The Info Overloading, the Gun Question, The Wound and Stress

Hey gang. Been a looong couple of days. Information overload and bad info versus good info. It gets to the point smoke starts to pour from your cranium as it’s just too much to handle

Personally, I think its intentional
Willful Obscuration via Information Overload
Throw so much bullshit at us that our critical thinking skills short out, rendering us “Bidenized” a.k.a. brain dead. Dump so much truth, mixed with juuust enough bullshit that we shut down.

I mean Hell… when was the last mention of the Joetato’s blaringly obvious mental deficiencies? As far as I can tell, it was about 17:50 p.m. on July 13, 2024. That was about ten minutes before whoever it was started throwing ‘party favors’ at the Former President better known as OrangeManBad or, as I think I might start calling him, the ‘Bulletproof Felon’.

Teflon Don indeed

Much in that as I predicted, Leviathan knowing they now can’t risk further antagonizing the masses of people that like actually live in the Untied Staatz and you know, are kinda sorta pissed off with the near continual “Reeee’ing!!!” and shrieking and cancelling coming from the Left, cut the Bulletproof Felon free from the Classified Documents case.

The question is now is if that golem-looking rat-faced fucking Judge in NYFC has the stones to try to give the B.F. any jail time? I’d say probably 60-40 right now. Before this incident, I had my own personal odds being 80% that he’d get some jail time probably suspended and/or house arrest so as to cripple the campaign.

Well, like I said, 60% odds for some sort of actual punishment. My reasoning is because the judge is a member of the Tribe, and because of that infamous inability to self-reflect, as well as the inherent belief that the 6 Million is a permanent injunction against any criticism, I think he’s stupid enough to try and jail the Cheeto Jeebus.

Of course as the civil discourse seems to be getting worse, the odds of that particular judicial seat becoming available shortly after such a short-sighted and ignorant decision seems a likely possibility. No FedPost, just stating the facts. I mean after all, the Non-Left started pushing back and got angry as fuck after this fucking travesty. And much to the delight of the Non-Left, and the utter horror of the formerly ascendant Left, there seems to be a shift in the power dynamics.

As my meme from this A.M. stated:

All over the web, to include fucking Twitter of all places, shitheel Leftists are being called out on their collective bullying and bullshit. The Daily Mail today had at least 3-4 stories of people who talked shit about ‘bad aim’ and whatnot after the attempt, and found themselves fired from their jobs.

Of course the usual cries of “Not fair!” “We did nothing wrong!” “Muh First Amendment!” and the usual platitudes after the fact.

I got nothing for them
Not. One. Fucking. Thing.
Go live under a bridge. May your children end up in foster care, and you die of AIDs while impoverished and addicted to ALL the drugs forgotten, without honor, under the aforementioned bridge.

I got nothing for you.
Get Fucked.

Now, the rifle:
LOTS of folks, including a regular here The Fuckin’ A-Team, who’s a fellow Rakkasan, linked Hal Turner’s website. Not going to link it. Even -I- have standards. I mean I worked with and around and maybe for some shady agencies. I openly admit it. No idea if it’s why I get away with some of my more incendiary comments, but then again, I still get pitched to ‘come back tot he dark side’ occasionally. Turner on the other hand was and probably still -is- a FBI Informant who was responsible for having some militia guys jailed a ways back. That’s on the record.

He’s also to the faaaar Right of Alex Jones which is saying something. I used to listen to Jones when I was stationed at “The Hood” in Texas when we called him the Waco Wacko and variants of that. Especially when he kept going off on the New World Order tanks on base… the “hordes” of Russian Tanks and whatnot… all of which I saw and drove by on a daily basis as there was a HUUUGE collection of Gulf War One ‘trophies’ that’d been ‘corralled up’ as most of the Units didn’t properly demilitarize them.

In fact that’s a funny quick side story: After I got on “Perma-Broke Dick” status (i.e. being Med-Boarded/Retired) the CSM put me in charge of cleaning up our battalion’s Trophy Case. We had an original McClellan Saddle with full tack that needed work, a Shun Gunto WW2 NCO Katana, and a slew of light weapons from Iraq. Bunch of uniforms, and ‘other’ cool shit. The Ex Wife had been an Equestrian back in the day, and she actually helped me restore the tack… a good memory from better times as she really enjoyed doing that with me.

Now, one of the weapons was a PKM. I had to take it out from it’s display case, and I misjudged how it was sitting on the table I put it on. To my knowledge, the barrel was filled with -something- and it was inoperable.

When it hit the floor hard, and I picked it up, a cleaning rod fell out of the barrel! I looked closely, and sonofabitch! Someone, no idea who, had just lightly tack-welded the cleaning rod into the barrel at the flash hider so as to give the appearance of being filled with metal/liquid lead or something. I then tore it ALL the way down after this discovery and realized I had a fully operational PKM Machine Gun available to me!!!

