Greetings and Salutations!
LOTS of folks chiming in out there on the shooter.
Even got some morons in the newspapers saying that the perp used the VP-9 which is a new, redone version of the WW2 Welrod. Problem there is the “Welrod Repro” is like almost $3k!!! I might do a poast on that fun toy sometime in the future… Remind me…
My two cents:
Lot of talk about how the shooter had to re-rack the slide after each and every shot. The size of the weapon also caught my eye, but before we go there, lets discuss the suppressor NOT a fucking ‘silencer’ PLEASE!!!
Now, a suppressor was the invention of Hiram Maxim waaay back in the day. This being Hiram Junior, son of the guy who invented the Maxim Machine Gun. Dear Old Dad went deaf due to his Machine gun, so his son, being a good boy, came up with a tool to hush a weapon. He is credited with inventing the first commercially successful firearm silencer in 1902. His patent was issued on March 30, 1909. Ole Hiram named it after himself, trademarking it as the “Maxim Silencer”. As we’re all familiar with, a suppressor is designed to reduce noise and muzzle flash, and to reduce the risk of hearing damage.
For some strange reason the Assholes at the ATF made them NFA subject items, so they tend to be a bit pricey, and require some DotGov hoops to jump through to legally have one. Hiram Jr., interestingly enough, also invented car mufflers, which he developed in tandem with his suppressor and used some of the same noise-canceling techniques.
Guess he liked ‘stuff’ to be quiet Aye?
So a suppressor is essentially a ‘gas trap’ that screws onto the end of a weapon. One of the original ads shows a cutaway view:

The ‘can’ which is also the body, holds as you can see items called ‘baffles’. The baffles redirects the caught gas from the firing of a cartridge. This in turn ‘quiets down’ the explosion generated during firing.
Per the wiki:
“A suppressor, also called a silencer, works by trapping and slowing down the high-pressure gases expelled from a firearm’s muzzle when it fires, allowing them to expand and cool gradually, thus significantly reducing the loud noise of the gunshot by dispersing the energy over a longer period of time; essentially acting like a muffler for a gun, with internal baffles that redirect and contain the expanding gases as they exit the barrel”
Easy-Peasy right?
OK… so to the point.
The reason that The Shooter kept cycling the weapon was not due to incompetence nor malfunctions. Maybe a ‘lack of education’ would be a better term of art. Specifically, certain types of weapons don’t like suppressors and the weight they have.
Namely browning designed handguns, NON-RECIPROCATING weapons, specifically like Glocks, some Smith and Wesson M&P models, H&K… you know the types…. The handguns that have tilting barrels specifically. A pistol having a vertically tilting barrel, means it rotates slightly upwards to lock into the slide during firing, but does not move back and forth with the slide like a reciprocating barrel would.
Because they don’t like the extra weight of the can being on the end of the barrel, you need a “Booster” or the fancy-pants name “Linear Inertial Decoupler” to assist in getting the weapon to fire. (H/T to ‘RA Bear’ for the link) One can be seen on the Gemtech site HERE
For a quick peek:

NOT having a booster causes the weapon to fire (quietly still mind you) but it will not cycle the slide which becomes apparent in that The Shooter had to manually cycle the handgun manually for each shot.
Which is VERY TELLING ON ITS OWN when you realize that he knew that this was the drill. There doesn’t seem to be any “Pikachu Face/Oh Shit!” moments when the weapon fails to cycle. He just calmly showed that he knew what to expect, as he’s not fumbling around per se… he shoots, racks the slide, reacquires, shoots… wash rinse and repeat…
Which means he probably practiced but didn’t know/understand the reasoning for the problem. I.E. a lack of education… IF he was a ‘realio-dealio’ assassins i.e. some of the Organs of the Ministries of Lies and Propaganda could shut the fuck up for a minute or two, and left the adults like myself guide the conversation, that’d be great. BUT, alas, tis not to be… so the bad reporting continues…
And the weapon?
