A “Tell”, Krainian Chicks and Tentacle Porn

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Well, talk about nailing it so to speak.

Link to the article HERE
I mean talk about telegraphing it. The money quote:

“”I want to talk about Governor Newsom Nuisance. I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man,” Biden said Wednesday during a welcome reception for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders in San Francisco. “Matter of fact, he could be anything he wants. He could have the job I’m looking for.” (Bold/Underline mine)

I.E. The (p)Residency.
Talk about telegraphing the ‘punch’…

Hoo Boy… that’s the very last thing we need. (p)Resident Goblin “Hairgel” Nuisance as the Big Cheese. I mean that would be the “End” for real if that fucktard gets in there. The only person stupider and useless would be Fetterman. In fact I’d say because the list of ‘negatives’ attached to ole Goblin’s Resume, the only way they can get ‘their guy’ (meaning the deep state scum) in there at the top of the heap, is to drop Kamel Hoe, and install him in a position to take over when ‘Weekend at Biden’s’ comes to it’s unavoidable conclusion.

Change My Mind.

Then on somewhat seriously fucked up news, two things I found. One is from the Kraine. It’s a twatter file, but hey, get the news where you can I suppose… a lil NSFW warning on it, as it’s got corpsicles and blood and shit in it… front line battlefield footage that IMO is really fucked up:

Even at the worst-of-the-worst times, the Germans didn’t use chicks on the front lines… Medics? Yes… Hell everyone has females in a medic role.

But as a front-line Grunt?
That’s seriously fucked up
Women are supposed to be protected as the child bearing future. They’re NOT supposed to be fighting in the trenches, nevermind getting blown away… This particular nasty lil war is going to go down in Modern History as one of the most fucked up ones. And Krainfeld? IF they, the Krainians themselves, when and IF they ever wake the fuck up, Krainfeld’s Kokaine Snorting Hebrew Ass is going to get the Mussolini treatment if he’s lucky.

Now, another one, this unfortunately I could find the one I saw before with the translation on it, but this one is a sort-of happy ending compared to that first one :

Couple of other places have been showing it, and the whole “This’s fake! It’s Putin Propaganda!”
My question is why would they fake this? I mean the Krainians themselves have said that they’re putting chicks on the front lines. As Simplicius has been saying, the Krainians have burned through three complete Armies so far. And judging from the prisoners I’ve been seeing in a LOT of videos, the folks that they’ve been capturing are a LOT of guys older than me, a bunch of what appear to be drug addicts and literally the bottom-of-the-barrel people that the Commissars can grab up.

In fact I find it very telling that the “Recruiters” are all in shape, healthy Rear Echelon MotherFuckers (where the term “REMF”, comes from in the Army) who look like -they- haven’t missed many meals, and are driving some nice vehicles… One I saw was in an H3 Hummer… being a recruiter must be good duty yannow whut I mean? Safe, Fat and Happy.

For Now.

But yeah… Moving on to something a bit funnier.

Seems that the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den can’t keep his feet out of his fucking mouth. When he isn’t fellating his Lord and Master Winny Xi Puh, he’s fucking up so horrifically, it’s utterly hilarious. Not even ten minutes after his meeting with his Boss was done, he came right out and called Winny a ‘dictator’…
And someone caught Blinken’s face and made this:

So someone put that together
Seeing that reaction is great. However, it also is a bit telling. All the folks who’ve been talking about ‘the power behind the Throne’ and whatnot… the ‘Dark Cabal’ or whatever the name of the week is these days… to me? Blinken’s reaction tells me that despite all the programming and whatever, that they still do not have complete control, especially when their sock puppet is out in public… you can see the horror and realization that the Kidsniffer went fully off script and straight into “Full Retard” mode.

Which is the way I like it.
Let chaos reign supreme. ANYTHING that fucks them up or impedes them in whatever grift they got going on, I’m all in for.

Let it fucking burn baby… all the way to the fucking ground.

Then, another thing I found and this took me a while to ‘get’ so to speak. All sorts of folks on Gab started doing all these octopus poasts… like MAD amounts which confused the fuck out of me until I did a bit more of a deeper dive. Seems our Favorite Fetal Alcohol Baby, Greta Thunberg made some sort of statement or something regarding Gaza, and there was a stuffed toy octopus… a plushy of some form there in the background of her poast.

Methinks they doth protest too much.

It goes back to, as stated above if you can’t read it: “…Nazi propaganda depicted Jews as tentacled octopuses using their arms to manipulate finance, media, and politics.”

Your point?

