Greetings and Salutations!
Ok… ended up with the Redhead here overnight at the last minute. Not a big deal… just literally unexpected. Not a big deal. She goes back to school in a week? Maybe two? No idea as the school schedule here in Florida has me all jacked up from my memories from grade skool in New Hampster.
We usually didn’t go back until the first, maybe the second week of September. Usually a week after Labor Day. That being said however, up in the “Great White North of Frigid Climes” we got released faaaaar later than they do here. Like around early June. Mainly a ‘heat related thing’ I figure. Meaning my guess is the School systems down here don’t want to pay the extortionist power bills to keep the AC on in the extreme summer months… and I can’t say I blame them.
Down here they don’t have to deal with ‘Make-Up Days’ which is like when the Blizzard of 76 came through, and we were out of school for a month plus… THAT year I remember for oh-so-many-reasons, to include the fact that we didn’t get out of school until right before the 4th of July… and then we had the shortest summer break ever.
Not like we were actually learning anything amiright?
I mean no idea on Hurricane Day-Losses but snow days went against us overall… there was a mandatory-minimum amount of school days that we positively had to attend… which lead to shit like 2.5 months of a Shortened Summer… >Le Sigh<
On To Other interesting notes for tonight:
In this case we’ll focus on the Krainian Klown Kar Show starring Krainfeld and all his Krew. Apparently they caught the Rooskies with their pants down in Kursk of all places…
An interesting development to say the least.
As you can see by this map:

(h/t The Busker)
The Krainians launched a pretty significant assault INTO Russia itself. Got to say IMO, pretty fucking ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy.
I’m sure this has a LOT to do with the current (mal)Administration, or lack that thereof, and Kumala The Word Salad Queen and Cumdumpster Supreme starting to get ‘rocky’ on the campaign trail because of her major misfire regarding her pick of “NottaJew” Commie-Wannabe TamponTimmy, the Stolen Valor Buddyfucker. You know… that fucking Goy who let the nogs burn Minneapolis for 4 days without sending in his own units to regain control of the ‘mostly peaceful noggershines’?
Yeah… that fucker.
The timing of this is highly suspect per usual…
Considering how the Krainians have been getting the ever loving shit kicked out of them on the regular and getting regularly pushed back, village by village since that ‘failed offensive in June? July? In the majority of cases (Oye vey so many such cases!) part of the issue is a distinct lack of trained personnel. Not that the recruiters haven’t been trying to catch ‘absconders from service’:
Zero Idea if this’s legit.
However if it is?
Run Free Young Man, Run Free….
Yeah, the conscription over there has gotten retarded.
Seems the front has zero trained cadre.
I.E. combat veterans… or long time professional NCOs
This is a thing of badness.
That being said, despite the current troop allocation-situation, the Krainians did manage to spring a “gotcha” on Ivan. According to some of my sources, part of the “how” they managed to do it, it that “someone” hacked the traffic cameras ALLLLLLL around the entirety of the now-fighting for Area of Operations in Russia. And let me tell you, they’re like Britian in that there’s a LOT of traffic/speed and in general cameras everywhere… From what I heard the Krainians spent the past couple of months watching ALL of them int he area they attacked in… Because of this, The Krainians had a massive intel advantage in that because of this they knew exactly the timing of the Border Guards relief, as well as IF there was any sort of “Regular DotRusMil” movements in the area.
Apparently there weren’t.
Seems they only had some conscripts and Border Patrol in that A.O….that and a couple of half-assed minefield which apparently didn’t do shytte Aye?
Somebody’s head should roll.
Putin himself on the video conference reporting on the incursion itself that I watched looked exceeding displeased with the situation

And yeah…
It’s that bad
LOTS of local displaced folks all around the area. Back in the day, civvies didn’t have the ability to in-real-time stream their complaints about shit like this… since this “Reverse Uno Card Invasion” happened, people who’re fully on the run from the Krainians with just the clothes on their backs have taken to Twatter and the like to express their extreme displeasure at the situation.
My guess is Gerasimov is on borrowed time
He done fucked up, and is the current (for now) ‘top dog’ here.
Be interesting to see what happens on that point. I highly doubt that Belousov is going to be replaced as he’s been an incredibly effective ‘broom’ in sweeping out the Culture of Russian DotMil Corruption… he’s the ‘new guy’ and just barely in his position… the responsibility for this failure is going to cause another shake up in the chain of command is my hunch…
Leastways is should.
So either way, per the map above and now below, this’s been dubbed “The Krainian Battle of the Bulge” in that it’s pretty much a pointless expenditure of resources that would have been better utilized in other areas…

