Mom, BBQ and The Krain

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
I never catch a break. Took one night off on Wednesday, and then last night as I was settling in to give you the ‘Usual Harangue’ and try to get caught up on current events, the phone started ringing.

Like immediately after Jeopardy…
No Star Trek for me I guess.

Mom took a header. The LifeAlert folks were calling to tell us. It took a good 45 minutes before we finally got ahold of Dad to get the skinny. Now, we weren’t just sitting around during this… I started calling around to various EMS Call Centers to find out which Station took the call, and if they’d transported her and where… After 30 minutes of being bounced around, I got a guy who told me Yes, they had transported her to the hospital BUT

Due to HIPAA, no info would be provided.

Mother FUCKER.

I tried nicely to explain Dad is a cripple for the most part, and he didn’t know which hospital she went to, nor what the status was overall. Fucker on the phone wouldn’t budge.


By 20:30 I’ve loaded the car, and we’re doing a Thunder Run to The Villages (98 miles one way) to see WTF is going on. I only made ONE quicky-stop on the way at Lowes as Dad’s shitter has a bad flapper valve, and I figured since we leave next week for Doc up in Mississippi for Gretchen’s treatment/surgery, I’d knock out fixing the shitter while I was there. I was supposed to fix it on our last run, but we ran out of time… I mean it needs to be done before we leave for a month or so amiright ?

Then, we got there and the neighbors had all gathered at the ‘rents house, as they do when an Ambulance and Fire Truck show up. The whole neighborhood is made up of 70-80 year old Boomers and Leftover Greatest Gen kids like Dad (born in 1932? I think). They’d showed up, and we found out that not only did she get transported, but she had raised so much Hell they discharged her with Prejudice.

Put her in a wheelchair and left her at the ER entrance…

Seems the reason Mom fell to begin with was mixing a Big Ole Glass of Vino with her pain meds and she dumped herself on her ass. When the medics showed, they did the standard eval. As she also wasn’t making sense and couldn’t answer simple questions, they took her in. Now the problem is Mom hasn’t been doing well in Ye Olde Mental Department since her second ClotShot. Severe degradation of her Mental, especially later at night, and after a glass of wine or 4.

Mind you she’s been forbidden from drinking, but ignores us.


Soooo since they were probably going to give her a mental eval (which we’ve been practically begging her to get and she flat-the-fuck-out refuses to do) she raised Hell ’til they threw her the fuck out. They’d (Dad and the neighbors) had just gotten the call to come get her ornery ass, when we showed up, literally as they were getting prepped to drive and get her. I made the executive decision to send the nosey Parker Neighbors all home, had Gretchen get prepped to fetch Mom, whil I grabbed all my shit and gear out of the car. I then went in and laid it out to Dad that –something– was going to have to fucking change.

I mean I got enough shit on my fucking plate to deal w/my Woman having fucking cancer y’know? This shit will not stand man… I got too many ‘things’ to juggle. Mom has been forbidden from drinking and yet she still did so… In fact the last trip up there I told them both to be on their ‘best behavior’ and be exceptionally careful as we’re leaving town, and ain’t nobody gonna be there to assist if things drop in the pot.

In fact Gretchen called her younger brother in North Carolina to tell him, and let him know that HE needs to step up in our absence… to which he said “Well, I gotta work…” i.e. AGAIN he ain’t doing shit…

Again: Mother FUCKER!

Same thing happened when we were living in Tennessee… Her oldest brother, Fuckstain has been completely disowned due to being a fuckstain, and I got a hunch Lil Brother is going to be looking like he too, is headed in that direction. The last time he came for a visit, like almost 15 days, he spent a total of 2 days, maybe three visiting with them, the rest partying with his friends in Clearwater, and didn’t do shit around the house to fucking help out…

And there’s always something that needs to be fixed… fucking light bulbs needing changing, the aforementioned toilet, hell… I have a LOOOOONG list that I chisel away at when we go up there… hell, besides the shitter, I also had to change the batteries in the fucking doorbell as Dad was getting irritated that every time Amazon or -someone- rang the bell, as the computer voice would start bitching about the batteries being low…

Side Note: To do that particular job, I raced to CVS to get 4 D sized batteries at like 22:45… Fucking things were no shit, $14.00 plus tax!!! Not even like the good ones, just plain ole Duracells!!!!

SO I managed to get everything done
By 0100.
We got home at 0230.

