Greetings and Salutations!
Saturday nights blog was off due to Ranger J’s 50th Surprise B-Day Party which was great fun all around. It’s been faaar too long since we hung out as ‘life and sheee-it’ kept getting in the way. I think Gretchen had the most fun out of the three of us (Sapper was part of the festivities) as she had 4 ‘stronk dranks’
and got pretty well picklated. To the point I went out and found her on the porch having a cigar w/J and some of the others.
The next day she was paying for it. I almost felt bad.
Then we got the call. Her Dad had fallen again. This time through one of the front windows of the house. THANKFULLY when he had bought the house, he got the windows treated with that 3M Anti Debris Film that keeps a window from turning into lethal shrapnel when it breaks (like in the case of a hurricane). The film saved his life by not allowing him to get cut all to shit and bleed the fuck out.
HOWEVER the fucking front window was now kaput.
BCE and Gretchen to the fucking rescue
Another fuckin’ Sunday blown to fucking shitballs. Dad was OK and we spent the day working on getting everything cleaned up and prepped for a repair.
I got home and collapsed.
So… I’m going to throw a few things out here. One is that DiveMedic has probably one of the better summations over at his place regarding the ‘unmasking’ of the now obvious DEI ‘hire’ who was the Pilot of the Crashhawk. BTW: A side note… we called ’em ‘Crashhawks’ as they had a bad rep when they first showed up in the Army, hence the name.
DiveMedic’s poast is HERE
Go hither and then come back for my observations.
My points.
OK: She joined in June 2019.
To move from 2LT Butterbar to a Shiny First Lieutenant (1LT) in the Army, you have to have 18-24 months of time in grade (normally) It becomes automatic at 24 months provided the LT in question can see lightning, and hear thunder, and hasn’t gotten caught fucking the Gen’ruls daughter. To move from 1st LT to Captain: around two to four years.
With at current staffing averages is running slightly in the 3 year range as there aren’t enough carcii to ‘fill in the blanks’ i.e. empty billets.
So -normally- that would be, at max time, 6 years for her to make Captain. The shortest amount of time? 4 Years. And that would have meant she was better than fucking Patton. At everything.
Now, it’s come out that she was a ‘planner’ or some such thing at the Drooler’s White Haus. I posted a lot of this info on Twitter and positively got brigaded by the ‘usual suspects’ saying that I had no idea what I was talking about and “How dare you!!!” a’la Greta. Positively insane shit! Many people tried to say that this was ‘minor additional duty’ and that she was only there for ceremonies and the like. The problem is what few pics of her at the WH show her NOT in uniform, and wearing standard WH credentials, meaning it was a full time gig.
She was ALSO a certified Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) advocate. SHARP being a program that provides support and resources to victims of sexual assault or harassment. Her family statement regarding her future was that she wanted to continue her education and become a physician when she got out of the Army. My question: When she went to UNC, what did she get her degree in? Inquiring minds and all that.
SO, add on that she had to (-sometime-) attend flight school. Army helicopter flight school, also known as Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT), typically takes about 18 months to complete. The length of the program can vary depending on the type of aircraft and the bird that the future intrepid birdman is going to fly. It can take up to 24 months at the longer side.
So you want to talk about a busy lil beaver?
IF she went directly to flight school AFTER graduation, and then pinned 1st LT immediately after, and then manages as a brand new pilot to get assigned to one of the most sought after and prestigious postings in Army Aviation? A unit like that is one that usually takes years to get selected to get assigned to. Brand New 2LTs who can’t find their asses with both hands even when said-ass in engulfed in flames normally need not apply. Instead this chick gets a coveted spot right out of Flight School, and then gets a Platoon Leader’s slot? And then gets the Executive Orifiers slot?
Where did the two years at the White House come from? It had to be right after flight school… may ran concurrently when she was ‘supposedly’ a Platoon Leader? And the makes XO of the Company, and gets punched to Captain!?!
NONE of the timeline makes sense.
The only thing I’m absolutely convinced of is that she made the right connections somewhere to get her A) into flight school and B) moved up in the top echelon of ‘promote ahead of peers’ to make rank that quick. I also believe she had to have had a ‘rabbi’ (a senior ranking occifer) who was hand holding her as she was NOT a ringknocker… that means usually kids like her go to the ‘rear of the promotion line’ as ROTC kids are faaaar behind the West Point Protective Association.
It absolutely reeks of special privilege.
