Greetings and Salutations!
I’m back and Merry New Year!
Tell you what, a guy leaves and takes a few sick days, and all Hell breaks loose. Seems we had ourselves a SJS Incident in the “Big Easy” last night… SJS meaning “Sudden Jihadi Syndrome”.
Seems that the mook in question? Shamshud Din Jabbar is not a illegal, but a US Citizen and a veteran no less. And surprisingly, he was an Environmental Conscientious Terrorist no less. I mean he was driving a electric Ford Pickup right?
Play Dead Hajii!!!
That’s a goooooood Hajii.
Thing of it is, per usual, there’s so much conflicting info out there. First the Mayor of New Orleans said “Terrorist Attack!!!” and was almost immediately contradicted by the most DEI-Hired FBI Freakoff Fibbie on the planet…
Nothing like Shaniqua’s nose-ring to just scream “professionalism” in my book…
And people wonder why the rest of ‘us’ consider them ALL to be a fucking joke and/or fully and completely INSANE?
Fucking Clownshoes man, nuthin’ but Clownshoes Baby…
And believe you me, I’m not buying any of it
Supposedly dis fukkin guy was in the Army. Someone scraped his LinkedIn before it (as well as ALL of his other social media accounts) got scrubbed:
Chairborne Ranger. IT Specialist.
No wonder he got popped so quickly.
And that the IED failed…
Running off of just that I’m making the call right now:
It’s just too ‘pat’
The “Isis Flag” on the truck that wasn’t there to begin with, then WAS there, but is now in the pics at least ‘rolled up’ which in itself is strange,
Lots of accusations that the Fuzz rolled it up and secured it so as to not offend. MY own observation is this however: The pic above? The flag on the right? Yeeeeeah….
It’s upside down
These are the ISIS / Islamic State Flags correctly set up.
Whomever set that one on the pole on the Ford was fucked up like a monkey trying to fuck a football.
A Haj would have known that.
And shortly after this fun and games, a Tesla Cybertruck blew the fuck up outside of Trump Tower in Vegas:
THAT to me at least looks like a bomb went off inside the trunk of that fucker. You can see the individual lithium batteries popping and bursting alllll over the place after it blew. I’ve seen a lot of footage of Teslas and other electric vehicles going up in flames, but none as energetically as that.
They usually burn… full on nuclear style meltdown… they burn, and burn and burn and keep burning, which is why when they do start burning, the general rule of thumb with fire departments is containment and keep the fire from spreading further. I read somewhere that it takes approximately 250000 gallons of water to douse a Tesla… and even then, depending on the circumstances, they can re-ignite.
Happened over in St. Pete a ways back… a Tesla went up at an intersection, and the St. Pete fire kids -finally- got it under control, and a tow truck was called to haul it off. Somewhere between the initial incident, and the junk yard, it caught fire again, and the tow truck went up with it…
So yeah.
This shit positively glows IMO.
Between us, I think that Leviathan is so desperate to keep the wars up and running, they sent in the Wind Up toy, and then blew the Truck as an ‘exclamation point’ so to speak. I mean lets face it,… now that Assad is out of power, we really don’t have or serve any purpose militarily speaking in Syria except to provide moving targets for whomever has a case of the ass with us at the moment.
Have your basic “Jihadi” do terrible shytte
Start the wars up again.
Another reason I think it’s a glowop?
The Hydraulic Barriers on Bourbon Street were “down for maintenance”…
So far, if this’s an indicator for 2025, I’d like to go back…
To say 1980…
Fuck this noise.
More Later
Big Country
Elon forgot to invent the Tesla X-stinguisher.
I think your conclusion is spot on. Expect MOAR MONKEYSHINE!…’n sheeit!
The dumbmasses are too brainwashed for any critical thinking skills, they gobble this shit up like breakfast cereal (another health food from our handlers) and if you ever show them the truth, they laugh at you, because it wasn’t on Faux News. Or go straight to Wikip/Snopes so they can call you a liar.
It’s only going to get worser every day, nobody has the brains to think their way thru and out of this.
Just read where DJT ‘knows’ that Russia is guilty for starting the war, he still wants to bring peace to the region. Tells me all I need to know about his integrity.
Ja, doch! Wir sind wieder in der scheisse. Bleib ubrig, mein freund.
Vielen dank, und du auch.
Herzliches Nues Jahr.
Speaking of glow jobs… where are the pictures of the CEO corpse? Strangely absent. How many cell phones in NYC with cameras? Guessing he’s not dead and in some kind of witness protection hidey.
First picture is likely BS. Incident was at 03:15 and the corpse is still laying there after dawn?
You’re pathologically stupid.
What a swell guy.
The Demonrats are running out of time to retain power. I figure they have a number of more schemes to stay in power. Especially as no one seems to be screaming to nuke the mid East.
Well, I wouldn’t be *too* sure of that – after all, they were talking about bombing Iran before Trump gets into office…
Another worrisome tidbit is that the height of the perp in the picture
doesn’t appear to be tall enough to see over the steering wheel.