And I then went into Glorious People’s Tractor Factory #624 two hours fucking late because of it. Normally I start at 0700… It Pisses me off b/c I’ve been working 10+ hours a day lately to get ‘ahead’ on my hours, as I don’t want to burn any vacation time. Bad enough I had to use 16 hours when we had the plague around this here bitch Aye?

I have no idea what the future holds with Gretchen and her treatments, so better to keep as much vay-kay time on hand, rather than waste it. Thankfully my Boss is Da Bomb.

Now… to get back in the groove so to speak, just a few items that caught my eye this past couple that I haven’t added my 2 cents on. One that had me LMAO on is the whole “Haitian Cannibal/Riots” thing going on…

Haitians Gonna Haiti I guess…

Now I did spot one thing in a pic of Ole BBQ and His Bois:

Guy on the left?

Zoomed in…
An M-14A w/the Giggle Switch. And TBH it’s not in bad shape actually. Full Auto M-14? Yeah… utterly uncontrollable according to “Gun Jesus” Ian McCollum. His video on it:

It’s only a 5 minute vid, but Ian pretty much calls it uncontrollable. Fucker climbs to the sky with the felt recoil. Considering the average IQ of a Haitian is lower than Forrest Gump, got a hunch that M-14 is more of a noisemaker than a serious defensive/offensive weapon.

Reminds me of a story I read about some guy who fought the Simbas in the Congo in the early 60s. Seems the savages put the sights at Max Elevation on their AKs (1000 meters) thinking “Higher Number = Better” so the few that were actually using the sights were in no way capable of hitting the broad side of a barn, never mind their intended target. They might have hit a Sputnik or two…

I think it was Kim DuToit who says regularly “Africa Wins Again.” Fucking Rhodes scholars amiright?

And the whole ‘eating each other’ thing?

I believe it was one of the members of the British House of Lords back in the day (1800s +/-) who said something to the effect: “The Black Man will never achieve Equality in the eyes of the White Man until they (the Blacks) learn to stop eating one another.”

No shit right?

Word is they (the Coast Guard) –might– try and intercept any boats filled with Edible Refugees and send them to Gitmo. TBH it’d be a pretty good plan, as there literally is blocks and blocks and huge amounts of shuttered and unused housing and barracks there. When I was working there, I lived in a hurricane proof bunker-style house with thick assed walls, reinforced windows… hell, I think it would have shrugged off a nuke honestly. The guy I shared the house with, we were the only guys living in that particular neighborhood. Like 100 suburban hardened houses, and not another person in sight…

VERY Creepy… had us some “Walking Dead” vibes going on with like no one else in the immediate area…

Plus there’s already a lot of Haitians there that are already part of the ‘local work force’ so to speak. Between them and the Jamaicans, they’d fit right in…

Of course if they can restrain their urges to kill all the Whites and/or eat them all. Jes’ Sayin’.

Then, on other things, The Krainians did a border crossing, or at least that’s what THEY said they did. The end result being over 300 KIA, 3-4 tanks and 3 M2A2 Brads taken out, a Caesar Self Propelled Arty Piece, and a pile of “technicals” all smoked for a bad P.R. stunt gone wrong. Technicals being a regular pickup or civilian vehicle that people arm up with (usually) a Heavy Machine Gun, or in more radical cases, a rocket pod:

That’s a Soviet/Russian MI-8/MI-24 UB-32 rocket pod that fires 32-2.2inch S-5 rockets mounted on a Toyota Hilux, the preferred Insurgent Mode of Transportation/Improvised Weapons Platform. It’s also utterly retarded.

So they went, mostly to bolster whatever P.R. bullshit they could, and per usual, got their heads both physically and metaphorically handed to them.

The latest intel I’m also gathering regarding the Krain is about France wanting to re-enact Napoleon’s Dumbasshattery, i.e. go up against Russia, on Russia’s terms. Word is that big missile strike on the Airport Hotel wiped out a LOT of “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys” and hence, the imaginary and nonexistent ‘Honor of France’ is at stake. Considering Frog President Maricon is no where even 1/100th of the man or tactician that Napoleon was, I’d say they’re only going to get their collective asses kicked. Again.

I mean for real…
Fucking France!?!
The above A.I. Pic is rather appropriate isn’t it?

Then, other intel is that out of the 14 Challenger 2 Tanks that the Brits gave to the Krainians, there’s only 7 left operational. Parts and repairs are apparently not readily available, and at least three of them have been flat-out smoked like cheap cigars.

There’s also a pretty embarrassing video on the Brit news ‘The Sun’

…where the Krainians get a Challenger completely stuck like Chuck in the mud… The link is HERE. The Platoon? Company? Commander of the tanks states that the Challenger is “…overly heavy and underpowered” for the terrain.