Yes they have managed to take a bunch of territory.
No question.
Holding it?
Ain’t no way in Hell. Ivan is brutal when shit like this happens. Look at the historical record. Stalingrad, Moscow, Leningrad… various ‘other locations’… Hell Kursk itself, which in 1943 had the single largest Tank Battle/Battle in general in History which apparently is being repeated. Link HERE
The Krauts lost 200000+ men.
The Soviets lost 700000+/- men
The Soviets still won.
And that was “back in the day” when Comrade Stalin decreed your life wasn’t worth a speck of spittle on a hot griddle. Things (despite the bullshit put out by the various Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda) have shown that now the Russians have not unnecessarily sacrificed troops in vain “meat assault attacks” during this SMO as they’ve become known as…
Case in point: The Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda ran multiple stories about the Assault on Andiivka. They said the Russians didn’t even have rifles and were using shovels in human wave attacks. That was quickly buried in allll the ‘other news’ but the reality is that no, it didn’t happen. In fact, considering the proliferation of Helmet-GoPros on both sides you’d think you’d seen tons of vidya of these supposed “unarmed human wave assaults” that the Krainians could make MAD propaganda points with. Instead? Radio Fucking Silence.
You think you hate the media enough etc…
Fact of the matter is, the entire Andiivka Assault cost the Russians about 2500 professional soldiers. Over 13000 in total KIA. The majority of whom were prisoners given the opportunity to commute their sentences in combat. Call it 10k in ‘expendables’.
This war, after the initial fuck ups by the Russians that cost some seriously highly trained troops via being killed in action… i.e. Air Assault/Airborne and Spetsnaz at the opening of the SMO, the Russians, unlike the Krainians learned their lesson. Professional Troops like that don’t grow on trees. Conservation is key. It literally takes years to get some of them to the level that they were at when they got nearly wiped out due to Higher Command underestimating the Krainians… Especially at the Assault on the Airport in Kiev… my understanding is they thought that shit was going to be a cakewalk, but ended up being like “Desert One”
Hence the ‘slowly encircle them, and grind the fuck out of them’ approach. I mean it makes sense to me, both in a DotMil perspective AS a troop, and as well as from a DotCiv perspective, in that the civvies understand that the troops are being cautious, careful and generally smart in their approaches to the Enemy Locations, thereby making the civvies happy that their family members in uniform may not get waxed unnecessarily… The Krainians however don’t have the numbers, nor the luxury of having the ability to train up new piles of ‘quality troops’ never mind quantity. Waste Not, Want Not. That’s a lesson the Krainians have yet to learn…
Stalin used to say quantity has its own quality in those times.
Problem is between the unwillingness these days of the Krainians who are willing to voluntarily go to war, and the Korruption that infests every. single aspect. of the war?
I mean who the fuck would want to go at this point?
No one with any sanity for sure.
Like our young Marathon Runner above, the majority of Krainians in the current ‘culling’ of folks to send to the front lines? Well sure as fuck the Recruiter Commissars? They’re not in Kiev hunting down the various eligible Nouveau Riche (who also happen to be members of the (((Tribe))) which is an interesting thing that there Aye?) but chasing down ‘common folks’ and retards/downs syndrome kids from my understanding. Fuckers….
Also, word is the majority of the Commissars themselves? They’re ALL (((Tribe Members))) who are exempt from front line duty, despite being better trained, and younger and more able than the carcasses they’re currently ‘snatching and grabbing’ off the streets… Nope… the folks they grab? It’s mostly the lame, lazy, sick and weak, plus a bunch of poor “Gruntpas” meaning guys over 40+ like me who’re just not willing to put up a fight with the Commissars when they come calling.
My source BTW is a former NCO who’s married to a female Krainian who I maintain correspondence with. They apparently have, despite him holding an US passport, tried to do snatch and grabs on him as well while he’s on the street in Kiev… they either try to say he’s a deserter from the Legion, which is the Merc Group that used to have a bunch of ‘Murican retards in it, OR they try and say his documents are bogus.
Considering he’s a retired SF Light Colonel, as well as our unarmed combatives instructor back in the day I guess a couple of times it didn’t end well when the Recruiters/Kidnappers didn’t want to take ‘No’ for an answer… I hope he really fucking hurt them…. Fuck those guys, for real. I hope my old Sarge fucking broke some bones when they tried to snatch him.
As far as this push though?
It’s been bad.
The Russians last night lost a HUGE number of guys when they ANNOUNCED they were send a ‘relief convoy’ up ‘this particular route, at this particular time’ and whaddya know? The Krainians blew the ever loving fuck out of it, killing/wounding at least 500+ troops…
Whatever the fuck happened to OPSEC?
Out the fucking window I guess.
THIS is the product of being overconfident in your position
The asshole PIO who put that information out there should publically go up against a wall and shot on live TV IMO.
Either way, it’ll be a lot of back and forth over the next few. The Krainians hit the Russians in a soft spot. It’s going to take time and effort to dislodge them. Nevermind the reinforcements keep getting hit… Truthfully, I have no idea how long, nor do I care this is going to go on for. My major concern is that nothing happens that could cause Russian Based “Canned Sunshine” that needs SPF 100000 to come out… that would really put a harshness on my end-of-summer mellow yannow?
I mean either way, everyone with even the most basic brain functionality realizes this a forlone hope… at-best Hail Mary play that was/is set up to give the Kameltoe something that they could use to say that this whole fucking disaster isn’t a disaster before the upcoming (s)election. Problem is, even the Krauts say it’s a lost cause:
I mean hey, They, the Krauts? THEY oughtta know amiright?
Once Burned, Twice Shy or something like that…
Anyways… Got to bail.
Thoughts per usual appreciated in the comments
More Later
Big Country