I mean personally I’ve never heard of ‘Big Army’ NOT releasing the name of someone kil’t in this fashion at the request of the parents. Never. Not Once. and I had friends who died when they were in, and as far as I know, the parents sometimes unfortunately found out FROM the media that their loved one got waxed and that they had unfortunately ‘won’ the ‘SGLI Sweepstakes’ as we called it…
SGLI being the Soldier’s Group Life Insurance that paid out (I think) $250k if you bought the farm… it was our dark humor that gave it that name. So in my opinion, the time spent hiding her was to scrub the fuck out of all info on her as it would have immediately given Hegseth ammo to start the executions with.
So judging from DiveMedic’s intel, she was a canyon yodeler who was a perfect example of a ‘meh’-talented individual given faaar too many accolades and had undeserved achievements handed to her that unfortunately cost a LOT of innocents their lives. Hence why DEI is really DIE.
She was obviously being, as Captain Willard said of Colonel Kurtz in “Apocalypse Now”: “…(s)He was being groomed for one of the top slots of the corporation. General, Chief of Staff, anything…” Someone was moving her up, and moving her fast.
And as all such things DEI, the plan (and her) died a horrible death. The question is who was behind it. Again, we’ll never know…
So that’s what I got there.
Your thoughts in the comments always welcome!
More Later
Big Country
Right click to download, served from here because stuff like this gets censored.
The first take is more revealing because the angle the photographer had shows the exact course the helicopter took from perfectly side on.
I guess there are too many cell phones out there now for “official stories” to hold up when everyone wants a shot of airplanes coming in while they are bored at the airport.
I came across a testimony by military that the black boxes were removed from the helicopter for this flight only and thought it came from the MSM. Now I can’t find it, probably censored, and the above video would be why – because the black boxes would record what the pilot tried to do before the crash and would expose remote control.
BOOOOOOM: Trans pilot is alive and kills official story with closing statement: NO NATIONAL GUARD TRAINEES ABOARD BLACKHAWK
I guess this kills the crazy trans murder suicide mental illnes plus national guard training hoax.
Obviously no national guard, it was a PAT flight the national guard would never be on. I love stuff like this. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
This is cached on this site because stuff like this gets vanished. Right click to save.
Even Pravda screwed up by saying this guy was flying the chopper, THAT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD when the guy is right here, talking.
Gas lit with a blowtorch
1. Pilot was not a tranny with mental issues.
2. Crash was not caused by DEI hires – the helicopter was warned twice.
3. Type of helicopter used was not for training missions.
4. Claims are being pushed that the pilot was part of a suicide activist group
5. Collision very hard to achieve with such precision absent computer control.
Look at this new video, which shows just how long this helicopter had to respond and avoid the accident, after being warned of imminent collision twice.
No black box PLUS “diversity pilot” ruse PLUS “diversity hire in traffic control tower ruse” PLUS wrong type of helicopter for training missions PLUS the perfect bee line for the plane PLUS two warnings from traffic control to the helicopter pilot to change course PLUS Tonya Harding’s bullshit blow torch gaslight attempt after proving she’s a fraud by having her opponent’s knee attacked before competition – ffs, why Tonya???? OBVIOUS ANSWER:
The collision was a remote controlled assasination. And those involved are now polluting the well with crap side stories and intentional disinfo to cover that up. We don’t know if the target was on the plane or helicopter, because there are so many intentionally obstructive stories floating around now that everyone is distracted by them.
The question, then, would be who the Derp State wanted dead.
according to this guy…
Dude, you are so far into left field that you are COMPLETELY off the field and the reservation. Enough of the completely wackball theory of remote controlled BS, wrong aircraft for training missions and “the pilot being part of a suicide group.”
You’re fucking nuts with whip cream and a cherry on top.
“she” was a tranny..
i sent you the story.
Not sure. Strong jawline, but no brow ridges=inconclusive. But very pear-shaped and ‘hippy’=female. Ugly lesbian?
The whole story stinks to high heaven and generally speaking: when They are covering something up, it is because They have a very good reason to cover something up. I have little doubt that the timeline for a White guy to advance is completely different from a lesbian/trannie/whatever she was to move up the ranks.
“The only thing I’m absolutely convinced of is that she made the right connections somewhere…”
Probably providing a top-notch rug munching to a superior .mil dyke.
Who signed the flight authorization?
Why was the flight path directed through the landing path?
What position was the pilot being trained for?
Who pushed to have this unqualified person placed in this situation ahead of their abilities?
That is the ultimate culprit in this tragedy!
