Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Going to be a cop-out poast tonight. Lotsa memes. I’m a four-fingered typist… never learned how to ‘properly type… the two index fingers and both thumbs. Earlier I was working on one of my many side projects for the house when I managed to cut open the top left index finger.
Two stitches later and I’m good.
Pissed me off though as I -should- have or rather thought I had the gear onhand to deal with such minor surgical inconveniences. Turns out I’m alllllll out of surgical silk and needles. Got me the surgical staple gun(s) but zero silk.
Add on I completely overlooked the Liquiband Skin glue in my rather large Medical Preps.

It’s glorified Superglue… sterile and whatnot. I can NOT believe I overlooked that one. So it was off to the up-the-street Urgent Care for a VACCN visit. The girl who did the work was quick, professional and did a great job. To the point that she hooked me up with a hand full of them lil HIGHLY useful tools ‘under the table’ so to speak.
So, yeah typing hurts for now as the lidocaine wore off, and now Ye Olde Pointy-finger is sore as a mo’fo. I’ll just be throwing some memes, and deuces at the end.

More Later
Big Country God speed and good tidings. Sincerest hopes that you find what you are looking for and return to us able to stick it to the man.
FIFY, Big Guy.
Best wishes on your finger.
Oooh! Some of those were narsty, keep them coming and get well quick dude.
if it’s too good to be true..
you really think leaving is a wise choice?
12 million illegals will grab preplaced weapons to kill Americans and coordinate via Mayorkas’s invasion app
Be careful, you want to go to warzone.
Best of luck and many prayers!