Greetings and Salutations!
OK gang! Down the rabbit hole.

They’ve ID’d the guy who blew himself up in front of Trump Tower yesterday. Supposedly the mook in question is Matthew Livelsberger.
Or should I say Master Sergeant Livelsberger of 10th Special Forces Group?

How about that?
Know what I say?

Per a rando on Twitter, this what The Brotherhood has been finding and/or saying:
MY theory?
Oh the guy is dead. No question. Personally? I think someone there saw a GREAT opportunity. It’s blatantly apparent that the Federal Bureau of Incompetence dropped a rather big ball regarding the Aloha Snackbar Incident (if they didn’t actively assist in the perpetrating of it that is).
They dropped the ball so hard it passed straight through the planet and is now in orbit. Stevie Wonder can see how badly they fucked up. From Alpha Centauri.
So someone realized that they had a way of fixing some ‘stuff’ real quick. You and I know that there’s been casualties in the Krain. US DotMil casualties. On occasion the Russians actually find the stiffs and IDs and are able to show them, and invariably, the dead have been ‘deserters’ or ‘AWOL’ or ‘retired’ when they were killed. My intel actually tells me that they were ‘sheep dipped’ and there, under ‘double secret probation orders’, I.E. they were never there, but they were, but the Secretary would disavow any activity or words to that affect.
Any bets the MSGT was KIA’d in the Krain?
I mean they got his ID card:

Which is most definitely a wee bit roastie-toasty.
(Shades of the 9/11 passport anyone?)
But as they said on the Daily Fail:

AT the bottom there:

Huh… “…burned beyond recognition”
What a cohensidence.
And the ID card juuuust managed to survive?
How conveeeeeeenient!!!
Someone pulled this guy’s info, and went “It’s Perfect!”
Why do you ask? Well…
He’s exactly the very definition of a TERRORIST that the Feds have been screaming about for the past four fucking retarded years.
White? Check.
Veteran? Check.
Combat Experienced? Check
Radicalized? Check
Disgruntled? Unknown but pretty sure by trying to tie him to his EX WIFEs OrangeManBad’s obsession, that’s the link. And yeah… he’s divorced which I find has hardly rated a mention by the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda.
And Her? The pic IMO speaks for itself:

Shithouse Crazy eyes IMO.
Bugshit Crazy.
Not only that her home of record is Mexico…
Say it with me: How conveeeeeeenient!!!
And breaking news is that supposedly, HE SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD BEFORE THE TRUCK BLEW!
Man, the bullshit stacks up around here so fast, you need wings to stay above it, to borrow a line from Coppola.
So yeah.
They quickly nigger-rigged some barely functional bomb and had it blow up in front of Trump Tower. Now speaking from experience, I was just a plain ole Infantryman. Granted in some High Speed units. I got to do a week long demolition class while in. VERY fun time, learning how to cut I-Beams w/det-cord, making a monkey-fist w/det cord and how to measure timer cord… making Heap BIG boomy-boom, making IEDs, cutting trees down… all the shit I was in the Army to do.
-I- could have made a better and more functional IED that that.
What the fuck do you think a 19 year fully qualified Special Fucking Forces Team Leader could do? Just short of a nuclear weapon I’d wager. That limp-assed firecracker? That was a joke.

Looking at it, it looks like 4-5 cans of Coleman White Gas, and maybe one or two 5 pound tins of gunpowder of some kind. The fireworks are a given now, so alllllll of that was “The Bomb/IED”?
Weak Fucking Sauce that Aye?
And all the people saying “But muh availability!!!” and shit like that? That that was the best he could do? Puhhh-leeeeeze!
Anyone who know SF or worked with SF knows that “availability” is NOT an issue. True story: While I was at Campbell in 94, for the first time ever, they did a Health and Welfare on the 7th 5th Group Barracks. (Corrected and Thanks to John… Too many beers/years!) Most of them weren’t home.
The amount of shit they found? while being kept on the down low was positively insane. Even the Brass, they couldn’t hide the fact that the fully equipped DsHK 12.7mm Heavy Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun, complete with ADA Tripod, sight and ammunition was found… the Beanie who had it in his room ‘donated it’ to the Base Museum where it’s on display to this day.
