Greetings and Salutations!
Had a leave of absence on Sunday. TBH I crashed out on Saturday night after eating some Arbys as we (meaning me) didn’t feel up to cooking. I went down hard.
And pretty much (with the exception of a few piss breaks) stayed in bed asleep until 0600 this A.M. I have a hunch it was a cumulative effect of all the stress from the past few weeks that just left me limp as a wrung-out dishrag.
I’ll tell you what though, I feel waaay better now that I got a wee bit caught up on the ZZZs. I notice as I’m getting older, I can keep pace with the “old Me” BUT eventually I have to do a “catch up day” so to speak where I just got into full on ‘hibernation mode’ and just short of high explosives, ain’t nothin’ getting me out of the rack. Sunday was one of -those- days I guess.
Now… since I’ve been out of the loop, I feel a bit better, and the day was exceptionally cool in that I got a care package from Terrapod, a frequent commenter and all around “Good People” sort of guy. He hooked me up with a laptop the last time the main computer went down, which kept this place operational, as well as giving me the ability to ‘go mobile’ and on occasion, he’ll send me some interesting things he finds around his workshop. (Said workshop in my mind is reminiscent of a Mad Scientists junk-room, considering some of the oddities he’s thrown my way)
Now, as I was saying, this package that came in today had something that I’ll classify as exceptionally fucking cool! and that I just have to share.
This item being a Carlisle Bandage Packet

It’s in mint condition
A very nice edition to the “Big Country Museum of War and Mayhem” I think. Now… the other side of the ‘can’:

It’s a ‘sardine’ style can, which has a pull/roll tab on the end:

Now… of course I did a deep dive into these, as I need to know what I have so to speak.
According to the research out there, to include several board discussions on just this item alone, the Carlisle bandage was originally developed in the 1920 at the Carlisle Barracks hence the name. The base at the time was the home of the Medical Department Equipment Laboratory, and the first brass tins were called “First Aid Packet – U.S Army.” The dressing itself had been around since the turn of the 20th century, and during the first world war was sealed in a brass container to both protect its sterility from gas attacks and treat wounds in the field.
This particular one I -think- is pre-war manufactured as there are a couple of ‘tell tales’. Now when I say ‘pre-war’ I mean this one I’m pretty sure was made in April/May of 1941. My reasoning is that it is made of brass or copper, both metal(s) later becoming strategic metals, and no longer used in the bandage cases. The brass/copper can be seen on the back at the point where it looks like rust, but is actually the paint chipped away.
Also the “With Sulfanilamide” stamp on the back dates it post 1940, but pre-1942 when they changed the container over to a red color can, and got rid of the OD Green one:

Mind you, the info is ALL over the place, and confusing to even me. Either way, t’s a damned cool addition to the Museum. Terrapod thought it might be Korea/Nam vintage, but as soon as I saw it I knew exactly what it was, as I had been researching these already… I could tell it was a early 1940s WW2 Bandage mainly because in late 1943 and onward they totally ditched the metal container, and went with a heavy cardboard and plastic wrapped jobber…
Fortunately for Terrapod, they’re not that $$$ valuable however… roughly 40 million of these things were made. They currently run between $20-30 depending on who’s selling. They were the ‘Israeli Compress’ of it’s time, and used and sent ALL over the planet. On eBay even today you can find entire ten-packs of them in the original cardboard sleeve. I was actually looking to add one eventually to the collection, and thanks to him, I now have one.
Mind you this one is in WAY better shape than the majority out there that I’ve seen, so +1 Points on that fact. Yay Me/ and Terrapod for being so awesome for hooking me up!
A short video comparing then to now:
Pretty cool ‘stuff’ IMO.
Otherwise, we’re just sitting ’round here, kind of taking everything day by day. I no longer pay any attention to the national daily propaganda dump if I can help it. The Ministries of Lies and Propaganda are so completely out of their minds… and the whole thing makes me even more tired than I already am.
I will say this however:
No matter how things break, be it OrangeManBad or the Cumdumpster getting the ‘(s)election’ win, BOTH sides are going to lose their cotton-pickin’ minds. The only major problem is that one of those sides is absolutely delusional regarding the potential for violence and the implementation of said-violence. The “69th Intersectional Provisional People’s Political Militia” is not ready to handle a bunch of pissed off Good Ole Boys from Western North Carolina, I can gar-ron-damned-tee that these days… nevermind some other folks I know about…
A practical lesson awaits, in “Ye Olde Fucketh Aroundeth, Findest Outeth” levels that no one really wants to see happen, but probably will. My question stands is how far is Leviathan willing to go regarding that?
THAT right there is the million dollar question.
I’d say we’re only about two weeks from seeing things go sideways either way. Krainfeld is talking nukes, Head Izzyboi Nutjobyayhoo is doing dumb(er) shit in the Middle East the Iranians are being their usual selves, and the North Koreans have deployed upwards of (if true) 12,000 troops to get ‘trained and blooded’ to the Krain, which has the South Koreans shitting kimchi by the cubic meter. Everyone seems to have a screw coming loose in one form or another.
The Chinese Curse INDEED!
So More Later
Big Country