There’s also RUMINT that the company that produces this turd, Vickers Defence Systems has come out behind the scenes practically ordering/begging the Krainians to stop publicly discussing the tanks shortcomings, as “…it’s bad for sales.”

Things being how they are, at this point it’s pretty obvious the entirety of the war was to line the pockets of the various DotMil Arms Manufacturers and Contract Companies (per usual), allow the DotGov scum to launder all that sweet, sweet foreign aid and kickbacks, and let the Jews have their revenge on both the Russians and Krainians for various ‘slights’ dating back a couple of hundred years or so…

I mean for real… why people don’t wake up and look at the main players involved behind ALL the shenanigans… Jews one and all, and it’s Orthodox Christians slaughtering each other at the behest of the Big-Nose-Small-Hat Tribalists…

Goy Versus Goy, just they way they like it.

And for stating that rather obvious lil factoid, I’m an evil Nazi, as opposed to the real Krainian Nazis?

No wonder things are fucked.

And lastly, word has come out that the Boeing Quality Control Manager who blew the whistle and then rather conveniently ‘committed suicide’ the day before he was supposed to give even MOAR damning testimony to the Corrupt Corporate Greedhead Culture where Boeing put profits over safety?


Seems that he stated to a bunch of friends “If I get found with a bad case of the ‘deads’, Know that I did not kill myself.” Shades of Epstein methinks. Worst part is, they’re not even trying to hide the blatant bullshit that they keep getting away with…

And they will continue to do whatever the hell they want to for the interim as the majority of people just don’t care anymore. They’ve managed to beat us down to being flat out Apathetic. As long as –MY– ricebowl isn’t being fucked with, and I got food on the table and the Grans are taken care of, I just want, like everyone else, to be left the fuck alone.

Until it’s no longer like that.
THEN shit starts getting, shall we say? interesting?

So, sorry for Missing a Day or Two.
I’m Back now, so More Later
Big Country

Twenty Years Ago (What, Wait… it’s been 20 years!?!)

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
20 years ago I took off from Ft. Bliss Texas, Final Destination; Baghdad, Iraq.

And yeah, I was a waaaay overweight Fatbody.
440 pounds at that time of the pic being taken.

They had us gather all our gear at dawn on the porch of the ancient barracks…the ones I think that have been condemned since then as ‘unfit for human habitation’ as even when we were there, we couldn’t even use the tap water to brush our teeth, it was so bad.

We flew commercial to Frankfurt Germany, at which point we then went from ‘normal commercial’ to “Retired AirFarce General Aviation”, i.e. a old beat to hell Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, leased by a Retired Conglomerate, and Chartered at Extortionist Rates that took us on to Kuwait:

A looooooong and cramped flight to say the least.

Sucked even more that we go conned into loading the baggage with a promise of a seat in the First Class section, only for the fuckers to reneg on it.


Once in Kuwait, we had like a one-day layover. Specifically -I- had a layover as they had a problem scrounging up a set of Body Armor my size (5xl). They had to ship one in from some obscure log-base, and it was in Woodland Camo, which sort of sucked later on in the Iraqi sun and heat. Once I got it, they put me and my bro, Lil Country, on a C-5A:

That one specifically…

Let me tell you…
First Thing: The ‘passenger’ compartment is on the roof of that big sucker. Right behind the cockpit. It’s called “The Courier Compartment.” Held about 8 of us in that forward deck. That was it for pax on that flight… the rest of the plane was pure cargo. The ladder? Hoo boy… scary doesn’t describe it while you’re climbing it with a ruck and a duffle on top of the ruck (90+pounds of gear) all while wearing your vest, with plates.

Second Thing? You’re flying backwards.
Most disconcerting thing I’ve ever experienced, taking off and landing backwards. Really fucks you up.

