Greetings and Salutations!
The ‘Grrrr’ part of the story. The gauges showed up today from Reamer Rental. As promised, it was a set of ‘Go’/’No Go’ gauges in 7x57mm:

Now… you can guess what happened….
Hence the ‘Grrrr’ in the title.
Problem is I’m hesitant to call this a complete failure.
My rationale for this is the red gauge as you see is plainly marked both with red paint, as well as the specifications of the gauge itself. The ‘theoretical Go gauge’ has NO paint and no markings.
Now granted they’re damned near the same size and all, but my worry is that the ‘Go’ gauge here is a field gauge. Field gauges are used, as they’re named in the field for a ‘rough estimate’ of “Is it safe to use this thing or not?” sort of situation. That’s the gauge I got for the Lee Enfield, and as I found, close enough is good enough, leastways speaking on the Lee Enfield.
Now on the ‘Unmarked Gauge’ it passed no problem. It seated nicely, the bolt closed w/no issue and hey, Good to go.
The problem or I should say in my personal experience is what happened with the obvious and well-marked ‘No Go’ gauge. I fed it into the chamber, closed the bolt, and about midway into closing the bolt, it caught. Got a wee bit hung up. Which is what a No Go gauge should do.
Then it ‘broke’ without too much resistance, and closed completely on the gauge.
According to specs, the No Go gauge should not be able to close like that. However I’ve seen ‘close but not close enough’ gauging like this to make me think it might be ‘In Spec’ at least for now. I’m going to see when the new bolt gets here and if the same issue pops up, well then, I’ll play it by ear.
Either way, it’s getting the string test out at Cowboys in the very near future.
If it doesn’t blow up, then Huzzah!
If it does? Well hey I tried.
And then moving on to the next point of business.
Everyone who’s been closely following the Krain Situation has been wondering WTF is going on. The ‘usual suspects’ have been on and on and on about how the Russians are s-l-o-w-l-y working their way West. They take the lack of speed as if this was some sort of sign that the Russians are still on the ‘back foot’ when in reality, they’re going slowly because they can.
I’m not going to argue numbers, as every asshole has an opinion. The thing of it is, lately even the High Command in the Krain are screaming about the lack of bodies left to harvest to stuff into the Front Lines, and that if things don’t change, they’re utterly fucked within six months.
As far as Russian Numbers go, put it into perspective. Per the Goolag AI: “According to most historical records, around 8.7 million Russian soldiers (part of the Soviet Union) died during World War II, though some estimates place the number slightly higher, with the majority of these deaths occurring on the Eastern Front against Nazi Germany.”
That was from June 22, 1941 until the end of the war, with the fall of Berlin in May 2, 1945. That’s about 1410 days +/- from the start of the German invasion of Russia, until the end of the Battle of Berlin.
Russia invaded the Krain on February 24, 2022. As of today, that was 1072 days ago +/-, with it still ongoing.
In a slightly longer timeframe
A profligate use/waste of manpower.
And back then, the Russians could afford it.
These days? Not so much. After WW2, and the various ‘issues’ population-wise (birth/death rate) Russia does not have the manpower to waste like Stalin did. Putin is going for ‘conservation of force/power’ IMO. It also keeps the ‘regular folks’ from getting too antsy about combat losses, especially when one realizes how truly massive the landmass of Russia is. People in Moscow probably rarely hear about “Siberian DotMil Member Casualties” and vice-versa amiright?
These days, I should say, Russia as a whole over all? They do have the manpower available but VodkaManBad prefers not to utilize it, as, for now, it’s not an existential issue.
If it were?
I guarantee VodkaManBad would have no problem reinstating a full on draft and putting a metric fuckton of cannon fodder in boots if needed. As of now? They’ve had all the volunteers they need, enough to equip six divisions. That are all currently in reserve. That doesn’t count the ‘regular’ 18 divisions they have at the ready.
To give you an idea, the entirety of the US Army, in total is 10 active duty divisions and a total of 8 National Guard divisions available. And that’s a best case scenario.
According ‘good sources’ including some I know personally, they say that the Russians have had about 450,000 to 600,000 Killed and Wounded in total IRL. The KIA for the Rus is about 450k+/- which are the plus/minus the real numbers that the professionals have figured out.
This in comparison to the Krainians, who as of now, and utilizing some of the same exact sources, in addition to some unclassified NRO pics of the expansion of Military Graveyards in the Krain, there’s the possibility of upwards of a million dead and wounded on the Krainian side. Call it 750-800k dead. Wounded? About 200-350k+/-. A lot of that from numbers from various prosthetic companies providing new arms and legs to the Krainians…
That’s a 2 or 3 to 1 ratio.
And if you decide to add in POW exchanges, and go by the corpse-exchanges, the numbers increase dramatically regarding the number of Krainian dead. Like 15 to 1. Prisoner exchanges run about the same at about 15-25 to 1 (Krainian to Russian). The problem is that no one on the Krainian side can afford to let the IRL numbers out, at all.
‘Cos that’d be a hangin’ for Krainfeld and his Klown Krew.
Hell, officially, they still claim only 60000 KIA!!!
In fact as of late, there’s been quite a bit of ‘leakage’ regarding MASSIVE protests of ‘regular Krainian’ women’ protesting “What happened to our men?” as many of them have had no word from their husbands/brothers/kinfolk in over a year. Whereas in Russia, where OUR media, the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have yet to see such events.
Now those who say “Well the Russians are stopping the flow of information!!!” Really?
Enough with the naivete. A determined reporter these days sure as fuck can get a story out, no matter how hard, just as they did in the much lower-tech world 20 years ago. God know there’s a metric shitpot of ‘roving reporter cams’ out there, as well as everyday folks with cell-phone cams who’d eagerly ‘take up the cause’ and shoot negative vidya of the Russians if it was available. If anything, uncovering such info would be on the front Headlies of every. single. newspaper. in the West in less than 24 hours.
Much like the claims of the ‘meat assaults’ the Russians were supposedly doing, unarmed, with shovels, to no avail towards the Valiant and Upstanding ‘Defenders of Muh Democracy!’ The Krainians. That the ignorant and unarmed ‘orcs’ were butchered in ‘wholesale lots’ by the Krainians. The problem is that in this day and age of Go-Pro and the like? If the Krainians had such footage, it would have been on the International News 24-7 for weeks.
Alas… no such critter exists.