I’ve worked with some short Marines, but c’mon man the Army has some limitations
to get on the ride…
Maybe he served as a Rakkasan.
Even me–a dumb-assed two-striper can figure all this out:
A) the NOLA party-goers ‘run down’ reeks of ‘keep the skeer in ’em’ by TPTB.
(sorry, Thomas Johnathan for pinching your line applied to these monsters.)
B) The TESLA truck fireworks? Easy–now that Elon is cozy with The Donald, they wanna hurt Musk’s bottom line over at corporate TESLA showing: “OOOH! EVs trucks-BAD! Don’t buy ’em.” Notice how they shifted in REVERSE? EVs were the cat’s meow–now they are dog turds.
C) runner-up for extry credit: notice how all this takes the heat off the Richter #3 earthquake bomb that levelled Putin’s multi-million dollar RUSS Navy base at Tartus, Syria? Some are saying rads emanating there bespeak an Amerikansky B61 tactical low-yield nuke. Q: If so, how’d the Zionist fly-boys get their paws on THAT blockbuster, hummm..? POTUS OK needed? Jess askin…War Powers Act? wtf?
PS — bought me another PCC for close-in work that I think will come in handy in 2025 if this shit goes on. Got me plenty of .45ACP, so an “UMP” img will I go. Yeah–a 230 gr ball or even a 185 gr hollow drops more than a 9mm, but, like they say: “TWO WORLD WARS!” and it’s like getting hit with a flying ashtray.
Was looking at a Bourbon St. webcam. Two hours before the big game and not a soul in sight.
The first stories that came out, said Shakura (or whatever the fuck his name is) was “an employee with the Army”. Making it sound like he was a civilian employee. Has it been confirmed he was actually enlisted?
Got an Admin Separation from the 82nd in 2014 (don’t know why, but a General Discharge) and then did the Reserve/DA Civilian thing
The daughter was supposed to go there last night with a couple of friends. They all decided against it and stayed home at the last minute.
I told her this morning “now do you believe me when I say stay away from crowds?”.
So said Ol’ Remus (RIP 2020) “The Woodpile Report”
I miss that blog bad.
Lordy Lordy, mean while here on the mountain not a things changed. Nothing zilch, nada. Bonus points here I didn’t hear one full auto weapon at midnight.
My guess, the lads are finally paying attention to folks like Shawn Ryan pod cast, Buppert’s informed chats, the other hard hitters.
Gonna be a year if in your in any city of size. Or perhaps has a military presence.
Sadly I’m headed to Reno for major lower spine fusion on the 7th. Gonna be broke for a month or 6. I hate counting on others for my protection. I begged em to do this five seven yrs ago.
Biggy I see you’re correct yet again, this NOLA and Vagas shit just don’t pass the “ Sniff Test”. At least one was an 18d, not sure about the other.
Seems to me both should have had the skills set to make their explosives go boom, curiously what should have been wasn’t, somethings wrong with both these pics,
It’s almost like the CIA had their fingers on it
I’m putting on my sunglasses because the glow is so bright.
Now why ?
Well, the Kraine grift is about to end and the Turks and Israelis took care of Syria and cut the supply lines for the Palistinians, so that will calm down.
In addition, Trump wants a peace deal with Russia, North Korea and to end Israel’s BS.
All of this equals to oligarchs “Need new boogeyman” to keep defense spending up.
Let’s fund ISIS again in Syria and release our “terrorist” wind up toys.
Scare people that your wife and kids may die if they go to the mall and they’ll be OK with pissing away trillions of more money on defense spending.
Negotiations and diplomacy from the heart of the Empire is just a way to fool suckers into a pause that benefits us while we work out another way to destroy you. For example, Israel negotiating a cease fire in Lebanon so they could destroy them from another angle, Syria. Or Minsk I & II.
I can’t be the smartest kid on the room. The pros from Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea must have seen this. Trump has said he wants to clear the board so he can focus on China. If the BRICS don’t stand together, they will die one by one.
If the BRICS don’t stand together, they will die one by one.
Yea they will probably take that advice as well as us dissidents do and die one by one…
Just like the NYC burn lady, they showed a picture of a 29 yr old white brunette, now it’s a 66 yr old woman.
All we’re fed is BS stories from every angle.
I noticed that too
Just wanted to point the cyber truck explosion in Vegas definitely contained consumer mortar shell fireworks. I saw the red and green “stars” as are commonly used in 4-6″ tube launch mortar shells front and never in the CCTV footage. Now, there was more to it than that because the initial explosion was far too impressive just to be consumer mortar shells, even if one gang fused several of them together.
The N’awlins incident meanwhile lis so much bullshit. Was subjected to a bit of the press conference earlier, and it was a pukeworthy display of self congratulatory masturbation and cop sucking, along with mouthing all the typical empty platitudes that get wholesale lip service anytime something like this happens.
And all this (NOLA, Vegas, Virginia) just to start off the New Year. OMB and his posse will have a tough time dealing with such events and trying to identify and arrest the glowies perpetrating these crimes. It’s only going to ramp up as the Deep State crime cartel desperately tries to stay in power at any cost. Lots of denial out there re: the Israeli bombing. If they really did nuke the Russkie’s toys I say let them deal with Vlad on their own.