Third and Last Thing? The Chaff and Flare Launchers are right there on either side of you. As we were on approach into The Saddam-A-Go-Go, the Haj fired off -something- at us… found out later it was an old ass MANPAD someone had squirreled away, and took the risk to shoot at a big, fat, slow moving Target over BIAP…

The Chaff and Flare Launchers were what let us know we were “in the shit” so to speak.. THUNK! THUNK! THUNK! THUNK! like ever second or so… that and the wild assed combat landing… the pilot had that big Fucker doing shit that I was sure it shouldn’t be capable of… Lil Country yelled at me at that moment and took this picture:

“TFW You Question The Wisdom of Your Choices in Life”

Yeah… a Bit Hairy.
But… in the Long Run
I made it. Lost all that weight too. Got to play with a lot of cool toys:

…meet some cool people:

and pretty much redefined the Scope of Things…

Really, all and all…
“What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been…”
More Later
Big Country

Alive More Or Less (We Think)

Damn… That took a lot out of <us>…
Greetings and Yadda Yadda…

Do. not. get. that. Flu. or whatever the fuck that demonic motherfucker was/is. I got to feeling a wee bit better around last Thursday… I went to the Doc in the Box at the end of the street who Z-Packed me, and I went home…

Practically to Torches and Pitchforks as both Sapper and Gretchen were starting to experience the super-achy phase, and blamed me for bringing it home.

They both ended up going up to get the Z themselves, and that night, I got a full on relapse or something. Literally the bed soaked, alternating being feverish and then hotter than hell. Weak as a kitten too.

Essentially until yesterday/today, ALL of us were sloooowly dying in Bed. Even Sapper who never gets sick nor calls out. Guy normally is a fucking robot man. Terminator mode… but even this bug laid him low.

Z Pac and Prodigious amounts of Vitamin C Intra, a couple of IV bags and ‘stuff’ and man, a couple of days and I’m sorta-kinda back.

A quick fill in Story from back in the Days of the Army. I put this one up on the Reddit side of things… under “Worst/Funniest Moment in Basic”… as they say, this was mine:

“Puke in my D.I.s Face maybe?
Be Me. 1990… Ft Benning. Got served Brussel Sprouts on a field FTX (Infantry 11H). BOILED Brussel sprouts. Can’t stand the smell of them, get nauseated just because of the stench. Unfortunately, they forced the kid on the chow line on the BS Marmite to put them on my tray. Usually I went out of my way to avoid getting them on my tray ‘cos the ‘you take it/you eat it’ and there wasn’t any way I could… Now, I -tried- to skate… camo’d them fuckers so’s the D.I. at the garbage check wouldn’t see them… Unfortunately, I got caught and it went something like this:

D.I. Ingnorant : “Private BCE! What haven’t you eaten your delicious, nuuu-trious, government-approved Brussel Sprouts???!!!???”

Pvt BCE/Me: “I’m allergic to them Drill Sar’nt!!!!” (screamed at him full force, and I dunno if I am, it was all I could think of on-the-fly that might keep me from getting killed)

D.I. Ingnorant: (Steps forward, shouting) “That’s BULLSHIT! You will eat these greens, right here, and right now! No way on God’s Green Earth have -I- ever heard of an allergy to Brussel Sprouts… Now, open your fucking gob annnnd begin!!!”

Pvt BCE/Me: Opens mouth, starts chowing down… eyes begin to water… second Sprout goes in… > queue disturbing stomach noises <

D.I. Ingnorant: (Gets face-to-face w/me, diligently chewing and knowing what’s coming) “Now Pvt BCE, aren’t those just the best? Just like momma makes back home… swallow and tell me and all these other privates what you think of good ole US Army Hot Field Chow!”

Pvt BCE/Me: Swallows… starts trembling…eyes watering like I’d been CS’d… skin is now a gray-ish pallor according to witnesses later…

D.I. Ingnorant: “Well Pvt BCE?”

Pvt BCE/Me: Opens mouth, <HOOOORF!!!!!
Projectile vomits the -entirety- of my lunch alll over the D.I.’s chest…thick stinky barf… didn’t have enough loft to get him in the phizz… just enough to splatter the front of his BDUs with the half eaten remains of the Fried Chikin and Green Beans I -did- manage to scarf down…ran alllll the way down and dripped on to his spit shined Corcorans

Fucker got Forrest Whitter Eye at me, while I weakly lost my legs… went to my knees and said almost in a whisper… “I…tried… to… tell…. you… Drill….”

I passed out right after… between nerves and the whole situation, I was out for a few. After I found out D.I. Ingnorant got his ass handed to him by the First Shirt for ignoring that I had told him about an allergy. Still don’t know if I am per se, but it saved my ass… and NO I still cannot stand the smell sight nor taste of the dreaded Sprouts.

Didn’t get smoked, but hey… call it a win.”

So as they say, is that for Today. Maybe more tonight as I owe y’all. More Later

Big Country

I’m Sick as a Dog Everyone

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
That Midget Wrasslin’ I went to? The crowd? Someone there was a plague carrier methinks. I started a bit of coughing on Monday, but the pollen was so out of control, (the car is green right now as we speak) I figured it was the allergies kicking in.