So no, Virginia, I don’t buy that he couldn’t get ahold of any better supplies. Some of the guys I knew in SF and were really good friends with kept bricks of C4 on hand ‘just in case/need’ back in the day, and that was back when inventory control was faaar worse than the past ten years… I wouldn’t doubt if the GWOT vets out there have some ‘souvenirs’ stashed for a rainy day or two either…
And the Feds? By doing this, they now get to spend all their time justifying the invariable new hunt(s) for “Eeee-vil Whytte Superpreemiecycts” instead of focusing on their near absolute failure(s) to deal with Sudden Jihadi Syndrome AGAIN. Notice how NOW there’s no longer a manhunt for the three dudes and one split who were on fucking camera planting fucking IEDs all over the city!?!
One last time: How conveeeeeeenient!!!
So yep.
So MSGT Livelsberger: May He Rest in Peace.
Once things come out, this dishonorable stain will be removed, and the perpetrators/pieces of shit in human form who performed such a cowardly act for political points will be hung from lampposts if I have my way. Leave their rotting corpses for the crows, and the bodies of their damnable spawn dead at their feet, so as to erase their lineage from this Earth, as those so dishonorable and despicable deserve no memorial, nor descendants. Salt the ground from which they came, and let no one remember them except as the curse that they are. May their souls rot in Eternal Damnation. AMEN.
So your thoughts?

Supposedly he had some ya-ya shish-koom-ba….I ❤️ Ukraine shirt in some pic. So he gets clipped in the kraine, some analyst dude sees them opportunity & self drives the Tesla shitruck with a Body Double and a remote det
He could have stopped and bought Tannerite on his way and been years ahead of the junk in the trunk. Message sent. Inauguration, Assassination, hello President Johnson.
Vegas didn’t make sense to me either. I agree its big ball of all the stuff they’ve been warning about for the last four years. I would scratch my head every time they would come out and say “white supremacy” was our biggest threat. I’m pretty sure you could put every true “white supremacist“ in the United States in a minivan and still have a room for two cases of beer. I chalked it up to battlefield prep. This could be the start.
You hit it on the head with availability. I spent two weeks doing some work for seventh group on the Pakistani border at a SF fob. Made pretty good friends with a few guys there to include a MSG team leader (great guy BTW). Those are some of the most down-to-earth people I’ve met in the military. Something like this would have been very out of character and make no sense .I can tell you they personally helped some my friends acquire several “souvenirs”. The checks they did on us leaving the country was an absolute joke. A lot of guys brought A LOT of stuff home.
The SF had a lot of toys that no one else had and were on their own budget.
The Vegas and N.O. operations are part of a strategic messaging campaign with two goals directed primarily at two separate audiences. First, “they” are sending a clear and unmistakable message to Trump & Company that “they” can and will create death, disaster, and chaos if he fucks with their apple carts (Ukraine, immigration, etc….) to much. Follow the money and realize who the people are that really populate and own the Intel apparatus. It helps if you know the history of the OSS and it’s unofficial definition of Oh So Social due to the overwhelming number of kids and grandkids of Jekyll Island Club (see also Sea Island) robber baron millionaires and billionaires. Bonus points to you if you know about their familial ties created in the late 1800s/early 1900s to foreign, mostly British *cough*German*cough* nobility. Starting to see your place, peasant?
The second group being addressed is the uneducated low information fucktarded tiktok peasantry. The message to them is garbled, false, and contradictory by design to sow anger, racial/religious division, distrust against each other and authority, etc…. Watch and learn the MSM narrative and think about who they’re telling you to hate and then ask why and to what purpose.
Forgot to add. Wait and see what new domestic surveillance authorities and funding bills get pushed up our asses by the Congress criminals. “4th amendment? Suck it, Bitches!” They’ll probably try to ban tannerite, remote firing equipment without a license and registration, ghost guns, encrypted comms, and on and on and on to “save the chillrens”. If you’re wondering what the message means, it means “Fuck you peasants. We are going to systematically remove your ability to fight back against anything we decide to ram up or down your bodily orifices.”
Just remember…the “they’s” out there have families.
