you’ve lost Cronkite, you’ve lost the war.

Somewhere I read an article stating that this was a massive failure on their own part… that they literally started believing their own press releases… As Elvira Hancock in “Scarface” said:
“Lesson number two: Don’t get high on your own supply.”


Guess they missed that lesson.
And to anyone who tries the “But they’ve killed an equal or moar number of Russians!” or “Vodkaman bad!” Let me tell you, according to my sources, the Russians now have a prepped and ready active duty DotMil numbering between 350k to 400k ready to rock and roll NOW. Thing of it is? They’re not going to.

Not yet.
They want Krainfeld to be utterly and completely defeated.
And he’s doing it to himself
And this shit of NATO and the “Allies” doing the “Well now we need to start talking about a peace treaty/ceasefire!” despite Krainfelds absolute unwillingness to do such a thing?

Our Fucktards in Charge seem to have forgotten the First Rule of Warfare: When you’re losing, you don’t get to state terms.

Putin is winning.
Period Point Fucking Blank.
Any and all denial at this point?
You will have earned ALL the scorn you have coming to you.

Any peace treaty or ceasefire will be dictated by the Russians

NOT by a bunch of bureaucratic diplofags at the UN.
And let me tell you, having seen just how badly the Krainians have been chewed up? Using our supposed “bestest evvar NATO tactics and equipment?

We’ll be lucky if Putin doesn’t decide to take Paris.

‘Cos outside of canned sunshine? We ain’t got shit that could stop him. Hell, even our own troops? Realistically, the Afghan stupid stopped in the first few weeks of The Head (p)Residental Fucktards reign.

That was three years ago
Iraq ended under OBAMA… 2011?
So the number of actual combat blooded troops we have?
I’d say maybe 15% of the remaining force IF we’re lucky.

Add on the inability to recruit, the lack of recruits and the dogshit that the millennials are as potential troops? Mentally ill-defective degenerates, the majority of them?

Oh yeah.

Put your head down between your legs to kiss your ass(es) goodbye. Russias troops have been on the front lines, rotating as needed, and getting quality new troops for two fucking years. They’re blooded and good.
Like the “Who’s you’re Daddy” better than OUR guys.

If Ivan decided to roll in hot n’heavy into Greater Europe, quite truthfully, I’d be like telling all them Eurocucks “We done already saved your worthless cheese eating asses twice. You fuckers are on your own this time. Fuck you AND the horse you rode in on.”

Our current criminal class of NeoCONs and (((tribe members))) in charge aren’t about to miss a chance to spill goyim blood, which has been what it’s all about to begin with… Orthodox Christian versus Orthodox Christian? With a Jew in charge pushing hardest? “What sweet revenge!” is what they must be thinking…

The rule should be “No More Brother-Wars” but sadly, due to the inherent programming of folks today who’ve ‘bought in wholly’ to the ‘programming’, we’re just doomed to roll on, until Gog-Magog/ZOG get satiated…

Hopefully me and mine’ll be there to help end this shit.
So More Later
Big Country

Everything is Cool BUT

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Yesterday at about noon Gretch’s Dad took another header. He’s OK as far as like no bleeding damage BUT it looks like the rod that they implanted in his hip? leg? from the car wreck that kicked off this shitshow to begin with broke in half.
Now they got to figure out if they’re going to do surgery or just -leave it- in place…

So I’m going to be busy w/Housekeeping until Sunday night

<Le Sigh>

Oh and for the turdburgler who commented that the last poast was gibberish? Yeah, I got sidetracked telling a good story like most Irishmen do, so hey, don’t like it? Get fucked. You’re banned. As far as WHY the Corps cancelling the ball?


THAT concerns me moar than anything else…
As other commentators and DMs I’ve gotten, the Corps would hold a Marine Anniversary Ball even if it was down to the last two Jarheads on the planet Poast-Apocalypse… my story was meant to convey the humor AND lengths that a certain aforementioned group o’Jarheads did go thru to party down… in a Red Zone, in the middle of a fucking war.