There -IS- plenty of footage out there of the body-recovery teams, Russian recovery teams, policing up both their own as well as the Krainian corpses from the battlefield. In fact invariably, the majority of the ‘rotting dead’ I’ve seen have been Krainian, not Rus. In fact part of my disgust for the Krainians is that a HUGE amount of video I’ve seen are from Krainians openly abandoning their dead AND wounded as soon as “Mister Drone” starts making a concerted effort to hit them. To me? There’s nothing more dishonorable than abandoning a wounded comrade on the battlefield… and that’s from THEIR videos… never mind the plethora of Rus vids showing the same.
And for those of you who want to say I’m ‘Pro’ VodkaManBad?
Nope. Ain’t got as dog in that particular hunt. I’m just interested in this war from a purely academic point of view. I will admit the tenacity of VMB in holding power the way he has, and how he brought Russia back from the bring of extinction. Otherwise, getting to watch a tech-leap at this level in real time? Priceless.
OTOH: Shit like this has made me exceptionally happy I’m no longer ‘in the game’ as being a unarmored grunt these days?
Hard Fucking Pass thankee very mucho.
Otherwise, the drone warfare has been utterly fascinating. The fact that people utterly refused at first to believe that COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Drones were doing what they did, and then the aftereffects of specifically designed drones that were made to bust tanks/bunkers and what have you… the fact that anyone ever believed anything that the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been spewing for the past two-three years regarding losses and strengths on each side?
This’s the same exact media who said January 6th was an “Insurrection”. In that “…three to four police were killed in line of duty!” on January 6th. These same exact assholes are telling you that the Krain is ahead and winning numerically????
Which brings me to the commentary from the Head of the Krainian Gestapo, Kiril Budanov, or as I call him “Thugface”:

Yeah… this asshole.
I will say that yes I’m biased AF against this fuck.
IMO He’s evil.
He’s the one who’s been behind a lot of exceptionally shady shit that I have issues with. Considering he even looks like a douche, and acts like it? Yeah, I got nothing for him.
There was a leak recently from a meeting of the Krainian parliament. Seems Thugface stated, and it was leaked, that “Someone asked him: ‘How much time do we have left?’ He responded, with his signature cold smile: ‘If there are no serious negotiations by summer, very dangerous processes could begin for the very existence of Ukraine.’”
This to me is worrisome.
This is a guy who has pushed for attacking kindergartens.
This is a guy who wants drone production moved to schools (K-12) because it might keep the Russians from bombing them to avoid a bad PR event…
This is a guy who has pushed for the most rabid elements of the Krainians to ‘do their worst’ against Russia and has been a major player so to speak in a huge number of atrocities.
That ‘signature cold smile’ to me is not a normal reaction.
A smile like that, and knowing the type? (Pure Sociopath IMO)
MY worry is this joker has something up his sleeve.
He’s been devious as fuck so far
Downright evil as I said if you’ve been following this war like I have. It makes my hair stand up on end, because not only did I read this in ONE article, but there have been multiple articles that have said that this motherfucker seemed very content in saying that within six months ‘the existence of Ukraine’ is questionable….
Guys like this are fanatics.
THIS fukkin’ guy in particular.
Which makes me personally believe he’s willing to ‘burn the world down’ rather than have the Russians win. Lord knows they’ve (the Krainians) been trying for months (and as of late) have been ramping up the BIG drone attacks on nuclear power plants all over Russia (those that are within range) as well as the ones all over the Krain itself. Big Drones in that they’ve taken to using Cessna sized Aircraft, rigged for remote control, and packed with HE.
IMO that’s fucking madness either way…
…the Krain already lost HOW many thousands of square miles due to Chernobyl going ‘full retard’ and yet assholes like this guy and his fucking ilk are actively trying to have a repeat performance!?!
So forgive the hyperbole, but when a guy with the ‘yank’ this asshole has goes and says with a self satisfied smirk that “…in six months nothing will matter” (which is how I read it) that shit makes me feel like that’s ‘nervous-making’…
I mean there’s been rumors for a loooong minute that all the Krainian Nukes (the Russian ones stationed in the Krain back in the day) were not accounted for? Yeah… this asshole worries me. He’s just fucking whacked enough to do something that fucked up.
Food for thought.
Yours in the comments. Am I wrong? My intel-analysis antenna is buzzing, so let me know what you think.
More Later
Big Country

Think you might have added a zero to the Russian KIA, don’t think you meant WIA/KIA and KIA to be about the same numbers.
And yeah, could see the Ukrainians pulling some nasty shit as a hail Mary. Won’t change the outcome, but might just horrify the world.
The Russian military KIAs are qute low, less than 100k…Bakhmut KIAs were convicts in the PMC, many others were territorial troops from the DonBas….Regular Russian Army, especially elite troops, was called in close the deal in some places where the Ukies had strong positions…
The actual Russian losses are hard to gauge.
Much of the early fighting was done my Donbass Militias, etc. do you count those as Russian regulars. There is also the above mentioned Wagner fighters. They got ground up and are a major part of the losses.
Regardless, the main point is less about losses and more about replacements. Russia has more than replaced what losses they had – Ukraine has and can not
Russia can’t play the cannon fodder game because the replacement level is low.
This is the first time I’ve seen thugface and I no like him.
Putin has said two months remain for the Krain.
Even with Sweden donating $1 billion in gear and Perfidious Albion.
Video of making 5.7 brass into.303 projectiles^
Why haven’t a few batches of fentanyl/cocaine taken out the entire leadership of Ukraine?
Cartel fight has me more worried. We’re likely to discover just how corrupt every corner of the country really is. Those cops will follow any order for “ma pension” but are self motivated for the side hustle and mistress.
Also do this for 9mm and 45 at home. My brother and I make 170grn OTJ projectiles for use in 300blkout @ 1075 fps
Just thinking from a combat junkie standpoint, I’m on Team Ivan. The Kraine battle strategy seems to be to kill enough Mikolas to allow Blackrock to take ownership of the remaining lands after the Front finally gives out. Go scorched Earth while eliminating all the Slav goyim. Win-Win for the small hats. On the RF side it’s get the bonus, and if survive be a happy gopnik with Vet status. Again, Win-Win. Don’t see Vlad having interest in a March to The Sea, Euro style. Took 70 years to get rid of the Commies, ruling over Euro trash should be the least of his interests. That being said, if I was the subject of a failing empire, joining the Russkies legions is a option. Be a Spetsnaz stud and have the clout to stay in the military, or do your trey and be blue collar Vet with a skill in the post war rebuild beats the hell out of bowing down to the perverts that run the EU. Join the Orthodox church, marry a Ruskilina and breed a platoon. The best part is being able to beat the shit out of phags, just like we used to be able to do. The 50s will be alive and well in Greater Borshtovia
HA! Good one, Vlad!