Just sayin’…
This a good point. The cybertruck bombing looks like it was carried out by morons. It wasn’t meant to cause casualties. Using a Tesla at a Trump building was a message to both Trump and Musk to back the fuck off deep state territory.
“contradictory by design to sow anger, racial/religious division, distrust against each other and authority”
This is likely true, but also just shows how stupid glowniggers are. You don’t want normie to get all riled up and stop consuming start thinking about how he is just wage and discover he is being replaced/genocided.
Bingo! It was also a message to SF to toe the line when working with 3 letter orgs. The Vegas Trump tower cyber truck that blew has too many red flags. A 19 year SF Team Lead Operator would not use a Desert Eagle 50 cal as they are heavy and subject to jam. He would have a 1911, Barretta 92AF, Glock, or a Sig. Swallowing a bullet prior to being blown apart is very fishy. He would have wanted to make sure the bomb blew. The fireworks, white gas, and LP tanks as a bomb is almost juvenile, especially for a SF Operator. He could have made a more lethal bomb from things bought at a Commissary. He burnt up but his ID survived? Then there is the upbeat text messages with his Ex who is the mother of his kid. Add to that the family members making statements that this is out of character for him.
Heard on the Sean Ryan interview that the body found in the Tesla DNA did not match kids.
Correct. Even Chuckie Schumer knows this truth about the Agencies (“they have six ways from Sunday to mess up your day”, or words to that effect).
THIS^^^^. Plan accordingly. The current PTB are NOT going to go gentle into the good night. Bleib ubrig.
Stevie Wonder wasn’t blind. There’s enough evidence around.
Well thought out bro. Can’t find any flaws in your logic.
Root and branch Biggie, root and branch.
Hells bells, I wasn’t even in the military and I could have figured out a better go-boom than that. That thing is setting off Geiger counters states away it is glowing so hard. It’s also getting hushed the hell up, going to wherever the Las Vegas mass shooting disappeared to. There is something about that town…
I hope some of his fellow SF brothers call “bullshit” on this and find out and clear this guy’s name.
What was his motive AND as BCE says if the guy WAS going to go postal he had the skills and the means to cause a REALLY HUGE fucking KABOOM ?
No this stinks of some piss ant CIA or FBI analyst’s “great idea”.
Josey Wales:
To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.
And supposedly drove it from Colorado Springs. How many charge stops?
One glowie, two glowie. My money is on both the above and Sham Dindu Jarjar being glowies. As bad optics as a movie with special effects just because they had them. Don’t have to make sense to the plot.
The SF dude actually got an award from the US State Department for some operation he did while posted to a U.S. Embassy in on of the central Asian “Stan’s”. Lemme translate that into English for ya. He was doing spy shit for the CIA/DIA etcetera…
He also did stuff in/for Ukraine. More spook shit. They knew him then they most likely set him up and killed him.
I know some interesting people. They’ve worked with and around the Christians In Action missionaries for decades in DA, technical intelligence, and CI. The two common denominators in all their stories about them is they’re mostly clown shoes and they really really wonder whose side those fuckers are on.
Hey BC,
I love reading that the body burned beyond recognition had a self inflicted gunshot wound. Do tell!! WTF?
I read that Tesla helped ID this guy from video at the charging stations he used. That would nix the killed overseas theory. However, on the topic of Tesla, the Cybertruck is a self driver. “They” could have killed him, then put the car on autopilot to the destination or they held something so horrific over his head that he actually was there and did kill himself while holding a dead man’s switch.
One thing’s for sure: this fucking thing glows like Chernobyl the day after.
Now with the islamics and their brain-dead sycophants screaming in the streets in NYFC after these events, I think this cabal is still butthurt we are not hollering for a war.
I thought building HE from common household and industrial chemicals was 1st or second week 18-series training classes? He had the knowledge to make a big-bada-boom if he so chose to.