Tuesday, I got to hacking, and started feeling achy.

Today I punched out from Glorious Tractor Factory #206 ‘cos I was puking and hacking so much… Even the soles of my feet hurt. I’m even taking the day off tomorrow

So some memes to keep y’all entertained:

More Later

Short Poast, Some Good News, and Some Bad, and Death to the Heretics.

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Good news:

The test that tells us that Gretchen has to get a masectomy? Nope.

No tit choppin’ here thank God.

The bad news?

She –might- lose a half to a cup to a full cup in size. The lumpectomy is going to suck, purely. Problem is, in order to keep symmetry, the other tit needs to get hit and reduced.

Which is a stone bitch as naturally, the tit with teh cancer in it is the smaller of the two boobs by half a cup.

That means overall, a potential full cup ‘chop’

For a chick that’s like the Kiss of Death.
Gretchen as “The Hair Diva” is a kick-ass six foot amazon with some huge assed-titties. For sake of clarity, for those of you who have donated, with her permission, this is what we’re fighting for men!

That’s a pic she sent me when she was dating me… 49 years old.

DAYUUUUUM! is all I can say.
Despite giving birth to the ‘Spawn of Satan’ AKA DumbCunt, for a fifty-ish woman, she’s got no drag nor sag, and no stretch marks. Fuckin’ unreal and I’m the luckiest sumbitch out there.


I totally dig her emotional breakdown. I’m trying to be better about handling this, but to be honest, my bedside manner was along the lines of “slap a band-aid on it, it’ll be fine.”

We’ll get through it.

And as far as the fucker(s) talking shit about me?
Well, fuck it. I sent this to JimmyPX a great commenter and awesome dood who’s DM’d me some support and shit… he had a pretty good explanation of the haters, namely Jealousy.

One of the Seven Deadly Sins
Which in this case has potentially fatal outcomes. My response to him:

Thanks for the kind thoughts Jim.
I will state this, at the risk of FeadPoasting: If my wife suffers ANY deleterious effects from these fucksticks trying to sabotage my fundraiser, I swear to you that I will hunt every. single. one. of. them. down. and have my revenge. I’ve killed better men in Iraq.

These cowardly know-nothing basement dwelling morons have NO IDEA what wrath I am capable of. As stated, IF Gretchen suffers, I will make it my end-of-life mission to UTTERLY ERASE those who interfered, to the point their families become fair game. If I have to s-q-u-e-e-z-e Torba personally to get their IRL info, I will…gleefully.

FAFO indeed.
Notice formally give, no quarter asked, nor given

Ball is in their court.
Please, continue to be assholes.
I haven’t killed anyone since late 2006.
I’m behind on my quota of fuckwits, lackbrains and douchecanoes.

So More Later and My continued THANKS and LOYALTY to you ALL!
Big Country

Let’s Try That Again, Gretchen Has Started Treatment and More Dead Tanks

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Bandwidth? Server Space limitations… something didn’t let me put up Pinky and her Lil Fren throwing down last night, so here’s try #2:

We’ll see… it’s less than 400 meg of data… the limit is theoretically 3 Gig, but it’s DiveMedic’s house, so it may be limited.

If it didn’t work, there is some stuff on YouTube you can pull up if you want. MicroWrestling… what a hoot. Then again, I figured it out… it kept getting stopped on the upload at 84%. So I edited it and trimmed about 45 seconds off it… not the cleanest job, but hey!

Now, Gretchen starts her initial treatment in the A.M. Just some meds and whatnot but she’s freaked out.

As they say, Shit just got for reely reelz.

Before the whole “I got Cancer” thing just hadn’t hit home so to speak. They’re starting her on tamoxifen, which is good to fight boobie cancer? She’s all upset ‘cos the side effect is weight gain and edema.

I remember when I went through my realization. Big difference is men are wired differently. For those of you who didn’t know, I went through Lung cancer back in 2011. Missing half of my left airbag. “Depleted Uranium has no deleterious side effects. It’s perfectly safe!” said the DotMil and Dot Gov…

“The battle damaged tanks are wrapped in heavy plastic so as to avoid possible radiological contamination IF there is ever any issues over this” they said.

This’s my ‘concerned face’…
And do those look ‘wrapped up’ to you?

Any wonder I have serious trust issues with EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING the fucking DotGov tells me!?!?!

Little did I know that there was a wee tumor forming.
Ah well… it’s now up to me to give aid and comfort to my woman. It’s what we do, or leastways should do.