Ole Grump
Does her time overlap that of the unclaimed cocaine in the WH?
Big, thanks for teaching me a new slur just when I thought I knew them all…
“she was a canyon yodeler.”
That’s gold man. Solid gold!
Me to Hesher
There might be some answers here. Rapunzel hair, Pride Parades…Expensive house after 2 years of ‘service’.
Stonk Womyn. Check
Long Flowing Locks. Check
Killed an airliner and destroyed a bird and crew. Checkmate
Kara Hultgreen has left the building
And the ship
Regarding your FIL, don’t your in laws have a “fine” caregiver these days with DC living with them ?
Where TF was she that the poor old guy fell through a window ?
Not saying I believe it but this is probably the best conspiracy theory that I heard about the crash:
“Pentagon sources say that the flight was a Continuity of Government flight that had just left the Saudi Arabian embassy carrying a VIP body double (but the fact that it was a body double and not the VIP making a secret trip was top secret). Supposedly there is a black box like on airliners where they could take control. This happened and they purposely crashed it making it look like an accident to kill the supposed VIP.
The VIP whose body double supposedly died — Trump.
Could be total BS but it’s a conspiracy theory and interesting.
Check out and search for uh-60. There’s an autonomous uh-60 test bed aircraft. Now, just an fyi. Anything you hear that the military is testing public ally is 10 year old news at best. I have it on good authority that some if not all blackhawks have “remote control” flight control systems installed and in regular service.
Do I think that’s what happened here? No. I thing Big Country is dead on. I saw shitbirds like Capt. CarpetMuncher promoted and placed in positions they were completely incapable of performing way back in the early 90’s. The Brass didn’t give the first flying fuck about anything but giving their darling a hand up. Life safety? Competence? Fuck all that.
I hope what I type can bring you peace. My dad(82) toughest man alive keeps falling. I managed to get his Covid vaccine card and he has had three Covid vaccines. I looked up the lot numbers and they are highly dangerous to living creatures.
So since he has gotten these shots, amongst all the other serious health problems he has now, he is falling a lot.
Back last summer he bumped into a dresser and had to be life flighted because it caused internal bleeding. He was out of action for several weeks because of this.
In October he fell and broke his hip. This took him out of action for months. He broke his hip and refused to go to the ER. I got him situated in bed and the next day I convinced him to go to the ER.
He was down for the count for two months. Imagine breaking your hip and having a guy pick you up off the floor and putting you in bed. He didn’t even cry.
I beg daily to both my mother and father that he has to get around the house using the brand new wheelchair I got him. He just won’t use it.
There is only so much you can do. I wait for the calls from my mom-hey dad fell down again can you come over and pick him up. As I make my way over there I hope he is not injured.
There is nothing you can do but help as best you can. People are going to do what they do. If they crash through windows that’s on them. Just do the best you can.
My mother is 80. Last summer I thought she was dying. I tried to get her to go to the hospital but she wouldn’t go. To my knowledge she has never been to a doctor for anything. Later I told her that I would never make her do anything she didn’t want to do and she thanked me.
People are going to do what they want to do. You can’t change them for what they are. Just try to help the best you can.
Just sharing my bad experience here and I truly hope your case is not the same. My 72-year old aunt and believer in all vaxxes and anything else the boob tube told her started falling starting in mid 2023 and feeling “tired” a lot. It got progressively worse and in late summer 2023 she went from a very vigorous 70 something woman with a sharp mind to a feeble, cloudy headed old woman who looked like she’d aged 10 years in a month. In mid October she could not wake up and was hospitalized in a coma with low blood oxygen and dangerously high CO2 levels because her breathing was super shallow. From then through Christmas 2023 she was in and out of 4 different hospitals with no diagnosis and getting worse. The last hospital finally diagnosed her with ALS aka. Lou Gehrig’s disease in late January 2024. She came home and died Feb. 12, 2024. She was fully vaccinated and boosted for COVID. We have absolutely zero family history of ALS going back 200 years in our family genealogy. She had no work history of chemical exposure that could explain it either. I know of two other diagnosed cases of “spontaneous” ALS in my area of the state as well as a shitload of older (50+) people who are tripping a lot lately and/or complaining that they have “lost feeling” or numbness in their lower legs & feet.
For reference I’m 52 and I know of exactly 1 case of ALS prior to COVID. It was my best friends dad and it ran in his family. ALS is hard as hell to diagnose and it usually happens when the Dr types have ruled out everything else. My Aunt waited 3+ weeks after testing for the results and passed two weeks after diagnosis.