..plenty ‘o good lookin’ Ruskilinas out there–take your pick–they sure beat the stateside skanks here…cozy hootch there with plenty of cheap RUSS nat gas ‘n great vodka and bar-be-que shashliki…breeding a platoon would be easy-peasy
I am rootin’ for Putin too. Like it or not, the man’s position is valid. They got along great with the Kraine until Obutthole funded a colour revolution and deposed a democratically elected govt. NATO is in direct violation of the Minsk accords. And the new management of the Kraine was giving them the major shaft on trade deals. Most of us would do the same in his position.
The numbers of Russian dead i heard were 200 – 300 thousand, with the Ukes well over a million. According to the guys I listen to… they also have about 800,000 troops deployed in or near the Kraine. Who knows the real numbers, but I will run with those until proven otherwise. Obviously Putler intends to hold what he’s taken.
For the Ukes… Theyre done. The money and ammo trains have pretty much stopped. I won’t be surprised if the big players aren’t getting ready to bail in the Kraine with all their stolen nillions. As for Thug Face…meh. The Russians deal with guys like that all the time. They have to – in Russia, either you deal with them, or they deal with you. If he’s a real threat Putler will just whack him like all their others.
“the drone warfare has been utterly fascinating. The fact that people utterly refused at first to believe that COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Drones were doing what they did, and then the aftereffects of specifically designed drones that were made to bust tanks/bunkers and what have you…”
Somebody’s silence at having his ass handed to him by the bloghost is thundering.
As for Russia “winning”?
They’ve lost, by the same bloghost’s estimate, a mere ten times as many troops in Ukraine as they did in their Afghanistan debacle, which epic pyrhhic “victory” contributed mightily to the collapse of the last flailing Russian empire. Putin is riding this bomb right into the ground, no matter what.
With 4X the population and 10X the military strength of their opponent in the current contest, they’re still losing, just not losing quite as badly. And they’re doing so well they needed an infusion of Norks? Who haven’t fought their way out of a paper bag since 1950? Priceless comedy gold.
This global hemorrhoidal ass-bleeding conflict is nothing more than two crippled and sinking ships, racing each other to the bottom.
We told anyone who could read (and it’s clearly a dwindling number) that both sides could lose this conflict, and they’re doing just that. Vlad has set his country back 25 years militarily, 50 years financially, and 100 years diplomatically. He’s put more nations into NATO than Stalin. All he has to show for it in three years in is an ocean of Russian blood spilled, heaps of his own men as corpses, and a mouthful of ashes.
And as ever since he began this fool’s errand, he’s riding a tiger he dare not dismount.
The entire contest remains interesting only as a slow-motion-train-wreck-you-can’t-look-away-from sort of way.
And as we pointed out waaaaaay back in about May of 2022, once Ukraine exhausted its own resources, it became utterly dependent on the West’s charity. They’re still riding that same double-edged sword, and the day after the West finally loses all resolve, you can start measuring them for a coffin as an independent state.
So, anyone, tell the class how well our pacification program worked in Iraq?
Starting with who’s planning a tourism vacay to sunny Baghdad anytime soon.
Then explain how well the Russians’ version is going to work in a nominally-conquered Ukraine, who don’t really hate Russia with an eternal lava-like passion…except for its collective guts.
For that matter, listen to how many jackasses hereabouts still bray about the South rising again, 160 years after Appomattox?
An ancillary effect of this rolling catastrophe has been to make Xi re-think his cunning plan to grab Taiwan indefinitely. Turns out epic 100-mile blue-water amphibious invasions aren’t as easy as you thought for a global power that’s never done as many as one, and whose ships sink at dockside shortly after commissioning.
For fuck’s sake, this mess will either end once, with Russia collectively waking up and deciding the lemon was never worth the juice, taking their ball, and going home with one testicle left hanging; or it will bleed into about 2100 or 2200, centuries after anyone reading this is dead, buried, and long-forgotten. Including Putin, who will probably go down as one of the most reviled and ignorant leaders of any nation in history. Nobody glorifies a bully.
Any other attempted settlement just shifts it from armies fighting to an endless insurgency, which will lack for non-governmental sponsors worldwide about as much as jihadi terrorists lack for AK-47s and Semtex.
So for the actual chess-players in the crowd thinking any number of moves ahead, tell us all which of those outcomes suits the string-pullers and would-be overlords in the Global Order better?
Russian conquest, or endless war?
The checker-players, including Pootie Poot, all bet the farm this would be over in a week.
We’re up to Day 1076 and counting…
Yeah yeah yeah.
Tell us about how the Covid virus can be stopped with a face diaper. Or how the Ukes are going to vanquish the Russians because their equipment is crap, they are running out of it, and – hey… didn’t you die from Ebola yet?
Whatever. Better go Pineland, General! Or the toy hobby drones will getcha!
PS – I am STILL mad at our Esteemed Blog Host for calling me an old Boomerfag!!! FFS – I damned near swallowed my pipe in RAGE!!! I haven’t been this mad since Pete F set a bag of dog shit on fire on my front porch!!! I want all you young assholes to know you’re getting the frowning of your lives right now…!!!
1) I told you just the opposite about COVID, soopergenius, from the fucking get-go, back before you could even spell COVID. “The man who doesn’t read has no advantage over the man who cannot.” – Mark Twain.
I can only write the information down, Glen. But you’re going to have to find someone else to explain the big words to you.
2) Day 1076 and counting. Russia is “Winning!” all right. The last time anyone won this big was Carthage in the Third Punic War. Or Hamas in Gaza for the last year. Go, Vlad, go.
I know you want to fuel your fantasy of being the guy who bested me at anything, but you keep swinging the same pathetic arguments like axe handles, except without noticing the metal head isn’t attached, and you wonder why your obviously flawed opinions like how ineffective drones would be, and already have been, are shown to be nothing better than bird-cage liner. Scroll back to the OP, Captain Ahab: your opinions about drones are what just got doused with lighter fluid and lit on fire there. You’ve been overtaken by events and run over by reality so many times you might as well just sit in your rocker and watch the parade, if only to save on bandaids and betadine.