The fundraiser is still up… hopefully we’ll be good… that fuck on Gab who put a dent in it by saying I am ‘grifting’ and that Gretchen doesn’t have cancer… I so want to know who he is IRL so’s I can make a personal attitude adjustment on him. Fucker claims to actually know me… fucking lying sack of shytte. His handle on Gab is (PureBlood)OverMountainMan with the @natsassafrass tag. Also known as “Miserable Cheetopenis Basement Dwelling Fuckwit SmoothBrain”

Gutless know-nothing fuck
Whew… sorry… Feel free to ask him just who in the fuck he is to make up shit about this, potentially endangering my wife’s life and our ability to insure she gets treatment. It pissed me off so bad, I sent Wirecutter and a couple of other bloggers Gretchen’s diagnosis paperwork. Fucker declared war? Yeah, I’ll give the fucker a war…

So yeah.
It is what it is. I do thank you all for everything and all the support. And for letting me vent… Gotta remember to NOT FedPoast.

One last Krainian Klowncar Update. We all saw the first M1A #1 that was made into roastie-toasties:

Now we got two more pics. This one here, M1a #2 is one that got a “mobility kill” and the crew abandoned it before the Ivans droned it to death:

Turret to the side, SOP for a “get the fuck out of Dodge” situation. Blow out panels intact. You can see ALL the hatches, to include the driver’s hatch open where he bailed. See… if the turret is directly over the front, it’s nigh impossible for the driver to bail, as the way it’s designed, the driver has to go out when the turret is locked to the rear in the ‘travel position’:

Another angle… also, NO reactive TUSK side armor panels like on M1A #1 up there… those are the big boxes on the side:

M1A #2 doesn’t have them as you can plainly see.

Now the other thing about M1A #1 is the Krainian Klown Kids Klaim that M1A #1 was recovered, and driven home… which I call absolute bullshit on. Which then makes me question this picture:

That is what I’m calling Kill #3.

Further out…
It’s another catastrophic kill.
That ammo bustle you can see that it totally blew the fuck up and out. In fact, you look closely, you can see that the blast door is open.

Bad luck there Aye?

The Krainian Cheerleaders have been saying that this’s the same tank as M1A #1. I call bullshit. Look at the sides… there’s no TUSK armor on it. And from experience, those who say they went and took it off? Again… first person experience from Kuwait. You. do. not. fuck. with. Toasty. Reactive. Armor.

There’s a reason I had E.O.D. on speed dial #1.

Lightly crispied exposed-to-fire reactive armor tends to be “grumpy”… just like some of the Battle Damaged Bradleys we had come in, with linked 25mm HEDP half cooked… shit was potentially nasty with attitude… so to say that they removed the TUSK package aftyer it got smokes? While still within range of Russian Drones/Arty and whathaveyou??

Pull the other one.
So by –MY– count, thats three Abrams smoked.

They also got the Abrams Chassis Based M1150 Assaults Breacher Vehicle:

From the look of it -something- penetrated the left front where a BIG fuel tank is… the trail of fire behind it says to my eye that it got breached by -whatever- they -tried- to put it out, but oops. “You are a No Go at this station”, and scratch one very expensive state of the art Engineering track.

Going to be interesting too know that the Krauts got completely caught out planning missile shenanigans, and also exposed the Frog Troops and Brit Troops actively engaging in combat when they ain’t supposed to…

Got a hunch about that and I’ll do a write up tomorrow.
More Later
Big Country

This One is For Wirecutter: I Present MIDGET WRESTLING!!!

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
What do you do after a full weekend of chores for the in-laws?

Tell you what -I- did:

I shit you not…
Midget. Wrestling.

Or as the PC call it “Micro Wrestling”
My fucking sides, arms and back hurt like I’ve been beaten with a 2×4. My sides from laughing my fucking balls off, my arms from holding my cell phone over my head waaaay the fuck above the crowd to get vidya and pics, and my back from standing up on my shattered spine w/fucking sciatica for 3 hours straight.

There’s a reason I only do desk jobs.
The spine -could- be repaired but involves ‘cadaver bone’ and that creeps the ever-loving-fuck outta me, so hard pass for now leastways.

So first up was the “Hype Man” Think “Midget Caucasian Flavor Flav”. Guy goes by the handle “Ivar” as in from the show “Vikings” with the true to life Viking being a son of Ragnar Lodbrok who invaded England and Ireland back around 870+/- A.D.