They’re getting waaaay out of hand with this whole “Oy Vey we’re soooo oppressed!!!” they scream as they’ve dropped over 25,000 tons of high explosives on mostly women and children while levelling Gaza. So, my answer?

If I still lived in ‘colder climes’ I’d hanker to get one for myself… even if it wasn’t to annoy the ever living shit out people. I think the Blue and White one like the one pictured is rather cool any which way, no matter what the motivation is.

Then again, I do have a ‘thing’ for hats…

And speaking of Gaza…
That hospital? The one that the Israelis have been saying has a HUGE underground facility? Yeah… seen a lot of “How do we know that’s true?” Well according to TableMag dot com, the ‘secret’ Hamas HQ bunker?

They know about it because the Israelis fucking BUILT it.
Looks like back in 1983 when the Israelis still ‘owned’ that particular piece of turf, they built this as part of the defense needs of the IDF at the time. When they gave Gaza to the Palestinians, well… Hamas took over the already-standing and set up area…

“The Israelis are so sure about the location of the Hamas bunker, however, not because they are trying to score propaganda points, or because it has been repeatedly mentioned in passing by Western reporters—but because they built it. Back in 1983, when Israel still ruled Gaza, they built a secure underground operating room and tunnel network beneath Shifa hospital—which is one among several reasons why Israeli security sources are so sure that there is a main Hamas command bunker in or around the large cement basement beneath the area of Building 2 of the Hospital”

Telling you, everything these days is sooooo Fake and Ghey
Go Figure.
Going to have to do the gearpoast tomorrow… apologies for that… damned thing –still– hasn’t come in like it was supposed to… got a new notification that said-gear isn’t going to be here until tomorrow, so I’ll hit it then.

So I’m off to make dinner
More Later
Big Country

13 thoughts on “A “Tell”, Krainian Chicks and Tentacle Porn”

  1. Man walks down the street wearing a hat like that, people know he’s not afraid of anything.
    Likely not verbatim, but I did it off memory.

  2. We have enough women now so deeply imbedded in our combat arms that we cannot expect to have a serious fight with anyone and not lose a lot of them. The mostly low intensity/low casualty wars we have engaged in since 1980 have set the expectation that we can beat other people up with minimal losses, and if we do need to fight in the mud, the grunts will have all the supporting fires anyone could ask for. I think those days are over. Women aircrew will be shot down, captured, and abused for the cameras, and the American heaps of dead in some trench will have more then a few obvious women in the pile. When this happens, the Communists will still call it wonderful.

    1. Wait for the reeeeeeee from all the feminist when women are told that they have to register for SS the same as men. If men have any privalege (and they really do not) it is because we are the ones who are asked, no demanded, to die to protect.

      In Ukraine women are now “equal” to men. Ukraine is the endgame of feminizm, they just don’t know or would aknowlage it.

      Real men never wanted this and find it horrifying (as I do), but i am less bothered by this than I think I would have been 15 years ago.

      I hope to God this madness stops before my daughter grows up.

      1. Every time I get anywhere near a conversation about wimmens and equality, I make it a point to bring up the draft. Man, does the room get cold in a hurry.

        1. You see the same reaction when wyminsk demand that something be done about their under-representation in certain professions. If you tell them that Garbage man is a male dominated profession and they are welcome to piece of that action any time they like, they usually STFU.

  3. Three GD armies, I mean holy Jesus, even Private Pyle could get something right with three armies.
    And just what territory did they take, not even the first line of defense? WTF is this?
    Pregnant womens, why you unorganized amphibian grabasstic pieces of subhuman shit.
    Disappear scumbags!

  4. This has some possibilities. Picture this, an old b.u.f.f dude wearing one of those, in a hi viz coat, (it’s winter, ya know), kinda shufflin down ANY street, anywhere. Muttering and throwing a “Shut up, muthafukka” out there kinda loud. It they try to talk to you, just say, “you can see me”? FUUUUUCK! Then grabyour head and tell them to “shut up”!!!! Bark, and continue on your way.

  5. Ahhhhhhhh.

    It’s so relaxing and satisfying. Even Colonel MacGregor is noticing and naming the jew now. The media slobs can no longer stifle it. I am expecting a similar Kraine-level debacle in Gaza.

    Up here in Canada, the doings there riled up the mud flaps, and they hounded our faggot faced Prime Minister as he tried to eat his supper at a restaurant!!!

    My enemies are going to start turning on each other and tearing themselves apart in earnest soon.

  6. It’s rather funny that the MSM amplifies anti-Jew voices and stifles pro-Jew voices yet they call Trump “Literally Hitler”. lol

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