Well I Had a BUSY Day

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
LITERALLY all day over the stove… The bird went in the oven at 10am… and everything else was timed to come out around the same exact time.

Don’t know -how- I managed to pull it off, but I did.
Mashed and Sweet Mashed Taters, Garlic Green Beans, a small Ham, and the aforementioned Bird. The bird was nice and juicy, but a wee bit tough, which we attribute to the fact that it’d been deep freezed for the better part of two years.

Gretchen and the Gran made me a Birfday cake as well…

Seems someone got to lick the bowl…
Dinner was good… I’m just beat after all the cooking/cleanup

Now the ham was done a bit differently from the norm. II wrapped it up in foil, and threw it in the air-fryer. After 25 minutes, I opened the foil, slathered it in a brown sugar glaze, and gave it ten more minutes, except this time I left it uncovered. Gave it a nice crust, and maaaan…. it was -the tenderest- ham I’ve ever made/eaten.

Then and hour or two after we did the Birfday thing:

Big ole honking chocolate cake, multi-layered with home made buttercream frosting…

I’m going to have myself a beer or three
And crash…
Been a LOOONG day.

More Later
Big Country

32 thoughts on “Well I Had a BUSY Day”

  1. Happy birthday my man! I’m gonna try your twist on the stuffing as that sounded delicious…scaled down of course, I don’t have a whole team to feed LOL!

  2. Yup! Happy many more PLANET ERF SPINS ’round the sun.

    Them years fly by, Bro–trust me!

  3. HIPPY PAPPYY BITHITHDAY B.C.! (Bonus points if you get the reference:))
    Sounds like a Great Day! But seriously, “a beer or three”? A Pint or 3, and let them figger it out! Anywho, i really don’t have shekels for a raffle but i want to say “Thank You” for a job well done and a job still ongoing. Scarecrow

  4. Birthday of Happiness… As I figured your age, should have lit the whole damn cake on fire! You almost had a smoke alarm or two go off… Have the beer, rest and yes being an insulin dependent diabetic, don’t go there. A pain of the ass!

  5. Happy Birthday!
    Hopefully you had your red-headed GranBebe to assist you (and you to teach her).
    And also hopefully you can come out of your food-cake-and-beer coma by tomorrow to be able to pretend to put in 8 hours of labor at Ye Old Tractor Factory.

  6. Grats on completing another ride around the big hot sky thing on this dirtbag-infested dirtball! I hope you have many more, bro.

    Sorry to hear the bird came out tough – personally I find that all chickens and turkeys really should get brined before going in the oven. Takes an extra day to prepare but man, the juiciness is worth it…

  7. Scorpios rule.
    Save some feasty for Thursday.
    That time of year for extended mags and Real Tree!
    Smoked everyone out with a gar and some hot coffee now back to the Rat Patrol.
    Keep calm and no room for commie.

  8. Dude you have to try fried turkey if you haven’t yet, always tender and never dried out, and if injected with cajun seasoning or whatever, viola! Now a 15 lb’er might have just been a wee bit too big I do 12-13 lbers generally, fwi.
    Happy Thanksgiving and birthday. Be well.

  9. Happy birthday, Big Country! If it was yesterday, we share a birthday! (And they thought the Gettysburg Address was the “big historical thing” on the 19th!) So glad to see you had a great one and hope you have all the birthdays you want!

  10. To have such a day with family is a treasure I expect no billionaires ever experience. You are blessed.
    May your health let you do what you need to in life.
    God bless.

  11. (belated) Happy Birthday, BCE.

    Having done battle to have/keep access to some of my grands… I applaud your work at making sure that yours have the best care and upbringing you can give/contribute to. And I don’t think that I’m the only one here that feels that way. We’re kindred spirits in more than one way.

    Keep fighting the good fight – and I raise my glass in a toast to you and yours.

  12. Happy birthday fella, thanks for sharing those pictures and stories they put a huge grin on my face and the assistant baker looked like she did a mighty fine job there.

    Would you be willing to give us a barney style break down of that air fryer ham and do ya think it would be safe to do a jack daniels and brown sugar glaze in the air fryer? My old grill/smoker combo rusted out and replacing it isn’t in the cards for now.

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