Greetings and Salutations!
The ‘Grrrr’ part of the story. The gauges showed up today from Reamer Rental. As promised, it was a set of ‘Go’/’No Go’ gauges in 7x57mm:

Now… you can guess what happened….
Hence the ‘Grrrr’ in the title.
Problem is I’m hesitant to call this a complete failure.
My rationale for this is the red gauge as you see is plainly marked both with red paint, as well as the specifications of the gauge itself. The ‘theoretical Go gauge’ has NO paint and no markings.
Now granted they’re damned near the same size and all, but my worry is that the ‘Go’ gauge here is a field gauge. Field gauges are used, as they’re named in the field for a ‘rough estimate’ of “Is it safe to use this thing or not?” sort of situation. That’s the gauge I got for the Lee Enfield, and as I found, close enough is good enough, leastways speaking on the Lee Enfield.
Now on the ‘Unmarked Gauge’ it passed no problem. It seated nicely, the bolt closed w/no issue and hey, Good to go.
The problem or I should say in my personal experience is what happened with the obvious and well-marked ‘No Go’ gauge. I fed it into the chamber, closed the bolt, and about midway into closing the bolt, it caught. Got a wee bit hung up. Which is what a No Go gauge should do.
Then it ‘broke’ without too much resistance, and closed completely on the gauge.
According to specs, the No Go gauge should not be able to close like that. However I’ve seen ‘close but not close enough’ gauging like this to make me think it might be ‘In Spec’ at least for now. I’m going to see when the new bolt gets here and if the same issue pops up, well then, I’ll play it by ear.
Either way, it’s getting the string test out at Cowboys in the very near future.
If it doesn’t blow up, then Huzzah!
If it does? Well hey I tried.
And then moving on to the next point of business.
Everyone who’s been closely following the Krain Situation has been wondering WTF is going on. The ‘usual suspects’ have been on and on and on about how the Russians are s-l-o-w-l-y working their way West. They take the lack of speed as if this was some sort of sign that the Russians are still on the ‘back foot’ when in reality, they’re going slowly because they can.
I’m not going to argue numbers, as every asshole has an opinion. The thing of it is, lately even the High Command in the Krain are screaming about the lack of bodies left to harvest to stuff into the Front Lines, and that if things don’t change, they’re utterly fucked within six months.
As far as Russian Numbers go, put it into perspective. Per the Goolag AI: “According to most historical records, around 8.7 million Russian soldiers (part of the Soviet Union) died during World War II, though some estimates place the number slightly higher, with the majority of these deaths occurring on the Eastern Front against Nazi Germany.”
That was from June 22, 1941 until the end of the war, with the fall of Berlin in May 2, 1945. That’s about 1410 days +/- from the start of the German invasion of Russia, until the end of the Battle of Berlin.
Russia invaded the Krain on February 24, 2022. As of today, that was 1072 days ago +/-, with it still ongoing.
In a slightly longer timeframe
A profligate use/waste of manpower.
And back then, the Russians could afford it.
These days? Not so much. After WW2, and the various ‘issues’ population-wise (birth/death rate) Russia does not have the manpower to waste like Stalin did. Putin is going for ‘conservation of force/power’ IMO. It also keeps the ‘regular folks’ from getting too antsy about combat losses, especially when one realizes how truly massive the landmass of Russia is. People in Moscow probably rarely hear about “Siberian DotMil Member Casualties” and vice-versa amiright?
These days, I should say, Russia as a whole over all? They do have the manpower available but VodkaManBad prefers not to utilize it, as, for now, it’s not an existential issue.
If it were?
I guarantee VodkaManBad would have no problem reinstating a full on draft and putting a metric fuckton of cannon fodder in boots if needed. As of now? They’ve had all the volunteers they need, enough to equip six divisions. That are all currently in reserve. That doesn’t count the ‘regular’ 18 divisions they have at the ready.
To give you an idea, the entirety of the US Army, in total is 10 active duty divisions and a total of 8 National Guard divisions available. And that’s a best case scenario.
According ‘good sources’ including some I know personally, they say that the Russians have had about 450,000 to 600,000 Killed and Wounded in total IRL. The KIA for the Rus is about 450k+/- which are the plus/minus the real numbers that the professionals have figured out.
This in comparison to the Krainians, who as of now, and utilizing some of the same exact sources, in addition to some unclassified NRO pics of the expansion of Military Graveyards in the Krain, there’s the possibility of upwards of a million dead and wounded on the Krainian side. Call it 750-800k dead. Wounded? About 200-350k+/-. A lot of that from numbers from various prosthetic companies providing new arms and legs to the Krainians…
That’s a 2 or 3 to 1 ratio.
And if you decide to add in POW exchanges, and go by the corpse-exchanges, the numbers increase dramatically regarding the number of Krainian dead. Like 15 to 1. Prisoner exchanges run about the same at about 15-25 to 1 (Krainian to Russian). The problem is that no one on the Krainian side can afford to let the IRL numbers out, at all.
‘Cos that’d be a hangin’ for Krainfeld and his Klown Krew.
Hell, officially, they still claim only 60000 KIA!!!
In fact as of late, there’s been quite a bit of ‘leakage’ regarding MASSIVE protests of ‘regular Krainian’ women’ protesting “What happened to our men?” as many of them have had no word from their husbands/brothers/kinfolk in over a year. Whereas in Russia, where OUR media, the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have yet to see such events.