Slather the butthurt cream on by the bucket as you must, but if you’re going to offer bloviating opinions, try to make them informed ones, if only for the novelty of that approach. You’re not a bad guy, you just have a problem never being right about hard things. The best you ever manage in any discussion is to be the 47th guy to say “I Am Spartacus!”, and you’re only even in the right movie for that line maybe once out of 60 tries.
You’ve done such a spectacular job of putting a “Kick Me” sign on your own back so many times now, it’s only worth pointing it out just to watch you spin around and notice once in a blue moon for the entertainment factor. After 100 times, it just makes me wish someone would find you a keeper, and put childproof locks on your keyboard before you really hurt yourself.
There are no ‘good guys’ in the Russia/Ukraine slaughterhouse. Both sides are equally corrupt and evil. The ONLY difference that matters is Russia invaded a sovereign country. WHY is irrelevant. And they did it mostly because they knew Pedo Joe and his crew of amateur idiots were running the show here so they could get away with it….almost. If the Russian military was actually competent this thing would have been over in a month or two…tops. But they aren’t very competent and they ARE very corrupt. As corrupt as Putin and his henchmen. So this whole thing has dragged on and on for far too long. But Ukraine NEVER had a chance at defeating Russia. It was simply never possible once we made them give up their nukes 30+ years ago. The best they could hope for was to bleed Russia long enough to make them get tired of bleeding and go home. Not much of a strategy but the only one they ever really had. The only question once this fiasco is over is who will be next. Who will Putin decide to target next time.
Putin never called me Goyim, tried to geld my kids or put homeless scum on the streets with Homeless Industrial Complex funding. I don’t give a rat’s fucking ass about a former SSR, and that whole ‘fight them over there instead of here crap’. I’ve only heard that shit from pogues in the rear, not the one’s that have to worry about having their nuts blown off by IED’s, their wives romanced by Jody or their kids sent to school with f…kin low IQ hood rats. The problems are here, and the enemies are not half a world away. If I hear another “Hey Fellow Conservative” con job I’ll blow my cork. The Ukies asked for it and they got it. Fuck them if they can’t take a joke. The same ‘people’ that do that Slava Ukraina shit also bleed our tax dollars willingly and commit genocide in Palistan. So again, stop that Vlad Man Bad shit and worry about the real world. If you’re so concerned, the International Legion is hiring. Free body bag included
💯 Spot on.
Why Dan your missive sounds so much like a “fable” written by a famous russophobe but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Hmmm
Dan the “The ONLY difference that matters is Russia invaded a sovereign country. WHY is irrelevant.” is Aesop level nonsense.
If Mexico was shooting artillery into America, gee Wally, should we invade a “Sovereign Country” over that?
What are going to suggest next Dan? The Aesop idiocy of “giving Ukraine Nukes” like he posted a few months ago.
Aesop multi-paragraph scree about being right in 3,2,1
Thanks Michael. Some folks are ignorant of the US complicity in overthrowing a sovereign state in 2014 and installing (( western globalist puppet)). The goal has been to defeat Russia since 1991.
Big County’s Russian KIA numbers are inflated . Listen to Larry Johnson and company. Very convincing.
Luther’s Turd
Apt sobriquet. Have you spent much time in either country?
You remember the scene in In The Heat Of The Night, where Chief Gillespie calls Officer Wood into his office upon finding out Virgil Tibbs was really a police detective?
Day 1076, slick.
Russia is “winning”.
Yeah. Oh yeah!
And lest the low-information readers forget, it was Russia that invaded and annexed first Crimea, then Donbas and Luhansk.
So posit the story realistically:
If Mexico had invaded and annexed Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back, would we have started shelling Mexico?
Your ball, geopolitical soopergenius.
CNN is less ham-fistedly deceitful.
LOL you waited until folks moved onward.
Yep SUPERGENIOUS Aesop drops load of nonsense again.
Winning, that’s what America Aka Ukraine is doing.
It’s not my fault if people have the attention span of fruit flies. I simply seldom bother dropping by, because while the host tends to use his head for more than a hatrack, the commentariat here rather less so.
But catching up on the last few posts, and seeing Filthie’s World’s Greatest Drone Expert creds casually roasted ass-first to 3d degree burns in the post above, and him being too brain-dead to feel the heat, was too much of an opportunity to pass up.
And color me shocked, all you bring to any party is your bag of worn out ad hominem.
Plus ça change…, and all that.
Say, how are your brilliant investments in Russian rubles stacking up against buying gold these days? Do a show-and-tell on that financial acumen some time. Maybe next you can wait until worldwide oil prices drop, and see where the ruble finally craters into a smoking hole just ahead of Pootie Poot’s political career.
“Russia invaded a sovereign country.”
And for good reason.
P.S. USA of Gay has been corrupt since the day I was born in it 65 years ago. Could be longer, but I wasn’t there.
Great analysis (and “spider sense”) as usual BCE. I am particularly interested in the drone tech iteration. At the beginning of 2024, on another blog, an argument ensued about whether COTS drones could carry RPG warheads. Loudest in the room said “no way”. Now every war-porn video shows that characteristic brown cone out front. Then there was the fiber optic drones, a couple months ago “gee whiz, R&D things”. Latest war porn video rarely shows the fuzz-out due to jamming. Drone video is clear all the way in and horribly, you get to see the expressions on the faces of the soldiers. Next up, I think, is “AI enabled target lock”…”find and forget”. Probably already in use. On the “unaccounted for” thingees. Maybe, but someone would have needed to do extensive maintenance on them for decades. There are other, more possible alternatives. The UKRs are very, very, very clever, and kind of crazy, IMO.
Ignorant question, how difficult would it be to retrain the older TOW operators to use a fiberoptic guided drone. I freely admit ignorance, but arn’t the new drones with warheads essentially a TOW missile that can hover?
It has been reported that the Russians are already using fiber optic tethered drones to defeat EW, a logical solution, and one suspects they can produce the fiber optics needed without having to resort to cannibalizing washing machines (/s), something asserted by western media in regard to chips, no doubt with prompting from the CIA and some elements of the perennially Russophobic British Deep State, still the worst enemy of our (reputed) Republic.
