Greetings and Salutations!
Well thank goodness! For a minute I was worried…
Wow… Tell me you’re going to try and kill him, without coming right out and telling me that you’re going to try to kill him…
Bizzaroworld 101.
Clownshoes baby, nuthin’ but Clownshoes…
Tell you what… makes a man proud to hear that the G-Men are on top of things. Got to make sure them eee-vil whytte sooperpreemicysts don’t take a shot at OrangeManBad! Nosiree By God!
Jeez… I just can’t… I threw up a little bit in my mouth while writing that bile… I mean there’s humor, then all of a sudden, you realize it’s a farcical tragicomedy unfolding right in front of you.
Add on there are soooo many other indicators that are pointing in the exact opposite direction. James O’Keefe who recently busted some former G-Man who was (operative word) an advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (DotMil) talking about how he and a “…couple of retired two and three star Generals” were meeting and from the sounds of it conspiring to “do something” to “stop OrangeManBad”.
Apparently after the Holiday Season we have Sedition and Treason Season.
And it seems that Jamie Mannina was immediately shitcanned after this broadcast came out.
Guess he just got turned into fucking Plutonium.
Ain’t no one no how is ever hire that fucking guy again.
Even funnier is allll the bragging he was doing was to score some pussy, which belonged to the female who was actually the undercover ‘date’ who fried his ass.
It’ll get ya every single time.
Personally, I’d say that he’ll be ‘Epsteined’ for that fuckup. And then they’ll point the finger at O’Keefe and his family will probably sue or some shit because that’s how Leviathan rolls… Have to wait and see on that one…
Moving on…
Back to the Bureau of Idiots proclamation that “All it Well! Remain Calm!” O’Keefe then had an interesting follow up a few weeks earlier that’s now getting some play on a different subject that ties into the opening headline I gave y’all:
You have to read the whole thing, but the TL;DR is basically the Health and Human Services via the Office of Emergency Management kids put out a request for an “all hands on deck” for the Veterans Administration to provide potentially needed Emergency Medical Services on Inauguration Day in the District of Criminals.
So far all requests to find out if this sort of request has ever been sent out before via FOIA requests have been met with Nada. Zip. El-Zilch-O.
Now interestingly this is now coming to light, as the Memo is dated December 10, 2024. The mission parameters start on January 17th, until January 21st, with travel days to and from being designated as well. They’re specifically looking for 2x Paramedics, 2x RNs with ED/ER/med-surg certs, 2x Medical Doctors/Osteopathic Doc, or 2x Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners. One common thing is they ALL need to be Emergency Room/Trauma certified.
Now it’s not uncommon for a BIG EVENT to have extra Medical folks on standby. What -is- highly unusual that this call is being put out to the Veterans Administration, which is very odd to say the least. Never mind that it’s going out to ALL the VISNs nationally. VISN stands for Veterans Integrated Service Network. VISNs are regional healthcare systems that provide care to veterans in the United States. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has 18 VISNs. My VA, James Haley, is in VISN 8 I believe.
Like everyone else, I’m curious that if this is a first or if this common, and we’re just hearing about it now for the first time? Far be it for me to trust the DotGov/Mil or any other part of the Leviathan, I do know (and have first hand experiences) that there’s a LOT of shit that happens in the background that gets ignored in the ‘static’ of everything… I mean it is The Leviathan so I wouldn’t doubt if this is a regular thing that someone this time just happened to notice…
Either way you couldn’t pay me to be in D.C. or anywhere near that A.O. over the next week or two. Fuck that noise.
Moving on to the California Fires.
I got nothing for them. NONE of them.
North Carolina has been left to ‘die on the vine’ and people are still living in tents, in some seriously hostile environs, while the Hollywood Fucktards are bemoaning the losses of their mansions and shit…
Fuck Them
I got NOTHING for them except hatred and contempt.
This’s Gods way of saying “You get what you fucking deserve.”
MY only question about this is about the Homeowners Insurance companies. I mean damned near ALL of the Homeowners Insurance in that ENTIRE Area of Operations was cancelled like juuust before these raging blazes. Some have even said ‘suspiciously so’… With that in mind, should we start a Dead Pool on which CEO gets whacked first?
I mean there’s got to be another Luigi ‘waiting in the wings’ right? Seeing that total pay does not include End of Year bonuses, stock options and the perks of like private jets, limos and the like?
If –I– were one of those guys, I’d be locating to like Fiji or some other far away remote location.
I personally think a Dead Pool would be most appropriate. I’m not encouraging anything, nor condoning anything at all and none of this should be taken seriously as I’m just some rando-former DotMil Tard who like to blow smoke so to speak… That being said, I’m pretty good on knowing human nature, and I’m pretty damned sure that out there there’s at least one or two seriously pissed off former homeowners (now the owner of a pile of charred rubble) who are thinking bad and evil things to do to the CEO of whatever company they used to have their homeowners policy through…
How many people were affected? Like as of now some of the numbers I’m seeing are like 12000 homes at a minimum have been “Dresden’d”. All it takes is one motivated pissed off motherfucker… And according to some sources the top three companies that flat out denied claims from the 2023 fires were, in order, Farmers Insurance, which denied around 50 percent of claims for payment, and then USAA who denied 48 percent of claims, and lastly, Allstate Insurance, which denied 46 percent of claims. I’d say between denied claims and cancelled policies, and a bunch of pissed off folks, it’s quite the tinderbox they’ve built for themselves, no pun intended.
Jes’ Sayin’
And tomorrow I’ll be (hopefully) doing an unveiling of the newest project. No reveal until I have it ready to go, but it’ll be interesting, educational and y’all will dig it I’m sure.