I did the right thing.
I informed my Chain of Command, a Captain of the S-4 shop.
He also happened to be a buddy in that the Four Shop was really without rank when it was ‘just us’. He was also getting out of the Army in a few months after me. He said he’d handle it.
OK… I’m a Corporal
He’s a Captain
I know nuzzing!!!!
Mind you, this guy? MAD gun nut. We used to go shooting quite a bit. I left it at that, popped it back into the display case and that was it. I got out of the Army like 3 months later. My understanding was that Captain X got out like 2 months after me…

The cops (CID no less) showed up at my new home of record a few months after that. Seems the PKM, as well as the RPG-7 that were on display ‘grew legs’ and they wanted to know if I knew anything?

Told ’em that I didn’t know shit, and go the fuck away, and call my lawyer, as I wasn’t in their fucking Army anymore.

Godspeed Captain X, wherever you are, and God Help whomever decides your homestead is an “easy target”.

End of Digression #68t54298
Hal Turner as well as a lot of non-weapon owning/knowing morons have been jumping on the “The sniper had a $12,000.00 rifle!!! How could he afford that!?!”

Well, easy.
Uncle Sugar paid for it

Le Sigh…
The Counter-Snipers were using $12k rifles dummies.

The shooter?

Besides knowing it was an AR-based platform, the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda have been strangely silent regarding the shooters weapon. NORMALLY they wave that fucking thing around like a bloody damned shirt to ‘rile up’ the anti-gun retards.

This time?
Strange that.

Maybe they had to have the “Wind Up Toy” use a Palmetto State instead of the usual Daniel Defense like the last two mass shooters did. Must be them budget cuts we’ve been hearing about.

Then the wound:
Jeff Rense, an aggregator of ALL weird and wild news, bullshit or not, had some moron saying there was “No bullet hole!” on the Bulletproof Felon from being shot. Several other Twitter “Experts” have catagorically stated that this was faked/bullshit/kayfabe what the fuck ever. Some of them have been fired

<Sad Trombone Noises>

In reality?

I enlarged it, and put a green line as red would be as pronounced. That’s what -I- think is the trajectory of the bullet followed. If you look at the second that OrangeManBad took the hit, the angle of his head, slightly canted as he usually has it when he’s speaking, as well as the angle, the sumbitch is lucky as fuck in my professional opinion.

From inspection, per my earlier comments, is that it hit the veeeeery front of the ear just a wee bit, clipping the helical crus, then transversed the ear, hitting the Darwin’s tubercle (yeah the outer parts of the ear have names… who knew?) and then kept going. 

Literally, that fucking stung.
Not going into it too much, some of you who’ve met me in meatspace know I got my own really nasty grazing scar on my gut. Times where you are thankful for a beer gut and hate the fact that modern body armor isn’t designed for long torso’ed Silverback Gorilla Built Bastards like me. A couple of inches deeper and I might have been disemboweled.

That’s neither here nor there.

Now Stress:
We had to send the Redheaded Nukular Power Station back a bit early. Love her to death but OMFG. We’re worn out. How the other Grans do it I have not a clue. MAD props to him AND his spouse. Personally I think it’s because my alter-ego probably has to either stay drunk, or he has a secret Meth addiction… I can’t decide which…

And BTW, that’s just a joke folks… he’s a regular reader here….
That and it drives Gretchen up the fucking wall that he (her Ex Hubz) and I get along so well. He’s not a bad guy. Personally I think the issue there with the two of them was marital stress because of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. DumbCunt’s fault.

She almost had me and Gretchen get divorced, so them being her parents? She fucks up everything that is good in the world willfully and intentionally, hence why BOTH Grans are NOT with her. Anyways… Pure Evil and we won’t talk more of such things. The great news is they’ve formally filed for adoption of the Redhead. Even better, the Babydaddy is now officially out of the picture.

These things are good.

The bad news?

She’s still watching you Wirecutter….
Jes’ Sayin’

Miss Daisy has trouble up in North Carolina. Seems after we ‘retreated’ back here from Tennessee, and got busy-busy here, she hurt her back and needed help. One of the neighbors offered to have her 20-something kid move in temporarily to help. This was back in March. I had a bad feeling but was told to stand down…

I need to stop doing that.