I really hope your Dad’s case is not this serious. You need to really get on your dad’s Doctors asses and get him checked out thoroughly if possible. If he does have it, enjoy what time he’s got left and prepare for some very grim decisions and conversations. God bless you all.
Medic here. There are circumstances I would override their wishes and take them to the ED.
If they’re A&Ox4 and refuse to go to the hospital, you can’t make them go. However if they’re not, ie they’re not oriented to person place time and events, you can legally make them go. Ask them what’s their name, where they are, what month it is (or year, or whatever) and what’s going on right now, or who is the president, or similar.
A UTI can cause altered mental status especially in the elderly. If they become altered for no apparent reason, suspect UTI or maybe a stroke. A UTI can progress to sepsis and this is a true emergency, ie they have sepsis alerts at the hospital.
For quick stroke testing, look up the Cincinnati Stroke Scale. Time is brain, so if it’s a stroke get them to a hospital ASAP.
Altered mental status can make people even more obstinate in refusing to go. They can get combative too.
Roseville, California (Sacramento suburb).
About 2016, we put our 88yo mother in a ultra-deluxe retirement home.
Three grand a month.
During or after any fall of a resident, staff is prohibited from helping the patient.
Staff is required to contact Emergency Services, so either firemen or para-medics can eval…
…then lift the fallen back to upright.
Accordingly, Roseville Fire Department built a new fire-station a few hundred yards/meters/metres away.
Yep, my Dad talking about care for his parents once said, “you have to let them do whatever in the hell they want to”. I followed that advice for him and my in-laws who I loved dearly. Some funny ass stories came to pass from it but they were all able to stay in their homes till the end, and that’s what I am most proud of.
You called it way back when you called this version of America a steaming fourth world turd.
How did the fast tracked heli pilot afford a $525,000 home on Army salary?
Reading Flynn’s warning to Trump that Hussein Hopenchange and comrade Brennan that they are still running an operation against him.
a half a mil house in dc? one bedroom apartment or maybe half a town house. the dc baq covers most of the mortage, bas covers the rest if you eat at home a lot. that said she must have been moppy’s girlfriend or something to get that wh assignment.
Wrong: 3 bedroom & 3 full bathroom house with fireplace (1600+ sq/ft) with a garage and 1500 sq/ft basement. You can look up the record online.
The wife thinks she did it on purpose. Likely she couldn’t handle losing her special status under Orange Man Bad. I’ll defer to feminine intuition on that, as I do know that dykes can be as crazy as shit house rats. I don’t put anything past one of those Rainbow freaks. Those assholes are demonically possessed as far as I’m concerned. And demons going to demon, tossing their minions in the shit hole for eternity after their use is over.
You have a point. Most of the male and female deviates I ran into as a Peace Officer were crazy as shit house rats. The ones who were not, were borderline and holding it together by virtue of their occupation. We are definitely living in interesting times. Bleib ubrig.
Maybe the lez pilot was the target. What did she see that she wasn’t supposed to see while at the white house. Whom was she sleeping with?
Is Marine Corps 1 equipped with remote control? Something to look into with alacrity.
A side thought; never have the President and Vice President in aircraft together. That is, unless you cotton to the notion of Mike Johnson as President.
Now go find the video clip released in the last couple of days (the one two DCA airport staff were fired for….one of them curiously with the first name Mohammad). In this clip which is crystal clear (and also oddly perfectly aimed with what looks like a hand held video recorder as opposed to the “security camera” crap we are being fed) the Blackhawk chopper is moving from left to right at speed and heads directly for the CRJ which is from the looks of it in mid turn on final approach. Said CRJ was 20 seconds from landing from all reports. But that chopper scores a direct hit, after which you can see one wing detach from the CRJ and then it enters the fatal death spiral.
Call me overly suspicious but the perfectly framed (and at one point during the clip it is even zoomed in) video shot by a guy named Mohammad along with the speed with which Captain Clueless approaches the CRJ and then destroys it looks really, really, really like it was on purpose. I’m quite sure there is more to this story.
And both of these airport authority employees were arrested, with at least one of them charged with computer trespass. One has to wonder that these two mooks, supposedly being keelhauled for selling footage to CNN, may instead be being keelhauled for interrupting the creation of one of those infamous “narratives”. One must further wonder if these new, very clear videos might have otherwise just have been memory holed when the National Transportation Safety Board was soliciting all available information? I can’t discount that possibility what with all of the all-pervading rot being exposed on a daily basis of late.
