Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So, now I got ONE out of the two items in that’s up for grabs via a raffle. A single $10 puts you in the running for both items. DM me if you want to mail in the entry to my bce187th@protonmail dot com email, and I can send you a mailing addy. The first item:

Now, this’s also a handy little piece of helpful gear. Not a lot of folks are aware of it, because as far as I know, it was never directly marketed or sold to the public. This particular one is mine. The one that’s up for grabs is brand new in the box.
And as Jack Burton would say: “What’s in the bag Egg?”
Well, let me show you:

This is the Gerber eFECT M-4 Tool.
A Multi use tool designed for a troop, probably by a troop judging from just how useful it is. It’s compatible with Otis Cleaning kits, which has the contract to make the cleaning kits for the DotMil. For those of you who might still be serving, the NSN (national stock number) is 5120-01-578-4888 if you can get your supply guy to order a few. That’s how I got mine. It came out in 2008, and mine was gifted to me by a Supply SSgt from one of the Reserve Units I was doing weapons for.
Now, it’s got six tools that are all folded up inside:

It features a positive locking bar on each side (those little tabs on the body of the tool) that run through the body itself. The tools are as follows (pic stolen from a surplus sales website):

As you can see, it’s got a Carbon Scraper, which I don’t use that frequently. The pin punch is handy, as well as the brush and Otis Pick tool. My most-used tool has been the front-sight post tool (FSP for brevity now). Anyone who was ever in the DotMil utterly despised the front sight post. IMO that’s the worst part of the original design of Eugene Stoner’s (PBUH) epic rifle.

I think every person who ever had to fuck around with that thing pre-multitool cursed the thing. You need a nail, or even worse, in a pinch, a live round to push down the spring loaded front sight detent (that lil pin on the right side of the sight itself in the pic above.) BECAUSE it’s spring loaded, you have to push DOWN and at the same time -try- to spin the sight around.
Honestly, it made for a miserable experience in the Army, because you were firing as time between sight adjustments versus live fire was very short, and if you needed a LOT of front sight adjustment? Yeah, it sucked. This tool resolves all of those issues. It ‘snaps on’ to the font sight via 4 little ‘teeth’ that compresses the detent pin, as well as grabbing on via the other remaining three holes:

And yeah, as you can see, it’s removable. It’s held in place by a pretty good magnet. Some of the early-early models the FSP tool could be flipped over, and had a 5 point pin for the waaay early M-16A1 FSP. Those have gone to the wayside as I don’t think there are -any- A1 uppers left now… I could be mistaken however as I did back in the day come across some made-in-1968 Hydramatic Lowers that were still in service.
Let’s face it, an AR IF properly cared for will last a long, long time. Not sure if it’s as robust as an AK long term, as I’ll leave that to the Gungeeks and Toobers to argue it out, but you know what I’m saying.
The little Otis Pick is useful as well, if you need to get into the nooks and crannies during a detailed cleaning.

I had to put it on a white piece of paper and use some illum to get that pic to come out. It’s really a dental pick that screws onto the tool, and is replaceable. In fact the little brush is replaceable if you wear it out. As you can see, I’ve kind of beaten on mine a bit, but that’s what it’s for.
Now, as to price?
All depends on where you look.
eBay is running about $50 for a used one, and some of the surplus sites out there?

Well… I suppose gouging is still a thing…
That’s a mite high IMO. I suppose it’s because it wasn’t sold to the public and that it’s now been discontinued. Which is a shame because really, you don’t need a hell of a lot more of a small in-the-field mini-gun centered multitool
So yeah. I have that for the raffle, and I’m still waiting on the other item:

I’m waiting on Surefire to get it to me.
It’s the White/Red Primary with IR Blinker. Also New in the Box. When it gets in, I’ll make sure I announce it. I was told it’d be here NLT Saturday, but what with the Holiday and whatnot, I got Gretchen’s Christmas gift that’s been delayed now twice and what with the general fucked-uppedness of the world today, I’ll be happy if it gets here before Christmas.
Another thing too, is Coffee Brand Coffee who’s a sponsor here (link/button on the side) got in a WHOLE PILE of new flavors for Christmas, as well as some pretty good snack-type stuff. If you use the code “NTJ” (Name The Jew) it’s 10% off your order and yes, I do get a ‘taste’…
After all, I’m at the second anniversary at Peoples Glorious Tractor Factory, and I still haven’t gotten a raise. I was promised that it was put in for, but I haven’t seen it yet. As they say, things are tough all over, and every little bit helps. SO, if you are entertained here, feel free to visit the links on the right as it can help out both myself, as well as some of the smaller businesses like D-RMOR Gear who’s a small self-run owner/maker of some really quality gear.
The Paypal Link on the right (which is tiny for some reason, gonna have to fix that) is the Donate Button. Use that and make sure I have a good mailing addy. Figure I’ll run this until Christmas Day? I don’t want to mail it out before as the odds of the prize(s) getting lost around this time of year is a bitch… let me know what you think in the comments
Now I got to run pick up Gran#1 for the Holiday… Gonna be a busy couple of weeks as she’s out of school, and -I- have to make an early Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow ‘cos we’re going to Gretchen’s parents to ‘do’ both my B-Day and T-Day all at the same time.
More Later
Big Country

That meme a lie. I dont’t see the obligitory wood chipper.
I was gifted a Leatherman MUTT. There are a lot of great, multipurpose AR tools out there. IIRC, that Gerber isn’t terrably heavy.
I’m a civilian who as seen the Geerber eFECT tool. I got one of those from Amazon in 2015. I didn’t use it a lot because I soon discovered the Gerber MP600 Sight Tool that has a similar sight post tool. The MP600 is what I carry in my range bag.
The ultimate leatherman.
Useful items only now as the time for making good commies is coming!
The CPUSA (D) and worthless enablers Grand Old Politburo will do away with the offenders list before too long?
The glowy worms won’t help anyone and we are on our own.
Good, good.
The Leatherman has a lot of capablity that you just cannot find anyplace else.
My only complaints are that it is a bit heavy, mine is an EOD so I dont have all of the always useful pliers, and i wish it had the interchangeable saws of the Charge.
It does come with a front sight tool/3/8 wrench that slides into the case. I bought a full set of punches too
All in all it is great tool.
IF (and a Big if it is) I win this, this will be the fourth Gerber to grace my toolbox.
I have one Gerber multitool with the slide out blunt nose pliers, black, dot mil issued
A second Gerber multitool, stainless, slide out needle nose pliers.
A Gerber Gator serrater knife (“First Issue”). ((love it))
ANyway, enough with the toolbox inventory.
I just dropped two dimes into the PP Donate. I want to have only ONE raffle ticket.
Use the other dime on the Gran Bebes. Or to keep the ‘lectricity on.
Whatever. But just ONE raffle ticket.
Happy Thanksgiving to a’y’all out there.
Ultimately, it’s all about the Family, and giving Thanks to The Creator Above who Blesses us every day, with every breath.