BCE, careful with Sulfanilamide, found out some people are highly allergic to sulfa drugs. This was after high percentage of people after having being used on them pre WW2. A screen for sulfa intolerance, a saliva or urine test. Other than that a cool find by Terrapod and for your museum.
Not using this AT ALL…. This’s purely a ‘museum piece’ and yeah,. it’s old AF…. I got IRL medical gear that far surpasses this but thanks for the heads up
I was just wondering that – I’m allergic to both penicillin and sulfa drugs – MAJOR hives the first time, I was prescribed an Epipen, as subsequent reactions would likely trigger more serious reactions (could be fatal).
I like a lot of the old remedies, but ‘ya gotta be careful.
The delusional left believe they are the majority. They believe that because of the censorship we all saw during the Covid years. I’ve tried explaining that to a coupla lefties. They still don’t believe there was enough censorship to have any impact.. In spite of Zuck apologizing For Bowing to pressure to censor.
That is just my opinion on Why those idiots act the way they do. They believe they are part of a strong majority. It’s a damn shame the DC denizens are on the same side as the unhinged lefties.
They are herd creatures and cowards to boot. Revenge of the Nerds. So of course since they think they are a majority they do what they do. Imagine what would happen without electricity though. Running water wouldn’t bother the stinky bastards, though cholera would thin the herd. But without their the constant connection to the hive? Rampant hysteria along the lines of kneegro picnics
Standard communist tactic. The authors of this propaganda know full well they are a small minority, while the propaganda consumers believe the coolaid.
“Bolshevik” is the russian word for “majority”.
Exactly. (And those opposing, “more moderate” idiots called themselves Mensheviks (minority) in response. No need to Early Life any of them, by the way. Duh.)
And 100 years later, exactly the Same Fucking People doing the same fucking things.
Their lack of imagination is staggering… WWIII is WWII all over again…
The fascists vs the communist. Try not to notice they’re both socialist.
Would you like a WWI vintage First Aid Pouch? Got a few at an auction of a collectors estate. Unfortunately they did not contain the trench foot powder nor the miles of gauze wrap to help fix the foots. If so send your addy to my email and I will ship post haste I think the dates are 16 or 17. Gonna give one to my bro as he has grand-pops bullet dinged helmet and wool coat. Was a medic or bearer with the 79thInf. over there. Family lore has it that he would still dive for cover under the bed for up to 4 years later during the night at any load noise.
I have the Hister hat milch erhalten (got milk) in leather jacket and cap photochop and the Darwin fish that says Hister.
The best CCCP mocking ones are diary of Stalin totally crushed those peasants today and a KFC mock up… if you are rushing for food there is no Stalin.
There is a killer anti-Trotsky agitprop poster where he looks like a disco freak red demon with gold chain, no ice pick axe though.
A bud gave me a large olive drab Fallout limited edition version flag with gas mask, biohazard logo and a huge Z, saving that for in case RF ever wraps up the Kraine show.
Just read that too much online drives you mental… it depends on what you look it and read.
I’d rather have a Cassandra than a Pollyanna always.
You can prepare with one, gobsmacked by the other.
If you want cheap WWII Eastern Front gear from mint to poor condition check out Stalingrad Front page out of Russia but it ships from RF and it could get to a point of no shipping to us due to dumbass politicians.
Use several different browsers and some videos of tube are blocked in RF.
The nork thing is pure CIA agitprop, from a known CIA front. Moscow and NK both deny it, and why wouldn’t NK be crowing about it if it was true? The Russians say that UKR doesn’t have the capability to build a nuke, but they are worried about a dirty bomb, which they could certainly do. I think Russia would the ones who have the ability to know, and the least motivation to lie about it.
For the news fast, I concur. If you aren’t already following S2Underground on youtube, he can easily be your entire newsfeed for the next couple of weeks. He posts his Wire between 2100Z and 2300Z most days, with the occasional priority wire when something like a candidate getting shot happens. It’s 2-5 minutes long. He does a longer weekend intel update, and you might appreciate this week’s, “Paperwork and Drones” regarding DoD Directive 5240.01 and DOD Manual 5240.01.
i put my money on the lefties to actually do something. righty normytard cucks wont. thats why we are in this mess. we talk it up, but at the end of the day, the most heavily armed citizens will just take their fates. prove me wrong. we cant get lazy fat fuck americans to work. you think they will take their country back? lolololol funny shit.
The Left has all the useful idiots and useless feeders, so of course TPTB have a vested interest in keeping them stirred up. Without BOM they might turn on their masters. Without YT keeping up the infrastructure for those vermin the Ruling Class would have had to gone Pol Pot years ago. My prediction is that should a nationwide strikes occur, of the productive classes anyway, then the whole house of cards falls down. The USSR fell apart because of similar reasons. The actual workers that Kept the Shit Going just finally stopped giving a f….k and Homer Simpski let shit fall apart. Something about a gerontocracy spending the wealth on their corrupt flunkies while shoring up a welfare empire in the Stans and Eastern Europe, along with Afghan, Aperica and wherever else that could be a thorn in Unkle’s side was not a good look. Not while Ivan barely had enough for Vodka and borsht. We seem to be approaching Terminal Bullshit here, and all those turd world dirtbags brought in a soldiers for the Dems sure as hell aren’t going to keep the Cities going. What’s running water for a f…king Haitian? The chickens are definitely coming home to roost.