I was thinking the same thing. Someone of his skill level would know that the “bulletproof” cypertruck would probably be the worst possible choice for a project such as this. Just like some legit operator would know that the firecracker mortars and camp fuel combo was not going to inflict very much collateral damage. Then there is the “self-inflicted” gun shot. I saw the story stating “burned beyond recognition” and my BS detector kicked up a few ticks. Next, I heard the driver was dead before the explosion. The detector went higher. When I saw the perp/victim’s ID had survived the fire, the BS detector went off the chart. Just one more thing, for the Sheriff’s spokeperson who said the body was burned “beyond recognition”. How is it that the body was burned to a crisp, but somehow a plastic coated piece of paper survived?
The pop gun was a .50 Desert Eagle. Let’s think of the physics; without a ballistics chart I can still ask the musical question “Where did the round go?”. As well as “Where did the fireworks come from?” The Moapa Rez would be the logical place to look, as their fireworks shop is just off the freeway on the approach to LV from the North. And yes, Virginia they have video feed. The whole thing stinks of Fibbie boosheet.
That’s precisely what I was wondering about the .50 cal. That’s not going to be slowed down by a smooshy head or a panel of “bulletproof” glass.
Occam’s Razor will always cut to the heart of the matter. Our military is always ill used by people who shouldn’t be in charge of cleaning a latrine. Payback is long overdue.
Hey Mike agree. The Telsas are self driving. Perfect vehicle to stage a psy op.
All of this stinks like last weeks fish. And the Feds are claiming there’s no connection between the two events. Bullshit. The Feds ARE the connection.
This makes much more sense than the obvious BS being presented by the MSM.
Minor Quibble: 7th Group is at Eglin. 5th Group is at Campbell. I was there in 94 in 3/5 SFGA. By the way, when I was a barracks rat prior to the group moving from Bragg to Campbell (1/5 did this in 86, the rest of the group followed a couple years later) the CO came by the barracks the day before the health and welfare and collected our personal weaponry (which he stored in his office overnight). They also foolishly did an “amnesty period” where you could put stuff in the hallway before the walk through. The amount of goodies put out there took a deuce and a half to haul away (that was the stuff that the guys couldn’t find a last minute hidey hole for). If someone ever dug deep around Smoke Bomb Hill (near the old GB Parachute Club building) they would find an amazing amount of forgotten cache treasures….
SHIT! You’re right… dunno why I said 7th! Corrected and thanks!
I’m VERY slow to get on fhe conspiracy train. Got called all kinds of nastiness explaining that the ship wiping out the Baltimore Bridge was SNAFU for high-pressure/low pay 3rd world mongs afraid to tell a European purseholder to give them a minute to fix a half-smoked circuit breaker.
This? This smells like a fart in a car. It’s so barely different, there’a obviously a pattern. Whoever it is, they’re barely trying. Might be like with Kennedy, where enough people who mattered were content to pretend it wasn’t an OP.
Waiting to hear anything credible about comm traffic prior to.
Such as him supposedly changing his Signal safety number right before the explosion, and then both his safety number and picture being changed right AFTER the explosion?
(I had to look it up. Signal is an encrypted communication service. ” State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open source Signal Protocol) keeps your conversations secure. We can’t read your messages or listen to your calls, and no one else can either. Privacy isn’t an optional mode — it’s just the way that Signal works. Every message, every call, every time.”)
THAT sounds a wee bit squirrely.
Signal was created by Moxie Marlinspike (born Matthew Rosenfeld,) who, out of the goodness of his heart, created a FREE secure messaging app! What a swell guy!
Signal was the “approved” messaging service by the Navy when my kid was in Bahrain. It is pretty handy with its features, but one has to realize anything you’re saying over it is probably being monitored by the NSA, which more than likely has a backdoor into the encryption – just like every other messaging app.
At least we were able to have phone conversations for free, with very little lag. OpsecOpsecOpsec
Change “probably” to “definitely.”
Don’t overlook the other obvious:
Livelsberger’s alive and well, some mook is toast, he took a blowtorch to his ID, someone dropped it in the passenger seat, and now he’s out from under alimony and child support forever.
With or without official sanction.
BTW, the mailman and Joubert from Three Days Of The Condor say “Hi.”
He’s actually got a new wife/life w/ a newborn, so that goes out the window unfortunately…
I got that from a 10th Guy I know…
A new wife/life doesn’t make old alimony and child support go away.
