So for once it’s not me!
Last Night, Gretchen was in the bathroom handling business. The pupper was out and ‘being a pupper’ running around, just clueless when she decided that doing the “I’ll weave in and around Mommy’s legs while she’s trying to get her drawers back on.“
Needless to say Gretchen attempted to do the whole ‘bob and dodge thing as well, Chili is still but a wee pupper. In the attempt, she rolled her ankle pretty badly.
So I ended up instead of blogging, I was now in ‘help the wife’ mode and have been in it since. Lots of ice, compression, an ace bandage to start with, and then I got her one of those gel-cast things. She said that that’s what she used when she’d roll her ankle when she did dance back in the day.
I’ll say thing, I ordered that sucker at like 7pm, and it was at the front door when I went to take Chili out at 0700. The box at the front door scared her to death as it ‘was out of the norm’ for her. She’s at that age where anything out of the norm scares her… typical pupper.
So that showed up, and this AM and after I ’emptied’ both doggos, when I went to put the brace on, her ankle was now black and blue and way more swollen up that the night before. I called the Orifice at People’s Glorious Tractor Factory #871 and told them I was clocking out to get Wifey to either the EER or the Urgent Care up the street.
She got in, and that went pretty quickly.
It was when she had to go on referral to the large-ish Medical Imaging place is where we ended up spending the remainder of the day. Like a 3, maybe 4 hour wait for the MRI.
And even worse, the results didn’t get back to us until about an hour ago (20:30+/-) so too late to do anything. Not that there’s much to do. Reading the ‘stuff’ she’s got 2x clean tears on the ligaments on the outside of her hoof:

AS I circled, specifically the Anterior talofibular and Calcaneofibular ligament(s).
Thankfully, surgery isn’t required.
However, it means I’m now reduced in ranks to “Body Servant” as she’s going to be bedridden and I’ll have to jump around. Between taking care of all the dogs, the cats, the cooking and cleaning, plus my ‘regular duties’ I’m going to be as busy as a one-legged motherfucker in an asskicking contest.
The only thing of specific note on the Poly-Ticks side of things is that one of my oldest friends, who literally has been a Absolute Hippy-Democrat for like his entire life has “rage-quit” the DemoncRats. This’ a guy who for years debated with me over the various ‘stuff’ going on ‘out there’. We’ve always been on polar opposite sides, but we’ve always respected each other and each others opinion. Like one of the few I’ve ever been able to get along with like that.
On Facebook, the current undemocratic “selection” of the. most. unpopular. woman. in. politics (outside of Killary) has him so pissed off that he’s now fanatically Pro-OrangeManBad…
For that matter he said that anyone who runs against the “Throat Goat” would get his vote, even if it was a fried-egg sammich. Now taking that into account, let’s just think about the math on that… That’s just one guy I know.
Word is there’s a couple of thousand just like him. And Twitter? The fucking ‘swing to the right’ is truly something to behold. Like crazy levels of ‘defections’. What is it they say? Something about an anti-gun/anti-self defense person who gets raped/robbed ‘suddenly’ becomes a fanatical pro-gun/pro 2A person?
Converts tend to swing far harder in the ‘new direction’
I.E. becoming damned near fanatical Converts.
So between the ‘reality’ of the Joetato becoming well and truly exposed, the media lies of the past 3-4 years become even MORE exposed, and now the ‘switcheroo’ to the Throat Goat?
Grabeth Le Popcorn.
Gotta go get the Wife some water w/ice
More Later
Big Country

Rolled both my ankles multiple times, figured it was just temporary and pressed on. Last one was painful enough after 5 weeks that I had it looked at – bad break already partially healed. Doc noted that it should have been splinted, as should the previous breakage in that and the other ankle. “Oh , and by the way, you’ve ruptured most of the ligaments in both ankles.
Glad you got her to real help. Good luck with the recovery. How long is it expected to take?
I did that and actually broke my foot. I hope she gets better soon that can be rough to recover from
Give Gretchen my best. It seems to be going around.
I’m recovering from shoulder surgery last Thursday. Been putting it off for 10 or 15 years. When they finally went in they had to scope me in 5 spots. Grand tally: 2 separate rotator cuff tears, nearly entirely detached bicep, bone spur, arthritis and bursitis removal.
Hasn’t been a week and I’m losing my mind.
“I’m going to be as busy as a one-legged motherfucker in an asskicking contest.”- Better hop to it!
“Insurance Policy” again?
8 inch boot has great ankle support.
Not at all feminine but excellent ankle support.
They do make some damn sexy boots for the ladies. Even a nice riding boot looks very sexy nice.
That last meme cracks me up.
That noise you just heard was Ernie departing at high speed.
Unfortumely those two ligaments will take the longest to heal… So, I guess the three legged race you had a hankering to do is canceled. Just keep heat and ice packs on at 15 minute intervals and have something supportive. Does she have crutches to take weight off the foot? I can see a self propelled little scooter in your future, might not be a bad idea as you two are getting up there in the Twilight Zone of old farts! Give my best to Miss Gretchen!
Now, liberals changing sides like I change my underwear, as soon as the winds tack around they will become raving leftist liberal commies, mark my words! I don’t trust them, can’t stand the smell of them and still wish them dropped down in the backside of Syria, let the Hamas and the Russians have play toys…
“Throat Goat.” Damn, that’s funny.
My blessed mother, a true blue FDR democrat and hates republicans is thinking about voting not-democratic.
Weird times.
By putting up THROATUS, the puppetmasters are throwing a Hail Mary to keep the next 4 years from being an interregnum, as she knows her place.