So this fucker moved in temporarily. He then brought his slore, and their bastard spawn as well as ALL their furniture, and are now squatting. They achieved ‘tenancy’ after 14 days (NC Law) and by my standards have been doing what’s been happening to the Joetato, namely elder abuse. She called us and let us know yesterday she wants them out, as she can’t normally say anything in her own fucking house. She had to sneak the call to us as they’re on vacation… They’ve been borrowing money from her as well, she (the slore) doesn’t work, he’s only doing part time work occasionally, there’s no lease, and they haven’t contributed a dime to Miss Daisy for expenses. The only thing they do is buy their own food on fucking EBT

Le Fucking Sigh

For fucks sakes. She’s 87+/-, and damned near ALL of her kin are dead. ALL of her sons as well as her husband (bad hearts, all of them) Her ONE remaining Granddaughter had no idea this was going on (she said) when we updated her. She (the Granddaughter) asked for our help… dammit.

Miss Daisy doesn’t want any fuss.
I told her point blank “Fuck That, We’re Coming”
Sound ‘Boots & Saddles’ boys!
First Cav/Rakkasans to the Rescue.

I called the cops, and they said she needs to call them to help but SHE needs to tell the cops this’s going on. However, she’s so afraid of them that she won’t, so since she literally has no one else, I have to “Cowboy Up” and head to North Carolina on Friday with a couple of things. One is a back-dated lease showing Gretchen and I, as legal tenants, as we are/were as we stayed with her for over 14 days during the shitshow Adriana Saga have the right to tell them to get fucked sideways. This’ll make it official.

Then I have a ten-day Notice to Quit/Evict on this bullshit to cover the eviction that I’ll give them. Since they haven’t paid any rent, and have no lease according to the cop I talked to on the fon today said all we need is Miss Daisy to say she no longer wants them on the property, and that should be it. Then I’ll do the protection order and whatever else it takes. Probably have to relocate there for a spell, as morons like that haven’t got the brain God gave a common retarded ground squirrel.

My understanding is HE’s a fucking pussy, and SHE’s a loudmouth cunt, but either way, I’ll have the Sherriff there and I’m going to ‘flex’ on them in full battle rattle, armed to the teeth as is my open carry right in the Glorious State of North Carolina.

As Forrest Gump would say, that’s all I got to say about that!
And as Josey Wales said, Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

So anyone with any ideas on dealing with THAT pile of shit, let me know via DM at the proton account. It’s in Morganton NC so let me know or if you want to help with any ‘cleaning’ please let me know.
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Big Country

Well Well, He Has Three Names and DAMN! Are the Leftists Running Scared Now!

Good Morning!
Up early to see the overnight fallout from yesterday’s festivities. They came out and handed us the Patsy’s name: Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from western Pennsylvania, as the cuck who attempted to assassinate OrangeManBad.

Not going to link it, as the ‘story’ is going to be a 24-7 event for a while. I will smugly say that again the “Three Named Assassin” thing just happened to pop up.

Was he a ‘wind-up toy’?
Not enough intel so far.

To make that determination, we need to know more. Like his family life, job, what weapon he had… the usual stuff. Right now, just for the fact that they allowed this assclown to successfully get within the perimeter, armed never mind taking multiple shots, I’d have to say that as of now, there’s a pretty good chance that he was.

Then, as far as getting in close and taking not one but up to three shots, by my count that is… three good, measured, cadenced shots, (which serves to tell me this guy had training IMO) and then the fucking fusillade of counter-fire? Well h/t to WiscoDave for this one:

Not sure but it does make sense. If anyone has any pics of any outdoor rallies where they DID fly a flag like that, hit me up in the comments or email them to me at bce187th at protonmail.

Either way, the Secret Service kids are getting roasted across the board for this obvious failure. It’s so bad that if -I- were OrangeManBad?

I’d be hiring some heavy duty for-fuckin’ real Pipehitter Motherfuckers who shoot first and ask questions later.

Stack bodies
It’s the only way to be sure.

‘Cos the guys on that detail were retarded.

Moving on…
Lots of people out there, especially on the Left have been saying “Hurr Durrr! This was staged!” “Fake Attempt!” and the like. The fact that OrangeManBad stood up waving his fist and pumping it after the fact, to them, is proof this was faked.

Tell you what, if it was ‘faked’ then I feel bad for the guy who caught a round to the squash and was killed. In fact to tell you how fucking deranged these assholes are, a lot of them stated that they think that OrangeManBad is capable of allowing ‘collateral damage’ like that to get re-elected.

Sorry fuckwits… that’d be your side that allows that.

See, OrangeManBad’s reaction?
Like the Bad Guy in the movie “48 Hours” (cue up to 1:39)

I have a hunch that any and all doubts about what he’s going to have do to his enemies have been utterly eliminated… the level of Revenge that OrangeManBad is thinking about right now…

No fucking wonder the “Please don’t retaliate!” seems to be this A.M.’s mantra from the Left.

They’re quite rightfully scared, if not terrified.