It does do serious credibility damage to the idea he’d off himself by becoming a Not-So-Smart-Bomb, so yet again, the cover story glows from here to Pluto.
So we’re back to habeus corpus.
Except FBI and DIA will be handling the forensic investigation and “identifying” the corpse.
Sh’yeah, as if.
So I’m still betting he’s alive and well, and sheep-dipped far beyond black to ultraviolet, whether in-school by TPTB, or all on his own a la Col. Kurtz, before I’d buy him totally losing his shit, making such a Mickey Mouse contraption that even Glen Filthie could build a better device, and then eating his own gun after spewing some whackadoodle online manifesto.
The only way that theory could ever even come in for a landing from outer space, IMHO, would be if it turned out he was batshit fried by PTSD, and TPTB had him pumped full of anti-depressants for the last couple of years, and was either an expendable asset, or a blooming liability.
Team sergeants don’t grow on trees, and the lead time is 15+ years to make one, so the juice would have to be worth the squeeze. And again, No Fucking Way an 18Z selectee couldn’t have figured out a much better way to cause 100X the splash he’s alleged to have done. There’s 200 YouTube commandos who could’ve done better with $500 and an hour at Home Depot, FFS, and they would have “acquired” a propane truck, or a cement mixer full of ANFO, not used a CyberTonka.
The media is being spoon-fed pureed bullshit with bullshit sprinkles on this, and they’re gobbling it up because SF Rambo vet=babykiller.
“I knew you’d be here.”
Ahh, a “Three Days of the Condor” reference. Good on ya, Aesop. A greatly overlooked solid Cold War espionage story that brought us the great line being “just a spy fucker” (Faye Dunaway). Max Von Sydow was perfect in the role.
The spooks/counter spooks were ultra competent in the film, leading many in the 1975 film to believe they WERE that good. Then (1975, I saw the flick as a SP4 in Bavaria in ’76), were our spooks ever that good? They certainly are not now.
Appreciate the theories, the dot connecting (Dennis Miller) and the details, BCE. Interesting times continue.
Good working theory BC. Agree fully the “bomb” was amateur hour shit, certainly not befitting of the purported perps background. It really insulting that these glowie fuckers put on a half assed show like this and expect us to buy into it. As is the number of times the story, and it’s key major details change, sometimes 180° from what was originally claimed. I understand an investigation in progress will develop new information as it goes, but to state some information, and then contradict it entirely a day (or less) later is ridiculous.
As for the ex wife, HOLEEEEEEE SHIT that bint should have “Danger Will Robinson!” tattooed to her face, and “abandon all hope, ye who enter here” as a tramp stamp, given the crazy lurking behind those eyes. Ain’t no lay worth the risk that comes from interacting with a Cluster B shrike like that.
Their bodies severed in twain and their bowels taken thence and burned to ash and the ashes scattered to the 4 winds of Heaven, so that there may be no more memories among men of honor.
OR other punishments as appropriate.
I’/m partial to 4 horses, one limb tied to each and the horses urged to a galop in 4 directions.
Night Driver
BCE, Thanks for using your special brain glue to pull that picture together. I had a lot of the pieces, now they all make sense.
And just like that no one questions unelected Elon’s H1-B mania anymore?
Glowies be like all smart n’ shit. (not really)
Inauguration might be fun, if Harris-Tuah certifies. Comms and drones and whatnot, and a Ukie-trainer. The GSW, was it perhaps 9×18, 9×39, or 5.45×39? What’s up with the tiny room temp Jabbar, do cameras or NOPD bullets do that? Any further cellphone footage from the NO crowd or security cams from the area not going through swamp filters? Wouldn’t it be much worse if Jabbar had crisped in Vegas and the SF guy did the ram and shoot job in NO? What else is happening we aren’t being shown? Has anyone collated and calendared “accidents” to suitable military and m.i.c. folks cross referenced to Rooskie strikes and operations in Kraine, and Israeli strikes on Assad’s surplus shop?
“Inauguration might be fun..”
Indeed. I understand the Orangeman as considering a massive MAGA parade in DC right before the Inauguration. What could possibly go wrong? If I were him, I would drop that idea, remain at home and reasonably quiet, then change the inauguration ceremony to a private indoor event at the White House at the last minute.