Reason for his handle is he’s got brittle bone disease and at age 30, has had over (by his account) 100 broken bones/fractures, some of them life threatening. He was the “You can do anything you want to” sort of guy… and a pretty good showman. Considering he got wheeled out in a wheelchair, I’d have to say I was impressed.

You got to forgive any shaky cam…
Here’s his promo shot:

3foot 4in.

Holding even an 8oz phone over your head at max extension, after 60 seconds, you start getting muscle failure like a motherfucker. Lets face it, I’m mid-50s, and not in great shape anymore (for now).

After Ivar doing the intro and initial hype, we got a few fights… It was the second one that Wirecutter would have gotten all fired up for…a Female Tag Team Match…
With Pinky being the first chick:

She was moving pretty fast, so hard to get a good still shot of her. I will say, great turd-cutter, and a six pack of abs.

She was up agains a “Muh Diversity” ‘heel’:

Didn’t even care to learn the name. Boring blaq chick… anyways, the fight was pretty well orchestrated. Typical “Heel (blaq chick) comes out, insults locals” (‘Florida sux!) and Pinky eventually going to town with ‘Lil Miss’ and winning. Funny thing is, the two heels were MONSTERS compared to the two ‘good guys’

Sorry but I maxxed out the bandwidth allocation already. I’ll try and hit it tomorrow/today!

Now in that vidya, you can see about Pinky’s ‘attributes’ so to speak… “Peak Spinner” is what I think Wirecutter would call that.

The final “Big Match” was between Chief Little Foot, supposedly a Seminole Indian… definitely an Indian, but I dunno if they were using the whole “Tampa Connection” to the Seminole Tribe or not… either way, the crowd ate it up. He was facing the MCW (Micro Champion Wrestling) World Heavyweight? Lightweight? Microweight? I missed that part… anyways, dud is called “Syko” and played a great dirty fighter/heel. In the end, they had a great match, BUT

I fucking missed the final count out, and a few other things ‘cos me arms were, by this time blown the fuck out… here’s what I -did- get:

Overall, a great night.
Gretchen needed this.
She as you well can imagine has been really upset as of late.

We found out about it from my old Fren and Boss, Ranger Jay:

That’s him and his wifey there w/Gretchen.

Ranger Jay and I had one funny experience outside of the show. The guys behind us, (no picture taken for reasons that will become clear in a moment) they positively reeked of SpecOps. Like after alllll them years in and around, you get a vibe and a feel, especially when you’ve gotten used to scanning a crowd for threats, and identifying same. These four dudes?

OMFG… I could practically smell the cordite.

RJ and I talked about it, and his Wifey agreed. Gretchen was pretty oblivious as I’m the first guy she’s been with in her life with my background. So, me being nosey me, I went over and asked them. “Yo, brothers… I just want to check if my ‘radar’ is off… You guys… are you out of SOCOM at McDill?”

Got a bit of a hostile reaction til I identified myself… then it was all good. Brotherhood/Patch Rub and all that. They played the “Guess who’s the SF guy is and who’s the SEAL?” with me, which I got wrong AF. The SF guy turned out to be this Methhead looking motherfucker… color me shocked AF. Two of them were ‘no longer in the military’ which I said “OK… Army of Northern Virginia” or whatever they’re calling themselves these days… got me some short-sleepy-sort of smiles at that, and I left it at that. They bought me a beer, and were as expected cool AF once they knew I was ‘in the club’ so to speak.

I really appreciate them letting us know and meeting up with them for such a great night. As you can see, even for some small folks, man, there was some serious athleticism going on…I sure as fuck wouldn’t be able to pull that off, probably even back in the day…

So I hope you enjoyed our installment of tonight’s adventures. If you can, remember to tip the staff:
Gretchen and I appreciate it!

More Later
Big Country

The Dad W/A Flammenwerfer

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
So I finished Don Shift’s Book:

My thoughts:
Not Bad.
I’d give it a 7.5 out of 10.

The story is about your basic suburban drone.
‘Ross’, the main character, is some techno-geek who used to work for the Goolag. The story, at it’s core, is civilization doing a s-l-o-w slide into anarchy as multiple events, from extreme weather (unseasonal freezing) and an overtaxed power grid, plus the ¡violence! that goes along with fuel shortages and pre-election stupidity, Ross and his family are caught in the middle.

Utterly Unprepared.