Now those who say “Well the Russians are stopping the flow of information!!!” Really?
Enough with the naivete. A determined reporter these days sure as fuck can get a story out, no matter how hard, just as they did in the much lower-tech world 20 years ago. God know there’s a metric shitpot of ‘roving reporter cams’ out there, as well as everyday folks with cell-phone cams who’d eagerly ‘take up the cause’ and shoot negative vidya of the Russians if it was available. If anything, uncovering such info would be on the front Headlies of every. single. newspaper. in the West in less than 24 hours.
Much like the claims of the ‘meat assaults’ the Russians were supposedly doing, unarmed, with shovels, to no avail towards the Valiant and Upstanding ‘Defenders of Muh Democracy!’ The Krainians. That the ignorant and unarmed ‘orcs’ were butchered in ‘wholesale lots’ by the Krainians. The problem is that in this day and age of Go-Pro and the like? If the Krainians had such footage, it would have been on the International News 24-7 for weeks.
Alas… no such critter exists.
There -IS- plenty of footage out there of the body-recovery teams, Russian recovery teams, policing up both their own as well as the Krainian corpses from the battlefield. In fact invariably, the majority of the ‘rotting dead’ I’ve seen have been Krainian, not Rus. In fact part of my disgust for the Krainians is that a HUGE amount of video I’ve seen are from Krainians openly abandoning their dead AND wounded as soon as “Mister Drone” starts making a concerted effort to hit them. To me? There’s nothing more dishonorable than abandoning a wounded comrade on the battlefield… and that’s from THEIR videos… never mind the plethora of Rus vids showing the same.
And for those of you who want to say I’m ‘Pro’ VodkaManBad?
Nope. Ain’t got as dog in that particular hunt. I’m just interested in this war from a purely academic point of view. I will admit the tenacity of VMB in holding power the way he has, and how he brought Russia back from the bring of extinction. Otherwise, getting to watch a tech-leap at this level in real time? Priceless.
OTOH: Shit like this has made me exceptionally happy I’m no longer ‘in the game’ as being a unarmored grunt these days?
Hard Fucking Pass thankee very mucho.
Otherwise, the drone warfare has been utterly fascinating. The fact that people utterly refused at first to believe that COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Drones were doing what they did, and then the aftereffects of specifically designed drones that were made to bust tanks/bunkers and what have you… the fact that anyone ever believed anything that the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been spewing for the past two-three years regarding losses and strengths on each side?
This’s the same exact media who said January 6th was an “Insurrection”. In that “…three to four police were killed in line of duty!” on January 6th. These same exact assholes are telling you that the Krain is ahead and winning numerically????
Which brings me to the commentary from the Head of the Krainian Gestapo, Kiril Budanov, or as I call him “Thugface”:

Yeah… this asshole.
I will say that yes I’m biased AF against this fuck.
IMO He’s evil.
He’s the one who’s been behind a lot of exceptionally shady shit that I have issues with. Considering he even looks like a douche, and acts like it? Yeah, I got nothing for him.
There was a leak recently from a meeting of the Krainian parliament. Seems Thugface stated, and it was leaked, that “Someone asked him: ‘How much time do we have left?’ He responded, with his signature cold smile: ‘If there are no serious negotiations by summer, very dangerous processes could begin for the very existence of Ukraine.’”
This to me is worrisome.
This is a guy who has pushed for attacking kindergartens.
This is a guy who wants drone production moved to schools (K-12) because it might keep the Russians from bombing them to avoid a bad PR event…
This is a guy who has pushed for the most rabid elements of the Krainians to ‘do their worst’ against Russia and has been a major player so to speak in a huge number of atrocities.
That ‘signature cold smile’ to me is not a normal reaction.
A smile like that, and knowing the type? (Pure Sociopath IMO)
MY worry is this joker has something up his sleeve.
He’s been devious as fuck so far
Downright evil as I said if you’ve been following this war like I have. It makes my hair stand up on end, because not only did I read this in ONE article, but there have been multiple articles that have said that this motherfucker seemed very content in saying that within six months ‘the existence of Ukraine’ is questionable….
Guys like this are fanatics.
THIS fukkin’ guy in particular.
Which makes me personally believe he’s willing to ‘burn the world down’ rather than have the Russians win. Lord knows they’ve (the Krainians) been trying for months (and as of late) have been ramping up the BIG drone attacks on nuclear power plants all over Russia (those that are within range) as well as the ones all over the Krain itself. Big Drones in that they’ve taken to using Cessna sized Aircraft, rigged for remote control, and packed with HE.
IMO that’s fucking madness either way…
…the Krain already lost HOW many thousands of square miles due to Chernobyl going ‘full retard’ and yet assholes like this guy and his fucking ilk are actively trying to have a repeat performance!?!
So forgive the hyperbole, but when a guy with the ‘yank’ this asshole has goes and says with a self satisfied smirk that “…in six months nothing will matter” (which is how I read it) that shit makes me feel like that’s ‘nervous-making’…
I mean there’s been rumors for a loooong minute that all the Krainian Nukes (the Russian ones stationed in the Krain back in the day) were not accounted for? Yeah… this asshole worries me. He’s just fucking whacked enough to do something that fucked up.
Food for thought.
Yours in the comments. Am I wrong? My intel-analysis antenna is buzzing, so let me know what you think.
More Later
Big Country