Breaking Screenshot from Twitter:

Now it is feasible that he was using Iron sights.
I was tagging 300 meter man-sized silhouettes in Basic Rifle Marksmanship training back in Basic after 3 weeks of BRM, which is still the standard apparently:

My problem with that poast above?
Who the fuck took that picture of the shooter!?!

I mean someone on the ground saw him obviously.
Where the fuck was the Secret Service!?!
Probably getting hooked up with some more Columbian Prostitutes and Blow I gather…

Seriously though…
I’d have to say seeing that picture that the SS didn’t assign their best. Add on that during the scrum, the in-close female protective detail was less than stellar as well. One chick can’t even find her holster to holster her weapon. I train drawing my piece. You end up as fast holstering as unholstering, simply because for every draw you practice, you immediately follow it with a holstering. If your draw becomes good, you will be fast and smooth holstering as well. Ask James Wesley Hardin, the famous wild west gunfighter.

The fact that she is fucking around for where her holster is would indicate almost no time spent practicing her draw. It is unfucking real to me she is PSD for Trump, and she can’t find her holster, which means probably has spent close to zero time practicing getting her gun up and running in a hurry. There’s two types of gunfighters, the quick and the dead, and maaaan…

The only other thing I can think of is that whatever bullshit charges that they “convicted him” of juuuust went the fuck out the window. Leastways as far as doing any time that is.

Bad enough ‘they’ just allowed some asshat to try and kill him, to try and jail him? The lyrics from that song “Smuggler’s Blues” comes leaping to mind:

“Everything exploded, and the blood began to spill….”
IMO, I’d say that for every drop of the OrangeManBad’s blood that dripped down on stage, five of theirs need to pay a penalty a’la Vlad The Impaler.
Seems fair donnit?

So, that’s what I have for now
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You. Do. Not. HATE. Them. ENOUGH. Not By A LONG Fucking Shot.

Well, the Ministries of Propaganda and Lies are at it again. Seems that they’re doing their damnedest to downplay the single most significant for fucking real attempt on a Public Figures life since Reagan in 1980:


Is that what they’re calling ‘gunfire’ now?

Must have been those champagne corks…

At least with this fucking guy we have an identifiable target

Annnnnnnd if that particular pile of shit doesn’t make you want to storm the CNN Building and put them all to the sword, and then decorate the roadways with their now-dead impaled corpses, well, you need to harden the fuck up.

‘Cos plainly, it’s what they have planned for us.

Now, to cases
Looks like the Secret Service done fucked up and screwed the pooch. Reasoning for this is someone did an approximation of the rough area the rally was held, with the Known Distances +/-:

Pulling the distance measure around, it varies between 140 to 180 yards. Some are saying the stands are up in front of the buildings to the right, the white-roofed building at the bottom, in the middle of the pic. That’s where the counter-sniper fire team was stationed at supposedly.

Reason I say this’s bullshit?

The Secret Service usually have a cordon sanitaire of out to 500 yards, depending on terrain and whatnot. No one should have been able to get on that roof without authorization, nevber mind WHY wasn’t there a team up there to begin with doing overwatch?

And a LOT of buzz about some wild haired dude and his friends who say thay saw dude with the rifle climbing onto the roof, and when they told the Fuzz, the fuzz blew them off

Make of it what you will
It’ll all change in another 3-6 hours I figure.
Grab the popcorn is all I can say

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Well Shit Just Got Reely Reelz

Looks like Ole OrangeManBad has him a serious piece of good luck today when as you are all aware of –someone– started throwing rounds at him.

Now, he’s looking to the right (his right) and the rounds are coming from that direction. One of them gave him a nice glancing hit. Two inches more to his left, and he’d be “Bidenized”
Now, there’s a couple of things in the chaos of this
1) This is apparently a stiff on the top of a building across from the Rally: (Original Deleted By Twitter Apparently)

Then 2) We have what appears to be a stiff and/or a wounded joker being dragged out of the stands by the cops:

Now, I’m not sure who the shooter is or if there were multiple shooters?

The thing of it is, from what I heard?
Sounds like 3 paced shots. Mid caliber.
Then a flurry of shots. Probably someone cancelling the shooter’s ticket. It all depends on who is calling it. The Brits are saying that this guy was picked up:

Too tough to call

I do know one thing
A couple of days ago the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den called for them to put a ‘bullseye’ on OrangeManBad:

Not a good look Aye?
Now as we progress, seems the guy in the bleachers?
A civvie caught in the crossfire:

And now the local DA has stated the following:

My Goodness
You know this means we just got green lit.
That and

There’s no way in fuck that OrangeManBad can be stopped now. That’s like the opening shots of Civil War 2.0. The fucking tards probably are hoping that we’ll do something so we can get ground down by the DotMil

I mean lets face it…
This’s about as provocative as it can get.
I’m going to be curious to see exactly who the guy on the roof is/was and what he was shooting with. How far was the shot? How did the counter-sniper teams not spot him earlier? I mean the guy isn’t exactly wearing ‘blending camo’ or anything… That is if he’s the shooter.