There’s ALWAYS a Marine Corps Ball.
Hell even in John Ringo’s Master Zombie Classic(s) “Black Tide Rising” book series, the Marines had a Marine Ball despite, you know Zombiepocalypse!?!

First book of the series, highly recommend
Click if you want to read and yeah I get a ‘taste’ for the referral.

So yeah, Cancelling the Ball?

Bad Juju Methinks.
More Later
Big Country

Oh THAT Ain’t Good No Way

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Appreciate all the advice re: city-spine (say it like South Park). I’m actually going to try the kratom (never tried it before) and the BPC-157. I’m always up for a new try to relieve this shit.

In fact I had an appointment today with some ‘life-coach’ that the VA has started doing as part of that whole ‘holistic thing’

Blah fucking blah.

Just give me the membership to the “Y” so’s I can start doing laps. Of course I have to jump through ten thousand fiery hoops before they’ll cut loose and do that… and even then I have to hit the place 3x a week to show I’m actually participating. Thing is I sort of understand it, as when I looked up how much it costs to join the YMCA? Damn… $75 up front, then $56 a month… I can sort of afford it BUT I don’t know how crowded the new Y is here.

The one the town over, when I had the Cancer, the One Nut Armstrong Foundation got me a membership for 6 months… and unfortunately, the place was balls out packed at ALL times… gym AND pool. Made it hard to get there and get either my lift on or my swim on. They built another one up the road a bit that IF it’s not stupidly packed, I’ll sign up after… it’s all in the wait-and-see mode.

Personally I hope like hell I can start using a lap pool again. I used to use the Pool on VBC that the Aussies had cleaned up post-Saddam. Every morning, one hour laps, and then night time, 8pm to 9pm laps. Every. Single. Day.

I got fit quick that way.

So on to the News:
Got a call from my Gunny tonight. He was my old Boss in Baghdad and a Retired Gunnery Sgt/Spook. He’s like an older brother to me, and we ended up ‘getting the band back together’ a couple of times… Baghdad, Afghanistan… couple of -other places-… working for -other people- doing -odd jobs-. To say the least we’ve been through some shit.

So he called me to catch up tonight as we do a monthly if not more often bullshit-session on current events. As far as I know, he’s now retired-retired from all of his -odd jobs- and whatnot like myself. The thing that caught my eye, and I asked him about was this:

To say he was flabbergasted is the understatement of the week.
Link to the story is HERE
The only other time the Corps Ball has been slowed/modified was during the Coof. Mind you modified… NOT cancelled.

This’s a fucking first.
Gunny was in shock…
As am I truthfully. Even at the worst of the worst in Affy, Iraq… hell –anywhere– The Corps never outright Cancels the Ball. It’d be like the Pope calling off Easter man…

Shit’s gotta be getting pretty fucking bad for this to happen
I mean it’s a thing of badness IMO
Just what sort of “unforeseen operational commitments” came up!?!
Shit like that AIN’T normal…
Jes’ Sayin’

I mean hell, 2005/06 in Iraq, man, the Marines were balls deep in Fallujah 1 and 2, Maybe even 3 and they didn’t stop shit… Like
considering in 2005, on the 230st Anniversary of the Marines being formed, well… this’s a bit of a story, but what the hell…

So there I was, 2005 in Baghdad.

It was a Thursday as memory serves, which meant we weren’t doing shit the next day, ‘cos Fridays in Iraq was like the Haji Sunday. That’s where “Man Love Thursday” came around as it was known ‘cos Haji liked to throw down on Thursday nights, knowing they didn’t have to work on Friday. Since it was Thursday, and things were s-l-o-w I only had a half day, and went to check in with Gunny and see what was shakin’ around the Head Shed.

Gunny had a new face there hanging out with him, Marty I’ll call him, as he looked like Michael J. Fox from ‘Back To The Future’… Marty it seems was one of our ‘field analysis team members’ meaning he actively hunted down bad guys via intel and such. Seems he and The Gunny had been in the Corps together, and he’d come in from the boonies for what became known as “That Wild Fucking Night”. I got along well with Marty, as sometimes the intel weenies are a bit hard to deal with, but dude was bros with The Gunny, so hey… what the hell.