Ignorance is bliss after all, you flip on the light switch and it just works…it’s no big deal and “I don’t need no man”. They don’t realize that it takes thousands of people working every day (most men and gasp a majority pale of skin) to keep that huge infrastructure working and that light switch operating. Ditto many industries.
Now to your point look at South Africa and Zimbabwe…they threw those RAYCIST white Boers that ran everything out of power, threw the farmers off their lands and gave their jobs to deserving “minorities”.
Now, their power system is unstable as hell, they are running out of water and where those 2 countries used to produce massive amounts of food that they exported, they now have to import food and hunger is rampant.
(sarcasm ON) Of course that could NEVER happen here…why Diversity is our strength and DEI is wonderful. Just look at a company like Boeing that embraced diversity, they are doing just great !!
Africa always wins. And when a certain group that has power in Federal government imports Africa? The same group that is fine with being Kings of the Shithole, as long as Christians are down in the cesspool with the rest of the rest? Well, Logansport IN is finding out.
The reality is we are all going to have to get off our asses and throw caution out the fucking window. You want your kids and grand kids living in cuba/venesuela 2.0? You think the founders risked everything so we could just lay down and take this bullshit because we are worried about our retirement account?
The fact is that DC needs to be purged, every single last career politician thats been there longer than 2 terms either hung or tarred and feathered as a warning and all the domestic enemy appointed bureaucrats and their loony toons obedient dickhead minions kicked to the curb some eradicated and added to the noose and the rest vetted and deeply investigated to regain any position to include pushing a broom. We are way the hell beyond ridiculous with this shit and if the tyrants arent taken out we might as well just off ourselves. Thatll be the eventuality anyways.
This whole thing sucks, at my age id rather just tinker in my shop, instead im facing the reality that communist assholes want me dead because i liked the USA the way it was.
“So, Grandpa, what did you do in the Great Civil War of 2025?”
“Well, son, I hunted pedophiles, doctors that mutilated children, and federal civil service employees. Prison wasn’t so bad. I finally got to meet up with Big Country and learned how to properly deploy claymore mines.”
Since Zelensky’s “threat” I have been pondering this. I am somewhat inclined to believe them. On the other hand, if the FSB or whatever they call it now ever got wind of such a project, there would be mucho missiles inbound forthwith. ~Technically~ it’s a “not-hard/hard” problem, with the hard parts being in chemistry and engineering. I watched a Youtube last night of a Chinese fella who refined some metal that begins with U (a few grams) from ore and UKR has plenty of that. That accomplished, now you have the “hard problem”. Some would say they don’t have the thousands of tuby thingees, like Iran does. But…if you only want one, there may be other ways, we did it in the ’40s. The thing that really irks me is the pundits who say “but they don’t have the codes!!!!!!”. Well, a car thief rarely has the keys, yet there they go with your car. My question is: are ALL the “items” left over from soviet times accounted for? If I was in charge, I’d be taking this ~more~ seriously, and maybe we are, on the quiet. Crazy people do crazy things. The dirty bomb threat is much more likely, but I don’t discount the low… but not impossible, other one.
I have a J.W. Speaker Can Opener in original paper package, I would send it to you if you provide PO box or address. Ed Miladin
Good on you for tuning out and getting some rest. Many of us enjoy your blog, may it continue for a long time. As far as the post Nov.5th festivities, make your plans in secret for either, or any, contingencies. Don’t spoil the surprise!
Oh fuck…….
Highly credible: 20,000 dead after Hurricane Helene
Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
America’s Intelsat 33E destroyed by foreign powers
UPDATE: Rumor has it that moments after Intelsat 33e was destroyed, Russia sank the entire Ukranian black sea fleet, 22 vessels in total.
The US has not admitted it, but a debris field containing about 80 large pieces makes denying it stupid.
Intelsat 33E was the most important military communications satellite in the atlantic/african/European theater. Satellites don’t just transform into debris fields and I think Trump’s threat to strike Moscow probably had something to do with it.
“i put my money on the lefties to actually do something. righty normytard cucks wont. thats why we are in this mess. we talk it up, but at the end of the day, the most heavily armed citizens will just take their fates.”
1000 times this.
I’m pretty ashamed of how my (the dissident) side is just taking it. For Christ’s sake, they are sexually mutilating children. That alone deserves crowded lamposts.
Yeah sure prison sucks. But if faggots can last long enough in prison to get sex changes, it can’t be that bad. And prison might be a way for some of us dissidents to finally meet. Killing child molesters actually gets you credit in prison.
From comments: Ok Iranian people, this is your moment to free yourselves.