That’s a very real possibility. Too many security cameras around DC along with cellphone cameras to hide this one, I guess.
But I was still struck by the clarity of that video as well as how the video maker “just happened” to be at exactly the right place to capture those events, even zooming in on the two aircraft in mid-shot. Highly suspicious.
As to the NTSB, they are either being told to act stupid or are just stupid. As some other commenter on another site posted, “Hey geniuses stop trying to figure out if the two aircraft were at the same altitude and take a look at this latest video”.
I’m not surprised.
I’ve always wondered about it: you see all these mediocrities and low-to-midwit bungholes… and their resumes read like James Bond’s. He’s a pro chopper and fighter jet expert, a bomb expert, race car driver, and a pro bar keeper that specializes in martinis.
Pete Buttigeig (Buttblaster?) was supposedly a whiz kid in naval intelligence, wasn’t he? Supposedly rocketed up through the military ranks based on merit, incredible intellect and ability? Is Trump and Hegsworth gonna be able to root out all these parasites, Tiny? The way the squaddies I listen to are talking… half the military brass and REMFs are like that… how in hell did Gen. Milley get his job???
It is all an affront to truly gifted polymaths and savants like me: i hade to EARN my lofty credentials in crapcopter mechanics, animal husbandry, outdoor plumbing, dawg washing and retail meat cutting…
If the bitch is dead… maybe some good came out of it despite the terrible cost…?
Off topic but found this interesting regarding the Vegas Tesla bomber guy:
I don’t understand why he had all the munitions if he was just going to shoot himself. One bullet should do it.
Someone needs to explain to me how the other pilot, the Warrant Officer, with 1,000 hours who qualified as a check pilot and has people and things to live for, who has a set of controls and can see out the window and is sitting next to her, would just sit there and do nothing. A normal check pilot would have ripped her. a new one when she went about 200 ft., and taken the controls and failed her if she didn’t correct her altitude (or course) immediately. He would be technically in command of the aircraft. If it wasn’t for him I would agree.
This event may be a harbinger.
I will also add that if it was a suicide mission, it totally disrespects the code of honor of the Kamikaze IMHO.
” When she went to UNC, what did she get her degree in?”
Biology. With a stint at the WH and in the Army she was essentially guaranteed a place at med school. Esp. the USU.
What appears to be an expensive house in DC area may not have been out of reach, parents could have helped with big down payment to lower the mortgage. BAQ + VHA for DC area (tax free) + Flight Pay for a CPT is a big number. 2LT to CPT can be done in 4 years. I used to live in a high rise overlooking National Airport, the traffic was constant, very crowded. Jet crashed on the 14th Street bridge in the ’80s. The only thing that catches my attention so far is the pic of her in the cockpit with her long hair hanging out of her flight helmet. I don’t know what the standards are now but I always saw women in the Army either having neck-length hairstyle, or if longer, tied up. She could have just sat in there for a selfie, but seems weird. Aircraft are dangerous, helicopters, more so, you really have to know what you are doing.
where ‘s her fucking command time? The bitch glowed in the dark. As someone that spent time in Air Assault I’m calling booheeit. CPTs are admin at best. Warrants fly the birds, they have the hours. At 0-3 it’s time to wind it up and end enjoy the desk. Her getting check hours to keep flight pay is one thing, but what’s acceptable hours for a Reserve unit is not the same as for the Pentagram’s best. CPT Thang was a political hack and her ball-less CWO that failed to take the controls for Kara Hultgreen 2.0 should never have been where they were. Feel bad for the enlisted man, but that’s the joy of being a ceremonial and not combat soldier.
“They” aren’t above killing a plane full of innocents in order to send a message.
It doesn’t seem hard to understand, she was a democrat LGBT obsessed Biden-hire. To get hired by “Joe Biden” means you have to be somewhat ‘off the reservation’ as they say. Like that ladies’ luggage-stealing psycho. (And this isn’t even getting into her Me-Too credentials, those credentials probably being a man-hating, all men are rapists, lesbian.)
Then Trump won the election.
Then Trump axed LGBT/DEI madness in the military.
She was surely feeling as righteously pissed off and wanting vengeance against America more than she ever had been in the past because Drumpf, as she probably called him, was voted in for the third time!
She flew right into the plane, full speed ahead. They delayed release of her name and scrubbed her social media. There’s only so many conclusions you can make. All bad!