About 30 minutes later, the Head of our Intel Unit, The Gunny’s second in command for our contracting company (me being the #4 guy as Operations/Facilities), “Mean Gene the Gyrene” poked his head in and was all “Hey you guys ready to go!?!” and then sees me and goes “Oh hey Big Country! How you doin’?”

Now Mean Gene was a Marine who’d also been ein Korpsbruder with The Gunny. Of course that “…ready to go?” question perked up me ears as something was afoot and of course I wanted in. The Gunny very graciously explained that they were going out to BIAP… Baghdad International Airport to celebrate the Corps Birthday in the tower First Class Bar/Restaurant with “a few beers/drinks” and then asked if I’d like to come along?

It’s 13:00
On Man-Love-Thursday
Ain’t got shit to do.
I mean why the hell not?
What could possibly happen?

Now, in those late days of Oh-Five, the newly renamed Baghdad International Airport still didn’t have shit except Russian Cargo planes flying in and out.

ZERO Passengers. They DID have the Airport open, BUT only for the Duty Free and the Aladdin Bar ‘n Grill (or whatever they called it) The following pix are what you could call a ‘drive by’ of the Airport taken on April 8, 2004 on one of our first trips out there. It was still a ‘red zone’ at that time despite assurances. Trust me on that one…

That’s after the checkpoint, Aladdin on his carpet….

You can see the stains of Saddam’s Name up there

C Terminal, Babylon

Abandoned and scrounged-out Iraqi-Air planes and one interesting one ahead… the first one in front is a Russian IL24 I think

Baghdad and points west

That silver/white plane that still has it’s engines? That tarp on the right wing? That’s the DHL A300 that took a SAM through that wing, and the crazy assed pilot who managed to get it on the ground… DHL -I think- filed it as a combat loss… the story is HERE

Fucking cool Aye?
And I took all of them pix meself.
Ain’t no goolag pics there… Unfortunately the lappie that I downloaded later pics when we -did- go in the Airport, THAT was the one that shit the bed. THESE only survived because I had dismounted the chip and lost it in my gear before I could do what I used to do was download and wipe the SD Chip. THIS particular chip ended up in my shaving kit so I at least have these from the early-early days of BIAP and VBC. I literally found the chip years later in my shaving bag… funny how that worked out….

I’m still pissed ‘cos when my first Laptop shit the bed unrecoverable, I lost all sorts of exceptionally cool pix of me and Lil Country walking around an International Airport geared up carry automatic weapons… shit like that you never get to ever do again knowhutimsayin’?

So, even in November of 05 it was a mite hairy up and around BIAP and the area. However, I was cool with this lil jaunt as hey, it’s 13:00…

How long could they be
planning on partying?

As Archie Bunker woulda said: “Oof!”

So, I of course decided to go, and I asked The Gunny if he wanted me armed? as we really weren’t supposed to be packin’. It was one of those “If something goes sideways, best not to be caught out packing” But only the phony tough and crazy brave ran around Baghdad in the 04/05/06 timeframe unarmed.

The Gunny, being the boss of course went all corporate and suggested since we wouldn’t be long that I leave ‘Roscoe’ in my room. Now, for clarification, ALL my weapons had names. It was a way of talking about them in the open around folks whom I and others may not be trustworthy to let them know we were heeled. My pistol was a Belgian made Fabrique National Hi Power DA/SA former Iraqi Police handgun. I had 2 mags. 13 rounds per. Named ‘Roscoe’ for obvious reasons amiright?
So, no gun.
wouldn’t be long…”

Famous Last Words.

That’s the parking lot at the airport…and yeah I was waaaay overweight back then…410 pounds as I recall… hadn’t sweated it off at that point…
I sure AF did later:

November 19 2004… and yeah, that IS Rollins

Now, the parking Garage was really dangerous.
Lots of potential ambush points… wrecked and stripped car frames and NO ONE who gave a fuck around… NO US Troops there… only them worthless as fuck Custer-Battles faggots. I had my Ka-Bar… that was it.