So those are my thoughts. Let me know yours in the comments
More Later
Big Country
CA and Homeowners Insurance. No it was the Libtard Gov’t as usual.
Stolen from another article.
In 1988, California passed a law that forced insurance prices down by 20 percent, banned providers from using forecasts of future risk to set prices, and subjected all future price increases to government oversight. With rates severely decoupled from risk, the state saw extensive development in some very fire-prone areas. Then, after an exceptionally bad fire year in 2017, insurance providers tried to get approval to raise premiums to account for the high level of risk across the state. The government said no.
As a result, seven of the twelve largest home insurance providers pulled out of California. And that trend is continuing today.
The government of California had also tied the hands of insurance providers by restricting their ability to factor the cost of reinsurance into their rate calculations. You can think of reinsurance as insurance for insurance providers. These firms are structured to cover single houses burning down—not entire towns. So, they go to reinsurance providers to get covered in the event that many of their customers suddenly need to file claims at the same time. California did partially roll back this restriction a few weeks ago, but for many of those in the Palisades and Altadena who could not get insurance, it was already too late.
In true California government fashion, a new regulation was just rolled out that will legally require the few insurance companies who remain to provide coverage in high-risk areas if they want to continue doing business in the state. But, because of government price caps, these areas are unprofitable—which is why there’s no coverage. So, by pretending to address the problem while forcing insurance providers to take on economic losses, state officials risk driving even more providers to drop all their customers and pull out of the state entirely.
Thanks for the clarification. We’ve had a lot of Insurance shenanigans here in FL after the past few hurricanes.
Trauma experience?
You just harshed my mellow.
Having worked trauma and having been in a few V.A. s I can honestly say that those are the last places I would want to go to for serious issues.
UNLESS they are planning such a large scale event that any and all health care facilities would need to be impressed to help deal with the massive amount of casualties.
That sounds like a bombing event. The ultimate go to for cowards, feds and wanna be revolutionaries. (but I repeat myself)
Lots of replies under that talking about potential drone swarm attacks, especially since the Chinese Company that makes the DJI (the drone of choice by both the Krainians and Rus as anti-personnel/anti-armor) Mavics just removed the hard coded geofencing that prevented them from intruding on ‘blocked areas’ i.e. flight restricted airspaces… like Airports, power plants or say… an Inauguration? So if one does a software update, that geofencing gets removed, leaving a fully capable fly-anywhere Drone. Make of it what you will
A lot of the usual suspects have been rather quiet of late – Antifa, BLM, and “various and divers” other lefty groups are notable more for absence. There’s been a few mouthing off but I recall a lot more in the run up to the last inauguration. A sufficiently large bunch or riots and the aftermath would tax the local hospitals pretty thoroughly.
And you’re absolutely right. Personally I wouldn’t be anywhere near the place for the next week.
There was a blue a VW bus that survived the fire storm near Malibu. Everything around it burnt to a crisp. Ya’ll gotta a blue roof on your house?
If I remember correctly, that photo of the twin AR’s is gonna get someone’s chest or other bodily part in the Wringer. You can have a Gatling gun of any caliber under .50 or 12 ga and number of barrels but it must be hand cranked to be a non NFA toy. Put that drill on it and rutrow midnight knock incoming, unless you are a licensed class 2 Manufacturer.
If the Golden Golem has any sense or will listen to someone who can think, here is what he should do: At the Big Party in Virginia on Sunday, he should invite Justice Thomas. At 12:01 AM on 01/20/2025, have Justice Thomas administer the oath to him and JD Vance. Then he is officially the POTUS and the games can begin in earnest. The legions of exploding heads of the MSM and Marxist-Infanticide Party will be a spectacular event.
This is not unprecedented. When JFK got whacked, a federal Justice of the Peace administered the oath to LBJ on Air Force One. I have no doubt the false flag planned by the Deep State on Inauguration Day will fall flat. We are headed for Civil War, my friends. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
I remember ’63. It looked like Johnson didn’t dare leave Air Force 1 until he rescinded several things that JFK had set in motion.
I had been thinking of attending the shindig on the 20th, but having thought better of it, decided it wasn’t worth the risk. Even though it is probably the most important event of the century so far. I don’t seriously believe the swamp creatures would try anything on the day of. I don’t know who’s going to attend, as far as foreign muckitty mucks are concerned, but whoever shows up would likely have their own security teams. If something did happen to OMB, or a member of a foreign delegation by collateral damage, J6 is going to look like a grade school argument over a see saw.
medical care is starting this shit too.
went to pick up 89 y.o mamas pain meds today and the order was “canceled” by BCBS… huh? wha? so because it’s “a new year”…
huh? wha? yup. and now the farmicee losers said they only will give a 5 day supply when re-started huh? wha? used to get a 90 day then, a 30 day, now fucking 5??????? huh? wha? well, until they re-establish whatever…. i can’t fucking believe this bullshit. and if i want to pick any of it up in the morning i have to pay $150. instead of the usual 30 something $s. WTF? and maybe i’ll get reimbursed later. dr’s office same thing- no more scripts over the phone, must have office visit first. this woman pays for a “Cadillac” and is getting a fucking Yugo all of the sudden. i asked them if they all worship satan over there now? one word led to another, and the cunt hung up on me when i reminded her the entire public has a lot of animosity towards medical providers and insurers as of late. she later told mama tfA-t she would never speak to me again.. so. yeah, a lot of blowback coming their way soon enuff. i told everyone over 10 years ago on WRSA it was “time” and the conservative SF-Seel tough guys all said it wasn’t time yet.. well, me thinks it’s too late now…………………… enjoy.