Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
I never catch a break. Took one night off on Wednesday, and then last night as I was settling in to give you the ‘Usual Harangue’ and try to get caught up on current events, the phone started ringing.
Like immediately after Jeopardy…
No Star Trek for me I guess.
Mom took a header. The LifeAlert folks were calling to tell us. It took a good 45 minutes before we finally got ahold of Dad to get the skinny. Now, we weren’t just sitting around during this… I started calling around to various EMS Call Centers to find out which Station took the call, and if they’d transported her and where… After 30 minutes of being bounced around, I got a guy who told me Yes, they had transported her to the hospital BUT
Due to HIPAA, no info would be provided.
Mother FUCKER.
I tried nicely to explain Dad is a cripple for the most part, and he didn’t know which hospital she went to, nor what the status was overall. Fucker on the phone wouldn’t budge.
By 20:30 I’ve loaded the car, and we’re doing a Thunder Run to The Villages (98 miles one way) to see WTF is going on. I only made ONE quicky-stop on the way at Lowes as Dad’s shitter has a bad flapper valve, and I figured since we leave next week for Doc up in Mississippi for Gretchen’s treatment/surgery, I’d knock out fixing the shitter while I was there. I was supposed to fix it on our last run, but we ran out of time… I mean it needs to be done before we leave for a month or so amiright ?
Then, we got there and the neighbors had all gathered at the ‘rents house, as they do when an Ambulance and Fire Truck show up. The whole neighborhood is made up of 70-80 year old Boomers and Leftover Greatest Gen kids like Dad (born in 1932? I think). They’d showed up, and we found out that not only did she get transported, but she had raised so much Hell they discharged her with Prejudice.
Put her in a wheelchair and left her at the ER entrance…
Seems the reason Mom fell to begin with was mixing a Big Ole Glass of Vino with her pain meds and she dumped herself on her ass. When the medics showed, they did the standard eval. As she also wasn’t making sense and couldn’t answer simple questions, they took her in. Now the problem is Mom hasn’t been doing well in Ye Olde Mental Department since her second ClotShot. Severe degradation of her Mental, especially later at night, and after a glass of wine or 4.
Mind you she’s been forbidden from drinking, but ignores us.
Soooo since they were probably going to give her a mental eval (which we’ve been practically begging her to get and she flat-the-fuck-out refuses to do) she raised Hell ’til they threw her the fuck out. They’d (Dad and the neighbors) had just gotten the call to come get her ornery ass, when we showed up, literally as they were getting prepped to drive and get her. I made the executive decision to send the nosey Parker Neighbors all home, had Gretchen get prepped to fetch Mom, whil I grabbed all my shit and gear out of the car. I then went in and laid it out to Dad that –something– was going to have to fucking change.
I mean I got enough shit on my fucking plate to deal w/my Woman having fucking cancer y’know? This shit will not stand man… I got too many ‘things’ to juggle. Mom has been forbidden from drinking and yet she still did so… In fact the last trip up there I told them both to be on their ‘best behavior’ and be exceptionally careful as we’re leaving town, and ain’t nobody gonna be there to assist if things drop in the pot.
In fact Gretchen called her younger brother in North Carolina to tell him, and let him know that HE needs to step up in our absence… to which he said “Well, I gotta work…” i.e. AGAIN he ain’t doing shit…
Again: Mother FUCKER!
Same thing happened when we were living in Tennessee… Her oldest brother, Fuckstain has been completely disowned due to being a fuckstain, and I got a hunch Lil Brother is going to be looking like he too, is headed in that direction. The last time he came for a visit, like almost 15 days, he spent a total of 2 days, maybe three visiting with them, the rest partying with his friends in Clearwater, and didn’t do shit around the house to fucking help out…
And there’s always something that needs to be fixed… fucking light bulbs needing changing, the aforementioned toilet, hell… I have a LOOOOONG list that I chisel away at when we go up there… hell, besides the shitter, I also had to change the batteries in the fucking doorbell as Dad was getting irritated that every time Amazon or -someone- rang the bell, as the computer voice would start bitching about the batteries being low…
Side Note: To do that particular job, I raced to CVS to get 4 D sized batteries at like 22:45… Fucking things were no shit, $14.00 plus tax!!! Not even like the good ones, just plain ole Duracells!!!!
SO I managed to get everything done
By 0100.
We got home at 0230.
And I then went into Glorious People’s Tractor Factory #624 two hours fucking late because of it. Normally I start at 0700… It Pisses me off b/c I’ve been working 10+ hours a day lately to get ‘ahead’ on my hours, as I don’t want to burn any vacation time. Bad enough I had to use 16 hours when we had the plague around this here bitch Aye?
I have no idea what the future holds with Gretchen and her treatments, so better to keep as much vay-kay time on hand, rather than waste it. Thankfully my Boss is Da Bomb.
Now… to get back in the groove so to speak, just a few items that caught my eye this past couple that I haven’t added my 2 cents on. One that had me LMAO on is the whole “Haitian Cannibal/Riots” thing going on…
Haitians Gonna Haiti I guess…
Now I did spot one thing in a pic of Ole BBQ and His Bois:
Guy on the left?
Zoomed in…
An M-14A w/the Giggle Switch. And TBH it’s not in bad shape actually. Full Auto M-14? Yeah… utterly uncontrollable according to “Gun Jesus” Ian McCollum. His video on it:
It’s only a 5 minute vid, but Ian pretty much calls it uncontrollable. Fucker climbs to the sky with the felt recoil. Considering the average IQ of a Haitian is lower than Forrest Gump, got a hunch that M-14 is more of a noisemaker than a serious defensive/offensive weapon.