Sucks about Gretchen’s ankle. ‘S a real bitch because after the halfway point of recovery, the temptation to grin and bear it and stump around a bit becomes stronger every day.
won’t be long now..
Prayers for Gretchen and you,
My sister fell and hurt her ankle, went to the Doc and he said “Not broken, but you’re gonna wish it was. Cause those hurt tendons are more painful and takes longer to heal than breaks”
I don’t know if my sis had the same ones as Gretchen, but my heart goes out for you both.
ReHab SUCKS and takes too long for everyone involved.
On the Political side, No one mentions the fact that the Puppet has changed but the one (or Several) that are really running the show. According to our make believe Laws:
Those running the show are Guilty of TREASON, and those who just shit canned millions of Primary votes so they could upgrade their candidate are Guilty of a Coup.
My Biggest worry tho is this: Both Political Parties are FINE with The Demented Kid Diddler being left as the Puppet Head of our Government and a finger over the Nuke Button. The only way this makes sense is if the Politicians KNOW that Pedo Joe is safely Locked up, or even more safely…decomposing in the Rose Garden.
I’ve seen side by side pics of the guy that gave the speech yesterday in DC and he wasn’t Pedo Joe.
MSG Grumpy
Yup, the “for better or worse” part of getting hitched can toss up some doozies.
Hope ye wife recovers well and quick.
And remember “in vino veritas” for both.
That last meme was the darkest one yet, I like it. Some more trickling out on the Retardus Ass’sasin is that he was being bankrolled by a Swiss Billionaire. Why haven’t we seen any pics of the parents? Or legal docs, mortgage, bank acct’s, jobs, living locations? They can do a reverse azimuth shooter location in 10 minutes but in two weeks there’s no back round info. Smells like the Las Vegas shooter intervention (who also had ties to the Swiss billionaire).
And one more thing, who is running the country? Inquiring minds want to know.
A 20 year old with 3 offshore accounts is sumthin.
Would it matter if you knew… Would you do anything different if they told you it was a bunch of people that hate you and want you dead as fast as possible…
I rolled an ankle years ago, while stepping down from the tracks of an excavator. It made a loud pop, and for about a minute, my ankle was completely numb. Then the pain started, so I went home, crawled into the house, and went to the doctor the next morning, which pissed off my boss. I guess I was supposed to just suffer, while his worker’s comp rates stayed low. Since the doc was an osteopath, the method of treatment was to nut it out, and take sodium naproxen like candy…which I did.
It took about six months for my ankle to not feel like a rubber band was failing, and not having to worry about stepping wrong. It still aches on some cold days. Reading on the internet tells me there were better ways for treatment, but it worked anyway.
So, your significant other is lucky someone that cares enough to help. My ex-wife didn’t give a shit about my ankle, and would have been pissed if I couldn’t keep on working and bringing her home some money to spend at the casino.
We – in about all the metrics of “we” – need to focus, because the ‘shiny toys’ of distraction will appear in a much accelerated cadence for the rest of this year, for sure. Trump gets shot. Joe steps out of the race. Kamala steps up and in. Iran may interfere. Bibi is going to speak. Congresscritters protest about it… Russians and Chinese fly more probing sorties against our air defenses…
And it is hotter than fuck, too early in the summer.
My hope and prayer is “we” put blinders on for focus, keep our heads down, and finish up the (hopefully) few things “we” have to do, to be as ready as we can for the fucking they’re going to try and give us; whether it’s food, ammo, hardening your current base or relocation to a more defensible one. Because as sure as sunset they’re going to try and fuck us. I strongly recommend and encourage you to be ready to fuck back, hard and repeatedly.
There’s going to be a fight. A vicious, brutal, merciless one.
Let’s win.
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Pentagon Looks to Rescind 20 Medal of Honor Awards Given to Soldiers in the 1890s.
Go to Walmart and get her some Arnica gel. Rub it on the bruised area 3-4 times every day. It helps reduce pain swelling and inflammation. A friend that spent 30 years in France told me about it last year when an airbag tried to rip my arm off and destroyed about 1/2 of my right bicep. It works. They also make the same stuff in the form of those tiny little homeopathic sugar tablets that you dissolve under your tongue. The brand name is Boiron, I think.
Don’t know if it’ll help at all with the ligaments. It’s awesome for bruising though.
Agree wirh Bob.
Yes, the brand is Boiron. (Bwah-RONN)
Arnica gel (or salve) really does work.
Also Bob is correct about Arnica in “tablet” format.
Go online to Boiron US site and get 3-4 (or more) vials of 30C and /or 200c of Arnica.
No side effects. Things that are all-natural CAN work.
Thing about Arnica “tabs” is that you need to stay consistent; probably 2-3x per day in the beginning until pain subsides.
Great suggestion, Bob!
Also– I am using some homeopathic remedies (that’s what they’re called) for something.
I started early July with the remedies and stayed consistent on my dosing. I expected nothing to change before the 4-6 week mark.
It’s only been 3 weeks and I am seeing and feeling a difference.
Highly recommend at least trying it.
And it’s affordable and NOT allopathic!
My wife is going thru something similar but in her wrist not her ankle. The tore a ligament in a crazy accident moving a desk out of the way. Had surgery to get it reattached.
It’s going to take nine more weeks of painful rehab to GRT it sorted out if it can be sorted out. She is a shoemaker and leather worker. That arm is what she uses to cut and sew leather and pound nails so she is unable to create anything at the moment.
Im hoping the rehab goes faster. Right now I have to open jars and slice meat for her as its too painful for her to do it.
We’re all in this in sickness and in health so when the Mrs is down we gotta pick I up the slack for our honey.