Now, it’s well written, and pretty descriptive of the way shit could slowly start going to Hell in a Handbasket, and this guy seems to be clueless throughout. His brother, a war vet who had seen Iraq and Affy had tried to tell him to start prepping a-ways back. Ross’s reaction was to buy just enough Mountain House to stave off complete starvation, but has done ‘stupid shit’ like leaving his shotgun at his brothers house several states over. This forces him to buy a shotty after all the gun stores are cleaned out for three times the going rate, and ammo for it being like $50 a round for buckshot…

In fact it’s one of my main complaints is that this dude keeps fucking up and doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes. From talking to the cops (never talk to the cops) after defending his family, to being conned into a bushwhack while going to get gas that by all rights he should NOT have survived, Ross pissed me off more than he had me cheering for him.

All the negatives aside, Shift does do an outstanding job in describing the possible societal situations that come about by an exceptionally s-l-o-w breakdown of Bullshit. From the “sick outs” that the majority of the Cops do when shit starts getting “really reelz”, to the organized cartel based Hijacking of critical food supplies. He also covers the issue that no one has really discussed in depth that being what I call “the right of refusal” in that the majority of Truckers decide that “it ain’t worth their lives to take loads into a shooting gallery.” Truckers start to say not just no, but fuck to the noes regarding rolling into hostile territory.

This leaves everyone in a bind.
No food?
Uh Oh.

There’s also a subplot about the rain and snow doing a melt, and that the dam and levee is gonna burst! that I find humorous. Reason being is that throughout ALL of the Shitfestivus, from Gangbangers trying to kill him, to EBT riots and people killing each other over a bag o’beans in the grocery store, Ross stays put in his rapidly falling-the-fuck-apart town. Even worse is that his family is stuck there ‘cos he won’t GTFO of town like an intelligent

Fucking Moron.
Sorry Don. Just my opinion.
IMO also, anyone with half a fucking brain would have bailed after the first week of Hell. See, Ross is a bit of a cuck. In that his wife is a former porn-chick (lesbian enema porn) who brought the bastard spawn of another man into his highly paid Google Life and subsequently baby-trapped him….

Leastways that’s how -I- read it from a purely red-pill POV.

He doesn’t want to “…leave the house they built together behind, as she (Rayleene) had been abandoned by all the men in her life, from her father, to her first babydaddy…”

Fucking cuck.

Otherwise, for a glimpse of what MAY happen, it’s 10 for 10.

The other thing is the Flamethrower Ross eventually builds… it annoyed me that it was pretty much in the last two-three chapters that he gets off his ass and builds the fucking thing. I expected it to be a LOT sooner and a few moar crispy bad guys… The other thing is I’m not sure it would function as Shift tells it… the again, I’m NOT playing with liquid propane or propane accessories…

Who the fuck you think I am?
Hank Hill?

I designed and built what -I- consider a much safer alternative, as far as the word ‘safe’ can be used when discussing using and building devices to throw liquid fire on other human beings, with the intent of burning them to death for games and prizes.

So yeah, give it a read.
It’ll entertain you. Link HERE

Otherwise, another weekend spent going up to Gretchen’s parents place. Leave in the AM… got another slew of ‘minor repairs’ to do… lightbulbs on the vaulted ceiling (not looking forward to that as Dad’s ladder is ten million years old and more rickety than him)… other ‘minor shit’ that they just can’t do… and Computer Repair/Hard Drive replacement…

Mom tanked her lappie so I have to figure out Hardware tanked or Software tanked? Won’t know ’til I get there as she just tells me “it won’t turn on!!” This from the lady who didn’t know where the power button was a few months ago…

Enough ‘stuff’ tho that we have to spend the night…

Meh. Do what I gotta do.

Latest on Gretchen is that we’re waiting on the MRI Results. Tomorrow we have a teleconference with the Doc to figure out our next steps. Things look ok (considering the circumstances) and we’re just driving on. We greatly appreciate you all for all the support. I can’t do it without y’all as my sounding board.

Not sure if I’ll be able to poast tomorrow as we’ll be flat out… if not I’ll get back with you on Sunday.

More Later

Big Country

A Book Review Tomorrow

Greetings Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Finishing up Don Shifts newest:

Rather Appropo is it not!?!

Seriously… so far, a good read, I’ll go in depth tomorrow.
Had a full day. Glorious People’s Tractor Factory Phone got knocked off the desk and broken by Bob-the-Cat. Screen shattered when it hit my 10kg weight. I got one of those kettleballs I curl at the desk to maintain -some- muscles…

Damned phone is trashed tho…

Hit just right to get totalled.

Otherwise, more tomorrow… early bed as I have a long day of Gretchen oriented Med-Stuff to deal with

Big Country

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