Just the beginning, stay gray. Hostage situation in Las Vegas, developing.
Looks like guy with a knife on an RTC bus just east of downtown:
What should we expect? Afterall, the first three days of 2025 are WTF. Buckle up. We’re only on the W.
Good thing we fought them over there so we wouldn’t have to fight them over here. Oh wait, he was in our army not theirs.
You win with that 9/11 classic!
Regarding the bollards not being deployed, forget it, Jake, it’s New Orleans.
Corruption is the way of life there. Like during Katrina, if all, even half the money that was supposed to go to repairing and updating the levees, there would have been no flooding at all. But the Levee Committees (each ward had its own) all pocketed most or all of the funds every year and we got going on 19 years of whining and whinging about the flooding.
Same probably with the bollards. Money for to repair them is probably in someone’s freezer, if’n you know what I mean.
Fucking Nawlins. Always trying to make places like Chicago look absolutely puritanical.
Hey, cool it with the anti-nigger racism…
I read an interesting article on that from the local news here talking about there: The cops KNEW the existing bollards were NFG b/c of all the mardi-gras beads, etc. So they had identified them as part of the infrastructure needing to be upgraded by the super-bowl hosting committee, and funding was approved a year ago, but they were just getting ’round to it now… Wonder who paid that bill, “Infrastructure Package” sure sounds like grant money to me?
Reading the broken english from these officials is disgusting. How in the fuck do you promote the most illiterate Dindu on the staff to spokesperson. Seriously? There should be one token blaq w/ an English degree on staff for just such situations, so the whole friggin city doesn’t look like a bunch of retarded monkeys.
That probably WAS the one black who had the PhD in English.
From an online degree mill.
The NOPD street cops in that district (the 8th) are more likely than most to actually train as they should.
BC, the situation summary was near word for word my discussion with wife unit earlier this day, including possible linkage to the event in Las Vegas. Expect more of this crap to happen as distraction while the “big event TM” gets staged for either election cert or the ceremony on 20th. Head on a greased swivel is mandatory.
I’ve been thinking for a while that I need to start keeping an AR in my vehicle. Looks like I was correct.
Just wish there was an easy way to conceal it.
It’s winter, throw a big coat over it.
Don’t forget a 6 mag bandolier or 2 also.
Mini Draco’s w/ folding stock are a nice option as well.
Get a single-point sling and you can carry it under your winter coat undetected. Ask me how I know….
Attached a figure 8 of waistband elastic so that it pulls up into your armpit when released and most will dissappear under a Pea Coat.
And do have sufficient ammo.
I have an FAL under my jacket.
Behind the seat in a 3/4 pick up. Works for me
Golf bag
Golf bag might be the best idea for my location (south Louisiana). Coat weather lasts about 5 minutes here.
That was too close to home. If that raghead was from Houston then he passed through my parish to get to NOLA.
I’m in between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. I-10 and U.S. 61 cut from one end of my parish through the other.
Backback Guitar Case is my go-to.
Matthew Liversberger named as cybertruck bomber, former Green Beret.
So he was hired to deliver fireworks to the Trump hotel and didn’t know there was a bomb in the back?
Also, they apparently fucked up with using the Tesla to leave a message because the stainless steel body restricted the explosion.
Had they used a cargo van it would have been worse. At least would have broken some windows.
How did jihadi-jerkoff see above the dashboard?Or did he shrink as he bled out?
Must have been one of those blow-up terrorists and he was leaking air after being shot😉
It’s a reasonable guess that a recent convert might not be completely correct in the wear and appearance of emblems. Otherwise, looks like Temu-grade wind up toys matched against Marginal Management ™.
The dead dude in the first picture must be a midget or something. And based on my experience with SF guys, he’d have been one hell of a lot more effective and prepared. The junk in the trunk was more ANTIFA level than SF. Just my two cents. All this shit is glowing. Eod1sg Ret
Motive? Yeah, that is a tough question /s
The IEDs found in and around the scene on Bourbon Street were apparently determined to be viable. The FBI and New Orleans police no longer believe there are any other suspects involved in the New Year’s truck attack on Bourbon Street
Headlines at ‘Citizen Free Press’
Fox News claims Livelsberger was active duty.
Livelsberger ran private company helping ex U.S. soldiers.
U.S. Army (official) career timeline for Din Jabbar.
Livelsberger recruited soldiers for Ukraine.
not directed exactly at you;
Remember, they called the election for Biden before the polls closed. And then all the Fauxtards went right back to watching Faux News, because they didn’t know what else to watch.
None of you Fauxtards can get it thru your simple heads their main function is DIS-INFO for the brainwashed conservative masses. They lead you down the wrong path and one day IF YOU wake up, you wonder how you could have not seen this coming. Grow up, think for yourselves and try wearing some man pants for once in your life. Being a mindless groupie to your TV is what got us here in the first place.
Here we go … again: