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We’re personally (Gretch/Sapper/the Doggos and Cats) are good
The ‘Usual Suspects’ are at it again
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An Old Soldier's Rant. You don't like it? Go Away. Life is Too Short and Your Opinion Matters Not.
Back Tomorrow
We’re personally (Gretch/Sapper/the Doggos and Cats) are good
The ‘Usual Suspects’ are at it again
More Later
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The Glamazon’s parents I assume?
yeah. old age is a stone cold bitch. but like I told my own Dad when I was helping him get a shower.
life is kind of like a circle. you start out not being able to do for yourself. then you can and that goes along for a good long while. but again it comes to a time where you need help again.
BTW. Dad looked at me like I was NUTS after I said this to him. anyway.
it is what or how I see it as anything else just doesn’t make sense to me. for what it worth anyway.
Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative.
life is way too long and much too short not to have a good time as you tap dance out the door.
as my Mom used to say, “happy sailors dancing on a sinking ship”
you don’t get out alive anyway, so you may as well enjoy the ride !
and yes. there was a fair amount of booze partaken in the coming up of that years ago.
there is something about green bottles that help one see the reason behind things like this.
my 2 cents for what it’s worth. not much really.
Respect for doing your duty.
“Do not confuse “duty” with what other people expect of you; they are utterly different. Duty is a debt you owe to yourself to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily. Paying that debt can entail anything from years of patient work to instant willingness to die. Difficult it may be, but the reward is self-respect.
Robert Heinlein seems more and more apt every day.
Think about impaled on stakes to keep morale up.
At least they (oldsters) have family around for the last laps.
And now… Mexico Authorizes Entry of U.S. Special Forces
Paging unintended consequences…
Just another disaster day: USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier involved in collision with merchant ship near Middle East port
Just pure luck that ‘Merchant Ship’ wasn’t HOSTILE.
To laugh like the rest of the world’s militaries, or to cry that the former USA is stumbling like an old wino on the stairs, falling a few steps at a time. Wouldn’t be a surprise to those that read HMS Defiant’s blog and such about the true status of our rusty navy.
What Nurse General wants to explain how this can BE when we are helping the World Defend themselves from bad ole Russia? You know the country with an income according to Aesop of Delaware.
BTW Aesop I made a nice return from my Rubles purchase and selling them after you said the Russian’s were toast in economics with our sanctions. SINCE you ASKED so nicely a few posts ago YESTERDAY. It’s not hard to understand basic economic terms like return to mean and trends.
Looking forward to your next economic wisdom posting.
Guess that was you way of getting the last word, wait until everybody else moved onward. LOL.
the Fusa is toast…
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) collided with the bulk carrier Besiktas-M off the coast of Egypt yesterday. The Pentagon reports that the collision “did not endanger the Harry S. Truman.”
Was the Captain and the crew of USS Harry Truman asleep? How does an aircraft carrier collide with another ship on the high seas? How does another vessel even get CLOSE to a US Aircraft Carrier?????
Did the crew of the Harry Truman somehow NOT SEE the 616 foot long Bulk Carrier vessel????? Was it hiding behind a tree in the middle of the friggin’ ocean?
On its face, this appears to be dereliction of duty by the Captain and/or crew of the aircraft carrier.
Word for word from HT (not that I’m complaining in any way since its true).
Hope there hasn’t been a wrinkle that made shit even more complicated down there BCE, been a couple days now since you last posted. Kind of makes me think the situation went further down hill for some reason…
Sorry BRD
Just a bit burned at both ends so to speak
Hope you enjoy the new poasts and the upcoming ‘stuff’
Just saw the new post while trying to beat back some insomnia here. Good to hear/see it wasn’t a major worsening of the inlaw situation that delayed your posting.