I do feel bad for whomever the guy was who caught one in the squash. That purely sucks. Ashli Babbit’ed so to speak… killed by the Evil Leftist Machine.

Tell you what
IF they -did- catch 3 guys, be a damned shame if oh say their houses and all of their assets were to be burned to the ground wouldn’t it?

Now, per CNN:

“Several Hundred Yards”
Oooooh now I really want to know what he was using.

My guess is an AR w/a poorly sighted in scope.
And now the “Usual Suspects” namely the ones who’ve been calling for ALLLLL sorts of violence and shit for the past 7 years have this to say:

Sounds like some folks just realized that there’s a pretty good chance this could become a two way shooting gallery.

I hope it doesn’t

But seeing that those on the Left are functionally inoperative and have their collective thinking meat vapor-locked in the TDS ignorant position, I have a hunch a week from now it’ll all go back to ‘biddness as usual’

Have to see.
Me? I’m loading more mags.
I suggest you do the same
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Insider Information Maybe as Well as Some MORE Predictive Programming

Well, let’s just start off with this here:

Now, for the non-twatter folks this’s the whole quote:

I just hung up with my friend who works in D.C. The guy who has nailed everything and given me inside scoops for months that have led to viral tweets, correct predictions and he has not been wrong yet. Not sure if I should post this, but:

Jill Biden is running the country right now.
Joe Biden is sleeping up to 16 hrs. per day.
The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned.
Obama is going to try and force Joe out.
Obama is meeting privately with power players to get them to withdraw funding. Hollywood will begin to turn on Biden via Obama is telling them.

Democrats are making decertification plans in case of a Trump win. Deals are being attempted with some republicans right now to turn on Trump.

A full-blown civil war in the DNC and an attempt to make sure Trump does not get elected at any cost is now happening. Many in D.C. are already saying that the Biden family has completely obliterated the constitution with how they are running the country.

Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner. Bad news for Biden. The Biden family has cut Joe Biden off to anyone other than a few close people.

The Hur tapes are completely different than the transcription. The desperation to keep them is because apparently Joe Biden had full blown Dementia during most of that interview and some are saying the transcripts are in fact, doctored. I was even warned that I probably should not post this, but the hell with it, I hate the DNC, I hate democrats. The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck.

Anyway, last night press conference did nothing, there is a full court press to get rid of Joe Biden and it is intensifying, watch for leaks to the press about Joe Biden and things that are happening behind the scenes. If the Hur tapes come out, it will be the end of Biden for sure and will lead to prosecutions because of the doctoring of the transcriptions. Internal polling has been disastrous. Many saying Biden has no path to win and if he were to win, the country would go up in flames. Crazy times we live in.

Black Insurrectionist

Now granted, there’s a lot of ‘stuff’ flying around out there, but man… this kind of seems to be the playbook that’s happening right now.

Consider this:

Consider the sourcing of the current “Hollyweird” article written by George Clooney. You know… that midwit adult pretender (called an actor occasionally) who raised 28 million dollars for the Joetato’s re(s)election coffers what? Not even 6 weeks ago? He wrote an article that got front page billing in the New Yawk Slimes.

And as I put up above, who are the one running that particular Ministry of Propaganda and Lies?
The Fucked up Bureau of Retards.
Who was primarily politicized and corrupted by whom?
The Obamamessiah of course, and his Department of (in)Just-us Hatchetman Eric Holder.

So I’d call that a quick change-of-heart by Clooney.
My guess is they threatened to release the videos of him with an underage girl, or maybe even a boy ‘cos ole Joetato went under that bus mighty fast IMO.

Now for those not in the know, ODNI:

Now, theoretically ALL Intelligence Community ‘members’ so to speak are supposed to report to the ODNI. In reality?

No so much.

LOTS of moving parts.
Huge turf wars behind the scene(s).

Lots of potential jail time.
Hell… potential “Ha Ha. Please to stand against wall Comrade”
Last I knew, treason has a death penalty component to it.

And if this isn’t fucking treason then I don’t know what is.

Another thing I came across, which as long term readers know is that I have a firm belief in the Luciferian Rules that these fuckers play by. Specifically the one where they have to ‘forewarn us’ about their intentions, so when we fail to take protective and/or active defensive measures, by their rules their hands are clean so to speak. Predictive Programming is the term.