I’ll call it (due to it’s very small size in the videos out there) that it’s a Smith and Wesson Springfield Armory (corrected via a Douchecanoe in the comments… sorry, I’m usually better than that…) possibly the 9mm Hellcat Pro. Threaded non-reciprocating barrel, 9mm (duh!) and very Compact. I’ve heard great things from DiveMedic about his…

Now it maybe a Glock, but… like I said, the grainy nature of the vid, and the lack of real intel, I have to go with my hunch. If you haven’t seen the video, The Tactical Hermit has a good copy at his house HERE
And y’all have had some great commentary.
Some of it being off the wall (per usual for this particular crew) but TBH, I love the interplay and interactions. BTW, We broke 10k successfully poasted comments today just as an FYI. I stopped counting the daily hits when I hit like 4 million… Love Y’all, no Homo…
Now as far as motive, FedBro (who’s still not talking to me) DID tell MomUnit (who passed on his intel-nugget) that his Cop-Antenna said that it was the wife who set this up. Told her that her statements, the living conditions and all the bullshit have him convinced that she’s involved…
I dunno man.
MY personal bias and animosity to the Medical Insurance Cartels has me absolutely livid that -I- didn’t think of this first… -I- think that we’re never going to truly know UNLESS the plan is that this guy wants to be caught so he can get on the Stand at Trial, and start slinging MAD mud at the Healthcare Abomination Publically… become a Martyr to the Cause, and encourage some Righteous Rage and motivate some folks to start applying “They too, Have Names and Addresses, and are not sufficiently guarded.”
In fact because of that, he’ll be ‘killed while being taken into custody’… can’t even remotely chance that he may even be semi-literate and get a Soap Box to get things rolling so to speak… they’ll deep six him “pour encourager les autres” and stand down, lest Leviathan get moar people getting ‘badthink ideas’…. They have to kill him in custody before it’s allowed to get out of hand…
So yep.
My thoughts for tonight. Hope you enjoyed.
More Later
Big Country

Well genius the Hell Cat is made by Springfield Armory.
I bet you don’t post my reply either.
No, but any more impoliteness gets the perma-ban hammer Douchenozzle. I stand corrected… it’s been a loooong couple of weeks and I’m off my game a wee bit.
I’d ban the troll for their username alone.
Ahhhh, I love the stench of muH fReEdOm.
“I know more than you.”
This has got to be a joke. Or maybe a toddler?
You could have politely pointed out the facts as you see them. You act like a frickin junior high cheerleader or some shit. Grow the fuck up. What a dick.
New possible snippets if intel say that the guy has been in NYFC for over 2 weeks.
Moar questions than answers.
How does a “kid” know where the target will be 2 weeks ahead?
Was he expecting the target to be at that specific hotel, of so how?
Did the kid know how many days the target would be there? How.
Did the kid shadow the target to be sure the routine each day was the same?
One photo splatted over the news shows what looks like an un=fired round on the sidewalk. Why?
I am not in any way a LEO or even a gumshoe, but observation and logic point to planning and intel that a normal wet behind the ears kid would not be privy to without external help, let alone financing for weapons, ammunition and practice time in advance.
My 2 cents – will wait to see what more comes about, but given there is zero trust in the media going to be tough to separate wheat from chaff. Too much chaff.
ALWAYS my Brother!
Keeps us in the dark, like shrooms… fed nothing but shit…
Unfired rounds make sense if he was manually cycling the pistol. Unboosted, suppressed pistols may or may not chamber a round, and if they do chamber the round, they may not completely go into battery or not completely set the striker. He may have manually cycled in between shots to ensure his next round was good instead of pressing the trigger each time to see if it was going to work.
B&T’s modern Welrod is pretty cool; got to see one at a show once. With a wink and a grin, the rep said that they were marketing them to large-animal vets for quiet kills…which didn’t make much sense to me. If you’re going to off a horse a cow and drag the carcass to the woodline for the scavengers, then you live in a place where no one will bat an eye at a gunshot.
Re unfired round – makes sense. Racking a jammed round did occur to me after posting the query. Thanks.
But if you’re putting down a horse or cow in a barn with other animals in it, it’s better if the shot is quiet so the other animals don’t panic.