Mackinder was correct, and the thrashing about of the little hat ridden “Western Rules-Based Order” is being exposed for the abject fraud that it has been since 1913, if not sooner. It’s the World Island vs the Pirates of the Outer Archipelago.
Great topic that I’ll do either late tonight or tomorrow night as I’m a SME on the TOW2 (7 years as an 11H20 Heavy Anti-Armor Weapons Infantryman, i.e. a TOW gunner)
It never occurred to me…. (shakes head in disbelief!!! file under ‘shit I shoulda thought of’) …and HELL Yeah, in fact a TOW Gunner had it harder as the speed of a TOW was about 300 meters per second, which is HELLA faster than a drone.
Please be quick, this just in.
Cartels are jamming our border drones and USA has nothing. Big Country give us guidance, please.
Firm believer that with a manual and proper motivation a US Army soldier can and will do anything required. As long as proper motivation is applied. Candy ass pukes should and will be eliminated in the coming battles over OUR border. Those cock sucking cartel spics are threatening the Border Patrol with drones? THIS is were drone doctrine should be developed. Purge the limp wrists and establish a buffer zone on the Mexicoon side. If the Mexes don’t want their invaders back? Plenty of strawberries need picking. Just like the old day, but the biggest buck on horse back with a shotgun and go full Antebellum on their asses. The American Empire needs to be here and not across the seas and dependent on an increasing unlikely logistics trail.
Sorry if I offended you, Matt. But… I went silent because I got tired of trying to explain the technical difficulties, the glaringly obvious contradictions of the weaponised COTS drone narrative, and not getting rational answers to rational questions. Like – how are you getting long range communication to your drone with bargain basement Chinese dipole antennaes, 5.8 GHz telemetry with inherent problems with issues such as latency, frame rates, lag and other realities of COTS drones. All I get is “But…but…but!!! Look at this video!!!! It PROVES a 6” drone can lift an antitank munition!!! AND use it with surgical precision!!!!”
We live in an age where Forrest Gump drinking pop with JFK could pass for historical footage. I’m fascinated by the psyop myself. It’s part laziness, part “people will believe what they want to believe”. You can spend 40 hours (probably closer to 80) learning about the physics of radio wave propagation, the technicalities of AV broadcasting, robotics, math, etc… or you can believe what your lying eyes tell you in a 30 second video.
Not dumping on you guys or anything because I’ve been caught by this crap myself often enough too. Aesop and Peter Grant panic, flap and squawk and announce that the sky is falling every time the next Current Thing drops. The questions we must constantly ask ourselves in this day and age are these: “is my BS Detector and my bush radar quiet because all is well? Or did someone turn it off? If it was turned off, who did it?” Too often, we turn it off ourselves. There is a fine line between being an uninformed alarmist that sees doom and ruin at every shadow… and the black guy eating KFC and watermelon while his smoke alarm blares in the background. The war right now is mostly for our minds. There are very intelligent people that are very good at waging it too.
Fortunately in this case… in the real world? If some idiot wants to think $200.00 toys can be taken out into the battlefield and made to take out multimillion dollar tanks… I suppose there’s no harm in it. And even if there is, there’s nothing I can do about it.
Mr. Filthie:
I beg to disagree on the COTS drone capability. I am a retired instructor at a major ranked US engineering school. I have a student built (sub $2k) set and forget drone that can lift 5 kilos, traverse 15 miles and drop the payload. It uses GPS, Lidar, an off the shelf flight computer, a Pi3 and an IR sensor to get to the target. You can pre program GPS path for way points have it go signal dark on the route, pop on at the expected way point, get bearings, go dark and continue to final where the LIDAR and IR take over for the last 100-200 meters. A video signal can be broadcast at that point for confirmation. It is also possible to have the drone return to a second location after mission accomplish for reconfigure. Distance is only limited to onboard battery capability. As far as I know, this capability can not be bought off the shelf in one unit but can be built easily from off the shelf components.
A 10lb shaped charge of C4 falling from 500 ft could take out a lot of armor types.
P.S. This drone was originally developed for Amazon deliveries by unskilled box truck drivers.
Yeah yeah yeah. Not gonna argue with ya, Spin. What kind of discussion can we have when the participants can’t distinguish between a COTS hobby drone and a custom build? Apples are apples and oranges are oranges. Further – if you want to tell me your custom build can go out 15 km and drop a explosives under battlefield conditions in the winter with magical lethal precision… I will condescendingly agree to avoid an infantile argument.
Wonder weapons have always been the soldier’s bogeyman in the battlefield going back to the tall tales about Excalibur. The drone HAS revolutionized the sport of artillery and surveillance… but weaponized toys? Whatever.
You OBVIOUSLY have NOT been keeping up with the tech. ALL over the Krain, there are now HUNDREDS of drone relay antennas positively blanketing the entirety of the battle space effectively QUADRUPLING the range of drones. This doesn’t even cover the semi autonomous mini loitering Airplane style drones. BOTH sides have been utilizing them for 12+ months now. In fact the drone teams as well as the EW teams that maintain and deploy the relays are Priority One targets. You have your points regarding the COTs stuff, however, that was ‘long time ago, in a land far away’ times.
So stop ‘boomering’ about how ‘unpossible’ it is.
You want to see it in real vids? Stuff even you can’t deny? Try this page:
Plus these issues don’t even take into consideration the fiber-optic stuff that’s now being used… only limiting the drone by length of the FO cable and the battery lifespan.
And as I proved beyond any questioning that the fastening of the shape charge from an RPG warhead (which can take out 90% of all armored vehicles IF they hit a ‘sweet spot’) is ABOSOLUTELY possible on a Mavic 2 Off The Shelf Drone. I was around the drone guys in 2013 in Afghanistan as the VSATs they used to assist with long distance GPS feeds and coordination were from MY company.
Sorry if I’m frustrated, but man, you’re getting to be as curmudgeonly as the Gen’rul on this subject.
Build one. Blog it. “Show us your work”. It’s easy! 😂👍 Don’t bother with the COTS drones. Not trying to be a dink… maybe I am a retarded stubfart and things have changed… but as far as I know, physics are still physics, aerodynamics are still aerodynamics, and logic is logic. Sensationalism and alarmism have certainly ramped up.
I’ll pass on the vids…. But some of them ARE pretty good now … a few are right out of Call Of Duty or The Terminator. Unfortunately I know what I’m talking about, and what I’m looking at when it comes to drones. If you build one yourself – you will too.