Now, got to point this out: Those ‘scripted sunglasses I had with me? Yeah… I wore them until dark and by the time I got home, I go over to the non-sunglasses mode. So, since it was 13:00, and was supposed to be an early day/night (sundown wasn’t until 9pm over there…. looooooong gorgeous twilights)

So, we get to the bar…
Which I see is still there and operational…. no pics of that unfortunately, and well, not too bad a thing… the décor of the Bar and Grill was literally lifted from “The Brady Bunch” 1970s blue-and-gold everywhere. Gauche doesn’t even to begin to cover it.

So, like I said… There I was:
Drinking and boozing it up with 3 Marines bound and determined to see who hits the floor first. Turned out it was Mean Gene who went boneless… The Gunny, while pretty stewed, was still conscious and cognizant. Marty was a bit on the slurry side, but OK… their party man, I’m JAFO Just Another Fucking Observer.

I also was watching the clock… and let me tell you…
Nervous Making to say the least.
Like I said, their party dammit.
At least no one tried to pick a fight, with either myself nor each other, which on other occasions that I’ve partied with Marines, that does happen frequently.

At about 0130am they realized we needed to go.

I mean yeah, fucking curfew DotMil Enforced Curfew was in effect. <Le Sigh> I had realized around 23:00 (11:00 pm) that I needed to cut the sauce, and had the bartender keep throwing Red Bulls at me, sans the normal Raspberry Stoli. I mean someone had to drive home…

Which is also about the time I realized:
“Fuck, I’m wearing my shades!”
Didn’t even have my ‘regular glasses’

Y’all need to know, even before the cataracts I was a blind-melon-motherfucker no joke. 20/400 right 20/450 left with astigmatism. Even with ‘ultra thin lenses’ my shit was bullet proof, never mind resistant. So here we go…

I finally rally up the Marines. Got ’em to the car… which was interesting as Mean Gene started doing drunken MOUT moves around corners and shit… Shitfaced MOUT, but urban combat stuff either way. Rather comical to be honest. He insisted that he lead the way, which I was good with ‘cos IF there were any evildoers about, HE’D be the first guy they went after, and not me. The Gunny was fucking damned near laughing his balls off, and Marty? Well Marty just staggered on like a good Marine should I suppose.

As far as Mean Gene and him insisting on taking the lead? Hey, I liked the guy, but fuck at that point, I was so heebie-jeebied out about potential kidnapping/headcutting/and/or getting shot by our own troops IF they felt we might be a threat… Never mind I somehow got made the designated driver of this raggedy assed Marine Detail? Let him take the ‘initial hit’ and I’ll sort out shit after Aye?
In fact to paraphrase the Blues Brothers, when we did get to the car, (mind you, an unarmored Ford Explorer) I looked over at The Gunny and said:
“It’s 0230 in the morning”
“I have 3 Shitassed Marines in the Truck, Half a pack of cigarettes, we’re in a Red Zone, and I’m wearing Sunglasses”

Without missing a beat he said “Hit It!”

Which I did…
Now, as much as I’d like to go into some wild and crazy story about Terrorists and shytte like that, IRL it was pretty mellow… I mean for the definition(s) of mellow.

No one shot at us
I didn’t roll/wreck/crash the truck
I mean I did speed like a fucking madman to get back…
No need to be outside the wire at that hour for too long…

The only time things got a wee tense was rolling up to the back gate. The Guards there had at least one Ma Deuce on us hot and ready to go, as well as 2 or more 240/249s… They were packed heavy but with good reason. Thankfully I knew the rules (dim main lights, turn on ALL cabin light, have IDs ready, keep hands visible IF all your passengers are conscious) and it was the Hawaiian National Guard guys that I knew running that post.

Rolled up with a friendly “Ma ‘halo!” and as the Brits say “Bob’s yer Uncle” and we were in the gate, safe and sound. It also helped that I regularly ‘donated’ some ‘libations’ to these guys to make sure I could do booze runs as by November of 2005, we had a pretty good rapport going.

So, we got home, everyone went to bed.
‘Cept for me.
I broke into the rum-ration as I needed to quench the quart-and-a-half of pure adrenaline that’d been pumping as well as the 7 or so Red Bull Cardiac-In-A-Can I had slammed. Finally passed out at like 0430.