Been there, done that, replaced the door and frame the stampede removed from the wall.
Yeah, that makes sense. My horses were so used to gunshots that I kinda forget about it being an issue.
That hotel was hosting a shareholder meeting according to the news. Pretty obvious he would be there.
Go back and eat another handful of pills and guzzle more booze.
You loudmouth idiot. Even the picture of the gun shows that it is a Springfield Armory.
Wow… thank you for playing. As stated, I used the SA Pic but for some reason my brain was stuck in ‘S&W’… shit happens and a bunch of TBIs don’t help.
Now go off and fuck your mother some more… the Adults are speaking, and ill-bred little fags like you need to learn to speak only when spoken to,
Buh Bye!
Well-said, BCE.
Send the douchebag to his home in the “deleted” folder.
Now on to more interesting things:
One of your commented in your previous post shared a link by Anonymous Conservative / American Stasi. Mr. Conservative’s analysis of the grainy video is very plausible.
I think there is merit to the theory that this hit was done by surveillance.
For what? Why?
We the Plebes may never be told.
But we do know that the American Stasi is eeevil and should be sent packing. (That is putting it politely.)
Thx Carrie… the only way to pop a pimple on a real man’s ass is to squeeze it until it bursts, apologizes, and then goes -away-…
The only interesting thing is his IP comes up as a Spectrum Addy, fed from Phoenix AZ, and routed thru Georgetown Maryland, which is NOT a ‘usual VPN location’
It is VERY CLOSE to the DC A.O. and all it’s DotMil/Judeo-Oligarchic Scumfuckery.
Think I may have found the Fed….
Jes’ Sayin’
Said Addy being 2001:5b0:49cb:cbf8:811d:317c:37ae:9032 for those of you interested in making the fucker uncomfortable(r)
Dude- put your mom’s dick back in your mouth and find something else to do…
Intended for “I know more about my mom’s dick” or whatever the handle is.
Your poor mama.
Dude, seriously?!
Maybe a laxative will help you…
Listening to Radio Contra and he is suggesting Antifa AKA commies.
Use a revolver where you keep the casings.
A pro would make it look natural and never be on camera or leave rounds/casings behind.
Using a city bike with a tracker? Facepalm.
I hate those Glock triggers and if it doesn’t have a hammer and decock then I don’t want it.
Some of these new guns are just ugly.
Learned new term FOCO (Focal Point) Warfare, commie tactic. (H/T-RC)
Speaking for myself, I love Glock triggers after the initial shot. Tactile reset and follow up shots are nice.
He engraved words on the casings. He meant for them to be found.
Yeah, getting on CCTV and using a (presumably) rental e-bike with GPS on board strikes me as a bad call. Unless this dude was a semi-pro under contact to the deep state, in which case he has a free pass already prearranged, so any real evidence will be buried/ignored, and a lookalike patsy will be trotted out for persecution. That’s if they even bother to “catch” the perp and bring him in at all.
Again, if it is a deep state op, all the pieces were in place well in advance. If it was a bonafide retribution type hit by someone pissed off at him in his capacity as CEO of a shit-tier health insurer (as if there’s any other kind) then he definitely made some tactical faux pas by getting himself on video, and leaving other physical evidence they can use to identify (and eventually) get him.
Unless…he just doesn’t give a shit about being caught, which is also a possibility.
Yep – I can’t get an ID on the gun either if it’s any consolation. And I think the Hermit has the right of it. This is probably a citizen that’s just had enough. Or was pushed past his limit? But I don’t think they’re going to guy is a vagrant or a crackhead. He knew what he was doing and had a plan.
We’ve seen periods like this in history before, where the ruling class gets so out of touch with their people that the only way to get their attention is to throw bombs at them. People forget that WW1 was entirely preventable, and was started by a “nobody shooting at a Somebody”.
Goddamn my darkened soul – but when I heard about this I just shrugged. Like you I tend to sympathize with the perp, and my hatred for the Establishment hacks knows no bounds.