In fact… ALL of you guys should! Drones won’t let you magically terminate your enemies… but they WILL greatly enhance your AO surveillance capabilities. It’s worth it on that basis alone, and it’s an activity you can share with the kids. You’ll all learn something in the process too.
Not trying to hog your forum, Tiny… but – this is a great website. You can build anything from tiny little drones the kids can fly in the house – to rippers and racers.
Glen, you keep trying to reframe stepping on your dick a dozen times as a great victory for yourself.
Even the bloghost here, on this very post, handed you your entire ass on a platter on this topic.
Don’t believe me; go back to the post and read it yourself, until the penny drops.
Or find someone smart to read it to you.
Nobody is using drones 30 miles beyond FLOT (never having served, you should probably google that acronym). They were doing it inside 1/2 mile, in a trench warfare No-Man’s Land slogfest, well within the lift and out-of-the-box range capabilities of backpack drones you can buy at Target, Best Buy, or Amazon, in minutes, and hand over to a novice 8-yr-old to successfully run. You’re now the guy from the 1970s yelling at people that the Mac will never work because high school kids can’t write BASIC programs on punch tape, and telling them that PlayStations and cell phones are just a passing fad.
Dropping a soda-can sized munition into one of three open tank hatches from 100′ is something anyone but you could grasp as not only possible, but inevitable. Lollipopped T-72 turrets by the metric fuckton were absolute proof of the pudding.
All Peter and I (and 27 other people brighter than you) told you – years before the latest Ukrainian fiasco – was that COTS drones were no longer that complicated, requiring mainly just a checkbook, and that Bad People, like any number of terrorist organizations and drug cartels, could and would inevitably weaponize them to drop all manner of nasty things on soft targets, any number of which splendidly evil ideas we laid out in terms even kindergarten drop-outs like yourself could easily grasp. (Worse for you, the posts and your delusional replies are all right where you left them, for anyone to read.)
You were the only one jamming your fingers in your ears to the wrist knuckles and saying “La! La! La! It can’t happen!”, despite 20 videos from incidents years before 3000 videos from Ukraine came along, from both sides, to show you were not only wrong, but hopelessly unequipped to process basic reality on the topic.
Playing chess like a seagull by screeching and squawking, knocking over all the pieces, shitting everywhere, and proclaiming you won isn’t the same thing as actually getting this right, and all your hand-waving about what nobody ever said isn’t making you look any smarter now, years after you got beaten to a pulp on the topic. You’re the senile old fool tilting at windmills with your white-tipped cane from your wheelchair, and trying to get your attendant to push you closer to the windmill for a fair fight.
Scrape the charred flesh off your ass, pull your head out of it, and just accept you didn’t know WTF you were taking about, not even once, since ever. Everyone else has, and they’d be happy to let it drop, if only you could. You’re the only one wanting to run the Titanic into the iceberg and hope for a different outcome, 200 attempts later.
You’ve long been nothing but the Black Knight, flopping around on your haunches, proclaiming “But I’m INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!”
You cannot shut up fast enough or long enough on this topic, forever, to improve the perception of your basic IQ.
But for your own sake, you really, REALLY ought to give it a try.
You’re making Joe Biden look brilliant and perceptive by comparison, and every attempt you make just digs you deeper into that hole. Tank commanders on either side of the Ukrainian invasion have better survival odds than your opinions on this subject.
And the hits just keep on coming:
Now add Bracken and WRSA to the list of people that have twigged to what Peter, myself, and 27 people told Filthie terrorists could do with uncomplicated COTS drones years ago: use them as thermite delivery vehicles against soft targets.
Bracken’s illustration shows a far more capable drone (in terms of range, payload, and endurance) than a COTS-level DJI, and using a military-spec thermite grenade; but the technique in play is exactly the same as putting a soda can of homemade thermite under a DJI and setting it off on top of an LNG tank.
In the words of Detective John McClane, “Welcome to the party, pal!”
I predict the World’s Greatest Canuckistani Drone Expert is now going to need to buy butthurt creme by the barrel, and will still claim that everyone else in the world (including the people already doing this for real) don’t know what they’re talking about, because this level of obvious application is unpossible, because he couldn’t figure it out himself. Even after the first time it happens IRL. Which may in fact have been months in the past, judging by a couple of spectacular previous explosions of Russian ammunition depots.
And then if you REALLY want to go full retard, you could home build a sub-sonic German V-1 style RC Ramjet:
Right before 9/11, there was a guy on the early intarhwhebz who had been doing a step-by-step build of a home-made V-1.
I was a follower of it ‘cos it was really cool
Then 9/11 happened.
Early Homeland seized his domain and shut him down as it seems that it is WAY too easy to make one of these and potentially use it for ‘sooper-hi-speed shenanigans’ with a ‘grumpy/dangerous’ payload. Can’t be having people building essentially personally built cruise missiles (although it -would- be cool AF)
And people as you see by the video are still building them even today.
“Can’t stop the signal Mal”
FWIW Stalin probably didn’t have the numbers. either. A lot of people will tell you the 20 million casualties thing was a dodge because, in the 30s, Joe claimed the Russian population was booming (never mind the Holodomor and the purges) and the 20 mil was a way of officially setting the books straight.
He knew what Hitler would do to him, so a few million he really couldn’t spare were worth it. His little go in Manchuria was his last gasp. MacArthur had been quietly hoping the Russkies would land on Hokkaido if the Home Islands had to be invaded, but the fact the assignment was tentatively assigned to Alec Patch and 4th Army eventually says they knew it wasn’t happening.
I’ve been watching the Ukraine/Russia war since it began, and trying to “sift” the truth through all the US/Ukraine/Russian propaganda.
My main sources are: Daniel Davis-Deep Dive, and Judging Freedom, both on Youtube.
According to them: Ukraine KIA= about 600,000. Roughly the same amount WIA.
Russian KIA=about 100,000. Roughly the same amount WIA.
This war REALLY started in 2014 with the Midon coup. Then look up “The Mintz Agreement”.
–> Russia is “the good guys”. <–
I'm not a Russian "bot", I'm a skilled Tradesman in a factory in Ohio, father, Grandfather, Honorably Discharged Veteran (11B).