While she was surfing around TikTok, (the bane of my existence… I really hate that app) Gretchen is fully aware of my paranoia and suspicions ‘at large’ so to speak, and when she found this, she sent it to me:

September 23rd…

Now I -don’t- go in for the tail end part where he starts talking “Project Blue Beam” and whatever other weirdness he’s blathering about. I do however fully agree with the whole ‘predictive programming’ thing.

Lots of those movies are older.

Some might be tempted to say that they’re out of date, and yet, again I reference that card game that showed the Twin Towers as well as the Pentagon being blown up long before 9-11 actually happened:

Those came out in the 90’s

Then you have “The Lone Gunmen”, a spin-off from the X-Files that unfortunately crashed and burned. This might have been because of this maybe?

“But the pilot episode would end up being far too close to real events. In that episode, a terrorist hacker hijacks an airliner with plans to crash the plane into the World Trade Center.”

The X-Files’ Lone Gunmen Spin-Off Show May Have Predicted 9/11
Read More:

It aired six months and one day before the actual 9-11 Attack.

According to all involved, the show had already failed immediately after the pilot, and was cancelled. Of course those involved also say that “…this was all a strange and unfortunate coincidence.”

Suuuure it was.

I report, you decide.

I’ve already made my decision. Gonna be locked down tight that whole week. Tighter than a Gnat’s Ass if you will with me and mine. Better safe than sorry.

The other thing that’s bugging me is the whole way they keep talking about the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den.

Do they just want him to ‘stand down’ from re(s)election?
Do they want ‘all the marbles’ and get Gropey offstage completely with a ‘retirement’ or the 25th?

They’re really being overly obtuse in this. Not a lot of clarity. I know I know… it’s intentional but the Pantshitting Rutabaga is so blatantly mentally compromised it’s now obvious that The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched, Drug Crazed and Depraved, Hunter the Whoremaster are participating in some serious elder abuse.

Not that I care… I hope they hop him up on whatever Meth they’ve been feeding him so badly at his next presser and/or debate that some of those ‘fixed’ aneurysms he had back in 1988 blow clean the fuck out live on TV…

I mean he did get “demon eye” back on the Campaign trail in 2019:

…because that’s like, totally normal amiright?
The story (unscrubbed amazingly) is HERE

The funniest takeaway from that article is in the header:
Biden, 76, has already been facing questions over his age and health amid a string of verbal gaffes.”

Oh reeeeeeeeeeeally!?!
As I like to do >points to my face, no expression on it<
“This’s my surprised face.”

No shit Shylock.

Tell us something we’re not aware of now. Here we are, almost 5 years later from that particular demonic shitshow, and we still have a bunch of fucking morons, half-wits, fuck-wits, lack-wits, and generationally stupid retards who plan on voting for this decrepit decaying doesn’t know he’s already dead ZOMBIE


OrangeManBad Derangement is real folks.
Hunker in… as said in Apocalypse Now, and I take it as Gospel Advice for the next few months:
“Big Duke Six, inbound in 30 seconds. Get your people back and
heads down. This is gonna be a big one.”

Make of it what you will…

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Big Country

Some Good Doggies to Start The Day

Lets start the morning off right with some “good boys and girls” (H/T WiscoDave):

I needed that after this week…
Not that the weekend is going to be any less hectic.
I’ll holler at you all tonight.
Got some intel ‘stuff’ I need to get out there
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Gropey Dopey Just Got Smokeyed

Looks like the Pretender to the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH (Plus 10%) Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den just finally cashed in his chips in the conference.

Between refering to “Vice President Trump” and saying he had to check “…with the Commander in Chief”… he also keeps pronouncing the Chinese leader’s name Xi as “She” instead of “Zhee”

Correct me if I’m wrong on that part.
If I’m right that’ll go over like a lead balloon w/Joe Chink

Well, it ain’t over… meaning the whole presser.
I’d say the Joetato is fully baked.

Which if you look at it, methinks that was the plan. I mean it’s pretty obvious at this point The Royal First Usurper, The Empress KinkyBoots and His HIGHness the First and Only Son of the Emperor Poopypants the First, Lord HIGH Destitute Debauched and Depraved, the Drug Crazed Hooker Hunter the Whoremaster have been the primary motivator for the Joetato to stay in the Oval Orifice.

I mean right now, as of late, the Repugnicunts have finally found their spine, and even their stupid asses can smell the blood in the water so to speak.

Considering this is what?
The first full on presser in what? 2 years or longer?
A full on ‘live questions being asked on live TV’ presser?
Yeah, he was set up for failure IMO.

The Powers Behind The Throne need him gone so as to allow ‘Big Mike’ or -anyone- else to come in and take the reigns of power. I mean you know it’s going to go that way.