I don’t think they’re going to catch him either. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said they’ll frame some random expendable arsehole, and make an example of him in hopes of frightening anyone else that’s fed up. Odds on that? I’d say 50/50 that it works…but if things keep going the way they are…or if the financial collapse starts… the Beautiful People are going to be walking targets. It’ll serve them right too.
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield was going to screw people if their surgeries took too long and they were going to stop paying for your anesthesia.
In a “TOTAL COINCIDENCE”, after scumbag United Healthcare CEO blown away possibly by a customer he screwed over they decided that it was all just a “misunderstanding”. Why they would never do something so underhanded and shitty.
I don’t think anyone shed a tear for that scumbag and hope he’s roasting in Hell right now.
These scumbag executives have screwed people over for years with no repercussions…. well the wheel may be turning.
Heh. It’s a fuckin’ miracle I tell ya, a mere day later and Blue Cross just happens to (out of the blue, dare I say) decide to roll back a particularly odious policy change. Who knew it’d be so easy? More, please!
Sometimes, violence works.
Ding ding ding, we have a winnah!
Violence isn’t the answer. Violence is the question, and the answer is “fuck yeah!”
I got to thinking after I posted on your last article that I may know what is ailing the Mrs. Look if she has bouts of severe pain go ahead and send me an email. It’s a lot to explain and no reason for it unless that happens to her. I hope it doesn’t brother. It’s worst fucking pain I have ever dealt with and I have had my share of it. In other words, if she has what I had there will be no guessing about the severity level. It will break the fucking scale.
About the best I can really recommend without getting into it is she is going to have to limit bowel movements. They will exacerbate the problem. The only way is to limit caloric intake (duh). Light doses of meat, fleshy fruits (strawberries, peaches, etc) and even a little rice.
If it starts hurting may want to consider a liquid diet. High protein drinks like Core or Muscle Milk.
Like I said hopefully everything is ok but feel free to drop me a message.
Got you kind Fren… will do in the AM… am currently ventilating bad guys in Fallout London tonight as a stress reliever.
I replayed the video a few times but don’t have the capability some you have.
What I was trying to see was his racking technique. Was he using the “handover” technique? That would indicate some level of training. Possibly law enforcement or military. Or was he doing the Hollywood “pinch” from the back of the slide that most average yahoos do?
I don’t agree that the wife is involved, ie a hit for money. If she is then the shooter is her lover. That shit was personal.
I think your original theory on the motive is correct. They finally pissed the wrong motherfucker, or right motherfucker depending on your point of view, off. This could be a man who lost a spouse or a child. Insurance company fucked him over and now he is ruined emotionally and financially. If that’s indeed the case then that man is a folk hero. Personally if that were to happen to me, I would shoot the fucker in time square, from the front, while eating a peanut butter and jelly sammich.
10-4 give me a heads up on here if I don’t reply. I get a shit ton of spam on that email.
It seems personnel to me.
I love mine. I like the 124 HSTs in it. It ain’t a target pistol, but it is reliable. Enjoy, and relax, my brother, and don’t let folks fuck with ya. If you let them get to you, you gave them power over you. Pick your fights, and do it so that if shit goes down, it’s not lots of emotions. It DOES have to be well planned, tho……. Take care my dude.
Station 6
NYPD is claiming it’s a Station 6, and probably have a lot better imagery.
BCE I think it’s a Sig P320. From my personal experience, it is the most unreliable platform available for suppressed fire. And they sell the damned thing in a compact version with a threaded barrel. Been playing with suppressors for about a decade on many different platforms and the 320 has given me more problems than anything else. BTW, hope things pick up for you soon, I enjoy your posts!
Even rank amateurs know they are always on camera in NYC. The point is not the who/why but the fact it was so easily accomplished. Food for thought.. perhaps executive health care opportunities due to unexpected departures will follow the trajectory of Vaxx mortality these next two years. Unpolished lone shooters with unorthodox prep and no discernable attack warning (threats, protests, social media warriors) are hard to prevent. Murphy loves to follow close protection crews also, not just the perps.
Hit was a success. Don’t forget that part.
For the rest it will make a good Dummies series as everyone evaluates it. Lessons for the like minded, eh?
Too much media exposure already to memory hole, brains will already be revolving, going hmmm…
My money’s on personal. This kind of thing is in Clif High’s data, expect more to come.
Clif High…..
My first impression when I saw the still photo was a welrod type, but the video makes it clear it’s a normal semi auto, both in the way the racks it, and that you can see gas coming out of the ejection port, like the slide is short stroking, and only going like halfway back, which would explain having to clear jams rather than just cycling it manually. It was probably stove piping.
This makes me think it was some kind of or whatever type solvent trap or ‘inline fuel filter’ type can that doesn’t come with a booster. The pistol is probably what you posted, or one very similar, just a generic 9mm semi auto. But the homemade type can would explain why it behaved like that. My pistol cans with boosters, including a Gemtech lunar nine which uses the LID you showed, functions fine with every type of ammo I’ve tried, subs and supers.
I’m guessing that pistol and the suppressor are both on the bottom of the Hudson River by now anyways.
And o agree, even if this guy walks out butt naked wi the his hands in the air to surrender if they track him down, they’re not going to let him get on a soap box. He’ll be killed.
Reports out this morning are the pistol is a single shot 3 in barrel with a permanent Can attached,,, a rotating 3 lug bolt,with a pic. Very interesting pistol indeed.
That said, that piece of shit the dead guy got what he deserved.
Our Govt isn’t the solution it’s brave men or women like this shooter, I hold in high praise. It’s been time for accountability since at least 2020 with the literal theft of an election.
I honestly am certain nobody here or on WRSA has the balls to take that shot.
Be interesting to see if this guy pulls this off. So far he’s been pretty slick! I admire that.
Dirk, it isn’t that people here and elsewhere don’t “have the balls” to do it.
Rather they know that by pulling that trigger, your life is over.
Either you will get killed during the hit or by security or police.
Then there will be a man hunt and they will most likely catch you because if you kill one of “them”, they’ll pull out the stops to get you.
Then you’ll be Epsteined or thrown in a hole with Bubba who thinks you’re purty.
No, the people who do things like this have nothing to lose and no fucks to give.
For example, how many have said “if I get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, I have a Christmas Wish List” ?
I’m thinking now this hit was by a guy who got screwed over and may have terminal cancer so he figured “I’m a dead man walking..why not take out that SOB who helped kill me by denying me treatment” ?
Hey Jimmypx. You are spot on. I’ve been around WRSA for many many years, I’ve read these blog daddies blogs along time now. I am friends with many and an associate of many more here.
Pete and me have broken bread camped fished and crabbed together, “ guys a hell of a boat driver. I’m also a retired cop. One who fucking hate Admin worst then a communist, and loved my peeps on the streets.
In 2020 I flammed out over the theft of an election, gotta believe most on WRSA and like blogs did aswell.
I spent big money getting my leagal affairs in order, a redone trust. Made sure powers of attorneys were complete, my wife had full power. And I changed my medical status to DNR when I got shot. “Do Not Restate, where I was headed would Absolutely lead to exactly that. A lot more but that’s all I’ll share.
I have zero illusions that the Feds would not kill me, after my intended actions was actually counting on it. I prepared, my shit, and waited, and waited and waited and waited some more.
One Dorners is just that a one man wrecking ball. What I had anticipated what I had expected were hundreds of us hundreds of Dorners smashing shit, problem solving.
And not a fucking peep from this crowd.
Sure the blog daddy’s talked faster louder, but didn’t lift a fucking finger to address the theft of an election from each and every one of us, we are all victims, the single biggest most important theft in the nation.
So I went to a close friend a retired Green Beret Col, Ex Delta guy who also did the SAS exchange as a Capt, someone I’m fucking very close to, and asked WTF is wrong with my brothers and sisters.
He tells me this,,,, We are all angry we are all pissed, but it is 1 in maybe 200 men and women willing to give our easy lives up, to knowingly go to our death. Most assume others well do the dirty work allowing them to finish their lives in comfort.
That I would be foolish to go started my target packages without the support of the others. It takes a village. He also reminded me that fully 40% of these web sites are Federal agents or their operatives.
And he reminded me that our govt is scared shitless of We The People! Hence our govt working hard spending our own money to keep us divided. And he sort of told me he recognized it as he had been involved in the same sort f op in other country’s.
If you find fault in what I just penned call me on it. The conclusion is simply this. These men and women are pissed upset rightfully so, but not one of them “ including me” will lift a finger for accountability.
The shooter who walked the ins guys my fucking hero. Another 2 k of those smug pricks and we’re going to see change for the good of all.
When I suggest that these people are cowards I include myself in that count. You don’t know me, if you did you would know we are major preppers with food and kit for an army for roughly 7 years.
This isn’t a shit stirring statement from a rookie. We’ve lived this life for 30 years. We have our resources stored in semi trailers across the western states, for that rainy day.
Impact much of our canned food is being rotated out right now, it’s pushing 15 years, it’s edible but we see a re supply as in everybody’s best interest. It is unlikely I will live to see yet another resupply in 15 more years. This isn’t cheap a complete restock is roughly 10k,
“ I honestly am certain nobody here or on WRSA has the balls to take that shot.”
That includes you.
Ugh. Typo.
Hey Berg,
Interesting comment coming from a former LEO and SWAT team ldr.
How many people do you know that spent a career as a cop while drawing a full VA disability from the navy? He filled us in on all his retirement money yrs ago, that was why tfAt went off on him.
He’s crooked all the way around. And now provoking people.
Agreed, it’s odd.
Hey wyomarine, appears I pushed a button. Is it the Coward part?. So you keep taken out your ass,I’m going to work with D the W, help him get the tool he needs.
For the record I was NEVER a Swat team leader. In fact I never took a promotional LEO test. I liked working the streets.
And for fun this is who pays meBIG money EVERY month.
State of Oregon
State of California
My wife a 38 year SchoolTeacher
State of Oregon
State of Calif
O yea we both saved and contributed to our 401s. I’ll have to start Drawing from that pile Of money next year, she has a couple years.
We both started our 401s in our 20s.
Brother don’t hate the player, if you gotta hate hate the game. If you as the leader of your family ARE NOT going after every penny you rate qualify for then your a fucking failure as a husband and a father.
Brother TFAT, makes much much more money then us! Good on him, he earned every penny!
So you have a wonderful day.
Dirk Williams
Yup, think I’ve been pretty clear on my bing mid pack coward Berglander.
It’s difficult to read your rambling walls of texts. Makes me wonder what meds you’re on.
B&T Station 6
Reports coming out the weapon is a B&T Station SIX-9 which is designed to not cycle thus requiring manual operation.
Look at this twatter link and laugh your ass off at AI and facial recognition.
Interesting, no?
Very interesting.
Where can they be bought?
Thanks Mr Magoo. At $17 it’s worth a shot.
Russel’s video blew my sox off as far as practicality goes.
And…… we go:
California lawmakers in the state Capitol are being evacuated from the building Friday morning after a threat was made, according to a message from a Senate staffer. The message went on to say that law enforcement is working to determine if the threat is credible, but people were ushered out of the building out of an abundance of caution.
THIS is what the powers that be are afraid of; citizens getting the courage to throw off the shackles. The day before, the State Senate, under direction of Nuisance, wanted $25 million for symbolic gestures against the Trump election.
Motive, Risk vs Reward
Distraught costumer? A major effort without intel, especially if you were buried under a pile of medical bills with no resources. Not worth life in prison.
Fed? This was rather sloppy, corporate plane crashes happen. There was still squeezing to do.
Life Insurance? Now we’re getting somewhere.
Wife? Why now? She seemed set up in her separate life. She must know she would be suspect no. 1.
Oldest son? No reports of trouble
Thomsen himself? He was facing a legal shitshow. His choice, prison bitch or get offed, leaving the family setup for the rest of their lives. The clues on the casings are TV CSI drama to throw attention towards the angry customer theory. Assisted suicide is the most logical conclusion. My bet is the heat is looking into his travel, every penny he spent or moved in the last 6 months along with all his meta data.