If i were trump I would not go near d.c.
Maybe they’ll have another assassination attempt, really makes him go up in popularity, doesn’t it?
Another piece of the puzzle.
Looks like they’re claiming he shot himself with a newly purchased desert eagle (would think that’d be loud and round exit vehicle). Also photos of what looks to be a higher end shorty and burnt ar10 that I don’t recognize. Look fwd to your analysis of the tesla’s contents vs official narrative.
Family members saying he was a patriot who loved trump… As well as this not matching his capabilities.
Also interesting that he was a Remote + autonomous systems manager allegedly driving a Tesla… And the prominent role such capabilities are playing in Ukr.
My working theory is that this is foreign adversaries sending a message to 47 to stop the Ukrainians from blowing up high profile Russians “or else the next rxample will be the real deal” at home, but pure speculation. Imagine and hope the SF community will pursue this to its true end(s), but don’t know we’ll ever know the truth publicly. If word leaks of them bolstering home front and off base security that might tell us something abt what’s true…
*curiosity got the better of me – it’s an slr rifle works b30 308 billet receiver set, for the shorty ar in scene pics. Over 500 for bare receivers. Probably one of their hgs as well but not seeing an exact match.
“. . .body burned beyond recognition . . .” If this guy was SF, I would suspect that his identity could be confirmed if they found one tooth from his mouth. And teeth are one of the things that don’t burn when a body is cremated.
Thanks to GWOT IED builders the US.GOV has VERY fast DNA scanners. Even really crispy they can get viable DNA from a deep tissue sample, teeth pulp, or even finger prints left on his well preserved ID cards.
As an aside I heard that he’d had an argument/breakup with his new wife recently. I’ve heard reports of both of them being cheaters and that the 6 month old baby’s DNA had no commonality with the alleged GB daddy’s.
Has the makings of a T. Clancy type novel. Throw in another CSI angle and you have tv shows for several seasons….. Look is it what is official, just as much as speculation on the real story there. Some folks wanted the stuff in place for some reason, what remains to be seen is the why and who? What benefit/money came from the current stories?
I am just askin.
I saw someone somewhere suggest a possible nacros angle. And this does look remarkably like a typical nacros hit on the Federales down Mexico way. The nacros are never subtle. Which is why it seems to makes no sense at any level when looked at through gringo eyes. But when something exactly like this happens in somewhere like Colima, hey, its just another day, another narco murder.
Who’s the biggest loser when Trump closes down the coyotes on the border. The nacros. The coyote routes are great cover for the narco moving product to El Norte. Add to that the fact that the nacros just lost their “friendly” DA in LA. Gascon. Kicked out last November. As Clark County has always been Pay to Play makes sense that the center of the SoCal operations might move across statelines to NV until the narcos work out exactly who they have to pay off in the new LA DA’s office.
So the TLA of interest might be the DEA. Which has always been a total clownshow. And might explain who blew his cover / sold him out / had him off’ed. I’d start with someone working in the DEA in a CA/NV/AZ/NM office. Would not be the first time.
So yes, it was someone sending a message. But probably not one of the usual suspects.
Just a theory.
Yeah but think deeper. Who allows the narcos to function to the degree they do in this country? Who has been blamed for the crack epidemic? Who is known to have been involved in the drug smuggling biz for a long time? The Security state They supposedly have all this incredible technology that can track everything in realtime and do predictive action analysis to a degree that would scare the living shit out of 99.9% of people but they never can seem to eradicate the problems. they only seem to catch the really uppity drug lords that don’t want to play ball and maintain the status quo. Hmmmmm….
i told ya before, atf is on the chopping block in the new administration/regime so watch for funky shit to happen in the effort to justify their existence.
I was thinking along these lines as well. That the dude was dead already and probably from the ‘Kraine. There are reports that he recently DM’s a ex girlfriend. Meh, that’s just flak to throw people of the trail.