At least The Gunny let me sleep in Aye?
We still laugh about this shit yearly.
Good Times, Good Times.
More Later
Big Country

Down And Out

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Somehow slipped a disc in the back (again).
Can’t sit in the chair to do my usual rant…. been about 3 years since I flamed my spine this badly. You know you’re in pain when you eat 4 times the normal dose of Oxy and it doesn’t do shit…
a couple of humorous memes and greentexts to fill in til hopefully tomorrow. Shit hurt so bad I had to cut early from Glorious People’s Tractor Factory as I can’t sit in the orifice chair.

More Later
Big Country

This One Got It Backwards

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Been busy AF as of late. The weekend saw a big ole Chimpout in Ybor for Halloween which resulted initially in the whole ‘mass shooting’ thing going into effect:

‘cos it came right on the heels of the Maine-iacal Bowlorama Blast… which “the Usual Talking Points” lasted up until the suspect in question copped to being a oreo…

Bad enough Aye?
Looks like the come-to-life cartoon of the lil goblin half-breed donnit? Jes’ Sayin’
And yes, on the local news, his Mama sez ‘he dindu nuffin’… she being of an exceptionally light hue herself… which then brings me to this:

Not sure if those are ‘shopped or not but damned funny nonetheless.
Also an addendum of a screenshot from the Maine Shooter:

Thanks to J for sending that in… From and Scrubbed from the Daily Mail AGAIN! Also, the Maine-iac?:


So, a full weekend, and lots going on. Another Wind Up Toy went sideways, this time in Colorado:

Like I said, sideways…
He got his FedProgramming Backwards:
“FIRST Shoot up the place,
THEN Kill yourself”
End of Story.

I mean it’s blatantly obvious.
In the 4 years we had OrangeBadMan in the Orifice of the (p)Resident, there were like the bare minimum of Mass Shootings. Only one I can remember was the one in Pittsburg when someone shot up the Jews at that Sin-o-Gog (Imagine that!) Reason I remember that particular one was my old Army Bro was a first responder there and sent me a pic of him and OMB when OMB shook his hand and thanked him for doing a great job on-scene.

I mean look back
The majority of those things seem to happen when the DotGov is needing to have a Weapon of Mass Distraction cut loose to hide exactly what’s going on behind the scenery. In this case? I personally think it was to distract everyone from realizing just how big a US DotMil buildup we are doing in the Middle East.

OK: Hamas/Israel
Bad shit, no question.
Riddle me this though? Why the fuck and what the fuck business is it of ours? As I’m so oft to say

Not Our Circus
Not Our Monkeys

Seriously WHY in the fuck do WE need to do ANYTHING!?! WHY are we parking the. BIGGEST. ARMADA. EVER. off the coast(s) of Israel and Iran? We ALREADY have sent billions and billions of our money to these fucking grubtastic grifting fucks. What the fuck did they spend it all on? Little hats??? Sure as fuck doesn’t look like security Aye?

I mean sweet Jesus
Enough already
It’s going to be utterly hilarious when they ‘throw a war’ and like no one shows up, not that we’re capable of fielding an Army at this point:

Combat raises the heart rate significantly
You feel like you’re going to have a heart attack
I know of what I speak
Now, IRL? Combat?
You know yer going to be utterly fucked when the shooting starts and everyone is having heart attacks when the rounds start going two-way.
Dis Fukkin’ Guy had a H.A. while jogging

Riddle me this Aye?
When is the jab going to finally be called out as the death sentence it is? I mean the Marine headman is now down and soon-to-be-out after that one. Fucker almost was DRT (dead right there) Tell me it wasn’t the jab… go ahead, I’ll wait…

And as far as planning this particular ‘splendid little war’ we’re about to get balls deep in? This article here is from 2018:

June of 2018 specifically
Link is HERE
Now, considering that Hamas and Hezbollah are dug in like ticks on a Mississippi coon dawgs ass, deep underground I’d call that particular historical article a “tell”

The DotMil plans decades in advance
Got me a hunch they had this allllll lined up

They just needed to pull the trigger so to speak.
I Report
You Decide
More Later
Big Country

Oddities and Medications

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
LOTS of good feedback regarding Mister “Can’t Be Found” in Maine. Very interesting how dis fukkin’ guy seems to have taken a powder Aye? Between the changing stories, bodycount, shoot-locations and ‘other oddities’ to include his mental health being questioned, it’s all a bit of weirdness happening.