Look up Midon Coup and Mintz Agreement before you start throwing darts, manure, or wadded up Ukrainian death certificates at me. 😉
thank you. this whole thing was a boondoggle to line the pockets of hillary, obamy and the democrats at large. colonel mcgregor says ukes have lost a million dead, another mil wounded not to mention the millions that bugged out to survive elsewhere. thank the lord the dims didn’t get u.s. troops in there in quantity. but as above, i worry what a dying narcissist is capable of doing.
It’s the Minsk Agreement. You’re right, most people have no idea about it.
A signpost for Russia……Russia used women in combat aviation and for snipers in WW 2 on a volunteer basis to up their numbers; when war is over women leave the military for the most part. About 2022 or so they started taking women into aviation pipelines. They don’t do this unless they are expecting world war.
You may not have a dog in the outcome but you do have a dog in this hunt. It’s called US dollars.
BCE – My dad was an amateur gunsmith, and I bought him a beat up mauser at a gun show to fix up. After he’d done his work he took it to a professional to look over before shooting. The smith told us that many mausers floating around had been given to the Spanish military and reworked to shoot .308nato, and this damaged/weakend them, and he recommended not shooting it. We never did.
Just wanted to pass that on.
Avid reader – keep it coming
Had a M1916 in 308 CETME, not the same pressures as 7.62×51.
Would chamber both…
I bought a case of Santa Barbara 7.62×51 at a gun show a while back. The price was excellent, and I just figured the seller didn’t know what he had. Santa Barbara was good ammo in my FAL days.
Well, none of that ammo would cycle the bolt in my M14. Then, I tried it in my FAL and dialed the gas adjustment all the way in and out just to try to get it to do something. Nothing. Crap. Ammo must be bad, right? I mean it was from the early 1950’s, and who knows how it was stored? So, I figured I’d pull the bullets and replace the powder. After I finished pulling down that entire case lot, I weighed the bullets expecting 147 gr.. Nope, they were something like 130 gr. Then I weighed some of the primed cases and compared the weight to Lake City and Indian primed cases. Lighter weight. Damn.
The LAST thing I did was research the writing on the boxes to find out what the ammo was. It was then that I learned it was downloaded 7.62×51 made for the Mausers. If I had reloaded those cases to my standard pressure .308, they would have kaboomed on me. So, I have a case of primed cases and lightweight .308 bullets. I think I even kept the powder. I’d intended to dump the powder in my garden – makes good fertilizer.
First I ever heard that. I dont know where that line of logic came from.
M98 actions are very strong. Strong enough to safely chamber magnums and big bore calibers. Unless there was some spanish boondoggle in reaming or producing those barrels, id say your dads gunsmith is wrong.
K98s in 792mm to 762 would require a barrel change anyway, due to diameter.
Matter of fact i have a German K98 I rebarrled with a Norwegian K98 762 barrel and its a hammer and ive seen no indications of adverse effects. With a German LSR mounted optic and freedloated barrel, its been a fine shooter.
From my FAL building days… (yes, still all *ten* fingers!)
Thinkin’ unmarked is a correct GO gauge. Chamber swallowed it up no issue
Red NO-GO…sounds like you’re on the edge. I like to see firm resistance, as in ‘it may close, but only with very heavy thumb pressure’.
Here’s what I’d do. Grab some Scotch brand invisible tape. Advertised thickness is 2.2 mils, or 2.2 thou for you folk that don’t use 5 lb hammers for firearms assembly.
Stick a piece on each gauge, trim edges neatly.
I’m too lazy to look up chamber specs, what I would like to see is GO closes with some resistance, and the NO-GO closes not at all, or very, very hard.
Give it a try, report back.
To Alan- THIS! Also see my post from Jan 30, about 8:00 PM on stretched receivers and reduced power loads. Again- you can still reset the barrel, that is why the sights front and rear are installed the way they are on this rifle.
People are still caught up in the Iraq war shock-n-awe thing and assume if you aren’t racing into enemy territory at 80 mph you must be losing. My gut is that Russian losses are heavy but much lower than we are told by the ((media)) and that Ukrainian losses are much higher. Hopefully this ends soon so White men stop dying and then hanging little Zelenskyy from a lamppost in his skivvies.
To paraphrase Mouse Dayan regarding shock and awe, the Russians aren’t fighting Arabs.
People that have never been under fire don’t know dick and should be left out of the discussion. The Ukies have drones and modern AD. The Iraqis had soon to be blown out outmoded Soviet Era castoffs. They had been fought to a stand still by the Iranians and their homemade hardware. And even then it wasn’t fun to be the odd man out that got smoked by fedayeen. Just ask Jessica Lynch. Ivan is doing is the best he can and is not in the business of killing his troops off for clicks. That’s some Ukie shit. Can’t say enough about how fucked up the Ukie Army is. This is some serious Ottoman Empire sacrifice the slaves shit. Look at who rules and that should tell you what they have in store for any and all that aren’t part of their tribe. Vlad thinks of his Armies as his people. The rulers of Kraine consider them disposable assets that need to be used up before the war is over. Their is a difference and if some geek on a message board with his dick in his hand stroking over gore porn can’t understand that, then put them on the front. Buzzards gotta eat too
The unanswered questions that puts the whole Ukrainian War into perspective, are “what is Russia’s goal? What is their end state? What are their objectives?”
Maybe I am wrong; but it doesn’t seem like they want to flatten the Ukraine. With how they’ve fought, it looks like they’ve tried to limit civilian casualties, mostly avoid destroying infrastructure (i.e. American politicians seemed to have zero issue touring Kiev during the fighting), and focused on destroying the Ukrainian military in the field, while claiming the four Oblasts that have are full of Russian-speaking Russians who have always been Russian.
Again, maybe I’m wrong about this. However without knowing what the actual objectives are, progress is impossible to determine.
Remember, the US could have won Afghanistan, by doing some terrible wicked shit, but we didn’t, and we lost. We also had zero clear objectives in that country…
As I understand it, the Russians’ chief objectives are Ukrainian neutrality, demilitarization, and de-Nazification. They cannot leave Ukraine as an entity posing an existential threat to their nation, and their citizenry through membership in an undisguisedly hostile NATO, an ambition plainly obvious since the western-instigated Maiden Coup, and in fact from far before that time, extending back to support for Banderite subversion immediately post WWII, and certainly including the prior Orange Revolution.