What annoys me is the amateurishness of the bomb. This is obviouysly a glownigger operation. And since it is 100% certain this site is monitored by glowniggers, Ijust want to tell you glowniggers you are fucking retarded. I get you glowniggers think you are smart because you WASPy cocksuckers went to Ivy league schools and floated to the top of the shit pile. But all Ivy league schools did was teach you how to drink the kool-aid with a gilded mug. Retarded (professors) teaching the retarded (students) gets you nothing but a heaping, stinking pile of retarded. And you glowniggers are retarded. That you thought everyone else would buy this retardation is just more proof that the glowniggers running these operations are retarded. Look glowniggers, you are insulting both us dissidents and yourselvels.
My thought on the cybertruck is that they used it because they had an idea that it would contain the heat and destroy the body.
Here it comes:
Veterans are terrorists and should be feared per this left wing asshole.
I hope some illegal attacks O’Donnell on a public street and any vets (red hat MAGAs) just stand around and watch.
“any vets (red hat MAGAs) just stand around and watch.”
I would be happy to buy em all a beer afterward.
President Elect B Woodman: Leftist elites like Lawrence O’Donnell do not walk on public streets. And, when they do, they are surrounded by bodyguards who, irony of ironies, are ex .mil “operators”. This is why they, along with the leftist deviates from Hollywood feel free to spout their satanic philosophies and lecture us serfs on how to be “Woke”. Their money protects them. Just look and what they pay that hideous, hatchet-faced Bint, Rachel Maddow.
Not too far north of my A/O is the city of Sandpoint, ID and Lake Pend d’Oreille. That whole resort area contains numerous toney bolt holes of the filthy rich Hollywood leftists and other supporters of the Marxist-Infanticide Party who routinely fly in and out of CDA Airport. Last July even P Diddy’s Gulfstream IV was tracked stopping there and staying for a couple of hours.
Regardless of all of the hoopla by assorted patriots, evangelicals, and other delusional, well-meaning Americans; the Golden Golem will not fix things. And, when he, Musk Melon, and the Wog start bringing in half of the Indian sub-continent, that draft-dodging blowhard Trump and his minions will be toast at the midterms, just like he was in 2018. When Mr. O’Donnell and his ilk fall into the “died suddenly” category, then I will take notice. Until then, I will prep and plan as if Mrs. Harris won the election. Bleib ubrig.
So when the SRS episode drops, you know guys actully in that community, with this guys “manifesto” what will the respone be?
Supposedly a Ford lightning electric truck was parked in front of the Tesla truck? It is a white pickup in the videos but I can’t tell if an electric Ford. If it is it would be quite the coincidence. Do we know anything about that vehicle? Was it packed with explosive to detonate once first responders were there? . Also. How does one just pull up and park in front of Trump hotel in Vegas? I can’t park anywhere near a hotel in downtown Podunk Columbus Ohio near where I live. How is it that on video the truck is just sitting there with no valet or security checking it out?
What if he was going to turn whistle blower and they found out? Just a ponder.
Just saw an article reporting that the FBI is calling this a suicide. It seems he left a note saying it was a “wake up call” for the country. Also, seems he was unable to deal with the memories of the friends he had lost and the lives he had taken.
Rabbit hole…. or ?
Shawn’s cast dropped this afternoon.
Shawn is taking some “Well earned time off the grid”.
PLEASE make sure that the sun don’t rise Saturday without watching this:
Night Driver
I heartily second this recommendation to watch Shawn’s interview of a retired intel guy. Brings up a lot of good points as well as some kind of squirrelly ones. My take-away was that Shawn said “I don’t trust these f***ing people” several times, and with his background, he should know.
Outstanding analysis (as usual) BCE!
Final funny story. I was associated with some SF guys years ago. NCO tells me he was attending a demo class at Bragg and his Team Sergeant rolls up in a pickup truck with the back filled with chicken shit. Hands him a shovel and says “unload the demo” (some info withheld here). They had a fun day.
I really wonder if the manifestos that they roll out are legit or just a way to shape the narrative.
Also, anyone know what ethnicity “Shoemate” is?
Just add some really strong nitric acid. Bat shit works to.
Looks like most of the proles are reacting as planned by our alphabet actors.
These people are too stupid to figure out or discern that nothing adds up, they take the bait and run, now waiting for the jihadist attacks that none of them know how to deal with anyway.