Reminds me of a story I read about some guy who fought the Simbas in the Congo in the early 60s. Seems the savages put the sights at Max Elevation on their AKs (1000 meters) thinking “Higher Number = Better” so the few that were actually using the sights were in no way capable of hitting the broad side of a barn, never mind their intended target. They might have hit a Sputnik or two…
I think it was Kim DuToit who says regularly “Africa Wins Again.” Fucking Rhodes scholars amiright?
And the whole ‘eating each other’ thing?
I believe it was one of the members of the British House of Lords back in the day (1800s +/-) who said something to the effect: “The Black Man will never achieve Equality in the eyes of the White Man until they (the Blacks) learn to stop eating one another.”
No shit right?
Word is they (the Coast Guard) –might– try and intercept any boats filled with Edible Refugees and send them to Gitmo. TBH it’d be a pretty good plan, as there literally is blocks and blocks and huge amounts of shuttered and unused housing and barracks there. When I was working there, I lived in a hurricane proof bunker-style house with thick assed walls, reinforced windows… hell, I think it would have shrugged off a nuke honestly. The guy I shared the house with, we were the only guys living in that particular neighborhood. Like 100 suburban hardened houses, and not another person in sight…
VERY Creepy… had us some “Walking Dead” vibes going on with like no one else in the immediate area…
Plus there’s already a lot of Haitians there that are already part of the ‘local work force’ so to speak. Between them and the Jamaicans, they’d fit right in…
Of course if they can restrain their urges to kill all the Whites and/or eat them all. Jes’ Sayin’.
Then, on other things, The Krainians did a border crossing, or at least that’s what THEY said they did. The end result being over 300 KIA, 3-4 tanks and 3 M2A2 Brads taken out, a Caesar Self Propelled Arty Piece, and a pile of “technicals” all smoked for a bad P.R. stunt gone wrong. Technicals being a regular pickup or civilian vehicle that people arm up with (usually) a Heavy Machine Gun, or in more radical cases, a rocket pod:
That’s a Soviet/Russian MI-8/MI-24 UB-32 rocket pod that fires 32-2.2inch S-5 rockets mounted on a Toyota Hilux, the preferred Insurgent Mode of Transportation/Improvised Weapons Platform. It’s also utterly retarded.
So they went, mostly to bolster whatever P.R. bullshit they could, and per usual, got their heads both physically and metaphorically handed to them.
The latest intel I’m also gathering regarding the Krain is about France wanting to re-enact Napoleon’s Dumbasshattery, i.e. go up against Russia, on Russia’s terms. Word is that big missile strike on the Airport Hotel wiped out a LOT of “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys” and hence, the imaginary and nonexistent ‘Honor of France’ is at stake. Considering Frog President Maricon is no where even 1/100th of the man or tactician that Napoleon was, I’d say they’re only going to get their collective asses kicked. Again.
I mean for real…
Fucking France!?!
The above A.I. Pic is rather appropriate isn’t it?
Then, other intel is that out of the 14 Challenger 2 Tanks that the Brits gave to the Krainians, there’s only 7 left operational. Parts and repairs are apparently not readily available, and at least three of them have been flat-out smoked like cheap cigars.
There’s also a pretty embarrassing video on the Brit news ‘The Sun’
…where the Krainians get a Challenger completely stuck like Chuck in the mud… The link is HERE. The Platoon? Company? Commander of the tanks states that the Challenger is “…overly heavy and underpowered” for the terrain.
There’s also RUMINT that the company that produces this turd, Vickers Defence Systems has come out behind the scenes practically ordering/begging the Krainians to stop publicly discussing the tanks shortcomings, as “…it’s bad for sales.”
Things being how they are, at this point it’s pretty obvious the entirety of the war was to line the pockets of the various DotMil Arms Manufacturers and Contract Companies (per usual), allow the DotGov scum to launder all that sweet, sweet foreign aid and kickbacks, and let the Jews have their revenge on both the Russians and Krainians for various ‘slights’ dating back a couple of hundred years or so…
I mean for real… why people don’t wake up and look at the main players involved behind ALL the shenanigans… Jews one and all, and it’s Orthodox Christians slaughtering each other at the behest of the Big-Nose-Small-Hat Tribalists…
Goy Versus Goy, just they way they like it.
And for stating that rather obvious lil factoid, I’m an evil Nazi, as opposed to the real Krainian Nazis?
No wonder things are fucked.
And lastly, word has come out that the Boeing Quality Control Manager who blew the whistle and then rather conveniently ‘committed suicide’ the day before he was supposed to give even MOAR damning testimony to the Corrupt Corporate Greedhead Culture where Boeing put profits over safety?
Seems that he stated to a bunch of friends “If I get found with a bad case of the ‘deads’, Know that I did not kill myself.” Shades of Epstein methinks. Worst part is, they’re not even trying to hide the blatant bullshit that they keep getting away with…
And they will continue to do whatever the hell they want to for the interim as the majority of people just don’t care anymore. They’ve managed to beat us down to being flat out Apathetic. As long as –MY– ricebowl isn’t being fucked with, and I got food on the table and the Grans are taken care of, I just want, like everyone else, to be left the fuck alone.
Until it’s no longer like that.
THEN shit starts getting, shall we say? interesting?
So, sorry for Missing a Day or Two.
I’m Back now, so More Later
Big Country