Zbigniew Brezinski had a point concerning Ukraine’s strategic importance to the USSR (and the successor Russian Federation), as mindlessly provocative as his aggression was. With the rise of intermediate range ballistic missilery, which poses a direct threat of decapitation strikes against European Russia’s cities and infrastructures, permitting the borders of NATO to become inclusive of Ukraine was early on articulated as totally unacceptable by the Russians. All prior major aggressions against Russia came through the territories currently constituted as Ukraine; i.e., Napoleon’s invasion, and the German invasion of Operation Barbarossa.
Having NATO missiles based in Ukraine was – clearly – right out. Banderite revanchism stupidly chose to align itself with NATO, slaughtering Russian ethnics in the Donbas (and elsewhere), territories only added to Ukraine by the Bolsheviks in the post-Russian Revolutionary period, as was Crimea in 1956 by Krushchev. As soon as the Banderites/Neo-Nazis grabbed power in 2014, they made it entirely clear that ethnic Russians would be massively persecuted (at minimum), and driven into submission or subjected to ethnic cleansing from lands that had always been Russian. The Russian ethnics subsequently did their best to defend themselves, but under constant bombardment and acts of terrorism. Putin tried, through the Minsk Accords, to permit of diplomatic solutions, but the western guarantees of France and Germany were always and only a ploy to buy more time to prepare for future aggressions against the ethnic Russians. As this became clear, Putin laid out his demands for respect for Russia’s legitimate security needs, and an end to the aggression against Russian ethnics, but to no avail. Hence, the SMO, and the developing NATO proxy war until now. They’re in it to win it, suck on that, NATO. Ukraine delenda est.
Contextualization was needed, thus my long post.
Different age, different prospective. I am an old guy, 85 last summer. I spent the winter of 1961-62 camped out in a nasty German winter, hugging a M-1. That was full up Soviet Union with old revolutionaries in charge. The result is I have gut cramp every time that sawed off KGB major looks west. Frankly I think his wet dream is to wash his feet in the Rhine. The result is if it makes Russia bleed, I applaud. Just shows you what a different prospective/experience does to a persons view of things.
Best of life to yah
Ole Grump
If his objective is to “wash his feet in the Rhine,” he’s not doing a very good job. At this rate, given his age, I doubt he’d see it happen.
Are there specifics that you can point me to that support the idea that he’s wanting to conquer a big chunk of Europe? Definitely interested to know what’s out there would help me understand it all better.
I appreciate the perspective and the honest explanation for why you have it. Valid points, but I’d suggest that the “old revolutionaries” are not Putin or whoever else is in charge of today’s Russia. The blood kin of those revolutionaries are now running OUR foreign policy as “neocons”. As Solzhenitsyn says:
“the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”.
As hyperbolic as this might sound, their goal is not merely to acquire more wealth and power, but to humiliate everyone not Them, and to destroy those they historically lived among. For spite though they’ll call it “revenge”. Especially through brother wars. They hate Russians. They hate Germans. If there is a US a hundred years from now, they will hate Americans too.
The enemy isn’t Russia. It probably isn’t Putin personally either. It’s the people who hate Russia, and Putin, and me, and you; the people who see all of as animals to be manipulated for their entertainment, and to be exploited for their enrichment.
And who do everything to silence or destroy any who will try to name (((them))).
Ole Grump, I get it.
My Grandfather was in the Pacific in WWII and to his dying day refused to buy anything Japanese.
He said “I saw too much during the war and I hate them. I know that’s not Christian but they did terrible things and killed many of my friends”.
Also as someone quoted Solzhenitsyn, it’s a strange “coincidence” that BOTH the majority of the Bolsheviks as well as the Neocons all wear small hats.
Look up Bill Kristol and especially his father Irving, they were Trotskyites and then changed jerseys and are now “Neocons”.
Same bunch of murdering, war loving, kickback loving bastards.
Good insight on the situation in Ukraine.
Off topic … just curious as to why no remarks on the recent air disaster over the Potomac River? Having read the blog for a while it seems that anything the U.S. Army is involved in is discussed here. Especially an event that, to me, reeks like a bloated cow carcass on a hot, humid summer afternoon.
Been busy and -waiting- to see what comes of it… R/N it looks like a culmination of ‘stoopid’ but yeah, I’ll get into it shortly.
So many subjects, so little time
And I have to go to a surprise B-Day Party tonight for Ranger J.
It’s all about the lockup from the M93 forward.
Don’t let the bolt penetrate your skull…
Nice job on refurb #2. Is it possible that the chamber has erosion issues, just enough to let a “no go” field gauge fit? As far as Ukraine, we’ll just have to wait until it’s over to get the full picture. In other news, Musk and his DOGE boys have uncovered some significant fuckery in the US Treasury. That’s going to stir up some shit in fedgov. I think Orange Man Bad is ready for some scorched earth politicking. Should be loads of fun and provide bloggers such as yourself no end of subject matter. I have a feeling the American public is not going to like what they find when the curtain is pulled back.
Country, do you have any postable sources for Kiril Budanov’s actions being less than a benevolent knight, since that’s how interwebbz portrays him?
I used to follow Russian propaganda just for the info (along with ours), but it’s been a while. I could try that, but I’m a bit burnt out of propaganda (remember Covid?).
Haven’t heard of him, but it’s consistent with Uke’s atrocities.
I looked up another photo of him, and shazaaam do his eyes ever look DEAD! Like the kinda guy who enjoys torturing and killing people. I can see why Russia hasn’t killed him or his wife. He’s effectively destroying Ukraine.
“The Greatest Show on Earth”
this entire shitshow has been scripted to begin the culling of the worlds goyim… the jooish messiah “moshiach” cannot return until the Christians and muslimes are destroyed. This is why OMB has been selected once again. (((drumpf))) is the rights’ savior and can get the white enlistment numbers to skyrocket- something poopy pants and knee-pads could not do…
just watch what comes next..
If we’re lucky the economic fuckery in the next two months leaves most infrastructure intact and doesn’t lead to Starfish Prime over Omaha. Germany and Japan are looking like the tripwires now, with a fortnight’s lag between.
“I completely agree with the presenters, this is depopulation genocide from above. It does not matter if you are a common person or a politician, a judge or a military person or pilot participating in killing civilians – everyone is inhaling this poison.”
Nanotechnological Poisons From Above – Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering “Spider Filaments” Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals – We Are Inhaling Them
plug the bore at the throat and pour in some casting material (Brownell’s)