Same as it ever was.
Meaning the Intel Community is going to install whomever the hell they want. To which I say:

Otherwise, it’s just been busy busy around here. I’ve barely been able to follow the news and it’s been havoc w/the pupper. She’s great, don’t get me wrong, but she is running full time until she isn’t. She gets about an hour, hour an a half, some water, lots of chewing then SPLAT!
Out cold.
Climbs right into her kennel when she’s tired. She’s really good at letting me know what she wants and needs. Only issue so far is getting her to understand that -outside- she needs to focus on pooing and peeing.

Too many distractions out in the BIG WIDE WORLD as of now. So I’ve ‘fenced off’ a section of the living room and I have the training pads down. My intent is to make that space smaller and smaller until such time as she then ‘gets it’ for the outside… it’s worked witha lot of the other dogs I’ve trained.

Problem here is she’s a wee bit too lil and I haven’t gotten her timing down yet. Her bladder is just too random so far to get a ‘feel’ for when she needs to go. As she gets a bit older, it’ll get better.

The Sausage Princess and her are getting along like I said:

As well as the Gran

So far, so good.
Also cancelled like ALL the subscriptions on the ‘Zon.
Went in and checked as I saw some auto-withdrawals.
and a couple of others
It turned out to be a LOT of subscriptions that Gretchen and I had no idea that were in there to the tune of like $75 a month that I just ‘reclaimed’ so to speak. I highly recommend that everyone do the same, as the Disney one? It used to be a LOT less and was like almost $20 a month for something we never use.

Same went with the other stuff… Gretchen tried out the ‘free trial’ without cancelling it or forgetting to, and it ended up costing us without even realizing. Only thing we kept that I can see is the Netflix… and even then I took that down to the most ‘basic’ variant I could.

So I’d call that a win.
I got to go tuck in the Gran, so more later
Big Country

A Pup Update and SQUEEEEE!!!

Sorry for missing yesterday… It’s now Day Four of “The Nuklear Powered Gran Versus The Puppers”

Telling you, if I could harness even one third of the energy these two have, I could power the Greater Tampa Area for the next five hunnerd years…

Maybe even moar.

Chili is fitting in rather well. In fact, I hate to curse myself like this, but so far she’s the most laid back and mellow puppy ever when she’s not wound up by the Redheaded Nook. Also went outside first thing and did her pee-pee thing outside for the first time… she’s only had 2x accidents ‘off the training pads’ and I’m now trying to figure out the timing for her lil butt so I can get her out before she dumps inside.

At least she hits the training pads there too. Clean up on Aisle Nine has been a breeze. The only issue is occasionally I’ve laid down the new clean training pad after she hits it, and if I don’t watch her, she’ll go over, tear it (the new one) off the floor (they have adhesive corners) and decide to play “Let’s SHRED this shit Big Daddy!”

At which point it becomes ‘hot pup-suit’ to paraphrase Roscoe P. Coletrane and chase her ass all over the house while she leaves a trail of destruction and pieces-parts of the pad and stuffing everywhere. Queue Yakkity Sax.

Send. Drugs/Monsters. NOW.

Seriously though, her and Stella have been getting along pretty well too:

…although the Sausage Princess in Dog Years is now about mid-fifties like be, and doesn’t put up with a lot of shit. She’s more being like an instructive Auntie, rather than a momma.

She also has been doing the pouncing thing like Chili is doing, and doing the play bark/growl thing, to which we’ve discovered that the Pup has a cute lil baby-bark and growl. She’s really quiet otherwise.

So today we went to the Villages for Gretchen’s Dad’s B-Day. He turned 87 this year. Still kicking it despite being all banged up. The man just needs a new carcass and I think he’d be good for another 80+ as he’s sharp as a tack.

We took the Nook AND the Pup, as well as for his lunch/supper, I also took all the fixin’s for “Breakfast for Supper” I made Eggs to order, two pounds of thick cut maple smoked bacon (the good stuff), Hash Browns, and pancakes that got topped with a Crown Maple Madagascar Vanilla Infused Organic Maple Syrup.

Hey, I’m from New Hampshire… we tend to be “Syrup Snobs” OK? This shit is THE BOMB!!! Link to it is HERE

And yeah, I get (pardon the pun) a ‘taste’ if you order some.

We then had the cake, which was a White Chocolate Raspberry “Nothin’BundtCake” with that awesome cream cheese frosting.

Gah… I’m still full from eating everything.

I had to bring my own cookware which disconcerted Mom, but hey, not to be mean, but her pans date back to when TV Dinners were the “latest and greatest” and I’m pretty sure that just looking at some of her non-stick pans from back then could cause cancer, never mind actually using them to cook.

I use All-Clad stuff for the most part. Damned shame that Willaims and Sonoma card had to go into the default mode…

Le Sigh

What? Y’all think I could normally afford the good stuff?