One giant clusterfuck in the making, and America buys into it hook , line and sinker JUST LIKE 9/11.
You can’t fix stupid.
That really is the bottom line. I guess the short term question is whether this causes any significant number of sheeple to avoid crowds and big events out of fear they’ll get blown up/run down. I kind of doubt these two incidents will be enough to start a preference cascade, but maybe there will be more, and of great enough severity to really spook people into changing ingrained behavior.
If this really is just the beginning, the true tell will be attendance at the Stuporbowl. And where better could a bonafide terrorist hit, to inflict maximum damage in the psyche of American doofuses who just want to party and consume as though it’s their birthright?
Hell, look how quickly and easily the masses bought into the fear of death from COVID, and all the grotesquely stupid performative bullshit that was willingly adopted en masse that came along with that. Based on that lived experience, I figure 2 weeks or less of constant doom and gloom fear porn signalling form the govt and media is enough to mind fuck the public at large into another reactionary stampede.
Tom Clancy. Sum of all Fears, I believe.
Watch the Shawn Ryan interview that dropped today.
Fucking wild
After listening to the Shawn Ryan Show I can say this is without a doubt a secret squirrel operation. First something happens. Then due to modern tech and the democratization of information flows facts that are inconvenient start to come out. Secret squirrels start “Shaping the narrative” by putting out “Limited Dangles” and deploying the “wilderness of mirrors” countermeasures. Then Normalcy Biases and Dunning-Kruger Effect psychological phenomena take effect in the populace. Most folks are baffled by the bullshit conflicting “facts” and narratives and just say fuck it and walk away from the story in confusion. The more determined, but unskilled at analysis, folks in the population get run in circles until mentally exhausted from chasing down Shiny Shiny mental junk food tropes about UFOs and gravity drives. (Not saying those are not a thing. They are. They just ain’t what you think they are). The few remaining bitter clingers are then easily dismissed as loony conspiracy theorists and further character assassinated by association and conflation with well known disinformation operation of the past. (see also Qtards) Divide and conquer baby! BTW they (TPTB) REALLY REALLY hate it when you use those same techniques on them.
Sorry, not sorry if I jumbled your jimmies and killed a few of your sacred cattle. Google the stuff in quotes if unfamiliar. I ain’t typing all that shite out to explain
The misdirection in this story by the “they” is staggering.
My cousin Vinnie will conducting the investigation so everyone can relax.
The .50 AE, along with the letter read on Ryan’s show gave it away. Everyone knows the big DE, designed to be for handgun hunting is in actuality, most of the time, a penile extension for wannabe’s that don’t know a lot about guns. I even had a guy buy one and bring it back years ago ’cause the recoil was too much for him-and he was a pretty big guy-no “big boomers” for big boomers I guess. I had to tell him “no returns, store policy” and the best I could do is give him 40% of what he paid for it so that WE could afford to sell it as a used gun, which it was at that point. And it doesn’t make a lot o sense that an active SF is going to drop $1600 or however much those run these days just to blow his own brains out. The whole thing stinks of a narrative being spread about like doe urine by a new, but desperate, hunter.
The fireworks have the smell of Antifa .
CIA,,,CIA,,,,,CIA,,,,,,, CIA,,,,,,,CIA,,,,,,,,CIA,,,,,,,,,CIA,,,,,,,,CIA,,,,,,,CIA,,,,,,CIA
If any of you have thoughts on “ Who Done It” please share. I can’t seem to figure it out.
Many, many years ago I visited a friend whose boyfriend was in the military, and he had a 7-foot tall missile in their off-base apartment! Now, this was before 9/11 before security was ramped up, so that may not happen as much now, but I bet things LIKE that still happen.
I asked her if the missile could detonate and she said that he said it could. Not sure if that was true or not, or if it was disabled and was just a shell with no boomy stuff in it, but it was mighty scary sitting in the living room with it and I wanted to leave there asap! Crazy stuff happens like that when you grow up around the base.
Anyway, yeah, with Ukraine recruiting/training being a theme supposedly with this guy, with that Routh guy, Ft. Bragg coming up again and again around all this, and now with military bases going into high security something is up.