Thanks for the information on tilting barrels. If my financial situation changes, I will be investing in a 9MM with a threaded barrel and acquire that Gem Tech attachment. Prayers for you and your wife from a broken-down 11B20. Bleib ubrig.
D the W, lots of great options these days. I’m a 1911 guy, but my age and health require me to par down my carry weight.
I’m running model19 Glocks very tricked out with an extended threaded barrel, x2, plus a model 17, a model43, and a 48, all worked over to meet my needs.
I’m also playing with the Sig365, Micro, I’m very impressed. I’ve left these two stock. The vented top/slide would not work with a longer threaded barrel, come with a “ straight trigger”. A huge personal requirement for me. I’m also shooting red dots on my carry kit. My eyes are going.
Thinking my wife will be carrying one of the Sig 365 micros VS her 5 shot hammer less Revolver. My concern is panic and having to address speed loaders, not optimal for at least my wife.
I’ve watched even seasoned shooters under stress blow a speed loader reload. Takes lots and lots of practice.
I’ll throw this out aswell. Even these high capacity mags are fantastic I NEVER go anywhere without at least one twenty round mag, or two 16 rounders. Many will think this is over the top. Understand. My biggest fear is running out of ammo if I gotta present and get giggly with my pistol.
My friend don’t shy away from any of the top tier 9mm pistols. All are good kit, comes down to what works for you.
Frankly I could,give a flying fuck what others think of what I’m shooting.
Hand guns especially are all about what works best for you.
Lastly handguns skills sets are very perishable. Wound share that working with your chosen kit one should practice daily with presentations and ag changes.
Lastly, “ I know your and ex deputy” so I’m preaching. If you dump a mag with bullets still in it, recover it as practical. May just may come in handy.
D The W. If you’re able call me this weekend, 530-708-1438. I’m able to help you with the tools you need to carry. Let’s have that chat privately.
Wait until someone caps a few of them, Enzo. The “operators” may actually think it is not worth it. Big things are in the offing after 01/20/2025. Stay frosty. Bleib ubrig.
Dirk, my brother: You will hear from me tomorrow, 12/07. I have to go to the last gun show of the year at the Stateline Greyhound Track. But I will be in touch. Prayers for you and your family.
You know, deapite the pearl-clutching and Viewing With Alarum going on in the officially approved Loyal Opposition media like Fox, Brietbart and such, it’s been kind of nice to be able to reach across the political aisle and bond over the fact that so many of us don’t give a fuck that the guy is dead regardless of our personal politics.
Whatever, I already know I’m an asshole.
The CEO’s of the large healthcare giant I work for have always had BBB’s surrounding them since the early 2000’s.
Dirk, my brother: You will hear from me tomorrow, 12/07. I have to go to the last gun show of the year at the Stateline Greyhound Track. But I will be in touch. Prayers for you and your family.
Just FYI in case it means anything.
Dixcus said…
NYPD cops are SELLING evidence photos of the murder of the health insurance CEO to ABCNews, which is paying handsomely for the evidence BEFORE it is collected and sent to the crime labs.
“ABC7 acquired an image of the killer’s backpack laying amongst leaves inside the park on Friday night before it was bagged as evidence.” – Daily Mail
Now who could be selling ABCNews this murder evidence?
And should the media be tainting possible jury pools by showing them evidence that may never be allowed in court?
12/6/24, 7:39 PM
Thought you might want to see this … mention of ‘Iron Rakkasans’
My first thought when I saw him manually cycling the pistol was that he was firing .380 rounds from a 9mm. Quieter report maybe?
This was a true professional hit. Hired by someone with a lot of power and money. The shooter was a semi trained person, a sicario if you will, and was probably killed within an hour of the hit by the real hit man so as to not leave any loose ends. A cut-out. The motive is personal, somebody close to the person paying the hitman lost their life as a result of UHC denying a claim. The person paying knew the CEOs itinerary, so it was possibly an inside job, but not guaranteed.