As the Autists on the chans have been pointing out, none of this adds up, and man, Worst. Psyop. Ever.

You know it’s bad when I talk to MomUnit and she agrees with me on this… that’s like a surefire sign of the Impending Apocalypse for certain… she never agrees with me.

Considering that he was locked up after threatening to shoot up a Guard base for two weeks (possibly the one he was training at?), another guy pointed out that he made this threat during the two-week annual training, which then coincides with him being cut loose/released at the end of the two weeks.

Then he’d recently been equipped with Hearing Aids.
And after that he starts hearing “voices”?
Considering how high speed hearing aids are these days? OMG the ones I have? Bluetooth enabled, phone interfaced…. like ALL the gadgets built in. My phone has an app that allows me to adjust oh so much on them, it’s crazy.

And if ‘bad actors’ wanted to cause someone to ‘go around the bend’? Wouldn’t be too hard to do it.

Jes’ Sayin’

I mean if he wasn’t doing well to begin with? Getting “the voices” to urge him to do bad things? Not hard IMO. Tactical Hermit agrees and gave me some intel that showed a lot of pointers that add to that hypothesis. The theory being a LOT of the “mental health issues” between the cornucopia of psychotropics they dump into folks, and then the secondary programming that can be done without the subject even being aware of it?


That’s another thing for another time. I’ll leave it at this tho… not many people realize just how many people out there are on head-meds. IF and only IF we do suffer some calamitous event as a society, the number of people who, by day-to-day seem to be normal, who without their meds have the potential to become rabid psychos? Oh man, that shit is real, and in my opinion severely overlooked in the Prepping community.

Ugly doesn’t even -begin- to cover it.

So bit of a short one, as I’m working on the BIG poasts for the Saturday and Sunday Write ups.
More Later
Big Country

Yeah, Definitely Another Wind-Up-Toy and Some Humor to Take The Edge Off

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Tough day today. Addy’s B-Day. We got to ‘be there’ via Video-chat and she’s having a LOT of fun and seems be well taken care of but still… w/out going too deep into it, despite his best efforts, her Dad -still- is unable to take care of her the way we were… so I’ll just leave it there as I don’t want to get too ‘down’ as I’m bummed enough as it is. The only really good news is they’re slapping MOAR charges onto that corrupt son-of-a-bitch Judge. Hopefully he does serious time in pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

So yeah, Now our shooter in Maine?
If anything the DotFeds are getting lazy AF. Even more than before. What was it that Lump-necked Asshole Fetterman said? That “…they’re not sending their best…” without even a smidgeon of introspection nor irony? The 4chans Autists put out a “Leaked Discord Server” set of posts supposedly written by the “Maine-iac” Shooter:

It reads like a dream from the fevered brow of a FBI agent of how they think the average MAGApede thinks/speaks/acts. I mean c’mon man.

No one -I- know thinks or speaks that way at all
Even the most rabid Nationalists or Anti-DotGov kids would never speak that way, never mind put it in writing, using their real name as their handle no less.
UNLESS they’re a glowie

And if that IS real!?!
Talk about some seriously fantasy-disco bullshit right there. Only thing that, to me leastways, is that I’ve noticed that Discord is the place to do your ‘one-stop-shopping’ for mass shooters. Like the last what? 2-3 of them ALL had been on a Discord server, and all had put up highly incendiary speeches/manifestos/the like, just like the above one.

Literally that shit glows so hard I got radiation poisoning from just reading it. Got no idea what they expect… to be honest, in my mind I file this under “Thursday”… Chicongo has higher body counts over a holiday weekend. Another reason I believe this’s a “Wind Up Toy” is that like immediately after the initial reports of the shooting came out, the FBI was like right there on the scene.

Considering the nearest Field Office is in Boston?
That’s some mighty quick work Lou.

Consider this: Within an hour of the news ‘breaking’ The FBI was out in full force in Lewiston. Now, that means that there had to be FBI Agents on-scene. Mainly because door to door?

The only Regional FBI Office is located at 201 Maple Street in Chelsea MA of all places… HUH… Chelsea… who would have thought? I would have expected it in the Fed Building at Downtown Crossing… anyways…
Point is:
It’s Literally 134 miles one way from the Feeble’s home base in New England to Lewiston, 2 hours, 7 minutes according to the Goolag. Unless they jumped in a Helo (which you and I know they didn’t do) a Bell 206 has a speed of 125mph, which is a little over an hour as well, but then you have to add on pre-flight/clearance/load up etc etc. I mean they might have spun up a bird from Logan, but I find it highly unlikely.

Add on that now the narrative has also changed

Initially, he rolled into the bowling alley on “kids night” and shot it up, then went over to Schemengees Bar & Grille, and shot it up, after which he went to a WalMart Distribution Center, and shot it up…

‘Cept now?

WalMart has ‘dropped off the map’ so to speak.
According to the Fast Facts on Faux:

Highlight by me.
ANY and EVERY time the narrative changes, it positively reeks of a Dark Op. So did the Distro Center get shot up? What happened there with that bit? Odd IMO… Not only that, I’m only going to touch on one thing more about this patsy: He was a “Petroleum Supply Specialist” i.e. a Gas Pumper. Loggie. Not A Shooter. Not only that, MY personal experience with “Petroleum Supply Specialists” as a group? NOT the ‘brightest bulb(s) in the socket’ so to speak… nice guys/gals, but brainwise? The ASVAB score for a Gas Pumper is like OMFG low… lower than a Cook if you can believe it… so this whole “OMG He’s a shooting instructor!!!” smells like the rest of the story: Shytte… Pure Shytte.

So, yeah, have to see how it plays out.
Like I said, the major problem with this is that this body count is like a bad weekend in Detriotistan, Chicongo or LA… highly doubt they’ll be able to effect much. Sure, they can pass all the Executive Excremental Orders they want, but enforcing them?
Good Fucking Luck there gang.

So, as I said, a change up from the gloom factor. I was talking w/CederQ on the phone and we were meandering over some old stories when I remembered and related on of the odder experiences I had in Iraq. I put it up on the old blegg that got nuked a ways back, but hey, new readers, new-ish blegg, so what the hell.

I’ll open it with this:

Now, you have to understand, Dwarfism in the Middle East is a lot more common than you’d think. A lot of it due to a lot of inbreeding, which is one of the ‘third rails’ that the PC Police don’t want you touching… has a lot to do with ‘keeping the money and tribal power’ in the fam as close to home as possible, so there’s a LOT of first-cuzzin fun and games. That results in a LOT of genetic defectives, like Downs Kids, genuine retards, mongoliodism, I mean a slew of genetic ‘bad shit’ of which, dwarfism is part of.

Now, because of the way Islam, as a whole is, any and all genetic defects are considered a ‘curse from Allah’. You do not get a ‘pass’ on shit if you’re unfortunate enough to be born with some bad shit. In fact, the article above was back after we had ‘reformed’ a lot of the politics and the midgets were looking to get out from under the persecution they suffered under.

Because they were ostracized by their families, and generally shat on by all the rest of the Iraqis, they grouped together outside of Fallujah of all places. Formed up their own lil village, and were content to be left the fuck alone. Up until some AIQ (Al Queerda Iraq) asshole blew an IED on a Marine Convoy.

Now, Be Me.
Operations Manager doing an Inspection Tour of Abu Ghraib Prison, post scandal. My job is to make sure that our guys/gals have enough ‘stuff’ (printer cartridges, new laptops, vehicles being serviced on the reg…) all the stuff a good Ops Manager does to make sure the folks at remote FOBs and even bigger ones like “The G” are taken care of. I’m outside, caging a smoke outside of the Intake Center, which is where OUR people are running the biometrics intake for the DotMil. OUR people did the fingerprints/retina scans and initial intake of incoming Hajis.

Queue a Marine 5 Ton Truck Rolling up.
Back of the 5 Ton is, for lack of a better word, packed with what appear to be kids. The Marine who jumped off the back, apparently their version of an MP? SP? Too many years/too many beers. More Marines show up, and they start playing ‘pass the parcel’ with the “kids.” Literally grabbing one up, and handing them down to the ground, where they then had the hood(s) taken off of them.

You know where this’s going

I realized in (pardon the pun) short order that they were ALL fucking midgets! I asked the MP what the fuck was going on, and where’d they find all the dwarfs? He was pretty embarrassed by the entire episode… An IED went off injuring some Marines outside of Fallujah. So the commander of the A.O. told the Marines to “Round up all males between the ages of “X” and “Y” and put ’em on a truck to Abu G to interrogate them!”

Guy was professionally chagrined, but as he said, orders were orders, so they went to Midget-town, and rounded up everyone. Now the thing of it was, we found out later that the IED in question was like a 152mm HE round (artillery) which comes in at like 88 pounds. I highly doubt that the Midgets could move one of those things, never mind rig it, bury it and blow it.

I mean FFS right?

The cool thing was the midgets were taking it all in stride. To them? This was a great big adventure, as they rarely got to leave the Ville (as the other Iraqis treated them like shit) and in the end, they all got paid a bit of USD for their troubles, as well as getting treated pretty damned well as opposed to how they were normally treated.

The Higher-Higher End Of the Chain of Command by the way practically had a full on stroke when word got out about this. Serious questions as to the fitness of the mentality of the Marine who said “I don’t care if they’re Midgets! Bring ’em in!” as THAT particular shitshow, so close on the heels of the Abu G scandal could have seriously blown the fuck up in everyones faces…

CNN “Today US Troops Terrorize Innocent Iraqi Midgets! Film at 11!” Yeah, them headlines would have been brutal.

In the end it all worked out I guess.
I’ve always wondered what happened to that Ville though?
Nothing on the Goolag about it. Hope the lil Bastards are OK.
So Hope you Enjoyed!
More Later
Big Country

But Will He Have Three Names? Place Your Bets!!!

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Well that didn’t take long.
As everyone has been sort of ‘fence sitting’ regarding the whole wind up to World War Three, and the obvious exhaustion that everyone has had with, well, just about everything these days, we get what appears to be a ragin’ Whytteman with an AR pattern rifle, shooting up a small town in Maine of all places.

Now, I’m going to be very curious as to WHO his victims are.
Dude in Question BTW:

According to reports, he started in a bowling alley.
Then he went to a place called “Schemengee’s” which is a bar I guess.
Then, after cappin’ a bunch of folks, he ended up at a Wally World Distribution Center.

No word on casualties.

That being said, I’m going to be watching. Something a LOT of folks aren’t aware of, but Lewiston Maine is home to a very large population of Somalis. After the whole “Black Hawk Down” thing, a BUNCH of “Skinnies” migrated to Lewiston, due to low housing costs, and an exceptionally decent welfare system. Before the big migration, Lewiston was best known as a post-industrial revolution Mill Town that was pretty much done, with the exception of its colleges. Bates being the best known… and just to state it, Bates? To paraphrase Obi-wan:

“You will never find a more wretched hive of liberalism  and feminism. We must be cautious.”

True Fucking That.

One of the cutest and brightest chicks I knew who was two years older than me in High School went to Bates… and yeah, I had a mad crush on her as did the majority of guys back then… to say she came back ‘changed’ qualifies as “understatement of the century”… A true shame that one…

So, lets watch the fun unfold.
I’m betting three-names, and that he kil’t a lot of Skinnies.
With an AR.

Which means we get the “Mass Shooter Trifecta”

Whytteboi, Race-Based, and an Evil ‘Needs to be Banned” AR.

Only thing better is IF he leaves a manifesto going off on Trannies, Fags and Blaqs. Bonus points when they ‘discover’ Third Reich Material’ or some other stupid shit.

Any takers?
So More Later
Big Country

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