If it wasn’t for my used-to-be good credit from about 4 years ago, I’d be using WalMart Specials like I did when I first got divorced. Unfortunately, the Williams and Sonoma card was the last card that I had to kill off in this soon-to-be-done bankruptcy. I purely love to cook, and in many cases the tools do actually matter…

So to explain the “Squee!”

Gretchen has a Brother. Well two, but I’m not going into the whole family dynamic. This here is “GoodBro” that I’m referencing. Navy Vet. TOTAL nerd. D&D dude. BIG TIME gun guy like me. Very cool. He’s got a kid. Junior. This’s Gretchen’s nephew. He too, is a good kid, albeit a bit of a stoner and trying to figure out what he wants to do w/his life. He came down here 2? maybe 3 years ago and stayed with us for like 2 weeks.

Fucking kid practically ate me out of house and home.
Gretchen had strong words with GoodBro about the next time Junior came, that a healthy $$$ check for groceries needed to be sent with, or the kid would be stuck eating old MREs and Dollar Store Spaghetti Os.

Not that I think Junior would have noticed.
TL;DR, Junior came down for a visit with his squeeze. New G/F. Everyone is all like “OMFG!!! They’re such a cute couple!!!”

I’m like “The kid is 2 months away from turning 21… Miss Teen Queen? Unless that box is Platinum Lined and she’s a nympho, or her dad owns a Liquor Store? As they say, ‘this too, shall pass.”

And then every calls me an asshole…

Hey. Reality bites.
So they came to visit. They’re staying with her Grandma, who apparently got on the phone w/Mom and Dad… I think the Lass-in-Question’s Granma wanted to check to see where she’s be staying whilst Junior came by to visit the In Laws.

Seems they exchanged Boomerisms and whatnot, and somehow WW2 came up in conversation. Now Gretchen’s Great Grandad, Mom’s Pops, was in WW2 and was in Normandy at some point. I have no real intel and Mom is sort of really having a tough time mentally after Vax #2. I’ll see if I can get some intel and do a dive as I like doing that… if and when things slow down around this joint.

Point is, Grandma sent a gift via her Granddaughter as a ‘thank you’ for hosting her, to Dad for his birfday. Dad in turn, while really appreciating it, gave it to me, knowing it’s significance:

Holy. Fucking. Hells.

That frens, is a field-improvised neckerchief cut from a section of a 1943/1944 T-4 Camouflaged Parachute from the jump on Normandy France, the night of June 5th, 1944 from the 101st Airborne.

<Queue Angels Chorus and Shit, Beams of Light From Above>

Holy. Fucking. HELLS!!!!!
As Indy would say
“It belongs in a Museum!!!”

Whew… I am just sooooo blown away.

Tell you what, hell or high water, or I dunno how, sell plasma maybe, and get it framed. Like professionally. I did some research on it as soon as I got home… like right before I hit this. Seems the camo parachute was very rare and from what I’ve found, only used by pathfinder elements of the 101st on the late-night of the 5th, before the early morning dawn drops. I also found it’s a wee bit on the valuable side:

I can’t tell if it’s early nylon or silk. Either way

To an Airborne Guy like me?
Hell, any Wing Wearing Motherfucker?

This’s like getting a piece of the For-Fucking-Real “True Cross” or some such similar “Holy Relic.”

A piece of ‘The Big Jumpmaster in the Sky’ OG Chute so to speak.

Mind you, There’s a LOT of fakes out there.
eBay is positively covered in them.

However, according to what Dad was told, Grandma said Grandad (now deceased a few years back) landed in Normandy at Omaha in 44 on the 6th as a straight leg grunt. He ran into a couple of 101st Guys after a few days in-country who were selling sections of their chutes for $5 as neckerchiefs, of which Grandad bought one. That, by today’s standards was about 75, 80 bucks. That sounds like some guys I know, including myself… It also explains the triangular shape and ragged cut to it, as they probably had to use a knife/scalpel or bayonet.

How fucking cool is that!?!

Now this thing is a wee bit faded and stained, and I’m not sure how to get full Provenance on it, but TBH perfectly Honest, much like a lot of recovering Catholics, I’m taking this one on faith. Primarily there is zero fucking reason for an 80 year old something widow to be having a section of a fake Airborne Camo Canopy from 1943/44 laying around. Odds of this being legit?

Probably, like Ivory Soap, 99.44% Legit

So… the interesting shit that keeps coming my way Aye?
It’s not always a bad thing.
I blame MomUnit.
She cursed me long ago with the Chinese Curse of: “May you live in interesting times” I have no idea that I had pissed her off that badly at the time, but hey… sometimes it –is– fun to be me.

More Later
Big Country

Yeeeeah, Dat Me…
And, of course AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY!

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